Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training CC

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Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training CC

Unread post by Shadowknight »

So while HU exalts itself as a creator of every type of SH in comics 1 glaring omission is the Jungle Lord types like Beast-master,Tarzan, Kazaar, Mowgli, Rima, Sheena types. This is my attempt at creating a JL type of character. It must be emphasize while this type of character is most often used as JL in fiction there's nothing wrong with a Desert Lord, Forest Lord, Swamp Lord or Tundra Lord. In fact the semi-mythical Grizzly Adams would be considered a Forest Lord not a JL. The beauty of this character class is for the most it can easily be used in any Palladium setting with very little modification, The main difference between a PT and a JL is it's emphasis on nature, a JL type of character feels uncomfortable in cities who will stay in a city as little as possible and quickly leave as soon as his or her business is done. This doesn't mean the CC is useless in a city it just means its Special Abilities really shine in a natural environment. In fact in it's primary environment the CC can easily be considered a Mega-Hero. Having stated the obvious lets get to the meat of the CC, The CC is created in a similar manner to that of the PT CC in pg 187 of HU except for the Education roll the character can't be Street School add +10 to the roll, Military Specialist add +10 to the roll or Doctorate subtract -10 to the roll. Sept Four: Special HTH Combat is where it starts to deviate from the PT CC, the JL CC doesn't receive the PT HTH Combat style or Special Combat Abilities but can choose HTH Expert for free or HTH MA at the cost of 1 skill. While it makes the CC initially weaker the CC receives several special abilities to make up for it.

1. 8 minor psionic powers I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d6+2 per lvl
a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except.

a. The animal has 30 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the JL of 50 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +3 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvl due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Special abilities when using it preferred weapons. The JL has 4 Special Weapons, Knife, Staff, Spear, Bow & Arrow. The weapon must be natural, while a steel knife can be used by a JL a Vibro or energy knife can't. In a similar manner a composite bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow. A magical weapon as long as isn't Techo-wizard & made out out of natural items can also be used by the JL.

a. This special ability cost the JL 25 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The JL does 3X normal damage when using their preferred weapons and does half damage even to Supernatural creatures or Invulnerable characters who would normally be immune to non-mangical weapon damage.

b. This special ability coast the JL 30 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The JL gains +2 attacks that rd when using their preferred weapons but can't be combined with ability preceding it.

c. This special ability coast the JL 20 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The JL critical damage roll is reduce to a natural 15 or higher when using their preferred weapons

d. This special ability coast the JL 15 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The JL can throw a knife, spear double it's normal range or shoot an arrow double it's normal range.

e. When fighting in the JL natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive a +4 to A.R as they seem to meld into the natural environment, trees, swamp, marsh, snow, ect.

f. When fighting in any natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra the JL receive an additional 100 S.D.C, but depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive 200 S.D.C in their native environment. In Rifts this becomes M.D.C, but within a mile of a ley line the M.D.C is doubled. The S.D.C gain also doubled in a Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Nightbane, System Failure setting or any other setting that's has a high magic, supernatural or undead but not isn't an M.D.C setting. In addition their senses become very acute in natural settings they receive the feat enhance sense for free.


While overall the CC is more powerful than the PT class it originated from the class suffers from several restrictions that the PT class is immune from. The CC has several weaknesses all relating to the fact the character is a stranger to the city and is uncomfortable there.

1. The first is after a week in a city the character starts losing 1 point to either its P.S, P.P, P.E or Hit Points everyday till it returns to its native environment or till the stat is half it's normal value. The GM should roll a % dice , to see which stat it start affecting there's 25% chance of affecting 1 of the listed stat. It will affect at least 1 but no more than 2 stats the first week. Afterward the stat is reduce to half its original value roll again to see which PHYSICAL STAT will start losing 1 pt per day. Should the character return to his native environment he regains his lost stats at the rate of 1 pt per hour in his native environment.

2. The second weakness is based on his AC, while having a Sabre-tooth Tiger or a Rhinoceros is attractive for its offensive punch. But lets look at its problem it will cause, simply put you simply can't stroll in Midtown Manhattan or any major city in the world with an animal 3x-5x larger than a human. Beyond the size of the animal and the effect the animal would have on traffic, other animals and normal people there's the problem of feeding & housing your AC, you would easily spend $5000 a week just on feeding such a large animal and another $3000 on lodging it if you could find a place that would accept it let alone have space for it. The obvious examples are Zoos or Circus except both of them wouldn't be interested in being a hotel for a pet, they would want you to donate the AC to them or at the very least lend the AC to them for at least 6 months if not a couple of yrs. This isn't something a JL would ever consider unless the AC is extremely old and then would donate it to an Animal Conservatory to spend it last yrs in relative comfort. A better choice is a medium size or smaller AC like a Bobcat, Wolf, Eagle, Snake not only are they easier to feed & house they also won't cost you an arm & leg in legal permits, feeding cost or problems with the public.

3. The third weakness is somewhat similar to the first as creature of nature the JL is uncomfortable in modern clothing specially those of artificial nature. Whenever wearing clothing made out 25% or greater in artificial material like Velcro, Polyester, ect the character lose 1 attack &- 2 to sv. On top of this the JL can't ever wear artificial armor, any armor the JL wears must have been made from natural material like Quilt, Leather, Bark, Bones, Dinosaur or Shark skin armor, ect. Spells or Magical armor are fine as long as it's made out of natural material so Leaf armor from Rift England or Chitin armor from Rifts South America book would be fine. Certain GM could also allow Jade, Obsidian & Sea shell type of armor.

4. The fourth weakness deals with modern weapons and equipment. While a JL won't have problem riding in a car, truck or airplane it will never be his first choice. If possible he'll use a horse, a canoe, ect. Also anytime the character uses a gun or a rifle in the course of the adventure he lose half his experience points.

