Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Update: 7/11/2016. There is no particular organization to this Topic. It contains story ideas for the campaign and individual adventures. It has some of my house rules, however out of respect for Palladium books, I do not detail my rewrites of their game system as it differs quite a bit, however I do enjoy sharing my philosophies of why I might change the rules. And I like to include reference information for some of my research. If you have any questions or comments please leave them as I love feedback. I'm sorry it is such a chaotic collection of ideas, but enjoy sorting through for whatever you may enjoy. Think of this insanity as an example of building your own unique campaign. :D

I have been writing a Robotech/Rifts Campaign. I really just wanted a place to share my ideas, because back in the late 80's and early 90's when I started playing a DM, err I mean GM, had to keep all their ideas a secret. Anyways, I recently dusted off my 1st edition Robotech and Rifts books and started writing a Post-Invid Invasion Campaign, using Rifts to source ideas for fleshing out the rest of the world. So why post in the Rifts section? Because Rifts can be anything you imagine. And I consult the Rifts books far more often for ideas than the Robotech books.

About two years ago I was looking at the initials of the Coalition States, C.S. and I thought about the Confederate States of America. I relocated the whole C.S. to the South, placed the Invid in mid-west bread basket for protoculture production and from there the ideas kept coming to me. I rewrote the Robotech timeline, adding 30 years to the start point of the SDF-1. I don't know why? I guess I still want the futuristic setting to be in the future and my kids will think that 1985 was a really long time ago. So I fattened up the timeline, and the players are in a Post-Invid Occupation, 12 years after Reflex Point. The year is 2086. My other caveat is no magic or supernatural creatures (yet!). Currently, Psionics exist for the Tirolians and Invid, but not humans (yet?). I was telling some friends of mine about this campaign that I am writting, hoping that my kids will want to game in about 8 to 10 years, when they hinted that they hadn't RPGed in ages either. So I asked them if they wanted to play, and they said, "You had me at 'Robotech'!"

I will first put up my North American overview. I have a system of checks and balances to determine how each community has been able to grow, develop and evade the attention of the Invid, which I can detail later...

This is a work in progress, so you will notice that some nations are listed, but have not been detailed yet.

North American Nation Overview UPDATED 7/29/2016
1. North American Total Population, Preliminary Est: 10.85 million, 67% under Invid Occupation.

2. Invid stats and Invid Controlled Areas

a. 875 Hives Earth surface (avg. 5000k Invid per hive), plus 44 in orbit.
i. North American Continent has 188 hives and an estimated Invid Population: 940,000.
ii. North American Human Population under Invid Control: 7.37 million.
iii. Average surface human to Invid Population Ratio is 7.8:1.
iv. Estimated Invid on Earth's surface and orbit: 4.6 million
v. Estimated Human population on Earth under Invid Control: 34.1 million

b. United States has 19.7% of the Hives: 173 -5 = 168 (NY and Penn)
i. California, Oil Age. Pop. Ratio 10:1. 13.75% of US Production. Humans 1.2 Million (Growth +3%, exceed agr. prod. by 10%). Invid 119k. Hives: 23 Hives and 1 under construction, 75% complete.
ii. Mid-West Quadrants, Steam Age. 83.25% (-3% for NY and Penn) of US Production. Pop. Ratio 7.25:1. Humans 5.22 million (Growth +.5%, famine/illness). Invid 720,000. Hives 144.
iii. Each Quadrant has roughly 36 hives and 180k Invid. Most quadrants have 5 states, so sub-divide down to 7 or 8 Hives per state and 36k Invid. The Dakotas will have slightly less, while Michigan (Reflex Point) will have more.

c. Canada has 1.7% of Hives: 15 +5 = 20 (NY and Penn)
i. Southern Provinces, Steam Age. Pop. Ratio 7.25:1. Humans 471k (Growth +1%). Invid 65,000 . Hives (8 + 5) = 13.
ii. Quebec, Robotech Age. Pop. Ratio 13.75:1. Humans 481k (Growth 1%) . Invid 35,000. Hives 7.

3. Human stats for Non-Invid Controlled Areas. Total North American Pop: Preliminary Est: 3.48 mil

a. Oregon: Est Pop: 120k
i. 1900 sq. Miles of usable farmland. Robotech Age. Using 65%. POP: 120k (Decline -1%)
1. 96k sq miles total land. 1300 sq miles used for settlement/farms. 99% WILDERNESS.

b. Utah: Est Pop: 240k
i. Utah. 4000 sq. mi usable farm land. Steam Age for Agr. Using 85%. Pop. 97k.
1. 82k sq mi total land. Settlements/Farmable used is 3400 sq mi. 96% WILDERNESS.
ii. Colorado: 22,200 sq mi. Mech. Age. Using 50%. Pop. 143k.
1. 103.6K sq mi of total land. Settlements/Farm land used is 11,100 miles. 89% WILDERNESS.

c. Idaho: Est Pop: 345K
i. Idaho. 4050 sq mi. Steam Age. Using 95%. Pop. 112k.
ii. Wyoming: 11800 sq mi. Mech. Age. Using 75% . Pop. 114k.
iii. Montana: 61000 sq mi. Mech. Age. Using 15% (New Frontier). Pop. 118k.

d. Texas, Est Pop: 600k
i. New Mexico: Steam Age. Pop 60k. 6700 sq mi farmable, 17% is being used.
1. 121.25k sq mi total land. 1150 sq miles used for Settlement/farming. 95% WILDERNESS.
ii. Louisiana: Mechanical Age, Pop 8k. 12500 sq mi farmable. 5% being used. Mostly wilderness with rumors of Dinosaurs?
1. 43k sq mi total. 650 sq mi used for settlement/farming. 98% WILDERNESS.
iii. Texas: 203000 sq mi farmable. Total Pop 532k (Divided below). 7% is being used (It’s a big state and advances in oil age agriculture are reducing land usage! High population growth rate here, 3%.)
1. Texas Total Land: 261K sq miles. 15k used for settlements/farming. WILDERNESS 94%.
2. North Texas: Steam Age 50%/Oil Age 50% transition. Pop 312k.
3. South Texas: Steam Age 75%/Oil Age 25% Transition. Pop 220k.

e. Confederate States, Est Pop: 800k
i. Virginia
ii. N. Carolina
iii. S. Carolina
iv. Georgia
v. Florida
vi. East Alabama

f. New England, Est Pop: 1.3 Million
i. New Brunswick
ii. Nova Scotia
iii. Maine
iv. Vermont
v. New Hampshire
vi. East New York
vii. Massachusetts
viii. Rhode Island
ix. Connecticut
x. New Jersey

g. Death Nomad Territory, Pop EST: 75k
i. Southern California
ii. Arizona
iii. Southern Nevada

4. Alaska: British Colombia, Yukon and Alaska.
a. Barbaric Culture.
b. Rumored to be led by the Cyborg of Sara Palin.
c. Tech varies from Steam Age 1890's to Oil Age 1920's.

5. Oregon: Western Oregon and Western Washington.
a. Sophisticated Socialism
b. Robotech Age technology 2080's, specializing in AI and Cybernetics.
c. Notable Sites: Lady in the Lake/Portland Underground.

6. California: Central and Northern California, plus Reno Area.
a. Republic Democracy that Reports to the Invid.
b. Tech is Oil Age 1940's
c. Population: 1.24 Million Humans. 120k Invid.
d. Major Cities: San Francisco, Fresno, Bakersfield and Reno.

7. Death Nomads: Southern California, Arizona and Southern Nevada
a. Culture Barbaric
b. Tech: Agricultural age near settlements, but otherwise Hunter/Gather/Raider Nomadic (Horse or Camel, and Musket type weapons), with any mixed tech scavenged weapons and vehicles for leaders or cities.
c. Population: Unknown
d. Major Cities: Phoenix, Barstow, and Las Vegas.
e. Notable Sites: Area 51 (Bandito Arms.).

8. Idaho: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming
a. Culture Cowboy/Western. Small democratic city states dominated by business owners.
b. Tech is Steam Punk. Most people live in Steam Age 1890's, but the wealthy can afford High Tech Vehicles, appliances, and energy weapons/body armor.

9. Utah: Utah and Colorado
a. Culture Cowboy/Western. Small democratic city states dominated by business owners.
b. Tech is Steam Punk. Most people live in Steam Age 1890's, but the wealthy can afford High Tech Vehicles, appliances, and energy weapons/body armor.

10. Texas: New Mexico, Louisiana and Texas.
a. Civil War between North Texas, Capital Waco and Southern Texas, Capital San Antonio.
b. Culture Cowboy/Western. Small democratic city states dominated by business owners.
c. Tech is Steam Punk. Most people live in Steam Age 1890's, but the wealthy can afford High Tech Vehicles, appliances, and energy weapons/body armor. On the verge of moving up to the oil age, with plans to export oil to Michigan quadrant. Logistics and civil war are the main factors in the delay.
d. When the Civil War settles, the South will Emerge as the Pecos Empire and the North Will become Free Texas. Both names are Ironic as Pecos is not an Empire, but a collection of Bandit Baronies where “Might makes right” and Free Texas will be under Invid Domination for protection (?).

11. Dakotas: N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Iowa.
a. Invid Controled
b. Mechanical Age

12. Oklahoma: Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri.
a. Invid Controled
b. Steam Age

13. East Mississippi: Mississippi, West Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.
a. Invid Controled
b. Steam Age

14. Great Lakes: Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
a. Invid Controled
b. Steam Age, on the verge of converting to Oil Age. Just need an oil source (North Texas?)

15. Confederate States: Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Florida and East Alabama. (6 Confederate States)
a. Culture Southern. Small democratic city states dominated by military patriotism.
b. Tech is Steam Punk. Most people live in Steam Age 1890's, but the wealthy or military can afford High Tech Vehicles, appliances, and energy weapons/body armor.
c. All things Alien are hated: Zentradi, Tirolians, or Invid. Protoculture when found is destroyed!

16. New England: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, East New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey. (10 Democratic States)
a. Disputed: West Maryland and Delaware in a three-way political tug-of-war between Quebec, New England and the Confederate States.
b. Culture Northern. Small democratic city states dominated by liberal politics.
c. Tech is High Mixed. Most people have 1980's tech, but the Military and Wealthy have High Tech Robotech (Scavenged and refurbishing Manufacturing).
d. Northern Gun is the primary arms manufacturer.
e. New York City is hollowed out ruins on top. Underground the subways have become a thriving subterranean city the continues to be dug deeper and deeper. It is rumored to be up to 30 levels deep in some places. It is a Labyrinth to those who don’t live there, and even to many who do but don’t venture outside their level.

17. Quebec: Quebec, Ontario, New Foundland, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, East New York, Pennsylvania, East Maryland.
a. States vary widely in technology levels, ranging from Agricultural age to Robotech age. Look at neighboring states of other nations to gauge their current technology levels, as the local citizens cross the borders and trade, despite political rivalries. Most Canadians are well liked and hospitable.
b. City of Free Quebec: Pinnacle of Technology and Civilization in North America. Citizens enjoy futuristic Robotech Age level, with nearby agriculture fully automated. The great fortress city is a mecca for those who seek such a life. It is also rumored to be a trap for freedom fighters. Those who go in disappear and are either never seen again or have no memory of their past.

18. Mexico: Mexico
a. Agricultural Age, low tech. Only the top 1% wealthy and their henchmen have any advanced technology. Settlements and cities are small with over 95% of the population being rural.
b. Rumors of Vampires persist…
c. Mexico City has returned to being a lake after being blasted into a crater. A new island city, Atzlan has been constructed for the Elite.
d. Invid control this area, but due to low agricultural output, Hives and patrols are infrequent.
e. A Genesis Pit is rumored near Yucatán Peninsula

19. Radioactive: East Washinton and East Oregon. Southern California Coastline, and Most of Southern California south of the Barstow.
a. Mostly desolate unpopulated wastelands of ruins. These are Nomadic Tribes or Clans that live off the land that nature has reclaimed or raid each other. Many are operating at a stone age level, with no understanding of technology.
b. They conduct raids into Mexico. They fear the Death Nomads, who enslave them.

And I started my campaign in California, San Francisco. This is a collection of random emails I sent my players detailing their start point.

I have just completed preliminary Population models for California. Human population is 1.24 Million, Invid 120 Thousand. Roughly 725 Thousand Humans live in Cities or towns. Roughly 6k Invid Clones and 60k humans farm protoculture, with another 60k humans as a rural Security Force for these farms, in addition to the Invid Military Machine. The Human population consumes more food than they produce. Roughly 125k people would starve if San Francisco did not import fresh fish from Alaska and foods from Vietnam and China to California, which means humans are 10% over sustainable population without international trade.

Primary cause of death (90%) for humans in the last 50 years of wars has been starvation/disease with the loss of futuristic agricultural/medicinal practices. Violent death is 5%, but much more glorified in oral tradition and politics. Less than 1% of the worlds current population exists (est: 50? million Humans world wide, with average technology levels at 19th century farming/medicine and early 20th century weapons)

California Protectorate is a unique Invid colony. Most colonies operate on a Master (Invid) and servant (human) relationship. Humans are generally considered inferior, greedy, selfish and dangerous if armed. Depending on the Praetor that rules an area, Humans are limited to 19th or early 20th century technolgy, with any form of mass communication like radio, tv or print banned. Most humans are poorly educated farmers under this regime. Some act as informants to gain rank and power, while other quietly resist. Most live in fear and will try to remain uninvolved knowing the brutality of Invid reprisal.

The Republic of California is a bit different. The Praetor there is "Progressive" with the humans. 3 Major Cities have reemerged like San Francisco, Fresno and Stanford as major hubs of trade, government and education respectively. A major city will have like 100,000 people as a point of reference. Most of the state is open country, villages and farming communities. "The Invid shall save us from ourselves," is taught to all children. The human government is based on a Senate that meets with the Praetor four times annually or during special sessions. Some humans are almost obsessed with the Invid, like a vampire cult, where they hope to be selected to be taken and reborn as clones. This works out well for the Invid because with a line of dedicated volunteers, they don't need to abduct anyone for cloning like it is done elsewhere. Sacramento is a blasted crater, and Fresno is now the capital, with a giant hive at the center of the city. Human technology is permitted at a 1950's level with automobiles, analog radio's, tv and telephones. Digital electronics, Air Craft, Tanks/Mecha, explosives and most heavy weapons are prohibited. The Human Military is equipped more like a SWAT team, with an emphasis on police human activity, rather than repelling invaders. The Invid humbly provide that sort of military protection to California. Some humans see the whole thing as puppet government, where humans will be eventually be wiped out (via cloning) once the humans are no longer needed. For those people, it's like living in a 1950's dystopia where they pretend to be happy by day and close the curtains tight and talk in whispers at night.

