~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

1) Worshippers = Somehow can turn you into a true God when you hit an unknown amount of worshippers.
2) Ambrosa = Food of the Gods, said to be able to make someone a god.
3) Peaches of Immortality = Also said eating one would turn someone into a God.
4) Golden Apples = Keeps the Gods Ageless, and can turn someone into a God if eaten.
5) Discovering You Have Gods in your Family Line. Then Working to unlock those abilties.
6) Granted Godhood by the Gods themselves.

I'm sure there are other ways too.


WHICH would you use for making a Godling ?
Pantheons of the Megaverse's GODLING RCC ?? or Heroes Unlimited 2nd Editions' Powers Unlimited 2's IMMORTAL : GODLING Power Catagory ??

I myself Like both methods. Each have their own merits over the other.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Furoan »

That's a good question. Its not occurred to me in a game before (well other than Baldur's Gate which is of course 'your the kid of the god of murder'). However considering how many shows where the villian or even the hero is trying to become a god i can see it popping up.

Honestly, I don't like the Fruit of the Gods/Peach of the Gods, Golden Apple one's. It seems to...cheesy if you forgive me. "I ate the apple, now I am a BEING OF ULTIMATE POWER! BOW BEFORE MY MILLIONS OF MDC!"

Really it comes down to what you are trying to do. Is this just background for a starting Character? "Oh Jacob is the Son of the god of X and has worked for the last ten years to become more 'godlike'" or are you perhaps using this for the basis on an entire character arc? "My Character, Bob, has discovered that his Grandfather was a God of Magic. Bob, being a Man of Magic is working to prove himself to his Grandfather who will share with him secrets of the gods and may eventually raise him into the Pantheon as a Demi-God or Golding.)

Personally for 'most' I would go the most likely way your going is 'the gods make you one of them'. That could be the basis on an entire campaign. "You are working as the flunkies for a group of gods, who promise if you preform these 12 tasks, they will make you members of their Pantheon"

Also rememeber there's always the FR or a few other methods. A powerful magic user might develop a spell to 'steal' some godly essence. Does he succeed? The mere fact he tried might bring down the wrath of an entire Pantheon on the planet/Country/Nation. More, what does this magic user do with his new found powers that propels him far above his previous level of power and understanding. He now has Godly Perception and the like. Does he set up a little empire for himself? Leave the dimension? Perhaps he stole the power because his nation was threatened and thought only a god could push back the invaders.

I remember one story I read where there was a ancient magical artifact that would, when used, reach back to the fires of creation that birthed the universe and use them to transform whoever held it into a god. However they were 'outside the balance' and all the other gods would immediately turn the previous mortal because they were not bound by the ancient agreements and checks and balances the gods had agreed to so as to not destroy the planet in their conflict. Maybe you could use that?
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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I would say "Millions of mdc" type of god. I would say you become a Basic Godling at least. Which is only 1d4x100 mdc or so (PotM) or 200ish to 1000+ (HU2-PU2).

I like the Quest aspect to steal Immortality/Godhood method. It does not matter if its by finding and eating Ambrosa to Stealing the Godly essence from another God to Drinking a potion that grants Immortality (like Apepi the Immortal did). Being Granted Godhood by the Gods does sound interesting, but if the Gods can give it, they can take it away. I'm not into gifts which can be removed though.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Furoan wrote:I remember one story I read where there was a ancient magical artifact that would, when used, reach back to the fires of creation that birthed the universe and use them to transform whoever held it into a god. However they were 'outside the balance' and all the other gods would immediately turn the previous mortal because they were not bound by the ancient agreements and checks and balances the gods had agreed to so as to not destroy the planet in their conflict. Maybe you could use that?

Have to say this idea seems very interesting.
Self-made God, through a method not covered by ancient pacts. Outside of Fate and the cosmic Order system.

