The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Though I haven't been on the boards as much as I would like, my zeal for Splicers hasn't gone anywhere.

Allow me to introduce the newest faction to emerge from the LeDouche-verse: The Wildlings. As usual, constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome. I really like these guys and I'm very interested in what the board thinks. I've split the write-up a bit to make it easier on the eyes.

I hope you enjoy!


“I’ve been on the surface now for almost 2 years and I am still stunned by myriad of life that surrounds us. In an environment torn apart by war it’s a enough of a miracle that anything survives. Our planet has been devastated by nuclear weapons, nanomachines still infest the atmosphere, and the residue of countless chemicals and biological horrors can still be seen. Despite this, or maybe because of it, life has not only survived, but it’s thrived! And in multitudes to boggle the mind.

Of all the life forms I’ve seen since leaving The Bastion, the beings of the Noon Day Gorge are surely some of the strangest. Called “Wildlings” by the few people who know the area, the creatures of the Gorge are unlike any we’ve ever recorded. Possessed of a surprising level of ferocity and sentience, clearly capable of thought and reason, these creatures could become fearsome opponents.

Until now, I’ve not once regretted my decision to leave The Bastion for the surface world. I was certain that humanity would eventually triumph over the Machine and one day reclaim the planet as our own. But our recent disastrous excursion into the Noon Day Gorge has shaken my resolve. For all my knowledge, I cannot begin to fathom how such life came about. I suspect the hand of a Splicer group or even the Machine itself. The chances of this type of life occurring naturally are next to impossible.

The inhabitants are as savage as they are bizarre, and far more numerous than we could have known. I only hope they are content to remain in the Gorge. If they ever rose up in force, I don’t know that they could be stopped.”

-From the journals of Dr. R.J Blair, Genetics Research and Testing, Bastion Outpost #3113

Nestled within the lush, forested rises of the Caroline Hills, the Noon Day Gorge is the largest of the many valleys located in the range. Located a few days journey from the ruins of the ancient city of Carlotta, the Noon Day Gorge encompasses almost a million acres. With elevations ranging from 6,000 feet at Lone Bald Mountain to 1,200 feet along the Wassee River, the Gorge and its surrounding areas are a heavily forested vast wilderness.

So named because direct sunlight only reaches the valley floor during midday hours, the Noon Day Gorge and its river are the heart of this area, formed at the base of a timeworn hydroelectric dam. Water is routed to the river through two massive circular tubes, from the upstream side of the dam. The water originates from the bottom of Noon Day Lake; as a result, the Noon Day River remains cool and brisk, with an average temperature of 50 degrees year-round. Flowing downhill for several miles, the river has numerous stretches of whitewater rapids as it flows toward the Fontana Lake. Along with the main river, the entire area is crisscrossed with numerous small streams, creeks, waterfalls, and old growth forest areas.

This vast wilderness is filled with a variety of plant and animal life: several hundred species of birds reside year-round or migrate through in the spring. The entire gorge is abundant with wildflowers and wildlife, including a variety of bear, deer, elk, and wolves. With a constant year round temperature, the Noon Day River itself is a perfect habitat for trout and other game fish, providing a steady food supply for many predators in the area. Untouched by the Machine (with the exceptional fly over by various N.E.X.U.S. forces) the few humans known to make their home in these immense woodlands are able to carve out a relatively easy existence. Those in the Resistance who are aware of the Gorge guess it is a Machine Preserve, though none know for sure. In another time and place, the Gorge would be a nature lover's dream.

While home to wildlife and a scant number of humans, the true inhabitants of the Gorge are beings the Resistance has dubbed “Wildlings.” Also known as “Plant People” and “Green Men”, Wildlings appear to be intelligent, living, animate vegetation. Seemingly composed of grass, leaves, fungus and other materials, the Wildlings are the true inhabitants and rulers of the Noon Day Gorge.

Wildlings come in all shapes, sizes, and structures: leaves, vines, bark, fungus and any other matter resembling plants or leaves form a Wildlings body. Some have the general shape of bipedal humanoids with two arms, two legs, and a head, but many others have multiple vine-like or tentacle-like limbs. Some may have only large lumps for heads, others may sport fully developed heads with appendages resembling eyes, nose, mouths, and even ears. The organs of a Wildling are truly bizarre and have no real counterpart in mammalian life forms. Wildlings frequently have abilities as powerful as many bio-weapons, ranging from explosive seed pods to acidic sap.

Unlike animals or humans, Wildlings rarely need to eat in an animal sense. Though the occasional Wildling has carnivorous tendencies, the vast majority of Wildlings “feed” simply on sunlight and water. All Wildlings possess some level of intelligence, though it is near impossible to gauge or measure. The mind and intelligence of a Wildling is far removed from humanity; they are completely alien in nature and their inhuman mind-set has made them seem all the more frightening and monstrous. Wildlings seem to function on instinct as much intellect. All Wildlings demonstrate intelligence and cunning, but even this differs dramatically from one “species” to another, with Wildlings exhibiting advanced strategies and tactics such as coordinated attacks, feints, ambushes, and even large troop operations. They instinctively seem to select the best strategy or tactic for the situation and act swiftly.

Wildlings are ferocious fighters and extremely territorial. However, Wildlings are by no means stupid and will use a variety of tactics in combat, from massive swarming attacks to “hit and run” feints. If outmatched, a Wildling will retreat, however, they will always return, and usually in with more of their kind. When fighting Wildlings, words are meaningless. There is no room for explanations, negotiations, or apologies; these words fall on deaf ears.

Wildlings do not communicate with other life; if they have any understanding of words or languages, they do not show it. While they are obviously able to communicate in some form or fashion, no one has ever observed a Wildling speaking or discovered any evidence of a written language. Despite this, Wildlings are highly evolved intelligent social beings. The few humans who make their home in the Gorge have reported Wildlings that use tools and implements. Others tell of ritualistic gatherings of Wildlings and some witness accounts speak of actual communities of Wildlings. While Wildlings tolerate small groups of humans (usually no more than 8-12), large groups or groups that create a disturbance will be attacked without provocation. While a lone individual, pairs, or other small groups can usually move about undisturbed, this is only true if the interlopers are quiet, keep a low profile, and keep moving. Travelers through Wildling territory must be careful to keep their disruption of the environment to a minimum; Wildlings are as protective over plants and animals as they are of their own territories. While a small group may be able to kill an occasional animal or start a small fire, anything further will bring an immediate and deadly response. The few humans that call the Gorge home behave much like the Native Americans of legend; taking only what they need from the environment. Large groups, even peaceful ones, seem to be immediately considered “invaders” and elicit unprovoked attacks from Wildlings.

Thus far, Wildlings are only known to exist in the Noon Day Gorge. They seem to have no desire for conquest and none have been reported outside of the Gorge. However, as alien and as territorial as Wildlings are, those that know of their existence feel it’s only a matter of time before they begin to leave the Gorge and explore the outside world.
Last edited by Guy_LeDouche on Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Standard Wildling Features And Abilities

All Wildlings have the following common features:

Plant Class: All Wildlings are descended from a general class of plant and not a specific species. Despite its evolution, a Wildling will still bear some resemblance to its Plant Class. Each Plant Class offers its own set of bonuses abilities.

    Brush: Descended from some nondescript or common weed, bush, grass or other familiar plant, this type of Wildling is the most common. Resembling regular, ordinary plants more so than other Wildings, Brush Wildlings gain a +15% to Prowl rolls. Brush Wildlings are hardy and adaptable and roll 4D6+10 for P.E. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 95+2D4x10.

    Blooming: Descended from any number of flowering plants, Blooming Wildlings are attractive, radiant, and eye catching, even by human standards. All Blooming Wildlings add +1D6 to M.A. and +3D4 to P.B. scores. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 65+2D4x10.

    Succulent: Descended from cacti or similar plant. Succulent Wildlings need only a quarter of the water as other Wildlings and automatically receive the “Thorns” enhancement. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 80+2D4x10.

    Lichen: Descended from lichen, algae, or even fungus. Lichen Wildlings do not need sunlight to grow, but do require regular contact with soil. Lichen Wildlings are tough, spongy, and fibrous, giving them an immunity to regular fire and heat. M.D. fire and heat (including plasma) inflict ½ damage against Lichen Wildlings. Additionally, their minds are so alien, even compared to other Wildlings, they receive a +3 to their M.E. attribute and are immune to any type of mind control. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 170+2D4x10

    Tree: Descended from any tree plant. Tree Wildlings are massive and strong, roll 5D6+4 for both P.S. and P.E. Additionally, both P.S. and P.E. are considered Supernatural. Automatically gains the “Heavyweight” enhancement. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 400+2D4x10, starting height is 5 feet +1D6 feet, add 1D4x100 to starting weight.

