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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Guy's Notes: My apologies for the delay in getting this up; the outside world decided I had other things that I needed to take care of first. Without further delay, take a peek at the "Bastion Combat Proficiencies". In a world full of massive War Mounts, deadly robots, and powerful Host Armor, I wanted something that would give Bastion characters a little bit of a unique edge. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!


“Combat Survival Rule number one: If you’re not shooting, you should be reloading. If you’re not reloading, you should be moving. If you’re not shooting, moving, or reloading, you’re dead.”-Cadre Combat Survival Instructor William Riggs.

Combat is a dirty business and few know that better than the members of the Cadre. Members are constantly training, continually learning and honing the skills needed for survival. This intense training gives members a lethal edge in most firefights and allows the small units favored by the Cadre to perform far better than their size would suggest. Most training outlined below is intensive, long, and demanding; the shortest training sessions run a minimum of 4-6 weeks, while others may take several months to complete. Currently, Cadre training is offered only to the populace of the Bastion, even civilians.

ADVANCED WEAPONRY: Long hours of rigorous training have accustomed the user to the weight, recoil, and use of various weapons. Effects: The character can take apart, clean and put together weapons blindfolded. Skilled characters can now maintain, fix, modify, mount, and reload/charge ammunition. This includes basic repairs to all types of Bastion pistols and rifles, adjust targeting sights, use and repair optical enhancements, reload magazines and drums and recharge E-clips. Characters can effectively clear jams, modify weapons, pack bullets (a.k.a. "load shells") or make/modify special ammunition, jury-rig a recharger from a vehicle, generator or robot, and similar. Base skill: 30%+5% per level

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT): The character is skilled and comfortable using light armor. Effects: With this training, any movement or mobility penalties associated with the armor are reduced by half (rounded down). Furthermore, the character knows how to use the armor to its fullest, getting the maximum defense possible. Any armor the character is proficient in receives a 10% bonus to M.D.C./S.D.C. (rounded up) when the character is wearing it. For example, if the armor has 45 M.D.C. on its main body, this would be increased to 50 M.D.C. for proficient users.

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (MEDIUM): The character is skilled and comfortable using medium armor. Effects: See Armor Proficiency (Light).

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (HEAVY): The character is skilled and comfortable using all types of armor, including heavy. Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light or Medium), P.S. and P.E. attribute of 15 or higher. Effects: See Armor Proficiency (Light).

BLUFF: With this ability, the character deliberately tries to confuse, mislead, or outright lie to others. Note: This is an ability that is best "role-played" — meaning the player should act out and do some fast talking. It is important for the player and GM to distinguish between a bluff that fails because the target does not believe it and one that fails because it asks too much of the target. For instance, if the bluff demands something risky of the target and fails, then the target did not necessarily see through the bluff so much as prove reluctant to go along with it. Effects: A successful Bluff indicates that the target reacts as the character wishes, at least for a short time (usually 1 round or less), or the target believes something that the character wants him or her to believe. Bluff Skill: 35+5% per level. Bluff Bonuses: +5% to the following skills: Gambling, Seduction, Disguise and Impersonation.

BULL’S EYE: The character is especially deadly with ranged weapons. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot. Effects: Once per round, the character may give up an attack/action to ensure a Critical Hit. This must be declared before any die are rolled. Attack and defense are resolved as normal; if successful, the attack is an automatic Critical Hit.

CONCENTRATED BURST FIRE: The character can is more deadly with burst fire than normal. Prerequisites: P.P. 14 or higher, Advanced Weaponry. Effects: When using an automatic weapon, a short burst can be fired as a single attack against a single target. The attack is –4 penalty to strike, but deals +2 die of damage (example: 3D8 becomes 5D8.) Firing a burst, whether it hits or not, expends five rounds and can only be done if the weapon has the ammunition in it. NOTE: If the weapon has a three-round burst setting, firing a burst expends three rounds instead of the usual five and can be used if the weapon has the required ammunition in it.

CONSERVATION: Skilled in survival, the character knows the best way to maximize use of available food and water. Prerequisites: Wilderness Survival Skill of 45% or higher. Effects: The character needs only half the normal daily requirements of food and water (but prefers to get the full requirements if possible.)