To RIFTify the idea, it might use the Power of the OLD ONES themselves somehow.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Furoan »

TechnoGothic wrote:I would say "Millions of mdc" type of god. I would say you become a Basic Godling at least. Which is only 1d4x100 mdc or so (PotM) or 200ish to 1000+ (HU2-PU2).

I like the Quest aspect to steal Immortality/Godhood method. It does not matter if its by finding and eating Ambrosa to Stealing the Godly essence from another God to Drinking a potion that grants Immortality (like Apepi the Immortal did). Being Granted Godhood by the Gods does sound interesting, but if the Gods can give it, they can take it away. I'm not into gifts which can be removed though.

A good point.


Isn't there are couple systems (DnD being a prime example) where if you manage to kill a god, you get his portfolio? That's always a method. "George, a truly phenomenal warrior, acquired a magical weapon that let him deal enough damage to a minor deity/Godling to kill it, and in the explosion of divine power as the being perished was remade into a godling. Now filled with godly power, George has realized something. The other god's felt their companion/friend die, and are coming to investigate.

IIRC the original write up of Thraxus from the Three Galaxies has it mentioned that he stole his godling-status

TechnoGothic wrote:Have to say this idea seems very interesting.
Self-made God, through a method not covered by ancient pacts. Outside of Fate and the cosmic Order system.

To RIFTify the idea, it might use the Power of the OLD ONES themselves somehow.

That's a point. Not only are they outside the balance and agreements that the other gods have made. But suddenly they are using the power of the Old Ones's themselves. What are the consequences to this? Their very presence as being 'awake' might be stirring the Old One's in their sleep, or they bight be slowly starting to transformed into some kind of 'messenger' of the old ones. I mean even if they are a god, could even a god stand up to the sheer concentrated power and evil of the Old Ones themselves who might be literally drawing on the Old Ones to power his abilities?

More, there's always other gods. "If John the measly Shifter/Wizard/Summoner can transform himself into a god with tihs source, What could I, a god of magic with five thousand years of study of magic do?"

But even aside from negatives like gods coming to wrest this secret or trying to kill you so that the ancient Old One's don't reawaken. What are the consequences of being 'outside fate'. I mean sure you can save people who were fated to die, but surely there must be some larger consequences depending on how you handle 'Fate' in the game.
Last edited by Furoan on Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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Thraxus is one of the Defilers if i remember right.

Lord Coake gained extended lifespan when one of them wished for Immortality/Godhood. Only one of them got (the wisher himself), the rest deal with extended lifespans...


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Athos »

My friend and I talked about making a campaign like this way back, once upon a time...

We were going with the Ambrosia approach where there is a secret fountain of nectar that turns mortals into godlings. We basically came up with a method of upping stats and granting godling powers to the party that found and drank from this fountain. The actual gods, when they discovered the party had drank from THEIR fountain, were going to be outraged and hunt down and kill the party, who would have to gate to somewhere else to escape; we were going to have them rift to wormwood. Eventually, after achieving some levels, they would return to earth and make peace with the elder gods and then be given a choice, work for us or relocate. Then we were going to send them up against some very tough opponents, like the 4 horsemen, ramaset, etc. Needless to say, upping your entire party to godlings raises the power level through the roof and makes it a LOT harder to keep the party challenged, which is why we probably never pulled the trigger on this one. It is fun to think about though...
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Furoan »

Yes that can be a problem.

Honestly If I was going to do what you suggested, aka the whole party drink from the fountain of the gods this is how I would play it.

The players somehow learn of the fountain, or learn of a ancient 'city of the gods' while poking around somewhere. Maybe an ancient Dragon's lair, or they heard something from spying on the Lords of Magic for some reason, or the like. Whatever the reason they found out about this place from a ancient and powerful supernatural creature. The players decide, "...were getting a piece of that" and head of to this place. However on the way they run into a rival group or something. The thing is, the rival group or enemy faction are monsters! Not in term of race (though they could be demons or minions of evil gods/intelligence I guess) but they are so far beyond the players in terms of power that the players turn and run, doing a couple brave and implausible action hero/comic book style things to escape from the magic users who were weaving magic at the speed of thought, or the physical powerhouse who was keeping up or bouncing the Juicer around like a toy.