The Fresno hive alone produces 12.7% of the clones for all of North America. While a normal hive measure clones as less than 1% of their biomass, The Fresno hive is nearly 10%. Clones in this region fulfill tasks that are normally reserved for Stage 4 Enforcers up to Political Command positions. The Praetor feels that Humans are more comfortable interacting with clones than the more alien looking stage 4's, and a much larger number of clones are needed in general for interacting with and infiltrating human society. Most clones are breed for one of 4 Primary functions: Military Officers/Combat, Political Envoys/Espionage, Bio Engineers, or Enforcers/detectives (Gestapo). Other professions can be custom made, but almost always with a hidden agenda that may be unknown to the clone him/herself. Most clones lose all their human memories, but retain the physical traits. A clone that remembers their human life is considered a threat to the hive because their loyalty is unpredictable. They are rarely destroyed for this defect, but they can be excommunicated from the hive and branded as such. They can stay in California, but are shamed by both Invid and Humans. If they leave the area, life is perilous because they will be hated by nearly everyone, human and Invid.
I just realized that California has professional(-ish) football, baseball and basketball! It's civilized enough for people to have leisure sports and entertainment. And other cultural arts like theater, art and music exist too, although the Invid do have "guidelines" that seem to be adhered to quite "enthusiastically".

The port of San Francisco trades with 3 of the 7 kingdoms of China, as well as Vietnam. Vietnam is the most technologically advanced of the 4 Asian nations. All 4 appear to be under Invid rule, but have been given enough freedom trade. China uses Sail Boats! Vietnam has diesel electric freighters that are nearly 100 years old, but still work. Japan and South Korea are reported as Dark Mysterious areas that are best avoided--landing crews return with tales of horror about dragons, spirits and oni! Many of the island nations are either desolate/wiped out, primitive, or have nothing of economic trade. Although no reason is provided, the Invid prohibit trade to India and beyond, Australia and the Southern Americas. However, sailors are the daring type and smuggling goods in from these areas is especially profitable because of the prohibition. You see, even with the Invid controlling the Californian culture, they still can not control Californian greed.

Regarding economics, the concept of ownership is alien to the aliens. The closest translation to the Invid is "not sharing." The Invid regard all of the Protectorate as theirs. So the "lend" land and rights to use it's resources to influential humans that pledge their loyalty to the Invid cause of "Human Harmony". The entire economy is human run by unscrupulous businessmen and politicians or those who naively believe the Invid are friends to Humanity. As a more recent development, the Invid have been sending Clones into the arena of Human politics and business to learn how to run a human government and economy. The purpose it two fold: One, learn how humans think. Two, have agents who can take over that are more trustworthy than these unscrupulous humans that we depend on to make all this work.

I have lots of other material I can share, but I'll leave this as start point.
Last edited by bobharly on Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:57 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Very interesting idea and very well done so far. Would love to see more of it. Would also love to know how your campaign goes.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:Very interesting idea and very well done so far. Would love to see more of it. Would also love to know how your campaign goes.

Thanks. I appreciate the compliment! So far it is going great. The players are currently exploring San Francisco and being mentored by a Dirty Harry type Detective in their crime solving skills.

But it is all so more complicated than that. They work for a retired Senator of California, who is now a philanthropist and art gallery owner. One character is an Invid Clone who wants to be an artist. Another Character is a Cyberdoc from a futuristic underground society in Oregon that helping with an underground railroad to move young fertile Californian's to Oregan to repopulate their small but futuristic society (Anyone old enough to remember the movie Millennium?) and the newest character (his story is at the bottom) is C.S. special agent traveling under cover as a Rock Star from France. They all have different motives, and no one really knows the who the others really work for. The Senator is a puppet master who just tells them what they need to know to work together as team. But sooner or later someone is going give away their idenity and then it will get interesting to see if they can still find reasons to work together, especially the CS soldier (who hate aliens) and our Invid artist.

The two biggests twists in the bigger picture is that the Retired Senator is genuinely good and wants to save humanity by getting people and aliens to work together towards unity. And second, the Invid are not the unified race everyone believes them to be. With the Regis and Regent gone for 12 years now, the individual personalities of the Clone leadership are becoming more human like and selfish. India for example is in a major crisis against the Masters, but the Invid Praetor there does not want help because she is afraid that looking weak will cause her to lose face, plus she wants the personal glory of defeating the Masters to become of the three Pro-Regents of Earth by this great deed. In reality her selfishness may allow the Masters to unleash a horrific biological weapon against the Invid and Humanity and allow them to escape. But all of that assumes that Quebec and NGR don't make a big power play to seize control of North America and Europe from the Invid==FROM WITHIN THE HIVE. The prime minister of Quebec is also an Invid Praetor of Canada...

So many ideas, but we only play twice a month for 2 hours at a time, so I just keep writing stuff. Scraping it. And writing better stuff. I mostly came to this web site to share my hobby, because I'm not sure my players will get to see all of it.

I'll put up some other campaign files. Some files are more technical/data collection for GM use, while others are for narration to give the players a feel for how they fit in with the larger world.

This is my Tour Guide to San Francisco

San Francisco A DMs Tour
City Population: 245k
Surrounding areas (Oakland, San Marino and South San Francisco) 90k.
County Population: 335k.
Art Areas:
Haight Asbury (Upper is for the wealthy, and the Lower is for aspiring artist and hippies): East of Golden Gate Park.

Golden Gate Park. East (of hwy 1) Beautiful as it is today. Well Maintained.

Golden Gate Park. West (of hwy 1) Run down and bit overgrown. Safe during the day, but at night the homeless come out, along with gang members looking for a private place to meet. Park size expanded in the Fire of 2071 (Year) that burned down all residence west of the 1 highway. Some homes have been rebuilt by fisherman and locals who love the beach, but most of it has become wind-swept dunes and dirt roads/trails to the south of the park. The Northside did rebuild as a working class neighborhood.

Financial District: East of Nob Hill and Tenderloin.
Highrises were Downtown. Buildings are 10 stories or less, with few exception. Technology exists to make skyscrapers, but the population size doesn't need it.

Public Transit :MUNI-cable cars still run are beloved by the public. System has been expanded from the Financial district to the northern Marina area.

Nob Hill: Classy Hotels, Banquet Halls, Casinos and Private Clubs/Resorts for the Wealthy and VIP international businessmen/politicians/triad.

Naval Shipyards: Hunters Point (SE corner). Miltary, CRAF (California Republic Armed Forces). Labor force and enlisted men predominantly Black.

Pacific Heights: West of Nob Hill, South of Marina and East of the Presidio.
Mansions for the Wealthy. This community is actually walled off with 4 main gates and a private security force. Entrance is by invitation only.

Tourist coastal areas have returned to poorer neighborhoods for fisherman and laborer and gangs.

Tenderloin: South of Nob Hill.
the worst neighborhood for violent crime.
Extortion, Drugs and Hitmen here.
Also nude bars, gay bars, prostitution and homelessness are common site in this part of town. It's their main industry.
Also high Vietnamese population, with large poor families in small apartments starting on the 2nd floor and up. (vertical villages). The Vietnamese are not welcome in many neighborhoods, especially Chinatown. This is the only low income neighborhood that doesn't turn them away.

Other violent areas
Marina (north) to Financial District (east) ports.: San Francisco Society of Regulators (anti-immigrant), usually white blue-collar folk, but not mandatory as long as you are very anti-ASIAN. Will practically attack Triad or Bing Kong members on site. They will Harass non-gang Asians cruelly.
Mission Bay and Dog Patch: Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). hispanic gang, violent drug and prostitution Cartel. Historical roots in El Salvador, but no longer affiliated since 2061 Invid Invasion. Most members don't even know that.
Bayview (to the south of Dog Patch, including Hunter's Point shipyard): Eastboys gang. Controls the Naval Shipyard Unions. Smuggling and Fencing. This gang is known to retaliate against other gangs, but have a reputation as a Mafia with a code of honor. "You don't start none, then there won't be none." Police consider them organized criminals. They call themselves businessmen.
Chinatown (Between Nob Hill and Financial Dist, north to South Market): Two Rival Chinese gangs. Both are professional organized crime.
The 14k Triad (International-China) Controls China town and the ports in South San Francisco.
Bing Kongs (Formerly International-Tong Triad, now on the outs because of the 14k Triad. Now allied with Freemasons, White Upper Class financers) Controls South Market ports.
Freemasons Not actually a gang, but rather an exclusive brotherhood that has ties to everything that has money or political influence. Strong presence in government and law-enforcement. Race is not an issue. But an outward appearance of professional and civic social status is mandatory. Proven association with crime warrants immediate expulsion (for appearances sake).

Four Banks of San Francisco
Wells Fargo (Biggest in the West, and 3rd biggest in SF. Famed for shipping anything that fits in a truck (Big Rig Trailer) and their Private security force, Pinkerton Securities.)
Bank of San Francisco (2nd biggest bank in SF)
Bank of California (1st, and the biggest bank in California. HQ in Fresno.)
Bank of Chinatown (Triad controlled, International ties to China.)

Law Enforcement
Police Dept
Port Authority
California Republic Armed Forces.

Media, Televison
Channel 2, KSFC, The San Francisco Chronicle, "the voice of San Francisco". and local newspaper. Reputation for pushing the boundaries of free speech, which is often censored in this age. During non-news hours, they have shows like the View, Gerry Springer III, and Peoples Court.
Channel 3, KCRB (or K-Crab). Public broadcasting. Used to promote local government, Republic government and military interest. Pro-government bias.
Channel 4, KMV1 (or K-Movie). Entertainment channel with lots of commercials. Shows old movies and tv shows from before the year 2030, the "Golden Age of TV"
Channel 5, KMV2. Sister channel to CH4, shows newer movies and shows made in the last 15 years. Lots of commercials.
Channel 7, KIDD. Public Educational Channel. Infomercials and Educational TV. Think Sesame St. with new characters like Corg, the friendly Invid next door for morning children's shows. In the evening, there are historical documentaries that promote how the Invid brought order and civilization to California by crushing war-lord gangs and allowed the more civilized men to form the CRAF and Senate that now protects and rules California in this age of prosperity. Infomercials typically fall into either recruiting for the CRAF or selling ridiculous products or vacation destinations (Like beautiful Bakersfield, the Jewel of the Southern Central Valley).

Industrial areas are located in South San Francisco, where laborer commute to daily. Airport lies abandoned and off limits. A small detachment of CRAF patrol the area to keep people out.

Presidio - CRAF military base. They have long range 15" artillery that can target up to 2.5 miles off shore on a clear day. They also have 5000 military personnel, 36 transport helicopters, 24 Anti-Tank/Mecha helicopters, 60 Hvy. Tanks, 120 APCs, 500 Humvee, 500 Transport trucks for materials/fuel/personnel, and 600 other small assorted non-combat vehicles.

Golden Gate Bridge - Stands tall and beautiful. On the opposite side of the bridge stands the partially completed (85%) new Invid Hive that stands on stilts and will be 2.25 miles tall when finished. It is already functional and serves primarily as a military and command hub to oversee all human activity entering and inside the city.

This is a combo piece on both the C.S. (Confederate States in my game) and the background for one of our characters

*Italics is concurrent history or knowledge of the character.
Born 2060, his birth name is Davis Grey Hayes, a second great nephew to Admiral Elizabeth (Lisa) Hunter-Hayes of the REF. Admiral Hunter-Hayes would have been 50 years old at the time of this birth and on the other side of the galaxy in the Sentinels Robotech War , fighting the Regent to liberate Tirol and many other enslaved planets. Admiral Hunter-Hayes, Her husband Rick Hunter and the crew of the SDF-3 have been MIA for over two decades now...
In 2061 the Invid Invaded Earth and brought ruin to the world. After the invasion the number one cause of death was starvation and disease. Number two was murder by those desperate people who did not want to starve or needed medical supplies. Nearly 80% of the population died between 2061 and 2062 due to strife. Combat Casualties were limited to Military personal and those at key targets, like power plants and ports.
Because the Hayes family was perceived as wealthy, their home was sacked. Father, Mother and Sister were all killed. Davis, just one year old, was hidden in the laundry basket and slept. His uncle, Jerimiah arrived hours later with soldiers and found Davis. He raised him as his own son, having lost both of his 4 year old daughters and wife who were killed by a mob stampede in a food line. The savagery of desperate bandit gangs brought about a militia organized militancy as men like Jerimiah forged a new natio. The Confederate States (then NC, SC and Georgia) brought back law and order. Furthermore, to make amends and heal their sins, the popular opinion formed that had the aliens not invaded, their kin would still be alive today. "The blame lies not in the hearts of starving desperate men, but upon the wretched Invid invaders that destroyed our homes and crops!" Uncle Hayes would often say to young Davis.
In 2064 the first three Confederate States ratified their unity, and one of their first public policies was the eradication of all things alien. Many Micronized Zentradi who had not fled were lynched publically and without trial. All traces of the Protoculture, the Invid Flower, were eradicated with explosives, flames and bull dozers where ever they were found. By 2067, Invid Patrols decreased notably and society settled into a pseudo peace time. Electricity, cars and airplanes were all gone, but people made do with lamps, horses and steam engines. All that was old, was new again. These types of technology did not seem to attract the attention of the Invid and society began to rebuild again.
Unknown to the general public at the time, the Submersible Carrier fleet ASC-14, had sat out the Invid Invasion under the Solar Winter Protocol. The Armies of the Southern Cross, having sustained terrible casualties during the Masters War, prompted a backup plan for an organized military resistance in the event of an overwhelming alien assault. Essentially, the 14th fleet was tasked with non-engagement and intelligence gathering duties only. Should the ASC fail, it was the long term mission of the 14th Fleet to organize a resistance force and rebuild to fight another day. To support this mission, Project "Grandma's Basement" was created as a black ops slush fund to build secret bases and stock pile weapons, mecha and manufacturing equipment. Admiral Vu was a patient and very conservative man and waited till the year of 2068 before he approached Confederate States with diplomatic assistance. Admiral Vu and President Macek soon reached a mutual agreement for the long term goal of Liberating Earth, starting with North America. Secret military installations and manufacturing sites were established, initially in South Africa and later in Florida swamp country. The CS used blitzkrieg tactics and those communities that wouldn't join were forcefully taken. They expanded into Florida and Alabama to the south. To the north they moved up the coast until they meet resistance in Maryland. At first the New Englander Militia was easy to push back, armed with simple body armor and hunting rifles. Then on the 5th day of fighting, the CS themselves were counter blitzed by the Continental Army, that was using retrofitted Zentradi Battle Pods! The fighting was fierce for 2 days, until the Invid joined the fray, attacking both sides. Both the North and South were forced to retreat and conceal their armies from the much more powerful Invid. Later in the year 2069, Maryland and DC were designated as DMZ's, with both sides unable to agree to whom should control the territory and the distrust that had resulted from the military conflict. This was the beginning of the rise of the South. On the surface it is a society living in the 1890's, horse, buggy and locomotives. But beneath the veneer is powerful modern military waiting for the right time to strike against their sworn enemies and any other nation that does stand at their side.
Uncle Hayes tried to shield Davis from the horrors of his time, living on a plantation in Georgia. Davis grew up riding horseback, shooting guns and studying his passion for music. It was a privileged life and by 14 he knew he had it much easier than most. Desperate to join the military and follow his families heritage of civic service he finally persuaded his uncle to let him enlist one year early at the age of 15. Despite his uncles concerns (having lost so much family and only having Davis left), Davis wanted to serve in the highest and boldest capacity possible to live up to his family name. The deep truth that Hayes learned with each passing year into the military and officer's training was that he was not the smartest, most persistent or even likable guy. But... He was the best looking! When I say best looking, I don't mean sexy or rugged like most good looking men. I mean his face and athletic body have the Angelic features of a stature made by Michael Angelo himself! People, men and women, young and old, just seemed to give him their undivided attention and the benefit of the doubt whenever something was unclear. The effect might last minutes, hours, days or years depending on who he used his naturally Smoldering Green Eyes on, but he found his way of getting ahead. Additionally, he continued to study music passionately and kept getting better and better at it. Because he loved music, he excelled at it, when in other topics he relied on tutors and favors to keep up with the class of overachievers that he aspired to be ranked among. He graduated at 21 years old, Ensign Military Spec. Intelligence.
Young Hayes received supplemental training for his first mission for about a year and was then sent to France to assume the identity of a young Frenchman who wanted to defect to the CS. He never meet the man his was impersonating. He was smuggled by submarine to the coast, moved inland at night for two days avoiding all human contact, and arrived at his handler's safe house. There he was given a EU passport, with his photo and the name: Jackson Anatole Hayward. Plus there was tickets for a frigate destined for New Jersey. Immigration paperwork was supplied, indicating he was a musician by trade looking for work, but that he was also worked as an Equestrian and served in his local militia.
The European Union is a trade agreement between the European Nations to use a standardized currency and to provide all National Documents double printed in English as the universal trade language. It also represents the collaborative economic interests of the European continent vs. the outside world. It sets regulations for trade and tariffs with nations like Quebec, New England, the Confederate States, Brazil, The Argentine Empire, The Nation of Islam and other more distant countries like Vietnam and China.
The Fourth Reich, or Germany, has domineering influence over the trade federation because they still possess a modern mecha military. The German Gov't disavows association with the vigilante Reich, but many believe this to be political diversion. The locations of their bases are well guarded secrets and they seem to have some sort of "Invisibility Stealth Technology" that allows them move small elite squadrons around the country side undetected. Those who have seen the attacks claim they appear from the shadows, hit hard and fast and then return back to their cover, not to be seen again. The Reich patrols throughout Germany, acting as vigilantes against both humans and Invid that threaten the EU. Because of this, it has created a Robin Hood effect, where no one seems to know "anything." The Invid has tried to find the Reich in the past, but in 2070 they lead a particularly savage campaign, executing thousands of innocent villages and taking political figures prisoner. Legend has it that a single messenger presented a note to the Invid Commander who was executing an entire villiage, "If you continue to murder our people, we will be forced to murder yours." The messenger was executed with the villagers. Two hours later the Invid Hive built over the ruins of Frankfurt exploded with the estimated force of 50 megatons. The crater left behind was 2 miles wide, and the fireball melted everything within a 4 mile radius. The shock wave destroyed farms, villages, forests and anything else in its path for up to 37 miles away! Nearly 17000 square miles was obliterated. Innocent casualties were minimal as many were anonymously advised that morning to leave the area or their communities had already been executed. The next day another messenger arrived at the next nearest hive with the same note. The Invid suspended their search and stopped executing villagers. A week later the political prisoners were set free.

