Network Omni News

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by taalismn »

Actually glad it's still around....a decent news story hasn't embedded itself in my mind for a long while I'm heartened to see that the original concept...of a regular THree Galaxies/Megaversal news rag can hammer on, even when I can't... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

You are busy enough for many people. I can help out here keeping this active for others enjoyment.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid wearing roman centurian armor walks across the stage to the podium. He shuffles his papers and then looks into the Tri-Dee camera.::: "Greetings fellow citizens of Phase World. We have several news stories to bring you. The first of which is a new fad which started last week here on center. Young teen agers have taken to driving by various locations. When these teenagers launch liquid filled balloons at various targets. The liquid has been identified as the strongest alcoholic beverage ever seen in the Three Galaxies. It is believed to be called cold fusion, a drink from another reality. These drive bys balloonings have lead to dozens getting totally wasted due to the splash alone. We have footage of several very powerful beings getting hammered by the balloonings that occured today. Here is that footage." :::The picture shows a dragon walking with several other beings. This hover car passes by and you see several balloons fly from the hover car. The balloons hit the dragon and his companions. The dragon actually takes the hit in it's mouth. Within seconds not a single being that got hit can stand up. They are all falling around laughing and pointing in the direction that the hover car took off in. You can see these beings are all falling down drunk. The scene changes back to the studio.::: "As you can see this alcohol is very powerful. We were informed by several observers that at least two of the beings ended up being paralyzed shortly after the film was taken. We are happy to report that those who were paralyzed recovered from the alcohol passed from their system. According the doctors that the alcohol only paralyzes the voluntary muscles. That the involuntary muscles continue to function. So the people's heart keep beating and their lungs continue to breath air. The police are investigating this new crime. Of course it seems to have pedestrians trying to get hit by these balloons. No one has attempted to press any charges on the youths. As a matter of fact we have heard rumors that the police are actually incouraging this new fade, since it seems to have curtailed violent crimes."
"Our next story is a little more serious. It has been reported to us here at MOANS that there is a shortage of clowns in society. Over the years these creatures have been hunted at regular seasons. Especially after their mating season. But now it is very hard to locate any decent number of clowns. We have been informed of a breeding programs and a seperate cloning program to help with the shortage of clowns. Please if you know of any clowns in your neighborhood call us and inform on them. At the end of the program there will be a number for you to call to identify a clown. After we are called these clowns will be carefully collected and taken to a breeding area. This way the supply of clowns will become stronger for future hunters. Also there is a new programs that is widespread and covers the entire three galaxies. All of the powers that be are working together trying to save the clown. We actually have footage of CAF troops working with UWW warlock marines and the TGE shock troops to capture a large herd of clowns." :::The scene changes over to an obvious military situation. In the foregrounds are mixed troops of CAF, TGE and UWW forces working together to herd a large herd of clowns towards a large set of walls. The camera catches a scene where a clown knocks over a TGE trooper and tries bolting for freedom. One UWW warlock marine helps the TGE trooper back to his feet while a CAF marine uses a tranquilizer on the clown. They carefully coral the rest of the herd and the tranqed one is carefully restrained until it can rejoin it's herd. The scene goes back to the studio where the newscaster is wiping a tear from his eye.::: "It always brings a tear to my eye when I see cooperation like this. This herd was carefully weighed and measured before being taken to their new breeding facility. I have been informed that this facility is a state of the art place to make sure clowns will always be part of our great society. There is a new group which sponsors this program, it is called "Clowns Forever!" You can find this group at any place you can buy hunting tags. Just ask them about "Clowns Forever"! That is all the news for today. Please watch for our next broadcast." :::The scene returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid walks across the stage and stand behind the podium. He is without papers and he looks into the camera! He wipes a tear from his eye as he is about to read this news story.::: "We hear at MOANS were informed a short time ago about a patient on Pre-Rifts earth who was once the most influential model of her time. She was the pin-up woman who is spectacular in her time. Due to the powers that be she was forced to disappear from public view! We were informed she was in a hospital for one illness and was recovering when she suffered a heart attack last Tuesday. Our hearts and minds go out to her family in their time of pain and suffering. Our prayers for her recovery also go out to her family in this time of need." :::The scene returns to it's previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera comes into focus on the little humanoid who is still standing behind the podium. He is in tears as he prepares to read the news. He blows his nose which is unseen in the shadows of his helmut. He looks into the camera.::: "I have to report that the greatest pin-up who ever lived has passed on. She who was a goddess amongest mortals has passed on last night a week after she suffered her heart attack. She will be missed by those of us who admire her work! Our prayers go out to her family in their time of pain and loss. We will mourn Bettie Page forever more. Thank you for your time. We hear at MOANS will continue to bring you the best news as it occurs. At this time we'd like to offer one minute of silence to Bettie Page."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid walks across the stage to his podium. He shuffles his papers. He then looks up into the tri-dee camera.::: "Greeting fellow Phase Worlders. We have a small snouncment to make. Will the person who is running around center in the red dress and broad hat with all of that nice golden bling please stop it! You are confusing the clown hunters. This person keeps uttering something about "Nobody Expects the...." We haven't made out the rest. Also could you please pronounce your words better. This way we can use this for the staff parties over the holiday. Now back to your show."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the stage. He looks into the camera.::: "We here at MOANS promise to bring you more news very soon. As soon as we can make it.........Um. I mean report incidents that occur in the Three Galaxies." :::The screen returns to it's previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the stage towards the podium. He shuffles his pages and looks into the tri-d camera.::: "Greeting fellow Phase Worlder. Today here on center we have discovered that a part of our way of life could go away. We hear at MOANS want to inform you that you need to take action to prevent this injustice. I personally discovered this when I went to the local candy store. They told me that the company I buy some sweets from stopped producing my favorite candy! I want that company whose name is not Babrach's. And the candy is not their choclate coated cashews. So join with me people and tell them that they can not stop producing this candy! That is all for this news brief."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