CHARM: A smooth talker, the character has been trained in the best ways to sway and persuade people. Prerequisites: M.A. or P.B. of 14 or better. Effects: The character gets a bonus equal to their experience level on all applicable skills to influence others. Skills could include (but are not limited to) Bartering, Public Speaking, Interrogation, etc.

COERCION: The character has a stare like iron, causing many to avoid confrontations with them entirely. Prerequisite: M.A. 13 or higher, Intimidate. Effects: When the character uses this force of will and stern glare, the chances to Intimidate others as dictated by the M.A. are +30%. If the character's M.A. is not exceptional to begin with, they get the equivalent of an M.A. of 17. Those intimidated will seriously consider backing down (most will) and doing what the character says. Those who press forward will be unnerved and lose initiative for a melee round as well as their next melee attack. NOTE: There are limits to what a successful Coercion can do. The character can’t force someone to obey their every command or do something that endangers that person’s life.

COORDINATION: The character is effective in motivating and getting people to work together. Prerequisites: M.A. or P.B. of 14 or better, Charm Effects: If the character can spend a full round directing his or her allies (no other actions taken) any allies within 50 feet receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls and +5% on any skill checks. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character’s experience level. The character can coordinate a number of allies equal to half of their experience level, rounded down (to a minimum of one).

DEAD AIM: Attacks are more successful when the character takes time to line up the perfect shot. Prerequisites: Far Shot. Effects: Before making a ranged attack, the character may take the entire round to line up the perfect shot. Once aiming has begun, the character cannot move, until after the attack has been made or the effect is lost. Likewise, if concentration is disrupted or the character is attacked before able to complete the action, the effect is lost. This attack is always the last attack of the round, regardless of initiative rolls. The character rolls to strike as normal however, unless a 1-4 is rolled, the attack is an automatic Critical Hit. Dead Aim attacks cannot be dodged, even by targets that possess the "Auto-Dodge" ability. Unless 1-4 is rolled, the attack is a success.

DOUBLE TAP: Quick on the trigger, the character can fire two rapid shots with one attack. Prerequisites: P.P. 16 or higher, Point Blank Shot. Effects: When using a semiautomatic weapon with at least two rounds (bullets, charges, etc.) the character may fire two shots as a single attack against a single target. The attack is done at a –2 penalty, but deals an additional +2 die of damage with a successful hit. Using this feat fires two rounds and can only be done if the weapon has two rounds in it.

EMERGENCY MEDICINE: Using advanced medical methods, it possible to stabilize the most grievous of injures. Acting quickly enough and with a bit of luck, even a “dead” person can be briefly resuscitated. Prerequisites: Field Surgery, Paramedic, Medical Doctor or similar advanced medical skill. Effects: With this proficiency, the character can attempt to save someone even if reduced to negative hit points, provided they are able to administer aid within 3 minutes or less of the victim’s “death”. If successful, the victim is considered temporarily stabilized and restored to 0 hit points. The skill check is automatically done at -35% with the following modifications: -1% for every two hit points the character is below -10, and -2% for every minute that has passed since the victims “death” (victims are beyond help after three minutes have elapsed.)

FAST HANDS: The character is extremely quick and nimble with their hands. Perquisite: P.P. 16 or higher. Effects: The character may make an additional attack or action if armed or using small, one handed weapons or items (pistols, knives, etc.) Additionally, skills requiring fine dexterity can be done in half the time as usual.

FAR SHOT: The character can hit targets further away with a ranged weapon. Effects: When using a firearm or archaic ranged weapon, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1.5). If the weapon is thrown, its range increment is doubled.

FOCUSED FIRE: The character is devastating when focusing attacks on a single target. Effects: The character receives a +1 to Strike for each previous attack made with the same weapon against the same target in the same round (regardless of if the attack was successful or not.) For example, +1 for the first attack, +2 for the second, +3 for the third, etc. On the next round, the bonuses start over.

