A family journal

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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King Newt
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A family journal

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Just a brief explanation of this story. My family and myself will be the main characters and my friend Charley (who you all know as Arsonblaid) We will all contribute to this story and in some cases will all write separate stories. I hope you like it and hope you enjoy it as much as the other story i wrote. The time is current day Early November

What you have found are some flash drives for a computer. They are numbered 1-10. Once inserted into a computer the story begins.

Scene opens with an average looking middle aged man facing the screen. The man speaks.

(shaking his head) Well all my years of playing role playing games never truly prepared me for what happened here lately. As you all know zombies walk the earth. I was able to get my family out and even saved my friend Charley. I qualified expert in the Marine Corps, but it didn't mean anything when you are looking down the barrel at a young child. (tears well up in his eyes). Sorry, I am still in shock. My family is all dead except my wife and kids. I had to put my mom and dad down. It's not as easy as it sounds. I've played role play games for years and it's easy to assume you can take the shot, but it's not. (pause) (Person disappears for a minute)

(returns) Let me first introduce myself, my name is James and this is.......... (picking up the lap top so camera can see figures sleeping on the floor of some sort of run down building. A rough looking individual is standing guard in the corner of the building) The man on guard duty is Charley. The three figures on the ground are my wife Kim and my two boys Jay and Owen. We are just getting back from retrieving Jay from college. He was going to a college just south of Cleveland and we went up to get him after all this went down. I was in constant communication with Jay during the time that everyone got sick, but nothing could of prepared us for this. (there can be seen a boxer in the corner) Also sorry I forget Newt. My dog.

After the world fell sick and rose back up all I could think of was getting Jay. Before everyone rose up I had brought all my family to my house so i could care for them easier. When I say my family I mean my mom and dad and step mom. Most of my brothers and sisters are spread out over the state and i couldn't get to them. My dad had a very nice collection of firearms including 2 12 gauge shotguns and a few pistols. Before all this happened i worked and owned my own pizza shop so i knew a few more places to get weapons. I had delivered to the houses and seen them. Due to all the looting I knew i had to gather weapons to protect what is ours. We have a nice collection of weapons, that will help us survive. I even had to teach my son Owen how to shoot and he's only 10. It was a good thing we did, because we needed them. The looters destroyed my Buick so we couldn't take that, so we headed north in a nice Dodge Journey and my wife took a nice Jeep Cherokee, that we took from a local Dodge dealership. We took separate vehicles for.............(long pause) Heck I don't know why we took two vehicles.

We had difficulties getting to Jay and to say the least we no longer possess our nice vehicles. We are now on foot and are hiding out in a tool shed in a cemetery. We ran for miles off road, but since we've had all this rain lately it's hard to move. The ground is just so muddy. Our trip to Cleveland was very eventful. Normally it takes us two hours to get to Cleveland from where we live, but it took over 5 hours to get to Jay. Over 90% of the students at his college were zombies, so it was tough to get to him. We lost the vehicles half way through the city and were quickly running for Jay's dorm. We just hit to many bodies. The cars just couldn't handle all the damage. Now this wasn't all that easy either, since I have a bad back, my wife is also has back problems and Charlie has problems with his knees. Owen at 10 is in the best shape, but his legs only work so fast. Most of the time i found myself carrying him. We made Jays dorm and fought our way up the stairs. Jay was trapped in his room by a large amount of zombies outside his room. We moved the group back using fire and quickly gathered up Jay and ran from the building. He wasn't able to gather all his stuff, but he did get his computer. So I decided to make this journal to keep track of our day to day life, so if anyone finds this you know that someone other than yourself survived. Plus it keeps me sane.

We ran for miles off road, so I don't truly know where we are at. All I know is that I am alive and that were are dead tired. Charley was able to contact his mom and she is alive and well. Well for now. She lives in Arizona and we are in Ohio, but that's our plan. We are heading towards Arizona to get his mom. We definitely need to acquire some sort of transportation. My wife's family is also like mine, gone.

(James' head snaps around as a noise is heard outside the building. He walks off screen.) It was nothing. I am getting restless. We hear all sorts of normal noises and our minds automatically think zombie. Well I am going to try to catch and couple z's.So till later.

Screen clicks off
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Re: A family journal

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*This time when you open the flash drive you see an older man long brown hair clean shaven sitting there with a rifle in his hands *

Ok where to begin we made it to the storage shed and crashed out for the night , oh by the way I'm Charley Ex Truck driver former Paramedic .The world has gone to hell in a hand basket can't make sense of it all but that's where it is the dead are walking among us .WE left the Graveyard the next morning me in front James in the rear helping Owen keep up, then Kim then Jay, Newt on her leash barking at every little thing and trying to explore where ever she can reach.