::The little humanoid in a centurion armor walks across the setting towards his podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the tri-d camera.::: "I Have a very interesting news brief to bring the latest news to all of you our viewers. It has come too our attention that a CAF heavy Cruiser Persuer came across a startling find on a patrol just outside the thunder cloud galaxy. According to what we have heard is that they have encountered a large number of Intruder ships gathering there. I have been informed that these intruders are sitting at the point where several boundries come together. We have been waiting for the other major powers respond to this intrusion. The CAF is rumored to be sending a powerful squadron towards this enemy gathering. It is believed the TGE will respond accordingly. And the UWw has dispatched a Black Swan Battlecruiser squadron to the area too. We'll bring you more information as it comes to us. That is all at this time." :::The screen goes back to the regular programming.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid dressed in the centurion armor marches across the stage. He reaches the podium. He shuffles his pages and looks into the tri-d camera.::: "Greetings ffellow Three Galaxies! We sit here at a crisis. The intruder crisis has grown far worse. Several ships from the multinational coalition have been destroyed and many have been damaged. So far as we know no party has lost a major combatant. They temporarily allied forces have withdrawn to lick their wounds and plan their next action. The groups participating in this action include the CAF, The TGE, The UWW and a large force from the Spectral Winds Mercenary fleet. It is hoped that the forces arrayed against the intruders. We will bring you updated information as we hear it!" :::The screen goes back to it's previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the room towards the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the Tri-D camera. He looks tense.::: "We have an updated situation on the frontier. The intruders have won a second battle against the forces united against them. The battle began early this morning when the intruders moved towards a star system which contained several supply ships to the TGE. The force moved to counter the threat. The forces countered the threat to the logistical support. The battle is still raging out their on the edge of the galaxy. We actually have a ship on the edge of the action to record it for the news worthy event which it is." :::The scene changes to a view of the edge of the stellar morass known as the Thunder cloud galaxy. THe scene changes and the camera focuses on hundreds of flashes of weapon detonations and weapon discharges. And an occasional massive flash as a ship blowns up after taking more damage then it's designers never meant them to take.::: "As you can see the battle was filmed from an apparently safe distance. As it turns out not safe enough. This craft that was a short time later destroyed with all hands by an intruder craft. Our sources have indicated that the alliance has lost at least two cruisers and a number of destroyers. It is believed that every ship in the alliance fleet has suffered some damage. We have reports that other ships are rapidly being rushed to the battle as we are reporting on this story. We have been told that the "Spectral Winds" are sending the largest number of reinforcments to the battle including the Commander of the Mercenary unit in her specially modified dreadnaught. The last reports we have are that the masssive intruder fleet has taken massive casualities. We will continue to bring you the latest news on this massive battle as we have them. We now return you to your previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the stage towards the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the Tri-D camera.::: "Greetings fellow humanoids. We bring great news to you the battle against the Intruders has concluded with the Intruders force having been wiped out to a ship. The alliance defeated the intruders after taking out an intruder flagship that was spotted at the back of their fleet. The Flagship of the Intruders was destroyed by the Flagship of the "Spectral Winds" who lead the charge thru the remains of the Intruder force. The Commander of the "Spectral Winds" was quoted later by one of her personel as saying "I want that ship out of my Combat zone. Mr #%@^!&#* (named edited for security sake.) fire the main gun!" We have more footage from another ship (Can you say target) that we sent to the edge of the battle." :::Again the camera focuses on the vast edge of a galaxy with it's morass of stars. And the camera focuses closer on the flashes. Then you get a feeling that the suicidal pilot if flying closer to the battle. You see a massive ship leading many vessles of various power blocks towards a massive saucer shaped ship. The massive ship shaped like some sort of sea creature moves relentlessly towards the enemy ship. As Intruders ships cross the dreadnaughts path they are squashed like flies. The huge ship starts firing it's batteries of cruise missiles towards the Intruder flagship. Then it fires it's main battery of heavy energy weapons as it comes into range of the intruder flagship. Then a protruding point on the bow of the massive ship glows greenish blue. Then a lance of greenish blue fire lances out and hits the Intruder Flagship and shatters it assunder. Then the camera focuses on something much closer and moving quickly towards the camera. The image quickly becomes an intruder ship obvisously out of control. The images continues to grow and you hear people start to scream and then they are cut off. The image is replaced with static.::: "The crew of this ship were sadly lost while doing their duty to record the battle. We have yet to identify the weapon the "Spectral Winds" used to finish off the intruder. And before you write off the intruders, we have to report that over the last few hours numerous intruder ships have been seen many hundred of light years from the battle. So this battle hasn't ended their threat to the Three Galaxies. Our hearts go out to all of the service people who sacrificed their lives to keep us safe. Again Thank you! We now return you to your previously scheduled show." ::: The Image is replaced by the scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid walks across the stage towards the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "The other day we were sadden to hear of the losses of two of the greats from the universe. Their influence will be felt for many years. The first was #6. His own influence in certain aspects society for over forty years. He will be missed greatly by us in the Three Galaxies. The other great loss came yesterday with the loss of Kahn. He apparently escaped his fate that was displayed by the media. He passed away at a ripe old age. I think it's too bad he didn't bag the Kirk, when he had the chance all of those years ago. That is the news for today." :::The screen changes back to the regularly scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the roman centurion armor walks across the stage towards the podium. He stands and shuffles his papers. Then he looks into the Tri-D camera and smiles.::: "Today we here are proud to cheer the victors of last weeks battle with the Intruders. Here on Center the hero of the battle happens to be the various commanders of the various factions. But even they themselves have been recorded as giving credit to the Commander of the "Spectral Winds" Mercenary fleet who refused to retreat from the overwhelming number of Intruders. She ordered her forces forward into the teeth of the enemy. This caused the rest of the alliances to follow suit. The "Spectral Winds" are having their own private ceremonies to mourn their dead. They lost the largest number of ships and personel in the battle. Although according to their spokes person they will be able to meet each of their contracts. According to the after battle reports the alliance actually destroyed over 200 heavy Intruder ships including one enemy mother ship. Their losses all told are as follows. One battlecruiser - "Spectral Winds": Four Cruisers - two "Spectral Winds", one - CAF, one - TGE: Twenty destroyers - eight - "Spectral Winds", four - CAF, four - TGE, three - UWW, one - FWC. We mourn the loss of all of these good men and women who serve all of the power blocks in the Three Galaxies. There names will go down in history as heros. That is all for tonight! We return you to you regularly scheduled show." :::The show changes back to the show regularly shown at this time.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the stage to the podium. He stands behind the podium. He shuffles his papers an looks into the Tri-D camera.::: "Here at MOANS we were informed today about a system within the CCW here in the Thundercloud galaxy informed us of an incident with a squadron of unknown alien ships. The system know as Fadquin located at the coordinates of 235X132X-95 had an encounter with twelve extremely fast small craft. The ship which encountered these strange craft is Handaley a Madaly class Escort Destroyer. The Handaley was on an anti-pirate patrol on the edge of the system when it detected the unknown ships. These ships are not apparently associated with the intruders. The ships came into the system at such a high rate of speed that intially it was believed that these incoming vehicles were missiles. The incoming craft were recorded coming straight in on the Handaley and turned at a distance of one hundred miles. The craft made a careful circuit around her before leaving the system on the heading they came in on. The observed speed was far beyond anything witnessed by any of the ships already observed in the Three Galaxies. The whole incident has come to us from a person of note stationed on the ship. Now we don't have the sensor data, but according to our source, these craft were moved faster then even the Intruders. We will bring you more information on these new craft as we find out more about them. We return you to previously scheduled show."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor walks across the stage and takes a stand behind the podium. He looks into the camera and says.::: "Greeting fellow Three galaxy citizens. Today we are extrodinarily happy to report that one of the greatest comedic acts have decided to gather together to provide us one last two part conclusion to their wonderful show that apparently ended in a bizzare cliff hanger. We here at MOANS totally support the return to acting of this great team of comedic actors. They stand with the greats. Their names are David Lister, Kryten, Arnold Judas Rimmer, Cat and Holly. We believe their names will live in fame until the very suns cease burning. We now return you to regularly scheduled programs."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by taalismn »