Arriving at Ellis Island, still standing and once again used to process immigrants from Europe, he was issued a temporary work visa for 1 year. At this point in time "Jackson" was now 22 and they year was 2082.

And this is my first pass as a currency system that was standardized by Wells Fargo Banks and Transportation.

April 20, 2016. Based on 2015 stats.
8.6 trillion dollars of gold in the world at $40 a gram or $40k a kilogram. $18k for a pound and $1250 troy ounce (14.6 troy oz per pound)
241 trillion dollars in total value in the world
7.4 Billion People
Family income 2015, $54K for household of 2.54 (family 3.14) (1.14 children, minus 2.54, is 1.4 adults per household). Median income is $38K per adult.
34 million people. Or roughly 0.46% of current population
Literally translated, people would earn $175 a year.
As population decreases, gold standard can return. Gold represents 3.5% of current wealth, which is enough gold for 259 million people at 2015 values. There is 7.5 times more per person! Thus everyone has more gold and gold is worth less...
And there is always wealth in the form of land and other materials...
Banks work by retaining 8 to 12% of currency value and reinvesting/loaning the rest (Land and other Materials). So let's assume Gold represents 10% of assets and the remaining assets are other materials.
Also consider that currency's value is perceived by both the local and global economy, so it doesn't always matter what the value is, so long as everyone agrees on it. Usually a dark age resets everything.
It is fair to say that the three alien wars have created multiple resets where material asset value was lost, but labor (or living) asset value increased.
First multiply all values by 00.46. But, if Gold is more available, so it is a commonly (when was the last time you saw gold?) traded commodity as coins, jewelry and other forms. So times by 7.5 to factor availability.
So, currently wages/values are 34.5% or roughly 1/3 of present 2015 standards, but Gold is a common everyday trade material, instead of credits.
Thus gold is worth $13.80 a gram and a typical adult will earn $13.1K a year, being paid in 0.95 kg of gold.
A gold $30 piece (size of a dime) 2.268 g.

Compliments, Ideas or Whatever is welcome.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Here's my file on Oregon.

January 28th 2028, Portland is struck by a ICBM from North Korea. Pacific missile batteries had failed to operate and the Rocky Mountain batteries saved most cities, but Portland was one of the unlucky few. The ICBM, cobbled together from an aging Soviet Warhead and North Korea's finest manufacturing (or China's, depending on who you ask) detonated near the surface of the downtown Portland leaving a massive blast crater. A year later, the river, now rerouted filled this massive crater into a radioactive lake, Lake Portland. The CDC designated everything with 40 miles be designated off limits with warn signs and road blocks put up at all road or waterway entrances to the area.

November 2048: Project "Grandma's Basement"- The UEG designates that X number of Zentradi Fleet ships be decommissioned and re purposed as hidden military bases around the globe. Craters, lakes or other geographically concealable locations are selected where the warships are landed. They were then gutted of their Protoculture power supplies for the REF, replaced with cheaper nuclear power generators and refurbished as military bases and buried from sight. The purpose of this mission was to rapidly establish secret R&D labs, political safehouses and stock pile materials for Black Ops.

Operation "Lady in the Lake"- A Zentradi drop ship was retrofitted to be a science/medical research facility, equipped to explore cybernetics and artificial intelligence as is primary mission. The Operation was classified as a long term Black Ops, kept off the books. The ship was landed in Lake Portland and then the lake was filled in with earth, leaving behind a swampy forest that now covers the facility. The facility is 1.75 miles long, 0.25 miles wide and 0.33 miles deep. It contains 7 main levels, with each level having a ceiling height of 200' (except level 5 which has 3 sub-levels with 100' ceilings). This facility can house up to 40000 Personel as a self contained unit. Subterranean tunnels (man made) use an electric Monorail subway to Salem OR. The tunnel network is extensive serving a safeway to enter the facility without travel into the radioactive forests, allowing fresh water and air to be pumped in, and waste to be pumped out.

Salem became the surface community of choice for the facility. While the facility has a small security force, Infantry only, the primary character of the personnel are administrators, laborers, technicians, scientists (of all sorts) and engineers (or all sorts). By 2055 early production began of Drone Humanoids that could patrol the radioactive forest above. Early AI was limited in scope and acted as more of a remote notification system to security personnel, which was acceptable during peace time. Salem and the surrounding farming communities were isolated from the outside world, allowing research to take place uninterrupted. It was like a scenic Area 51 or Manhattan Project. As Security Drones became more sophisticated and diversified, able to operate for longer periods and differentiate from friend and foes, in combination with excellent perimeter security sensors, Salem and the Lady in the Lake became forgotten by all, except those who funded them.

Two wars came and went. And after the earth was ravaged by both the Tirolian Masters and the Invid, the researchers continued to pursue their original mission, while the Administrators established a fair but very Socialist government (everyone must earn citizenship, it is not a birthright, through community participation) to keep the farm lands, Salem and the facility both operational and secret from the outside world. The year is 2086 and while the Invid have investigated their community, because of the lack of protoculture and any obvious military/mecha, the community has gone ignored (presumably?). The facility has mastered medical science to an art. Developed cybernetics, androids and drones of all types. Human cyborgs are a reality, often sent out to lead the drones as a commander. Mecha does exist, but are kept in the facility as heavy labor units that can be retrofitted for combat if needed. Salem is a fully futuristic city with electric cars, cell phones, computers, wifi and facial recognition software is used to verify citizen identify and identify strangers.

To the north, beyond the wilderness, barbaric clans of humans have settlements from Vancouver Canada to Anchorage Alaska. The barbarians, called Palinites after the Palin Dynasty that rules loosely rules them, have repaired the natural gas pipelines and operate at a 1930's level of technology with CNG powered vehicles and automatic firearms. The harsh environment and "might makes right" culture make these people unpredictable to the highly civilized Portlanders.

In the year 2074 (after the Invid Exodus) Portland began sending spies into the world to see what was out there. Many agents never returned. To the south is the Republic of California, a Senate based government that reports to the Invid for leadership. While on the surface most Californians are happy with this arrangement, Portland spies have learned that it is a culture of self imposed brain washing. Portland is suffering from economic isolation and a low birth rate, often plagued by the nearby radioactivity of the old Portland area. Ironically, for a medically advance society. Simply put, Portland needs immigrants into their society if they are to survive and Californians are civilized enough to fit in. The Portland Underground was established in 2078 to find humans who want to flee California and live a life without brain washing. Portland aids the resistance fighters in California, arming militias, providing drone/cyborg support, and smuggling families out to the North.

Negative population growth. High rates of Infertility, miscarriages and cancer due to radioactive fallout and their own pollution from science experiments. Furthermore, the culture favors career ambitions and entertainment over childbearing. To sustain their society, they need immigrants who can bring their families and breed new healthy stock into the population. The first generation will be used as laborers and their children will be raised to be the next generation of scientist.
Based on the 1989 movie Millennium.
"Time travelers are, in fact, visiting the present day and stealing passengers from doomed aircraft. In the future, because of pollution, the human population is no longer able to reproduce, so teams are sent in to the past to abduct groups of people who are about to die and keep them in stasis until they will be sent into the far future to repopulate the Earth. Every incursion into the past causes an accompanying "timequake" whose magnitude is proportional to the effects of the incursion into the past. Each "timequake" causes physical damage in the time from which the incursion has been made. This is why they are abducting people who will not be able to affect the future any further and replacing them with copies of those who would have died. Thus, the co-pilot's strange comment came because all the passengers had been replaced with pre-burned duplicates in preparation for the upcoming crash."
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Seriously interesting stuff you got going on. Love the fact that your game is based on the west coast. Not many games I have played in run in that region. And since I am from that side of the US it is always of interest when an adventure or even better a whole campaign takes place there.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:Seriously interesting stuff you got going on. Love the fact that your game is based on the west coast. Not many games I have played in run in that region. And since I am from that side of the US it is always of interest when an adventure or even better a whole campaign takes place there.

Funny you should mention that. I began writing the campaign for a showdown between Quebec, New England and the CS. I figured the players would want to be REF survivors of Reflex Point on a diplomatic mission in New England. Well after giving an overview of my North American campaign and giving them the option to play what they wanted, one of the players says, "Well everyone knows that the best sci-fi always starts in the Northwest!" So it was a blessing because I had already detailed the East coast and Mid-West, but I was now forced to detail the West Coast. Now the west coast is the most detailed area and I am shifting my focus to the Rocky Mountains and Texas where they will be going next...

Since I have an audience now, I'll add some more files.

My biggest innovation that allowed me to write all this insane stuff was my idea that this is an agricultural war. The Invid need the planet to grow the protoculture and with the loss of modern agriculture & trade the human population is severely limited. Here is a sample of my Agriculture and Urban Population calculator. I apologize for the formatting. It came from an Excel file. This is how I calculate how much land the Invid need to control to farm the protoculture and how much land the humans have left over, which can then be used to calculate the human population based on their agricultural technology level. You will also notice that the Invid are not very efficient farmers... Which means surplus human population is diverted from urban centers to work the Protoculture farms. In the Invid Zones that operate at Steam Age or lower, there are no large cities. Just towns.



Obviously these statistics are based an average of possible ranges and assumptions that I have not listed, but as a general guide it clearly shows how technology affects agriculture, which in turn affect urban populations sizes.

I also needed to figure out who my major world players were. There are more to be developed, but currently these guys are pulling the strings in the Players current and future timeline.

Major Players in the world view:
DM's note on Invid leaders: The clones are very human like. While the Invid species is a communal hive, the clones are experiencing human emotions, desires and motivations that are unnatural for this race and the communal culture of the Invid is not prepared for this. As a result, while most humans assume that ALL Invid are working as one unified team, the reality is that beneath the surface , Invid society is beginning to fracture under the rulership of the Human Clones. It is a ticking time bomb before the Invid begin to fight amongst themselves...

Praetor Scorpious: Supreme Commander of North America and South America. Aloof and Arrogant. He leads by delegating responsibilities to the three pro-praetors under his command and playing them off of each other. When he doesn't get what he wants, he uses threats of demotion or implies they are behaving like humans and not Invid. He is not well liked, but is feared. The Pro-Praetor (PP) of the Midwest has been replaced three times in the last 10 years, which is why the Midwest has so little freedom for humans. PP Lorne is his favorite and he gives him wide room for freedom because he has literally captured tens of thousands of REF soldiers and quietly eliminated them. Quebec has become a mouse trap for freedom fighters. PP Eva is a noble-thorn in his side. But she is a gifted leader and is not seen as a political threat. Miscreant/Narcissist.

Pro-Praetor James Lorne: Commander of Canadian Territories, and the Clone of the former Prime Minister of Quebec, his primary residence. Power: Memory Restoration and Mind Hack. Diabolic/Vengeful. Hates the Invid species and wants to eradicate all Invid, except those clones who offer supreme loyalty to him. He is not particular nice to humans either, but remembers his human life and tradegies, so he identifies himself and other clones as humans. He has his own private genesis pit hidden in the base of the tower of light at the center of the city. All resistance fighters and REF who are capture here "disappear." They are reborn as clones and then he restores their memories and manipulates them to join him in his grand scheme to build the ultimate army of clones and wait for the right moment to crush the Invid. Those who are not persuaded are eliminated. The plot here rivals the secret location of the Masters. The secret army of clones are being trained to pilot advanced next generation mecha that the REF clones are designing and building. The Glitterboy Power Armor and the YF-22 Stealth represent major commitments to military superiority.

Pro-Praetor Eva: Commander of California and the west coast. Open minded, but Assertive once a decision has been made. Honors the Regess' belief that humans are a species to be valued. Otherwise, why would the Regess have cloned humans as the next evolutionary step? Believes that humans can live in peace with the Invid, but has learned that some humans are not to be trusted and that humans in general are dangerous if they have access to too much technology. She is like the over protective mother who wants her human and Invid children to play nice with each other. Principled/Karmic Honorable.

Pro-Praetor Shi-Shi : She is Commander of India and South East Asia, including the island nations. Secretive and insecure. Waging a secret battle with the Masters. The Masters are using guerilla and biological warfare. She believes that if she can find and defeat the Masters single handedly she will court favor to be promoted to a Full Praetor. She has quarantined India to keep the other Invid Praetors out, stressing the danger of the biological blight to the rest of the world. Miscreant/Narcissist.