    Vine: Descended from ivy, kudzu, black-eyed susan, or similar. Vine Wildlings are flexible and nimble, rolling 4D6+4 for P.P. and automatically receive the “Vines” enhancement. Starting M.D.C. is the P.E. attribute with an additional 100+2D4x10.

Plant Body: Regardless of Plant Class, a Wildling’s body gives it several abilities:

    Resistance to Pain: Weapons inflict normal damage but Wildlings are only about half as sensitive to pain as mammals. Wildlings are impervious to any drugs or toxins designed to hurt or affect animal life. However, they are vulnerable to defoliating chemicals and are -5 to save vs. gases, sprays, and other chemical attacks designed to kill vegetation.

    Resistance to Cold: Wildlings take no damage from cold down to freezing temperatures. Termperatures colder than that or M.D.C. or magical cold inflicts ½ damage.

    Resilience: Wildlings can be extremely difficult to kill. While exposed to sunlight, even with cloud cover, all Wildlings heal 6D6 M.D.C. per half hour and can regrow any lost body parts. Deprived of sufficient sunlight healing is reduced to 1D6 M.D. per half hour. Reducing a Wildling to zero M.D.C. does not truly kill it. When M.D.C. is depleted, a Wildling will fall over, appearing dead. However, it is merely immobilized; seemingly dead until it bio-regenerates and walks again a half-hour later. To be truly destroyed, a Wildling must be burnt to a cinder, exposed to some sort of chemical defoliant, or otherwise destroyed completely. To be destroyed completely, a Wildling must suffer mega-damage equal to its P.E. past zero.

    Hibernation: Provided there is sufficient sunlight and a base amount of nutrients and water, Wildlings can go into a hibernation state. This deathlike state can be maintained for 60 days+10 per level of experience. While in this state, the Wildling is unaware of what’s happening around it except for within the ground and the plants immediately surrounding it. People can pass by, battles fought, etc. and the Wildling can remain oblivious. During hibernation, healing continues as normal. It takes a Wildling 1D6x10 minutes to come completely out of the hibernation state.

    Conditional Invisibility: Even advanced sensor systems cannot differentiate between ordinary plants and these plant life forms, making Wildlings invisible to sensors. Furthermore, they do not register on heat sensors or infrared. Unless moving, they are also invisible to mechanical detection when hiding among other plants and are extremely difficult to see with the naked eye (considered to have Prowl at 55%+5% per level of experience.)

Variable Size: Wildlings vary greatly in size, shape, and form. Some could pass as human from a distance; others are simply a great mass of vines and teeth. Regardless of their shapes, all Wildlings continue to grow throughout their entire lives. A Wildling’s starting height is based on its P.E. attribute. A Wildling has roughly 2 feet of height for every 5 points of P.E. For every year’s growth or level gained, a Wildling adds a +1 to its P.E. and an additional 1D8 to its M.D.C. A Wildling continues to grow as long as it lives or gains levels (or both.)

Natural Senses: A Wildling has natural senses equivalent to the Antennae ability, Enhanced Hearing, (both located in the Splicers Main Book, pg. 80) and Seismic Sense ability (Splicer Main Book, pg. 83).

Nourishment: Wildlings do not normally require feeding in the same sense as an animal or human. The only substantive food most Wildlings need is a small supply of water (roughly 18-20 oz. per day), a small amount of soil, and exposure to sunlight. Though soil is required, a few grams or inches is all that’s need for the Wildling to “root”. Sunlight is the most important. For Wildlings, at least two hours of strong sunlight are needed every day to maintain good health; four to six hours in cloudy or even overcast conditions. At night or otherwise locked away from the sun; Wildlings can only operate at peak efficiency for two hours plus one hour for every level. Beyond that, performance is greatly impaired: attacks per melee, combat bonuses, and speed are all halved. Wildlings can survive up to four days plus one day per level without any sunlight. After that, they must go into hibernation to conserve energy. If unable to hibernate, Wildlings will enter a “coma” and die after 1D6+6 days of total darkness. Note that even heavily overcast skies are sufficient to keep them alive.

Affinity with Plant Life: Wildlings are naturals at agriculture and raising plants. They are superior farmers with a feel for the amount of water, type of soil, need for sunlight, and other conditions that affect plant growth. All Wildlings have the instinctive equivalent of Botany, Gardening, and Identify Plants at 80%+1% per level. Wildlings can also sense the condition of soil or down to its exact chemical composition, as well as the condition and needs of plants. Wildlings can determine if there is any blight, disease, insect or animal infestation, insufficient water, suffering from toxins/poisons, and so on.
Last edited by Guy_LeDouche on Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Wildling R.C.C. and NPC Base Attributes:

The following are the base attributes for all Wildlings. All attributes are modified based on the Plant Class and any applicable mutations (listed below.)

GM/Player Note: Not recommended as a player character. Wildlings are like unpredictable forces of nature; they think and behave completely differently from humans or other forms of life. If one is allowed as a player character, it would most likely be some rare aberration or total outcast. If used as a player character, the character should have trouble understanding much about humans; the needs and actions of humanity would be quite confusing and difficult (if not impossible) to fathom. Moreover, it will have no understanding (and likely will not develop any) of human society or laws. These beings are so different from humans that it may be impossible to fully understand or relate to them. Any player character should behave in a limited alien way, often coming across as confused, distracted, and savage.

Alignments: Anarchist or miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.A. 2D6+2, M.E. 3D6+2, P.S. 3D6+10 (considered Splicer Strength), P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 3D6+10, P.B. 1D6+2, Spd: 4D6
Base S.D.C.: Not applicable, see MDC.
Horror Factor: 10, 15 if a group of 3 or more attack at once.
Height: Varies, average 5 feet tall.
Weight: varies according to size; most Wildlings weigh 200 plus 4D6x10 pounds
Average Life Span: Unknown
Wildlings Powers and Abilities: Detailed above in “Standard Abilities” and below in “Enhancements”.
Average Level of Experience: 1D4+1, player characters use the same experience table as the Biotic.
R.C.C Skills: Preserve Plants & Fruits, Preserve Foods, Astronomy, and Camouflage at 70%+2% per level of experience. The character also has the instinctive equivalents of Land navigation (+15%), concealment (+6%), wilderness survival (+20%), detect concealment (+5%), identify plants (+20%), fish (+10%), track animals (+20%), Track Humanoids (+10%), Skin & Prepare Animal (and Humanoid) Hides (+10%), General Athletics, and Wrestling.
R.C.C. Related Skills: At first level the character can select two "other" skills. One additional skill can be selected at levels 4, 8, and 11.
Communications: Sign Language (+20%) only
Domestic: Any (+10%) NOTE: Though the character may be talented, singing, music or similar art forms will always be of a very alien and inhuman quality.
Espionage: Detect Ambush and Concealment only.
Medical: Brewing and Holistic Medicine only (+5%)
Military: Trap Construction (Basic traps only, +5%) and Trap & Mine Detection only.
Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Boxing, Fencing, Juggling, Kickboxing and Hand to Hand Combat (+10% where applicable)
Rogue: Imitate Voices and Sounds only (limited to animal/bird or other natural sounds)
Science: None
Technical: Art, Breed Dogs, Excavation, Leather Working, and Rope Works only (+10% for all)
W.P.: Battle Axe, Bio-Weapons (melee weapons only), Blunt, Knife, Net, Pole Arm, Spear, and Staff only.
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
COMBAT: Attacks per Melee: 4 at first level and an additional attack at levels 4, 7, 9, 12, and 15.
Bonuses (in addition to any attribute or enhancement bonuses): +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, fall or impact, Critical Strike from behind/surprise attack, body flip, pin/incapacitate on a roll of 17-20 (must announce that this is the character’s intention), Critical Strike on unmodified 19 or 20. Further bonuses are gained as per the “Hand to Hand Combat Basic” except for the Attacks per Melee (noted above.)
Basic Equipment: Has little need for the tools or weapons of humans.
Habitat: Wildlings are currently only known to inhabit the Noon Day Sun Gorge.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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All Wildlings have some level of mutation or enhancement. Each Wildling begins with 1D6+3 enhancements. These may be chosen randomly or the GM may pick the preferred enhancement. Wildlings continue to develop enhancements as they grow; each level of experience or year of growth the Wildling may add an additional enhancement. GM’s may add or substitute to the enhancements below as they see fit.

