On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Sun Samurai are the Fire Sun’s elite super soldiers. This program next to the Soviet
Union/Russia’s Red Iron Guard Program (See Rifter #42) is the most bona-fide success in the
creation of super soldiers in existence. The exact number of Sun Samurai remains a closely
guarded secret known only to the higher ups, Moltar, and Naoko. There are 8 platoons of 30
soldiers. Each is stationed in various parts of the world where the Fire Sun operates. One
platoon guards the KI building in down Tokyo disguised as security guards. Another guards
the KI building in Los Angeles and the one in Seattle. The Fire Sun is not continually making
new soldiers, but usually two or three are created every three months, or perhaps a few
more depending if several are lost in combat.

Those who become Sun Samurai are steadfast in their devotion toward the company, to the
point they are more than willing to give up their life for it. They understand that becoming a
samurai means their possible death, but nearly all believe that will never have to use their
APS-Fire form because their natural abilities make them superior to “others” is all they will
ever need. So the nature and dark reputation is no deterrent for them. Furthermore, these
individuals are also unaware that along with the procedure, they are giving psychic
conditioning (psionic brainwashing) to enforce their loyalty. This process prevents the soldier
from acting against the Sun’s interests. The process should not be thought of as mind
control, but rather a way of directing a person’s behavior to conform to the Sun’s strict honor
and loyalty code. If a soldier attempts to betray or do anything proactive against the Sun’s
interest, he feels intense guilt and dishonor, without being told too by anyone. So strong is
this behavior, the subject will rather take his own life than bring dishonor to himself.

Sun Samurai work together like a well oiled machine without conflict, quarreling, or animosity.
Furthermore, they never question their role or the motives behind their mission object. They
never even stop to consider the pros and cons of a mission’s outcome. Nor do they need
encouragement or approval by their superiors. Fulfilling the mission object is rewarding

The Fire Sun show no concern for the welfare of their soldiers. They are expendable and in
their minds they can always make more. After all, each soldier is a volunteer who understood
the risks; furthermore, they regard the soldiers as weapons not people. They are paid well
(families usually receive most of the money) and show unquestionable devotion to a
organization even though they know they’re doomed to die in a fiery explosion.

Occupation: Elite Soldier and Body Guard for the Fire Sun.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 1D4+2 on average
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 2D6, then +1D6 per level of exp. S.D.C.: 85/138
Armor Rating: A.R.: 14 in fire form.
P.P.E.: 6d6
Appearance: A perfect physical specimens, giftedly athletic, Japanese males with
blond hair, and red eyes. They wear sun colored combat gear.
Typical Attributes: I.Q. 9+1D6, M.E. 9+1D6, M.A. 9+1D6, P.S. 18+2D6 (extraordinary),
P.P. 23, P.E. 3D6+8, Spd. 4D6+2, P.B. 4D6.
Age: 18-30, Sex: Male, Height: 4 foot, 10 inches-6 feet (1.24-1.82 m), Weight: 90-160 lbs (40.5-72 kg).
Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Fire and Alter Physical Structure: Fire
(special). The moment this power is activated, it cannot be turned off. The Sun Samurai will
remain in a living state of fire until his death. As a result, most will choose to super nova at
some point if they fail to defeat their enemy or if they failed in their mission. Those few who
survive the super nova experience, are usually never the same again.
Super Soldier Enhancements: Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity, Mind and Body
Attuned, Phenomenal Balance, and Physical Transformation.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +2 from Hand to Hand +2 from enhancement). 1
additional attack can be gained by those 4th level and higher.
Typical Combat Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +6 to strike, +7 to parry, +9 to dodge,
automatic dodge, +3 to pull punch, +8 to roll with punch, +1 to disarm. Additional bonuses
can be gained via increase in experience level and physical skills chosen as secondary skills.
Saving Throws: Impervious to fire, heat, and smoke, +4 to save vs. horror factor, +1
to save vs. poison/disease, and +2 to save vs. possession. Additional saving throws bonuses
gained via an increase to attribute scores.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Wheel
Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6+2, Axe Kick 2D8+2, Leap Kick 3D8+2 (count as two attack),
and Paired Weapons. Additional saving throws bonuses gained via an increase to attribute
Educational Background: Military (Basic)
[uCommon Skills[/u]: Read-Write/Speak Japanese, Pilot: Automobile, and Mathematics: Basic
Special Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing, Forced March, Military Etiquette,
Radio: Basic, W.P. Sword, and W.P Archery.
2nd Military Program: CBRN Warfare, Camouflage, Parachuting, and Demolitions.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush, Intelligence,
Wilderness Survival, Escape Artist, and Tracking (people).
Physical Program: Kick Boxing, Aerobic Athletics, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance, Walk
Rope, Climb Rope, Backflip), and Prowl.
Secondary: 8 secondary skills, two of which are usually Language and Literacy: English
(+15% to language).
Money: Each samurai is paid 550,000 yen (4515 U.S. dollars) a week or he or she has
the option of having 2/3 of his or her monthly earns sent to his or her family.
Weapons: Along with access to the arsenal used by the Fire Sun, each Samurai is
given the following.
Energy Blade/Katana: Damage: 5D6 (can be varied down to 1D6), Bonuses: +1 to
Vibro Blade/Wakizashi, Damage: 3D6+3
Yumi (Long Bow), Fire explosive arrow heads (4D6 damage), typically carry 12
Fire Blast, See Control Elemental Force: Fire
Fire Balls, This power can be done without being in APS-Fire but cost two attacks to
use it.
Armor: Designed specifically for the Samurai, completely realistic to the actual armor
worn by the Japanese Samurai Soldiers. The armor is impervious to fire and heat. A.R.: 12,
S.D.C. 60. Lightweight and provides them full mobility, no penalty to dodge or
Equipment & Vehicles: Each samurai has access to many of the Fire Sun’s fleet
vehicles as well as their famous Sun Glider (Jet Powered Glider) used so often by them.
Samurai will also have access to most of the high tech equipment used by the Fire Sun as
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Another Great one,Reagren Wright!
I hope you Come up with More.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Bruce Maxmillion was a tough, no-nonsense bully. He picked on smaller, weaker kids
throughout his school years. He acted out in the way that his father treated him at home. A
few days after his sixteenth birthday while working on the farm, he started to feel
excessively hot as if his body was on fire. Whenever he touched the wheat, the plants
immediately burst into flame. Distraught he ran toward the house when he suddenly ran into a
dirt wall that he himself erected. Bruce kept to himself as much as possible for the next
couple of days to avoid his parents while he tried to master this strange power that gave him
control over the earth itself. A few weeks later with complete mastery over his power, he
used it to bury his father alive. Afterward he started using the power to attack banks and
credit unions. The stolen money he used to help pay for his ailing mother who he loved
dearly. During one of his bank robbers he killed a teller whose husband was a member of
SHOCKS. This put him on their most wanted list. A few days later, Bruce was in the process
of robbing another bank when SHOCK members arrived on the scene. The husband of the
teller used a flamethrower on Bruce. The intense heat reduced Bruce’s body to a pile of
burning goo yet moments later he rose up as a person composed of steaming lava. Now he
was a living volcano. Becoming a living pool of molten lava, he incinerated the SHOCKS. This
new power made him an even bolder super villain. Before long Bruce was on G.I.G.M.A./U.S.
S.C.R.E.T.s top ten most wanted list. He was eventually contacted by Naoka who offered him
a lucrative proposition. In return for his services as his personal bodyguard and leader of the
Sun Samurai, he would obtain power, wealth, and experience every delight he could desire.
Moltar agreed as long as a portion of his income was used to help take care of his mother.
Naoka agreed. Today Moltar is still the leader of the Sun Samurai and Naoka’s right hand man.
He remains on the most wanted list, but now he’s a super terrorist known throughout the
world, particularly Australia, China, South Korea, Russia, The Philippines, and of course Japan.
For the most part, he is unstoppable as his powers allow him the ability to cause massive
damage to large population areas. He and Samurai Sun, member of the Peace Keeper League,
are engaged in a deadly feud, each vowing to destroy the other. Moltar has no problem being
a ruthless destroyer, and some in the Fire Sun have questioned why he is not even more
destructive and brutal. Moltar simply says he is not his father and although he has the power
to kill tens of thousands, he only does so on his terms and such wanton destruction will only
come about on his terms alone. Naoka knows the truth, Bruce would be rebuke by his beloved
mother and that is something he simply won’t allow to happen.

Real Name: Bruce Maxmillion
Occupation: Bodyguard for Naoka Kikumara and Leader of the Sun Samurai
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 42 S.D.C.: 135 Armor Rating: A.R.: 14 with
ground contact
P.P.E.: 27
Appearance: He is a tall, exceptionally built athlete with red eyes, a hairless body, and
dark tan weathered skin, that feels like leather.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E.12, M.A. 12, P.S. 19 (superhuman)/25 in larva form , P.P. 15,
P.E. 13, Spd. 35/17 in lava form, P.B. 8
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight:
195 lbs (87.75 kg)/390 lbs 9175.5 kg) in lava form.
Vulnerability: As long has he has direct contact with the Earth (standing on the
ground, street, stairs, etc, and not high inside a building (3rd floor or more) or hovering in the
air, he possess Superhuman P.S. and Natural Armor Rating (otherwise it’s 19 normal). In his
lava form, he still possesses Superhuman P.S. but slightly augmented. His lava form is
vulnerable to cold, ice, and water based attacks (inflict double damage and reduce
attack/Spd by one-half. If immersed in water he takes 2D4x10 points of damage, but all he
has to do is revert to flesh and he no longer takes an additional damage.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Lava and Geo-Thermal Energy. Note:
His lava form heals 4D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes.
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +4 to
damage/+10 in lava form, +7 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and disarm.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (2), Backhand 1D6, Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Crescent Kick 2D8, Wheel Kick 3D6,
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S.
damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4 + P.S. damage bonus,
all Holds, Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of
18-20. Note: Ground contact gives him Superhuman P.S. so increase all melee attacks by
1D6. His lava form increases the damage by 6D6.
Saving Throws: Impervious to fire, heat, plasma, lava, smoke, ash, steam, and sulfur.
Educational Background: On the Job Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%,
and Pilot: Automobile 78%,
Learned Skills: and Volcanology and Seismology 80%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Athlete, and Body Building & Weightlifting.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 75%, Intelligence
71%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Interrogation 75%, and Tracking (general) 70%.
Secondary: Prowl 55%, Land Navigation 60%, Radio: Basic 80%, Language: Japanese
68%, Literacy: Japan 70%, Physical Labor, Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 78%, General
Repair/Maintenance 75%, Masonry 60%, Law (general) 55%, Mining 40%, and Excavation
Money: Naoka invests one third of Maltar money into KI. Moltar has personally
amassed about 227,826,599 Japanese Yen (2.9 million USD) and has 3 million in cash stored in
various cities places throughout the Pacific coast. He has sent his mother nearly two-thirds
of a million dollars in the last two years alone and paid all her medical expenses in full.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities. However, he has access to all Fire Sun’s
advance weaponry and high technology. To many power attack to list but his favorite is:
Lava Bolts (he can generate in normal and lava form), Range: 150 feet (45.72 m),
Damage: 6D6 and keeps burning for 1D4 additional melees, doing half damage per round,
Bonus: +1 to strike.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities (can’t use most it in lava form,
but he has access to nearly all the Fire Sun advance technology if he need to use it.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Reagren Wright,I just found some Names In GI think you can use.

Skulldugger:GI,page 218

Motley Fools:GI,page 219

Spike Sizewell:GI,page 219

Jackal Pack:GI,page 220

Spoilsport:GI,page 222
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

:eek: :oops: You know one day I'm going to learn to stop saying I've completely edited
something and then after showing it to someone they find a dozen errors that I've missed.
Same difference with Gramercy Island. Thanks for pointing out to me that I've once again :o
left some names in the book and failed to provide them stats. Talks about easter eggs. And
here I just put my HU books away to start working on some fantasy. Oh well, not to worry fans
of this post. Gaby's diligence will not be for naught. Skulldigger and Spoilsport are
criminal masterminds so giving them life is a breeze. Spike Sizewell sounds like a stage
magician. Motley Fools and Jackal Pack are super villain teams so that means
making a bunch of people. So rest assure folks some new stuff is coming real soon :ok: .
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Spike Sizewell grew up the son of Arthur and June Sizewell, Circus Performers for the Parker and
Wayne Traveling Circus. Growing up around in the circus, Spike believed one day he would
become the star of the show. At age fourteen, he convinced his parents to let him start
performing before the crowds as an escape artist. Spike unfortunately wasn’t able to get out in
time before the device dropped a heavy weight on top of him. Luckily his father arrived in time ,
but in order to save his son, he sacrificed himself. Unable to live with the guilt at what he done,
Spike left the circus. He lived on the streets perfecting his craft, stealing whatever he needed
in order to survive. Eventually his talents became noticed by organized crime. Spike found
lucrative employment stealing for the mob. The few times Spike got captured, he simply
escaped from the local confines he was in. After a few years, Spike finally decided he was tired
of being a puppet for organized crime and wanted to return to doing his own thing. But the
moment he did he received a visit from thugs who convinced him he needed to reconsider. At
last Spike had enough he was tired of being bullied around. For his life job he was going to do
his most famous disappearing tricks of all time. The Gipetto Crime family hired him to steal the
Crimson Star, a magnificent pear shaped ruby from one of the museums in Motor City. Spike
successful broke into the museum but was unaware they hired Rover Robotics to guard their
special exhibits. Spike managed to stash the rock in a clever hiding place within the museum
just before getting caught by the robotic guard dogs. Spike was tried and convicted and sent
to Gramercy Island (Bedlam). While in Bedlam he received ominous warnings from the Gipetto
family that he needed to reveal the location of the stone. Spike claimed he lost it, but no one in
the Gipetto family believes him. A few months ago Albert Taylor, noted Century Station lawyer,
managed to overturn Spike conviction. Spike is fully aware that Gipetto goons are coming after
him as well as other individuals who want to the get their hangs on the rock or the finder’s fees
from the insurance company. Spike is convinced he can retrieve the rock himself and disappear,
yet he is more than willing to accept anyone’s aid to in effect keep the goons off him long
enough to double cross whomever so he can get away and retire in luxury.