The first thing we came to was a small town crawling with zombies it was like a scene out of Dantes inferno. Cars wrecked everywhere the undead walking around, fires left unchecked burning away at the little town .We got together all in a group to look over the town trying to think what we should do. My first idea was to find vehicles and get on down the road .James agreed with me looking down on the town at the mess it is in. I suggested me and James go for a vehicle leaving the rest behind but Kim spoke up and said no we need to find someplace less overrun with Z's. So we skirted around the town to look for a small farm or something to loot instead. Jay spoke up as we were moving saying he saw something that looked useful so we went to where he was pointing and finding two State Highway patrol cruisers parked across the road, doors were open and no one was around them that we could see .Moving up to the cars I looked inside seeing a Zombie in the back seat in the cage still wearing cuffs. I shot him through the window with the 30-30 blowing his head clean off. Yes we would have to clean out the car but better that than risk it biting someone or killing one of us. James tried to start one of the cars while I went for the other. Both of them had weak batteries but they started thankfully loading up me an Jay in one Kim, James, Owen, and Newt in the other we took off away from town headed for Arizona to get my Mom.
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with a young boy sitting in front of the camera. He is a quite handsome young man at the age of 10. He is visibly shaken up by the events that has happened. (this is actually written by my son Owen and corrected by me)

(Tears form in his eyes) Everyone I know is dead. My friends, my teachers are gone. I miss my friend Calib. I miss my XBOX 360. Calib's dad is alive, but he misses his family. None of them survived.

In class when everyone went to sleep, me and just a few student were left. Miss Fields, my teacher she was alive. We worked together as a team to get the other students as comfortable as we could. (tears form in his eyes) Calib was my best friend. (leaves scene A mother consoling her young child can be heard off screen.)

scene fades
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with James on screen.

So far this week we have been lucky. Our journey west has be with very little hassles. We hit a small grocery store in the little town of Creston. There were a few zombies in the shop, but we eliminated them pretty quick and somewhat quietly. We were able to stock up on all sorts of food. For being a pretty decent sized town the population of zombies seem small. We were able to acquire some blankets and sleeping bags from the houses as well as some more personal hygiene stuff. We actually spent enough time in one house that we all were able to shower. A touch that we might not be able to have soon.

We headed south out of Creston, because we are thinking about heading back home to see if anyone we know is still alive. We have a bunch of friends that we knew was still active when everyone fell and we would like to know if they are ok. We contacted Charley's mother and she assured us for now, she was safe. I am anxious to get the Arizona, but more so to go home and check on our friends.

Traveling the back roads I have to say has its advantages and its disadvantages. The biggest advantage has to be the lack of zombie activity. The biggest disadvantage would be that they aren't like a major highway in the fact that they don't go the same direction for long. We've had to reroute a few times, but have made good progress. Some times we had to go 20 miles east just to get back south again, but the lack of zombies makes it all worth it.

I would call my friends to try to see if they were ok, but in all the mess at Jay's campus I lost my phone. Kim didn't remember hers, so we are stuck heading back home to check things out. I know my business partner Ted was alive at the fall and so was his mom. I just don't have a way to see if he alive now, plus even if I could find a phone chances are I wouldn't remember his number. Most of my contact list is that way.

We are just outside of our home town and we are going to wait till morning till we try anything. We are only going to try to look for people for about 4 hours then we are off to Arizona. Plus we need fuel for our cars. This is an advantage we have in this town, be know a few stations that might not be over populated with zombies.
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with James in front of camera.

(Distrought look on his face) We just watched a video a little bit ago and it was very graphic. It took place on a building in some big city. A news crew was filming the zombies as they attacked people. They obviously couldn't do anything, but film the scene below. There were police officers trying to help, but just becoming victims themselves. They were literally torn limb from limb. It was a very sad thing to see. At one point the camera hit the ground and you could hear the camera man vomitting. This is really happening. It's not just a local thing. There are videos from all over the place. I don't know how or why, but this is actually happening.

We were able to get back home yesterday and there wasn't much we could do. There are just way to many zombies. We tried to enter from every side of town, but there was no use. We were able though to get to a gun shop across from the high school, but there wasn't much there. We were able to get a bit more ammo though. We also found some more smaller caliber pistols. We took them even though they probably won't bring down a zombie. They will help with hunting. I'm not the greatest hunter. We weren't able to stay at the gun shop long, because we stirred up a whole slue of zombies. They literally were coming from everywere. We barely made it out alive.