Let the players stew on this. Nobody DIED but the fact that they got treated like a joke is going to get the blood boiling. The group uses what abilities they have (magic/psi/hacking/streetwise) to find out about these guys and learn that they go around gathering power from ancient tombs/lairs etc and are bad news. The players at the moment are to low level to go up against them so decide to stear clear but vow revenge for the humiliation.

They continue to the ancient city of the gods where they find a few odds and ends and maybe get into a fight with the monster faction again, barely escaping Again. Or maybe not get into a fight but they see these guys get into a fight with an equally powerful faction, just to hammer in how much these guys are badasses that the players cant at the moment take on. The players run, further explore the city and manage to find the ancient fountain of the gods and drink from it. The water is some strange liquid form of pure magical energy that has been supercharged by ancient magics worked by the gods or maybe even older beings! All the group are transformed in pillars of blue white fire into Godlings! The skills and stats are upgraded, they are just standing there revealing in their power when the 'enemy' player faction appears.

Now this is where I think you give them a bit of a ego boost. They have been humiliated and shown up by these guys for a couple weeks, and rightfully want revenge. Now that they are godlings, the enemy faction is suddenly not so invincible after all! Give every character a moment to shine. The mage can now keep up with the spell weaving villain. The Juicer is almost blurring to the sight of the confused physical fighter who was playing him like a fiddle before. Everybody gets a moment to go "You are now a Super being! Enemies you were incapable of wounding are now possible to fight"

And as you mentioned this brings up the fact that now that the Characters are godlings, that they are going to find it hard to be challenged and that's a very fair point. The solution, well in my mind, is that now that they are given these god like powers, they are going to be actually noticed by other guy's with similar power. Have other people with god like power who before would not give them the time of day suddenly take an interest in these newcomers. They might try and mentor the players, show them how to show restraint and not walk around showing of in front of the 'normal people'. Or they might be a villain themselves, and suddenly see that these PC's could be made to work for them. Bring out people like Greater Demon's who don't like a group of Godlings moving in on their turf.

It's true that combat related challenges are now much more rare, but try and give them meaningful combat against characters who are on their level or slightly above or below, but also give story based conflict. The places that its not 'done' for a god to go to anymore. The character who hung out at the temple suddenly is barred from it because of agreements between deities not to violate each other's 'holy ground' or such. The best friend growing distant because how can he even comprehend the kind of world that the god like PC's are living in now.

I'm not saying it's easy. Its not, and there is very good reason to avoid it. However it can be a kind of fun way to go I would imagine.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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Don't kid yourself, godlings from conversion book 2 might not be up to HU2 levels, but they are still VERY powerful, a whole party of them can wreck adventures pretty quick.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Athos »

We were going to use the following formula to upgrade the SDC party to godlings, it is a simple matter of letting them add the extra die/attribute bonuses of the godling RCC to their human or other sdc character.

all of your attributes become supernatural and you gain

IQ: +1d6
ME: +6
MA: +1d6
PS: +1d6 + 6
PP: +1d6
PE: +1d6 + 4
PB: +1d6 + 4
Spd: +1d6 + 10

you feel yourself toughen into a god-like being

MDC: your hp and sdc become MDC and you add your PE x 9 to them

you gain:

PPE: 2d4 x 10 unless you are a practioner of magic, in which case it is 3d4 x 10 + 20

you gain major psionics,

ISP: 1d6 x 10 + ME, unless you are super psychic and then you gain 4d6 x 10 + ME ISP

you gain god like powers:

choose 3 from the list or create one or more that are appropriate and let the GM approve

you gain skills:

Dragonese, speak and literate at 98%
American, speak and literate at 98%
Euro, speak and literate at 98%

Two languages of choice at +20%

Basic Math +20
Lore: Demons and Monsters +25
Land Navigation +10

3 Weapon Proficiencies
HTH: Assassin or whatever you had previously, your choice

Like I said, it is a big step up from a SDC character with a regular OCC...