Ah ha! So THAT'S what you're doing with my ships!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid::: "We did use them in a news story. Pay up! Free advertisement for you!"
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the roman centurion armor ,arches across the stage towards the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the Tri-D camera.::: "Greetings fellow Three galaxy citizens. We have some serious news out from the United World of Warlocks. We have this from a secured source within the Warlock military. Apparently a disguised military transport carrying a full platoon of Warlock Marine Raiders was on a clasified mission in a classified section of the UWW when this new pirate vehicle tried to capture them. The raiders ended up stopping the vehicle, but had to effect an emergency escape when the captured vehicle was set to self destruct. From other information we have gathered, there was an exchange of information between the UWW and the CAf earlier today. We believe that this information had to about encounters in each of the two powers. We'll bring you more information as we find this out. We return you to your regularly scheduled programs." :::The scene fades and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in roman centurian armor walks across the stage and looks into the Tri-D camera. He shuffles his papers and begins.::: "Greeting to all you viewers! Tonight I bring more information about the new pirate vehicle. It waas confirmed from sources in both the CCW and the UWW about this new vehicle being used to grab victims. The pirate group using these vessels are unknown but they are an extremely dangerous group. How they are getting this near military grade equipment is unknown. But it is under investigation. It is believed that as many as three Solar police vessels and 4 TVIA vessels have been taken by this vessel. No one knows how many civilian vessels have been captured by this vessel. No one apparently knows how long these vehicles have been plying the space lanes. At the present time the authorities are trying to organize convoys of civilian craft to be escorted by military craft until this problem have been fully detailed. So if you are travelling alone beware of ghost readings on your scanners. We'll continue to bring more information to you on this subject as it occurs." :::The screen changes back to the show previously showing.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid appears on the screen of your Tri-D TV and he begins speaking quickly and carefully. And the tone in his presentation is deadly serious.::: " People of the three galaxies. We have a serious problem developing as we speak. We have been informed by several respecable sources that a very important diplomatic ship has vanished only a few hours from Center. The diplomatic group hails from a new nation recently located on the edge of the Thundercloud galaxy. The various power blocks are reacting by sending many military units to locate this diplomatic ship. It is believed that this ship had some sort of FTL problem. But just in case it is the results from pirates the various militaries will bring an end to them once and for all. We will bring you more information as soon as we have it!" ::The screen changes back to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid wearing roman centurion armor appears standing at his podium waiting for the Tri-D camera. He shuffles his papers and begins.::: "I have an announcement about our last story announced several days ago. The lost diplomatic ship. I'm happy to report that the ship and the diplomates aboard were rescued by a ship from the UWW known only as Pandora. The ship believed to be a special operation transport by certain experts we have on staff here at MOANS! The ship managed to locate a pirate stronghold. They apparently unleashed their Marine Raiders on the pirates. We are happy to inform you that these special forces fromthe UWW managed to save the entire diplomatic staff and crew from the pirates. They also managed to kill over half of the pirates present. They managed to capture the at least two of the vessels it is believed that the pirates have been using to capture various vessels. These vessels we believe were spirited off to safe locations to examine in solitude. This should help defeat this latest pirate threat. The ship the Pandora was involved in an incident involving a passenger liner which was held by a terrorist group from the UWW last year. It was an extremely successful rescue over this weekend. We hope to bring some interviews with the ships crew and or the Special Forces team who actually did the rescue later this week. That is all of the news at this time. Please tune in tomorrow for more news." :::The screen returns to the previously scheduled show."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid in the roman centurion armor marches across the stage towards the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the Tri-D camera.::: "Greeting Fellow three galaxies citizens. We bring you a follow up story to one delivered by us on 01/27/2009Omninewsthread. JUst hours ago we have a report of the Intruders making an attack run on a cruiser liner. It just so happens we have a correspondent on that ship. We'll bring you his report in just a few minutes. Although according to him the Intruder craft was engaged by the extremely quick craft witnessed on the previous recorded date. The fast craft interposed themselves between the liner Mariposa and the Intruders. They drove the Intruder craft back and persued it. Now here is the report from our Correspondent Daffoid Dwight Duck and his camera man Ceasar "Speedy" Rodriguez." :::The camera changes it's focus to focus on a humanoid duck whose dark feathers. The camera is almost looking straight up for a few seconds before in a blurr of motion the camera is suddenly at eye level with D. Duck.::: "Hey Marv! It's nice of you to let us on tonight. We have witnessed something at first appeared to be something terrifying that was about to occur to the Liner Mariposa. Apparently the ship detected the Intruder ships at over three light minutes out. And didn't notify us until it was down to approximately ten minutes left before they intercepted us. Then suddenly out of almost no where two of these fantasically streamlined little craft came in from our other side of the ship I think it was the pork side of the liner." :::The little camera man says something extremely quickly.::: "I meant port side of the Mariposa. They came in close enough for us to get a look at them, although "Speedy" couldn't get the camera to focus on them in time. But I witnessed these little beauties. They appeared to be one man craft. So these fighters came in and chased that nasty Intruder away from us. The chased it down and unleashed their weapons on it. We managed to get permission to be in the sensor suite of the Mariposa when they apparently caught up with the Intruder. We witnessed a flash from the visible spectrum scanners and caught a massive discharge of what can only be described as a matter/ anti-matter reaction. We then watched as both of the craft fly over the ship and disappeared into the distance before we could get the camera focused on them. The little film we did shoot of the small fighters waas confiscated by TVIA a short time ago. Back to you Marv. That is all that happened out here on the edge of civilazation." "Thank you D. Duck and Ceasar Rodriguez on your excellent report. We'll hopefully find out more about these tiny craft in the near future. That is the news for tonight." :::The scene fades to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The little humanoid walks across the stage and stands behind the podium. He shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow Phase World citizens. Today we have recieved almost a dozen other first hand reports from people in various areas of the Three Galaxies who have witnessed these small craft carrying out various mission of protection. Most recently a small freighter wasa protected from rogue Transgalatic Empire naval elements. The freighter known as Lucky Rabbit's foot was being persued by two rogue Beserkers, when out of now where a flight of four of these little craft engaged the Beserkers. They were described as being able to either out maneuver the missiles from the TGE craft. The craft were then seen firing multiple projectiles at the TGE craft who were consumed in what could only be described as Anti-matter/ matter reactions. The TGE confirmed that these two craft had gone rogue several months ago while on patrol. We'll bring you more about these strange craft as we find out about them ourselves. We return you to your regularly scheduled show." :::The scene changes back to the previous shows.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-d scene changes abruptly and the Tri-D camera focuses on the little humanoid in the centurion armor. He shuffles a stake of papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow citizens of the Three Galaxies! Today we continue our story on those strange little craft. Now as it turns out we managed to recover a pic from a confidential source." :::A blurry image showing an extremely sleek and fierce looking craft is almost in the center of the shot. Looking at the blurry pic you get the impression of several obvious weapon. Including a small but powerful turret, several energy weapons on what could be forward swept wings. And several shapes that could only be missile partially submerged into the both the fuselage and the winglike structures.::: "Along with these pics the takers of that pic also reported one titanic robot which dwarfed a BattleRam used by the CCW came to the rescue of the photographer when his ship was attacked by a pirate. The huge bot moved the ship gently out of the way while letting the smaller fighter craft engaged and destroyed the pirate. We are not at liberty to reveal where this occured. Our lawyers said it is prefectly fine to keep our sources under wraps for the moment. We do have a pic opf the gargantuan bot as it moved up to assit the ship. Our source indicated it was heavily armed with weapons and carried the armor of a dreadnaught. The pirate before it was destroyed fired several blast at the ship of our source." :::The huge humanoid robot appears in the distance and quickly closes the kilometer extremely quickly. It fills the camera as it approaches. You can see it's massive limbs on a massively armored body. The arms have what looks like a several weapon built into each of them. Then the camera focuses on the chest of the bot you can see several circular hatches which could be missile launchers. It's hands reach out to grasp the ship and you could see on the tip of each finger what could only be described as yet another weapon system, looking like a light starship lasers.::: "Our own military experts around here at MOANS have extimated the size of between 76.9 to 100 meters in height. So this is yet another strange mystery we'll have explore as time allows from these apparently galant strangers. We'll bring you more as we unveal more of this story. Now on to our second story. Yesterday on the edge of the UWW in the kingdom of KLeptocrynth another sploogie kingdom, located at Anvil galaxy coordinates 125X25X45. Kleptocrynth was apparently building some sort of super weapon. Well this weapon went off and removed his entire kingdom from existance with the help of a rogue time lord known as the "Professor." We have been trying to