FRIGHTFUL PRESENCE: The character appears to be a genuine terror, able to stop most attackers with a glare. Prerequisites: M.A. or P.B. 15 or higher, Intimidate. Effects: When using this ability, opponents within 10 feet who have fewer levels than the character must make a save vs. Insanity (12 or higher.) Opponents are -1 for each level of difference with the character. Opponent who fails this save are panicked and will immediately flee, stopping any hostile actions against the character. If unable to flee or forced into attacking, they suffer a –4 penalty on attack rolls and saves. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the character’s experience level. This can attempted once per round. A successful save indicates that the opponent is unaffected. Note: This feat is only effective against human or similarly intelligent beings. Animals, creatures, and robots are not affected.

HEADSHOT: With exceptional training in accuracy, the character rivals the best snipers. Shooting unerringly for the head, the character is able to quickly dispatch most targets. Prerequisites: Far Shot and Sniper skill. Effects: By taking an additional action per attack, the character can turn a successful single-shot attack (not burst or automatic fire) into an automatic headshot. This counts as an automatic critical hit and the target doesn’t receive any protection from armor unless it includes some type of head protection. In order to execute this attack, the character must be able to see the target’s head.

INFORMATION GATHERING: The character is trained and skilled in subtly acquiring information in a local community or settlement. Effects: On a successful roll and spending 1d4+1 hours “working” the community (passing out money, buying drinks, eavesdropping on conversations, etc.) a character can get a feel for the major news items in a community. This is usually general information concerning local happenings, rumors, gossip, and the like. However, the character can attempt to get specific information or facts that are not generally known. This may require that the character locate someone who has access to such information. Base Skill: 45%+5% per level.

INTIMIDATE: With this skill, the character can often force people to do their bidding without resorting to physical coercion. Effects: The character has a “glare” or similar dangerous look or attitude about them. The character has the equivalent of a Horror Factor of 9, +1 at every other level.

INSPIRATION: The character is an inspiring figure and knows just the right things to say, bolstering allies and improving their chances of success. Prerequisites: M.A. or P.B. of 14 or better, Charm Effects: An ally must listen to and observe the character for a full round for the inspiration to take hold. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character’s experience level. Inspired allies gain +10% on all skill rolls and a +2 bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls. Note: The character can’t inspire themselves. The number of allies that can be inspired is equal to double the character’s experience level, rounded down (to a minimum of one ally).

KEEP FIRING: The character can discharge a full clip in a matter of seconds. Prerequisite: Advanced Firearms, Double Tap or Burst Fire. Effects: If a firearm attack drops an opponent, the character may take an additional attack on another target within line of sight. Only one extra attack may be gained each round.

OPPORTUNIST: Always keeping an eye out, the character is able to sneak in quick attacks when targets are unaware. Effects: Once per round, the character can make a free attack against an opponent who has just been struck for damage by another character. Combat is resolved as normal.

POINT BLANK SHOT: The character is skilled at close range combat with ranged weapons. Prerequisite: Advanced Weaponry. Effects: +1 bonus on Strike and an extra die of damage (2D8 M.D. becomes 3D8 M.D.) when using ranged weapons against opponents within 30 feet.

QUICK DRAW: The character can draw and fire a weapon with amazing speed. Prerequisite: P.P. 17 or higher. Effects: Drawing a weapon does not count as an action or attack.

QUICK TRIAGE: The character is trained to administer medical treatment in a frenzied but effective way, allowing more lives to be saved quickly. Perquisite: Field Surgery, Paramedic, Medical Doctor or similar advance medical skill of at least 60%. Effects: If the character successfully stabilizes a patient, they may move to another patient and make an additional stabilizing attempt. Regardless of the number of attacks/actions the character has, they may continue making stabilizing attempts until a skill roll is failed or there are no other patients.

QUICK RELOAD: With practiced skill, the character can reload weapons with amazing speed. Effects: When using an already prepared magazine, speed loader, or similar, reloading no longer counts as an attack/action. Belts or complex reloading mechanisms can be completed in half the time.