You will really need to map out some tough opponents in advance or the game will quickly become boring as there will be little to challenge these characters.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by taalismn »

Slip me a suitably large bribe and I'll declare you a god... :wink:
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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Shinitenshi wrote:I have a Godling, she is the daughter of Cernunnos.

Is her mother Dawn? :)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

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Shinitenshi wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.

Pretty sure you can't be an Alchemist.

You ever think some people like Rifts and don't want HU stuff in their RIFTS games?

Did you ever think that some people consider all Palladium Books, Rifts Books? Since Rifts is the Nexus of the Megaverse? After all we've already had PFRPG, Mechanoids, and BtS. So what are we missing? Recon (cases could be made on that), HU (I'm sure has already been in it... somewhere), TMNT/AtB (really?), Robotech (never going to happen, officially), Dead reign, Nightbane, and Splicers (oh wait, the stuff in Lemuria is supposed to pretty close to the Host Armor).
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Furoan »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Shinitenshi wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.

Pretty sure you can't be an Alchemist.

You ever think some people like Rifts and don't want HU stuff in their RIFTS games?

Did you ever think that some people consider all Palladium Books, Rifts Books? Since Rifts is the Nexus of the Megaverse? After all we've already had PFRPG, Mechanoids, and BtS. So what are we missing? Recon (cases could be made on that), HU (I'm sure has already been in it... somewhere), TMNT/AtB (really?), Robotech (never going to happen, officially), Dead reign, Nightbane, and Splicers (oh wait, the stuff in Lemuria is supposed to pretty close to the Host Armor).

There is, IIRC, in conversion book one, a 'Nightlord Witch' template so Nightbane is in. I think there's a couple points in the stories/background of the HU stuff or the Adventure stuff mentions of some possible crossover even if it isn't 'official'.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Shinitenshi wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Shinitenshi wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.

Pretty sure you can't be an Alchemist.

You ever think some people like Rifts and don't want HU stuff in their RIFTS games?

Did you ever think that some people consider all Palladium Books, Rifts Books? Since Rifts is the Nexus of the Megaverse? After all we've already had PFRPG, Mechanoids, and BtS. So what are we missing? Recon (cases could be made on that), HU (I'm sure has already been in it... somewhere), TMNT/AtB (really?), Robotech (never going to happen, officially), Dead reign, Nightbane, and Splicers (oh wait, the stuff in Lemuria is supposed to pretty close to the Host Armor).

Oh I know, and that's cool if people want to use all of Pally's books together. But TG has a habit of looking down at anyone that doesn't use HU in Rifts. Wasn't saying anything about him preferring the HU God info over the Godling, just pointing out that not everyone who plays Rifts uses or enjoys HU. I am not a fan of HU so I prefer to keep it out of my Rifts games.

Hmm... never noticed. Okay.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Akashic Soldier »

Shinitenshi wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.

Pretty sure you can't be an Alchemist.

You ever think some people like Rifts and don't want HU stuff in their RIFTS games?




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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I dont look down on anyone who does not use HU in Rifts.
But if they remove everything in HU from Rifts to do so, they are not left with anything to use.
HU is the original Rifts system the way i see it. It has everything. You create your own setting for it.

In this post I'm compareing HU2 Goldlings to PotM Godlings AND methods to become a God.

Since this is RIFTS, they means anything goes, the MEGAVERSE is there to use or not use as you see fit.
I generally ignore the Mutant Animal stuff I admitt. Never cared for Dogboys or other Mutant animals. I generally ignore it, but i have used it when i need to, though i know i don't have to if i didnt want to.

But back on topic...