The National Guard Armory is definately a no go either. This is where they stored the dead. There is literally thousands of zombies in the area. We checked out a hardware store just in passing. It was pretty much intact, but we didn't need to stop. The airport was locked up tight, but there wasn't anything there we could use. None of us know how to fly. Kind of wished that I took something more exciting in the Marines like pilot, but all I did was point and shoot. I don't mean photograghy either. Honestly the skills I learned will come in very handy.

We went near a few housing communities and used the PA system on the cars to have people send us a signal that they were alive. We didn't get anything. Either they were to scared to signal or they couldn't, but either way we couldn't risk a door to door search. Our town was pretty much........... (long pause) We couldn't get back in town. It was just to thick with the undead. North of town we were able to refuel and even found some extra gas cans to add to our supply. The kids were able to load up on candy bars and other snacks. I emptied the coolers of all the water and drinks that I could. Our cars are very packed. We couldn't save anyone even if we wanted to. There is just no room in the cars.

After our trip to the gas station we went down the road a bit to a used car dealership that I had bought cars from in the past. They don't sell really nice cars, but more of an affordable car. With the cars packed to full we figured that another car would help a lot. We settled on a nice Chevy S-10. It definately helped. We took it because it has a cap on the back and it looked a lot better than what else was there. The unfortunate thing was it's a 5 speed and I got stuck driving it. Now we have Charlie driving one of the cop cars and Kim driving the other. I am driving the truck. Jay is with Charlie and Kim and Owen are together with Newt in the back. Me I am alone. I kind of like it that way. I sometimes need my alone time. You see I worked a 70+ hour work weeks. I am always around people. My pizza shop which I named Newt's Pizza is a very busy shop. Every time I came home there is always someone up. You see Charlie didn't work and would always spend long hours on the computer, which was in the dining room. So I come home and there he was. All night long. Then even on my days off I had people up my butt. (not litterally) Sometimes I would stay over at work after everyone left, just so I could have some alone time. Not to much time, because I had to come back in the morning and do it all over again.

Damn it's getting late and we've had a long couple of days. We haven't made it out of Ohio yet, but we have made quite good progress. I figure we should be able to reach Arizona within the week as long as we don't have to much trouble. I know Charlie is worried about his mom and honestly so am I, but all we can do it take things one day at a time. Well I am getting tired, so I need to get off here. Later

Scene fades
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with a blonde haired woman in front of the camera.

I don't really do much with journals, I never kept one for very long. Guess, I'm not much of a talker. This seemed like a waste of time to me, at first, but I will make a go of it. Truth be told, I have a medical condition, migraines. (kinda laughs to self) Funny what my migraines do to my body. I kinda walk and act like a zombie when one hits. I just hope I am not by my self when one hits. What I haven't told James is that we need to make a stop at a pharmacy. That is going to be a lot tougher to get in to and out of, without being bitten.

I would like to go see if my brother Alan is alive. He lives in Montana and drives a semi to and from Norh Dakota. He lives close to Yellowstone. Now there would be a place to live not a lot of people around. Maybe others would think of the same thing, maybe not.

Scene fades.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with James

The wife informed me that we need to get her medications today, so we had to go back to Marion. I was a bit ticked off when she told me, but it passed quick. Kim is right, she is of little use to us when she's having a migraine attack. So we went back to town. I can see Charlie is getting a little frustrated with us not leaving, but I have to get Kim's meds. He can suffer for a bit. We figured this wouldn't take a very long time. Boy were we wrong.

You see when the people first started getting sick there were a lot of people out stealing anything they could get a hold of. Yes that included drugs. I know that's a big surprise. The pharmacies were pretty ransacked. The bad news is that no one cleaned out the bodies. We had a lot of choices. We have Krogers, Walmart, 2 CVS's, Walgreens, 2 Rite Aids and a few others. We decided to hit Walgreens. It's not to close to any housing. There is an apartment comlex close, but if we make as little noise as possible then we should of been ok.

We decided against my better judgement to take everyone to Walgreens, since I wasn't comfortable leaving the boys anywhere. We moved as fast as we could to Walgreens. Driving in town we noticed Tractor Supply was untouched. This time of year they would of had a good selection of Carharts and i couldn't image how a zombie could bite through one of those coats, so we figured if we could we would stop by. But first we had to get to Walgreens.