Nature's Champion or Jungle Lord

While never a common SH class the modern age of rapid industrialization, technology and destruction of wildlife has made the JL class even rarer. Whether the JL knows it or not he's instinctively protects nature and nature protects and nurtures him. He's created and protected by nature in fact in the bygone ages JL or NC were more common. In worlds or time of great cities, civilization, technology and destruction of rain forest, jungles, marshes, swamps and other natural habitats JL becomes increasingly rare to non existent. People who have studied the Class have estimated based on ancient folklore & tribal songs from Indian Tribes in bygone times there could have been as many as 1000 JL in the North American continent alone before the European migration in NA. A similar number could have existed in South America & Africa when both were less industrialize which means had a more verdant forest and jungles. But as cities & industries were created it destroyed the native habitat which also weakened the Green the nature life-force. It's now estimated there's less than dozen JL in the world. But in the world of Nightbane, Dead Reign, System Failure where there's been a massive loss of human life along with a rise of Undead, Supernatural creatures and rapid De-industrialization due to cities and town being abandoned nature has made a comeback and with more & more JL or NC being discovered everyday. In fact it's been discovered in Palladium, Nightbane, Dead Reign and System Failure the JL class while he can be killed by Undead he can't be turned into one. The JL or NC connection to nature has caused an massive increase in the numbers of NC or JL either as a results of natures rebirth or as a defense against the rise of undead and evil supernatural creatures that populate the land. This is especially true in Rifts Earth with its massive Ley Lines, and lack of civilization, industrialization and cities outside of a few notable mega-cities throughout the world. In fact while not talked about as often as the famous Reid Rangers, many adventuring groups have had their lives saved by JL in their party when fighting Undead. Vampire like to transform into Dogs, Wolves and Bats but because of the NC connection to nature can sense not right about the animal that seems friendly or following the group. The NC can't tell if the creature is a vampire since there are werewolves who can also shape-change into wolves but they'll sense it's not what it seems to be and therefore be on guard. The ability works at a range of 25' per lvl of the JL and can only be use once per lvl that week. While not foolproof the chance of detecting a vampire or werewolf disguised as an animal being 25%+8% per lvl. In Rifts Earth the JL can also have Dinosaurs or even magical beast as AC as long they have normal animal intelligence and are closely related to a normal animal. But if they pick such an animal or magical beast the animal doesn't receive the +30 pts to add to stats or M.D.C. A good rule of thumb is any creature that's an optional player character, RCC or OCC or has an Evil Alignment can't be used as an AC. So a JL could have a Pegasus or an Unicorn an AC but Chimera can't be an AC.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:17 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

So far I'm imperssed with what I'm seeing
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Reagren Wright wrote:So far I'm imperssed with what I'm seeing
Thanks :ok: It's nice to be appreciated, but it's not finished yet. Afterward I plan on adding 4 additional or variant of class for GM or Player to chose which version to run in their game. Each variant will emphasize an aspect of the classic Jungle Lord from literature.

1. Beast-master JL

2. MA JL

3. Super-powered JL

4. Living Legend JL
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by RockJock »

I like the idea. I've seen several characters in various games who approached something like you are talking about, but nothing this formal. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I know AM, Mutant, Experiment, and most of the Mystical classes could make really fun classes with this bent/focus.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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" In a similar manner a compound bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow."

I think you mean a 'Composite Bow', a 'Compound Bow' is the modern bow with pulleys.
The 'Composite bow' is made of a combination of horn, wood and sinew.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Wintercross wrote:" In a similar manner a compound bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow."

I think you mean a 'Composite Bow', a 'Compound Bow' is the modern bow with pulleys.
The 'Composite bow' is made of a combination of horn, wood and sinew.
You're right :oops: my mistake, I'll correct it now.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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No worries man, it's an easy mistake to make =P
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Hunterrose »

I dig this idea, a lot. I'd love to get into a game with just NON powered characters. And this is a great variation.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Sorry :oops: double post
Last edited by Shadowknight on Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Depending on the GM the main JL CC might not be approved, so I'll give 4 possible variants on the JL class all are roughly on the same power lvl. This is the first.


This is more in line with a character who wants to have a menagerie similar to the Beastmaster TV show or movie. The BM is created identical to the main JL CC except His or her special abilities are tweaked somewhat. While the BM is more powerful in some regards but b/c on it's focus on acquiring more and more AC it suffers somewhat in the Psionic department & in the use of it's special weapon abilities which cost considerably more. The BM must also select his or her preferred or native environment similar to the JL and the BM AC must be a native species from that environment.

1. 4 minor psionic powers chose from the 8, once the choice is made it can't be changed. I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d6+1 per lvl

a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except.

a. The animal has 40 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the BM of 100 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +4 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvls due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Has another Animal Companion similar to the feat every 3 lvl except.

a. The BM can forgo another AC instead add 15 pts to the previous AC in stats, A.R or H.P. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +8. That means if you raised your AC P.S +5 at 1 lvl at 4th lvl you can raise the P.S to another +3.
b. If the BM decides to receive another AC that animal has 20 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +3
c. Because the BM now has more than 1 AC all the animals has a telepathic link to the BM of 50 ft per lvl
d. The animal & the character receives a +4 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other, this isn't an additional +4 to what the first AC gave. It simply means as long as any of the AC is within 50' of the BM the A.R bonus is activated.
e. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other.
f. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other. This isn't an additional sv beyond what the first AC gave. It simply means as long as any of the AC is within 50' of the BM the additional sv is activated.
g. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
h. Should any of the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or by neglect in the part of the character, he lose half his lvls due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.
i. Should the GM agree instead of receiving 1 large animal, the BM can choose to have 2 medium animals or 3 small animals. A large animal would be considered any animal 6 ft in length, height or greater, a medium animal would be considered 2'-slightly under 6', a small animal is any animal under 2'. GM you be the judge, but for example don't allow an animal that can fluctuate between 5 ft-6 1/2 ft as a medium animal that simply a rule rape. Any animal that has variable length or height it must be considered as the larger type not the smaller. If the GM allows the BM to choose 2 or 3 animals the bonus 20 pts described in b. is split between the 2 animals or between the 3 animals. No way does each animal receive 20 additional pts.
j. The BM must choose a native environment, that's Desert, Forest, Jungle, Marsh, Swamp or Tundra and his animal choices must be native to that environment.
k. The BM has an almost instinctive connection to any animal, as long as the BM is at least 50' away from any member of party or adventuring group no animal will react to his presence be barking, hissing, growling, attacking, running or flying away. They'll simply see him as another member of their pack or herd, even vicious guard dog, a nest of vipers or lions won't attack as long as the BM is alone or doesn't attack them first.