Acidic Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are made of a highly alkaline and corrosive substance. The sap is harmless to other Wildlings and plants, but significant damage to metals, humans, and animals. Effects: The sticky sap-like fluid inflicts 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any being or object it comes into contact with. The sap burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) before becoming inert or until washed off with copious amounts of water.

Acid Spray: The Wildling is able to secrete a potent acidic spray to burn enemies in close proximity. Effects: The spray does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any non-plant substance it comes into contact with. The acid continues to burn for 1D8 melee rounds or until washed off with copious amounts of water. The Wildling is able to spray up to six times per hour, with a range of 30 feet.

Adaptive Defense: The Wildling’s cellular and bodily structures are extremely “elastic”, allowing it to adapt and become resistant to various attacks that it encounters. Examples include developing flame resistant bark and leaves or toughened fibers to resist physical attacks.

When a Wildling suffers damage from an attack, it must decide whether or not to begin the process of adapting to the attack suffered. The adaption process is time consuming, taking 2D6+3 days to complete per adaptation. The Wildling is able to reduce this time by one day for every 2 levels of experience. The Wildling may engage in other activities during this time; the adaption process doesn’t require any effort on the Wilding’s part. Once the process is complete, a Wildling will only suffer half damage when face with that particular attack type again. A Wildling can have a total of three immunities at any given time. It may “shed” an immunity to adapt to new attacks whenever it chooses.

The Wildling may adapt to any of the following attack types: Cold, Electricity, Heat, Kinetic Energy (includes cutting, piercing and similar), Lasers, and Physical (includes blunt, crushing, explosives and similar).

Bullet Seeds: The Wildling has 1D6x10+5 small, pointed seed pods growing on its body. Each pod contains a small, pressurized gas bladder at the base of the thorn-like seed. The Wildling can launch the seed with tremendous force and velocity. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8+3 M.D. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. It takes roughly twenty minutes for the Wildling to grow replacement seeds.

Carnivorous: The Wildling can live off of soil and sunlight but now requires a small amount of meat to complete its diet. The Wildling must consume 25 to 40 lbs. of meat per week. To facilitate its new diet, the Wildling grows a “mouth” somewhere on its body. The mouth inflicts 3D8 M.D. per bite. This enhancement may be taken multiple times with a corresponding mouth developing anywhere on the body. Each selection increases the amount of meat needed by 5lbs.

Electrical Generation: The Wildling able to generate and release powerful electrical discharges. Effects: The electrical blast inflicts 4D12 M.D., either by touch or a range of 30 feet. Any humans or other biological creatures who survive the damage must roll to save vs. stun attack (15 or higher, with any bonuses from P.E.) or they lose initiative, two attacks per round and are -4 on all combat actions for 2D4 melee rounds. Electrical attacks on Host Armor inflict the M.D. to the armor plus 2D6 S.D.C. or Hit Point damage to the pilot inside. The pilot does not suffer any additional penalties.

Explosive Seed Pods: The Wildling can generate and “fire” large nut-like seeds that explode on impact. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8 M.D. with a blast radius of roughly 10 feet. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. The seeds grow back within minutes of release, offering a virtual unlimited supply. Taking this enhancement twice will increase damage to 5D8 M.D., increase the blast radius to 20 feet, and increasing range to 300ft.

Gas Bladder: The Wildling is able to synthesize helium or similar lighter than air gases in an inflatable bladder. The bladder can expand to twice the size of the Wildling and allows it to float in the air like a hot air balloon. It takes a full minute to fill the bladder completely. The Wildling is able to control its altitude by releasing or filling the bladder as required. The Wildling rises at a rate of roughly 3 feet per melee round. Much like the balloon, it cannot control the direction it floats and simply drifts on wind currents.

Giant: The Wildling is a literal giant, towering over others of his kind. The Wildling is 10 feet +1D6 feet tall and weighs an additional 1D6x50 lbs. for each foot over 10 feet. The Wildling strength is considered Supernatural and adds an additional 3D4+3 to P.S. M.D.C. is increased by an additional 4D6x10 M.D.C. The Wildling’s Spd. attribute is doubled and it receives +2 to strike and parry. However, the Wildling may only have a maximum Dodge bonus of +4 due to its size.

Gliding: The Wildling’s body has some structure that allows it to glide on air currents. Typical speed is 10mph. but may increase up to 50mph if riding a strong enough wind. The Wildling requires a strong wind or jumping from at least 30 feet to glide. The Wildling can only glide in roughly the same direction as the wind. Maximum altitude is limited to 10,00ft. Bonuses: +1 to dodge and +1 to roll with fall or impact while in flight.

Heavyweight: The Wildling is a large and thick, able to absorb and deliver tremendous damage. Despite the mass, the Wildling still moves with surprising speed and agility. Effects: Add 2D4x20 pounds to the character’s weight, +10 damage to punches, kicks, head butts, or other physical attacks, +1 to P.E. attribute, and +1D8x10+10 to M.D.C. but reduce Spd. Attribute by 20%.

Husk: The Wildling’s physical structure is extremely dense and tough, allowing it to withstand greater physical damage. Effects: Adds 30 pounds to the Wildling’s weight and increases M.D.C. by 50 points. This enhancement may be chosen multiple times.

Imitate Natural Sounds: The Wildling is able to imitate any natural sounds heard in the last 24 hours. These could include the sound raindrops, the calling of birds or animals, and even human voices. The Wildling’s chance of success is 55%+5% per level of experience. Note that while the Wildling can imitate a voice, it doesn’t actually speak the language. It’s only capable of imitating the exact words spoken by the voices.

Massive Mouth: The Wildling’s mouth is truly monstrous, able to deliver bites that inflict tremendous damage and can easily tear through steel, armor, or sever an entire limb. The Wildling’s mouth can easily support its own weight plus carrying capacity above the ground, hanging only by teeth. The Wildling must have the “Carnivorous” enhancement (above) before it can choose this enhancement. Effects: The Wildling’s bite is considered Supernatural and inflicts damage accordingly. Additionally, the massive mouth adds an extra +3D8 M.D. to bite damage and receives an additional +3 to strike. However, this is not a “standard” bonus to strike. For the purposes of dice rolls, these are Natural Bonuses to Strike, meaning that now a die roll of 18, 19, or 20 on a 20-sided die, before other bonuses to strike are applied, actually counts as a Natural 20!

Massive Limbs: The Wildling’s arms, legs, vines or other limbs are now larger and longer than normal. Massive arms or tentacles can reach an additional five feet and add five points to P.S. Massive legs add three feet to height and +10 mph to running speed.

Multiple Limbs: The Wildling has 2D4 extra limbs. For Wildlings, these could be extra arms, legs, vines, or any combination thereof. For each pair of “arms”, the Wildling adds one melee attack and +1 to parry, disarm, and entangle. Each pair of “legs” adds +10 mph to running speed and +10% to overall balance. Additional vines follow the guidelines of the “Vines” enhancement, listed below.

Poison Thorns: The Wildling’s “Thorns” enhancement (see below) is now coated in poisonous droplets. The poison is constantly secreted but dries out quickly when separated from the body. Anyone making strong contact with the Wildling (striking, wrestling, etc.) now receives the same poison effects described in the “Poison Sap” enhancement below. The damage inflicted by the “Thorns” enhancement remains the same. The Wildling must have the “Thorns” enhancement before choosing this one.

Poison Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are now extremely toxic to organic beings. Anytime the Wildling is injured in combat, it exudes this sap from the wound. The sap is poisonous upon contact with organic skin, even the hide of Host Armors or War Mounts. The sap remains toxic until it hardens into a harmless resin. Effects: Anyone coming into contact with the sap, even from a light touch, must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher.) The toxin is potent enough to affect Host Armors and War Mounts. A successful save means the victim feels nothing more than a slight tingle. A failed roll means the victim suddenly feels nauseous, feverish, and stricken with severe stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. For the next 2D4 rounds the victim is -2 melee attacks, no initiative (last to go in any turn), -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -25% to perform skills and Spd. is reduced by 30%. Additional contact adds an additional 2D4 rounds to the duration.

Razor Leaves: Similar to the “Thorns” enhancement, except the Wildling now sports dangerous, serrated leaves along its body. These leaves inflict 2D4 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Bonuses: Add +15 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 entanglement damage, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact. If combined with the “Squeeze Vines” enhancement below, the razor leaves rip like teeth on a chainsaw, inflicting jagged, ugly wounds. Damage for an entanglement attack of this type is 4D8 M.D. per squeeze and requires twice as long to heal.