It didn't take long to get to Walgreens and there was very little zombie activity. This is due to the fact that all that is in the area is mostly closed. Our mall is across the street and since the movie theater closed is pretty dead. The biggest problems were the Krogers and the Apartment Comlex. There is probably over 100 units in the comlex. That would stir up a whole bunch of zombies. Charlie pulled up front and covered us while Jay watched the door. I went in with Kim and encounted zombies right as we entered. I weilded a fire axe and shotgun and Kim covered me from behind with a 9mm. I told her to only use the 9mm if she absolute had to. I tried to take care of the zombies with just the axe, but that quickly became a horrible idea. Within minutes of entering the store I had to put the axe down and began shooting zombies. I killed 7 zombies with the help of Kim, but we didn't have time to get to the drugs we needed and had to immediately leave. We were being over run. Jay yelled into the store that we had to leave quick. We exited the store and quickly seen all the zombies moving our way. Charlie was screaming that we should of just went to Arizona, but I still didn't agree. I told them to get out of town and I would chance the trip to the house. None of them agreed to that and we went as a group. We drove from the scene scared to death and made our way home.

Now this wasn't the best idea either, but we had to do it. I had Charlle stay behind and went the back way towards the house. Charlie, Jay and Owen waited for Kim and I to return. Driving the back way towards the house we passed another small car lot and decided to trade vehicles. This lot had a lot of 4x4 trucks and to be honest I didn't want to destroy the police car. So we went into the lot and picked out a nice Dodge 4x4 and I radioed Charlie to come to the lot and wait. While picking up the keys I was attacked by a zombie that was in a rear office. The zombie was Clifford the owner of the lot. I have had a few deals with Clifford in the past, but nothing like this one. I was forced to shoot him. His head exploded in a large splatter on the wall. It suddenly occured to me that I just shot a minister. I hope God can forgive me for that one.

We took the large truck and proceeded to our house. I informed Kim that we were there just for her meds and nothing else. We would pull into the driveway and quickly go in the house gather her meds and out again. That was the plan and it sounded good, but just like almost all plans this plan didn't go perfect.

We hit the driveway and there were two zombies in the drive. They immediately came our way. I recognized one of the zombies as my neighbor. He's lived next door since March and I didn't know much about him. All I knew was his name. Me and Kim jumped from the truck and I decapetated Pete and his partner with a quickness. Nice and quiet. Next was the house and the back door. Funny thing was that we locked the back door. I hadn't kept the keys to house, since I hadn't planned on coming back. We quickly made our way to the side door and found it locked. This was very unlucky for us. To the front and we found about 12 zombies in the street, but the front door was open. We made our way for the door and then we heard something that gave us both the creeps, One of the zombies let out a moan. I guess in Berea I must of heard it, but I was to busy getting to Jay to even notice. The zombies were calling other zombies. Kim entered the house with me behind. Our house was ransacked. Kim located her pills and I found my cell phone, then we proceeded out the rear of the house. Kim saw one of our cats on the roof of the garage, but we didn't have time. Alec, sorry to say wasn't a priority.

Into the driveway to the truck, we found 3 more zombies. They were to close to make a run for the truck. I had to shoot them. This made a whole lot of noise, but we had little choice. The bad thing was it took more than one shot to drop each one of them and slowed us down. I unloaded the shotgun and had to reload to kill all three. Into the truck and backing out of the drive I hit another zombie. We squished him. It did a fair amount of damage to our vehicle, but it kept going. Onto the street and down the road, we noticed that there must of been at least 50 zombies heading our way. We were lucky that we got out alive.

My wife now has about a 20 day supply of her meds. Hopefully we can find some more, but for now we are heading west. But first I wanted to check out Tractor Supply. Charlie again gave us his opinion, but we needed to stock up. The carharts would make very good armor versus the zombies. We needed them.

We met back at the car lot and I traded pickups. I left the s-10 and took a bigger Chevy Pickup. The mileage will be worse, but it will be able to hold a lot of stuff. I know when I get to TS that we would take a bit more if we had time. The parking lot of TS was pretty empty and from the outside TS looked untouched. The door was slightly ajar and everything outside was still there. I had Jay hook up a trailer to the truck since we might be inside for a bit. The carharts are just inside the door, so we knew we wouldn't have to go so far back to get what we wanted. Inside the store we found 0 zombies. There was no one inside which was nice to see. Everyone of us were able to get bibs and coats. It took a bit longer to get the boots we needed, but while the others looked for boots I looked around the store. We hit the mother load. I wished we had more room, but we could only take so much.