The Masters: Their mothership is crash landed and overgrown in the jungles of Myanmar. They are Diabolic/Narcissistic (All three who are in command). They have teamed up with Rogue REF members who defected to the Masters with the Stealth Technology developed on Tirol. Many of the Rogue Members are Tirolians who joined the REF to fight the Invid or humans who believe that alliance with the Masters is the only way liberate Earth. However, the Masters will sterilize Earth if necessary to defeat the Invid. They just need enough seeds to get away and start over. Their plan is to weaken the Invid with biological warfare and terrorize them with guerrilla engagements with stealth technology in an all new generation of bioroids. Once a target hive is identified, they can set up multiple diversions and take down a hive and raid the seeds, and kidnap some grubs and xiticix to start over later. They have been going over into India to conduct raids, so as to keep their location secret. Also they have been experiment on the local human population to establish mind controlled super soldiers to keep other humans from discovering their location in the jungle.

Retired Senator Ian McSheev, or Master Sheev: He has dedicated his life to serving his gov't and later protecting the human species from alien threats. Even conquered by the Invid, he still used his political skill to get the humans to put their arms down and negotiate a peaceful treaty with the Invid, establishing the California Republic Senate. The Senate has no control over the Invid, but provided a peaceful way for humans to share their concerns with the Invid and negotiate for freedoms. Sheev believes that the Invid are here to stay and that cohabitation is the only solution if humans are to survive. Sheev is charismatic and clever. Even in retirement at 76 years old he is the mastermind of an international spy network that is constantly gathering information in China, Southeast Asia and North America, while maintaining the appearance of a tired old senator that owns an art gallery and attends Masonic Lodge meetings weekly. Scruplous/Idealist.

General Jorge Washington: At 46 years old, he is the youngest general ever elected to the Continental Army of New England. He deeply fears an attack from both Quebec and/or the Confederate States as imminent in the next 10 years. His claim to fame is that he was the Hero of Harrisburg, when he lead a platoon of battle pods to victory over an entire company of Confederate Death Walkers, saving the Pennsylvania 35th Militia from certain doom. Jorge's pod was destroyed in the fight, with his crew killed, but he stayed on the radio and acted as a spotter for the rest of the platoon despite being injured and in an exposed position. He is an Unprincipled/Opportunistic individual who does not care for politics, but fights fiercely and pragmatically to insure his militia army is prepared for its known enemies. He never wanted to be a hero, he just wanted everyone to come home alive. He is a humble man, a fighting general that the common soldier can relate too.

Emperor Carl Maesik: Forged from the turmoil of the Invid Invasion, Captain Maesik forged the Confederate states, starting with Georgia, then South Carolina and finally North Carolina into a militant, but civil society again. The roaming bandit gangs were summarily executed without trial and all evils & sins were squarely blamed on the alien invaders. Deep southern Christianity took root for the common man making sense of the world and the aliens were demonized and viewed as the causation of men turning to banditry and murder. The swift and brutal reprisals that Captain Maesik implemented under his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse established a police city state structure that continues to this day. The people are generally hospitable and friendly, but the punishments for looting and violence are severe to say the least. Captain Maesik was a hero of the Apocalypse and rose to President of the new Confederate States by the year 2067. A student of history, Maesik followed Hitlers play book. He blamed his rivals for being sympathetic to the alien invaders. The Four Horsemen, his elite militia, then conducted raids on the rivals and conveniently found evidence of collaboration with enemy spies or banned alien technology. While the rivals were detained for trial he stressed that with such enemies in the CS gov't he needed more unilateral power to search and seize and congress (now diluted with his supporters only) passes legislation that gave him Martial Power that could be invoke at any time. Each time he invoked it, there was always evidence that lead to further investigations and further invocations. Congress gradually had less and less to do, as President Maesik was implementing policy rapidly with each invocation of his Martial Power and the Judicial Panels were weaned down to his hand-picked supporters. As a final act of Congress, they voted to self-disband and grant the President supreme power of legislature. 80% of those congressmen promptly found new employment in Emperor Maesik's administration and big salary increases. The public, still fresh from the memory of 95% depopulation nearly a decade before, strongly approved of the Emperor's new status as his leadership had been so instrumental in restoring civility and public life. It has not occurred to most folks that the Emperor intends to conquer all of humanity under one Empire and then attempt a do-or-die final battle with the Invid. The Emperor is Diabolic/Narcissistic.

And then while reading some Greek Mythology and also thinking about how does Astral Walking work, I hit upon this idea and ran with it....

Astral Walkers of Tirol
This very rare, but powerful ability is what made the Tirolians known as the Masters. At any given time there are 3 Spinners (the Fates or Crones are the Eldest of all Walkers, est. 800 to 1000 years old!). They create the threads to destinations, measure the distance the traveler has gone and can cut the thread to prevent the traveler from being followed). Currently, there are 9 sets (of triplets) of female travelers (Known to humans as Nymphs, Faeries, Muses, Witches or Succubi) and 3 sets of male travelers (Known to humans as Demi-gods, Satyrs, Demons, Devils, Wizards and Sages). 7 female and 2 male sets are on Tirol. The two Spinners who remained on Tirol severed their own threads in the Astral Plane, rather than being captured by the Invid. On Earth, with the Masters there are 1 Spinner (born 1230, mother of Marco Polo in her first human life. She is 856 years old) and 2 female and 1 male set. They cannot send out a thread or the Invid will may find them. The Regis can see the threads and may have minions who can do the same.

Travel 100x speed of light. Tirol is 219 Light years away, by the Star Beta Bootis, in the constellation Bootis the Herder and Plowsman. So it takes 2.19 years (2 years and 70 days) to travel between earth. Tirolian travelers enter a hypersleep that slows aging to 1/100th as well, so while they are absent they their body does not age. That means the traveler can go to earth (2 years), Possess a human (or several in succession), live there for 30 years and then return only to find their Tirolian body has only aged 1/2 a year in hypersleep.

Since Astral Travelers spend up to 90% of their life traveling, many live up to 750 years old with their bodies protected in the Tirolian Temples. The actual act of Astral travel is perceived as 1 hour per light year crossed. In theory, a traveler left in hyper sleep more than 90% of the time could live to be over a thousand years old, but ancient stories tell of travelers who go insane if they don't spend time living in their real bodies. For every 10 years traveled they need 1 year in their physical body to recover. The longest a travel can go is two to four decades (Total skill points x5 years) in years without ill effect. After that the effects are like sleep depr
By comparison, Tirolians and Zentradi, all of whom can hypersleep (even though they can not Astral Walk), traveling by Hyperspace in a ship, need 5 times as much time to travel. For example, when the SDF-1 arrived on earth and a astral traveler returned to report its location, it took the traveler (also a soviet spy) 6 months to confirm the ship was Tirolian, 2.2 years to travel back to Tirol, the Masters then needed to summon the Zentradi Fleets in their system, which took 1 year, and then it took 6 years (x5 rate) to arrive at the human system. This was 10 years total. Hyperspace travel is relatively new, within the last century. Prior to that they had sub-light speed travel that limited them to their own galaxy for the last 1000 years. The discovery of protoculture and the wisdom of the Regis allowed Zor to break the time-space barrier physically.

Tirolians have traveled to earth and possessed humans since the Babylonian civilization, over the last 10000 years. Human history records them as gods, mysterious beings and even monsters. Even before the Tirolians knew how traveling lightspeed and then later hyperspace by ship, they were already exploring the universe by astral travel, contacting and influencing other planets. Tirolian influence was strongest from Ancient Babylon to 200 AD. The arrival of Christianity began a purge where such travelers were hunted as demons, devils, warlocks and witches. They have continued to spy on earth, living among us as sleeper agents.

Possession: Possession is a battle of will power (Persistence and Intelligence) between the target and the traveler. Travelers must possess the same gender. The traveler can walk the human world in an ethereal state, but time distorted even when not traveling. 1 Second in the ethereal plane is 1 week in earth time. This makes the world blurry to the travel as living things are in constant motion. Most creatures are invisible in this plane. Choosing a target requires that they be confined to space 1000 sq feet or less 95% of the time for 2 weeks or more. This means the injured, the elderly, the bed-ridden, pregnant women confined to bed rest, the imprisoned, etc... Typically Hospitals and Prisons are the best places to look. Roll 1d20 for how many seconds it takes to find a new host (yes, up to 20 weeks on earth if they have to search for a host), as the traveler can sense for nearby life that is stationary. The actual attack takes 1 seconds, so once a host is found the traveler can make one attempt each week the target is immobile. The origins of Temple maidens, like the Vestal Virgins ((in ancient Rome) a virgin consecrated to Vesta and vowed to chastity, sharing the charge of maintaining the sacred fire burning on the goddess's altar.), were humans that were vessels waiting for the astral travelers' arrival at a safe location.

A final note on possession. The Astral Walker does not know anything about the person they possess. That person's soul goes quiet like a sleep and when they regain control they have amnesia of what has happened.
Death is only possible if the killed in Pyschic battle or the Astral Walker body is destroyed. If the host body is killed, a new body may be possessed.

Motivation: The Astral Walkers hold a high place in Tirolian society, like shamans of an ancient religion, possessing knowledge and wisdom of other worldly travels. In the modern era they present themselves as impartial Anthropologist who study and live among other beings for the sake of knowledge, however it is hardly a secret that they are expected to also act as the eyes and ears of the Masters if they wish to continue as Astral Walkers.
Going beyond public image and gov't duties, most walkers have much more personal motivations for living this Vicarious Lifestyle. Greek Mythology embodies the past lives of Astral Walkers.

Motives/Themes for Astral Walkers
• Escapism/Avoidance: Dionysus (Wine and Ecstacy, but no time to build a temple)
• Guilt/Redemption: Hercules and the 12 Labors (Murdered his family when cursed by Hera)
• Seeking Identity: Perseus (banished at birth, seeks to claim the throne and his idenity as a demigod)
• Inquisitiveness/Exploration: Pandora (curiosity can have unintended consequences)
• Love: Aphrodite and her son Eros.
• Free Will/Self-Empowerment: Artemis or Athena (female taking on traditionally a male role of hunting or warfare)
• Delusions of Grandeur: Zeus and Hera (Supreme gods of Olympus, but really just a couple of vengeful Astral Walkers who tell everyone what to do...)

Mini-Time Line for Astral Walkers and the Robotech Wars
• 2029 SDF-1 arrives at Earth
• 2032 Astral Traveler reports location of SDF-1 to Master
• 2034 Zentradi Fleet assembled and sent to Earth
• 2039 Zentradi arrive at Earth
• 2041 Zentradi defeated
• 2043 Astral Traveler reports defeat of Zentradi. Masters locked in war against Invid.
• 2052 Astral Traveler leaves to report the REF is coming.
• 2053 SDF-3 Leaves for Tirol
• 2054 Astral Traveler arrives with news of REF invasion. Masters are losing and leave.
• 2056 Invid conquer Tirol. All Astral Threads are severed to prevent Invid from finding Masters.
• Regis learns of Earth from Tirolians. Takes half her army and navigates by the stars to earth
• Regent to rule Tirol.
• 2058 REF fleet arrives at Tirol to be faced with Invid Occupation. Sentinels war begins.
• 2059 Masters arrive
• 2060 Masters defeated
• 2061 Invid arrive. TASC dispatches a hyperspace ship to Tirol to find the REF.
• 2068 REF arrives at Mars and defeated at earth
• 2072 REF arrives at Moon and defeated in space
• 2074 REF returns and wins at Reflex point.

I plan to post my DM guidelines for each adventure my players go on, after they complete the mission. Then I can also review how the players reacted and if they enjoyed it. Also, Like my story, I tend to rewrite rules a lot, so if something sounds different from the manual, I probably changed it to suit my style.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Here is another important file. Once again I had formatting issues and lost all my images, but most of this is understandable is you are familiar with both Robotech and Rifts.

Robotech Expeditionary Force
Science file IN3.01 Debriefing
Dr. Emil Lang, January 2075

Evolution Briefly Reviewed

Earth biology is explained by evolution, defined by the principles of “survival of the fittest.” Simply explained, when change occurs within an ecosystem, the organisms that have traits that allow them to survive will continue to propagate. Those who do not will perish. Random mutations give rise to new traits that may offer advantages, which over long periods of time and periodic extinctions give rise to new and diverse ecosystems. Thus, the Homo Sapien species is the result of 4.1Billion Years of Evolution.

Misconception of Invid Evolution

Early Attempts to explain Invid Evolution, from the fragmented logs of Zor and our assumptions of the natural world presumed that the weaker Invid died off, leaving the stronger vengeful intergalactic army.

Alien Bio Engineering

Based on debriefings collected on Tirol and Earth, The Regis is regarded as the Supreme Invid Leader and responsible for colonization of other planets and alien genetic experiments. Current evidence indicates she has been and is continuing to develop perfect biospheres for her species, modified for the needs of each planet occupied. The goal of this debriefing to clarify misconceptions and explain the symbiotic lifecycle of the Alien species from Optera that have occupied Earth.

Lifeforms from Optera

Based on DNA testing, there are three known lifeforms to have escaped the Mass Extinction of Optera. Furthermore, all three are symbiotic to each other. Without one, the others cannot survive.
The Invid, A singular polymorphic species
Protoculture, The Invid Flower of Life
Bacterium, multiple species


All Invid species from Optera that have been found on Earth, Tirol and other planets all share similar genetic codes, in the same way that your unique DNA indicates that you are related to your family. However, while you may resemble your family, the Invid are Polymorhpic gene splicers with other alien species, allowing them to fill diverse ecosystem roles with minimal genetic diversity.
The Figure to the right shows the 6-8” tall Xiticix Invid Pollinator next to the Regent. Both have genetic codes that are as similar as a father and son, despite a vastly different morphology and function in their ecosystem.

Protoculture, The Flower of Life

Stage 1: Seed sprouts

Protoculture, much like earth vegetation needs sunlight, water and soil nutrients. Protoculture is a profoundly resilient and can grow in a wide variety of climates, so long as some amount of these resources are available. Generally, low light, low moisture or poor soil nutrition will slow down the plant’s growth until it enters a static stasis or hibernation. It is estimated that the plant can remain in this way for up to 200 years.

Stage 2: Vine Stalks and Flowers

The sproutlings eventually grow into tightly intertwined stalks with flowering vines. The stalk trees reach 20 to 30 feet tall. Flowers bloom year round in temperatures above freezing. In freezing conditions the flowers close and the plant goes into a hibernative state as it freezes. The plants also do not grow well in highly radioactive soil. Protoculture must also compete with Earth plants for resources and are not always the dominate system species.

Stage 3a: Pollen

When approached by living creatures, the flowers will expel a yellow pollen that becomes airborne. First time exposure for humans, and other animals, may result in unconsciousness, headaches and/or hallucinations. Frequent exposure (eg; farmers) minimizes the side effects, but decontamination may result in withdrawal and experiencing extreme side effects again. The pollen is sometimes sold as a drug; deadly in concentrated liquid form.

Stage 3b: Pollination

We have the birds and the bees, but the Invid have the Xiticix Pollinators. They look like large insects with humanoid qualities. They stand six to eight inches tall, weighing 0.25 lbs to 0.75 lb each. Some fly, some crawl, and some burrow and dig. They have hard exoskeletons, claws, pincer mandibles and even weapons. The Xiticix travel from Protoculture flower to flower pollinating the plants. Their unique body chemistry and mandible bacteria are needed to activate the pollen. The excess pollen is then taken back to the hive as a food. They defend themselves and the Protoculture, but will ignore humans if undisturbed generally. They can be dangerous to unarmored personnel. Injures/Exposure to the Xiticix may also result in pollen side effects.