Ultimate Ability

4. Call of the Master

This is the BM most infamous and frightening ability, the BM must spend all his attack but 1 yelling out on top of his lungs in a guttural cry that summons animals within a 1000' radius from him per lvl. The ability can only be used once day & causes opponents within a 100' radius of the BM to make a sv vs H.F of 10+1 per lvl of the BM or loses 2 attacks that rd. If they're fighting only the BM they lose 3 attacks that rd vs the BM and his AC. Friends and innocent bystanders lose 1 attack that rd. Mega-Heroes, Mega-villains, Immortals & Powerful Supernatural (creatures with over 800 combined SDC & H.P and in Rifts 800 M.D.C) creatures are immune to this H.F. The animals will arrive in 1d4 rds the BM can choose what type of animals that will show up but it must be an animal native to the environment. So for example the BM couldn't summon a Whale in the middle of Central Park NY or a Polar bear in a jungle environment. In a city environment unless there's circus in town the cry will only bring Bobcats, coyote, fox, mice, raccoon, rats, dogs, ducks, pigeon, falcons, eagles, bats(at night), Owls, squirrels. Not something that will cause great damage to your opponent or cause fear unless they are animal-phobic.

Anyway the cry will bring 20 small animals of the same type per lvl of the BM that will attack everyone of the BM opponents within a 100' rd of the BM causing 1d4 pts of damage per rd and will leave after 1d4+4 rds. Realize the animal summoned aren't very smart so if your teammates, innocent bystanders or hostages are wrestling with the bad-guys, being held as shields or within 1' of the bad guys the animals are likely to attack both of them. Another uses of the animals is use as a distraction so the BM can get away from a trap when surrounded in a similar manner to the first lvl spell Cloud of Smoke except it's a bunch of small animals blocking everyone vision. The BM must indicate to the GM which use he or she plan on using the small animals before they arrive. Even-though their are rumors of mountain lions in the Hollywood Hills, San Francisco bay, Santa Monica, CA, a suburb of Chicago and Des Moines, Iowa, Alligators & Snakes in Floridan cities, also Wild Boar in some German cities for the most part outside of Horse most cities are free of Large animals. Unless the character can demonstrate to the GM large animals exist in the campaign city at most the character can summon 1 wolf per lvl of the character and such an animal will leave within 1d4 rds the wolf will do 1d6 damage with a bite.

In a natural environment Forest, Jungle, Marsh, Swamp, Thundra, ect the BM can summon 1 large animal per lvl that's native to that environment to attack his opponent and will leave 1d4 rds later, if the BM is in his preferred environment he can summon 2 large animals per lvl to attack his opponent and they will leave 1d4 rds later. Unlike the small animals large animals tend to be smarter then the smaller animals and therefore the BM can control somewhat into not attacking innocent bystanders or his teammates. But such control comes with a price the BM lose half his attacks when directing large animals. Also animals rely on instinct an innocent bystander or BM teammates who attacks the animal will be attacked in return BM be dammed. The best thing to do when the animal start attacking the bad guys is to stand still & not make any large noise that the animal might misconstrue as an attack. It must be stated even-though these animals aren't connected to him the way his AC is. A BM who casually sends innocent animals into harms way to sv his life willy-nilly can be stripped of this ability for 1 entire lvl and receive -3 to strike, parry & dodge should 1 of his large animals die or more than 25 of his small animals die and he or she sent them in a near hopeless situation. This is due to his sense of loss that the animal he summoned died or was so badly hurt they had to be put down. Finally animals are creature of instinct no way will an animal ever attack someone with the powers Alter Physical Electricity, Energy, Fire, Plasma, Lava turned on, opponents with other alter physical powers will get attacked for 1 rd and then depending on circumstance will run & fly away or move at least 10' away and growl at the AP opponent till the remaining rd has dissipated and then run away.

5. Special abilities when using it preferred weapons. The JL has 4 Special Weapons, Knife, Staff, Spear, Bow & Arrow. The weapon must be natural, while a steel knife can be used by a JL a Vibro or energy knife can't. In a similar manner a composite bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow. A magical weapon as long as isn't Techo-wizard & made out out of natural items can also be used by the JL. The ability is identical to the JL but b/c of the BM speciality with animals the abilities are more expensive in I.S.P cost.

a. This special ability cost the BM 45 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The BM does 2X normal damage when using their preferred weapons and does half damage even to Supernatural creatures or Invulnerable characters who would normally be immune to non-magical weapon damage.

b. This special ability coast the BM 40 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The BM gains +2 attacks that rd when using their preferred weapons but can't be combined with ability preceding it.

c. This special ability coast the BM 30 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The BM critical damage roll is reduce to a natural 16 or higher when using their preferred weapons

d. This special ability coast the BM 25 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The BM can throw a knife, spear double it's normal range or shoot an arrow double it's normal range.

e. When fighting in the BM natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive a +4 to A.R as they seem to meld into the natural environment, trees, swamp, marsh, snow, ect.

f. When fighting in any natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra the BM receive an additional 75 S.D.C, but depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive 150 S.D.C in their native or preferred environment. In Rifts this becomes M.D.C, the S.D.C gain is doubled in a Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Nightbane, System Failure setting or any other setting that's has a high magic, supernatural or undead but not isn't an M.D.C setting.


Same as main class of JL

Nature Champion

Same as main class of JL
Last edited by Shadowknight on Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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It honestly looks less like a variant of the physical training catagory and more like a physical-based varient of the natural psionic catagory. all his powers are psionic-based and about psionically-boosting their physical ability, while physical training is all about just working your muscles until they are beyond human.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool either way :D
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:It honestly looks less like a variant of the physical training catagory and more like a physical-based varient of the natural psionic catagory. all his powers are psionic-based and about psionically-boosting their physical ability, while physical training is all about just working your muscles until they are beyond human.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool either way :D
While it's a valid interpretation of the class. I plan to post several more variants closer to your definition very soon. The character class is based on the classic Tarzan, Kazaar, Sheena, ect archetypes, IMO psionics describes their abilities the best. There were basically 3 choices when I decide to create the variant class.

1. Base their abilities on Chi, I disregarded it because most GM don't mix Ninja & Superspies in their campaign even-though I do and it's a natural fit. Nevertheless 1 of the variant of the class that I plan to post will be using Chi.