We all got carharts and even a few extra for trade. We found a nice portable generator, several axes, misc tools, and each took three changes of boots. Plus we took a little extra stuff for trade. We took some flashlights and a bbq grill that was on clearance, which doesn't matter since we stole it. I cleaned out the refrigerators while the rest loaded our other stuff. Kim of coarse ***** about me taking more drinks, but it didn't stop me. We spent over 30 minutes in the TS and hadn't seen a single zombie. All that would change of coarse, but while I had a chance I would get all we could. When the back of the truck could hold no more we stopped loading. We loaded 4 chainsaws, could of taken more but didn't.

After everything was said and done, we headed out. As we were heading out I noticed across the street someone was standing on the roof of the mall, but we weren't here to make friends so we headed out. He had a rifle in his hands and if he wanted to talk to us then he would of been waving us down. I didn't want to give anyone a chance to steal what we had.

Charlie headed out first and Kim followed. Jay jumped up in the truck with me. We took off west and left Marion behind me. I started calling everyone on my contact list, but all I got were voice mails. We are all alone. None of our friends made it.

The internet was still on and all around the world there are people people are putting up videos of the zombies. We were able though to get a lot of info on the zombies. We now know that there are several types of zombies and they all seem to have the same weaknesses, fire and shooting for the head. With the zombies, it's better to be close for the shot. If you stick the gun right up to their head, then you have an easier chance to kill them. It's just like the show Walking Dead you have to take out the head. Soon we will be in the dark, but for now it's nice to have the info we have.

Scene fades
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Re: A family journal

Unread post by Illendaver »

I love the multiple views of the same story you have going on. Poor Owen, I hope he finds another friend.
*McRipper said so*
Me: So, what all happened last time we played?
Friend: We went back to my place and got ROFL stomped by zombies.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

Unread post by King Newt »

Scene opens with James in front of the camera.

We made it out of Ohio with little to no problems. We stayed off all major highways and we saw very little. Most electric is starting to shut off. There is very few places we stopped that the power was still on. We figured it would soon happen. We watched "Life without people" a documentary on what would happen to the stuff after people stopped maintaining them, so we expected this.

We stayed the night in Indiana and other than a small family of zombies we had to eliminate we had a good night. The house was pretty well stocked with food and tools and for that matter a whole lot of other useful things. At this rate we will be in Arizona in no time. A few more days or so and then we will be able to save Charlies mother.

After a very good night sleep we left our little sanctuary. We headed west and like the day before found little resistance. Now we do see zombies, but in small bunches. They are easy to skirt.

We are currently still in Indiana, but due to having to stop and refuel we have decided to stop for the night. My truck isn't getting the best gas mileage, but I refuse to give it up. We were able to find enough fuel for my truck and one of the police cars, so we cut down. Charlie and Jay will ride in the cruiser while Kim, Owen and myself will take the truck. I am very optimistic that we will soon be in Arizona. Charlie is getting very nervious that his mom might not be ok when we get there, but we are going as fast as we can.

The house we are currently in is quite nice. We had to carry out two bodies from what looked like a double suicide. I guarantee we will see alot more or this before it's all said and done.

We I am off to bed. It's five in the morning and my watch is over, so it's time for some shut eye.
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens once again with James in front of the camera

Well things took a turn for the worse. We got into Illinois and due to our map not showing us all the little towns we ran smack dab right into a small town infested with the walking dead. They were on us like stink on, well you know what I mean. It was kind of amazing how quick they got to us. I am completely out of all my ammo and so is Charlie. Kim has two rounds for her .38, but that's all.

We did make it through the town, but our vehicles took a hit. Charlie got the big idea to ram a small group of zombies at 45 with the car and to say the least the car didn't make it. My truck was demolished by the time we hit the edge of town. We were on foot. We did discover two new zombies in the town. One we are calling the fast attack zombie and one we are calling the juggernaut. The juggernaut is quite huge. They were large people back before the fall and the fast attack is just that, fast.

We did have one casualty in all this, or at least we think so . During all the ruckus my dog Newt ran away. She hasn't been seen since. I hope she got away, but at this point we don't feel good about it. I need to concentrate on what is important and not so much on the small things. I don't like considering Newt as one of the small things, but losing my dog is the least of my worries right now. We are held up in a small hotel out in the middle of no where, but it's shelter. The place has obviously been shut down for some time, but as i said it's shelter. I am pretty much drained and Charlie is to. Everyone is crashed right now and I am doing all I can to stay awake. I really doubt we will make it to Arizona. I hate not getting to Ruth, but we have to start thinking of what do do next. The phones are dead now, so we have no way of finding out if she is still ok.