Real Name: Spike Sizewell
Occupation: Escape Artist and Jewel Thief
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Stage Magician
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 49 S.D.C.: 50
P.P.E.: 7
Appearance: He is a very attractive, athletic male with a gymnast’s body. He has blue
eyes and shoulder length blond hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 11, M.A.20, P.S. 19, P.P. 20, P.E. 20, Spd. 26, P.B. 22
Age: 25, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.72 m), Weight: 135 lbs (60.75 kg)
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to dodge, +4 to damage,
+8 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +3 disarm.
Saving Throws: +10% to save vs. coma/death and +3 to save vs. poison & magic,
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (2), Backhand 1D6, Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 3D6+2, Crescent Kick
2D4+4, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying
Jump Kick 4D6, Leap Attack, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll
of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 50% trust/intimidate and 60% to charm/impress.
Special Skills: Sleight of Hand, Contortionist, and Juggling (+1 to strike, parry, throw/13
objects) 90%.
Educational Background: Special Education
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Language: French 80%,
Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Automobile 94%, and Pilot: Motorcycle 98%.
Sleight of Hand Program: Card Sharp 92%, Concealment 82%, Palming 90%, Pick
Locks 95%, Pick Pocket 90%, Find Contraband 68%, and Streetwise 62%.
Illusion & Magic Program: Performance 92%, Public Speaking 98%, Dance 80%,
Disguise 87%, Escape Artist 98%, Imitate Voice & Sounds 90%/83%, T.V./Video 90%,
Surveillance 80%, Basic Electronics 80%, and Chemistry 98%.
Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 94%, Climb Rope
98% Back Flip 98%), Athletics (General), Climbing 90%, and Prowl 80%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Running, Carpentry 65%, Pilot: Truck 96%,
Pilot: Race Car 79%, First Aid 85%, History 98%/80%, Art (Charcoal Drawing) 75%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 74%, Aerobic Athletics, Seduction 33%, and Ventriloquism 28%.
Money: He has $4500 dollars in his saving account and $1100 in his checking. He is in
possession of the Crimson Star, a 43 carat ruby (worth $233,200 per carat).
Weapons: He has always relied on his physical capabilities and his quick thinking.
Equipment & Vehicles: When he prepares for a break in or performance, he has all the
equipment he needs to help her. In combat, he must utilize his quick thinking and ingenuity.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Grover Carlson grew up a life of privilege in Silver City in Century Station but he loved to hang
out in Brisby Flats. He learned the logo and could blend in perfectly. No one was the wiser
about his high society life style. His father however did and sent him away to a private school
in upstate New York. It was here that Grover learned to become a hacker. Taking the name
Skull Dugger he pulled off some major crimes simply by using his computer. When he turned 18,
he returned to Century Station to attend Copernicus University for a degree in journalism,
claiming he wanted to be an investigate reporter. In truth, he wanted to return to the street
and be among his friends. Amazingly Grover pulled it off he graduated with a B.A. in journalism
but a Ph.D. in working the streets. Using his knowledge he pulled off some amazing jobs, but at
the same time shared in his expertise to help out the little guy (well at least once in a while).
His street rep hit soaring heights. Enough so various criminal masterminds brought him in to use
his expertise. Although he worked for numerous individuals, Grover maintained a distance and
never truly aligned himself with anyone, which at the same time most members of organized
crime were comfortable with. Because he managed a dual lifestyle, Grover found a way to live
among the Silver Society yet spend his time with the criminal underworld of Brisby Flats. It
seemed like paradise until Bloody Monday. Grover just happened to be in the area when it went
down. Afterward, he started helping survivors then found himself hiding from the rioting and
looting. Disheartened by it all, Grover decided to move away from Century Station and took up
residence in Victory City. Unfortunately Grover’s psyche was still damage and his attempt be
the same fence extraordinaire he was in Century Station failed miserably. He also got careless
and found himself caught in a major sting operation. Now his criminal past was revealed to all
thus destroying his high society credibility but it boosted his reputation back home in the
criminal underworld. Another thing it brought up, the five homicides he committed in his early
20s. In an effort to save himself after being sent to Gramercy Island, Grover started snitching
out three criminal masterminds, Josiah Moises Stevenson; a man with direct connections with
the Minotaur, Anthony Lorenzo, a crime syndicates top man and enemy of the Crime Masters
(HU 1st edition-original, and Bobby Kirby (Big Bouncer, Rifter 9 1/2). All three of these men have
yet to learn of Grover’s betrayal. Grover has been sent to the Cage namely to keep him in
witness protection. Grover has one further ace up his sleeve but he’s not entirely sure he
wants to play it or not, he can also finger Mason Blodgett, founder and CEO of Xander Financial
Group. The criminals currently looked up in Bedlam still regard Skull Dugger as one of their own.
In fact he has two to three dozen “acquaintances” who are major players in organized crime
and the black market advocating for him to bent sent to Bedlam so he can be among his
people. He is so beloved by these folks they are starting to riot and cause disturbances until he
is brought before his people. Grover wants nothing to do with them knowing full well it’s only a
matter of time the truth comes out over what he has done.

Real Name: Grover Carlson
Occupation: Street Criminal and Fence Extraordinary.
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Ordinary Human
Experience Level: 9th level
Hit Points: 51 S.D.C.: 10
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: He is a handsome, middle aged, well-groomed man. He has short, curly
brown hair, a short goatee, and brown eyes. He wears stylist three-piece suits, dress shoes,
tie, and white gloves.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 13, M.A. 10, P.S. 10, P.P. 12, P.E. 14, Spd. 12, P.B. 14
Age: 40, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+2 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap
Kick 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All
Holds, and Critical strike on unmodified roll of 19-20.
Educational Background: Bachelor Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%%/97% and Pilot: Automobile 98%%.
Computer Hacker Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Cryptography 90%, Computer
Operation 98%, Computer Programming 97%, and Computer Hacking 85%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astrophysics 98%,
Anthropology 98%, and Astronomy & Navigation 95%.
Investigation Program: Research 98%, Photography 98%, and Writing 90%.
2nd Investigation Program: Detect Concealment 80%, Streetwise 86%, Find
Contraband 87%, and I.D. Undercover Agents 98%.
Learned Skills: Gambling (Standard) 80% and Gambling (Dirty Tricks) 61%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Barter 71%, Pick Locks 80%, Pick Pocket 80%,
Palming 70%, Concealment 70%, Prowl 75%, Wardrobe & Grooming 86%, W.P. Handgun (+4 to
aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Knife (+4 to strike/+5 to parry/+5 to throw), Pilot: Truck 92%, Pilot:
Airplane 86%), Language: Spanish 86%, Literacy: Spanish 90%, Swimming 70%, First Aid 65%,
Appraise Antiques 35%, and Automotive Mechanics 63%.
Money: He has hidden away in a secret hideouts in Victory City a 4D6x10,000
emergency fund. It’s the last bit of cash he has left. The rest has either been seized or given
Weapons: He always carried a easily concealable pistol and knife on his person. In the
Cage, he’s made a homemade knife (1D4).
Equipment & Vehicles: Everything of value has been taken from him. All he has owns
know is his reputation and a homemade knife. In short, the same things he started out with.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

First Off here is a skill from HU 1st edition (the original) that should make its way back into official cannon.

New Communication skill: Law (Professional): This is the knowledge and
understanding of one specific branch of the law and legal code; civil, criminal, corporate, or
international and federal. Select this skill provides a backing in only one. This skill can be
selected more than once for additional understanding in other divisions. Prerequisite:
Law (General) and Research: Base skill: 30% +5% per level of experience.

Now how to apply this skill and an occupation missing from HU and really needed.

Attorney Scholastic Skill Program
Mathematics: Basic
Computer Operation
Law (General)
Law Professional (select one)
Public Speaking

And now for the villain.


Nicolas Hawkins was born to an Rumania-American family and lived in the Everett section of
Century Station. His father was a Century Station Police Officer, as were both of his
grandfathers - both of whom had died in the line of duty. After graduating from high school,
Hawkins first worked as a file clerk to earn his way through college and law school before
becoming a criminal defense attorney. His association with Century Station Organize Crime
dates from his time as a file clerk. He quickly developed a reputation as a lawyer who would
take any necessary action to get his clients acquitted. He used legitimate means to win almost
all of his jury trials, but he was also prepared to bribe judges and court officials in the corrupt
Century Station court system. His success as a criminal attorney brought him both significant
wealth and access to the highest levels of the Century Station Crime Lords. His fearlessness,
love for gambling, and carefree attitude also brought him social and professional contacts with
enforcers and street crews of syndicates. He shared in their nightlife at the city’s hottest bars
and played cards in their private clubs. His ability to fix the trial of a notorious Hit Man Marcelo
Deleon gained him entry to the Inner Circle of the Minotaur. It was the local media that name
him the Spoilsport attorney. Five years ago Hawkins himself became the accused when he was
charged with tax evasion. Although his conviction was reversed on appeal, he was later retried
and convicted on related charges. As a result, he was suspended from the practice of law, and
none of his former allies in organized crime, even the Minotaur provided him support. Everyone
effectively abandoned him. Spoilsport decided to make everyone who wronged him pay. Two
years ago Hawkins entered the hospital room of a dying and comatose Alvin Randall, the multi-
millionaire founder of Randall Industries, forced a pen to his hand and lifted it to his will and
made himself his sole beneficiary. Despite the best handwriting experts and lawyers Randall’s
family could afford, the resulting marks were determined in court to be Randall’s valid signature.
Hawkins took the money and seemingly disappeared from public life. In truth, Hawkins became
an advisor to various criminal lords throughout the United States and a freelance lawyer
employed by Fabricators Inc. Hawkins advocate his clients to kill potential witnesses to
teaching a gangbanger tutorial on how to launder drug money. Presently he is involved in his
most brilliant scheme of all time. He has produced evidence that he is the legal owner of
Gramercy Island.

Real Name: Nicolas Mason Hawkins
Alias: He has half a dozen aliases that exist entirely on computer and paper.
Occupation: Former Defense Attorney, now Criminal Mastermind
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Ordinary Human (Criminal Mastermind)
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Spoilsport is good looking, black hair, and brown eye Eastern European male.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 21, M.A. 18, P.S. 19, P.P. 15, P.E. 14, Spd. 25, P.B. 14
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to damage,
+4 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +3 to save vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. insanity, and +2 to save vs.
horror factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack/action), all Holds, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Master’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/97% and Pilot: Automobile 87%.
Attorney Program (see above): Mathematics: Basic 98%, Computer Operation 98%,
Law (General) 98%, Law Professional (Criminal) 98%, Public Speaking 98%, and
Research 98%.
Investigation Program: Photography 98% and Writing 98%
2nd Investigation Program: Forgery 79%, Intelligence 83%, Find Contraband 90%%, and
Streetwise 84%.
Technical Program: Business & Finance 98%, Appraise Antiques 92%, Computer
Programming 98%, and Gemology 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Barter 69%, Performance 79%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 89%, Play Tennis 77%, Athlete, Running, Prowl 72%, Gambling (standard) 77%,
Seduction 53%, Language: Romanian 75%, Literacy: Romanian 77%, History 82%62%, and W.P.
Handgun (+1 to strike).
Money: Spoilsport has a secret checking account set up Fabricators Inc holding $7.8
million dollars. He has three savings accounts in a Swiss Bank, one in Mexico, and one in
Thailand. Each has 2D6x$100,000 in them. He also has a secret stash of money in a house in
Orange Hills with $3D4x10,000 inside.
Weapons: He usually carries some kind of handgun on his person at all times. It varies.
Equipment & Vehicles: He utilizes whatever is necessary to get the job done. He has 10
million dollars in equipment to help him forge a variety of licenses, birth certificates, credit
cards, paper money, etc. He drives around in a fully restored red De Tomaso Pantera GT5. The
car is a souped-up vehicle with theft alarm system, thief proof locks, super fuel efficiency,
vehicle caltrops, satellite radio system, radar display, self-seal inflating tires, engine readout
package, and bullet proof windows.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I like the Law (Professional) skill. I was not aware it existed. I had done some law skills in the We Gots The Skills thread based on legal professionals.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like the Law (Professional) skill. I was not aware it existed. I had done some law skills in the We Gots The Skills thread based on legal professionals.

Yep have to go old school to the original HU book not the revised one. As I've said before there
are some cool skills here that Kevin no longer uses like Teaching, Advertising, Law Professional
(hence the reason there is a Law General), Architectural Design/Engineering, Medical Specialist,
Agriculture, Physics, Political Science, just to name a few.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Note: A motley fool is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the
Middle Ages.

The Motley Fools is a band of practical jokesters who play havoc on the lives of tens of
thousands with their gags and malicious stunts. The fools are not interested in stealing money,
jewels, or precious items. They are only interesting in disrupting what they call, “the rolling
boredom of everyday life.” Unfortunately they’ve become convinced that anguish, death, and
humiliation are the answer to the boredom. Presently no one has learned how this group
operates or the “Modus operandi” and even if they did have one, no one is able to anticipate
their next target because even they have no idea what they will do next. They never plan
anything before hand. They are spur of the moment ideas, but once the ideas comes into play,
then they take great pains to ensure its absolute success.

The Fools do operate as solo individuals accept for Mr. Incognito and that’s because he
never leaves Gramercy Island. The Fools also have a long term rivalry with the Fun Bunch but
that ended after their capture. The current Heckler also knows the truth about Mr. Incognito
but is not willing to share any information with anyone at the prison.

Perhaps their most famous caper is the one their most proud of. They’ve been playing
massive jokes on the inhabitants of Gramercy Island. First they reloaded all the miniguns with
blanks, then they toiled papered the outer wall, now they introduced cola syrup and
carbonation into the water supply. None of these gags has been harmful to anyone inside the
prison. In fact the prison is the only place they’ve not injured anyone because of their gags.
However, the mere fact they can pull off these stunts suggest they might be in the inside of
the facility. Yet everyone has always been accounted for. Warden Harker is demanding their
capture and by any means necessary. The guard and the inmates are not worried as much and
seem to look forward to the Fool next harmless prank.

The truth is also very disturbing the Fools HQ is Gramercy Island. Accept for Mr.
Incognito every member works at the prison. During their month off, the Fools engage in their
prankster behavior while Mr. Incognito remains behind. He’s more than happy to do so feeling
has no reason to leave. Unless he is needed for a major operation then he is jumping at the

Motly Fools Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: None (0)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 points)
C. Weapons: Ammunition (2 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: None (0 Points)
E. Vehicles: Public Transportation (3)
F. Communications: Secured Services (10 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (5 Points)
H. Military Power: None (0 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agent Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Potatoes ($100,000) (20 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Rigid Laws (0 Points)
M Internal Security: Paranoid (30 Points)
N External Infiltration: General Infiltration (25 Points-Gramercy Island only)
O Research and Information: Good Connections (10 Points)
P Business Credentials: Hunted (0 points)
Q. Employees Salary: None (0 points)
Total Agency Points: 145 Points
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Great can't wait to see the Members.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gaby wrote:Great can't wait to see the Members.

Yes, I must admit that the Motley Fools have me intrigued.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Mike Flowers was a Century Station Police Officer who loved playing practical jokes on his
fellow officers. Some jokes were harmless (tape the opening of a soda can) others elaborate
(super glue everything on the captain’s desk). Yet he loved his job, especially when piloting the
various power armors CSPD acquired. When an opportunity to transfer to Gramercy
Island came, Mike did so namely to avoid the dangers being a CSPD officer posed on his well
being. He and his wife were anticipating their first born. Right away Mike became a popular guy
with the facility guards, although many did not find his jokes that amusing, especially Ardent
McGee. Then one day while testing an earlier prototype of the JG-86 Cybersystem (JG-75)
on the island, Mike decided to see if he could leap the walls. He activated the jump jets which
suddenly malfunctioned and shot him not only above and beyond the wall, but over the cliff
onto the rocky reefs. The suit was severely damaged as he lay their on the rocks for several
minutes waiting for a rescue team. Unbeknown to Mike several mutant versions of the boring
weevils climbed into his suit and made their way into his body. At first Mike didn’t notice them
until hours later as he was taking a shower. He saw them crawling within his abdomen. His
screams brought the attention of a guard how looked in the shower but failed to notice Mike
standing there until he forcefully got the guy's attention. For the rest of the day, Mike noted
he was able to wander around the entire prison without anyone paying him any heed. He’d
stand beside someone and they never notice him unless he forced it. He was also able to
by-pass all the security checkpoints. He never showed up on camera, sensors didn’t detect
him, lock doors would open for him, setting off alarms but he would stand there and nobody
would pay him any heed and even if they did for a moment, a few minutes later forgot he was
there. Biometric devices failed to work on him yet he could still open any door he wanted by
simply willing it. After a while Mike got even bolder, he went into the super power prison section
of the prison and sat in the cells of some of the most ruthless villains ever and no one was the
wiser, not even the villain in the cell. Mike started to get a little lonely. His wife became
disinterested in him yet she was always looking for him as if he was never around. Mike became
convinced the beetles where the ones doing this to him. Yet whenever he went to a doctor’s
office, the examination could never find them. Furthermore, the nurses and the doctors would
forget he was in the room. Mike started craving attention. He’d spend almost all his time at the
prison, talking to anyone who listened to him, inmates and guards. He craved the attention and
was always sadden when people would walk away and not be able to remember he was even
there. Finally Mike started playing practical jokes around the facility to ease his loneliness and
it delighted him. Even better no one knew it was him or could figure out how it happened. Soon
it became a daily occurrence that is until Mike met Roderick Jack Lott, an inmate in Alphaville
who seem to remember Mike more than anyone else. After telling about himself, Roderick
convinced Mike to help him with an experimental project. The two spent a great deal of time
working together in the Computer & Robotics Center until he devised a small handful of goggles
(5 to be exact) that mimicked all four of his abilities.