RAPID SHOT: The character is able to use modern weapons extremely fast at the loss of accuracy. Prerequisite: P.P. 14 or higher. Effects: When using a modern weapon, the character is able to make an extra attack each round at -2 penalty. However, this is an attack, not an action, and must be made with a modern weapon.

REACTIVE SHOOTER: The character can react instantly with a weapon. Prerequisite: P.P. 16 or higher. Effects: If the character has pistol, rifle, or similar sized ranged weapon in hand, they may reactive fire first in a round, even if surprised. The reactive fire is a single ranged attack with the weapon in hand. This attack suffers a -3 penalty.

RETALIATION: The character learns to strike when their opponent is most vulnerable: while attacking. Prerequisites: P.P. 16 or higher. Effects: Once per round, if an opponent’s attack is successfully parried or dodged, the character can make a free attack against the opponent. This can be either a melee or ranged attack. Resolve and apply the effects as normal. Retaliation cannot be used more than once per round.

RICHOCHET: The shooter can bounce bullets, arrows, slings, and other fired projectiles (depending on the specific W.P.) off of one surface and angle the shot in such a way that the projectile ricochets/bounces off and hits a different/second target. Prerequisites: Advanced Weaponry, Point Blank. Effects: If there is a solid, relatively smooth surface on which to skip a bullet (such as a street or a concrete wall), and a target within 10 feet of that surface, the character may ignore cover. The surface does not have to be perfectly smooth and level; a brick wall or an asphalt road can be used. This attack can only be performed at targets up to 50ft. away. If successful, the attack inflicts one point of damage to the first surface and -1 die of damage to the target. The character receives a –3 penalty on the attack roll. Note: This can also be done with laser weapons but the ricocheting surface must be mirrored or highly polished. Particle beams, ion blasters, rail guns, mini-missiles and other types of weapons cannot be used.

SUPPRESSIVE FIRE: The character can lay down a barrage of fire, keeping an opponent from observing, shooting or moving. Prerequisites: Advanced Firearms, Burst Fire or Keep Firing. Effects: The character can declare attacks for that round to be suppressive fire. Suppressive fire counts as all the character’s attacks for that round. It affects the target and anyone (friend or foe) within 10 feet; 01-50% chance of hitting everybody in the line of fire. No parries or dodges are possible, the attack is determined by a straight roll of the die for each target.

Affected targets are -8 on all combat rolls and -35% on any skill rolls. Attempting to move while under suppressive fire will result in an automatic critical hit. Note: Suppressive fire requires at least five shots (in addition to any shots bullets fired in the attack) and can only be used if the weapon has at least five shots in it.

WIDE BURST: Adapt with automatic weapons, the character can hit more than one opponent with attacks. Prerequisites: Burst Fire. Effects: When making a burst fire attack, the character can also choose to hit any opponents up to within 5 feet of the target. This attack counts as a single attack roll with each target rolling separately to dodge. Damage to the additional targets is the equivalent of a single round attack.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Unread post by Shark_Force »

nice :)

only thing i would say is that it feels somewhat lacking in melee options. now, i don't think the bastion would necessarily be well-served by actively seeking out melee combat (it's much more likely to get your people killed, i would imagine), but i do think that they could really benefit from having a few defensive specialists that can protect all those ranged-specialized people from getting stuck in melee combat.

it would be really, really bad for a person armed with a rifle and a knife to get put into combat against a NEXUS drone geared for melee-range engagements, and unlike the bastion forces, NEXUS doesn't have any particular reason to worry overly much about losing troops (just haul the scrap back to a factory and you can have a new one that is largely indistinguishable from the first in a while, with the possible exception of an ID number or something like that)
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Another great creation. Thank you for sharing it with us. Please keep it coming.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Shark_Force wrote:nice :)

only thing i would say is that it feels somewhat lacking in melee options. now, i don't think the bastion would necessarily be well-served by actively seeking out melee combat (it's much more likely to get your people killed, i would imagine), but i do think that they could really benefit from having a few defensive specialists that can protect all those ranged-specialized people from getting stuck in melee combat.