Rooting: The Wildling is able to “root” itself into the ground. This takes three melee actions to accomplish and must be done on open ground (not concrete, stone, metal, etc.) Once anchored, the Wildling is nearly immovable, but can still attack and use any abilities. Moving the Wildling requires Supernatural P.S. greater than the Wildling’s own P.S. Twice the Wildling’s P.S. attribute are needed to move it with Robotic or Splicer P.S.

Screech: The Wildling is able to emit an ear-piercing screech that hurts the ears and impairs all those who hear it. This enhancement requires the “Imitate Sounds” enhancement listed above. Effects: The screech inflicts 2D4 M.D. the first round and each subsequent round the Wildling continues to screech. To maintain the screech, the Wildling uses up half of its attacks. The screech affects all non-Wildlings within a 20 foot radius. Additionally, all victims are -15% to perform skills (-30% to perform skills that involve balance), -2 on initiative and -2 on all combat rolls. Radar or sonar type abilities are seriously disrupted; reduce range and related skills and abilities by -50%. Characters with any type of Advanced or Heightened Hearing suffer double damage and are temporarily deafened (1D4+2 melee rounds) by these attacks unless they have some sort of hearing protection to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual suffers an additional -2 on initiative, -4 on combat rolls, has difficulty communicating, and frequently trips and falls while running.

Sensory Enhancement: The Wildling has some sort of enhanced sense, roughly equivalent to Host Armor. The Wildling may choose any sense from the “Eyes & Vision Enhancement” category (pg. 77) or “Other Sensory Enhancements” category (pg. 79). This selection may be chosen multiple times.

Spore Generation: The Wildling is able to generate and expel a number of spores from its body. The Wildling may only generate one type of spore to begin with, but additional types can added each time this enhancement is chosen. The Wildling can release the spores as an area effect mist around itself and a 12 ft. diameter or it can be squirted at a particular target up to 25 feet. All gases can neutralized with copious amounts of water. Effects: Each spray counts a one melee attack. The Wildling can generate enough gas for up to ten attacks every 24 hours. All victims must save vs. non-lethal poison at 16 or higher. NOTE: Host Armors or others with a keen sense of smell suffer double the penalties noted. The following types of gases are available:

    Burning: An airborne corrosive inflicting 2D6 M.D. and continues to burn, inflicting an additional 2D6 M.D. for 1D4+1 melee rounds. Organic opponents additionally suffer severe eye irritation and blurred vision; victim loses initiative and is -4 on combat rolls for 2D4 melee rounds. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.
    Euphoria: Victims are stricken with a euphoric happiness and sense of joy, even in life and death situations. Victims will often giggle and laugh throughout the experience. Victims cannot shout or speak clearly, Prowl is impossible, skill performance is -40%, lose initiative, -2 to combat rolls and Spd. is reduced by 30% for 1D4+1 rounds.
    Poison: A concentrated chemical that inflicts 4D6 M.D. for every melee round the victim is exposed. For characters in Host or Living Armor, the pilot takes an additional 1D6 damage direct to S.D.C. or Hit Points. In addition to physical damage, the victim(s) feels sick and weak, reduce Spd. by 20%, P.S. by 1D6+2 points (reduce damage accordingly) and is -1 on all combat rolls. Exposure lasts while in the cloud or spray and an additional 1D6+1 rounds afterwards. Victims must roll to save every round. A successful save means no additional damage, but the penalties persist.
    Scent Marker: Used for identification, warning, and tracking by covering a person, thing, or area with a distinctive scent. Only the sprayer or beings with enhanced smell can detect the marker. The chemical marker can be smelled up to 2 miles away and adds a +20% bonus to track for the sprayer and +12% for others who can detect the scent.
    Sleep: The gas causes organic beings to fall asleep within 1D4 melee rounds and remain asleep for 3D6 minutes. Victims may be awoken with smelling salts or similar or by violent physical shaking. Even after awaking, victims remain groggy and -5 to strike, parry, and dodge for the duration of the Sleep effect.
    Stench: A horrifyingly noxious fume and irritant that causes violent coughing, gaggling, and eyes to water. Victims are -4 on all combat rolls and lose two melee actions/attacks as long as they stay in the area of effect and for one melee round after exiting it. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.

Squeeze Vines: The Wildling has an additional 2D4 vines, along with any other limbs it possess. These vines are thicker and while they can grasp objects, they are unable to perform fine manipulation. The vines can constrict and squeeze with tremendous force. These snake-like vines are able to perform the same combat maneuvers as the “Serpentine Body” detailed in the Splicers main book, pg. 91. If multiple vines are being used, each vine adds the equivalent of five points to the Wildling’s P.S. score for determining Crush/Squeeze damage or pulling victims free. Each vine has 1D6x10+10 M.D.C.

Stink Weed: The Wildling is covered by fine vines with small, bulb-like clusters covering their body. Up to two clusters can be opened at will each melee round. This action counts as one melee attack, regardless of the number of clusters opened. Opening these clusters releases a repugnant, sickly sweet odor. Smashing or cutting attacks have a 45% chance per attack of opening a cluster, with the same effects. Effects: Any organic non-Wildling within 10 feet must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (16 or higher.) Characters with any type enhanced smell suffer a -6 penalty to the this roll. A failed roll means the victim feels nauseous and begins retching and gagging. The victim is -3 on initiative, -1 on all combat rolls, and -10% on skill performance due to the terrible smell. Opening two clusters doubles the range and penalties. The smell lasts one minute per level of the Wildling and radiates around it like a flower. A successful save means the character is still -1 on initiative and -5% on skill performance.

Thorns: The Wildling is covered in extremely durable, sharp spines roughly 6 to 9 inches long. These thorns inflict 3D6 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Effects: Add +30 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 damage for entangling attacks, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

Vines: The Wildling has 2D4 fine vines in addition to any other limbs it may possess. The vines are 1D6+3 feet long and grasp objects and perform other fine manipulations. Each vine has a P.S. of 10 and can be used to strike or entangle objects or victims. Effects: +1 to parry, +2 to entangle and pin, +5% to Gymnastics and Climb. For every four vines the Wildling acquires, it gets one additional melee attack/action and an additional +2 to entangle and pin. The vines have an M.D.C. of 1D4x10+10
Last edited by Guy_LeDouche on Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Someday, I'd like to play a game in the LeDouche-verse.

If I ever get the chance I must remember to make a character that I won't get too attached to! :lol:
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

()_) ()_)-o-)_)

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Blindscout wrote:Someday, I'd like to play a game in the LeDouche-verse.

If I ever get the chance I must remember to make a character that I won't get too attached to! :lol:

Thank you Blindscout. My games truly aren't that bad. I'm not one of these jackhole GMs that's out to kill all the players and I definately don't have a "Me Vs. Them" attitude. I've played with far too many like that and it drives me crazy.

I do have a rather dangerous gaming world, but the PCs (barring any unfortunate die rolls) are usually able to handle it.

On an unrelated note, thank you for the sig!! That's awesome!! :lol:

Also, may I ask if the weight loss adventure is continuing? I'm down to about 255lbs, and trying to get to about 210 or so. My goal is to run the Zombie Run in Atlanta next year.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Any time I create a character I make one that I won't get attached to.

Then I get attached to them. :lol:

The weight in the 260s still.
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

()_) ()_)-o-)_)

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Nice write ups Guy!

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Incredible is what I have to say! Incredible! 8) :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Thank you for the compliments. Not entirely sure if this is a "one off" idea or not just yet; I may revisist/expound on these even further as time passes.

Currently, I'm working on my next write-up "The Bastion". I'd been turning this idea over and over for a long time and its only been within the last week (literally) that I finally worked my various ideas into a concept I really liked. I wanted The Bastion and its inhabitants to be competely different from my other creations. I just started their "official" write-up this week (working on some fluff right now) so I hope to have it up fairly soon.

Thanks again for the compliments. You keep reading, and I'll try to keep them coming.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Guy_LeDouche wrote:Thank you for the compliments. Not entirely sure if this is a "one off" idea or not just yet; I may revisist/expound on these even further as time passes.

Currently, I'm working on my next write-up "The Bastion". I'd been turning this idea over and over for a long time and its only been within the last week (literally) that I finally worked my various ideas into a concept I really liked. I wanted The Bastion and its inhabitants to be competely different from my other creations. I just started their "official" write-up this week (working on some fluff right now) so I hope to have it up fairly soon.

Thanks again for the compliments. You keep reading, and I'll try to keep them coming.