Mike and Roderick found three additional guys (three additional Gramercy Island employees)
who had the same liking for silliness as them. Using the devices, the group was able to go
anywhere in the prison and do whatever they wanted. The other four had their own special
skills and talents and became embolden to test them outside the facility. They held up a bank
then stood outside and watched as the police ignored them, as did the eyewitnesses. They
weren’t seen on camera or made that much of an impression on anyone. On occasion, Mike
joined in on the fun, but he was more interested in pulling off major practical jokes. At
first the jokes were harmless but in time they became increasingly harmful to the person the
joke was being played on. Before long they were downright deadly. Mike named the group the
Motley Fools. Today the Fools are a major nuisance to everyone in the prison. Mike is the
group's unofficial leader but he lets them enjoy their fun and games outside the prison where
they do even more elaborate and harmful gags and well as crimes. Mike seems more content
staying on the island. He on occasion goes into his former home and plays with his young
daughter. His ex-wife believes her former husband is their daughter’s imaginary friend. And the
few times Mike has spoken with her, she soon forgets that he was even there. This saddens
Mike who then returns to the prison to play a joke on someone, sometimes harmless,
sometimes lethal, it all depends how depressed his mood is.

Real Name: Mike Flowers
Occupation: Former CSPD SWAT, then Gramercy Island Intervention Guard, Now leader of the Motley Fools.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Symbiotic Superhuman
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 35
Symbiotic organisms: A.R.: 10, Hit Points: 25
P.P.E.: 24
Appearance: Mike looks like a physical fit male in his late 20s. He has short brown hair
and brown eyes. There are 12 bug-like things scurry beneath his skin. For the most part they
stay around his abdomen. Mike can choose to dress as a prisoner or guard. It doesn’t really
matter no one notices and seems to care.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, M.A. 9, P.S. 21, P.P. 21, P.E. 17, Spd. 16, P.B. 10/8 when notice bugs.
Age: 29, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 189 lbs (85.05 kg).
Insanity: Mike hates to be alone. He will always try to stay in a cell with another
inmate. He won’t go anywhere by himself he has to have people around him to make him feel
safe and secure.
Symbiote’s Intelligence: Animal-Low Intelligence. Food Source: Human Waste.
Symbiote Powers: Stealthy (prowl 98%), Breathe in water and vacuum without time
limit, Nightvision 1000 feet (305 m), and Increased Reflexes.
Major Super Abilities: Cloaking and Dismantle Machines
Minor Super Abilities: Un-trackable and Unnoteworthy. Note. Both Cloaking and
Unnoteworthy are working together to really make him unnoticed and unimportant.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +3 to auto
dodge, +6 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +1 to save vs. magic & poison and +5% to save vs. coma/death.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as
two attacks), Karate Kick 2D4, and All Holds.
Educational Background: Trade School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and
Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Law Enforcement: Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst),
Radio: Basic 90%, Crime Scene Investigation 75%, Law (General) 75%, and Intelligence 67%
Modern W.P.: W.P. Sub-machinegun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst0, W.P. Rifle (+3 to
aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Shotgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst).
Learned Skills: Pilot Robot and Power Armor 73% and Sensory Equipment 50%.
Secondary Skills: Cook 60%, Basic Electronics 65%, Basic Mechanics 75%, Computer
Operation 75%, Recognize Weapon Quality 50%, Athlete, Pilot: Boat, Motor, Race, Hydrofoil
80%, Streetwise 40%, General Repair/Maintenance 60%, and Pilot: Boat: Ship/Seamanship
Money: None, he steals whatever he needs. His wife canceled his banking account
years ago.
Weapons: He steals weapons and armor from the various Ops Centers, Evidence Depot,
Motor Pool, and the Industry Buildings.
Armor: He can acquire Point Blank Armor (A.R. 13 or S.D.C. 120) or the RX-3 Combat
Armor (See Gramercy Island page 49-50).
Equipment & Vehicles: He usually hitches a ride with the many vehicles coming and going from the island.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Other than the spelling and grammatical errors, MR. INCOGNITO looks pretty impressive.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Other than the spelling and grammatical errors, MR. INCOGNITO looks pretty impressive.

:o Good rule of thumb, never write something when your tired. Made some changes, it was to
embarrassing not to fix the silly spelling and grammar errors, especially with an English Degree on
the wall staring me in the face. Not perfect but Professor Lootens won't be winching anymore.
More coming up.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Other than the spelling and grammatical errors, MR. INCOGNITO looks pretty impressive.

:o Good rule of thumb, never write something when your tired. Made some changes, it was to
embarrassing not to fix the silly spelling and grammar errors, especially with an English Degree on
the wall staring me in the face. Not perfect but Professor Lootens won't be winching anymore.
More coming up.
We'll be waiting. I am liking this group so far.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Roderick (or Rod by his close friends) loved to work with machines. As a kid he built wondrous
contraptions (like the kid from the movie Goonies) as well as humorous traps and practical
jokes (like the kid from Home Alone). But his favorite thing to play with was robots. Eight years
old Rod built a life size robot that could say 40 different things. At age ten, he won a college
level science fair making robots that would fit in the palm of one’s hand. Yet despite all this
brilliance, Rod spent more time using his machines to play tricks and humiliating jokes on people
instead of practical or purposeful use. Kids his own age wanted nothing to do with him and the
adolescents and adults he went to school with felt the same way. When he turned 16, Rod
graduated from high school and went to college at Texas A&M. Two years later, he graduated
with B.A in Electrical Engineering and found himself employed at the Cyberworks Network. Rod
worked there and finished his Master’s at the same time. Rod found himself in a prize position
working on the latest and futuristic developments in robotics, but Rod for the most part
refused to be serious at time and continued his senseless practical jokes that is until one
backfired, severely injuring an employee. Instead of feeling guilty, Rod thought it was funny. He
was fired from the company. This only made Rod angry, so he became sort of an angry
terrorist, targeting Cyberworks employees with life threatening and critical injuring practical
jokes that involved a comedic type weapon (a boxing glove shoots out of a mailbox with
enough force to brakes ribs or dislocate a person’s jaw) or a killing robot (a type two robot
with an egg launcher, it shoots the eggs out about 100 mph (161 km). For years, Mr. Wright
(the name he went by) plagued the mega-corporation costing its employees tens of thousands
of dollars in damage and health care bills. For the longest time they believed he worked for KLS
as a saboteur. Finally he was captured by a known super hero and sent to Gramercy Island.
For space reasons or maybe because of incompetence, Rod was allowed to be placed in
Alphaville. Behind bars didn’t stop Roderick from using his genius intelligence from creating
nasty practical jokes on inmates and the guards, yet he was clever enough not to let the
evidence point back to him. It was Mike Flowers who figured it out. Rod and Mike soon became
friends having so much in common. Rod was also eager to understand the power Mike
possessed. In time, he was able to replicate that power with his own genius invention the
Foolery Goggles. Now armed with such power to create even bigger and better practical jokes,
Rod recruited some additional likeminded individuals and went on vicious gag and crime spree.
Rod for the most part acts like the leader of the Fools outside of Gramercy, but Rod
acknowledges that his friend is the true mastermind behind everything they do. That being
said, Rod is starting to become bored with toying with the people of Gramercy Island and
wants to mess with more important people, like the Cyberwork Network again or perhaps
players in the federal government, like the Vice President.

Real Name: Roderick Jack Lott
Alias: Mr. Wright, Jackie Lott, Rodney Jack, and Jack Rodney.
Occupation: Criminal Inventor and Practical Jokester
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Hardware (Electrical)
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 39 S.D.C.: 35
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Roderick is a tall, good-looking male, with bright red hair (dyed), and
striking blue eyes. He wears clothes that just as bright and colorful.
Attributes: I.Q. 28, M.E. 21, M.A. 18, P.S. 12, P.P. 10, P.E. 11, Spd. 15, P.B. 11
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 195 lbs (87.75 kg)
Natural Ability: Roderick possess a natural remembering ability similar to the psychic
ability of total recall without the cost of I.S.P. It is this factor alone that allows him to always
remember Mr. Incognito.
Super Inventions: The Foolery Goggles, A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 100. 5th level in power. Repairs
are time-consuming.
Major Super Abilities: Cloaking and Dismantle Machines
Minor Super Abilities: Un-trackable and Unnoteworthy. Note. Both Cloaking
and Unnoteworthy are working together to really make him unnoticed and unimportant.
Combat Training: Non-combatant
Attacks per Melee: 2 attacks and 5 non-combat actions.
Combat Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Saving Throws: +3 to save vs. psionics and +4 to save vs. insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4.
Other Bonuses: +14% to all skills and 50% to trust/intimidate.
Special Hardware Skills: Hot Wiring 112%, Computer Hacking 104%, Electronics
Construction 110%, and Evaluate & Diagnose Electrical Systems Recognize 98%.
Educational Background: Masters’ Degree.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot:
Automobile 98%.
Electrical Program: Basic Mechanics 98% and Computer Repair 98%.
Robot Program: Robot Electronics 98%, Artificial Intelligence 93%, and Robot/Bioware
Mechanics 98%.
Mechanics, Vehicles: Automotive Mechanics 98%, Aircraft Mechanics 98%, and
Mechanical Engineer 98%.
Hardware Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Electricity Generation 98%, Sensory
Equipment 98%, Surveillance Systems 98%, Optic Systems 98%, Computer Operation 98%,
Computer Programming 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, and Mathematics: Advance 98%.
Secondary Skills: General Repair/Maintenance 98%, Business & Finance 89%, Jury-Rig
89%, Art (drawing) 89%, Performance 79%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil Types 98%,
Swimming 98%, Cardsharp 70%, Appraise Antiques 84%, Law (general) 89%, History 98%/84%,
Language: Spanish 82%, Literacy: Spanish 69%, and Navigation 69%.
Money: Roderick has in a secret hideout in Kerguelen a large lab in the basement of a
closed down factory. Inside is $560,000 worth of equipment and tools. He also has $160,000 in
stolen cash and $120,000 in precious stones. There would be more money but some has been
used to fund some of the big practical jokes.
Weapons: Roderick has invented a number of lethal comedic weapons. There are too
many to list however I suggest to G.M.s to draw inspiration from Ludicrous Magic (the magic of
the Ludicrous Mage, See Rifter (9 ½, 22, and 50). Roderick mostly relies on his various killer
robots to do most of his killing for him.
Equipment & Vehicles: Roderick has invented over the years a number of robotic devices
(vehicles) and type twos. His skill is such he can build such machines at a -15% discount cost
because he knows how to cut corners yet produce the results he wants. He steals whatever
vehicle he needs if the mission calls for it.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


These three ordinary guys are among the most fun loving guys you’d ever want to be around.
The only problem is they have no trouble playing a practical joke on a person that will either
kill, permanently injury, or deeply embarrass another human being. After witnessing their
results, they laugh and feel like celebrating. Each adds his own unique sense of humor and
specialty to the Motley Fools. Emmitt Spencer, a research scientist and physician at Gramercy
Island R&D center, loves to work with chemical, drugs, toxins, etc. Norman Boone, a mechanic
at the Gramercy Island Motor Pool, enjoys getting physical, being a bully, and all the rough and
tumble stuff. Harris Brooks, the wise cracking chef that’s responsible for the food at Gramercy
Island delights in making tasty treats to eat, including food that causes digestive problems
(laxatives are his favorite), induce vomiting, or kill minutes after their consumed. Combing their
knowledge and skills with those of Tomfoolery, the Motley Fools may not seem all that
threatening, but because they are not an in your face group of villains. They are not all that
big into being bank robbing and jewelry heisting criminals. They are in it for the gags and
practical jokes. It amuses them that they work in the world’s most state of the art prison, yet
they can get away with anything under everybody’s nose. Even before meeting Mr. Incognito
and Tomfoolery, the three jokesters played havoc on the lives of friends and family. Given the
capability of avoid getting caught, has only brought out the worst of them. Now they simply
don’t care who gets hurts because of their sinister pranks. They care deeply for their family
(Emmitt has a wife and three kids, Norman is engaged to a professor who works at Copernicus
University, and Harris loves his adorable mother) and will do whatever they have to help their
close friends (namely each other) but everyone else in the world is fair game for the prank of a
lifetime. For the most part they’ve avoid seriously hurting their co-workers, hence not to draw
to much attention to the prison, but as for itching powders, color staining soaps, chocolate
laxatives, incidents are almost a weekly event for them. Lately they are starting to get bored
with their elaborate jokes and want to do something even bigger and bolder. Pump a vomiting
inducing gas into the subway tunnels, fill a giant parade balloon with explosive hydrogen gas,
change all the tragic lights in the city green, induce a high flammable liquid into the city water
supply for the fire hydrants, etc. So many ideas, just not enough time to carry them all out.


Real Name: Emmitt Spencer
Occupation: Doctor and Assistant to Anderson Rowland (Head of the R&D Center)
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Ordinary Human
Experience Level: 12th level
Hit Points: 66 S.D.C.: 42
P.P.E.: 7
Appearance: He is a middle-aged man who still on occasions engages in moderate
exercise. He always dresses as a professional He has short brown hair and brown eyes. As
Crazy Bone he wears a bright red professional suit with an orange hat.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 11, M.A.15, P.S. 16, P.P.14, P.E. 12, Spd.12, P.B. 13
Age: 43, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg).
Super Inventions: The Foolery Goggles, A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 100. 5th level in power.
Repairs are time-consuming.
Major Super Abilities: Cloaking and Dismantle Machines
Minor Super Abilities: Un-trackable and Unnoteworthy. Note. Both Cloaking
and Unnoteworthy are working together to really make him unnoticed and unimportant.
Attacks per Melee: 4 attacks and 5 non-combat actions (no auto parry)
Combat Training: Non-Combatant
Combat Bonuses: +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, and +1 to roll with punch/fall.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4 and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Educational Background: Ph.D.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and
Pilot: Automobile 98%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%,
Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 98%, Genetics 98%, and Chemistry: Analytical 98%.
Medical Doctor Program: Biology 98%, Pathology 98%, and Medical Doctor 98%.
Medical Investigation Program: Research 98%, Crime Scene Investigation 98%,
Forensics 98%, and Toxicology 98%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Swimming, Athletics (General), and Running.
Secondary Program: Dance 95%, Automotive Mechanics 96%, Photography 95%, Sewing
98%, Fishing 98%, Pilot: Truck 98%, Pilot: Airplane 98%, Language and Literacy: French
86%/98%, Literacy: Latin 98%, Language & Literacy: German 80%/90%, S.C.U.B.A. 85%,
Wardrobe & Grooming 78%, W.P. Rifle (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Writing 45%, First Aid 50%, and
T.V./Video. 40%
Money: He has about $30,000 in his bank account. He keeps $2D6x1000 hidden in his
home in Fleetwood in case of emergency. He makes about $105,000 a year as a doctor at
Gramercy Island.
Weapons: He has access to various types of conventional and high tech weaponry in
the R&D Center, but he is not a combatant and tends to avoid them.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has access to nearly all the technology of Gramercy Island and the Evidence Depot.


Real Name: Norman Boone
Occupation: Mechanic
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Ordinary Human
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 50 S.D.C.: 42
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: He is built like a heavyweight MMA fighter. He keeps his lemon blond hair in
a buzz cut. He has sky blue eyes. As Horseplay he dresses all in tie-dye apparel.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E.17, M.A. 18, P.S. 26, P.P. 10, P.E. 18, Spd. 11, P.B. 13
Age: 36, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg).
Super Inventions: The Foolery Goggles, A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 100. 5th level in power.
Repairs are time-consuming.
Major Super Abilities: Cloaking and Dismantle Machines
Minor Super Abilities: Un-trackable and Unnoteworthy. Note. Both Cloaking and
Unnoteworthy are working together to really make him unnoticed and unimportant.
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing).
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +11 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap
Kick 1D6, Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin
18-20, Crush 1D4, all Holds, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Saving Throws: +16% to save vs. coma/death, +1 to save vs. psionics & insanity, and
+2 to save vs. poison & magic.
Other Bonuses: 50% to trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot:
Automobile 75%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building & Weightlifting, Boxing, and
Basic Mechanic Program (See Ninja & Superspies): Automotive Mechanics 80%,
Basic Mechanics 70%, Basic Electronics 60%, and General Repair/Maintenance 75%.
Secondary: Fishing 75%, Cook 70%, Art (Sculpture) 60%, Pilot: Truck 81%,
Physical Labor, Law (General) 60%, W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry), W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1
to burst), Sports (Football) 45%, and Housekeeping 50%.
Money: He has a secret stash of about $16,000 hidden away in his house in Kilgore. He
makes about $57,000 as a mechanic in the Gramercy Island motor pool.
Weapons: He has access to all the weapons in Gramercy Island.
Equipment & Vehicles: He works in the Motor Pool so he has access to nearly every
vehicle within the facility, and those he doesn’t have direct access to because of goggles he
can easily acquire.