2. Base their abilities on P.P.E, I was really tempted for this approach especially given their high starting P.P.E. I disregarded it because I couldn't find the right spells in the HU book that mimic many of their abilities the way psionics do. So unless I played mix & match and included several Rifts books into the mix, which IMO was unfair and could demand additional outlays of funds which might not be available to that player or GM. Plus not everyone plays Rifts or plays every sub-genre that Palladium creates. I myself don't particular care for the Splicers genre and my group has never shown interest in the Dead Reign. Nevertheless if there's a demand I can easily convert most of their psionic cost to P.P.E

3. Base their abilities on I.S.P, this seems to create the less headaches since most of his or her abilities were perfectly stated and numbered in the psionic section of HU. Nevertheless I plan on creating another variant that use very little psionic abilities but makes up for it with quasi-powers.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Living Legend

This variant is for people wanting to play a more city based adventures without the penalties of not being in a natural environment. While the penalties are lessened for being in the city for this variant, he or she is still most at ease and powerful in a natural setting. This variant is based on The Phantom comics which is a Batman/Tarzan Hybrid. This character more than any other variant has 1 foot in nature and the other foot in the city. The LL is created identical to the main JL CC except His or her special abilities are tweaked somewhat. The LL only starts to lose pts of his physical stats after 1 month in the city and afterward loses 1 pt per week. He or She regains them the loss pts at a rate of 1 pt per hour when back in his natural environment but the LL must spends a day in his natural environment before he starts to recover the loss pts. While the LL is somewhat more powerful in some regards to the standard JL but b/c on it's focus on being connected to both the civilization & nature the CC suffers somewhat in the Psionic department & in the use of it's special weapon abilities which cost considerably more nor are they as numerous. Unlike the other JL variants this CC is passed from father to son or younger brother or mother to daughter or younger sister for generations like a perverse birthright for more than 350 yrs.

Due to their intense training from birth this CC receives 8 additional secondary skills at + 25% from studying their ancestors journals and biography and most of their enemies believe they can't be killed since they always seem to come back even when killed. Which the LL tends to stress when facing criminals organizations, since outside of the newest organization the LL or 1 of his ancestors have faced them before. This gives them an Awe Factor of 10+1 per lvl of the LL among large criminals organizations (Mafia, Terrorist, Pirates, Slavers, Drug dealers, ect). In the same manner LL start the game having an international criminal organization as a Nemesis who's major goal is to kill the character.

1. 4 minor psionic powers chose from the 8, once the choice is made it can't be changed. I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d4+2 per lvl

a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except.

a. The animal has 15 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the JL of 50 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +3 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvl due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Special abilities when using it preferred weapons. The LL must chose 2 Special Weapons from the 5 listed once the choice is made it can't be changed it's Knife, Staff, Spear, Sword, Bow & Arrow. The weapon must be natural, while a steel knife can be used by a LL a Vibro or energy knife can't. In a similar manner a composite bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow. A magical weapon as long as isn't Techo-wizard & made out out of natural items can also be used by the LL.

a. This special ability cost the LL 30 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The LL does 3X normal damage when using their preferred weapons and does half damage even to Supernatural creatures or Invulnerable characters who would normally be immune to non-mangical weapon damage.

b. This special ability coast the LL 35 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The LL gains +2 attacks that rd when using their preferred weapons but can't be combined with ability preceding it.

c. This special ability coast the LL 25 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The LL critical damage roll is reduce to a natural 15 or higher when using their preferred weapons

d. This special ability coast the LL 20 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The LL can throw a knife, spear double it's normal range or shoot an arrow double it's normal range.

e. When fighting in the LL natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive a +4 to A.R as they seem to meld into the natural environment, trees, swamp, marsh, snow, ect.

f. When fighting in any natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra the LL receive an additional S.D.C but because they aren't as connected to nature as the other subclass their bonus is less. They receive 50 S.D.C, but depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive 100 S.D.C in their native environment. In Rifts this becomes M.D.C, but within a mile of a line line the M.D.C is doubled. The S.D.C gain also doubled in a Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Nightbane, System Failure setting or any other setting that's has a high magic, supernatural or undead but not isn't an M.D.C setting. In addition their senses become very acute in natural settings they receive the feat enhance sense for free.

4. Special Abilities when using modern weapons.

a. The LL can use 1 pair of revolvers, automatic pistol or energy pistol chose 1. But it extremely limited the weapon must be specific type for example a 45 colt & a 9 mm are very similar weapons, also a 357 Magnum, 41 Magnum and 44 Magnum are almost identical weapons using the same bullets and from the same manufacturer. But the LL can only use 1 of them if he or she use any other version even a very similar version the LL lose half his experience points for that adventure.

b. But if the LL uses only his 1 particular modern weapon he or she receives all the abilities of the weapon expert listed on pg 133 of the HU book. In Rifts the LL can have 2 different weapons even if 1 is automatic pistol the other is energy pistol.These abilities cost the LL 35 I.S.P to use and last 1 rd per lvl.

Ultimate Ability
5. Legendary Untouchability-Merrian Webster describes untouchable as too powerful or important to be punished, criticized, etc. A synonym for the word is unreachable which means impossible to get to or get at. The ability name stems from the LL ability to make himself nearly impossible to strike in combat. This ability comes from mixing several tradition and disciplines from Ninjitsu, Arts of invisibility, Hypnotism, Psionics & Tribal Herbal Magic which when combined creates something greater than it parts. In layman terms the final product is a bastard offspring the Horror Factor minor power mixed with the psionic ability Invisibility Haze & Mental Illusion.

a. This ability cost 40 I.S.P to activate and can only be used once a month plus 1 per every lvl of the LL.

b. The ability last 1 rd per lvl of the LL and it affect a 1000 ft radius

c. The ability can only be used in the dark, at night or in a natural setting like parks, forest, marsh, jungle, ect.

d. Like the minor power Horror Factor the LL radiate an aura of power and menace but it only effects people of an evil alignment & people who are destroyers of nature. Those people must make successful Horror Factor of 10+1 per every other lvl of experience.

e. The LL also has a +3 to sv vs H.F, but +5 to sv H.F in the dark, at night or in a natural setting like parks, forest, marsh, jungle, ect.

f. Like the major psionic power Invisibility Haze the LL transmit a powerful hypnotic suggestion except instead of telling them that he's invisible it tells all that look at him that he's 50% larger & stronger. Like the major psionic power Mental Illusion the LL implants the basic idea that he's almost untouchable by mere mortal men ( for example the LL might say " I'm nature's avenger the darkness and nature strengthens and make your blows will pass through me"). The beauty of this ability is that it's very subtle even should someone sv vs the H.F, they still need to sv vs the mental illusion that he's 50% larger & stronger. The LL opponents make the sv at -5 vs Psionics. But psionic opponents makes the sv at -1. Should any of the LL adversaries have failed their H.F roll they automatically fail vs the mental illusion aspect.

g. Those affected by the mental illusion seems to feel as if their punches, kicks, energy blast & bullets pass right through the LL without affecting him. When in actuality their aim is slightly off by them aiming where they think his body is instead or really where he's since in their mind he's 50% larger than he really is. In game terms the mental illusion gives attacks against the LL -5 to strike, parry & dodge, and -5 on Initiative.