interview the "Professor" on several occasions. We are hoping for a confirmation that the system was destroyed by Klepo's incompetence. He was the only Sploogie to have lost his first kingdom to a mortal human on a bet. So it only goes to prove that if you are an incompetant Sploogie, expect to become prey to somebody smarter than you! That is all for this time. We return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The scene become a scene of a ship devastated by heavy energy weapons. Then it changes revealing a humanoid in roman centurion armor sitting at a desk shuffling papers. He looks up into the Tri-D camera.::: As you can see the results of the increase in pirates in the Zeneeda cluster located in the Thunder Cloud galaxy at the coordinates of 225X123X50. This attack occured several days ago. Our images we're given to us by the CCW representative. This ship was located by the Battle cruiser Armitage. The Myrmadon Class battle cruiser was on patrol when it encountered the ship, who was identified "Moonlight Glory" a passenger liner out of the Dresden system. The ship was over due by almost a week. The authorities were notified by the liner company after 24 hours, since occasionally some of these older liners have minor engine problems. The CCW is now looking for these pirates. It's believed that this could be the work of the "Planet Wreckers". This group has actually been bold enough to raid planets on the edge of the power blocks over the past decade. They are hunted by almost every military in the Three Galaxies. Hopefully they'll be able to capture and eliminate this threat to innocents everywhere! We now return you to your previously scheduled show!" :::THe scene returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The scene focuses on the little humanoid in the roman centurion armor. He shuffles several pages and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow citizens of the Three Galaxies. We bring you an update on the brutal priate attack that we reported on earlier today. We have recieved another report from another source in CAF that there was some evidence to link this attack with the Planet Wreckers. They found enough evidence to definately linking this attack on them. It was one of the Planet Wreckers Battleships which delivered this massive attack. We are unsure as to what the evidence was which lead to this discovery. We will bring you more on this story as it developes. Thank you for your patience! We now return you to the previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The scene fucuses on the little humaniod in the roman centurion armor. He shuffles his papers and looks into the Tri-D camera.::: "Good day fellow citizens of the Three Galaxies. I have been informed that later tonight I'll be bringing you more information on the "Planet Wreckers", a group of extremely dangerous pirates who have been very actively lately."
"our primary news story tonight was brought to our attention by one of our reporter who stumbled upon it entirely by accient. In the Anvil Galaxy the CAF, the military arm of the CCW has been involved in a low level conflist for the better part of twenty five years. Now we aren't alowed to state the coordinates of this conflict, for fear of "War surfers" making appearances in this conflict. Our sources have informed us that at least three worlds have been destroyed iduring this conflict. Now we have contacted the CAF and they have said that this conflict is more life a brush fire war. And that yes two of their planets were lost to nuclear weapons, most of the civilazation and their industries have escaped destruction by relocating. This conflict has been used by the CAF as a testing and proving ground for various troops and tech. Their opponents are known as the Kretig. They look a lot like humans, but their society is controled thru the military style junta that has controled their civilazation for several centuries. The conflict has exposed the Kretig soldiers to CCW trooops who've done their best to keep the war following the generally accepted rules of war. It is remurored by certain friends I have in various intelligence services around the three galaxies that the Kretig soldiers and the citizens themselves have begun to flee their worlds for worlds which promise a chance to live in a society of free peoples. That is everything for now. Please return in a few minutes when we will recieve a serious update on that "Planet Wrecker" pirate group." :::The tv returns to it's previously scheduled program.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The scene focuses on the little humanoids in the roman centurion armor. He shuffles his papers and then looks into Tri-D camera.::: "Greeting citizens of the Three Galaxies. As stated earlier this evening that there would be an additional story on those vicious pirates that are wrecking havok in all three of the Three Galaxies. Last week we reported on an attack by this pirate group. We have learned that the CAF has increased the bounty on these vile criminals. We have heard that depending on the class will determine the bounty on them. For battleships or larger they are offering one billion credits bounty. For the space craft carriers they are offering half a billion credits. For cruisers they are offering a quarter of a billion credits. For destroyers and smaller vessels they are offering one hundred million credits per kill. And because of this increase in their bounty we are expecting that Merc Unit "The Spectral Winds" to go after them to complete another contract with the CAF! But that wait's to be seen. We'll bring more news as it occurs. We return you to your previously scheduled shows." The scene changes back to the previous program.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The scene changes and news studio of MOANS is there. And sitting at his news desk the little humanoid in the roman centurion armor. He shuffles his papers and then looks into the Tri-V camera.::: "Greetings fellow Three galaxies citizens. Today, I have more news about the notorious pirate group known as the Planet Wreckers. They assaulted a planet 125 light years away from the Zeneeda cluster located in the Thunder Cloud galaxy at the coordinates of 225X123X50. This attack was on the planet Hapeenarios at the coordinates 225.12X23X49. This brutal attack occured early this very morning. Their SDF went out to engage the incoming pirates. The pirates had a large enough force to easily overwhelm the SDF. The SDF managed to get a call for help out before the last of their ships were destroyed. When the first units of the CAF arrived on the scene they discovered a terrible site to behold. The planet had be devastated in the attack. Every single settlement had be attacked and there were very few survivors. This latest attack has only shown them to be cowards willing to attack even the weakest of peoples. We here at MOANS support the victims of these brutal attacks. Our hearts go out to the survivors! We here at MOANS will help out in whatever way we can. We now return you to the previously scheduled show." :::The scene switches and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The scene goes from sponsor to a news room. The TriD camera focuses on the small humanoid in the roman centurion armor sitting behind the large news desk. He shuffles some papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow Three Galaxies citizens. Today more news about the Planet Wreckers. Their attck yesterday left less than 200 out of a population of almost 30,000 people. And out of those 200, almost 80 will likely not survive more than a couple of days even with the best medical attention. The others are children and the elderly who were left to fend for themselves by the pirates. The devastation was horrifying. We agree that these scum bags must be prought to account for themselves. We are hoping to see these people brought to justive for all of the evil they have commited." :::A paper is thrust into the journalist's hands. He scans it for a few seconds and then his eyes look back into the camera.::: "I have just been informed of another attack. All evidence leads to the belief that it is Planet wreckers who just caused more mayhem in yet another quarter of the Thunder cloud galaxy. Located in the Guldager sector approximately 500 light years from Zeneeda. The planet Mooreland, which was attacked apparently had one of the larger SDFs. This planet is located at galactic coordinates 222.31X120X45. Apparently the pirates didn't realize the extent of the sensor network this system had. The significant forces waited for the pirates to head in system before they moved to intercept. Of course what the pirates did know was that this system had just recieved it's last Merkava Industries Masada class Battlebarges. They had managed to assemble 10 of these bruts over the last few years. The pirates suffered several small ship losses and at least one of their battlecruisers suffered some serious damage. The largest ship they lost was of a heavy cruiser class. At this time we can not identify which class it was. We know that this attack was repulsed. But with the sheer number of ships these pirates have shown means they have the resources to threaten all but the largest shiping centers of the Three Galaxies. Mooreland is known for a large number of space facilities. They have access to several extremely rich asteroid fields. This system is know for having almost one thousand major space stations and installations, not the largest number in the Three Galaxies. Of course this system does have the presence of a major wormhole on the edge of their system. They see over 2 billion tons of cargo thru their wormhole every three weeks. The wormhole shifts at a regular interval to three seperate locations. One location is within the UWW and the two others are located within the CCW. This wormhole does allow for two way travel. Our sources seem to indicate that this system is likely to be a target by the pirate group for many reasons. One of which is that they are extremely wealthy for an indepent system. Although rumors have it, they have petitioned the CCW for memebership. Our sources have indicated that because of their wealth it might be pushed thru very quickly. The closest CCW system is a system named New Coventry." We'll bring you more information as soon as we have it! We return you to your regularly scheduled show!" :::The image changes back to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focuses in on the small humanoid who wears the roman centurion armor. He looks into the camera and shuffles a stack of papers.::: "Todayin the great galactic center we know as Center a ceremony took place. A ceremony which will have a ramifications that will effect everyone in the three galaxies. The ceremony today was to signify the new season for clowns. We here at MOANS have communicated with a very secure source and this source assured us that the supposed shortage of clowns is a thing of the past. We were also assured that clowns will always be a part of our civilazation. I know the shortages we talked about late last year. My source informed me that certain people will makes sure that there is a viable number of them for the hunters! I know some people consider hunting of clowns as a bad thing, but we here at MOANS have something to say about that. Clowns are truly evil. I mean look at the nightmares children have after watching them. I know I had my own share of nightmares about clowns. Especially rabbitoid or duckoids