Real Name: Harris Luis Brooks
Occupation: Former Professional Wrestler and Army Cook, now Head Chef for Gramercy
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Ordinary Human
Experience Level: 9th level
Hit Points: 54 S.D.C.: 50
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: He is a large, flabby, homely man who is lavishly endowed. He is a former
military man who still moderately exercises. He is bald and has blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 10, M.A.12, P.S. 21, P.P.13, P.E. 19, Spd.20, P.B. 8
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 270 lbs (121.5 kg).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +4 Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +8 to damage,
+4 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +8% to save vs. coma/death and +2 to save vs. magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate
Kick 2D4, Body Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D4+2,
Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), all Holds,
Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20, and Critical strike or knockout from behind.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/97%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot:
Automobile 87%.
Military Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Running, Climbing 98%/95%, Forced March,
Military Etiquette 90%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade
(+3 to throw).
Physical Program: Wrestling, Swimming, Physical Labor, and Body Building & Weightlifting.
Learned Skills: Demolition 86% and Demolition Disposal 86%.
Secondary Program: Cooking 90%, Athletics (General), Basic Electronics 75%, Pilot:
Boat, Sail Type 98%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil 98%, Play Harmonics 80%, W.P.
Blunt (+4 to strike/parry), Housekeeping 70%, History 95%/75%, Business & Finance 55%,
Recognize Weapon Quality 45%, Barter 34%, and Law (General) 40%.
Money: He has $11,200 hidden in his home in Orange Hills. He makes about $67,000 as a cook for Gramercy Island.
Weapons: He has access to all the weapons available in Gramercy Island.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has access to the technology In Gramercy Island.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3238
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Jackal Pack is a brigade of international terrorists who operate as independents as well as
mercenaries for hire. No job is too small or too large. As long as it involves lots of blood and
guts, women and children screaming, buildings and structures falling down, body parts
scattered everywhere. Each member believe he or she is a social outcasts and what they do is
a form of punishment against the “norms’ and the world they despise. They are always
professional and well organized.

The group was founded originally by a man who called himself The Jackal (Emilio Cazares), a
9th level Hunter hired by a powerful Columbia Cartel in order to protect their cocaine shipments
and serve as their means to eliminate problems and competition. They gave the Jackal
permission to hire freelance super being to assist him. The money, power, and reputation
became intoxicating for him, so he soon sought to wrestle control of the cartel away from its
leader. Fearful of dealing with him directly, the Cartel framed him by assassinating a popular
Columbia presidential candidate. Wanting help to capture or eliminate this group of super
being, the Columbia government asked for help from the United States. A platoon from U.S.
S.C.R.E T. was dispatched to assist. This soon led to an all out war with the Jackal and his
followers brutally striking back, killing 1/3 of the S.C.R.E.T. agents and dozens of Columbia
soldiers. Two months later, the war against the Jackal ended when S.C.R.E.T. deployed radio
triangulation technology and found the group hiding in a middle-class barrio in Medellín. With
authorities closing in, a firefight ensued. Jackal and his personal bodyguard, Cybermaster,
attempted to escape by running across the roofs of adjoining houses to reach a back street,
but both were shot and killed by two S.C.R.E.T. agents. However, unbeknownst to everyone,
weeks earlier Jackal hired the powerful psychic Deface to utilize his future fore-seeing abilities
just for an occasion to which occurred. Deface, conversely, had other ideas and kept silent, all
the while knowing what was going to happen. With Jackal and his cyborg bodyguard dead, he
assumed the leadership role of the Jackal, with the help of his “hired help” Congelaciòn and
his alien powerhouse Cosmoa. Since assuming control of the Jackal Pack, Deface had made the
group extremely wealthy and powerful and able to operate on global scale. Their major bases of
operations are in the South of France, Columbia, and recently Gulf Coast City.

Presently the Jackal Pack is planning something big against the Pentagon. An civil engineer and
contractor Wallace Williams, who helped with the latest renovations, sold what he knew and
the structural blue prints to the Jackal Pack for a hefty fee. What the Pack intends to do to
the Pentagon is still a mystery, but the grand reopening since the major renovation is about to
occur, and all the major players from Washington D.C political scene will be there, including the
President of the United States.

The Jackal Pack Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (5 Points)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 points)
C. Weapons: The Arsenal (30 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Basic Systems 10 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (10). Their own fleet of private jets and ships.
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban/International (10 Points) Three locations different countries/cities.
H. Military Power: Militia (15 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agent Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Loans (25 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Rigid Laws (0 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron-Clad (25 Points)
N External Infiltration: Rare Minor Traitor (5 Points)
O Research and Information: Excellent Connections (20 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Known (10 points)
Q. Employees Salary: Excellent (30 points)
Total Agency Points: 265 Points
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3238
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Born without eyes, noses, and mouth, Lenny Buckley became the miracle child at Palm Street
Medical Center. His parents came from “old money” and the last thing Albert Hubert Buckley
wanted was a freak grandson. So he convinced his son and daughter-in-law to give up the
mutated freak up for adoption. But no one wanted the deformed child nonetheless several
compassionate plastic surgeons performed several operations to provide Lenny a slit-like mouth
and small pin-hole nose that would enable him to breathe without a tube. So Lenny spent the
first years of his life living in a special isolation ward, where he was examined by specialists and
receives the best care nurses could provide. Weeks later Lenny was no longer completely blind
and mute, he developed a number of sensing/awareness psychic abilities and the power to
project his voice “mentally” into the minds of others. This only made Lenny even more valuable
in the eyes of science. Soon his care was provided by less compassionate people and more or
less research doctors who held no interests in his emotional well being. They sought only
recognition and fame by their peers. Before long Lenny was no longer being cooperative. Time
and time again, he was held in a straightjacket while subjected to numerous tests or forced to
perform while under duress. At the age of fourteen Lenny reached his breaking point, he
channeled all his suffering into an intense blast of emotional terror and caused the orderly
abusing him to flee in terror. The next one he told to inject himself with a syringe meant for
him. Later a nurse came in and Lenny uses both hypnotic suggestion and empathic transmission
on her in order to satisfy his need for physical intimacy. The nurse later helped him escaped
the hospital and took him some place safe to stay. For the next couple of years, Lenny
perfected his powers while doing whatever he could to avoid be discovered. He became brutal
cruel toward the nurse who took care of him, even convincing her to “sell herself” to make
them extra money or to bring back other ladies of the evening. Using his precognitive abilities,
Lenny won lotteries and bingo games. He also convinced several local street gangs to commit
petty crimes for him. The surplus money he invested in the stock market and soon had a very
nice nest egg for himself. But this did nothing to satisfy his need to make people suffer and
deprive people of this world of their possession and happiness. Lenny sought the criminal
underworld to sell his talents to anyone who wanted them. To make himself even more
mysterious he assumed the identity of the faceless man known as Deface. Thinking he no
longer needed a nurse, he killed her.

It didn’t take him long to find those who would utilize his talents to achieve his goals. Yet all
the while Lenny held a deep rooted hatred for all people which made him entirely trustworthy
so he could never maintain his alliances. Not to mention, many looked to take advantage of him
once they learned his weakness. One night it became almost too much for him after he was
savagely attack by the former street gang he once led. His thoughts turned to suicide as he
stood upon the River Bridge when suddenly he senses a presence unlike one ever felt before.
Something “feminine” descended next to him. Lenny was shocked to learn it was an alien
energy being. It was lost and confused, searching for a means to return to its home world.
Lenny easily swayed the creature with his compassionate voice and hypnotic charms. Before
long the creature he named Cosmoa held him in lovesick affection, and would do anything for
him by request. With her serving as his new bodyguard, Lenny reasserted himself in the criminal
underworld, becoming a freelance operative for several of the infamous Columbian drug cartels.
After earning himself a notorious reputation for his ruthlessness and future predictions, he and
Cosmoa were both hired by the legendary Jackal. As time went on and the Jackal’s behavior
became more erratic and reckless, Lenny saw an opportunity to snatch the reigns of control for
himself. First he convinced the mutant mercenary Congelaciòn to switch sides and join forces
with him. Next Lenny chose to keep his future revelations to himself when he witnessed U.S.
S.C.R.E.T and Columbian soldiers closing in on the Jackal. In the end they were the ones
responsible for gunning down and kill him. The rest of the Jackal Pack escaped but in a short
while Lenny declared himself the leader. After Congelaciòn and Cosmoa made short work of the
opposition, the rest of the members feel in line. In the end, the decision was the best thing for
everyone for not only does the Jackal Pack make makes millions of dollars annually for their gun
for hire work, they also make a killing in numerous independent criminal activities. Yet none of
them, except for Cosmoa is truly aware how much Lenny hates the world in general and is
willing to do anything to see it and every living person on the planet suffer. Lenny is content
leading the Jackal Pack in a world-wide conquest of invoking fear and pain, but at some point
he must fulfill his hunger to see tens of millions scream and die in anguish.

Real Name: Lenny Buckley
Occupation: Leader of the Jackal Pack, criminal, thief, terrorist, assassin for hire.
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Empowered (Latent Psychic)
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 50 S.D.C.: 40
P.P.E.: 26
I.S.P.: 253
Appearance: Deface has no facial features. He conceals his face with a blank faceless
white mask. Despite his lack of sensory perception, he is in excellent health and participates in
regular exercise. He wears a heavy hooded cloak that conceals his tall body. He has jet black
hair. He gets along so well, most people have no idea that he is blind and mute.
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 37, M.A. 22, P.S. 14, P.P. 10, P.E. 13, Spd. 12, P.B. 9.
Age: 26, Sex: Male, Height: 6 feet (1.82 m), Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg)
Insanity: He suffers from a deep-rooted hatred. He must dominate all around him by
invoking fear and pain. He is sadistic, fiercely aggressive, and seemingly devoid of compassion.
He has a phobia of children (pedophobia), doctors (iatrophobia), and surgery (tomophobia).
Physical Impairment: Facial Disfigurement (blind and mute). HF 9.
Physical Compensation: Psionic Senses and Psionic Voice (Mental Speak only)
Healing Psionics: Suppress Fear
Physical Psionics: Alter Aura and Summon Inner Strength
Sensitive Psionics: Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Empathy, Mind Block, Precognition,
Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Sensory Link, Sixth Sense, and Telepathy
Special Psionics: Mental Speak (cost no I.S.P.)
Super Psionics: Empathic Transmission, Group Mind Block, Hypnotic Suggestion, and Mind
Combat Training: Non-Combatant
Attacks per Melee: 2 attacks per melee or 3 psychic attacks and 5 non-combat melee actions.
Combat Bonuses: -1 to initiative, -9 to strike, -9 to parry, -8 to dodge, -9 to roll with
punch/fall, -8 to pull punch, and -8 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4
Saving Throws: He needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +8 to save vs. psionics &
mind control, +13 to save vs. insanity, and +3 to save vs. horror factor & possession.
Other Bonuses: +2% to all skills and 70% to trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read Braille and English 98%, Speak English 98%, and
Mathematics: Basic 98%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 67%, Pick Locks 87%, I.D. Undercover Agents 87%,
Prowl 82%, and Concealment 67%.
Technical Program: History 98%/97%, Philosophy 92%, Law (General) 92%, and
Research 97%.
Learned Skills: Intelligence 63%, Find Contraband 57%, and Read-Write/Speak
Spanish & French 72%/72%.
Secondary Skills: First Aid 87%, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 77%), Dance 72%,
Body Building & Weightlifting, Swimming 92%, Holistic Medicine 72%/62%, Business & Finance
77%, Computer Operation 86%, Appraise Antiques 62%, Performance 57%, Gambling
(Standard) 47%, and Barter 44%/74% when using telepathy
Money: The Jackal Pack is worth $100 million U.S. dollars. This money he has invested in
various banks all over the world. The Jackal Pack’s money only includes the money the group is
worth. He personally owns 7 million in seven separate accounts for his personal use.
Weapons: None, he relies on his psychic abilities and Cosmoa's protection.
Armor: Armored Cloak: A.R. 9 and 50 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: His blindness limits his use of technology.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3238
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Cosmoa is a Solar Nymph, an alien creature that little is known about in their history and origin.
It is believed they are possible native or related to the Gammorites (see Galaxy Guide) because
they share many similar traits. Solar Nymphs are nearly invisible since they are composed
entirely of living semi-transparent force energy. Being made of force energy they can alter and
manipulate the dimensions of their bodies. They are also nearly indestructible. Even if seemingly
destroyed, they quickly regenerate to full health and return with a searing vengeance. They
possess supernatural strength and a huge appetite for causing mischief in regards to organic
humanoids. Because they have little to fear in regard of injury, Solar Nymphs have no problem
ramming directly into oncoming spacecraft (See page 164-166 of Galaxy Guide). Cosmoa had
made herself a major nuisance for cargo transporters and passenger ships. The TMC captured
her and she was being sent to a prison space station specifically designed to handle a being
such as her. By sheer luck, the ship was struck by a gamma ray burst that completely disabled
its electronics and destroyed the containment field holding her. Ka’risa escaped the ship just
before it exploded. Though she could survive in space indefinitely, Ka’risa wanted to conceal
herself from the TMC as soon as possible. She flew in a single direction and came across
Earth’s solar system. To add to the remarkable coincidence, Cosmoa landed on Earth right
beside Deface who was contemplating suicide. Solar Nymphs enjoy toying with humans as
much as faerie folk counterparts do, and she thought for sure this “human” would end up being
another temporary play thing. But it was Deface who turned the tables on her. His psychic
powers easily turned Ka’risa into an obedient, lovesick slave who constantly seeks to please
her “master”. There is nothing she won’t do for him. Because she is nearly indestructible she
has no problem do something that could bring about her death. Her resilience to injury and
sheer power makes her a dangerous opponent and one of the reasons the Jackal Pack is so
formidable. Cosmoa will not let anything or anyone hurt her beloved. However, Ka’risa is still
concerned the TMC will find her, which will force her into making a desperate choice if a
meeting should occur. Flee or protect her beloved.