While overall the CC is more powerful than the PT class it originated from the class suffers from several restrictions that the PT class is immune from. The CC has several weaknesses all relating to the fact the character is a stranger to the city and is uncomfortable there.

1. The first is after a month in a city the character starts losing 1 point to either its P.S, P.P, P.E or Hit Points week till it returns to its native environment or till the stat is half it's normal value. The GM should roll a % dice , to see which stat it start affecting there's 25% chance of affecting 1 of the listed stat. It will affect at least 1 but no more than 2 stats the first week. Afterward the stat is reduce to half its original value roll again to see which PHYSICAL STAT will start losing 1 pt per week. Should the character return to his native environment he regains his lost stats at the rate of 1 pt per hour in his native environment but he must spends at least 24 hours before he starts to regain those pts.

2. The second weakness is based on his AC, while having a Sabre-tooth Tiger or a Rhinoceros is attractive for its offensive punch. But lets look at its problem it will cause, simply put you simply can't stroll in Midtown Manhattan or any major city in the world with an animal 3x-5x larger than a human. Beyond the size of the animal and the effect the animal would have on traffic, other animals and normal people there's the problem of feeding & housing your AC, you would easily spend $5000 a week just on feeding such a large animal and another $3000 on lodging it if you could find a place that would accept it let alone have space for it. The obvious examples are Zoos or Circus except both of them wouldn't be interested in being a hotel for pet, they would want you to donate the AC to them or at the very least lend the AC to them for at least 6 months if not a couple of yrs. This isn't something a JL would ever consider unless the AC is extremely old and then would donate it to an Animal Conservatory to spend it last yrs in relative comfort. A better choice is a medium size or smaller AC like a Bobcat, Wolf, Eagle, Snake not only are they easier to feed & house they also won't cost you an arm & leg in legal permits, feeding cost or problems with the public.

3. The third weakness is somewhat similar to the first as creature of nature the LL is uncomfortable in modern clothing specially those of artificial nature. Whenever wearing clothing made out 25% or greater in artificial material like Velcro, Polyester, ect the character lose 1 attack &- 2 to sv. On top of this if the LL ever wear artificial armor he fights at -3 to strike, parry & dodge plus lose 2 attacks per rd. But more likely than not the LL will only wear armor made from natural material like Quilt, Leather, Bark, Bones, Dinosaur or Shark skin armor, ect. Spells or Magical armor are fine as long as it's made out of natural material so Leaf armor from Rift England or Chitin armor from Rifts South America book would be fine. Certain GM could also allow Jade, Obsidian & Sea shell type of armor also.

4. The fourth weakness deals with modern weapons and equipment. While a JL won't have problem riding in a car, truck or airplane it will never be his first choice. If possible he'll use a horse, a canoe, ect. Also anytime the character uses a gun or a rifle except his special handguns in the course of the adventure he lose half his experience points.

Nature Champion Same as main class except the LL doesn't can't receive a Dinosaur or Magic Creature in Rift environment.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Super-powered Jungle Lord otherwise known as Animal Champion

This character more than the other version is borderline superhuman in stats. Yet the CC more than the others is more limited in the city. The AC is created identical to the main JL CC except His or her special abilities are tweaked somewhat. While the AC is more powerful in some regards but b/c on it's focus on physicality the AC it suffers somewhat in the Psionic department & in the use of it's special weapon abilities which cost considerably more. The AC must also select his or her preferred or native environment similar to the JL and the Animal companion must be a native species from that environment.

The AC is extremely powerful in his primary environment and somewhat less powerful in a city.

1. 4 minor psionic powers chose from the 8, once the choice is made it can't be changed. I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d6+1 per lvl

a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except.

a. The animal has 15 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the JL of 50 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +3 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvl due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Special abilities when using it preferred weapons. The JL has 4 Special Weapons, Knife, Staff, Spear, Bow & Arrow. The weapon must be natural, while a steel knife can be used by an AC a Vibro or energy knife can't. In a similar manner a composite bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow. A magical weapon as long as isn't Techo-wizard & made out out of natural items can also be used by the AC.

a. This special ability cost the AC 35 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC does 3X normal damage when using their preferred weapons and does half damage even to Supernatural creatures or Invulnerable characters who would normally be immune to non-magical weapon damage.

b. This special ability coast the AC 40 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC gains +2 attacks that rd when using their preferred weapons but can't be combined with ability preceding it.

c. This special ability coast the AC 30 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC critical damage roll is reduce to a natural 15 or higher when using their preferred weapons

d. This special ability coast the AC 25 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC can throw a knife, spear double it's normal range or shoot an arrow double it's normal range.

e. When fighting in the AC natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive a +4 to A.R as they seem to meld into the natural environment, trees, swamp, marsh, snow, ect.

f. When fighting in any natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra the AC receive an additional 75 S.D.C, but depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive 150 S.D.C in their native environment. In Rifts this becomes M.D.C, but within a mile of a line line the M.D.C is doubled. The S.D.C gain also doubled in a Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Nightbane, System Failure setting or any other setting that's has a high magic, supernatural or undead but not isn't an M.D.C setting. In addition their senses become very acute in natural settings they receive the feat enhance sense for free.

Unique Ability
Channel Nature Fueled Powers These abilities can only be used in a natural environment unless specified it can also be used in the city.

Control the Beast
-same as the spell except it cost 40 I.S.P

Courage of the Lion-gives +2 to H.F or A.F in a city but +5 to H.F or A.F in a natural environment. The bonus can also be used to sv against any magical spell or psionic ability that causes fear. The ability cost 20 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 round per lvl.