As the winds of inspiration blow you.... :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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I just read this today...........HOME RUN

well done :ok: :ok:
connecting the dots
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Panomas wrote:Not Too Shabby-

All we need now is for Palladium to get ahold of a (certain) license; sha'll we say?

I don't know what liscense you are referring to. I think the Splicers setting is rich enough on its own and ripe for expansion so as not to need things from other IPs. Just my opinion...
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Hey Guy, just got around to reading this.......very cool, and monstrous :lol:
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Panomas wrote:(Yes I see; and the board community here is lucky to have your opinion- :angel: I guess I shouldn’t have written license; I was referring to only the term Wildlings in reference to Game of Thrones. The content is un-related and my inference missed-My apologies.)

Guy, really enjoying the content nice job- :ok:

No worries. I truly didn't connect the "Wildlings" term when I started. When you gave the explanation above, it did give me a good laugh. I wanted something better than "Plantmen".

Thank you for the compliments all.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Panomas wrote:(Yes I see; and the board community here is lucky to have your opinion- :angel: I guess I shouldn’t have written license; I was referring to only the term Wildlings in reference to Game of Thrones. The content is un-related and my inference missed-My apologies.)

Oh. Got it. I haven't watched game of thrones yet, so I totally missed the reference.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

I have been waiting for the bastion since it was first mentioned. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY back when i was a regular.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I have been waiting for the bastion since it was first mentioned. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY back when i was a regular.

Well, get to be a regular again. ;)

In my defense, "The Bastion" started out as a simple adventure hook on the "101 Adventures" sticky. I hadn't considered them much past that until over the summer. My first "House Febris" attempt collapsed (perhaps to be revisited later) and I was toying with the "Robots of the Wastes". I had a bunch of ideas, it just took a while to find a the way to implement them that made sense. I'm working on it now.

For you, I'll be happy to send a rough outline of what's coming. Send me a PM if you're interested.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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All Wildlings have some level of mutation or enhancement. Each Wildling begins with 1D6+3 enhancements. These may be chosen randomly or the GM may pick the preferred enhancement. Wildlings continue to develop enhancements as they grow; each level of experience or year of growth the Wildling may add an additional enhancement. GM’s may add or substitute to the enhancements below as they see fit.

Acidic Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are made of a highly alkaline and corrosive substance. The sap is harmless to other Wildlings and plants, but significant damage to metals, humans, and animals. Effects: The sticky sap-like fluid inflicts 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any being or object it comes into contact with. The sap burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) before becoming inert or until washed off with copious amounts of water.

Acid Spray: The Wildling is able to secrete a potent acidic spray to burn enemies in close proximity. Effects: The spray does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any non-plant substance it comes into contact with. The acid continues to burn for 1D8 melee rounds or until washed off with copious amounts of water. The Wildling is able to spray up to six times per hour, with a range of 30 feet.

Adaptive Defense: The Wildling’s cellular and bodily structures are extremely “elastic”, allowing it to adapt and become resistant to various attacks that it encounters. Examples include developing flame resistant bark and leaves or toughened fibers to resist physical attacks.

When a Wildling suffers damage from an attack, it must decide whether or not to begin the process of adapting to the attack suffered. The adaption process is time consuming, taking 2D6+3 days to complete per adaptation. The Wildling is able to reduce this time by one day for every 2 levels of experience. The Wildling may engage in other activities during this time; the adaption process doesn’t require any effort on the Wilding’s part. Once the process is complete, a Wildling will only suffer half damage when face with that particular attack type again. A Wildling can have a total of three immunities at any given time. It may “shed” an immunity to adapt to new attacks whenever it chooses.

The Wildling may adapt to any of the following attack types: Cold, Electricity, Heat, Kinetic Energy (includes cutting, piercing and similar), Lasers, and Physical (includes blunt, crushing, explosives and similar).

Bullet Seeds: The Wildling has 1D6x10+5 small, pointed seed pods growing on its body. Each pod contains a small, pressurized gas bladder at the base of the thorn-like seed. The Wildling can launch the seed with tremendous force and velocity. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8+3 M.D. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. It takes roughly twenty minutes for the Wildling to grow replacement seeds.

Carnivorous: The Wildling can live off of soil and sunlight but now requires a small amount of meat to complete its diet. The Wildling must consume 25 to 40 lbs. of meat per week. To facilitate its new diet, the Wildling grows a “mouth” somewhere on its body. The mouth inflicts 3D8 M.D. per bite. This enhancement may be taken multiple times with a corresponding mouth developing anywhere on the body. Each selection increases the amount of meat needed by 5lbs.

Electrical Generation: The Wildling able to generate and release powerful electrical discharges. Any humans or other biological creatures who survive the damage must roll to save vs. stun attack (15 or higher, with any bonuses from P.E.) or they lose initiative, two attacks per round and are -4 on all combat actions for 2D4 melee rounds. Electrical attacks on Host Armor inflict the M.D. to the armor plus 2D6 S.D.C. or Hit Point damage to the pilot inside. The pilot does not suffer any additional penalties.

Explosive Seed Pods: The Wildling can generate and “fire” large nut-like seeds that explode on impact. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8 M.D. with a blast radius of roughly 10 feet. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. The seeds grow back within minutes of release, offering a virtual unlimited supply. Taking this enhancement twice will increase damage to 5D8 M.D., increase the blast radius to 20 feet, and increasing range to 300ft.

Gas Bladder: The Wildling is able to synthesize helium or similar lighter than air gases in an inflatable bladder. The bladder can expand to twice the size of the Wildling and allows it to float in the air like a hot air balloon. It takes a full minute to fill the bladder completely. The Wildling is able to control its altitude by releasing or filling the bladder as required. The Wildling rises at a rate of roughly 3 feet per melee round. Much like the balloon, it cannot control the direction it floats and simply drifts on wind currents.

Giant: The Wildling is a literal giant, towering over others of his kind. The Wildling is 10 feet +1D6 feet tall and weighs an additional 1D6x50 lbs. for each foot over 10 feet. The Wildling strength is considered Supernatural and adds an additional 3D4+3 to P.S. M.D.C. is increased by an additional 4D6x10 M.D.C. The Wildling’s Spd. attribute is doubled and it receives +2 to strike and parry. However, the Wildling may only have a maximum Dodge bonus of +4 due to its size.

Gliding: The Wildling’s body has some structure that allows it to glide on air currents. Typical speed is 10mph. but may increase up to 50mph if riding a strong enough wind. The Wildling requires a strong wind or jumping from at least 30 feet to glide. The Wildling can only glide in roughly the same direction as the wind. Maximum altitude is limited to 10,00ft. Bonuses: +1 to dodge and +1 to roll with fall or impact while in flight.

Heavyweight: The Wildling is a large and thick, able to absorb and deliver tremendous damage. Despite the mass, the Wildling still moves with surprising speed and agility. Effects: Add 2D4x20 pounds to the character’s weight, +10 damage to punches, kicks, head butts, or other physical attacks, +1 to P.E. attribute, and +1D8x10+10 to M.D.C. but reduce Spd. Attribute by 20%.

Husk: The Wildling’s physical structure is extremely dense and tough, allowing it to withstand greater physical damage. Effects: Adds 30 pounds to the Wildling’s weight and increases M.D.C. by 50 points. This enhancement may be chosen multiple times.

Imitate Natural Sounds: The Wildling is able to imitate any natural sounds heard in the last 24 hours. These could include the sound raindrops, the calling of birds or animals, and even human voices. The Wildling’s chance of success is 55%+5% per level of experience. Note that while the Wildling can imitate a voice, it doesn’t actually speak the language. It’s only capable of imitating the exact words spoken by the voices.

Massive Mouth: The Wildling’s mouth is truly monstrous, able to deliver bites that inflict tremendous damage and can easily tear through steel, armor, or sever an entire limb. The Wildling’s mouth can easily support its own weight plus carrying capacity above the ground, hanging only by teeth. The Wildling must have the “Carnivorous” enhancement (above) before it can choose this enhancement. Effects: The Wildling’s bite is considered Supernatural and inflicts damage accordingly. Additionally, the massive mouth adds an extra +3D8 M.D. to bite damage and receives an additional +3 to strike. However, this is not a “standard” bonus to strike. For the purposes of dice rolls, these are Natural Bonuses to Strike, meaning that now a die roll of 18, 19, or 20 on a 20-sided die, before other bonuses to strike are applied, actually counts as a Natural 20!