Stage 4: Fruit Bearing

Once a flower has been pollinated the petals will begin to wilt and all other flower will fall off of the vine stalks. As the fruit grows, the stalk thins and becomes hard and woody to support the weight as it grows from the size of a walnut to 9’ to 15’ wide sphere over a 1 to 2 year period. Once in this stage the plant will not freeze, feels warm and becomes super hard and elastic like polymer armor.

Stage 5: Primary Consumer

Invid Grubs are believed to be the Proto-Invid before Zor betrayed their species. They are a gentle, passive slug-like creature that feeds on the Protoculture Fruit and returns to the Hive to excrete a nutrient serum that can feed the rest of the hive’s inhabitants. They hatch the size of a large dog (60-90lbs) and grow as large as an African Elephant (6-7 tons). They are excellent climbers and burrow into the fruit with a special saliva that can dissolve the outer shell. They consume all the fruit including the three seeds inside, which are swallowed whole.

Stage 6: The Seed

The seed must pass through the digestive system of the Grub before it becomes activated. Otherwise it’s properties remain inert (to the frustration of the Robotech Masters). At this stage, the seed must either be placed into a Matrix to stop its growth and harness its thermal energy or it must be planted to start the process all over again as the plant only flowers once and dies after the fruit is eaten.

Protoculture stores energy x10 more efficiently than earth plants, with most it going to the seeds. The remaining plant fuels the rest of the biosphere needs. The Clone is a new predator.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

So I use the Palladium game system as a suggestion, not a rule book. I write my own rules, keeping what I like and modifying everything else. This post is not to list the technical details of how my combat system works, (Although I can if anyone wants it), but rather to get back to the basics of story telling. A battle should not be a stand up fight, it should be story based on skill, tactics and a bit of dumb luck. This was an email I sent out last night to my players to get them psyched up for the next game.

After watching Deadpool, and simultaneously working on game rules, I decided to run a combat simulation.

Hypothetically, Wade (The Invid Clone, not Deadpool) decides he needs to talk to Mr. Mcfeeney at his reputable pub and bar.

The 2 rather large doormen insist he is not available, despite the fact that Wade can see him and wave at him. When Doorman 1 insinuates he will use force to remove Wade from the establishment, Wade says, "Like this?"

Wade punches the guy, 7 damage with his bare hand! The guy takes it, but did feebly try to dodge. His partner draws a 9mm. Wade responds with a Natural 20 to wrist lock the guy with the gun, rendering his weapon hand useless. The Natural 20 stands for all future dice rolls regarding this wrist lock. Guy struggles to escape but can't! Doorman 1 takes a swing, but it is easily defected. Minor scuff. Wade then secures the wrist lock to make sure #2 can't escape and proceeds to use his other hand to slug it out with #1. #1 earn's Wades respect as Wade punches him 5 times and finally breaks the guy's knee with a swift kick. #1 drops like a sack of potatoes unconscious (or dying?). Wade then proceeds to fracture and then break #2's elbow, leaving him on the ground in agony. He takes #2's 9mm and gets out his own 9mm as he walks in.

Meanwhile patrons flee the establishment and get in the way of both Wade and Mcfeeney's men to get a good look at each other.

As Wade arrives at the bar, 4 men in suits open fire at him. He counts 3 9mm pistols and 1 submachine gun, also 9mm. Wade does a flipping acrobatic leap over the bar as bullets rain down on him. The 4 gun men get 3 attacks each in, and Wade is hit 4 times (3 natural 20's!). But Wade has two advantages. One, he is wearing his Invid Spandex Body Armor and two, the oak and brass bar offers great protective coverage. Wade pops out with a pistol in each hand and returns fire, clipping gunman 1 in the ribs, gasping in pain. He also shoots gunman 3 three times, two minor flesh wounds and one clipping the guys head. He staggers around disoriented. Meanwhile gunman 4 pushes Mr. McFeeney back into his booth for cover. Gunman 4 has poor coverage for himself, but he's doing his job protecting his boss.

Wade takes control with rapid fire on gunman 1 and 2. They both dive behind a large table. Gunman 1 makes it, but gunman 2 is shot in the butt and falls to the ground screaming in pain and dropping his weapon to hold his injury. He crawls to cover crying about how he can't move his leg. Gunman 4 returns fire with the sub-machine gun and tears Wades suit up pretty good, but not enough to hurt Wade. Wade kindly responds by shooting him in the face. He drops unconscious. Wade then decides to finish Gunman 3, but in some act of divine intervention all three of his shots miss the staggering fool. When he comes too he runs for cover.

Gunman 1 discards his weapon and surrenders. Gunman 3 hides in a doorway and prepares to return fire. Wade fires at Mr. McFeeney and misses intentionally to make a point. Mr. McFeeney understands and tells his men to stand down...

My new rules work pretty good. I will need to make some printouts to make quicker references, but I like the balance between simplicity (One defense roll for the whole round, rather than rolling for each attack) and yet having tactics remain relevant (Like taking cover). Not every villain had to fight to the death. Often the injuries were bad enough to give them second thoughts. Only Doorman 1 went into negative hit points (coma and potential death without a hospital), but that guy was tough! He sustained no critical injuries, so he was literally beaten to death. Gunman 4 lived, with a broken jaw and some missing teeth.

Wade would not have lived without his body armor, but it was rather impressive what 1 lightly armored and highly skilled fighter can do against 6 armed combatants (who did not have armor). Wades armor had 72 of his 100 SDC points depleted--that damn sub-machine gun is dangerous!

Without the armor, those first 3 natural 20's would have killed him just with damage alone. So wear your SPANDEX!!!

The DM.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

bobharly wrote:. Well after giving an overview of my North American campaign and giving them the option to play what they wanted, one of the players says, "Well everyone knows that the best sci-fi always starts in the Northwest!"

:lol: I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that part. It is true though. ROFLMAO.

Most excellent work. I applaud you on how thoroughly detailed and well thought out all of this is. I am enjoying reading it and wish I was a player in your game.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:
bobharly wrote:. Most excellent work. I applaud you on how thoroughly detailed and well thought out all of this is. I am enjoying reading it and wish I was a player in your game.

Thanks! Being a DM is job where 90% of your work goes unseen by the players to make the world come alive. The stuff I am attaching is the tip of Iceberg. It is what I have written down. There is so much still in my head or scribbled on old paper notes from 2 years ago when I first began to pen my basic ideas.

Here's another good one my players love. I asked one player if he was offended that I made Sarah Palin a post apocalyptic cyborg who agelessly rules Alaska. He responded that regardless of politics, "...that's damn funny!"

The Palinite Nation

Barbarian Hordes that live like Vikings from Vancouver BC to Alaska along the coast. They are ruled by a Cyborg Sara Palin and her ancestral dynasty.

Sara Palin the Cyborg was created by the Lady in the Lake Scientist in 2064. It was thought that a cyborg with a popular following could tame the barbarians. It did not occur to the scientist that she was a Narcissistic Sociopath at 100 years old. Her Android body looks like her 40 year old self. She did take over the barbarians and then organized them to attack in an effort to take over Oregon. The Horde was repelled, but it nearly broke through. Chemical warfare was used as a last ditch effort, but would have long lasting consequences as the water table was contaminated and would cause a generation of infertility to follow.

In 2067 Sara 2.0, and fully mechanical Android was created to infiltrate and assassinate the Cyborg Palin. The effort was botched and Sara 2.0 was captured and reprogrammed as second in command of the Palinites (a body double, unknown to the general horde).
In 2069 the Horde attacked again. They did not push beyond the DMZ of Portland, but seemed intent on salvaging and capturing Patrol Droids and Cyborg commanders. This left command puzzled and worried.

2074 the Horde attacks from the Southwest, breaking through the lightly defended coastal mountain areas, south to Salem. Farms are ravaged, small communities terrorized and Salem became a last stand battle of Droids/Cyborgs vs. Machine gun wielding Barbarians, lead by Sara 2.0. Infact 7 droids and 1 cyborg that had been rebuilt with "Sara Faces", dubbed 2.1 and 2.2, were destroyed and identified. Salem withstood the battle, but the realization that their own droids were being rebuilt into Sara replica's was disturbing. Sara 2.0 escaped, but allegedly damaged badly. The fleeing hoarde took back as many droids and cyborgs that they could salvage or capture, again. Farming infrastructure was destroyed in the retreat. Civilians were taken hostage and taken back to their boats, never to be seen again. Among the missing is Dr. Avril Jones, a Master Cybernetics Doctor who was at his summer home down south when the attack began. His private workshop and computers were all taken as well.

The Palinites evolve into a 1940's tech society that controls the fishing market from Oregon to Alaska. The sell to San Francisco and as Far away as Eastern Asia. Might Makes Right is the Number one law, second to declaring a champion. It is a cold and brutal society, kind of like Mad Max in the snow. Sara Palin has her own Radio and TV broadcasts where she has Fireside Chats for her Palinites. Oregon has invested heavily in border security, but other than small recon skirmishes, no major assaults have occured in the last 12 years. Oregon wonders why Sara hasn't attacked?

(The Future) 2087. Sara 3.0 is made. Actually, 300 have been made. Half Machine, Half Synthetic tissue--A new generation of Android. Fully Artificially Intelligent. Her mission role will be to infiltrate and seize control of the Horde at major strongholds. Furthermore, this model has thermal nuke self destruct in the event of capture or damage beyond repair. Beta testing indicates this model to be both loyal and clever...

Can I upload Pictures or do I need to link to a URL? I am new to this website?
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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I am not sure what their policy regarding uploading of pics are probably best to post a URL as long as it isn't someone else's copywritten material.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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That is fracking awesomely funny as well.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by taalismn » reading this with interest.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

I call this one, "Why you can't dodge bullets!"

Baseball player can throw a ball 100 mph or 145 fps. And it can be caught by an experienced catcher or hit by an experienced player.
Punches range from 20 fps (1 year training), 46 fps (5 years to black belt) and 76 fps (20 years after black belt)
Arrows fly at 300 fps at point blank.

Martial Arts masters can catch arrows as a demonstrational trick, but much like a catcher they have to know where the arrow is going to be traveling.

So let's say HtH is based on 45 fps, for a 5th level martial artist. His combat adjustment would be Offense 8, Defense 8 (includes skill, style and ability score adj. from my own system).
An arrow is 6 to 7 times faster. Uncatchable in combat. -10 to -12 to catch?
Ideally the skilled Martial Artist knows where the arrow is traveling (+8 to catch) and attempts the feat with a -2 or -4 penalty, which his skill can compensate for, still resulting in a positive modifier of +4 or +6.

Formula: ( ( x fps - 45 fps)/45 fps)*-2
70lb composite bow, 300 fps: -11
Cheap .22 LR bullet, 900 fps: -38
.357 mag, 1400 fps: -60
.223 M-16, 3000 fps: -130
Laser Rifle, 980 million fps: -43 million

And here is another fun file. Chain of Command for most Invid.

[color=#BF00FF]Player File: Invid Command and Technology Notes
Command Structure
1. Regess, the Queen of the Invid
2. Regent, the King of the Invid (Never seen on Earth)
3. Pro-Regess or Pro-Regent. Acting Commanders in the Regess' Absence. There are only 3 at any given time for all of earth. 2 of the 3 must agree on any major decision. Location: 1 in Asia, 1 in North America and 1 Europe. Stage 5 Invid with Master or Major PSI powers (These the 3 most powerful and charismatic leaders. The first three are selected by the Regess. There is no selection process in place should one of them leave office...)
4. Praetor. Generals of each Pro-Regess/Regent. There are only 3 of this rank for each Pro-Regess or Pro-Regent, or 9 total, Stage 5 with Major or Master PSI powers.
5. Pro-Praetor. Lt. Generals running each Dome or Stilt Hive. There are only 3 of this rank for each hive, stage 5 with minor, major or master PSI powers.
6. 1st Order, Prince and Princess. Colonel, there are 6 max. per hive. Stage 5 with major PSI
7. 2nd Order. Major, there are a maximum of 12 per hive. Stage 5 with minor PSI.
8. 3rd Order. Captain, there are a max. 24 per hive. Stage 5 with minor PSI.
9. 4th Order. Lieutenant, there is no maximum. Stage 5 with minor (20%) or no (80%) PSI.
10. Red Enforcer. Sergeants. Stage 4, Elite. Execute orders and follow protocol only. Limited creativity. Possesses independent strategy ability, and experience with humans.
11. Green Enforcer. Corporals. Stage 4, Execute orders and follow protocol only. Possesses Limited creativity and independent strategy ability.
12. Blue Enforcer, Privates. Stage 3. Execute orders and follow protocol only. Limited strategic ability and no creativity.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Very interesting information.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

I just realized that I've been posting all this technical and background information and I haven't even revealed the starter theme for the PC's.
I stressed few key points for character development. 1) The game is cooperative, so don't make antagonistic or evil characters. They should be good or lean towards good and work together. 2) Don't tell me what kind of weapons or powers you want. Tell me where you are from and what your interest are. 3) All player OCC's are custom made based on the player's description.

One player wanted a west coast setting, a scientist with quirky hobbies. The other player wanted an Invid Clone who wanted to be an artist. So working with each player we developed a Cyber Doc who has has a love for video games, theatrical acting and play writing. The other character is a Royal Command Battaloid Pilot who started out in life as an Invid Grub Rancher, but aspired for something more and was relocated to the city to study politics under the wing of a Retired Californian Senator who happens to own an Art Gallery and is an avid painter. The players use their secondary skills of Playwright and Artist as their day to day jobs, keeping their actual professions of Cyber Doc and RCB Pilot secret from all except Senator Sheev, who mentors each of them. The newest player didn't know what he wanted, so we just rolled the dice for abilities. I don't allow players to arrange ability scores, but I do use "Exploding Dice" (If you roll a 6, you may roll again and keep adding). Well, he gets lucky and rolls a Physical Beauty of 32! The rest of the scores were playable, but not amazing. So I suggested he play a celebrity. So the next day he tells me he wants to be from the CS and is an undercover agent traveling and gathering intelligence as the International Rock Star Jackson Hayward. Sure he's a CS officer, specialized in espionage and underwater power armor, but who cares about that. Let's get a concert scheduled! The west coast has been waiting 6 months for this guy to arrive from Quebec, his last tour stop.

The best characters have a story. Where are you from? And what are your hobbies? My first character like this was a Revised Recon Character nicknamed "Snickers". He was from the mid-west, sent to Vietnam as a medic and translator. And he was an overweight foodie! Everyone in the platoon could wait for his mother's next shipment of candy bars. You'd be amazed what you can get for a snickers bar when people are far away from home. It was like playing everyone's favorite cleric. I never took a bullet in that campaign again. By the end of that campaign Snickers was master rifleman, but no one remembers that. All we remember was all the elderly Vietnamese people who seemed to like talking to him and those candy bars used to bribe GI's. Be memorable, not statistical.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by taalismn »

Ah, the power of candy.... :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

That is how I create nearly all of my characters nowadays. I no longer do the min-maxing that characterized my high school gaming days. I now go for what skills fit the character personality I am creating.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:That is how I create nearly all of my characters nowadays. I no longer do the min-maxing that characterized my high school gaming days. I now go for what skills fit the character personality I am creating.