Speed of the Cheetah
-adds +10 to SPD in the city, but +30 to SPD in a natural environment. The ability cost 25 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 rd per lvl.

Strength of the Elephant
-adds +10 to P.S in the city, but +20 to P.S in a natural environment. The ability cost 30 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 rd per lvl.

Swim as a Fish same as the spell except it cost 12 I.S.P

Nature Champion same as the main class

Will finish Later
Last edited by Shadowknight on Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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heh, I like your take on the Phantom style character.
Seems pretty good to me
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Thank You! I plan on posting a Martial Arts based JL who uses a variant of Animal based MA like Panther, Tiger, Monkey, Eagle from Ninja & Super-spies and a few others created style like Lion, Gorilla, Wolf pretty soon tell me what you think.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Shadowknight wrote:Thank You! I plan on posting a Martial Arts based JL who uses a variant of Animal based MA like Panther, Tiger, Monkey, Eagle from Ninja & Super-spies and a few others created style like Lion, Gorilla, Wolf pretty soon tell me what you think.

Will keep an eye out, I love the martial arts forms from N&SS
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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MA JL otherwise known as the Natural

The Natural is a JL that's a self taught MA whose teacher was basically nature or a specific wild animal. The Natural is created identical to the main JL CC except His or her special abilities are tweaked somewhat. In the MA world specially Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Burmese MA have styles based on animal movements, attacks and characteristics. It been implied that Monks, Priest or layman watched and duplicated as close as possible the movements of such animals which became styles. Given a JL closeness to nature and animals it make logical sense that a JL could also create a style of fighting based on such animals also. This is my attempt on duplicating such abilities. Unlike the Other JL sub-classes this version of the JL has considerably less psionic abilities but makes up for it by his fighting ability & chi which is the best among the sub-classes. So while this subclass uses a variant of Ninja & Super-spies MA the styles presented are of a rougher primal nature that is missing in the more civilized version of the style.

1. 3 minor psionic powers chose from the 8, once the choice is made it can't be changed. I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d4-1 per lvl. The minimum I.S.P gained per lvl is 1 pt so even if a character should roll a 1 on a D4 he would still gain that 1 pt to add to his or her I.S.P

a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except. The AC must be of the style he picked, so a Tiger based style MA JL must pick a Tiger or Sabertooth Tiger as an AC. A Roaring Lion MA must choose a Mountain Lion or Lion as an AC and so on.

a. The animal has 10 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the Natural of 30 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +3 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 30 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvl due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Special abilities are basically the Animal based MA with somewhat special twist based on the JL character. Each style will give the Natural different SA . It must stated the Natural can only have 1 style based on his AC from which he basically learned his MA style. No matter what style chosen the Natural will always 4 weapons he can use with his animal based style, 2 of them will always be Staff & Knife the other 2 will vary by style. There's basically 8 animal based MA style and they are quite powerful but balanced so no one style will be superior to the other.

1. The Wounded Tiger Style
2. The Roaring Lion Style
3. The Leaping Antelope Style
4. The Wolf-Fang fist Style
5. The Screaming Eagle Style
6. The Wild Monkey Style
7. The King Kong Palm

First let me state, all these styles listed are based on Ninja & Super-spies MA but are more primal and unfinished. Basically they've an interesting or a role playing hook that makes them different enough from the main style. It must be stated these styles are extremely rare and exclusive the JL MA no other CC can ever learn these styles due to the extensive time that must be spend in nature. What makes the style special is the requirements depending on the style it might require drinking from a pure spring of the Amazon River on the night of a full moon for 12 mths straight, it might require sleeping in a deep cave where a special fungus is grown away from the sun, eating a special berry hidden deep in the jungles of India under the roots of a 1000 yrs tree, it might reqire eating a special herb that only Wolves eat while nursing their young, or meditating in a cave next to a Gorilla who died of old age for a yr, or eating the raw liver of a Monkey that fell of a mountain and broke it's neck. Whatever the requirement for learning the style it should be at least strange to someone from civilized society it not mildly revolting. Thus the rarity of the style from society and the introduction of the more civilized version of the style that didn't require such prerequisites.

1. The Wounded Tiger Style

On top of the physical bonuses of the Tiger Claw style the Wounded Tiger Style also gives +2 to attacks and an additional +5 to damage

Is based primarily on Tiger Claw from Ninja & Super-spies on pg 90. The main difference is any claw attack that you roll with a natural 15 or above does an additional 1D4 damage from ripping the opponent skin away, this represents the skin tearing aspects of the claw attack which gives the style it's name. It must be stated to the GM before you roll you're trying to uses this special technique should you roll less than a Natural 15 or above you only do the minimum damage from the claw attack and your STR bonus if any isn't added to the attack damage. Each Claw attack cost 5 pts of Chi to initiate whether successful or not.

The style also teaches the use of pair of Butterfly Knives & Chinese Broadsword.

Ultimate Ability The side effect of receiving the additional 1D4 damage from the claw attack is extremely painful and distracting. Each round after the first attack that caused more than 2 pts without adding STR damage the opponent that suffered the attack must roll vs pain or lose 1 attack, each addition claw attack that does tearing damage and does more than 2 pts requires an additional save vs pain or lose another attack. (For example our hero Onix Tiger knows the Wounded Tiger style he did 3 pts on his first Claw attack, 2 pts on his second claw attack and 4 pts on his third successful claw attack, his opponent would have to make 2 sv vs pain each rd any failed sv would remove 1 attack from his opponent for the rd where he failed his sv.) While Onyx Tiger would add his STR to the damage he did with his claw attack but it won't count concerning whether his opponent need to sv vs pain.

2. The Roaring Lion Style

On top of the physical bonuses of the Tiger Claw style the Roaring Lion Style also gives +10 to Chi

Is based primarily on Tiger Claw from Ninja &Super-spies on pg 90. The main difference is instead of receiving 2 Body Hardening Exercise or Special Kata, you receive only 1 but you also receive a more powerful version of the Kaijustu Martial Arts Technique from pg 121 this is where the Roaring Lion name comes from the Force Yell force characters back 1d6 feet per lvl of the character & lose 2 attacks the Death Yell does 1D4 damage per lvl of the character. All Yell attacks cost 10 Chi pts to attempt regardless if an opponents sv or not.