Now don't get me wrong I do still intend on trying, but as the days go by the chances are slimmer that she will still be there. We were absolutely out of our minds to think we could get to her that easily. Our next trick will be to find some food and more transportation. It's clear to me that we are going to go through several vehicles on our way.

Well I am about to fall asleep, so I am going to wake someone up to take watch. I need a few hours before we leave here.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

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James on screen again

Well we are still alive. We found Newt. She was badly beat up, but no apparent zombie bites. We found her shaking and laying in a ditch. It's nice to have her back, but she's not the same dog. We are currently heading west in a Ford Cargo Van that we found. Nice thing was that the tank is almost full. Before the van it was tough. Everyone was tired of walking. This is a big improvement. The cd player works and who ever had this van loved Metallica. There is almost everyone of the cd's here. I downloaded them onto the computer so we don't lose them. Funny thing is, after the Marines I toured with Metallica as part of the road crew. Seems so far away now. You would think that I would have so many stories of travelling with such a well known band, but I really don't. There is alot of work that goes into setting up the stages and lighting, that the term time off doesn't really apply. Even on down times I never hung out with the band. Heck they barely knew my name. For the first two months they called me Mike.

Well we are now heading west to what I don't know. We still intend to get to Ruth, but I am doubting that she is still where she was. I know staying in one place for to long doesn't work. Heck moving around isn't much better. The thing that scares me the most is the fact that we aren't seeing any living. Are we the last living people in this area or even this state. I am hoping we can get some where to resupply. Man I am so hungry. I gave the last of the food to the kids, so I don't have to drag them anymore.

Hold on we see a farm house worth checking out. Back in a few (screen goes blank)

James reurns

Wow was that interesting. We had to kill two zombies, but we did hit the motherload for food. Mostly canned food, but it's all good. I got Owen a PSP with games so he can stay busy. There were at least 30 games. Love that. We just got done eating and I can honestly say that canned stew never tasted better than it did today. We also were able to top off our fuel tanks and found a motorcycle, but couldn't get it running. Charlie wanted to take it, but there is limited room in the van so I talked him out of it. Wish it did run, it would of been nice to have. We didn't find any firearms, but did find a nice assortment of weapons. We have three aluminum bats one wooden one a whole set of nice golf clubs with over 40 balls. Man did this guy like his golfing. We got two tire irons from the two cars that for some reason didn't run. In the supplies department we found some clothes that fit us. Though I am forced to wear sweats due to the fact that the guys jeans wouldn't fit me. They fit Charlie, but are a bit to snug for me. Kim on the other hand fit all the womens clothes we found. It was kind of amazing that this woman was the same size. Charlie found a nice leather jacket which should help as make shift armor. It would of fit both of us, but he found it first.

We were also able to take cold baths, but we are clean and that's important. We were also able to get several containers of water. The kids took all the pop, but since I am a diabetic I will refrain from drinking much of it. Our spirts are higher now and we are more hopeful we will find Ruth. I got to go now, the kids want to watch a movie and they need the computer. More to come real soon.

Scene fades.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with Owen in front of camera (my 11 year old)

Crying* We lost Newt today. The zombies ate her. She was trying to protect me, but she couldn't stop them. I loved our dog. She was like my best friend. I felt safe when she was around. My daddy is sad about losing her, ................. (long delay) I ................ (leave scene)
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Re: A family journal

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( I am going to continue this story with my family. My wife is wishing to continue it with me and it's kind of comforting that my brother is still alive in this story)

Scene opens with James in front of camera.

These past few days we have made real progress getting to Arizona. Charlie and I rescued a young couple from a small swarm of zombies. They were quite happy to be saved, but were unwilling to join us. The female named Michelle said that she and her boyfriend had come across this biker gang, and they told her to avoid groups unless they were well armed. Well we aren't well armed, so we said our goodbyes and left. I sit sometimes and think that I am pretty lucky. Not that the world is all messed up, just that i still have my family. I lost all my brothers and sisters, but I have my wife and kids. I didn't have to put an axe into my sons head, so he wouldn't turn to the walking dead. I have my family all intact. So I can understand what Charlie is going through. I understand why he has to get to his mom. That's all the family he has left.