Real Name: Ka'risa
Occupation: Obedient slave to Deface, Former prisoner escapee of the TMC.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Alien being of unknown origin and unusual power level.
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 45 S.D.C.: 700 Armor Rating: A.R.: 14
P.P.E.: 6
Appearance: She resembles a nude female humanoid composed of transparent glass.
This is her natural state of being.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 11, M.A. 12, P.S. 25 (supernatural), P.P. 15, P.E. 18, Spd. 28
running/or up to the speed of light flying (see Natural Abilities) P.B. 15.
Age: 325. Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m),Weight: 30 lbs (9.1
Originating Alien Environment: Unknown
Unusual Characteristics: Natural form is semi-transparent force energy.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Force Field (constant, natural state),
Super Energy Expulsion (Light and Energy), Super Regeneration, and Wingless Flight (in
atmosphere, light speed in space).
Natural Abilities: Kinetic energy and impact weapons (bullets, projectiles, falls, thrown
weapons, and explosives) only do half damage even when her A.R. is exceeded. Extraordinary
P.S. and greater physical attacks do full damage if her A.R. if exceeded. Supernatural P.S.,
Impervious to light/laser and energy beams, all other energy attacks (fire, lighting, plasma,
particle beam, ion, sound) inflict half damage (accept for magic, psionics, and shadow powers,
they do full). She is impervious to radiation and organic attacks (toxins, disease, poisons,
chemicals, drugs, etc), nor does he need to breath, drink, or eat (survive on solar/photon
energy). Bio-regenerate 2D6 S.D.C/hit points per melee round, can fully recover even if 90% of
her body is destroyed. He can go into a healing trance that doubles the heal rate each day.
She can survive indefinitely in space. She can fly through an atmosphere at up to 200 mph
(320, no increase in experience) and can accelerate herself into space, where can propel
herself FTL one. She is considered a supernatural being. Note: She is nearly invisible in space,
underwater, or if she chooses to hide in partial or full cover.
Vulnerability: She and her race are vulnerable to psionic attacks, -4 to save vs.
psionics. The effects and duration of psionic mind control and other psionic afflictions last
twice as long. She doesn’t take double damage from psionic energy attacks. Note: She is
impervious to bio-manipulation attacks (no nervous system or internal organs).
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 in space
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative/+4 in space, +4 to strike/+6 in space, +5 to parry/+7
in space, +8 to dodge/+10 to dodge when flying faster than 80 mph (12 8 km) or in space/+12
to dodge when flying FTL, +10 to damage, +4 to pull punch, +6 to roll with punch/fall/+9 when
flying FTL, and +2 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +6% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to save vs. magic, and +8 to save vs.
horror factor.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 2D4, Full Strength Punch 3D6, Power Punch 6D6
(counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 4D6, Knee 3D6, Karate Kick 6D6, Snap Kick 3D6,
Tripping & Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Block/Tackle 2D6 +
P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage
bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D6, Paired Weapons, All Holds,
Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Education Level: Combat Specialist (Some familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Speak Native Language 92%, Read-Write/Speak Thimerian Code and Roo-tahm
90%, Mathematics: Advance and Basic Astronomy & Navigation, Astrophysics, Navigation:
Space, Zero-Gravity Combat: Elite, Prowl 85%/98% in space, hiding, or traveling through
water, and Read-Write/Speak English, Spanish, and French 90%.
Special Program: Climbing 80%/70%, Boxing, Outdoormanship, Wrestling, Hand to
Hand: Expert, W.P. Blunt (+3 to strike/parry), W.P. Axe (+2 to strike/parry), W.P. Polearm (+3
to strike/parry & +4 to damage), W.P. Spear (+3 to strike/parry & +2 to throw), W.P. Staff (+3
to strike/+2 to parry), Laser Communications 82%, and First Aid 75%.
Secondary: Basic Electronics 65%, Wilderness Survival 50%, Land Navigation 64%,
Athlete, Computer Operation 40%, Law 55%, Physical Labor, and Gemology 60%.
Money: She is slowly learning about the use and need for money by Earthlings.
Weapons: She relies on solely on her natural/super abilities.
Bolts of Force, Range: 240 feet (73.1 m) or doubled in space, Damage: 6D6, Attacks per
Melee: Counts as one melee attack, Bonus: +5 to strike on an Aimed/Called shot.
Full Body Force Bolt, Range: 500 feet (152.5 m) or double in space, Damage:
1D6x10+14, Attacks per Melee: Performed once per melee but counts as two melee
attacks/actions, Bonus: +4 to strike.
Energy Expulsion: Light and/or Energy, Range: 740 feet (225.5 m) or doubled in space,
Damage: Normal 1D6x10 or Super 1D6x10+30+1D6, Attacks Per Melee: Normal counts as one,
but super must done as the first attack and uses up all attacks for the rest of the melee
round, Bonuses: +4 to aim/+2 to shot wild.
Vehicles and Equipment: She is slowly learning about Earth technology.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Two thumbs up for Deface and Cosmoa! Totally cool.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


His mother died of hypothermia giving birth to him. His father thought him the devil. When the
man decided to take a gun to the infant, the temperature of the room dropped to near
freezing. Fearful of the consequences, his father took the infant to a church doorstep and left
him there. Ciro was raised at an orphanage in Mexico. The other children didn’t want to play
with him and the people running the facility where fearful of him and his strange cold powers.
One day while playing soccer on an extremely hot day, Ciro froze the ball as it came at him.
The kids soon started making fun of him calling him “Ice Cube.” Days later the teasing became
too much for him and he grabbed a kid and encased his whole body in a block of ice. Ciro ran
away and never returned. Years later he arrived in Los Angles under an assumed identity. He
did whatever he could to find work and attended school, all the while keeping his secret
hidden. Eventually he joined a Mexican gang and became one of its ruthless members. During
confrontation with a rival gang, he froze a person to the point he shattered like glass. This act
stopped the fighting and everyone both friend and foes turned on him. Ciro fled the area. In
time Ciro did manage to obtain a high school education, yet he remained bitter and envious at
everyone normal. This in time turned to hatred. He started selling his services to any criminal
organization that would use them. Calling himself Desrt Ice, he started making excellent money
working with Mexican Mafia Families and Gangs. In time he was recruited by the legendary
Jackal and switched him name over to Congelacion. For a while the money and reputation he
earned paid for his loyalty, but even more money and the promise of more fame by Deface
made him switch sides. Deface continues to pay him well which maintains his loyalty,
furthermore he doesn’t want to enrage Cosmoa who’d likely kill him if he’d even thought about
betraying him. Nonetheless the Jackal Pack is extremely profitable and he likes the recognition.
Any chance he gets to harm heroic champions acquire even more fame he takes the

Real Name: Ciro Aguilar
Alias: Cesar Mictlan and Desert Ice.
Occupation: Criminal and Terrorist
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 40 S.D.C.: 55+150 cold armor Armor Rating: A.R.: 14 in ice form
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: He is a handsome Hispanic male who moderately engages in exercise. He
has short black hair and dark brown eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, M.A. 12, P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, Spd. 29, P.B. 18.
Age: 29, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inch (1.87 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Vulnerability: He suffers double damage from magic fire, but half damage from ordinary
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Ice and Sub-Zero
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to cold and ice.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow & Forearm
1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Knee 1D6, all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 40% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Spanish 92%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 90%,
and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 49%, Pick Locks 65%, Prowl 60%, Find Contraband
55%, and I.D. Undercover Agents 79%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Running, and
Outdoormanship 70%.
Secondary Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 68%/85%, Cook 65%, T.V./Video 70%,
Concealment 44%, Automotive Mechanic 78%, Pilot: Motorcycle 84%, First Aid 80%, Business
& Finance 70%, Carpentry 45% and Climbing 60%/50%.
Money: He has $3D6x10,000 US dollars hidden in his room at each of the three bases.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Ice Shard, Range: 130 feet (39.6 m), Damage: 2D6, 4D6, or 6D6. Rate of Fire:
Volley of 1-3, Bonus: +2 to strike with a single or throw three simultaneously.
Bolts of Cold, Range: 530 feet (161.5 m), Damage: 3D4 plus -2 to initiative, 01 to
strike, parry, dodge, and -2 to roll with punch for 1D4 melees. These penalties last for 1D4
Ice Weapons (1D6, 2D6, and 3D6).
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Adam Sandoval was late coming home from school. He decided to take a short cut through an
abandoned warehouse. Curious at all the equipment he started to do some further exploring.
While crossing over a walkway, it suddenly collapsed and dropped him into a vat of green
chemicals. Adam climbed out of the vat unharmed, but the chemical permanently turned his
skin and hair yellow. At home, his parents were horrified and took him to the hospital. While
there Adam realized his body became extremely elastic. So much so he could bend and twist
his features to appear like anyone else. For a while he kept his powers secret, but it was
increasing difficult with all the teasing. Finally he had enough and used his powers to strangle a
kid to death. He hid the kid’s body and used his power of disguise made it appear the kid fell
into the river and drowned, never to be seen again. After graduating and able to get away
from his parents control, Adam sought a way to use his powers for personal gain. He found
himself employed as a body guard for a crime lord name Jimmy Scapetta. For several years,
Adam kept an eye on Jimmy back and anyone he had a problem with, Adam took care of it. In
time, the money and loyalty began to grow tiresome. During the middle of the night, Adam
strangled his boss and took his valuables with him. Adam now found himself wanted by Mafia of
Gulf Coast City. Fortunately he found assistance with a man looking to hire super beings in the
Jackal. Adam found favor with Jackal and enjoyed being one of his loyal lieutenants. When
Jackal was killed by S.C.R.E.T. Adam thought for sure he and Cobolt Dynamo would take over
the organization. Then Cosmoa snapped Cobolt’s neck like a twig and vaporized Attack Hound
with a single energy blast. Congelacion froze him solid. The others fell into line without
question. Adam has no problem doing what he’s told and follows the line. Nonetheless he is
angry and vengeful, wishing there was some way he could get back at the others. However, he
also recognizes in some regard he is the weakest member power wise and he doesn’t want to
stick his neck out to fair for a guy he’d likely betray if he’d been let in on the coup d’etat. The
money is good as if the fame, but Adam wants more recognition within the group and he’s not
likely to get it. The problem is even if he leaves, he has the Gulf Coast City Mafia wanting his
heart on a silver platter. Where to go and what to do?

Real Name: Adam Sandoval
Occupation: Criminal
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 106
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: His engages in regular exercise accept he has bright yellow eyes, yellowish
skin, and sunny yellow hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E.10, M.A. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 10, P.E. 14, Spd. 12, P.B. 9
Age: 40, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight:
160 lbs (72 kg).
Major Super Abilities: Stretching and Shapechanger
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +8 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate
Kick 2D4, all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20.
Saving Throws: He takes 1/2 damage from physical/kinetic attacks.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot:
Automobile 79%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 54%, Pick Locks 65%, Imitate Voice & Sounds
86%/80%, Prowl 60%, and Tailing 65%.
2nd Criminal Program: Disguise 75%, Escape Artist 65%, Pick Pocket 60%, and
Roadwise 55%.
Learned Skill: Language: Spanish 64% and Literacy: Spanish 60%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building & Weightlifting, Pilot: Truck 80%,
Pilot: Airplane 74%, Performance 60%, Climbing 70%, Automotive Mechanics 78%, First Aid
75%, Mathematics: Advance 76%, General Repair/Maintenance 75%, Basic Mechanics 55%,
Basic Electronics 45%, Jury Rig 30%, and Salvage 40%.
Money: He has $3D6x12,000 that he has stashed in the three locations of the Jackal
Pack base of operations.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

(Cannon Bolt)

Noel Racine joined the GFCA (Groupment des Fusiliers Commandos de l’Air0, a French Air Force
Combat SAR team) thinking he see some heavy action and participate in covert missions to
remove enemies of peace and freedom. Nothing of the sort happened, all the training in the
world and he found his talents wasting away on what he thought where meaningless
assignments. So he decided to abandon his country and moved to Germany. Looking for work
he found an opportunity to put his talents to use working with the Brotherhood of Armageddon.
Noel jumped at the opportunity, yet felt he wasn’t being taken serious because he was “a
normal” person. He begged for a chance to prove himself and was given such a status by
volunteering to become a test subject for their “super soldier” project. The end result made
him lightning fast. His first mission was to take out the enemy Adelbert Danziger who went by
the code name Blitzschnell of the Peace Keeper League. The two confronted one another and
Noel was soundly defeated. Because of his failure and the wasted time and effort put into
creating him, the BoA wanted him dead. Noel fled to South America. In time he found himself
hired by the Jackal which not only provided him cash to live on but the protection of others
around him. When Jackal was betrayed by Deface and his loyal followers killed, Noel had no
problem following in line. As far as he is concerned he doesn’t care who leads the group as long
as there is extra bodies to keep the BoA off him if they even find him. In the meantime, he is
enjoying the money, fame, and all the women (from three different countries) he can get his
hands on. He is keeping a close eye on Stretch Master who he knows is angry over the death
of Jackal. He personally doesn’t like the guy and would like nothing better than to kill him if
given the opportunity to do so.

Real Name: Noel Racine
Occupation: Assassin and Mutant Bounty Hunter. Former operative for Brotherhood of
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 60 S.D.C.: 228
P.P.E.: 19
Appearance: A perfect physical specimens from France, giftedly athletic, pale skin with
long snow white hair, and crystal blue eyes. He wears jet black combat gear.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 20, M.A. 15, P.S. 24 (extraordinary), P.P. 19, P.E. 24, Spd. 660
mph (1062 km), P.B. 15
Age: 25, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 200 lbs (90
Unusual Physical Characteristics: Stark white hair and Ambidextrous.
Super Soldier Enhancements: Internal Robot Medial System, Mind and Body Attuned,
Brain Boost, and Physical Transformation.
Major Super Ability: Sonic Speed (Nightvision 500 feet/152.4 m)
Minor Super Abilities: Speed Tasking and Sliding.
Combat Training: Commando
Attacks per Melee: 10 (3 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from enhancement +3 from
Combat Bonuses: +12 to initiative, +5 to strike, +10 to parry, +12 to dodge, +11 to auto
dodge/+16 side stepping, +9 to damage, +14 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, +1 to
disarm, and +3 to perception.
Saving Throws: +18% to save vs. coma/death, +6 to save vs. poison and disease, +4
to save vs. possession, +4 to save vs. illusion, +5 to save vs. magic, +3 to save vs. psionics
and insanity, and +8 to save vs. horror factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Fast Punch 3D6, Fast Kick 3D6, Super Fast Punch
4D6, Super Fast Kick 5D6, Super Fast Power Punch or Kick 1D6x10 (counts as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Snap Kick 2D6, Crescent Kick 4D4, Wheel Kick 3D6, Roundhouse
Kick 4D6, Axe Kick 4D6, Leap Kick 5D6 (counts as two attacks), Backward Sweep (cannot be
paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must
dodge or knockdown), Power Kick x2 to normal kick damage (counts as two attacks), +1 to
Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack & action), Body
Block/Tackle 1D4+ P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Body block/ram at
400mph (640 km) 2D4x10 damage, plus knock down (lose initiative and two attacks, inflicts
5D6 on him, and counts as three attacks), and All Holds, and Paired Weapons.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills
Educational Background: Military with additional special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak French 98%/98%, Pilot: Automobile 96%, and
Mathematics: Basic 84%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 91%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 81%,
Radio: Basic 96%, and W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst).
Military Program (Advance) Special Forces: Hand to Hand: Commando, Camouflage 66%,
Demolitions 94%, Demolitions Disposal 94%, Demolitions: Underwater 96%, Prowl 71%,
Parachuting 86%, S.C.U.B.A. 96%, Swimming 96%, Trap/Mine Detection 66%, W.P. Knife (+2 to
strike, +3 parry and throw), and W.P. Submachine gun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst).
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush 76%, Intelligence 72%, Wilderness Survival 76%,
Tracking (people) 76%, and Detect Concealment 71%.
Physical Program: Kick Boxing, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope
89%, Climb Rope 98%, Backflip 98%), Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 89%), and Athlete.
Secondary: Body Building & Weightlifting, Pilot: Motorcycle 90%, Land Navigation 66%,
Fencing (+1D6 damage and +1 to strike/parry), W.P. Sword (+3 to strike/parry), W.P. Handgun
(+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Language: German 74%, Literacy: German 76%, Recognize Weapon
Quality 51%, Law (general) 61%, Language: English 74%, and Literacy: English 51%.
Money: He has 375,000 Euro Dollars hidden away in a home in Paris, France. He has
$2D6x8000 U.S. dollars hidden in each of the Jackal Packs’ three bases.
Two Glock 20: Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate of Fire: Single shot or
Semi- Auto, Feed: 15 round box mag. They apply special silencers to reduce noise.
Two Vibro Swords: Damage: 4D6 (doesn’t include bonuses from fencing).
Energy Wrist Blasters, Range: 600 feet (183 m), Damage: 4D6 per single blast, 8D6 per
double blast (counts as one attack), Payload: 20 blast per hour (self-regenerating).
8 Throwing Knives, Damage: 1D6.
Armor: Hard Armor. A.R.: 16, S.D.C. 260.
Equipment & Vehicles: Ear Mike Radio and Transmitter, Satellite Phone, Web Belt with
holster, ammo-pouches (2), and accessory attachments clips (4), Multi-Optics Helmet, and any
gear essential for their mission.
Rocket Cycle (two persons), A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 250. Speed: 300 mph (480 km), Hovers
3-20 feet (0.9-6.1 m) above the ground, Altitude; 6000 feet (1829 m): Range: Run for 30
hours on a full tank (20 gallons/76 liter).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Robert Williams grew up in Century Station. He was the youngest of four brothers. His older
brothers used to pick on him and he quickly learned to fight back. When his brothers went out
and founded the colorpunk gang called TZC, Robert wanted in but his brothers wouldn’t let him
until he earned his way. Robert went home found his dad’s gun, went to the house of two rival
gang members and shot them in their living room. Robert was in. Soon he was robbing and
stealing everything and anything he could get his hands on. As TZC rose as force to be recon
with, Robert hunger for more power. Eventually he became the gang’s leader after he shot his
oldest brother at the dinner table and intimidated his two other brothers into supporting his
power play. Months later all out war broke between TZC and the Century Kings. During a
drive-by Robert personally gunned down the King’s leader, the kid’s mom, dad, girlfriend, and
little brother. Yet what no one suspect, the King’s leader dad was public hero, a fire fighter who
received national honors having rescued a U.S. congressman from a burning building. Now he
was not only wanted by CSPD but also by the FBI since the one congressman got him labeled
as a terrorist. With a price on his head worth tens of thousands of dollars, Robert couldn’t
leave Century Station fast enough. He sought refuse in the country of Malvador, home of the
Usurper and Emperor Danilek. There he started to make a name for himself in the city of Puerto
Salazar. One night he was grabbed by some military men and brought before the Usurper
himself. The super villain told Robert a person like him was welcome in Malvador but he was not
allowed to make a name for himself without his approval. Robert swore allegiance to the super
villain and was given the option to undergo the experimental process of being turned into one
of super being soldiers. Robert accepted. The process took on a radically different result the
normal, making Robert an anomaly among the rest of the Usurper’s soldiers. Nonetheless the
super villain still had had trained as such. After a while Usurper wanted to learn more
information about the Jackal who sought numerous business ventures with the super villain.
Robert agreed to play liaison yet all the while inform the super villain about the Jackal’s
operations. Yet within a short time, Robert ceased his communications and swore loyalty to the
Jackal. After his demise, Robert decided to go along and follow Deface (not wanting to face
Cosmoa on any given day). Robert is enjoying the good life and hanging out with his buddy
Blast Storm. The money is great and so is the recognition. He is unaware that the Usurper has
put a price on his head and two of his robots are out searching for him as are several loyal
spies. If he is found out, Usurper wants him brought back alive so he can deal with him