dressed as clowns. That is the news tonight. We hope to bring you more up to date new about those devilish Planet Wreckers! We now return you to your previously scheduled show!" :::The scene changes back to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focusess in on the little humanoid in roman centurion armor sitting behind a nicely polished wooden desk of tremendous size. The little humanoid looks into the camera as he shuffles several papers.::: "Greetings fellow Three Galaxies citizens. Today we have to bring a story back from the recent past. Our story tonight is about Ballooning. This is where the teenagers cruise their favorite areas and they throw balloon filled with the most potent alcohol they can get ahold of. Well it has reappeared in even more unusal forms. Apparently now the teens are using some sort of accelerator to toss their balloons even farther then before. Apparently they are now snipping people with them from hidden locations. The most embarassing scene occured this morning when the president of new CCW system Halgorth was ballooned from almost a kilometer. The president Kellog Hilsborough was instantly intoxicated. He started making some very poor jokes. Including calling the TGE ambassador a lump of fecal matter. The TGE ambassador hasn't responded as of yet, but rumors indicated that the ambassador said that this is the standard level of diplomacy of the CCW. After making this statement President Hilsborough then started looking for a good lady of the evening. Apparewntly he wanted to give her a piece of his mind! At least that is what is the best translation of what he said. The arthorities are looking for the pranksters. We are still hoping to have more information about the pirate group known as the Planet Wreckers to you as soon as we can find this information. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The show returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a humanoid figure wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind. He shuffles his papers and grimmly looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow Three Galaxies citizens. We bring you more grim news. We were informed that the "PLanet Wreckers" have struck again. They hit the planet known as Kwigestes. Located in the Thundercloud only 25 light years from center. This planet is a colony world and fairly recently settled. We don't know about survivors at this time. But we know it had a population of 550,000 before this raid. It is known for it's extensive asteroid belts. These belts contain a veritable cornicopia of minerals and heavy metals. The systems orbital industrial complexes were still on a maximum growth capacity. Our references indicate that the system was growing at a rate of 15,000 people a month. We know that a mixed fleet is responding to the non-communicative colony. We expect to hear more from those forces within a few hours. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and you see the preciously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the shiny desk with the little humanoid in the roman centurion armor. He looks grimmly into the camera and shuffles several papers.::: "First let me apologize to our audiance for the delay in reporting new news stories for the last week. We kept having trouble getting our reporters out to the story due to the CAF's control of the location. Now we can reveal that the "Planet Wreckers" have devastated yet another world. We reported last week that they hit the planet known as Kwigestes. Located in the Thundercloud only 25 light years from center. What we didn't know is that they left no survivors. The entire orbital industry was also devastated. This has caused their bounty to be raised even higher. We know that they left many horrors behind and that they managed to eliminate most of the evidence to indicate what sort of vessels they used to wreck havoc on this world! We expect more news about this hunt later this week. We'll bring you more as we hear about it. We return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a highly polished desk with a little humanoid in roman centurion armor sitting behind it. He shuffles some papers and then looks into the camera.::: "Today we have a story from the lighter side. We were informed that in the section of the Corkscrew galaxy known to contain the Weaggan divide. The divide is a large gap between the galactic arms on the opposite side of the galaxy from Center. In this region of the galaxy there exist a small group of stars. These stars at galactic coordinates 150X25X30 known as the Weaggan Cluster have been feuding for over four decaeds was winding down as the peace talks were winding up. The warring factions were to sign the peace agreement two days ago. We were informed that the combats were actually at the point of signing the treay when the star in the center of the cluster apparently went super nova and vaporized all of the participants. Just as a note for those science minded, there was no warning. So none of the normal precautions would have worked. On the bright side the wars are over as all command staffs and the leaderships of those involved in the conflict were present in the system when the star went super nova. We were also informed that every participants fleets were also present. Luckily enough there was a spare site available to sign the back up treaty. It was completed this morning. One good thing is that the arms merchants will be selling there wears in this sector to replace the lost arms. We return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene fades and is replaced with the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the shiny desk with the little humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He shuffles several pages and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxy citizens! Today we bring some good news for those who have been watching the "Planet Wreckers" story. I have been informed by well placed sources in certain military organizations that one of the Planet Wrecker pirate groups apparently came out of FTL drive right at a gathering of warships who were waiting for the pirates. In the ensuing battle the Warships representing both the CAF and the "Spectral Winds" attacked the pirate group viciously. They actually managed to contain the ships in this force. My sources indicate that the ambushing group managed to disable or destroy all of the pirates ships in this group. The pirate group they beat was composed of one old battleship, one old heavy cruiser, two light cruisers (equal to the CAF Warshield class), five older class destroyers, ten frigates (equal to the Scimtar class). I was informed that the four heavy ships were nearly destroyed in the conflict, but they did serve as evidence in the trial the CAF gave to the pirates before they were sentenced to their fate. Now I have heard rumors that the capitol ships are still capable of being repaired and that they will be turned over to the "Spectral Winds" since it was their tip which lead to this victory over this group from the large pirate group known as "Planet Wreckers". Now the authorities are expecting some sort of revenge from the pirates. We'll keep you informed as this story continues to develope. We return you to your previously scheduled shows!" :::The scene changes and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera fucuses on the large shiny desk with the little humanoid in the Roman centurion armor sits. He looks into the camera and shuffles some papers.::: "Today we have more bad news the "Planet Wreckers" have struck at several planets on the fringes of the major powers. These planets were not heavily populated and had very small Indepent Defense Forces. The loss in life has yet to be released, but it is expected to rise above one million dead and missing. According to my sources in various militaries nuclear weapons were used in the pirates attacks on those planets. We will be posting a complete list of the planets at the end of our program with the numbers to contact to check on family located on these various planets. We are asking that people who have a need to check on these numbers sshould contact the numbers. So please do not call this number if you do not have a need. Various militaries are stepping up their efforts to locate the home system of these vicious pirates. A source of mine indicated that the pirates have to have a main system where they regroup, resupply, and refit their ships. So I believe we are seeing the intell networks going over old surveyor data of the original sweeps of the Three Galaxies. We will continue to bring you more news as it occurs. We now bring you those list of planets and numbers to contact." :::A series of planet names and number to call in order to find out data appears on the screen. It repeats mulitple times for the convienence of the viewers.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny wooden desk. Sitting behind it is a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He looks into the camera and shuffles some papers.::: "We brought you that story the other day of the massed attacks of the "Planet Wreckers". More people survived then was priviously thought. On several of the planets that were attacked there were survivors. The survivors we are told were aided by a War Surfer named Cody Wander! We hope to bring you an interview with this person later this week. On another fron we have been informed by some of our sources that the Merc Group known as the "Spectral Winds" managed to find a system in which several groups of the "Planet Wreckers" were regrouping and they engaged them in an extremely vicious attack. Their attack managed to cappture multiple heavy ships of the "Planet Wreckers." We were also informed that many ships fell to the concentrated fire power of the "Spectral Winds". Also according to our sources they are in prusuit of survivors of the battle and that several star nations are working on coordinating with the "Spectral Winds" to hopefully finish these pirates once and for all. That is all for this time. We return you to your previous shows." :::The scene changesw and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny desk and on the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor.::: "We here at MOANS are happy report that the combined forces of the CAF and the "Spectral Winds" have again scored a major victory over the "Planet Wreckers" pirate group. But if we have seen the last of these villians, no one can say. We know that they lost two older style dreadnaughts, another battleship, four battlescuisers, another heavy cruiser, another light cruiser, four converted pirate cruisers and another twenty light ships ranging from destroyers to frigates. Acccording to my sources this is the action that will finally mark the passing of this infamous pirate group from history. That is the news today. We'll bring you more after the weekend passes. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny desk and the small humanoid wearing a roman centurion armor. He shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "We have reliable sources who have informed us that some ancient travelers have finally arrived back at their start after an extremely long and trying trip. We'd like to aknowledge the crew of the JMC mining ship Red Dwarf on arriving at it's destination after being lost for over 3 million years! We hear at MOANS are hoping to hear more from that crew in the near future! We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene fades to black.