Ya, I'm a reformed power-gamer. Good old Snickers was the beginning of something new. On paper he wasn't much, but it was the first character I played that wasn't min-maxed and it opened a whole new world to me. It has taken nearly two decades to gradually shift from power gamer to story teller. However, being a former power gamer does give me a huge advantage in writing rules because I can deeply analyze if the rule can be abused or broken.

And who doesn't like candy. No one said a bribe has to be expensive. It just has to be something that people want...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Alpha 11 »

I saw the space hives, and that reminded me of the web site, Third Invid War, from back in the day. If you need help with the space hives, I got a link to were you can get some info on some, from that site. The site is no longer up, but I found a link that has all the TIW stuff in PDF, with the space hives info.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Alpha 11 wrote:I saw the space hives, and that reminded me of the web site, Third Invid War, from back in the day. If you need help with the space hives, I got a link to were you can get some info on some, from that site. The site is no longer up, but I found a link that has all the TIW stuff in PDF, with the space hives info.

Sure, put the link up. I love to look at other people's ideas and see what inspiration I can draw from it.

I decided the Invid need to have Hives in space both for military defense and to facilitate global communication, much like we would use satellites. The Invid system of communication is more like Laser Optics, so a message is sent directly up to the Space Hive and then they wait till another Hive can orbit within range of the other surface hive to deliver the message. This means a message can be sent from one hive to another in anywhere from near instant relay of of light speed, to 30 minutes waiting for orbital cycles on the other side of the world. The Invid don't use radio waves, and their optic system works just fine for space travel, so they have not changed it yet. I was inspired by the cyclops nature of their mecha to make their communication telepathic for short range, but line of sight laser optics for long range coordination for mecha and hives. I was going to post the file that details the Invid bio-tech and their limitations, but I glanced at it earlier today and parts of the file are already out of date. I just needed to understand the logistical, agricultural and communication foundations of the Invid before I could begin developing the human nations and explaining how the humans have succeeded in concealing their military build ups. The old first ed. books focus more on combat stats and random encounter rolls than why a type of hive is needed in the first place. So I am just filling in the blanks.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

bobharly wrote:
Marcethus wrote:That is how I create nearly all of my characters nowadays. I no longer do the min-maxing that characterized my high school gaming days. I now go for what skills fit the character personality I am creating.

Ya, I'm a reformed power-gamer. Good old Snickers was the beginning of something new. On paper he wasn't much, but it was the first character I played that wasn't min-maxed and it opened a whole new world to me. It has taken nearly two decades to gradually shift from power gamer to story teller. However, being a former power gamer does give me a huge advantage in writing rules because I can deeply analyze if the rule can be abused or broken.

And who doesn't like candy. No one said a bribe has to be expensive. It just has to be something that people want...

I am a semi-reformed as a power gamer. I still like my characters to be or able to become powerful. I just put more thought behind my character and give them alot of personality and reasoning behind their skill choices nowadays.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

We completed our first mission tonight. We still need to wrap up the little details, but everyone was pretty happy.

The story starts in San Francisco where the characters are given an opportunity to do a ride-along with Detective Reeves, a Dirty Harry inspired Detective. The Doctor who is trying to get hired by a local publisher has been tasked with writing a murder mystery. So like the TV series Castle, The Doc (Cyber Doc) and The Artist (Invid Clone) are following the Detective around to do research for a story the doc will write later to try and get a legit day job. The Detective is not happy about having ride-alongs, but does it because he knows that the Captain and Senator are associates. He demeans the players by calling them Squid 1 and Squid 2.

Anyways after waiting for 12 hours and about ready to go home, a call comes in for a body found in the Golden Gate Park. Police were tipped off by a concerned citizen (CC) who came into the local police department and gave a detailed account of what he had seen and not seen. Players go investigate the scene and have more questions than answers. Two days later a big break in the case comes when three local Inmates inform police that a guy arrested for petty theft last night confessed to the murder. Two other detectives, Moriaty and Cain go down and return with a signed confession. Captain says the case is closed and tells Reeves to send the players home. Reeves has the players read through the confession and forensic evidence and asks the players if they think the confession is legit.

The players quickly conclude that the confession must have been forced because none of the evidence matches up the Bread Thief. The Detective is officially off the case, but acts as mentor when the players express interest in finding the real killer. They develop a set of fake identities and when needed they impersonate being with the police to re-interview the Bread Thief and the 3 Inmates and they even go talk to a local "Union Leader" to get the word on the street. They are now convince the Bread Thief, although an ungrateful punk, is definitely innocent and a patsy.

They go to interview the Concerned Citizen only to find out that he is not home for the last 3 days. The Land Lady tells them that he is facing eviction for non-payment for the last three months. Furthermore, she really dislikes CC and his twin brother because the both dated her daughter without revealing they were twins! The Land Lady, wanting her own revenge overlooks the lack of any real credentials or warrants and lets them into the apartment where they eventually find 0.22 kg of Futopia (Invid Pollen Drug-A hallucinogenic that is highly addictive and the Invid have decreed death to those dealing it.) Futopia gets it's name because some claim you can see the Future when you use it. Other claim that only a Fool (Footopia) would use that stuff.

They give the drugs to the Detective who is off duty. He takes the drugs to the Police Department to have them secured and then goes with them to the address of the Twin brother. The players concoct a scheme to pose as crooked cops that want in on the drug trade or they will turn the Evil twins in to the Invid Magistrate because of the drugs they found at the CC's apartment. Unfortunately, they are taken hostage by the Twin brother and his 3 gang associates. The gang members are armed. 2 have 9mm pistols and 1 has a body vest and a MP5 with extended clips. The players are searched and lose their only pistol. The villains do not recognize the Invid Spandex as body armor and leave it. The players attempt their ploy anyways and it nearly works when one of them mentions Detective Reeves as their commander. The Twin has heard of this detective and that he is uncorruptable. Things suddenly look bad, but they remind the Twin that a 3rd party has the drugs and will turn them into the Invid if they don't go free. The Twin decides to call their bluff and calls out his brother, CC. They argue over why the drugs were left at the apartment and then the Twin orders CC to go to the apartment and verify if the drugs are there or have been taken. If the drugs are there, he is to bring them back and the PC's will be executed for a failed bluff. If they are missing, then the bad guys need a new plan... (Note to bad guys: Don't discuss your plans in front of the victims--monologues never end well)

The players are whispering among themselves how to fight their way out of this and neither wants to be the one to rush the guy with the submachine gun. When CC opens the door to leave he is great by the Detective with a 0.50 Cal. Revolver to the face. Dirty Harry speech ensues, "...Do you feel luck? Do you? Punk!" Everyone gets real tense. Finally the Twin orders everyone down, but the gang members don't care that his brother messed up and the guy with the MP5 decides he's going to shoot the Detective. But the detective sees it coming...

The Det gets the first shot, hitting the MP5 guy in the groin with a .50 cal bullet. The guy goes down instantly bleeding out on the floor. His two buddies respond by trying to shoot the Det, who in turn hides behind CC! CC takes the bullets and falls to the ground shot in the back and butt. The Cyber Doc tries to disarm one of the gang members and the Artist grabs the MP5 off the floor. Meanwhile, the Twin runs into a bedroom and closes the door. The Detective shoots another gang member, head shot critical strike, brains like watermelon splatter. The last gang member promptly surrenders and the Doc tries to render medical aid to CC, but becomes self-conscious that he might give his identity as a doctor away and instead goes to the phone to call a Paramedic and Police. Meanwhile, the Artist kicks in the door in and sees the Twin jump from the second story window. He leaps out the window acrobatically and lands on the guy! (Nat. 20) With the guy knocked down (head in crotch) he tries to punch him, but hits himself in the groin instead (Nat. 01). Both get to their feet. The Twin has a fractured wrist from the Artist who landed on him, but is desperate to escape. The Artist punches him dead center in the chest (Nat. 20 AGAIN). The guy's sternum cracks as he falls back unconscious.

The players want to roleplay the debrief at the next game, but it's pretty much over. The players did act as vigilantes and mishandle evidence, but they caught the bad guys red handed in the middle of a drug deal. And with a drug lab down stairs. Also, it won't be too hard to get one of the three captured suspects to confess about how the Twin abused the girl and CC murdered her and reported it to the police to draw attention away from them with misleading accounts. Odds are that there won't even be a trial once the Invid Magistrate gets involved. The Invid don't care about the Murder case, but they will want to interrogate all three suspects to end this drug outlet. The politics of the situation should let the players off the hook, but infuriate the police chief. They now have a solid connection and ally at the police department by working with Detective Reeves.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Sounds like an awesome session. Really interesting story plot and fun to read.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Working on my combat system today. The players liked last weeks battle. They are new to Palladium and don't know the rules which allows me to rewrite stuff without anyone being to concerned. During the battle, when the detective shot the thug with the submachine gun, I noted that it was "below the belt" so the bullet proof vest would not help the bad guy. One of my players commented that a .50 cal S&W magnum would likely penetrate the vest anyways. That got my thinking that armor should have damage reduction, not SDC/MDC. Against lesser arms, armor will be near invulnerable. Against greater arms, armor will become a burden. Like real armor...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

bobharly wrote:Working on my combat system today. The players liked last weeks battle. They are new to Palladium and don't know the rules which allows me to rewrite stuff without anyone being to concerned. During the battle, when the detective shot the thug with the submachine gun, I noted that it was "below the belt" so the bullet proof vest would not help the bad guy. One of my players commented that a .50 cal S&W magnum would likely penetrate the vest anyways. That got my thinking that armor should have damage reduction, not SDC/MDC. Against lesser arms, armor will be near invulnerable. Against greater arms, armor will become a burden. Like real armor...

Uh oh. I'm replying to myself...

I finished my first pass at Armor penetration rules. It works great for small arms and up to power armor (which I have toned down in my campaign). The problem I had was with larger mecha. Tanks and missiles are a magnitude 10 (or more) powerful than aircraft in terms of armor and damage capacity. Furthermore, the Mega Damage ratio itself of 100:1 is infact underated in most cases. But one of the great mythologies of Robotech, which later carried into Rifts, was the idea that Power Armor, Veritechs, and Battaloids were more powerful than a modern tank because of alien/modern technologies. I won't get into my calculations, because I am not here provide alternative rules on a Palladium website, but I would like to share that in the end the nostalgia of all different classes and types of vehicular weapons being able to mix it up on a level playing field won out and I let Fiction overrule Science. But really as a logical example, a 35mm auto cannon from an Alpha has little chance of penetrating the armor/crew compartment of a M1 Abrams Tank, especially head-on with the sloped armor. In fact the short range missiles might damage the periphal equipment like antanaes or cameras, but you really need a modern cruise missile or something big like that to get the job done. Last time I checked a missile that size doesn't fit in the Alpha's missle bays...

Too support my heresey: ... -gun-alone

One point that the article really addresses well is the tactics of not taking a tank head-on and going for the mobility or weapon kill or finding the soft spot in the rear. These are really valid points, but if I am going to divide the Main Body up into separate targets it adds complexity to the game (Mostly for the GM who needs to figure out that stuff for each vehicle). Maybe I'll do that later, but I'm ready to back to story writing now that I have preliminary rules in place for big Mech combat should the need arise.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

I am still paying attention to what you have to say. Though House rules are of less interest to me than story. I am very interested in your world and adventures in it. But I am sure others reading the thread are interested in both.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:I am still paying attention to what you have to say.

My bad, I was making fun of myself. My "Uh-oh" was directed at myself and not at any readers.

Honesty, my story ideas for the campaign and individual adventures are the primary reason for why I created this thread. I just share some of my house rule philosophies, but the rules of the game inherently bias my story writing. When I started writing my campaign I started with a few pages of hand scribbled notes (some of which I still refer to since not everything is typed out yet), a map of the USA and a lot of research on agriculture world wide and in the USA. Since my whole campaign is a war/occupation based on the harvest of Protoculture, it is an agricultural war and the hottest areas are the most fertile areas as a result. Nations that were once great food producers are now enslaved by the Invid. The more desolate areas, though barbaric are at least more free. Once I established where the alien plants grew best, I could draw new national boundaries for the nations. Geography and History in turn began to dictate the culture and technology of each area. As those problems were solved, new questions arose which in turn required new rules (like when I wanted to calculate the devastation to the portions the west coast that had been nuked in the year 2028 and I had to create my nuclear bomb calculator for blast radius and fall out). Because we are now actively playing, my attention turned to combat rules, because as I write my stories I need to think about the economics/purpose of what weapons, armor and vehicles each location will have. One of my goals for example was to reduce the power of hand held energy weapons, body armor and power armor to SDC. An energy rifle is now comparable to a .50 cal machine gun, but weighs 1/10th and the ammo is even easier to carry, but a .50 cal machine gun is still dangerous to those wearing body armor. Power armor however is safe from the .50, unless they have a crit strike, but a 20mm or larger machine gun will still cut them down. The Glitterboy was the only Power Armor I had trouble modifying because it is such a glorious machine. In the end I moved it up to the Mecha category, but scaled it down by 1/10th (77 MDC) and set it up as a killing machine for other Power Armor, Infantry and Mecha with 300 or less MDC. Think of it as a cheap tank killer that is immune to infantry/PA, but fragile against other large mecha. By reducing the armor value (but not the boom gun) I made the GB less expensive to manufacture. It's the old Sherman tank strategy. Out number the enemy and outmaneuver them. By having these rules sorted, I can now return back to writing my story.

I'll post some more campaign stuff soon, but I have to be cautious in the bizarre event my players find this web page and read all my secrets. Campaign stuff doesn't really help them, as I have shared a lot of it to help them make their select their characters, but adventure stuff must be guarded more carefully...

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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A suggestion regarding adventure stuff. You could always wait to post adventure stuff till after you have run your players through the adventure. That way if they find this site there will be no spoilers for them.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

We tied up the loose ends to the last story with the bad guys confessing their sins in the hopes of going to jail rather than being turned over to the Invid for being drug dealers.

The players were scolded by the police chief, but they inadvertently brought down a major drug dealer ring as confessions of two or the three arrested men lead to more suspects, etc... Essentially the police took over the investigation and told the players that if they interfere with an investigation again and don't have a PI license they will be charged with impersonation of law enforcement officials. They were proud of themselves and are now thinking about getting their PI licenses! ;)

We worked on some of the character development like long term mission goals and picking up side jobs as cover stories and then I advanced the calendar for the next story arc...

Jucy Joe’s Road Trip

Part 1A: The Package
Hayden: Please mail this package at Wells Fargo. Here's $50 for shipping and another $10000 for $125k in insurance. Complete the forms and bring back the receipts. It is a replica painting for a collector in Texas.