Real Name: Robert Williams
Occupation: Former Color punk gang leader of TZC, now freelance mercenary and
assassin. Former spy and soldier for the Usurper.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Ordinary Human turned Experiment
Experience Level: 4th level Ordinary Human/4th level Experiment.
Hit Points: 80 S.D.C.: 235
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: Robert William is a large black man who is extremely muscular (like a
defensive linebacker). He dresses in camouflage clothing, fatigues, a black T-shirt, and wearing
the gang colors of TZC. His skin is adorned with several tattoos he received prior to being
experimented on. He is always sporting military weapons and a large knife. His face seems to
have a permanent scowl on it.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 8, M.A. 10, P.S. 45, P.P. 35, P.E. 36, Spd. 33, P.B. 11
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot, 10 inches (1.7 m), Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg).
Minor Super Abilities: Impact Resistance, Extraordinary P.S., Extraordinary P.P., and
Extraordinary P.E. Note: He can carry 4500 lbs (2025 kg) and lift 9000 lbs (4050 kg).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from powers)
Combat Training: Formerly Basic, changed to Commando
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +9 to strike, +12 to parry, +12 to dodge, +12 to
auto dodge, +25 to damage, +1 to disarm, +7 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: He is impervious to the first 20 points of impact damage in a melee,
the rest is ½ damage, he is impervious to disease, +36% to save vs. coma/death, +8 to save
vs. magic & poison, and +4 to save vs. horror factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee
2D4, Karate Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Leaping Kick 3D8 (2), Power Kick
(any kick, inflicts double damage/2), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or
knockdown, -2 to dodge), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S. attribute bonus (parry or dodge to
avoid knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack/action), and Paired Weapons.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills.
Educational Background: Street Schooled with Military Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 91%/95%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot:
Automobile 75%.
Street Skills: Streetwise 53%, W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Find Contraband
45%, I.D. Undercover Agents 69%, Tailing 78%, Play Basketball 53%, Play Football 53%,
General Repair/Maintenance 68%, and Salvage 58%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 93%/83%, Forced March, Military Etiquette
78%, Radio: Basic 93%, W.P. Grenade (+2 to throw), and W.P. Rifle (+2 to aim/+1 to
Advance Military Program (Special Forces) by John C.Philpott in Rifter #25
: Hand to
Hand Combat: Commando, Camouflage 68%, Demolitions 95%, Demolitions Disposal 95%,
Demolitions: Underwater 95%, Parachuting 83%, Prowl 83%, S.C.U.B.A. 98%, Swimming 98%,
Trap/Mine Detection 63%, W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, parry, and throw), and W.P. Sub-
Machinegun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst).
W.P. Modern Program: W.P. Energy Pistol (+2 to aimed shot, +1 to burst), W.P. Energy
Rifle (+2 to aimed shot, +1 to burst), and W.P. Heavy Military Weapons (+2 to aimed shot, +1
to burst).
Secondary Skills: Land Navigation 55%, Pilot: Truck 79%, Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 77%,
Basic Electronics 53%, Basic Mechanics 63%, Jury-Rig 53%, Automotive Mechanics 75%, W.P.
Shotgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Wilderness Survival 43%, and Language: Spanish 59%.
Money: He has $57,000 stashed away in his home in Norwood, Century Station. He has
$1D6x5000 stashed in each of Jackal Packs bases. He spends money just as fast as he earns
Weapons: He is skilled in a variety of modern weapons, but the following are his favorite.
Two .45 Auto, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or
semi-automatic, Feed: 6 round magazine.
M240G Machinegun, Range: 12,196 feet (3717 m) on a tripod mount 5808 feet (1770
m), Damage: 5D6, Feed: Disintegrating 7.62mm x 51 100 round linkless belt, Rate of Fire: Single
shot, semi- automatic, or full. This weapon comes with a flash suppressor, front sight,
carrying handle for the barrel, a buttstock, infantry length pistol grip, bipod, and rear sight
Mini Uzi 9mm, Range: 500 feet (152 m), Damage: 3D6, Feed: 25 round box mag, Rate of
Fire: Single shot, semi-automatic, or full.
M16A2 with M203 40mm grenade launcher, Range: 1969 feet (600 m), Damage: 5D6,
Feed: 30 round detachable box mag, Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3 round, semi-automatic, or full.
Range: 1312 feet (400m), Damage: Varies with grenade type, he favors explosive (2D4x10 with
20 foot/6 m blast radius), Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: Single shot.
Benelli M4 Super 90, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 6D6 solid slugs, 5D6 buckshot
(with four foot (1.2 m) scatter, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 7+1 internal
AT4, Range: 984 feet (299 m), Damage: HEAT round 1D6x100, Rate of Fire: Single shot,
Feed: Single Shot. He can use a variety of rounds with this weapon.
Fabricator Inc Laser Rifle, Range: 1980 feet (603 m), Damage: 5D6+3, Rate of Fire:
Single shot or semi-automatic, E-Clip Capacity: 25 shots.
Two Fabricator Inc Ion Blasters (Pistols), Range: 220 feet (67 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate
of Fire: Single Shot, E-Clip Capacity: 16 blasts.
Grenades, All types, usually explosive.
Fabricator Inc Survival Knife, Damage: 1D6+3, Bonus: +1 to strike/parry.
Armor: On missions, he wears a half suit of armor (A.R. 10 and 70 S.D.C.).
Equipment & Vehicles: He drives around in a 1996 Dodge Ram 1500, 4x4, automatic
with a long bed. He has done some improvements with its suspension brakes, and steering
giving him a +7% bonus to his control rolls/+10% off road. He utilizes whatever he needs to get
he job done. He wears several holsters, sheaths, ammo pouches/belts, a web belt, shotgun
bandoleer, and battle harness.  
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Lance Jonathan Ellison was a soldier in the U.S. Army who volunteered to undergo an
experimental process to turn him into a super soldier. The chief scientist in charge of the
experiment never told anyone he was using ideas and designs he stole from another scientist
who’d been fired by Dream Gardens. Lance was given a specially designed anti-rejection drug
to enable the process. While on the operating table, as the cybernetic devices were implanted
in his body, they were likewise being absorbed and incorporated into his flesh and bone. Before
long he looked like a metallic being. The project was deemed a failure and the chief scientist
decided to eliminate the mistake. An unsuspecting Lance was called into his office and the
scientist came up from behind, firing a gun into the back of his head. Lance’s body absorbed
the bullet. Pointing an accusing finger back at the scientist the bullet was released into the
man’s chest killing him instantly. Lance fled the scene taking up sheltered temporarily with
members of the Mutant Underground. He left after two weeks to join several other mutants
looking to get recruited by Fabricators Inc. Out of the lot, Lance was the one most desired.
The others were eliminated. Lance received some additional training and soon found himself
working with Liaison and Drop Teams. Before long Lance wanted to see more action so he
decided to freelance his services. He was recruited by The Jackal and quickly made friends with
K Money. The two shared many things in common, particularly guns. When Deface led the
revolt after Jackal death, Lance had no problem switching sides. As long as the money keeps
coming in and he gets to have some fun, he doesn’t care who leads the team. His position has
allowed Jackal Pack some benefits when working with Fabricators Inc. Lance also knows if he
wanted to leave the team he can do so and become a full time member of Fabricators, but so
far he doesn’t see a reason to do so. That might chance if anything bad happens to K Money.

Real Name: Lance Jonathan Ellison
Occupation: Freelance Mercenary and Fabricator Inc Drop Squad Member
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 82 S.D.C.: 164
P.P.E.: 27
Appearance: His skin looks and feels metallic, including his shoulder length hair. His eyes
are gray. He is physique resembles what a perfect soldier should look like. He is always wearing
body armor and covered with a variety of different weapons.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 12, M.A. 11, P.S. 24, P.P. 11, P.E. 31, Spd. 29, P.B. 11
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inch (1.87 m), Weight: 215 (96.75 kg)
Side Effect: Requires energy for nourishment.
Vulnerability: Punches, plasma, magic and psionic energy, and other forms not listed
inflict full damage against him.
Major Super Abilities: Bulletproof and Weapon Melding. Note: He has all modern W.P. equal to 10th level.
Minor Super Ability: Healing Factor
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5/7 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand) +2 with modern weapons.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +9 to damage,
+5 to roll with punch/fall and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +56% to save vs. coma/death, +11 to save vs.
magic & poison, +3 to save vs. psionics. Fire/Cold does half damage. Drugs, toxins, and poison
even if he fails his save he takes takes1/3 the damage, duration, effect, and penalty. He takes
half damage from energy weapons, electricity, heat, and laser blasts.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and All
Educational Background: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, Pilot:
Automobile 72%, and Recognize Weapon Quality 96% (includes care and maintenance).
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 70%/60%, Forced March, Military Etiquette
65%, Basic Radio 80%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+4 to strike).
Military Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics 60%, Basic Mechanics 70%, Demolitions
82%, Demolitions Disposal 82%, and Trap/Mine Detection 50%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athlete, Body Build & Weightlifting, Performance
50%, Public Speaking 50%, Streetwise 36%, T.V./Video 55%, Law (General) 35%, and Business
& Finances 45%.
Money: He has $220,000 stashed away in his home in Norwood. He has $2D4 x 7,000
stashed away at the three bases the Jackal Pack uses.
Weapons: He has access to a wide variety of modern weapons (can use any). His
favorites are high powers rifles, grenade launchers, and energy weapons. He and K-Money
share a lot.
Armor: Hard Armor (A.R. 16, 260 S.D.C.) His powers can increase the S.D.C. up to 100
at the cost of 10 hit points per minute.
Equipment & Vehicles: He drives around in a 2001 4x4 FORD Ranger Edge Power with everything.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Fun stuff but need to get back to some other things. Be back in a few.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:STRETCH MASTER

Adam Sandoval was late coming home from school. He decided to take a short cut through an
abandoned warehouse. Curious at all the equipment he started to do some further exploring.
While crossing over a walkway, it suddenly collapsed and dropped him into a vat of green
chemicals. Adam climbed out of the vat unharmed, but the chemical permanently turned his
skin and hair yellow. At home, his parents were horrified and took him to the hospital. While
there Adam realized his body became extremely elastic. So much so he could bend and twist
his features to appear like anyone else. For a while he kept his powers secret, but it was
increasing difficult with all the teasing. Finally he had enough and used his powers to strangle a
kid to death. He hid the kid’s body and used his power of disguise made it appear the kid fell
into the river and drowned, never to be seen again. After graduating and able to get away
from his parents control, Adam sought a way to use his powers for personal gain. He found
himself employed as a body guard for a crime lord name Jimmy Scapetta. For several years,
Adam kept an eye on Jimmy back and anyone he had a problem with, Adam took care of it. In
time, the money and loyalty began to grow tiresome. During the middle of the night, Adam
strangled his boss and took his valuables with him. Adam now found himself wanted by Mafia of
Gulf Coast City. Fortunately he found assistance with a man looking to hire super beings in the
Jackal. Adam found favor with Jackal and enjoyed being one of his loyal lieutenants. When
Jackal was killed by S.C.R.E.T. Adam thought for sure he and Cobolt Dynamo would take over
the organization. Then Cosmoa snapped Cobolt’s neck like a twig and vaporized Attack Hound
with a single energy blast. Congelacion froze him solid. The others fell into line without
question. Adam has no problem doing what he’s told and follows the line. Nonetheless he is
angry and vengeful, wishing there was some way he could get back at the others. However, he
also recognizes in some regard he is the weakest member power wise and he doesn’t want to
stick his neck out to fair for a guy he’d likely betray if he’d been let in on the coup d’etat. The
money is good as if the fame, but Adam wants more recognition within the group and he’s not
likely to get it. The problem is even if he leaves, he has the Gulf Coast City Mafia wanting his
heart on a silver platter. Where to go and what to do?

Real Name: Adam Sandoval
Occupation: Criminal
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 106
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: His engages in regular exercise accept he has bright yellow eyes, yellowish
skin, and sunny yellow hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E.10, M.A. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 10, P.E. 14, Spd. 12, P.B. 9
Age: 40, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight:
160 lbs (72 kg).
Major Super Abilities: Stretching and Shapechanger
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +8 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate
Kick 2D4, all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20.
Saving Throws: He takes 1/2 damage from physical/kinetic attacks.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot:
Automobile 79%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 54%, Pick Locks 65%, Imitate Voice & Sounds
86%/80%, Prowl 60%, and Tailing 65%.
2nd Criminal Program: Disguise 75%, Escape Artist 65%, Pick Pocket 60%, and
Roadwise 55%.
Learned Skill: Language: Spanish 64% and Literacy: Spanish 60%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building & Weightlifting, Pilot: Truck 80%,
Pilot: Airplane 74%, Performance 60%, Climbing 70%, Automotive Mechanics 78%, First Aid
75%, Mathematics: Advance 76%, General Repair/Maintenance 75%, Basic Mechanics 55%,
Basic Electronics 45%, Jury Rig 30%, and Salvage 40%.
Money: He has $3D6x12,000 that he has stashed in the three locations of the Jackal
Pack base of operations.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities.

This is cool, just not sure about the name.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Some people give themselves "cool names" like Earthmover, Typhoon, or Nevermind. Others gives
themselves "dumb names" like Cuttlefish, Frogman, and Stretch Master.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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I have No Porblem with it.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Some people give themselves "cool names" like Earthmover, Typhoon, or Nevermind. Others gives
themselves "dumb names" like Cuttlefish, Frogman, and Stretch Master.

I just expected the name to fit with the powers.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:Some people give themselves "cool names" like Earthmover, Typhoon, or Nevermind. Others gives
themselves "dumb names" like Cuttlefish, Frogman, and Stretch Master.

I just expected the name to fit with the powers.

He "Stretches" and with his shapechanging, he is a "Master" of disguises :D
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:Some people give themselves "cool names" like Earthmover, Typhoon, or Nevermind. Others gives
themselves "dumb names" like Cuttlefish, Frogman, and Stretch Master.

I just expected the name to fit with the powers.