Ultimate ability Characters who know the Roaring Lion Style can choose instead of gaining an additional Power from Body Hardening or Special Kata at 4th & 10th lvl can instead increase their Death Yell damage by an additional 1D4 damage per lvl & their Death Yell can affect 2 characters within 20' of each other and their sv vs the Yell increase to a 16. ( For example a Natural Roaring Lion practitioner can normally do 4d4 damage with a Death Yell but if he chooses the ability again he now can do 8d4 damage). Should he elect to choose the ability again, he can affect 3 people with 20' of each other and their sv vs the yell increadr to an 18 (for example a Natural Roaring Lion practitioner can normally do 10d4 damage with a Death Yell but if he chooses the ability again he now can do 20d4 damage, if he choose the same ability a 3rd time at 10th lvl he would do 30D4 damage with his Death Yell)

The style also teaches the use of pair Butterfly Knives & pair of Axes.

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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Any more?
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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ScottBernard wrote:Any more?

Sorry family problems, I plan on posting again pretty soon. Hopefully before the 7th it should be taken care off but definately before the 8th.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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3. The Leaping Antelope Style

On top of the bonus the Cha Chuan Style on NS &S the LA Style also gives +2 to PP, SPD & +5 to CHI

The LA Style is similar to the Cha Chuan Style from Ninja and Super-spies on pg 86 the main difference is the fact it stresses multiple kicks while in the air. In fact the Cha Chuan Style can be considered a modern civilized version of the LA style.

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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Very nice. Way, way more in depth than the Major Power Adapt to Environment on pg. 238 of HU2. I like how it's its own OCC.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Jack Burton wrote:Very nice. Way, way more in depth than the Major Power Adapt to Environment on pg. 238 of HU2. I like how it's its own OCC.

I see no OCC here.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Jack Burton wrote:Very nice. Way, way more in depth than the Major Power Adapt to Environment on pg. 238 of HU2. I like how it's its own OCC.

I see no OCC here.

Fair enough... CC
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Looks like a Power Category to me.

CCs have a 'skills set, and a starting equipment list as a part of them.
Yes, I am pointing out two things: there is no skills set nor starting equipment presented here, and this is HU.
It appears the OP misspoke or typoed or forgot HU has PCs in the title.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Looks like a Power Category to me.

CCs have a 'skills set, and a starting equipment list as a part of them.
Yes, I am pointing out two things: there is no skills set nor starting equipment presented here, and this is HU.
It appears the OP misspoke or typoed or forgot HU has PCs in the title.
Given that the CC is a variant of the Physical Training class I didn't think I had to state the obvious. The skill set & starting equipment are the same as the PT class.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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The above Physical Training Power Category variants are good…..as Power Category variants.

The only problem is that because the HU setting is Classless there is no ""Physical Training class"" in HU. As such it is very odd that these Power Category variants have been presented as CC variants.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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Super-powered Jungle Lord otherwise known as Animal Champion

This character more than the other version is borderline superhuman in stats. Yet the CC more than the others is more limited in the city. The AC is created identical to the main JL CC except His or her special abilities are tweaked somewhat. While the AC is more powerful in some regards but b/c on it's focus on physicality the AC it suffers somewhat in the Psionic department & in the use of it's special weapon abilities which cost considerably more. The AC must also select his or her preferred or native environment similar to the JL and the Animal companion must be a native species from that environment.

The AC is extremely powerful in his primary environment and somewhat less powerful in a city.

1. 4 minor psionic powers chose from the 8, once the choice is made it can't be changed. I.S.P equals to M.E plus 1d6+1 per lvl

a. Bio-regeneration
b. Resist Fatigue
c. Mind Block
d. Night-vision
e. Telekinetic Leap
f. Sense Evil
g. Sixth Sense
h. Impervious to Cold or Impervious to Fire you choose 1 (Tundra Lord must choose Impervious to Cold, Jungle Lord must choose Impervious to Fire)

2. Has an Animal Companion similar to the feat except.

a. The animal has 15 pts additional points that can be added to stats, Armor Rating or Hit Points. No stat or A.R can be increase higher than +5.
b. The animal has a telepathic link to the JL of 50 ft per lvl
c. The animal & the character receives a +3 to A.R as long as they're within 50' of each other
d. The animal can use the characters sv throw vs poison, magic or psionic as long they're withing TP range of each other
e. The animal gives the character an additional sv any type of H.F, Mind Control or Possession as long as they're within 50 ft of each other.
f. Should the animal be badly hurt all S.D.C gone or dying the character can donate half of his S.D.C or H.P to the AC by touching it this requires the character giving up 2 attacks that rd.
e. Should the AC be killed the character be killed in combat or neglect by the part of the character, he lose half his lvl due to his sense of loss, guilt and shame. The character then needs to re-earn the experience points.

3. Special abilities when using it preferred weapons. The JL has 4 Special Weapons, Knife, Staff, Spear, Bow & Arrow. The weapon must be natural, while a steel knife can be used by an AC a Vibro or energy knife can't. In a similar manner a composite bow can be used but not a modern bow with gear & pulley or a laser bow. A magical weapon as long as isn't Techo-wizard & made out out of natural items can also be used by the AC.

a. This special ability cost the AC 35 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC does 3X normal damage when using their preferred weapons and does half damage even to Supernatural creatures or Invulnerable characters who would normally be immune to non-magical weapon damage.

b. This special ability coast the AC 40 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC gains +2 attacks that rd when using their preferred weapons but can't be combined with ability preceding it.

c. This special ability coast the AC 30 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC critical damage roll is reduce to a natural 15 or higher when using their preferred weapons

d. This special ability coast the AC 25 I.S.P and last 1 rd per lvl. The AC can throw a knife, spear double it's normal range or shoot an arrow double it's normal range.

e. When fighting in the AC natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive a +4 to A.R as they seem to meld into the natural environment, trees, swamp, marsh, snow, ect.

f. When fighting in any natural environment that is Desert, Forest, Jungle or Tundra the AC receive an additional 75 S.D.C, but depending on what type of Lord he or she is they receive 150 S.D.C in their native environment. In Rifts this becomes M.D.C, but within a mile of a line line the M.D.C is doubled. The S.D.C gain also doubled in a Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Nightbane, System Failure setting or any other setting that's has a high magic, supernatural or undead but not isn't an M.D.C setting. In addition their senses become very acute in natural settings they receive the feat enhance sense for free.

Unique Ability
Channel Nature Fueled Powers These abilities can only be used in a natural environment unless specified it can also be used in the city.