Massive Limbs: The Wildling’s arms, legs, vines or other limbs are now larger and longer than normal. Massive arms or tentacles can reach an additional five feet and add five points to P.S. Massive legs add three feet to height and +10 mph to running speed.

Multiple Limbs: The Wildling has 2D4 extra limbs. For Wildlings, these could be extra arms, legs, vines, or any combination thereof. For each pair of “arms”, the Wildling adds one melee attack and +1 to parry, disarm, and entangle. Each pair of “legs” adds +10 mph to running speed and +10% to overall balance. Additional vines follow the guidelines of the “Vines” enhancement, listed below.

Poison Thorns: The Wildling’s “Thorns” enhancement (see below) is now coated in poisonous droplets. The poison is constantly secreted but dries out quickly when separated from the body. Anyone making strong contact with the Wildling (striking, wrestling, etc.) now receives the same poison effects described in the “Poison Sap” enhancement below. The damage inflicted by the “Thorns” enhancement remains the same. The Wildling must have the “Thorns” enhancement before choosing this one.

Poison Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are now extremely toxic to organic beings. Anytime the Wildling is injured in combat, it exudes this sap from the wound. The sap is poisonous upon contact with organic skin, even the hide of Host Armors or War Mounts. The sap remains toxic until it hardens into a harmless resin. Effects: Anyone coming into contact with the sap, even from a light touch, must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher.) The toxin is potent enough to affect Host Armors and War Mounts. A successful save means the victim feels nothing more than a slight tingle. A failed roll means the victim suddenly feels nauseous, feverish, and stricken with severe stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. For the next 2D4 rounds the victim is -2 melee attacks, no initiative (last to go in any turn), -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -25% to perform skills and Spd. is reduced by 30%. Additional contact adds an additional 2D4 rounds to the duration.

Razor Leaves: Similar to the “Thorns” enhancement, except the Wildling now sports dangerous, serrated leaves along its body. These leaves inflict 2D4 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Bonuses: Add +15 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 entanglement damage, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact. If combined with the “Squeeze Vines” enhancement below, the razor leaves rip like teeth on a chainsaw, inflicting jagged, ugly wounds. Damage for an entanglement attack of this type is 4D8 M.D. per squeeze and requires twice as long to heal.

Rooting: The Wildling is able to “root” itself into the ground. This takes three melee actions to accomplish and must be done on open ground (not concrete, stone, metal, etc.) Once anchored, the Wildling is nearly immovable, but can still attack and use any abilities. Moving the Wildling requires Supernatural P.S. greater than the Wildling’s own P.S. Twice the Wildling’s P.S. attribute are needed to move it with Robotic or Splicer P.S.

Screech: The Wildling is able to emit an ear-piercing screech that hurts the ears and impairs all those who hear it. This enhancement requires the “Imitate Sounds” enhancement listed above. Effects: The screech inflicts 2D4 M.D. the first round and each subsequent round the Wildling continues to screech. To maintain the screech, the Wildling uses up half of its attacks. The screech affects all non-Wildlings within a 20 foot radius. Additionally, all victims are -15% to perform skills (-30% to perform skills that involve balance), -2 on initiative and -2 on all combat rolls. Radar or sonar type abilities are seriously disrupted; reduce range and related skills and abilities by -50%. Characters with any type of Advanced or Heightened Hearing suffer double damage and are temporarily deafened (1D4+2 melee rounds) by these attacks unless they have some sort of hearing protection to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual suffers an additional -2 on initiative, -4 on combat rolls, has difficulty communicating, and frequently trips and falls while running.

Sensory Enhancement: The Wildling has some sort of enhanced sense, roughly equivalent to Host Armor. The Wildling may choose any sense from the “Eyes & Vision Enhancement” category (pg. 77) or “Other Sensory Enhancements” category (pg. 79). This selection may be chosen multiple times.

Spore Generation: The Wildling is able to generate and expel a number of spores from its body. The Wildling may only generate one type of spore to begin with, but additional types can added each time this enhancement is chosen. The Wildling can release the spores as an area effect mist around itself and a 12 ft. diameter or it can be squirted at a particular target up to 25 feet. All gases can neutralized with copious amounts of water. Effects: Each spray counts a one melee attack. The Wildling can generate enough gas for up to ten attacks every 24 hours. All victims must save vs. non-lethal poison at 16 or higher. NOTE: Host Armors or others with a keen sense of smell suffer double the penalties noted. The following types of gases are available:

    Burning: An airborne corrosive inflicting 2D6 M.D. and continues to burn, inflicting an additional 2D6 M.D. for 1D4+1 melee rounds. Organic opponents additionally suffer severe eye irritation and blurred vision; victim loses initiative and is -4 on combat rolls for 2D4 melee rounds. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.
    Euphoria: Victims are stricken with a euphoric happiness and sense of joy, even in life and death situations. Victims will often giggle and laugh throughout the experience. Victims cannot shout or speak clearly, Prowl is impossible, skill performance is -40%, lose initiative, -2 to combat rolls and Spd. is reduced by 30% for 1D4+1 rounds.
    Poison: A concentrated chemical that inflicts 4D6 M.D. for every melee round the victim is exposed. For characters in Host or Living Armor, the pilot takes an additional 1D6 damage direct to S.D.C. or Hit Points. In addition to physical damage, the victim(s) feels sick and weak, reduce Spd. by 20%, P.S. by 1D6+2 points (reduce damage accordingly) and is -1 on all combat rolls. Exposure lasts while in the cloud or spray and an additional 1D6+1 rounds afterwards. Victims must roll to save every round. A successful save means no additional damage, but the penalties persist.
    Scent Marker: Used for identification, warning, and tracking by covering a person, thing, or area with a distinctive scent. Only the sprayer or beings with enhanced smell can detect the marker. The chemical marker can be smelled up to 2 miles away and adds a +20% bonus to track for the sprayer and +12% for others who can detect the scent.
    Sleep: The gas causes organic beings to fall asleep within 1D4 melee rounds and remain asleep for 3D6 minutes. Victims may be awoken with smelling salts or similar or by violent physical shaking. Even after awaking, victims remain groggy and -5 to strike, parry, and dodge for the duration of the Sleep effect.
    Stench: A horrifyingly noxious fume and irritant that causes violent coughing, gaggling, and eyes to water. Victims are -4 on all combat rolls and lose two melee actions/attacks as long as they stay in the area of effect and for one melee round after exiting it. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.

Squeeze Vines: The Wildling has an additional 2D4 vines, along with any other limbs it possess. These vines are thicker and while they can grasp objects, they are unable to perform fine manipulation. The vines can constrict and squeeze with tremendous force. These snake-like vines are able to perform the same combat maneuvers as the “Serpentine Body” detailed in the Splicers main book, pg. 91. If multiple vines are being used, each vine adds the equivalent of five points to the Wildling’s P.S. score for determining Crush/Squeeze damage or pulling victims free. Each vine has 1D6x10+10 M.D.C.

Stink Weed: The Wildling is covered by fine vines with small, bulb-like clusters covering their body. Up to two clusters can be opened at will each melee round. This action counts as one melee attack, regardless of the number of clusters opened. Opening these clusters releases a repugnant, sickly sweet odor. Smashing or cutting attacks have a 45% chance per attack of opening a cluster, with the same effects. Effects: Any organic non-Wildling within 10 feet must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (16 or higher.) Characters with any type enhanced smell suffer a -6 penalty to the this roll. A failed roll means the victim feels nauseous and begins retching and gagging. The victim is -3 on initiative, -1 on all combat rolls, and -10% on skill performance due to the terrible smell. Opening two clusters doubles the range and penalties. The smell lasts one minute per level of the Wildling and radiates around it like a flower. A successful save means the character is still -1 on initiative and -5% on skill performance.

Thorns: The Wildling is covered in extremely durable, sharp spines roughly 6 to 9 inches long. These thorns inflict 3D6 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Effects: Add +30 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 damage for entangling attacks, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

Vines: The Wildling has 2D4 fine vines in addition to any other limbs it may possess. The vines are 1D6+3 feet long and grasp objects and perform other fine manipulations. Each vine has a P.S. of 10 and can be used to strike or entangle objects or victims. Effects: +1 to parry, +2 to entangle and pin, +5% to Gymnastics and Climb. For every four vines the Wildling acquires, it gets one additional melee attack/action and an additional +2 to entangle and pin. The vines have an M.D.C. of 1D4x10+10

electrical generation: doesn't include what the damage is to the armor. just that it's MD & that there is 2D6 SDC/HP damage to pilot. how much is the MD damage?
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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All Wildlings have some level of mutation or enhancement. Each Wildling begins with 1D6+3 enhancements. These may be chosen randomly or the GM may pick the preferred enhancement. Wildlings continue to develop enhancements as they grow; each level of experience or year of growth the Wildling may add an additional enhancement. GM’s may add or substitute to the enhancements below as they see fit.