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny desk and the little humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor sitting behind the desk. As it focuses he shuffles his papers and looks up into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow phase worlders. Today on the planet Rasichidian, which located within the Corkscrew galaxy. The galactic coordinates are 200X125X-20 which places up spiral from Terra Prime by 7000 light years. Today was their worldwide tax day. Which was celebrated by having a worldwide party. Everyone on the planet of age must drink a number of ounces of alcohol for each year of they are. Now according to our experts the race starts drinking early on at the unusually low age. They actually nurse their young on the local alcohol and drink it for the rest of their extremely long life. They have been known to live for up too two hundred and fifty years. This holiday has made tourism very prominent on this date. And these people don't suffer alcohol poisoning ever since they drink from early on, but the tourist do suffer from the effects including death. Although we hear at MOANS are very happy to bring you a new culture who celebrates differently than everyone else. We'll continue to bring you more on these strange cultures. We now return you to the previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large and shiny desk with the little humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He shuffles several papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we continue our stories on planets who have a reputation of generating happiness. Tonight we focus on the planet Miglopatistchis. This one is not within the CCW. We can not disclose their galactic coordinates due to this planets method of making fun. This planet has the fame of being able to fly naturally. They have a tendancy to get extremely drunk and they have a habit of getting tourist as drunk. Then they challenge them to a jump this chasm. Many people have been killed taking this contest. We reommend not telling people to check on our link if you have any brains at all. But if your don't please go to this world you'll make a fortune."
"On to our second story tonight. We are making another appeal for people to give to the organization of Clowns Forever! This organization makes clowns available for hunters on many worlds. This organization is trying to get to young hunters. So take a youth hunting for clowns! I know we've asked for your help before, but right now is a desperate time for this organization. They have come up short at their busiest time. And the company who provides them Clones'RUS had some idiotic clowns right activist break into one of their prime cloning facilities and released many clown who were ready to be transported to the preserves for the hunts. We are asking people around the facilities where they were released to tranq them and return them. We have reports that as many as 150,000 clowns were released from one facility. And over one dozen places were hit. And of course the neighbors are having a field day killing them. So please don't kill the clowns. Return them and Clones'RUS are promising a reward for the return of these valuable clowns. That is all of the new tonight. We return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large desk with the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure smiles and sshuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxians. Today we continue our stories on those planets who recreation makes them stand out. Today we focus on Parabellatrois. This small independent system that lays between the CCW and the UWW within the Thundercloud galaxy. It's galactic coordinates there are 250X50X35. This planet has the benefit of being located near one of the largest planetary nexuses ever recorded. These people didn't actually have space travel until about 500 years ago. They have since managed to join the rest of the three galaxies in space. Their planet is regularly bathed in this rampant energy, which caused this humanoids to become one of the toughest races around. These people regularly are amongest the finalist in the most dangerous combat sports in the three galaxies. These people regularly have brawls tjust for fun. Of course all of their furniture is made of extrodinarily tough material to withstand the punishment. If you do decide to visit this planet in the future. Unless you are capable of taking this sort of damage DO NOT challenge someone from this world. You could easily die! And that is the information for tonight. We return you to your regularlly scheduled show!" :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny desk and the little humanoid wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind it. He looks into the camera shuffles some papers and smiles.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we'll continue our story on various planets specd their relaxation during their free time. First on our list tonight to Tpyetria. This planet is located within the Anvil Galaxy. At the galactic coordinates 230X75X5, only 1000 light years down spiral from Voira. These people like to swim with the big predators of their oceans. The object it to be able to touch the great beast. Now most of the time the great beast will not touch them, but there is that once in awhile in which a person is devoured. Of course they also have some stories of people being spit out by the great beast. We do not recommend any off planet people doing this activity, due to the near 100% fatality of off planet people. Apparently the off planet people must taste pretty good to the beast."
"Our second planet tonight is Olcarcium. It is located within the Corkscrew galaxy. The galactic coordinates are 175X45X-12, just over 10,000 light years up spiral from the TGE throne world. This planet is known for some more of the wierdest relaxation methods in the three galaxies. As it turns out this world was abandoned by it's organic citizens. The only inhabitants are robots. They are fully automonous and actually have brilliant AI's. Although they are very helpful to any visitors. And they are independent of the TGE due to some unknown factors. According to what we have heard is that they drove the TGE off thru there being way too helpful and cheerful. As you walk it's streets which are absolutely spotless. There is no garbage of any sort. This is due to the robots being clean freaks which is also their untimate method of relaxtion. We have discovered that many of these robots were offered chances to explore the rest of the universe. Even these robots still want to carry on their cleaning efforts any where they go. Thus if you are looking for a maid go to this planet and offer one a chance to do your laundry and odds are you'll have a great bot for other menial chores. So if you are looking for a clean and sterile place to go on vacation go here, you will not be disappointed. That is all for tonight. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large, shiny desk. Behind which sits a small humanoid wearing a roman centurion armor. THe figure shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting my fellow three galaxy citizens. Tonight we are going to look at yet another planet who has unusual recreation. The planet we will focus on it the named Shaklopeda. This planet is located in the Corkscrew galaxy located at galactic coordinates 75X75X20. This planet has the biggest import of various trade workers in the three galaxies. The whole of the population are actors. And we don't mean good actors. They aren't even good enough for a B flick. They have to import million of contract workers to run their world. Luckily they aren't to far from Conighta a planet who specializes in contract workers. These people from Shaklopeda think that they are the greatest actors since Frank Psincter danced with Hodda Bakata in the great opera by Shinead O'kanar. These people travel every where and they'll try out for every and any stage show, Tri-D picture, old motion picture. Their form of relation is trying to get a job no matter where they go. So not only do they have inflated egos, but they make us suffer for their practice. Of course some have taken to making fun of their ability. We recently say Dage Winslop make fun of them on his nightly show the other night. That is all for our story tonight. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene fades and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny wooden desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor behind it. He shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera.::: "Today fellow three galaxies citizens we are following a new story that just came to our attention. Animal repopulation. I have it on good authority that on several planets there has been repopulation of many animal species. We have seen this on planet Caledonia. There they have be seeing over the past few year a major predator that was thought to be driven back to the mountains. This predator has been sighted in various agricultural areas nearly a thousand miles from it's known range. We hope to bring more information on these sort of stories by having a reporter in the field in the next couple of days. We now return you to your previously scheduled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He shuffles papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we have a reporter over on planet Caledonia. We know go to D. Duck." :::The image shows a large mallardoid whose dark feather is highlighted by his orange bill.::: "Hi Marv! How is back on center? It's nice and clean here on Caledonia. What exactly am I here for Marv?" :::The camera goes back to the small humanoid wearing the centurion armor.::: "You are looking for some of the reestablished predators on Caledonia, Daff! So just wander around there and see if you can find some of them." :::The mallardoid starts wandering around. He fails to see the large cat sneaking up on him, until he comes to rest with his hands on it's front. Suddenly he realizes that it's there and starts screaming and running around. The cat continues to pursue him around and growling constantly. You see feathers flying and still more screaming. Then the scene changes back to small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor.::: "Well we have our proof that those predators are back was shown by our cameras. I'm sure D. Duck will be back with us later this week. We now return you to your regularlly scheduled show." :::The scen fades to black and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny wooden desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind it. The figure suffles papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellows three galaxies citazens. Tonight we are going to begin a multi-part interview of the leader of the "Specral Winds." This leader has lead her Mercenary force to help eliminate many of the enemies of the civilized worlds. Now we did this interview earlier. So we can't have outside qustions for our guest due to the fact that our guest had such a limited time here at our studios." :::The camera fades and returns to focus on the small humanoid in the roman centurion armor sitting in a nice cushy chair across from a tallwoman. The woman has almost midnight black hair and tied up in a warrior's braid, her skin is olive colored. Her uniform military is grey without any marks of rank, she is wearing military boots laced to the top into which her pants are tucked into.::: "

