ONE GAME SYSTEM – EVERY GENRE – COUNTLESS WORLDS – ENDLESS ADVENTURE BY KEVIN SIEMBIEDA Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – February 6, 2025 If you act fast enough, you still have a last chance to take advantage of the Nightbane® sale on the Palladium website ( and PDF sale on...
ONE GAME SYSTEM – EVERY GENRE – COUNTLESS WORLDS – ENDLESS ADVENTURE BY KEVIN SIEMBIEDA Sales, News & More – Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – January 30, 2025 Get in on the ground floor of RPG (and Palladium) history by purchasing Palladium’s first RPG audiobook. That’s right, you’ll have the...
ONE GAME SYSTEM – EVERY GENRE – COUNTLESS WORLDS – ENDLESS ADVENTURE BY KEVIN SIEMBIEDA Nightbane® Sales & More – Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – January 23, 2025 This week Nightbane® is the center of attention! The Nightbane: Dark Designs audiobook crowdfunding campaign starts today, January 23,...
These are the folks who have been bringing you the fun After the Bomb® adventure podcasts that so many have been enjoying. This time they present four episodes from a Heroes Unlimited™ 2nd Edition campaign. These folks are gamers and Palladium fans just like you, following a dream to tell and share their own stories from the Palladium Megaverse®. Cool, right? We thank them for doing this and encourage you to give them a listen.
You can also listen to the After the Bomb®: Purrsuit Season 1. Season Two coming spring 2022 after a venture into the realm of Beyond the Supernatural later this winter.
Learn more and listen to the Heroes Unlimited™ Holiday Special (4 episodes described below) and After the Bomb®: Purrsuit of Knowledge Season One adventures by using the links below. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
This is a Group that meet three time a week to game in role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Heroes Unlimited, Dead Reign, Palladium Fantasy, and Rifts; just to name a few.
We welcome everyone! We even have what makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Denison public library 300 Gandy st Denison Texas 75020
Tuesday 4-7, Thursday 4-7, Saturday 11am to 5pm
Oct 31,2019 (Thursday) is our Dead Reign special horror extravaganza!
We are a group of folks that like to game on Saturday nights! To be clear, we are just a group of friends, who enjoy gaming together. We aren’t sticklers for rules, we will role play, we will bicker, but overall we have fun!
Welcome to The Rifted Gamers. Join us as our Story Teller/GM, David Schnaubelt, guides us through his own twist on the Palladium Megaverse. Playing as ourselves we move through the Rifts, between time and space, on a quest to unlock the secrets of Earth's and the Multiverse's past. Though are journey we discover our ancient lineage to a powerful deific being that has been lying dormant for eons, and uncover deific plots to ensure his slumber. We usually run on Saturdays around 7PM PST. Come on and join us on this post apocalyptic journey.This Game is Based off of the Palladium Megaverse; however there are element of other game worlds and home rules that make for a great gaming experience.
What is Artichoke Dip? Well it is this channel name that I have devoted to my gaming hobbies which include my addiction to war gaming and fantasy gaming hobbies. With everyone connected by the internet and the overload of games and apps available today family job and the other aspects of life which takes so much time from each and everyone of us I have very little time to game in a group. Because of that I have learned to play many game systems solo and have had great fun with it and I hope you may get a tip or two to help you with your solo gaming hobby.
Those Rifts ballpoint pens... they're great!
When I got one in my Christmas Surprise package, I was expecting a cheap, run-of-the-mill pen with the Palladium/Rifts logo slapped on it. I was pleasantly surprised with how smooth it writes, and its nice grip. I just ordered four more!
Your pens are better than the pens they give us!
Your pens are of the same quality as your books, nice!
“Last week's game stood out to me by far! We were taking on a team of super-intelligent mutant pig bikers in After the Bomb. We ended up securing the contract our team was trying to get by scraping through the finish line with our ice cream truck on fire and on top of the pigs' hot rod. We're still laughing and talking about it.”
...It may sound corny, but when I had some really nasty stuff going on in life when I was a younger person your games gave me a great escape to look forward to on the week ends when my friends would get together and we would roam north america as our favorite personas. The lore writing and mechanics of the game inspired me to start writing my own homebrew that I hope one day to publish. Now if i can just find that 20 years of gaming bag I had when I was a teenager that got destroyed in a move I would be so happy. Again thank you for the years of gaming, the awesome lore, and helping me deal with some heavy stuff in a creative way.
I support the decision for Savage Rifts. Uses the Savage Worlds rules published by Pinnacle. ... Savage Rifts works as an amazing translation and really allows players and GMs to get the same crazy gonzo Rifts feeling but uses a rules set that flows really well and works. I'm going to be a player in a Savage Rifts game that will be starting soon and I'm super excited!
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Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.