Acidic Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are made of a highly alkaline and corrosive substance. The sap is harmless to other Wildlings and plants, but significant damage to metals, humans, and animals. Effects: The sticky sap-like fluid inflicts 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any being or object it comes into contact with. The sap burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) before becoming inert or until washed off with copious amounts of water.

Acid Spray: The Wildling is able to secrete a potent acidic spray to burn enemies in close proximity. Effects: The spray does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to any non-plant substance it comes into contact with. The acid continues to burn for 1D8 melee rounds or until washed off with copious amounts of water. The Wildling is able to spray up to six times per hour, with a range of 30 feet.

Adaptive Defense: The Wildling’s cellular and bodily structures are extremely “elastic”, allowing it to adapt and become resistant to various attacks that it encounters. Examples include developing flame resistant bark and leaves or toughened fibers to resist physical attacks.

When a Wildling suffers damage from an attack, it must decide whether or not to begin the process of adapting to the attack suffered. The adaption process is time consuming, taking 2D6+3 days to complete per adaptation. The Wildling is able to reduce this time by one day for every 2 levels of experience. The Wildling may engage in other activities during this time; the adaption process doesn’t require any effort on the Wilding’s part. Once the process is complete, a Wildling will only suffer half damage when face with that particular attack type again. A Wildling can have a total of three immunities at any given time. It may “shed” an immunity to adapt to new attacks whenever it chooses.

The Wildling may adapt to any of the following attack types: Cold, Electricity, Heat, Kinetic Energy (includes cutting, piercing and similar), Lasers, and Physical (includes blunt, crushing, explosives and similar).

Bullet Seeds: The Wildling has 1D6x10+5 small, pointed seed pods growing on its body. Each pod contains a small, pressurized gas bladder at the base of the thorn-like seed. The Wildling can launch the seed with tremendous force and velocity. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8+3 M.D. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. It takes roughly twenty minutes for the Wildling to grow replacement seeds.

Carnivorous: The Wildling can live off of soil and sunlight but now requires a small amount of meat to complete its diet. The Wildling must consume 25 to 40 lbs. of meat per week. To facilitate its new diet, the Wildling grows a “mouth” somewhere on its body. The mouth inflicts 3D8 M.D. per bite. This enhancement may be taken multiple times with a corresponding mouth developing anywhere on the body. Each selection increases the amount of meat needed by 5lbs.

Electrical Generation: The Wildling able to generate and release powerful electrical discharges. Any humans or other biological creatures who survive the damage must roll to save vs. stun attack (15 or higher, with any bonuses from P.E.) or they lose initiative, two attacks per round and are -4 on all combat actions for 2D4 melee rounds. Electrical attacks on Host Armor inflict the M.D. to the armor plus 2D6 S.D.C. or Hit Point damage to the pilot inside. The pilot does not suffer any additional penalties.

Explosive Seed Pods: The Wildling can generate and “fire” large nut-like seeds that explode on impact. Effects: Each seed inflicts 3D8 M.D. with a blast radius of roughly 10 feet. The Wildling can launch one seed at a time, up to 150ft., each counting as one melee attack. The seeds grow back within minutes of release, offering a virtual unlimited supply. Taking this enhancement twice will increase damage to 5D8 M.D., increase the blast radius to 20 feet, and increasing range to 300ft.

Gas Bladder: The Wildling is able to synthesize helium or similar lighter than air gases in an inflatable bladder. The bladder can expand to twice the size of the Wildling and allows it to float in the air like a hot air balloon. It takes a full minute to fill the bladder completely. The Wildling is able to control its altitude by releasing or filling the bladder as required. The Wildling rises at a rate of roughly 3 feet per melee round. Much like the balloon, it cannot control the direction it floats and simply drifts on wind currents.

Giant: The Wildling is a literal giant, towering over others of his kind. The Wildling is 10 feet +1D6 feet tall and weighs an additional 1D6x50 lbs. for each foot over 10 feet. The Wildling strength is considered Supernatural and adds an additional 3D4+3 to P.S. M.D.C. is increased by an additional 4D6x10 M.D.C. The Wildling’s Spd. attribute is doubled and it receives +2 to strike and parry. However, the Wildling may only have a maximum Dodge bonus of +4 due to its size.

Gliding: The Wildling’s body has some structure that allows it to glide on air currents. Typical speed is 10mph. but may increase up to 50mph if riding a strong enough wind. The Wildling requires a strong wind or jumping from at least 30 feet to glide. The Wildling can only glide in roughly the same direction as the wind. Maximum altitude is limited to 10,00ft. Bonuses: +1 to dodge and +1 to roll with fall or impact while in flight.

Heavyweight: The Wildling is a large and thick, able to absorb and deliver tremendous damage. Despite the mass, the Wildling still moves with surprising speed and agility. Effects: Add 2D4x20 pounds to the character’s weight, +10 damage to punches, kicks, head butts, or other physical attacks, +1 to P.E. attribute, and +1D8x10+10 to M.D.C. but reduce Spd. Attribute by 20%.

Husk: The Wildling’s physical structure is extremely dense and tough, allowing it to withstand greater physical damage. Effects: Adds 30 pounds to the Wildling’s weight and increases M.D.C. by 50 points. This enhancement may be chosen multiple times.

Imitate Natural Sounds: The Wildling is able to imitate any natural sounds heard in the last 24 hours. These could include the sound raindrops, the calling of birds or animals, and even human voices. The Wildling’s chance of success is 55%+5% per level of experience. Note that while the Wildling can imitate a voice, it doesn’t actually speak the language. It’s only capable of imitating the exact words spoken by the voices.

Massive Mouth: The Wildling’s mouth is truly monstrous, able to deliver bites that inflict tremendous damage and can easily tear through steel, armor, or sever an entire limb. The Wildling’s mouth can easily support its own weight plus carrying capacity above the ground, hanging only by teeth. The Wildling must have the “Carnivorous” enhancement (above) before it can choose this enhancement. Effects: The Wildling’s bite is considered Supernatural and inflicts damage accordingly. Additionally, the massive mouth adds an extra +3D8 M.D. to bite damage and receives an additional +3 to strike. However, this is not a “standard” bonus to strike. For the purposes of dice rolls, these are Natural Bonuses to Strike, meaning that now a die roll of 18, 19, or 20 on a 20-sided die, before other bonuses to strike are applied, actually counts as a Natural 20!

Massive Limbs: The Wildling’s arms, legs, vines or other limbs are now larger and longer than normal. Massive arms or tentacles can reach an additional five feet and add five points to P.S. Massive legs add three feet to height and +10 mph to running speed.

Multiple Limbs: The Wildling has 2D4 extra limbs. For Wildlings, these could be extra arms, legs, vines, or any combination thereof. For each pair of “arms”, the Wildling adds one melee attack and +1 to parry, disarm, and entangle. Each pair of “legs” adds +10 mph to running speed and +10% to overall balance. Additional vines follow the guidelines of the “Vines” enhancement, listed below.

Poison Thorns: The Wildling’s “Thorns” enhancement (see below) is now coated in poisonous droplets. The poison is constantly secreted but dries out quickly when separated from the body. Anyone making strong contact with the Wildling (striking, wrestling, etc.) now receives the same poison effects described in the “Poison Sap” enhancement below. The damage inflicted by the “Thorns” enhancement remains the same. The Wildling must have the “Thorns” enhancement before choosing this one.

Poison Sap: The Wildling’s thick, sap-like bodily fluids are now extremely toxic to organic beings. Anytime the Wildling is injured in combat, it exudes this sap from the wound. The sap is poisonous upon contact with organic skin, even the hide of Host Armors or War Mounts. The sap remains toxic until it hardens into a harmless resin. Effects: Anyone coming into contact with the sap, even from a light touch, must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher.) The toxin is potent enough to affect Host Armors and War Mounts. A successful save means the victim feels nothing more than a slight tingle. A failed roll means the victim suddenly feels nauseous, feverish, and stricken with severe stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. For the next 2D4 rounds the victim is -2 melee attacks, no initiative (last to go in any turn), -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -25% to perform skills and Spd. is reduced by 30%. Additional contact adds an additional 2D4 rounds to the duration.