Becoming a GOD !! METHODS, and the PU2 Immortal Godlings and PotM Godling.
I Like both to be honest.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

You just stick to Rifts books and dont use the Megaverse is all.

But if you remove everything found in the Fantasy Setting, the HU Setting, the N&SS setting, the AtB setting, The TMNT setting the BtS Setting, that was modified to become the RIFTS setting, your not left with much at all. Nearly Everything in Rifts started in another game setting, then slightly modified.

All Power Armor and Robot Vehicles came from HU originally.
Bionics came from HU and N&SS orginally.
Mutant Animals came from HU, TMNT, AtB orginally.
Psychics came from BtS, HU, Fantasy orginally.
Dbees came from HU as Aliens, Fantasy as fantasy races, etc...orginally.
Magic came from Fantasy, HU, etc.. originally.
and so on...

If you remove any HU influences from Rifts your remove alot from the setting. Its already there in Rifts. That is my point about HU. You have been using HU elements and not knowing it all this time. But most people only think of super-abilities when they say they don't use HU in Rifts. HU is more than super-abilities, much more.

BACK on TOPIC however about BECOMING GODS, and METHODS to do so...ok.

Which methods would you guys use ? Have used ? Or might use ?
PotM Godlings vs PU2 Immortal Godling ?? Both have their Pros and Cons.


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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by eliakon »

TechnoGothic wrote:You just stick to Rifts books and dont use the Megaverse is all.

But if you remove everything found in the Fantasy Setting, the HU Setting, the N&SS setting, the AtB setting, The TMNT setting the BtS Setting, that was modified to become the RIFTS setting, your not left with much at all. Nearly Everything in Rifts started in another game setting, then slightly modified.

All Power Armor and Robot Vehicles came from HU originally.
Bionics came from HU and N&SS orginally.
Mutant Animals came from HU, TMNT, AtB orginally.
Psychics came from BtS, HU, Fantasy orginally.
Dbees came from HU as Aliens, Fantasy as fantasy races, etc...orginally.
Magic came from Fantasy, HU, etc.. originally.
and so on...

If you remove any HU influences from Rifts your remove alot from the setting. Its already there in Rifts. That is my point about HU. You have been using HU elements and not knowing it all this time. But most people only think of super-abilities when they say they don't use HU in Rifts. HU is more than super-abilities, much more.

BACK on TOPIC however about BECOMING GODS, and METHODS to do so...ok.

Which methods would you guys use ? Have used ? Or might use ?
PotM Godlings vs PU2 Immortal Godling ?? Both have their Pros and Cons.

No, you are equating 'something like this rule was used before' with 'this is the original setting'


Megaversal (we CAN use anything) with Megaversal (we MUST use everything)

there is a difference between a couple of heros scattered here and there from the rifts, and everything in HU being thrown in for anyone to use when ever. One is 'spiffy color' the other is 'full on mixing'
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by The Beast »

TechnoGothic wrote:1) Worshippers = Somehow can turn you into a true God when you hit an unknown amount of worshippers.
2) Ambrosa = Food of the Gods, said to be able to make someone a god.
3) Peaches of Immortality = Also said eating one would turn someone into a God.
4) Golden Apples = Keeps the Gods Ageless, and can turn someone into a God if eaten.
5) Discovering You Have Gods in your Family Line. Then Working to unlock those abilties.
6) Granted Godhood by the Gods themselves.

I'm sure there are other ways too.


WHICH would you use for making a Godling ?
Pantheons of the Megaverse's GODLING RCC ?? or Heroes Unlimited 2nd Editions' Powers Unlimited 2's IMMORTAL : GODLING Power Catagory ??

I myself Like both methods. Each have their own merits over the other.