Control the Beast-same as the spell except it cost 40 I.S.P

Courage of the Lion-gives +2 to H.F or A.F in a city but +5 to H.F or A.F in a natural environment. The bonus can also be used to sv against any magical spell or psionic ability that causes fear. The ability cost 20 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 round per lvl.

Speed of the Cheetah-adds +10 to SPD in the city, but +30 to SPD in a natural environment. The ability cost 25 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 rd per lvl.

Strength of the Elephant-adds +10 to P.S in the city, but +20 to P.S in a natural environment. The ability cost 30 I.S.P to turn on and last 1 rd per lvl.

Swim as a Fish same as the spell except it cost 12 I.S.P

Animal Champion same as the main class and is created in an similar manner in regards to education, wealth or physical attributes


While overall the AC is more powerful than the PT class it originated from the class suffers from several restrictions that the PT class is immune from. The AC has several weaknesses all relating to the fact the character is a stranger to the city and is uncomfortable there.

1. The first is after a 2 weeks in a city the character starts losing 1 point to either its P.S, P.P, P.E or Hit Points week till it returns to its native environment or till the stat is half it's normal value. The GM should roll a % dice , to see which stat it start affecting there's 25% chance of affecting 1 of the listed stat. It will affect at least 1 but no more than 2 stats the first week. Afterward the stat is reduce to half its original value roll again to see which PHYSICAL STAT will start losing 1 pt per week. Should the character return to his native environment he regains his lost stats at the rate of 1 pt per hour in his native environment but he must spends at least 24 hours before he starts to regain those pts.

2. The second weakness is based on his AC, while having a Sabre-tooth Tiger or a Rhinoceros is attractive for its offensive punch. But lets look at its problem it will cause, simply put you simply can't stroll in Midtown Manhattan or any major city in the world with an animal 3x-5x larger than a human. Beyond the size of the animal and the effect the animal would have on traffic, other animals and normal people there's the problem of feeding & housing your AC, you would easily spend $5000 a week just on feeding such a large animal and another $3000 on lodging it if you could find a place that would accept it let alone have space for it. The obvious examples are Zoos or Circus except both of them wouldn't be interested in being a hotel for pet, they would want you to donate the AC to them or at the very least lend the AC to them for at least 6 months if not a couple of yrs. This isn't something a JL would ever consider unless the AC is extremely old and then would donate it to an Animal Conservatory to spend it last yrs in relative comfort. A better choice is a medium size or smaller AC like a Bobcat, Wolf, Eagle, Snake not only are they easier to feed & house they also won't cost you an arm & leg in legal permits, feeding cost or problems with the public.

3. The third weakness is somewhat similar to the first as creature of nature the AC is uncomfortable in modern clothing specially those of artificial nature. Whenever wearing clothing made out 25% or greater in artificial material like Velcro, Polyester, ect the character lose 1 attack &- 2 to sv. On top of this if the AC ever wear artificial armor he fights at -3 to strike, parry & dodge plus lose 2 attacks per rd. But more likely than not the AC will only wear armor made from natural material like Quilt, Leather, Bark, Bones, Dinosaur or Shark skin armor, ect. Spells or Magical armor are fine as long as it's made out of natural material so Leaf armor from Rift England or Chitin armor from Rifts South America book would be fine. Certain GM could also allow Jade, Obsidian & Sea shell type of armor also.

4. The fourth weakness deals with modern weapons and equipment. While a AC won't have problem riding in a car, truck or airplane it will never be his first choice. If possible he'll use a horse, a canoe, ect. Also anytime the character uses a gun or a rifle in the course of the adventure he lose half his experience points. The only exception if it's used to save his Animal Companion in that case he only lose 1/4 of his experience points.

5. Unlike the other JL has a almost physic link to animals specially animals that are the same as his Animal Companion. The AC can sense animals that are caged, being tortured or experimented on. This ability turns on automatically and it's range is 10 ft radius per lvl, but animals similar to his Animal Companion the range is 25ft radius per lvl. In such a case he receives -2 to strike, parry and dodge due to his senses being overwhelm by their suffering. It must be stated it must be something that makes the animal suffer, a lion caged in 25 ft cage won't turn it on, but the same lion in a 12 ft cage would, a dog being a 5ft cage in a humane shelter would not effect the AC, but the same dog in a 3 ft cage barely being fed or water would bother the AC
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The above Physical Training Power Category variants are good…..as Power Category variants.

The only problem is that because the HU setting is Classless there is no ""Physical Training class"" in HU. As such it is very odd that these Power Category variants have been presented as CC variants.
Stop being so anal retentive. Power Category variant or Character Class variants, what difference does it makes?If I say tomaato and you say tomato as long as we're both talking about a red fruit that a member of the nightshade family that's high in Vitamin C & Vitamin A the pronunciation is immaterial. In a like manner me say CC and you saying PC is also immaterial in the larger scheme of things.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by RockJock »

Shadow Knight,

I have been watching this thread for most of a year. Really good stuff. Lots of variants if you will, that give flavor and seasoning to the class. Very well done IMHO.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Shadowknight »

RockJock wrote:Shadow Knight,

I have been watching this thread for most of a year. Really good stuff. Lots of variants if you will, that give flavor and seasoning to the class. Very well done IMHO.
Thank You it's nice to be appreciated, bTw you should check out my Nigh-God thread I plan on posting a slighting more powerful version of the mega-hero. I would appreciate comments both positive and negative as long as it's constructive criticism. Like I said b4 the Mega-Hero Power Category is too cookie cuter and for the most aren't true MH. There's no reason someone like Dr Strange or Batman needs Super-strength, yet they are both MH in different fashions the problem is straight by HU rules they can't be created. I' m going to post my interpretation on how to create such characters using HU rules tweaked somewhat.
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Re: Jungle Lord a powerful variant of The Physcal Training

Unread post by Tick »

Interesting - Not sure how a modern game would handle these character types in a modern world... Perhaps a savage land in marvel option... A zoo adventure... I'm pondering the possibilities. The characters feel like a blend of AFTER the BOMB characters and Heroes Unlimited. Pretty interesting.

I'd like to table the lack of an updated Time Travel book. With dinosaurs mutants, weapons form various ages, bronze age, canons and ballistic and such. These characters would be really great in a jungle time travel themed book for sure!
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