He "Stretches" and with his shapechanging, he is a "Master" of disguises :D

Works for me :D .
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Your doing a Great Job,Hope you come back with more all New Characters.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Any chance you use Rifts OCC/PCC for you Characters?

I like to see you make a Techno-Wizard,Undead Slayer,Sunaj Assassin,Psi-Tech,s characters in H.U.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Hmm that could be a possibility :idea: . Maybe my next project. Be a while though going back to
day job so no free time for at least a month.
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That OK,I can wait.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

No I haven't forgot this post. Just doing a "whole" lot of fantasy writing right now. But a recent
email from my aunt has got my imagination churning about a nasty bad guy. I'll post him real
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

At this time part of me doesn't want to make an evil villain but I've been planning on posting
this guy for a while now, based on an email I got from a friend. Enjoy this bad guy.


Living a life of extreme luxury is Nazario Galan, whom most of the world knows nothing
about. He is also one of the most powerful drug lords and criminal masterminds in the world.
The reason why he stays in Malvador is to enjoy the protection Emperor Danilek/The
Usurper provides. In exchange for helping to fund some of the Usurper’s terrorist operation,
Nazario lives in relative safety where no U.S. Special Forces, international police force, or a
heroic group champions can touch him, at least not without inviting the Malvador military to
get involved, and even then Nazario has his own personal loyal militia of 150 men (all equal
to Syndicate Enforcers) to protect him.

Since he was a young boy living in the country of Spaniguala, Nazario has been involved in
many criminal activities—running petty street scams, selling contraband cigarettes and fake
lottery tickets, and stealing cars. In his early twenties, he was a thief and bodyguard, and
he made a quick $100,000 on the side kidnapping and ransoming business executives before
entering the drug trade. Those who failed to pay the ransom, he’d ship internal organs and
various body parts to their loved ones. Eventually his drug operation became so profitable
he became one of the wealthiest men in the world. Since he has more illegal money than he
can ever deposit into banks, he decided to use it to fund various terrorist operations
throughout the world. His favorite clients became those able to produce a large explosion
that had to be seen on live television. Before long he used his money to purchase an island
off the coast of Malvador which included a 3,300 foot airstrip, a harbor, hotel, houses,
boats, aircraft, and even built a refrigerated warehouse to store the drugs. He created a
zoo filled with a collection of exotic animals which were cared for in the grandest fashion
(including 8 genetically engineered white ligers [lion/tiger offspring] and four black panthers
with the power to shadow meld. Also on this island a lake and other diversions for his family
and organization. Later he bought 15 new and bigger airplanes (including a Learjet), 6
helicopters, and a decommissioned Russian submarine that received Fabricator Inc upgrades
to further support his drug operation.

With so much money and power, Nazario decided to make the biggest play of his life, to
become president of Spaniguala. First he got himself elected to the House of
Representatives of Spaniguala Congress. From there he worked behind the scenes to
eliminate any threats and competitors. In time he ran for President of the county, those
who knew the truth about him tried their best to defame his character, but at the same
time Nazario was responsible for the construction of many hospitals, schools and churches.
He worked hard to cultivate his “Robin Hood” image, and frequently distributed money to the
poor through housing projects and other civic activities, which gained him notable popularity
among the poor. Before long he had normal everyday people serving as lookouts, hiding
information from the authorities, or doing whatever else they could do to protect the future
presidential candidate.

Unwilling to allow Nazario to steal the election, the ultra secret US spy agency The Sector
rigged the election so Nazario’s opponent won in a landslide. Nazario went in crazed frenzy.
On live television he walked up and shot his political opponent in the head while his body
guards open fired on the crowd. Nazario then fled to the neighboring country of Malvador
seeking asylum. Emperor Danilek was happy to give it as long as he served him financially
and remembered who was in charge. Not willing to risk going up against the Usurper and his
robotic army and legion of super being soldiers, Nazario agreed.

Today the international criminal and terrorist is enjoying a semi-retirement lifestyle. His drug
cartel continues to thrive and make millions of dollars, 10% annually goes to fund the
criminal operations of the Usurper. Nazario has only recently learned it was The Sector that
spoiled his plans for becoming president. He fully supports Danilek’s invasion plan for
Spaniguala and vows to help in any way he can (his loyal servants in the country continue
to act as informants and spies). He also plans to make the U.S. government pay for taking
away his boyhood dream.

Real Name: Nazario Alberto Galán
Occupation: Criminal Mastermind, Drug Lord, and Narcoterrorist
Alignment: Abberant
Power Category: Criminal Mastermind (Ordinary Humans)
Experience Level: 8th level
Hit Points: 52 S.D.C.: 70
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: He is a Spaniguala male who is going bald and slowly losing his luscious
black curly hair. He has amber eyes. He wears the most expensive clothes possible.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 12, M.A. 19, P.S. 19, P.P. 17, P.E. 13, Spd. 14, P.B. 8
Age: 47, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.72 m), Weight: 150 lbs (64.35 kg).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand+1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +4 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Karate Kick
2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2,Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown),
Knee 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action),
All Hold, Paired Weapons, Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on an
unmodified 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills and 55% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Spanish 97%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 70%, Pick Locks 73%, Find Contraband 76%, I.D.
Undercover Agents 98%, and Seduction 62%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 96%, Computer
Operation 98%, Law (General) 93%, and Research 98%.
Secondary Program: Athletics, Body Building & Weightlifting, W.P. Handgun (+4
to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Knife +3 to strike/parry & +4 to throw), Recognize Weapon Quality
68%, Gambling (Standard) 73%, Language: English 92%, Literacy: English 83%, Pilot:
Airplane 77%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil 88%, Prowl 43%, and Concealment
Money: In his little villa in the Malvador mountains, he has 22,475,900,000 in US cash
alone!!! He also has 720,000 Chinese Yuan (115,509 USD), 620,000,000 Columbian Peso
(345,309 USD), and 750,000 Mexican Peso (58,950 USD). This also doesn’t include all his
exotic art collection (most of it stolen), precious stones and metals, and etc. This alone is
probably worth 269 million USD.
Weapons: His favorite weapons are a twin matching pair of .357 Magnum
semi-automatics with solid gold grips. Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire:
Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 7 round magazine, Bonus: +1 to aim/burst (total +5 to
aim/+3 to burst). Note: He has self taught himself to fire these guns as paired weapons. In
his home are a dozen gold machineguns, assault rifles, and pistols never fired. There is also
his world wide collection of firearms worth 79,000,000 million USD dollars. This doesn’t
include all the ammo for them. These guns are a part of his museum collection he has
another 5.8 million dollars in firearms and ammo he used to defend his home.
Armor: When he goes into battle, he will wear a vest. A.R. 10. S.D.C. 50;
Equipment & Vehicles: Fabricators Inc has out fitted his home with a concealed
underground base under open land with a man-made cave and hot tub. Within this
underground base is a advance life support system. His home is protected by a superior,
automated security system, with a sophisticated identification system, and two
conventional defense and weapon systems (protection from both land and air attacks)
including one SAM battery (10 short range guided missiles-2D6x10 damage).

The man own a dozen cars on the property. His favorite has to be 2012 Shelby Mustang
GT500 Super Snake with 800 Horsepower engines.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Sixty thousand and still going strong :ok: Thanks for still giving this post lots of love people.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay its the month of February now and its about time I provided something for this post. Got
a heroic duo from my childhood that I friend and I use to "pretend to be" in my grandmother's
backyard. There a hodgepodge of several different ideas from comics and television with a
sprinkle of 6 year old imagination that I'm making into Palladium NPCS. Have them up sometime
soon. So glad to hear that Wayne Breaux Jr gave Kevin the go ahead on the Atorian book.
Maybe we can finally see this book that NMI has been "bragging" about for a couple of years
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by NMI »

Reagren Wright wrote:Okay its the month of February now and its about time I provided something for this post. Got
a heroic duo from my childhood that I friend and I use to "pretend to be" in my grandmother's
backyard. There a hodgepodge of several different ideas from comics and television with a
sprinkle of 6 year old imagination that I'm making into Palladium NPCS. Have them up sometime
soon. So glad to here that Wayne Breaux Jr gave Kevin the go ahead on the Atorian book.
Maybe we can finally see this book that NMI has been "bragging" about for a couple of years

I dont think it was so much that Wayne gave Kevin the ok to publish the book. I think it was due to their conversations of late, that Kev got re-energized to make the book.

You know, the book that I already have the original manuscript of! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :quiet: :quiet:
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:Okay its the month of February now and its about time I provided something for this post. Got
a heroic duo from my childhood that I friend and I use to "pretend to be" in my grandmother's
backyard. There a hodgepodge of several different ideas from comics and television with a
sprinkle of 6 year old imagination that I'm making into Palladium NPCS. Have them up sometime
soon. So glad to here that Wayne Breaux Jr gave Kevin the go ahead on the Atorian book.
Maybe we can finally see this book that NMI has been "bragging" about for a couple of years

I dont think it was so much that Wayne gave Kevin the ok to publish the book. I think it was due to their conversations of late, that Kev got re-energized to make the book.

You know, the book that I already have the original manuscript of! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :quiet: :quiet:

:roll: See what I have to put up with.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Yes he's back at long last. Well this time I decided to go back way into the childhood to
create two characters me and neighborhood boy use to play. They are multi-composites of
a whole lot of things going on in my mind at the time. I use to dress up as this guy around
the house, dressed like him for Halloween twice. Of course nobody ever heard of him.
Neighborhood kid always wanted to switch, I never let him because my guy was iconic and I
knew more about him than anyone. Probably the reason my and the neighbor kid never
stayed friends. Oh well. That's life at the elementary age in the 1970s. So here are Moon
Hawk and Night Arrrow, a heroic duo.


Edwin Haley should have been born on a motorcycle. Since he was five years old, he
mastered riding a bicycle and by age eight was already performing tricks on it. By the age of
twelve, he was riding a motorcycle on his grandparent’s farm and performing tricks on it. His
mother wanted him to join the police department like his father, a decorated officer on
several occasions, but Edwin was more interesting in riding bikes. When he became old
enough, his father bought him a 1984 Honda XR500 dirt bike. Edwin drove all over his
parents’ farm with it. His friend Jesse Tuttle helped upgrade the bike to put it on par with
current models. Even before he was 18 Edwin was an amateur dirt-bike racer. Afterward, he
used the money his parent set aside for college to turn pro. Within two months he won his
first race. A year later, he competed in the AMA Motocross Championship and won. Before
long his name was seen on magazines and he became a house hold name among fans. Yet it
wasn’t enough for him, Edwin went into Freestyle where he truly shined as a star above the
rest. He took a few months off to take break before deciding to compete in the FIM
Motocross World Championship. In his first race, he became the second American to win the
500cc division. A few days later, Edwin was riding on the highway in Eagle Claw Canyon. As
he was heading downhill, a large bird of prey attacked him causing him to veer into the
cable barrier on a curve. He was thrown from his bike and plummeted fifty feet below the
road. He suffered a broken back, a broken right leg, and a compound fracture in his right
arm. Worst of all, the bike and he were in an area that could not be seen by drivers. For
hours Haley lay unconscious and in critical condition. After nightfall, a freak accident
occurred, ultra-high-energy cosmic ray released during a supernova in a distant part of the
galaxy struck in the area around Haley irradiating him, the land around him, and the red tail
hawk (the bird that attacked him). Edwin lay on the ground charged with cosmic radiation.
All the while he stared helpless up at the full moon in the sky. The next day a highway crew
was cutting the grass when they say Haley lying beneath the road. He was still alive but
the red tail hawk was feeding on him. Hours later Haley was in a hospital receiving the best
medical treatment possible. It took him several months of intense rehab and physical
therapy just to be able to walk again. Yet amazingly Haley experienced a full recovery
although besides the scars left by the accident and surgery, he also had numerous scars
left by the talons by the bird and the helpless psychological experience of the bird eating

Months later Haley finally felt comfortable enough to ride a bike but as he tried driving
around, he suddenly saw the hawk again in his mind. As the night went on, he was
continuously plagued by the nightmare. Haley sank in a deep depression. One day he and
Jesse were in the museum hoping to find the bird that attacked him. While exploring the
museum, they came across a large picture of the moon. Seeing the image of the moon,
brought forth all the horrible memories again, but it also triggered something that had been
lying dormant in his body, a mysterious transformation took place, a result of the cosmic
rays charging both him and the hawk that was feeding on him. Haley anatomy became like
that of a birds, he also had the ability to effect gravity, generate powerful energy blast,
and this strange power via a strange connection with the moon, which could also be
generate merely be seeing a picture of the moon, touching a moon rock, or anything
associated with the moon. These strange powers stayed with him for 1D6+4 hours and
afterward could not be regained until 24 hours had passed. Haley wanted to know why this
had happen to him, considering all that he’d endured, why did he have to turn into a freak
of nature.

A week later with suicidal thought running in his mind, tragedy hit Haley hard when a gang
of vicious bikers (the Bael Riders) storm into a local town and caused my hysteria. Among
the police officers killed that day was his father. Haley was devastated but more upset with
the state and local law enforcement that couldn’t seem to catch these evil bandits.
Somehow they always managed to escape custody and defeat law enforcement. Haley and
Jesse thought it over and decided only one person could put an end to their reign. Jesse
gave Haley the Halloween costume was planning on wearing. He did some modifications to
the mask and wing like cape. He also invented the Moon Ray Device to expose Haley to
“Lunar Radiation to help him control the activation of his powers instead of merely by
looking at the moon or an image of it. Thus he now went by the name Moon Hawk,
Champion of Light.

Within a week Moon Hawk tracked down and confronted the Bael Riders and their
mutant leader (King Demon) whose demon like powers made him almost more than a match
for Haley. Yet in the end, Haley defeated the gang and brought an end to their leader reign
of terror. The question then became what to do now with his life. Haley thought about it
and decided he needed to do what his dad would have. He is now a champion of justice,
prowling the skies during the day and night in search of injustice and those seeking to do
harm to others. He now longer rides professionally but writes articles for various magazines
in print and online, and is a sports anchor on television. A few years ago, he decided to
partner up with another vigilante Arthur Black otherwise known as Night Arrow. Together
they right the wrongs of the world while seeking the inner peace to qualm the demons that
plague their very soul.