it would be really, really bad for a person armed with a rifle and a knife to get put into combat against a NEXUS drone geared for melee-range engagements, and unlike the bastion forces, NEXUS doesn't have any particular reason to worry overly much about losing troops (just haul the scrap back to a factory and you can have a new one that is largely indistinguishable from the first in a while, with the possible exception of an ID number or something like that)

Yep, partly on purpose. I imagined this first round of Bastion characters (especially Cadre troops) being more "gun bunny", paramilitary/Special Forces/Black Ops style characters. In the world they came from, hand to hand was a last resort; though capable of handling themsevles in a fight, they'd prefer to let the equipment and tools do the work for them. If you look at the history, the Cadre has gotten involved in only limited, small scale battles after a few initial disasters. These folks have a STEEP learning curve to get over and I imagine they suffered a fair amount of beat downs in the beginning. Now, they are having to learn and adapt to their new enemy (s).

Their equipment and nano-modifications help even it up a bit, but hand to hand is definately a weakness for most. I've got a few Melee Proficiences in mind for some "Bastion Rd. 2" characters, the Helix Warrior and the Dreadnaught. It will show the progression of the organization as time has passed.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Unread post by NMI »

Guy_LeDouche wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:nice :)

only thing i would say is that it feels somewhat lacking in melee options. now, i don't think the bastion would necessarily be well-served by actively seeking out melee combat (it's much more likely to get your people killed, i would imagine), but i do think that they could really benefit from having a few defensive specialists that can protect all those ranged-specialized people from getting stuck in melee combat.

it would be really, really bad for a person armed with a rifle and a knife to get put into combat against a NEXUS drone geared for melee-range engagements, and unlike the bastion forces, NEXUS doesn't have any particular reason to worry overly much about losing troops (just haul the scrap back to a factory and you can have a new one that is largely indistinguishable from the first in a while, with the possible exception of an ID number or something like that)

Yep, partly on purpose. I imagined this first round of Bastion characters (especially Cadre troops) being more "gun bunny", paramilitary/Special Forces/Black Ops style characters. In the world they came from, hand to hand was a last resort; though capable of handling themsevles in a fight, they'd prefer to let the equipment and tools do the work for them. If you look at the history, the Cadre has gotten involved in only limited, small scale battles after a few initial disasters. These folks have a STEEP learning curve to get over and I imagine they suffered a fair amount of beat downs in the beginning. Now, they are having to learn and adapt to their new enemy (s).

Their equipment and nano-modifications help even it up a bit, but hand to hand is definately a weakness for most. I've got a few Melee Proficiences in mind for some "Bastion Rd. 2" characters, the Helix Warrior and the Dreadnaught. It will show the progression of the organization as time has passed.

Helix Warrior and Dreadnaught names remind of something from D20 Modern/Future. I guess we will wait to see them.
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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

NMI wrote: Helix Warrior and Dreadnaught names remind of something from D20 Modern/Future. I guess we will wait to see them.

Truly?! Crap.....I thought I had something. My original thought for the Warrior was "Biot" (Biological Robot) but it sounded too close to "Biotic" for me to be happy with. I wanted something that sounded more "science-y" but "Watson & Crick Warriors" just didn't do it for me.

As for waiting, it will be some time. I'll be posting their Weapons later this week, and then the Nanotech Mods and Nanite Use and that will be it for now.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Unread post by NMI »

Since burst fire can normally be fired at a single target anyways, does this "+2 die of damage" get added onto the normal burst damage? or is the +2 die added to the base damage BEFORE normal burst multipliers? Also, what is the weapon only fires in bursts such as a railgun?
CONCENTRATED BURST FIRE: The character can is more deadly with burst fire than normal. Prerequisites: P.P. 14 or higher, Advanced Weaponry. Effects: When using an automatic weapon, a short burst can be fired as a single attack against a single target. The attack is –4 penalty to strike, but deals +2 die of damage (example: 3D8 becomes 5D8.) Firing a burst, whether it hits or not, expends five rounds and can only be done if the weapon has the ammunition in it. NOTE: If the weapon has a three-round burst setting, firing a burst expends three rounds instead of the usual five and can be used if the weapon has the required ammunition in it.
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator
My GoFund Me - Help Me Walk Again
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