Razor Leaves: Similar to the “Thorns” enhancement, except the Wildling now sports dangerous, serrated leaves along its body. These leaves inflict 2D4 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Bonuses: Add +15 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 entanglement damage, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact. If combined with the “Squeeze Vines” enhancement below, the razor leaves rip like teeth on a chainsaw, inflicting jagged, ugly wounds. Damage for an entanglement attack of this type is 4D8 M.D. per squeeze and requires twice as long to heal.

Rooting: The Wildling is able to “root” itself into the ground. This takes three melee actions to accomplish and must be done on open ground (not concrete, stone, metal, etc.) Once anchored, the Wildling is nearly immovable, but can still attack and use any abilities. Moving the Wildling requires Supernatural P.S. greater than the Wildling’s own P.S. Twice the Wildling’s P.S. attribute are needed to move it with Robotic or Splicer P.S.

Screech: The Wildling is able to emit an ear-piercing screech that hurts the ears and impairs all those who hear it. This enhancement requires the “Imitate Sounds” enhancement listed above. Effects: The screech inflicts 2D4 M.D. the first round and each subsequent round the Wildling continues to screech. To maintain the screech, the Wildling uses up half of its attacks. The screech affects all non-Wildlings within a 20 foot radius. Additionally, all victims are -15% to perform skills (-30% to perform skills that involve balance), -2 on initiative and -2 on all combat rolls. Radar or sonar type abilities are seriously disrupted; reduce range and related skills and abilities by -50%. Characters with any type of Advanced or Heightened Hearing suffer double damage and are temporarily deafened (1D4+2 melee rounds) by these attacks unless they have some sort of hearing protection to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual suffers an additional -2 on initiative, -4 on combat rolls, has difficulty communicating, and frequently trips and falls while running.

Sensory Enhancement: The Wildling has some sort of enhanced sense, roughly equivalent to Host Armor. The Wildling may choose any sense from the “Eyes & Vision Enhancement” category (pg. 77) or “Other Sensory Enhancements” category (pg. 79). This selection may be chosen multiple times.

Spore Generation: The Wildling is able to generate and expel a number of spores from its body. The Wildling may only generate one type of spore to begin with, but additional types can added each time this enhancement is chosen. The Wildling can release the spores as an area effect mist around itself and a 12 ft. diameter or it can be squirted at a particular target up to 25 feet. All gases can neutralized with copious amounts of water. Effects: Each spray counts a one melee attack. The Wildling can generate enough gas for up to ten attacks every 24 hours. All victims must save vs. non-lethal poison at 16 or higher. NOTE: Host Armors or others with a keen sense of smell suffer double the penalties noted. The following types of gases are available:

    Burning: An airborne corrosive inflicting 2D6 M.D. and continues to burn, inflicting an additional 2D6 M.D. for 1D4+1 melee rounds. Organic opponents additionally suffer severe eye irritation and blurred vision; victim loses initiative and is -4 on combat rolls for 2D4 melee rounds. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.
    Euphoria: Victims are stricken with a euphoric happiness and sense of joy, even in life and death situations. Victims will often giggle and laugh throughout the experience. Victims cannot shout or speak clearly, Prowl is impossible, skill performance is -40%, lose initiative, -2 to combat rolls and Spd. is reduced by 30% for 1D4+1 rounds.
    Poison: A concentrated chemical that inflicts 4D6 M.D. for every melee round the victim is exposed. For characters in Host or Living Armor, the pilot takes an additional 1D6 damage direct to S.D.C. or Hit Points. In addition to physical damage, the victim(s) feels sick and weak, reduce Spd. by 20%, P.S. by 1D6+2 points (reduce damage accordingly) and is -1 on all combat rolls. Exposure lasts while in the cloud or spray and an additional 1D6+1 rounds afterwards. Victims must roll to save every round. A successful save means no additional damage, but the penalties persist.
    Scent Marker: Used for identification, warning, and tracking by covering a person, thing, or area with a distinctive scent. Only the sprayer or beings with enhanced smell can detect the marker. The chemical marker can be smelled up to 2 miles away and adds a +20% bonus to track for the sprayer and +12% for others who can detect the scent.
    Sleep: The gas causes organic beings to fall asleep within 1D4 melee rounds and remain asleep for 3D6 minutes. Victims may be awoken with smelling salts or similar or by violent physical shaking. Even after awaking, victims remain groggy and -5 to strike, parry, and dodge for the duration of the Sleep effect.
    Stench: A horrifyingly noxious fume and irritant that causes violent coughing, gaggling, and eyes to water. Victims are -4 on all combat rolls and lose two melee actions/attacks as long as they stay in the area of effect and for one melee round after exiting it. Characters with any enhanced sight or super vision have the range of their ability reduced by half.

Squeeze Vines: The Wildling has an additional 2D4 vines, along with any other limbs it possess. These vines are thicker and while they can grasp objects, they are unable to perform fine manipulation. The vines can constrict and squeeze with tremendous force. These snake-like vines are able to perform the same combat maneuvers as the “Serpentine Body” detailed in the Splicers main book, pg. 91. If multiple vines are being used, each vine adds the equivalent of five points to the Wildling’s P.S. score for determining Crush/Squeeze damage or pulling victims free. Each vine has 1D6x10+10 M.D.C.

Stink Weed: The Wildling is covered by fine vines with small, bulb-like clusters covering their body. Up to two clusters can be opened at will each melee round. This action counts as one melee attack, regardless of the number of clusters opened. Opening these clusters releases a repugnant, sickly sweet odor. Smashing or cutting attacks have a 45% chance per attack of opening a cluster, with the same effects. Effects: Any organic non-Wildling within 10 feet must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison (16 or higher.) Characters with any type enhanced smell suffer a -6 penalty to the this roll. A failed roll means the victim feels nauseous and begins retching and gagging. The victim is -3 on initiative, -1 on all combat rolls, and -10% on skill performance due to the terrible smell. Opening two clusters doubles the range and penalties. The smell lasts one minute per level of the Wildling and radiates around it like a flower. A successful save means the character is still -1 on initiative and -5% on skill performance.

Thorns: The Wildling is covered in extremely durable, sharp spines roughly 6 to 9 inches long. These thorns inflict 3D6 M.D. to anyone attempting to grapple with the Wildling. Anyone striking the Wildling will still inflict damage but takes 1D6 M.D. in return. Effects: Add +30 M.D.C., +1D6 M.D. to normal punch/kick damage, +1D6 damage for entangling attacks, and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

Vines: The Wildling has 2D4 fine vines in addition to any other limbs it may possess. The vines are 1D6+3 feet long and grasp objects and perform other fine manipulations. Each vine has a P.S. of 10 and can be used to strike or entangle objects or victims. Effects: +1 to parry, +2 to entangle and pin, +5% to Gymnastics and Climb. For every four vines the Wildling acquires, it gets one additional melee attack/action and an additional +2 to entangle and pin. The vines have an M.D.C. of 1D4x10+10

electrical generation: doesn't include what the damage is to the armor. just that it's MD & that there is 2D6 SDC/HP damage to pilot. how much is the MD damage?
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Kinghawke wrote: electrical generation: doesn't include what the damage is to the armor. just that it's MD & that there is 2D6 SDC/HP damage to pilot. how much is the MD damage?

Excellent eye Kinghawke, thank you. I've updated the entry to reflect the damage: 4D12 M.D. by touch or at a range of up to 30 feet.

Thanks again!
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Kinghawke »

Guy_LeDouche wrote:
Kinghawke wrote: electrical generation: doesn't include what the damage is to the armor. just that it's MD & that there is 2D6 SDC/HP damage to pilot. how much is the MD damage?

Excellent eye Kinghawke, thank you. I've updated the entry to reflect the damage: 4D12 M.D. by touch or at a range of up to 30 feet.

Thanks again!

your welcome and thank you. I'm slightly OCD, so things bug me when details are not quite all lined up right. if I have any more questions, I'll state it.
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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

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Kinghawke wrote:
Guy_LeDouche wrote:
Kinghawke wrote: electrical generation: doesn't include what the damage is to the armor. just that it's MD & that there is 2D6 SDC/HP damage to pilot. how much is the MD damage?

Excellent eye Kinghawke, thank you. I've updated the entry to reflect the damage: 4D12 M.D. by touch or at a range of up to 30 feet.

Thanks again!

your welcome and thank you. I'm slightly OCD, so things bug me when details are not quite all lined up right. if I have any more questions, I'll state it.

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Re: The LeDouche-verse is going green: The Wildlings are loose!

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like the whole concept.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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