Marv::: "Greeting Commander! Thank you for meeting me today! I know your schedule is very busy.
Devires::: "Thank you for having me on your show Marv. I've watch it on occasion."
M::: "Could you please tell myself and my audience why you choose to not have any title other than commander?
D::: "I decided after shortly starting the "Spectral Winds" to only maintain the title of commander. Since I am also in the trenches with my troops on occasion. My men know that I am never going to abandon them during a mission. And that I am the final authority that makes the rules for them to follow."
M::: "Hmmm. I guess I never thought about it like that. How does it feel to have the largest mercenary fleet in the Three Galaxies?"
D::: "I know that we can't rest on our laurels. I've got people out there looking for old and used military vehicles. We have started production of out own Battlecruiser. Of shich I think will be a match for any types out there in the three galaxies. We are working on designs for both a battleship and a pocket battleship. We have talked to the CAF and while they were intially nervous about our decision to persue this plan, but that ended during the battles with the intruders, and later with the pirate group "The PLanet Wreckers".
M::: "Now that is an interesting observation Ms DeVires. Can you tell us about your background. I've heard that you are not native to this dimension. Would you care to comment on both of those little things?"
D::: "Well Marv. It is true my original background is not from a naval prespective. Yes, I am from another universe. My original career path was along a different military path. Although in the past years, I think I've shown I know how to lead a fleet into battle."
M::: "So exactly what was you MOS if you don't mind me asking?"
D::: "In my universe I was in a branch called the "Special Operation Group Cadre Drop Commandos. We went places where everone feared to go. And I know my people and out clients respect us for our decisions made during any of our contracts."