A month later...
"Knock Knock!" Large muscular man in a very tight suit and sunglasses is holding a clip board with intent to use it. (this Juicer Joe of Wells Fargo)

Jucy Joe: Hello, my name is Joe. I'm with Wells Fargo's Insurance and Collection Department. I'm so sorry, we have been buried in paper work or we would have contacted you sooner. It seems that the recipient, Mr. Vargas in Texas, San Antonio. has filed a claim for a missing package. I was reviewing your paperwork and you forgot to check a box in 5a and sign box 5b. We need to complete the form before I can proceed.
"5a: In the event of an Insurance Claim, do you wish to be present during the collections repossession? (See waiver of liability on reverse side). Yes or No.
5b: Signature affirms you have read the waiver of liability agreement for 5a above. _______________________"

If the players are hesitant or unsure, which they should be: Our customer service data indicates a higher customer service rating from clients who participate in asset repossession, although we understand that most customers will opt to decline this opportunity. If you decline however, you will be required to establish proof of value with original documents (Well Fargo is better at spotting forged documents than anyone on the West Coast) and accept a 25% deductible for processing the claim.

Sheev: Is this for the Albert Bierstadt? The Last Buffalo? I thought we would have insured it for more?
Hayden: No, it's a replica. Find the papers, we will just take the 25% fee.
Sheev: (turns ghostly pale)
Hayden: Speak up, what is it?!
Sheev: (stammers) It was an original... (Passes out)

The original last sold in 1988 for 1.87 million. Turns out that Master Sheev sold an original. This buyer had bought originals before and in a miss understanding Hayden under insured a priceless oil painting to Texas. Sheev will insist that the Players go to recover it and sends Hayden too as punishment. Check box 5a-YES.

Jucy Joe: If you will be accompanying me on the collection, will you be needing any life insurance? I have policy forms in my car and it only takes a few minutes to get it started and if you are under the age of 30 we can postpone the doctor's physical for 180 days and the policy will still be valid. Our special this month is a $500,000 policy amortized to your beneficiary on a 20 year term for only $500 a month, plus a $3000 deposit that is returned after the doctor's physical is completed and notarized.


He then leaves in a SMART business car clearly labeled "Wells Fargo Bank, Since 1852. Pinkerton Securities Insured."
If they agree to go, the next time they see Joe, he is in a four door Humvee Type Truck, outfitted for off-road duty and a detachable .50 Cal Machine Gun mounted on an electric turret base. The doors and roof have extra synthetic armor plating (1000 SDC per door or the Roof. Vehicle is set up Baja-Style to be fast and agile recon vehicle. Top speed 105 on a road. 80 mph over open country if it's not too rough.
M2HB: 2d10x10 per round. 6000' (6600' when mounted), 600 rpm max., 84 lbs plus ammo. Belt Fed, 100 rds per canister.
Jucy Joe's Gear
Juicer Full Plate (45/15 AR 15, -10% mobility)
JA-9 Var. Laser Rifle. 4000', 2d6x10 SDC, 30 shot clip, +1 strike bonus from mounted optics/night/infra
NG-57 Ion-Blaster. 3d6x10 SDC. 500', 10 shots.

Master Sheev's "closet"
Available to the players:
GMP Armor, Black with Grey Trim, Full Environmental. 50 SDC. AR: -15% to Prowl. Built in helmet display link to cameras in matching Pistols and Shields. Lots of feature page 85-87. GMP insignia. No rank, Enlisted men's armor. Armored Backpack 10 SDC.
GMP Large combat shield 100 SDC AR12. Shields include recessed flash lights that have three settings: Green Light (1/10th brightness), Search Light and Distress Flasher. Shields also have built in optics that link to helmet display allow user to see through the shield or around corners.
GMP Laser Pistol "Nightstalker." Full telescopic nightvision/IR camera that links to the helmet. Two options, Heads up display for +1 to strike or camera mode to see around corners. Range is 1200', 2d4x10 SDC. 20 shots per clip.

One of the players asked, "This is some serious gear. Do we really need all this just to go to Texas?"
Other player, "Have you been to Texas?! The local gun shop may still have more firepower than this!"

It is fun when players do their own foreshadowing...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by DocS »

I worked out a Rifts/Robotech crossover a while back, here were some of the Ideas I threw around. Feel free to use any or all of them.

For starters, I wanted to really convey that the game had changed. Getting Robotech players on Rifts earth is easy, Rifts abound, Robotech has a giant "SDF-3 hit with Invid phoenix and found itself nowhere", so porting them in was easy.

But how does the game change? Protoculture. Protoculture is alive, on Rifts earth, living things have PPE, living things have the capacity for *magic*. My plan was to have the party scout North America and slowly have their mecha change. First the repairmen would notice repairs being easier than originally planned... then minor damage would heal, I wanted the mecha to slowly become living, non-verbal, PC's. Almost like a robotic rune weapon.

Of course I also planned each of the players to 'go native' in that I'd give the players opportunity to take on elements in Rifts to add on to their current OCC, psionics, magic, perhaps juicer conversion, a protoculture mecha is alive, it may be able to keep up with a juicer in the cockpit.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

DocS wrote:I worked out a Rifts/Robotech crossover a while back, here were some of the Ideas I threw around. Feel free to use any or all of them.

For starters, I wanted to really convey that the game had changed. Getting Robotech players on Rifts earth is easy, Rifts abound, Robotech has a giant "SDF-3 hit with Invid phoenix and found itself nowhere", so porting them in was easy.

But how does the game change? Protoculture. Protoculture is alive, on Rifts earth, living things have PPE, living things have the capacity for *magic*. My plan was to have the party scout North America and slowly have their mecha change. First the repairmen would notice repairs being easier than originally planned... then minor damage would heal, I wanted the mecha to slowly become living, non-verbal, PC's. Almost like a robotic rune weapon.

Of course I also planned each of the players to 'go native' in that I'd give the players opportunity to take on elements in Rifts to add on to their current OCC, psionics, magic, perhaps juicer conversion, a protoculture mecha is alive, it may be able to keep up with a juicer in the cockpit.

20 years ago (has it been that long?) I made my first attempt at a Robotech Rifts campaign. I didn't think of the Mecha coming to life (which is a really cool twist), but a lot of the ideas you have above I used. During a space fold to earth for reflex point a few ships emerged through a rift instead on an alternate earth that was alien to them. I had a large group at the time (5 or 6 players) and half of them played REF cyclone pilots and the rest went native with a Juicer, a Cyber Knight and a Mutant Cat-Man. I don't remember any of the story lines, just lots and lots of combat as everywhere they went they attracted way too much of the wrong attention to themselves...

So a couple years ago I was bored and decided to start writing a new RoboRifts campaign. But this time I centered the campaign around Robotech, post-Reflex Point Occupation. I then use Rifts as a source to flesh out the rest of the human world. There are no Rifts, Magic or Demons, But Psionics and the Technology (Cyborgs, Juicers, Dog boys, the CS) all exist so far. I tentatively have plans to place magic and demons in Japan, as the result of Genesis pit experiments gone awry and the Island abandoned to it's new inhabitants. It would be very Samurai, Oni and Kami based, but my current campaign is heavily focused on North America and secondarily on India/Myanmar region (Where the Masters are hiding and waging guerilla warfare). While there are no Rifts or Nexus lines, I was thinking that the Invid could create energy bridges to teleport from one hive to another during a crisis (much like when the Regess left the earth). This would be a special event, like humans using a nuke, so the players may never actually see it.

That having been said, I am fascinated by your idea of the Mecha coming to life. I see no reason to not allow them to talk. I see an origin story forming for Transformers... Maybe some of those old VF-1's that were mothballed and forgotten will wake and take names like Jetfire... I'll save that idea for later. I am working on a third campaign plot that involves an Archie like AI coming into cognizance and self-replicating with androids. But maybe I'm thinking too small. Protoculture make a convenient excuse for what could spark an independent AI and why limit it to facilities and androids. Thinking mechs could be terrifying and certainly unexpected.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by DocS »

bobharly wrote: I see no reason to not allow them to talk.......... Thinking mechs could be terrifying and certainly unexpected.

First reason the mechs wouldn't talk was an artistic one. When you have a beloved car that you've kind of given a personality to, it doesn't talk but you still sort of think of it like a person. A non-verbal living mech is more enigmatic and more similar to this idea.

The second reason is similar to your second comment. If the mechs can't talk, it's really hard to really know what they're thinking or intending, which is a bit scarier. One adventure was going to be an undersea robotech base that had been rifted in and the mechs had come to life and were seen as dangerous. The mechs were locked in their hangars, the crew was in an undersea base, and it was rifts underseas with Lord of The Deep around, so the question was whether that thing was involved (which it wasn't the cause of the mechs living, but it was a source of the murders that made people lockdown the mechs).

Which is more interesting, a mech that tells you what it needs or one that just takes control of the stick and goes in a certain direction with you not knowing why...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

DocS wrote:Which is more interesting, a mech that tells you what it needs or one that just takes control of the stick and goes in a certain direction with you not knowing why...

I totally see your point. It also raises the more interesting notion of how sentient beings communicate. Humans use verbal and written language, as well as non-verbal body language/expressiveness. However, a sentient robot may not think or communicate in this manner. It's kind of how I have the Invid set up generally as empathic telepaths. Except for the stage 5 (human clones) and some elite stage 4, the invid do not talk (or think abstractly) and have a poor understanding of non-verbal behavior (Dancing and Fighting might look the same to an Invid Scout for example).

Since the sentient mechs are an emerging consciousness, would they be more instinctual and animalistic?
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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I think since they are based on robotics they would be logical and analytical more than instinctual and animalistic.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:I think since they are based on robotics they would be logical and analytical more than instinctual and animalistic.

That was my initial thought, which is why I thought they should be able to talk. However, protoculture has "X" factor where no one really knows what it's limitations are. If the protoculture is the source of the lifeforce, we are talking about a sentient plant that has taken control of the robotic body. It truly is a ghost in a shell.

Now to think like an alien plant... What if protoculture is not just a plant, but rather a symbiotic lifeform that has it's own motives?
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

IIRC don't a couple of the 1e Robotech books mention something about Protoculture causing the Man-Machine Link? Something about how the protoculture because it is a living plant/seed being used as a power source has caused a few cases of where the machine acted ahead of its pilot? IE aiming a weapon system at an enemy that the pilot didn't know was there?
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:IIRC don't a couple of the 1e Robotech books mention something about Protoculture causing the Man-Machine Link? Something about how the protoculture because it is a living plant/seed being used as a power source has caused a few cases of where the machine acted ahead of its pilot? IE aiming a weapon system at an enemy that the pilot didn't know was there?

That's how I remember it. I'd have to pull out the books to find it...

Robotech: The roleplaying game. Book one: Macross. 6th edition 1989 Now you know how long I've been playing robotech...

Page 35 under "Determining number of attacks and combat bonuses [in Mecha]"
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by DocS »

Marcethus wrote:I think since they are based on robotics they would be logical and analytical more than instinctual and animalistic.

Thems conventional robotics..

Protoculture is from a plant.... Who knows how a plant based being becoming sentient may respond.... ;)
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

DocS wrote:
Marcethus wrote:I think since they are based on robotics they would be logical and analytical more than instinctual and animalistic.

Thems conventional robotics..

Protoculture is from a plant.... Who knows how a plant based being becoming sentient may respond.... ;)

You make a good point. Tis possibly that in bonding with the machine it would make it an odd blend of plant instincts and robotic logic. Though figuring out what that blend would be would take some work. (A machine that craves sunlight and uses analytical logic to obtain it?)
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Time to get back to work. Last weeks game was canceled due to a player illness. So I spent the week tinkering on rules again. Once that was done I decided that there was just too much to remember when it comes to weapons stats, so I began to database in Excel the combat stats for handheld firearms, separating them by manufacturer, UEEG (United Earth Exp. Forces), ASC (Armies of the Southern Cross), Wilks Laser Technologies, (Wilks) Remi Firearms, Bandito Arms, Waste Landers (Low-tech home made armor/weapons), Northern Gun, Coalition Arms, Triax, Mystic Imperium and Techno-Wizards (powered by protoculture instead of magic?). By the time I finished my database I concluded that to think about where each brand was headquartered to determine weapon availability. This proved to be a good exercise, as it helps me select the most likely weapons that the locals will have access to for encounters. The next story takes the Characters from San Francisco to San Antonio. And if things go south, to Free Quebec...

UEEG & ASC: Scarce and Scattered
Wilks: Salt Lake City, Utah
Remi: Lone Star, Texas (Distributed in San Antonio)
Bandito: South West, location unknown. Multiple black market distributors in Utah, New Mexico and Texas.
Coalition: Atlanta, Georgia
Northern Gun: New England, Location unknown. Multiple distributors in all New England States.
Mystic Imperium and Techno Wizards: Twin Falls, Idaho
Triax: Germany, location unknown. Distributors in Germany and France.
Waste Landers: This covers barbarians that live in Nevada, Arizona and Southern California that make their own armor Mad Max style. Metal Armor includes the Gladiator and Crusader. There is also Bible Belt (A vest made of laminated paper and cloth--because what else do the illiterate do with bibles?) and the Michelin Man (Tire Tread Armor). The last two are good for stopping conventional pistols, but are bulky and ineffective vs rifles and energy weapons. But hey, in a land were knives are more common than energy blasters it makes sense.

So this means in Nevada, the Barbarians are pretty low tech and will use mostly conventional arms and IED's. But gangs in New Mexico are pretty dangerous. Utah and Texas are either very safe or very dangerous depending on who is in charge...

The intro for my game this Thursday:

START HERE!!! Part 1B: Before you go…
Who’s to Blame: Master Sheev sold the original to Mr. Vargas. He received $4.7 million for it, including the rights to sell copies. Master Sheev personally packaged it up and called Hayden to have it shipped. Hayden assumed it was a replica, as Master Sheev sells replicas often, but originals are rarely sold. Mr. Vargas of Lone Star Technologies is one of the few collectors who can afford an original artpiece like this. So Hayden passed the job on to Wade to ship it as a replica with a value of $125k. Sheev assumed Hayden knew it was an original. Hayden feels that Master Sheev should have made it clear during the call. Hayden thinks the old man is losing his memory.
Words of advice traveling in the “World”
• Stay on the old highways whenever possible. Leaving the road may get you lost or encounter unexpected situations.
• Safe Havens along the way.
o St. Christophers in Salt Lake City, Utah. They are not aware of the art trade, but are allies that will provide shelter and supplies.
o The Shady Casino, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mr. Malone is an old Frenemy of Sheev. Use extreme caution, he may provide help or become a competitor in finding the painting.
o Tio Berto’s “Vintage Curious,” in Odessa Texas. An old friend and a lover of art and women. He will provide any help that he can.
o Mr. Vargas in San Antonio Texas. When the painting is recovered, deliver the painting directly to him. If Mr. Vargas is not in San Antonio, he can be found at his Lone Star Facility, 20 miles south.
• Doc side mission: Bring back missionaries to China from Salt Lake City. Ship sets sail April 2nd. Secure transportation and security back to San Francisco. The Church of St. Christopher will take care of paperwork and cover stories. Your contact is Mother Teresa. Password: You: “I seek the greatest king there ever was.” Mother Teresa: “But even kings fear the devil.” You, “No, I seek the Messiah that even the devil fears.”

To be continued...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Looks good. Very interesting way of spreading weapons manufacturer bases throughout the area.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

So next week a new player will be introducing his character who is an undercover CS agent, traveling as a rock star. I figured I should detail his band. I have no idea if the band will stay with him, get killed off or part ways, but at least I have a solid background for who he was traveling with before he meets the other players...

