Interesting DR/Nightbane crossover , Co-GM

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Interesting DR/Nightbane crossover , Co-GM

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

So we're playing an awesome DR/Nightbane crossover. We started as Vanilla DR PC's, A survivalist, a Shepard, A Berserker, an Assassin, and a Half Living.
We started in our hometown, six months after the Wave, and built a large Safe Haven. Throughout the game, we have encountered Were-creatures, fought Vampires, and spotted nightbane. Our PC's have now turned into my survivalist, a were-creature that exhibits traits from all species, a Wampyr, and a supernatural berserker.

We've moved on from our familiar territory in search of a master vamp summoning the intelligence that (in our campaign) is responsible for the Wave. So far we've blown up a Mall, a six story hotel, and slaughtered a walking grave with a combine rigged with SemTec.

The coolest part, I feel, is that we work on a Co-GM system. I'll run the game following a Death Cult storyline one week, and our Assassin runs it the next with the Master Vamp scenario. Surprisingly, we've done this for months and haven't hit any real speedbumps yet.

Anyone else Co-GM with success?
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Re: Interesting DR/Nightbane crossover , Co-GM

Unread post by Tor »

In terms of Vampires being responsible for creating Zombies, I think there's something like that in Shadows of Light as well, if you want a variant (although that also crosses with The Dark).

I think there were some vamp-induced Zombies in the film Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust too.
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