Scene fades.
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Re: A family journal

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Looking for the next installment wow
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

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Scene opens with Charlie sitting in front of the camera

We decided not to head to Arizona for my mom. (wipes tear from eye) It's just not realistic to think that she is still there, waiting for me to rescue her. We've decided to head to Montana or other state with wide open spaces. We are currently in Kansas in a rather large farm house. The place is hit, but it is shelter. We didn't find anything of use here, except the house to rest in. We still currently have the cargo van and i found a nice dirt bike. It's only a 125cc but it works for me. It's got a problem with the fuel system, because it keeps stalling out.

James and Kim are talking about searching the area, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the area. We did find a map of the area and there are a couple of towns miles away. They might be worth searching.

Scene fades.

Scene opens again with James sitting in front of the camera

We searched the town of Plevna and the town is loaded with the undead. There must be over 300 in the town. Most of them have become inactive and were easy to kill. We did wipe out the outer area around the town and found us a nice RV. Yes it's worse gas mileage, but we don't need to find shelter every night. There was some discussion on whether we keep the van or not, but there are just some areas the RV won't maneuver through. So are keeping it for now. The RV is comfortable and a nice luxury to have at this point. It's nice to see our luck change. We've had a string of very bad luck. In Plevna we killed at least 60 zombies and found enough supplies to last for a month or so.

Kim has been having mind numbing head aches since we ran out of her medication. In all the houses we've searched we've never found any of her meds. We may have to hit a decent sized town and hope the pharmacy has her meds. The map shows Hutchinson as the largest city in the area. normally I would steer clear of big towns, but this can't be helped. Kim has been experiencing blurred vision and dizzy spells. In a few weeks she will be of no value to us. So Jay, Charlie and me are going into town. We figure we can make some sort of explosion on the west side of town and help drive some of the zombies away. We are needing some luck to pull this off.

Scene fades

Scene opens with James in front of camera

Well we didn't hit Hutchinson. It was just to much work. We decided to go into Buhler instead. It's a much smaller town and had a small town drug store. The problem was from the outside of town it looked pretty well looted. Charlie rode the cycle through the town to see what we were up against. There must of been one hell of a battle in this town. A military tank sat right in the middle of the town. There was damage everywhere. The good news was, no zombies as far as the eye could see. This town was a ghost town.

We decided to search the town as a group. We parked the RV in the middle of town and searched the area. The drug store was pretty well hit. Other than some simple common drugs there wasn't anything there. We searched the houses in the town and actually found my wife's drugs. Not the best supply, but enough to get her over the funk she has been in.

The biggest surprise was the school. The high school was in decent shape. We decided to move the RV down to the school and give it a good search. Though it was massively looted, we did find some good stuff. Charlie is an avid reader and he found several books he liked. Kim found a few. Me i've never been much of a reader, unless it was RP related. I loved running role playing games and sitting around the table and playing with all my friends. Unfortunately all my friends are gone and we are playing in the Walking Dead RP every day. I sometimes think of those days, when all we cared about was paying our bills and having fun. I think of Scott, Bob and Jeff sometimes. They were my gaming group with me, Charlie, Jay, Owen and Kim. We'd get together on Saturdays and RP my favorite game Palladium Fantasy. Some people prefer D&D, but I always preferred Palladium system. I know they are all now part of the walking dead and sometimes I miss them. Well maybe not Scott, he was a bit of a butt head. (smiles)

We did pretty well in the town and decided after 2 days of searching, we left the town. We were able to fill the van with fuel and supplies. The RV was topped off with fuel and even found a few gas cans. We now have 20 gallons of extra gas. We gathered a few footballs and tennis balls for recreation. Whoever raided this school and area around the city missed a lot of good stuff. The van is completely full of needed supplies and our moral is better. Kim has some of her meds and she is feeling better. We decided not to stay in the area. I am not comfortable living in tornado alley so I feel we should move on. It's not a good idea to get to comfortable anywhere.

Scene fades
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Re: A family journal

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love it man
the clam before the storm ................
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

Unread post by King Newt »

Scene opens with a female shaking really bad.

Well we decided to go south for the winter and found a safe haven. Kaw City, Oklahoma. It is surrounded on three side by water, there is a bridge on one side that is guarded against zombies and a road on the other side of the a wall ten feet high with barbed wire on top. There is a very large group of people here. They are very nice and help you out. But, if I don't find some meds soon, I won't be much help. I have tried to get some of them but this town does not have a pharmacy. Great people. Going to stay here a day, then off to find Newkirk and hopefully won't be full of zombies. We will see.

Scene fades to black.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

Unread post by King Newt »

Scene opens with James in front of camera.

I now know what creepy is. My friend Charlie is .......... (long pause) is a well, an intelligent zombie. He's still mostly himself, but he's still dead. I guess that's the term I would use. Dead and walking and talking. I don't know what to classify him as. The thing is he.......... well heck I don't know. He is still helpful to have around.