Jackson Hayward and the Silver Sparrows

• “Silver is an allusion to The Silver Age of Zeus, an ignoble generation of man. Sparrows is an allusion to the Patron Bird of Aphrodite.”
o So the fans believe the band name refers to “Sin and Erotica” or “Payment for Pleasure,” depending on who you ask. The band members make no attempt to clarify this as they are amused by their fans’ speculations.
o The Band is a European Symphonic Metal Group.
• Vocals: Jackson Hayward, notable for his Physical Beauty of 32! (New Lead Vocal for the last 2 years. Age 24.)
• Acoustic/Electric Guitar: Anton Asbjorn (brother, Danish, age 31)
• Bass Guitar: Kenny Lavitts (New Bassist, New Yorker-grew up in the underground subway city., age 23.)
• Drums: Caja Asbjorn (Sister, Danish, age 26.)
• Keyboards and Special Effects: Enok Ericson (Childhood friend of the Asbjorns, Danish, Age 30.)
• Mananger: Giuseppe Zanotti, age 46 and a bit overweight and balding. (Opportunist who took over managing the band two years ago when the previous lead vocalist committed suicide—shot himself twice in the head!). French-Italian producer who can sniff out a dollar from a dry stone. Has mastered the art of being cheap and moving on to the next location before people can file a complaint. Loves managing a traveling show. Got his start in the Trans-Euro Acrobatic Circus. He is all about showmanship and thrills. Safety, not so much…
• Roadie Droids, 2: Hadely and Talos. These two are Triax Labor Droids with programmable personalities. They are not AI, thus lack true creativity, but do have complex quirks that are programmed into them. They can be reset to default mode, but that would be boring. They are programmed to load, set up and break down the stage and instruments. They also have diagnostic programing and basic ability in electrical and mechanical work. They can change the oil on your car or replace the battery if you ask them to. Their abilities are limited to diagnostics and bolt-on mechanics. They can not fabricate or think outside the box. These droids are not combat programmed and will not do something that can obviously harm a human, animal or man-made properties. They are very lightly armored, more for durability than for combat. 200 SDC. Their internal batteries are good for 12 hours of continuous labor. They need 2 hours on a generator to recharge.
o Hadely (female voice), a light duty 5’ 6” human sized droid, is programmed to be hyper, predictive of human needs (based on past duties) and overly helpful. Sometimes this means he will start setting up or breaking down a set before she is instructed to.
o Talos (No voice-just beeps like R2D2, but with a deeper sound), at 8’ tall is a slower plodding heavy loader droid. He tends to second guess his orders when they are not specific enough. If a band member is not available, he will take orders from Hadely.
o Instead of weapon suites, they have tool kit suites that allow them to perform a wide variety of electrical and mechanical work, including welding if properly instructed.
• Special Gear: Tour Bus, 2 Droids, Power Loader (Civilian Power Armor) and Musical Instruments.
• Hit Songs: “Eye of the Invid,” “Highway to Barstow,” “Welcome to the Future,” “Lust is a Battlefield,” “Credits for Nothin’,” “Smack my Mech up!,” “What a Wonderful Hive,” “Surprise! You’re Cloned!,” and “I left my heart in Monument City."
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Sounds amusing.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

The Prologue for my new player:

Go West Young Man! Go West!

Jackson H.’s rise to fame both as a singer and as the most Most Handsome Man in the World (Physical Beauty of 32 is insane) began two years ago in Sub York. While the city of New York above remains an apocalyptic ruin of a world that was laid to waste, the subways below have become an underground city and continue to grow and expand. While an underground bazaar economy has been the free market trade that began this underground city, it has attracted the Arms Manufacturer Northern Gun, which continues to expand and employ the local population. Sub York is a gritty and rugged place where people are not known for their politeness in the tunnels (everybody is in a rush to get somewhere), but in times of peril they all pull together against external threats.

He arrived at Elis Island, on a French Travel Visa, looking for work in music or horsemanship. Music was his true passion and it wasn’t long before he found a band that had recently lost their lead singer to a mysterious suicide. One man’s bad fortune is another’s blessing. The band, The Silver Sparrows, a Nordic Symphonic Metal group, had a decent sound and style, but lacked that “X” factor to stand out from other bands slogging the clubs and venues. Many auditioned, but when Jackson stepped up everyone was blown away with his Angelic Visage. But the question remained, “Can he sing?” He did not disappoint with his background in Gospel music from his youth and hard rock/metal during his adolescence. Although not perfected, he was already on his way to a professional singer and they saw that potential immediately. They rehearsed for 2 months as he easily adapted to the rock-ballad style and took pointers watching other similar bands perform.

After just one performance, although still raw and new, their popularity exploded by word of mouth. Mr. Zannotti, the band’s manager who up until this point had been disinterested at best, suddenly dropped all of his other producing commitments and seized upon the Jackson’s popularity, both for his Angelic Looks and Voice. Over the next 9 months the club performances moved to larger venues and crowds were often packed to standing room only. Mr. Zannotti, one night was counting the evenings profits and realized that Sub York was holding this band back. The underground venues were limited in size by the subterranean setting. They needed to go BIG! Like Free Quebec big, the biggest and most advanced city in North America. The only known city left that was unmolested by hostile aliens and boasting a population of 600k affluent citizens. Mr. Zannotti imagined sold out stadiums of 20 or 40k fans, ready to part with their money for beer, T-shirts, and overpriced tickets!

So a Tour Bus was purchased and to minimize overhead 2 labor droids and a power loader were purchased to move the band equipment and set the stages up. After 1 year of being with the band, Jackson set foot in the Magnificent city of Free Quebec. The city is beyond imagination. Clean streets, hover vehicles everywhere, heavily fortified city walls with platoons of Glitterboys patrolling or standing guard at check points. People smiling, cell phones, personal computers, shopping malls, movie theaters, apartments for rent that aren’t over run with rodents or insects-but smell nice and are clean and fresh. The band had to start over at the clubs, but once again they drew a cult following and quickly rose in popularity. After 5 months they produced an official album and a week later it saw radio play with their first hit, “I left my Heart in Monument City.” Once they got on the radio their popularity skyrocketed and 2 months later were getting the larger venues they had hoped for. 5k, 7k and then 11k screaming fans all waving their cell phones to the melodies of their sons. By the end of that first year they knew they were big, because copy cat bands were beginning to appear to sat the demand. And then Mr. Zanotti had another BIG IDEA! World Tour! With radio broadcasts being repeated, they knew their music and album was being played as far east as the NGR in Europe, and West to The Republic of California and as far south as Cuba. Given the dangerous times, popular bands stayed in one place until eventually their fans burned out. Mr. Zanotti wanted to revive the old idea of touring to grow the fan base and keep the fans at home pining away for their return. The plan? Return to Sub York, sail around the south to Texas, perform San Antonio, go up to Crater Denver and then the Promise Land, New Salt Lake City and finally arrive in San Francisco—The second largest city in North America with 350k people. Mr. Zanotti was salivating over how rich they could be and how their popularity would never diminish.

The tour went as planned, however as the band began to note, for all the money they were making, there wasn’t much to show for it. Mr. Zanotti insists however that it’s all in the bank, Either the Royal Bank of Quebec or Wells Fargo, for when the need it. But it isn’t safe traveling around and showing off their wealth. Well that made sense until one dreary day driving across northern Nevada on the old I-80 when they were ambushed by a gang of bikers armed with assault rifles, grenades and a pick-up with a mounted machine gun. Although Jackson had purchased some body armor and an energy rifle in Sub York, most of his band mates and especially Mr. Zanotti were not the fighting type. After a few warning shots came through the windows of their bus, Mr. Zanotti began shouting, “Pull over! Pull over or they’re gonna kill us!” The rest of the band seemed intent on surrender to the marauders as well. Although Jackson was ready to fight, without even considering the odds of survival of him vs 15 angry bikers, he realized his actions would jeapordize the lives of his band mates. So with reluctance he put his rifle down and surrendered without a single shot fired. Their final concert it would seem maybe at an old abandoned church, turned Taco Stand, and now turned gang hideout. The fate of the band and Jackson seem precarious indeed, as the gang leader’s first act of “kindness” was to take down the 6’ tall Jesus from the church crucifix and put Jackson upon the cross instead. He then instructed the rest of the band to make their final prayers…

We game tomorrow! Let's hope the other players can save him and his band before something "bad" happens...
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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Hope the Game goes good tomorrow.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Main Characters, since I will be doing this for a while.

Player 1, Wade Wilson (Invid RCB pilot and Aspiring Artist)
Player 2, Doctor H.G. Bloodbane (alias) (Cyber Doc and Aspiring Playwright)
Player 3, Jackson Hayward (alias) (CS Mil Specialist and Rock Star)
NPC, Master Sheev, Retired Senator and Art Gallery owner with Black Market ties.
NPC, Hayden, Master Sheev's male consort (alias, actually body guard).
NPC, Jucy Joe, Pinkerton Security Agent and Juicer (Reformed burglar)

Wade, the Doc, Hayden and Joe pack up and leave San Francisco to Reno NV. Their final Destination is San Antonio TX, with the hopes of recovering the missing painting before they arrive and then to deliver it themselves to CEO Mr. Vargas of Lone Star Technologies. Arriving at Reno they find a fortress town, with Titan Combat Mechs patrol the out walls and Titan flying power armor squads patrolling the skys. The city is on red alert as Desert Nomads have been sighted in Northern Nevada which is unusual for the winter. It seems spring has come early? Usually they stay to the south, in Las Vegas, Southern California and Arizona. Players are informed that they must travel with a convoy and that the last one left an hour ago at noon. Joe, being a Pinkerton employee (Pinkerton runs all security for Wells Fargo, controlling check point towns and fortresses along the transit routes) signs a waiver to leave without the convoy and try to catch up with them. After an hour and 15 minutes of driving way too fast, they catch up with the convoy and receive permission to join up. Joe acts as their tour guide to Pinkerton Security Convoy rules and the dangers of the open deserts and counter measures the company uses. While he explains these "rules" they players begin to notice road signs every mile or so that begin to make a sentence:

-Maria's TACOS! (Next right)

Without warning, although the players totally saw this coming, Joe turns right leaving the convoy in search of tacos as he loves the crunchy goodness! The convoy radios in protest and warning. The players get upset with him. Even Hayden yells up a storm at Joe. But Joe won't be deterred and with a blissful ignorance insists that these tacos are total worth a short detour... of 20 miles of dirt roads. At this point the players suspect that this is the lead in for introducing the new PC, which leads to my sarcasm, "What kind of a railroading GM do you take me for?" Eh, maybe 20 miles down a dirt road was a little to much... :eek:

They arrive at T-intersection with a farm on one side and side road with signage to the Taco stand. Proceeding down the road, Wade notices motorcyclist ahead on wasteland bikes that are really ratty, like their riders. They stop and do a weapons check and proceed forward with Joe manning the .50 cal from the roof of his Armored Jeep. Rounding the corner they see an old church that has been converted to a restaurant. The dry fountain out front has a man tied to it, with a pile of wood under his feet. He is rather fat and screaming for help, "Help! Help me! 10k credits! No 20k! No 50k credits to whomever saves me! Help!" Three motorcyclist are taking turns dragging a prisoner around behind their bikes. And another half a dozen are having a tail gate party watching the prisoners beg for mercy. Joe wants to save the Taco Stand. The Players want to save the prisoners, but they don't want to kill anyone. Hayden says, "Let's A-Team it! Shot the vehicles!" Joe unloads a belt of ammo into the two pickup trucks and the party scatters! Meanwhile they speed up to the motorcyclist to try and rescue the guy being dragged around. Two motorcyclist flee and the third first tries to cut the line, but can't do so quickly and puts it back in gear to make a run for it. Hayden wants to run the motorcycle down, but the players fear the prisoner could get run over too. So they drive up side by side with the biker as they race around the old church. The Doc fires his energy pistol and misses, blasting a hole in the side of the church (Thus alerting the whole gang to their presence if they didn't know already).
Wade, leaps from the rear passenger door and knocks the rider off his bike and lands with an acrobatic roll coming to his feet. The motorcyclist takes a face plant at 25 mph and is left bleeding and stunned. The bandits begin to come out armed and ready to fight. The Doc jumps out and pulls the injured prisoner in the Jeep, while Wade takes cover behind Jeep. (Both players roll Nat. 20's!) The bandits begin firing at the players, but their AK-47's are no match for old Southern Cross MDC body armor they are wearing. At first the players are worried, until they discover that even with Nat. 20's the bullets are just bouncing off of them. Then they start firing back with their energy pistols and Joe supports with the .50 cal machine gun. Within half a minute, 10 bandits, including a Beta leader are on the ground. The bandits are totally panics and another 5 drop their weapons and surrender and 1 flees into the desert on foot. Wade pushes past the surrendering bandits as the Doc arrives to take over and as he arrives in the church he sees 3 men, armed with 1 spiked baseball bat and 2 with knives standing over 2 kneeling men, one of whom is bleeding badly...

Inside the church, as this unfolds, Jackson who has been crucified in the manner of Jesus (Including the crown of thorns, a dirty towel wrapped around his waist as his only clothes and stab wound to his side) decides to try and make his escape as the bandits are all rushing to get their gear on and get outside or to a window. He is a strong man (PS 19) and manages to break the crucifix freeing a hand. He tries again and breaks the other side of the cross freeing himself. A two foot piece of 4x4 is stilled tied to his arm when 3 bandits notice his escape attempt. To complicate things, Anton (His band member) is tied up at his feet in a "prayer" position. He decides to stand his ground and fight, [8/18/2016, Retracted: My new player requested redo his battle and I agreed because he was not familiar with the combat rules, plus I wanted to try out using miniatures. See next adventure post to see results]

To be continued...
Last edited by bobharly on Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by Marcethus »

Sounds like it was an interesting session.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

Post by bobharly »

Marcethus wrote:Sounds like it was an interesting session.

It was good. The new player showed up and this was his introduction to the game. I thought it would be more interesting than, "You meet a stranger at a bar..."

However, I felt guilty about the railroading--Taco's are not as compelling as I had imagined... It's like an old bad habit that creeps up on me. My GMing isn't as fluid as I would like. I'm trying to remember dozens of details, including the story, while portraying all the NPC's and the environment. So when the players start to get close to the next key point, I get excited and start nudging them in the right direction. I feel torn because our games are only 2.5 hours twice a month, so I don't want to waste any of our game time stalled out, but then again I feel like I should be neutral and let the players stumble a bit more. My goal for the next few games is to give the players more freedom to do as they please. The ultimate level of freedom is when the players are making their own fate and pursuing their own ambitions, but at this point my players are still getting to know my world and waiting for things to happen, so I have to nudge a little. The game worked better during the last mission where the NPC's weren't so involved. I think next game I will have Hayden volunteer to return to San Fran with the band members and persuade the new PC to take his place on the road trip. That should also balance that dynamic out a bit too.
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Re: Robotech Rifts Crossover Campaign

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It's a tough wire to balance on. The need to tell the story vs. letting the players make their own story. I have had that trouble in the past. And while I haven't GM'ed recently I think I have come to the point that I can incorporate the Players wants with my story to make it seem as if they are choosing what they are doing and have the story elements of the adventure I am trying to tell appear to be their decision. I won't know if I have found that balance until I actually do run a game again. But hopefully I have.

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