IMO, all methods but # 1 are viable to become a godling or demi-god (whichever the GM ends up allowing). The first method should only be allowed if you're already a godling/demi-god and are seeking to get "promoted."
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by The Beast »

TechnoGothic wrote:1) Worshippers = Somehow can turn you into a true God when you hit an unknown amount of worshippers.
2) Ambrosa = Food of the Gods, said to be able to make someone a god.
3) Peaches of Immortality = Also said eating one would turn someone into a God.
4) Golden Apples = Keeps the Gods Ageless, and can turn someone into a God if eaten.
5) Discovering You Have Gods in your Family Line. Then Working to unlock those abilties.
6) Granted Godhood by the Gods themselves.

I'm sure there are other ways too.


WHICH would you use for making a Godling ?
Pantheons of the Megaverse's GODLING RCC ?? or Heroes Unlimited 2nd Editions' Powers Unlimited 2's IMMORTAL : GODLING Power Catagory ??

I myself Like both methods. Each have their own merits over the other.

IMO, all methods but # 1 are viable to become a godling or demi-god (whichever the GM ends up allowing). The first method should only be allowed if you're already a godling/demi-god and are seeking to get "promoted."
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by FreelancerMar »

This topic kind of reminds me of that one megadeath song "Captive honnor"

Heck, even the "Ghostbusters" Defeated a god. :D
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Several cases of beer to the GM over time.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by taalismn »

If I recall, one of the Paths to Immortality in Ninjas and Superspies practically makes you a divine spirit(that might be considered a god by some cultures, in terms of powers), though by the time you reach the uppermost tier of spiritual achievement, you're practically wholly uninterested in the affairs of the mortal realm, you really don't have any followers(unless you count your hopefully still loyal and faithful descendants), and you really don't do much but hang around and bask in Enlightenment.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:If I recall, one of the Paths to Immortality in Ninjas and Superspies practically makes you a divine spirit(that might be considered a god by some cultures, in terms of powers), though by the time you reach the uppermost tier of spiritual achievement, you're practically wholly uninterested in the affairs of the mortal realm, you really don't have any followers(unless you count your hopefully still loyal and faithful descendants), and you really don't do much but hang around and bask in Enlightenment.

Left off that you also make sure anytime you run across a Yama King you act like an obnoxious brat endlessly mocking him while he proves the more mature of the two by ignoring in in an icy dignified silence.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmask wrote:
taalismn wrote:If I recall, one of the Paths to Immortality in Ninjas and Superspies practically makes you a divine spirit(that might be considered a god by some cultures, in terms of powers), though by the time you reach the uppermost tier of spiritual achievement, you're practically wholly uninterested in the affairs of the mortal realm, you really don't have any followers(unless you count your hopefully still loyal and faithful descendants), and you really don't do much but hang around and bask in Enlightenment.

Left off that you also make sure anytime you run across a Yama King you act like an obnoxious brat endlessly mocking him while he proves the more mature of the two by ignoring in in an icy dignified silence.

...and then going off and having his minions go after your living relatives as an aside. :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:
Nightmask wrote:
taalismn wrote:If I recall, one of the Paths to Immortality in Ninjas and Superspies practically makes you a divine spirit(that might be considered a god by some cultures, in terms of powers), though by the time you reach the uppermost tier of spiritual achievement, you're practically wholly uninterested in the affairs of the mortal realm, you really don't have any followers(unless you count your hopefully still loyal and faithful descendants), and you really don't do much but hang around and bask in Enlightenment.

Left off that you also make sure anytime you run across a Yama King you act like an obnoxious brat endlessly mocking him while he proves the more mature of the two by ignoring in in an icy dignified silence.

...and then going off and having his minions go after your living relatives as an aside. :demon:

Given the example of Taoist alignment behavior if the Immortal had living relatives he probably wouldn't care, all that 'enlightenment' just seeing it as them returning to the cycle of life.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmask wrote:[Given the example of Taoist alignment behavior if the Immortal had living relatives he probably wouldn't care, all that 'enlightenment' just seeing it as them returning to the cycle of life.