Real Name: Edwin Rueben Haley
Occupation: Former Motorcross World Champion and Freestyle World Champion. Now
sports anchor/report for motorcross racing.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Imbued Hero
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 54 S.D.C.: 50/140 imbued.
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: He is a good looking, athletically built male with short auburn hair and
dark brown eyes.
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 4 inches (1.93 m), Weight: 190 lbs (785.5 kg).
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E.18, M.A. 14, P.S. 16, P.P. 18, P.E. 19, Spd. 26/50 mph (80km)
flying or by gliding (varies), P.B. 14
Imbued Attributes: P.S., P.E., and Spd will change when imbued by either a 20% or
40% increase (see below).
Imbuing Agent: Lunar Fixiation (special). Moon Hawk powers are not “caused” by the
moon, but more a psychological condition which activates in response to a visual
stimulation. Whenever he sees an “actual” image of the moon (not a drawing) but an actual
picture, photograph, painting, replica, model, etc or can actually visual see the moon, he
can manifest his powers. His friend Jesse Tuttle created a device called the Moon Ray.
Haley believes it a device with a moon rock inside of it that a low energy laser beam strikes
that then exposes him to “Lunar Radiation” thus allowing him to manifest his cosmic lunar
powers. In truth the rock is lava stone that Jesse picked up near Mt. Saint Helens. He put
the stone in his rock polisher and put it inside the home made device he built. The point is
“Haley believes it’s a lunar rock” thus the light emitted helps trigger his powers without
having to actual look at a moon image. Drawing a picture on a piece of paper and telling him
it a picture of the moon will not trigger his powers. He needs an “actual” picture, to visual
see the moon in the sky, touch “anything” that has been on the moon, close proximity, or
has a deep association with it (i.e. if he meet an famous astronaut who walked on the
moon, looked at the Apollo 13 space capsule, or touched or sees an actual lunar rock). The
Moon Ray device works because Jesse has convinced Haley it does. Should Haley ever learn
the truth he could no longer use the device to activate his powers. Remember Haley is not
suffering from the insanity Power by Association. The visual image of the moon is an
Imbuing Agent.
Psychological Addition/Avian Lycanthrope: Haley must “imbue” himself at least once
every 72 hours otherwise the “bird of prey” begins to take over. This is another
psychological condition brought on by the attack of the red tail hawk (the real moon hawk
as Haley calls it). Haley’s bird like powers for some strange reason will manifest themselves
as will his lunar powers (not his gravity or energy expulsion) and his “bird nature” come on.
He actually believes himself to be “the moon hawk” that attacked him. He essentially gains
Reptile Brain: Predator from the mutant animal section (See Mutant Underground or After
the Bomb) with no chance to save vs. insanity. He will lash out like a wild animal, attack
smaller or weaker creatures, and he will hunt prey animals and eat them. Many times his
friends have found him naked in a tree devouring a rabbit. The only way to reverse the
effect is to show him an image or something that summons an intense image of his
humanity, for instance the sight of his sister or mother, a picture of his father, his first
motorcycle, or anything that would cause him to have an immediate human emotional
response (his father’s grave). Note: Even when he is not in his “bird state,” Haley diet has
oriented itself more toward carnivore and he loves eating wild game more so then processed
foods and vegetables. He will still eat his spinach like his mother taught him, but he doesn’t
care for it. But he loves rabbits, squirrels, rodents, lizards, snakes, other birds, and insects.
Imbuing Agent Duration: 1D6+4 hours. Frequency: Once per 24 hours.
Imbued Major Super Abilities: Animal Abilities (Bird), Gravity Waves, and Super Energy
Expulsion: Energy. Note: If he is using his gravity powers, his natural ability to glide kicks in.
Imbued Minor Super Ability: Lunar Power (special). This unique ability to Moon Hawk
is exactly the same as Solar Powered (PU 1, page 41-42). The difference is Haley needs
only to see a lunar image (or strong association), touch a lunar object, or actually see the
moon in the sky (day or night). Once he’s seen the object he retains the Lunar Powers
regardless if he sees the lunar image or object again for the next 1D6+4 hours. Sealing him
away from the moon doesn’t cut him off from his powers. Other modification include, he still
gets hungry and needs solid food (actually seeing a prey item causes him to save vs.
insanity or go into his Reptile Brain Predator mode until he gains his kill). He is resistant to
laser and light based attack (one-fourth normal damage). He can sense the exact moment
of the rising and setting of the moon and knows which lunar phase is going on. He
recognizes not only vampires but lycanthropes. He bio-regenerates 2D4 hit points/SDC per
melee round during the 1D6+4 hour duration. His P.S., P.E., and Spd attribute increase by
20% from seeing a lunar image or touching a lunar object, but they increase by 40% if he
actually looks upon the moon during the night regardless of its lunar phase. Bonuses #5
remains unchanged. The range of his super energy expulsion powers are increased by 20%
by seeing a lunar image or touching an object, but the range and damage are increased by
50% at night time if he looks upon the moon. He always receives +60 S.D.C. He is
impervious to radiation and takes one-fourth damage from heat attacks (fire does half
damage). His eye sight is equal to that of a hawk.
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 when imbued
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +1 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Imbued Combat Bonuses: +5 to initiative/+6 in flight, +4 to strike/+5 in flight, +7 to
parry/+8 in flight, +8 to dodge/+10 in flight, +1 to damage/+4 to damage for every 20 mph
(32 km) of flying speed, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch/+5 when imbued,
and +2 to disarm/+4 when imbued.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attack), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leg
Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6,
Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Saving Throws: +6% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to save vs. psionics & insanity, and
+2 to save vs. magic & poison.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%95%, Mathematics: Basic 93%, and
Pilot: Automobile 81%,
Pilot: Advance Program: Navigation 90%, Sensory Equipment 80%,
Parachuting 90%, Motorcycle 98%, Combat Driving, Bicycling 96%, and Airplane 93%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 80%,
Intelligence 75%. Wilderness Survival 80%, Tracking (people) 75%, and Detect Concealment
Secondary: Athletic (General), Running, Climbing 75%/65%, Prowl 60%,
Swimming 85%, Body Building & Weightlifting, Public Speaking 65%, Performance 60%, 5th
level Writing 50%, Wardrobe & Grooming 70%, Cook 45%, and Skin & Prepare Animal Hides
Money: He was never good with money so he had Jesse Tuttle do all his taxes and
finances during his motorcross days. As a result, he can afford to live very comfortable from
all his prize rewards, sponsorships, and commercial endorsement. He makes about $75,000 a
year between being a sports journalist and anchor on television.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Energy Expulsion: Energy, Range: 740 feet (225 m), Damage: 9D6 or 1D4x10+14,
Bonuses: +5 to aim/+3 to shot wild.
Super Blast: Range: Range: 740 feet (225 m), Damage: 1D6x10+30+1D6. Bonuses:
+5 to aim/+3 to shot wild. Uses up all attack for one melee round.
Aura Effect: Range: 10 feet (3 m), Damage: 1D6+7.
Equipment & Vehicles: He just purchased a Suzuki V-Strom 650 ABS. Jesse did some
tinkering with it superior braking system (+5% to control rolls), self-seal/inflating tires,
modified suspension and steering capabilities (+5% to control rolls), super fuel efficiency,
and a modified engine enabling the motorcycle to hit 300 mph (483 km). When he just
wants to drive around town, Haley does so in a Harley-Davidson Iron 883. He also still has
his 1984 Honda XR500 dirt bike. Jesse does his best to keep his bikes in tip top condition.
Note: His friend Jesse Tuttle is essentially a Hardware Mechanical minor hero (3rd level)

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


When Arthur Black was a kid, the neighborhood bully kept picking on him. One day Arthur
decided to do something about it. He took out his bow and arrow his Cup Scout Leader
uncle gave him and shot the kid with an arrow through his neck. Afterward Black took the
arrow and concealed the evidence. He was ten years old and made his first confirmed kill.
As Black grew older he became more fascinated with guns and archery. He’d spend hours on
the shooting range, perfecting his skill. In his shop class, he designed his own crossbow.
After graduating, Black joined joined the U.S. Marine Corp. He excelled and was encouraged
to enter a technical or weapons fields. Black instead became a Marine Sniper. He spent two
tours of duty traveling the world proving how good of a shot he was. Many terrorist died
right between the eyes or through the temple via his scope. Yet it was always the bow and
arrow that Black truly wanted to use to make the kill. Something about drawing the string
back, having the power of the arrow in his hand, was so much better then firing a gun.
After completing his tour, Black left with an honorable discharge. He searched around to find
someone to offer his talents too. That someone was the Midnight Assassin Guild. These
“professional killers” were a group of freelance mercenaries and assassins who killed for the
sheer pleasure of it, but when possible, enjoyed getting paid just as much. They also
enjoyed a very unusual benefactor, the Dark Tribunal. Whenever they completed a
successful mission, they were allowed to be slightly augmented. Before long Black and his
guild members were rising in the ranks of the underworld soon Fabricators Inc took notice.
Some left the guild to join them, but most stayed with the guild. The ones who left did so
because the code of honor the guild operated from began to change, becoming something
more toward anarchy and diabolic. Soon the kill was mercilessly attack civilians on the
street, shooting at people standing in line at a movie theater, killing people walking in
shopping centers, and so on. There was no logical motive behind their actions just the
sheer pleasure of committing murder. Black decided this is not what he signed up for and
tried to get out. Soon the guild was coming after him. Black tried to get in contact with the
Dark Tribunal but they abandoned the crazed humans hoping they destroy themselves
before they had to put them down. Black was tired and injured after one particular fight
only to be rescued by Moon Hawk. Taking him back to his hideout, Haley and his friend
Jesse, patch Black up and swore to help him fight his foes. Together Black and Haley have
nearly wiped out the guild accept for its most senior members. They are still after Black and
Moon Hawk, though they forced to hired petty thugs and enforcers to do most of their work
for them. Hanging around Haley and Jesse has made black a better man. He’s no longer a
cold blood killer, but is able to see the beauty and passion in life. He will still put an arrow
between a man’s eyes, but at least it’s a criminal now day.

Real Name: Arthur Black
Alias: Dead Strike and Black Shadow
Occupation: Former professional assassin, now anti-hero champion.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Hardware (Weapons)
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 47 S.D.C.: 110
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: He is an good looking man with shoulder length platinum blond hair
(usually kept in a pony tail) and blue eyes. His skin is very pale (doesn’t get enough sun).
He always dresses in black. When he’s not dressed in gothic attire, he is dressed in his
battle attire looking for another villain to shot.
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 13, M.A. 18, P.S. 17, P.P. 26, P.E. 17, Spd. 26, P.B. 15
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.72 m),
Weight: 127 lbs (57.15 kg)
Physical Augmentation: Black’s bones and skull are platted with a nearly unbreakable
metal that makes them impossible to break or shatter. His immune system has been greatly
enhanced via genetic engineering (he rarely gets ill, not even from the common cold). He
has also been made ambidextrous.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +1 if
use firearms or archery weapon.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +6 to strike, +11 to parry, +10 to dodge, +2 to
damage, +2 disarm, +6 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +4 to save vs. Horror Factor, +5% to save vs. coma/death, and +3
to save vs. poison, +1 to save vs. magic, and +7 to save vs. disease.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Blow 4D6+2 (count as two attack),
Backhand 2D6, Elbow & Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Kick 2D6+2, Roundhouse 4D6, Snap Kick
2D6, Crescent kick 4D4, Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown),
Jump Kick 1D4x10, Flying Jump Kick 5D6, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strikes on
an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate.
Special Hardware Skills: Make & Modify Weapons 107%, Recognize Weapon Quality
64%/89%, Paired Weapons Handguns/Energy Pistols, Quickdraw Handguns, Rifle, and
Archery (+5 to Initiative) W.P. Sharpshooting (includes archery), +3 to disarm on a called
shot with any gun or archery weapon, and Reputation & Horror Factor 11.
Educational Background: Military Specialist and Hardware Skills
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 97%, Pilot:
Automobile 85%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 98%/94%, Military Etiquette 98%, Forced
March, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2 to
2nd Military Program: Camouflage 79%, Armorer/Field Armor 98%, Parachuting 98%,
and Trap/Mine Detection 79%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 84%, Intelligence
79%, Wilderness Survival 84%, Forgery 74%, and Disguise 81%.
W.P. Modern Weapons: W.P. Heavy Military Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P.
Sub-Machinegun (+4 to aim/+2 burst), and W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to
Hardware Program: Sniper (+2 to aim/called shots-2), W.P. Handgun (+4 to aim/+2
to burst), W.P. Energy Pistol (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Energy Rifle (+4 to aim/+2 to
burst), W.P. Shotgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), Blunt (+4 to strike and parry), W.P. Knife (+4
to strike, parry, and throw), W.P. Archery (+5 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to disarm, Rate of
Fire 6), Demolitions 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98%, Find Contraband 78%, Basic Electronics
84%, and Basic Mechanics 98% .
Secondary Skills: Athlete, Wardrobe & Grooming 82%, Prowl 64%, Jury-Rig 69%,
Swimming 94%, Streetwise 44%, Law (basic) 54%, Computer Operation 70%, Pilot
Motorcycle 85%, and Research 79%.
Money: Black has allowed Fabricators to set up a bank account for him where he
stashes $5.7 million dollars that is slowly collecting interests. He also has half a dozen bank
accounts under assumed names throughout the United States, each accounts has about
$120,000 in them. The Midnight Assassins Guild paid him an annual salary of $650,000
before living it.
Weapons: Black has access to all types conventional weapons, energy weapons,
gimmicked weapons, and explosives. Her favorite weapons of course is those he designs
The Black Bow, this 60 lbs bow is a super high tech weapon, capable of launching
arrows around 440 fps (feet per second) or 134 mps (meters per second). This translates
into arrows traveling 300 mph (483 km). The bow does this via magnetism similar to that
used in rail guns. The bow is also superior balanced and has a special 5x25 telescopic sight,
Effective Range: 1500 feet (457 m0. Damage: 5D6, P.V. Rating: 7, Rate of Fire: Equal to his
archery skill, Bonuses: +2 to strike (+7 total). Note: As a blunt weapon, the bow can inflict
2D6 points of damage as a blunt weapon without damaging it or hindering it shooting
capabilities over a period of time.
He also has the following arrows:
Exploding: 1D4x10 points of damage to a 1 foot (.3 m) blast radius
Gas: Equal to those found in the Bionics and Robotics section, as well as tear gas.
Incendiary: After exploding, it burns for 10 melee rounds. Damage: Up to 12 feet (3.6
m) from impact-2D4x10+20; 12-24 feet (3.6-7.3 m) away 1D6x10; 25-36 feet (7.6-11 m)
5D6; 37-120 feet (11.3-36.6 m) away 2D6
Concussion: Designed to knock down and stun victims. When detonated, the arrow
grenade erupts in a 30-foot (9.1 m) blast radius causing 1D4 points of damage to everyone
within. Individuals caught in the blast must roll above a 15 on a d20 (P.E. bonus apply) or
they will be knocked off their feet and stunned (01-65%). If only knocked down, the victim
will experience ringing ears and a headache, but only lose one melee action/attack and
initiative. If stunned, the victim is dazed, -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, roll with impact or
pull punch, is the last to attack (no initiative) and reduce Spd and attack/actions per melee
round by one-half for 1D4 melee rounds!
Stun/Flash: Designed to disorient and confuse. The arrow grenade makes a loud
exploding boom and emits a brilliant flash, followed by a shower of white-hot sparks and
some white smoke. The flash, burning sparks, and smoke should blind and startle any
character without environmental armor or protective goggles (shutting eyes doesn’t help as
the flash passes through eyelids). The victims are –8 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1
initiative and lose one melee attack/action for the next 1D4 melee rounds. Even those in
armor should be distracted for at least 1D4 seconds and lose initiative. Covers a 20 foot (6
m) radius, effects everyone unless have eye protection (not sunglasses).
He is always coming up with new and different gimmicked arrows all the time.
Browning BDM (Double Action Pistol), Range: 135 feet (41 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of
Fire: Single shot or semi-auto, Feed: 15 shot magazine.
Custom Built Ion Blaster, Range: 400 feet (122 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single
shot, Feed: 10 shot E-clip.
Armor: On certain missions, he wears full suits of Hard Armor (A.R. 16 with 286
S.D.C.) otherwise he’s wearing his black full suit with composed of reinforced Kevlar armor
(A.R. 12 and 120 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: The Midnight Assassin Guild allowed him to have any type of
equipment. It doesn’t include clothes, but he had a full range of clothes granted to him,
including armor and $10,000 budget per assignment for gimmick clothing. If need to he could
request an additional $70,000 worth of equipment for an assignment, but he had to wait for
a review and final approval. Half of the equipment he kept, the rest he returned. He has no
intension of returning any of it. Those Midnight Assassins who tried to take it away are all
dead. Haley bought Black a 2011 Aprilia Shiver 750. Jesse did some tinkering with it superior
braking system (+5% to control rolls), self-seal/inflating tires, modified suspension and
steering capabilities (+5% to control rolls), super fuel efficiency, and a modified engine
enabling the motorcycle to hit 300 mph (483 km). Black loves the bike as much as he loves
his bow.
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Reagren Wright
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Posts: 3238
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sometimes the obvious is looking you dead in the face. Project Secure has three super beings
teams; Lock Down Beta, Delta, and Epsilon. They are mentioned in name and location in Alien
Unlimited Revised and Century Station. However, we know nothing about their members. Well I
thinks its time we find out who these three super teams are. Might take awhile but rest assured
three government sponsored super teams are coming! :D
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Can,t Wait to see them.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

:( Sorry I'm late about getting any of this done guys. Change in job hours, moving back into
my house after a fire, change in wife's work schedule, etc. So I will get it done, and to
prove it here is a list of who is coming.

Lock Down Beta

Fire Strike
Bang Stick
Star Stone (Fredulian)

Lock Down Delta

Death Strike
Battle Guard
Satyrmancer (Shissan)

Lock Down Epsilon

Martial Strike
Dark Queen
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun May 12, 2013 1:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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