:::The camera returns to the main studio. The little humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor looks into the camera.::: "We'll bring you more of that interview as the week passes. We now return you to your regularly scheduled show." :::The scene fades and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Post by Aramanthus »

:::The tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk with the small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He leans forward and looks into the camera.::: "We will continue our interview with our interview of the Commander of the mercenary fleet the "Spectral Winds." We now take you back to that interview." :::The scene is replaced with the room with the small humanoid in the roman centurion armor and the tall woman, both of whom are sitting in very comfy looking chairs.:::

Marv::: "Commander. I was hoping we could talk about your flagship. It's a dreadnaught? I've looked and I can not identify it's class. Could you tell us it's class."

DeVires::: "We at one time it was a Kydian dreadnaught. In one of our earliest missions we managed to ambush it and board it. We did have some help taking it. The Kydian overlord in charge of it met a friend of mine who defeated him in one to one combat."

M::: "I see. And you mention this friend. Who exactly is this friend of your?"

D::: "He is a Cosmo Knight. His name is the "Captain." At one time he was a hero from the planet Earth."

M::: :::quietly mutters something about an eludium q 36 eplosive space modulator.::: "So he was some sort of hero from this planet?"

D::: "As far as I know. I mean he still has this circular shield that he uses."

M::: :::Coughs a little.::: "Getting back to your flagship. What else can you tell us about her?"

D::: "Well after we capture her. A friend of mine in New Israel told me that they have some very effective shipyards and we took the dreadnaught there to be refitted. Along the way we encountered a wrecked ship of unknown origin. I had some of the other ships tow it to our new headquarters. Any way my friend's yard helped us refit her and make her fully space worthy. We went back to our base and examined the wreck. As it turns out it had some very interesting capabilities that we decided to utilize."

M::: "How did you use that wreck?"

D::: "I'm sorry that is classified. I can not disclose that information. Although needless to say the ship in some ways was far more advanced in areas than anyone is here in Phase World."

M::: "Now that is interesting. So what is your opinion of the various battles that your fleet has engaged in recently?"

D::: "Well, no matter what you plan for things happen which can throw off any plans. I know that with the intruders we had to take out their flagship. So I managed to get every ship opposing the intruders to charge them. I lead the charge on their main ship. I order everything to fire on that ship and we managed to take it out of our sky."

M::: "I Have a question for you commander. We have pictures of that charge. I massive spear of greenish energy leaps from the prow of your ship to impact and cut the intruder ship into pieces. :::A pic is shown::: What can you tell us of this weapon?"

D::: "I really can not tell you anything. That is a classified weapon system. I'm sorry."

M::: "So this is one of those technologies you captured from that alien starship?"

D::: :::She smiles and says.::: "No comment."

:::The scene returns to the news room with the large desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor.::: "We'll bring you more of this interview later this week. And I have good new. We are now a regularlly scheduled show. Thank you for tuning in!"

:::The scene fades.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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