It's been two weeks since Charlie turned. There are some very distinctive advantages to having him around. He still mostly remembers his life and knows most of what he knew before. He doesn't seem to be able to drive, but heck he didn't do such a good job before. Charlie actually once drove his truck under and semi trailer that was backing across the road. He said he didn't see it. The road was well lit and ........ How the heck do you miss seeing a semi in the middle of the road in a well lit intersection? Well that's Charlie.

The big advantage with Charlie and his condition is the fact that zombies don't pay attention to him. To them he is one of them. So Charlie has become our recon man. He can go into almost any town and check things out. The biggest problem is, he looks like just about any other zombie. So normally when people see him they want to shoot him. He also smells really bad. Well that's not much different than before. (smirks)

We are now held up in an abandoned house somewhere in Arkansas. I think we are in Arkansas. Heck I don't even know anymore. (a voice from off camera says "yes we are in Arkansas. I found some of their mail') Ok, so we are in Arkansas. The house is in decent shape and the beds are intact. So we drug the mattresses into the living room and we are going to sleep in here.

We found a car in the driveway of our new place and believe it or not, the darn thing runs. It actually just fired straight up. We actually thought that we may of stole someone else's place, but we haven't seen anyone for the two days we've been here. So tomorrow we are taking the car and our motorcycle (that I will be driving) and we are heading further south.

The other places we've searched have offered us very little rewards. We have about 2 days worth of food and even if we try to save it, it won't last long. The houses in the area were a bust, but hopefully we can get a nice night sleep.

Scene fades.

Scene opens again with James again.

We scored a pretty decent amount of stuff. I am getting to like this area. We found a nice house and it was untouched. It stunk to high heaven, from the 7 zombies inside. That's was a bit of a shock, but we did quite well. Charlie opened up the door and we took them out one by one. Simple. The zombies don't seem to notice charlie, but when he attacks them it's a different story. They don't care for being attacked by one of their own.

In the garage were two trucks. They are both 4x4's though we haven't seen much in the way of snow yet it's a better choice. That's one of the reasons we want out of this area, but I am thinking of staying. This house is nice, other than the stink. We easily got the heat to work and I am leaning towards staying. You'd figure that when it gets really cold that the zombies would slow way down. Heck we slow down in the winter, why not them. I think I might talk them into staying. I know for a fact we are staying the night, even though the house stinks really bad.

Scene fades

Opens again.

Well we decided not to stay. The smell was just to much to deal with. We took both trucks even though it's a tight fit. It's still safer than the car. We hit a small town named Hopper and it was hopping. There were quite a few zombies, but we dealt with them. The town gave us very little, but we were able to top off the trucks with fuel. I am getting pretty good at finding fuel. The biggest problem is getting it out of the tanks, but like I said, I am getting pretty good at it.

On the bad side, the snow started to fall. Not a little at a time, but all at once. This is bad. We were trying to get out of the area, but we are now trapped for a bit. We set up in a church and take my word for it, we have plenty of room. Most churches we've come across has been a body storage area, but no this one, it's clean. Also it has a kitchen. Not a stocked kitchen, but a kitchen none the less. The food we took from the house will get us through. Well I need to get some work done, so later.

Scene fades.
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King Newt
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Re: A family journal

Unread post by King Newt »

Scene opens with a young man sitting in front of camera

Hi my name is Jay. I am the oldest son of my dad, whom you know as James. I am doing my first entry into this, because quite frankly I am bored to death. We have been locked in the church for weeks. Except for the occasional trip outside to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. I have to admit that.......... (long pause) I am getting kind of tired of this kind of existence. Living day to day, not knowing where we are going or if today is the last day we have. My little brother Owen........ (another long pause) is scared almost every day. He doesn't like to admit it, but he sometimes cries in the middle of the night.

My uncle Charlie has been quite helpful, with his condition. He has gone into town for us and brought back food. I just wish there was something we could do for his smell. It's not so much the smell of rotting flesh, as the smell of something unearthly. It's hard to explain. He brought us back 2 PSP's with a load of games. Owen seems quite happy with them, I am getting quite bored. I just wish we could find a spot to stop and live out our lives. Or just find a way to end it and go to what ever is waiting for us.

Now don't think I am going to end it just that simple. I am just thinking. Before the fall I was quite religious. It's hard to hold onto your faith with a day to day struggle to survive. I know that God tests you on a day to day basis, but I think this is going a bit far.
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