So...all that incense burning and prayers to the revered ancestor gets jack-squat on returns? Bummer. :-(
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:
Nightmask wrote:[Given the example of Taoist alignment behavior if the Immortal had living relatives he probably wouldn't care, all that 'enlightenment' just seeing it as them returning to the cycle of life.

So...all that incense burning and prayers to the revered ancestor gets jack-squat on returns? Bummer. :-(

Looks to be the case, better off doing what you can to become one yourself rather than depend upon them to show up and protect their descendents.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Kovoston »

Drinking the blood of a Dragon is 'rumored' to give you immortality... In some cases it may kill you though.
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by taalismn »

Kovoston wrote:Drinking the blood of a Dragon is 'rumored' to give you immortality... In some cases it may kill you though.

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!...C'mon, what's the worst that can happen?"
"Ah....have you ever watched 'Mermaid Forest'?"

But immortality is not the same as godhood...though typically it's a prerequisite as opposed to a side-effect. An immortal has so many more opportunities to become a god through luck or hard work...or that many more opportunities to annoy some god who'll show the immortal that immortality isn't all what it's cracked up to be(by either killing them, or subjecting them to eternal agony).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Lenwen »

I'd utilize the whole 10,000 beings worshipping .. as the easiest possible way to attain godhood ..
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Re: ~ Becoming a GOD ~ Methods , etc....

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Shinitenshi wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Shinitenshi wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Looking over the two offical Godling stats (PotM) vs (HU2-PU2), the HU2 version is far superior actually. More attacks, more bonuses, much easier to to see the "godhood" in the numbers.

The PotM only gets 3 Special Powers. While Great, Specially if you select Magic or Psionic only though.
The HU2-PU2 gets to roll/select for a Numbers of Super-Abilities, Psionics, or Magics or a combination of.

The Super-Ability of Mega-Immortality is pretty good, and free. Plus they get an additional Mega-power for free, plus that random roll/selection of super-abilities, etc... Invulnerability would make someone much more "God-like" for sure. I've never much cared for Palladium's spell lists really, so any magics themselves just does not suit my tastes, but would add variety.

While the 3 Godling Special Powers, in themselves are cool (PotM), the only ones which give you enough to select is the Magic User and Psionic. I think the Psionic selection should be expanded on to include other psionic types besides burster or All from 2 lesser, or all from 1 lesser,+5 super-psionics. I don't know about you guys, but I dont see why they couldn't be mind-melters, Zappers, or whatever too. Afterall you could have up to Three Magic OCCs if you wanted to. First Warlock *Fire and Water*, Second Warlock *Earth and Air*, Third and Last how about LLW for the broad spells, or maybe even Techno-Wizard or Mystic Smith type of stuff...Ok, I like the Mystic Smith idea alot. Ohh Mystic Smith, Techno-Wizard, and Alchemist (3in1 occ) You gimick, You build stuff, anything, and everything. Ohh yeah.

Pretty sure you can't be an Alchemist.

You ever think some people like Rifts and don't want HU stuff in their RIFTS games?

Did you ever think that some people consider all Palladium Books, Rifts Books? Since Rifts is the Nexus of the Megaverse? After all we've already had PFRPG, Mechanoids, and BtS. So what are we missing? Recon (cases could be made on that), HU (I'm sure has already been in it... somewhere), TMNT/AtB (really?), Robotech (never going to happen, officially), Dead reign, Nightbane, and Splicers (oh wait, the stuff in Lemuria is supposed to pretty close to the Host Armor).

Oh I know, and that's cool if people want to use all of Pally's books together. But TG has a habit of looking down at anyone that doesn't use HU in Rifts. Wasn't saying anything about him preferring the HU God info over the Godling, just pointing out that not everyone who plays Rifts uses or enjoys HU. I am not a fan of HU so I prefer to keep it out of my Rifts games.

and lets not forget that some of us just find certain aspects of the newer HU books completely distastefull if not down right redundant and therefore refuse to use them even in our HU games.
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