For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

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Father Goose
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Comment: If I could go back in time, I would join the cast of "The Thrilling Adventure Hour"
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For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Millennial O.C.C.

In the world view of a Millennial, previous generations have created a world that has no room for them. The last generation took the good fortune bestowed upon them by the generation before and squandered it on selfish desires and individual entitlement, leaving nothing for the next generation to inherit, while insisting that the next generation had to work hard to achieve what their parents inherited freely from the generation before them. Outraged by the injustice of the world, and burdened by ever-encroaching defeatism, these self-styled “Millennials” struggle to find a life of meaning in a world that, in their view, is out of touch with reality. They see the previous two generations as living in the past, constantly striving to impose a world-view that is no longer in step with what the Millennial generation needs or can use. Accused widely of being wasteful and entitled, most Millennials crave the same things their forefathers craved – stability, belonging, and a sense of purpose. Yet the disconnect between Millennials and those who came before them is such that neither side can see the value in each other’s world view or life struggles.
Perpetually misunderstood and persecuted by their elders, Millennials flit through life pursuing one interest, hobby, or occupation after another, never seeming to be satisfied with their lot in life and constantly feeling as if the world is conspiring against them. While many are quite intelligent and could be successful at any endeavor to which they bent their will, most feel as if they are denied the opportunity by the circumstances of their birth and the imposition of their elders and as such, find themselves dissatisfied and feeling empty and without true purpose, whatever occupation they attempt to pursue. The ennui that overtakes many Millennials results in attempts at escapism through substance abuse, polyamorous relationships, alternative religions, video and roleplaying games, fad diets, social movements, and other forms of rebellion – all in an attempt to find themselves and their purpose in being.
Non-Millennials see the situation very differently. To their way of thinking, Millennials were given too many privileges as children, too coddled, too protected, too sheltered from the harsh realities of the adult world and are therefore resistant to adapting to the needs of independence. They are seen to be childish, self-absorbed, and flighty and as a consequence, most non-Millennials have very little patience with these youths. Non-Millennials insist that meaning is what you make of it, not something you find. Purpose is a choice, not an elusive quest. Escapism is the mark of a childish inability to cope with reality and leads to more, not fewer, problems in the world. The conflict between Millennials and non-Millennials is so ingrained in both camps that a solution is unlikely to every be discovered.
Millennials have the potential to come from any race and world. They are varied in individual outlook, pursuit, and socio-economic background. What unifies them as a group is the inability to grow beyond the rebelliousness of youth and conform to the expectations of the world, find meaning in their lives, and gain a sense of purpose.

Jack-Of-All-Trades: Millennials flit frequently from one interest to another, rarely settling on one occupation or hobby for long. As a result, they often know something about nearly every subject, even if it is only hearsay, conjecture, or lacking refinement. As a result, Millennials may use any skill untrained with a base value of 10% +1% per level of experience. For tactile skills, this never results in a finely crafted or otherwise well-made item, nor does it result in something of monetary value (except to other Millennials), expertise, or anything else that would require actual training. It does allow a Millennial to patch something (similar to Jury-Rig), play a simple song that only requires one or two cords, guess a simple password, cook a meal that is edible (though rarely appetizing) and other similar feats. For more academic skills, this never results in knowledge that can only be gain through dedicated study, but can be used to recall random trivia or guess correctly when presented with multiple choices. Ultimately, the GM decides when this ability can be called upon and should never allow it to be used on a skill that cannot be performed by someone without specific training and experience.

Undecided: Millennials, as state numerous times, have a difficulty deciding what they want out of life in terms that they can explain. As a result, they constantly try new things, only to abandon them with little notice. Starting at level 5, and every 3 levels thereafter, Millennials may select one O.C.C. skill or class feature (non-combat skills only) from another O.C.C. and add it to their class features. This skill or class feature is always used as if the Millennial was level one in the originating O.C.C., regardless of the Millennial’s actual level. This reflects a Millennials penchant for getting excited about something only to lose interest in actively pursuing it shortly thereafter. GM has the final say on what skills and class features can be gained this way.

Signature Skill: Millennials, by their very nature, tend to be drawn toward the notions of passion, purpose and meaning. As a result, Millennials often find that there is one thing that they are better at than anything else and will often pursue it even when it does not directly benefit their lives in a way others find meaningful. Examples include pursuing art at the expense of paying work, becoming an expert chef but objecting to working in a restaurant environment due to stress and anxiety, and other such endeavors. This leads Millennials to develop a specialization in a skill that may or may not have tangible benefit in their every day life, but hold intense meaning for the individual regardless. Millennial characters may choose one skill from Communication, Cowboy, Domestic, Horsemanship (excluding Cossack and Cyber-Knight), Pilot (excluding military and juicer), or Technical skill category as their Signature Skill. This skill becomes an O.C.C. skill, is considered professional quality (for skills that benefit from such), receives a +20% bonus at first level, and may exceed the 98% cap for the purposes of factoring in skill penalties. Note that regardless of the actual level of the skill, all skill rolls fail on a roll of 99-00%.

Peer Esteem: Millennials have a near desperate need to feel accepted, understood, and valued. When they achieve this, they are happier and more productive. When they are denied any of these things, they are prone to depression and ennui. As a result, whenever a Millennial feels accepted and encouraged by their peers they receive an additional action per melee round, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and a +5% bonus to skills including Trust, Charm, and Impress (does not apply to Jack-of-all-Trades rolls or rolls made to Intimidate). They also tend to be more cheerful and involved in such situations. However, if the Millennial is denied such acceptance and encouragement, or perceives that he or she is being denied or not taken seriously, the Millennial receives a penalty equal to the above bonuses and is denied the bonuses themselves. The Millennial is also likely to behave in a sullen fashion, withdraw from active participation, and feel worthless or misunderstood. Depending on circumstances, GMs may wish to roll or choose an appropriate disorder from the Insanity Tables to temporarily affect the Millennial while in this dejected state.

“I’m Special!”: Each Millennial possesses a quality that they believe makes them unique and worthy of note. At first level, a Millennial may select one from the following: a minor super power, 1d4 low level spells (chosen from levels 1-4), 1d4 psionic sensitive powers, a minor cybernetic enhancement (subject to GM approval), or other similar power or quality devised by the player and GM

Racial Requirements: none. Millennials may be found in any race, provided they meet the above social and cultural requirements to have developed the Millennial mindset
Attribute Requirements: none, per say, though high IQ is common
Alignment Requirements: none. Millennials come in all types, from good, selfish, and evil
Bonuses: +4 to save vs poison due to less than stellar dietary habits and a propensity to experiment with recreational substances; +1d6 PPE due to their somewhat naïve and childish nature, Millennials lose less PPE when they become adults than is average for their race

O.C.C. Skills
Native Language 90%
Literacy: Native Language +15%
Two Language: Other (player's choice) +10%
Barter +20%
Choice of two (2) Domestic Skills +15%
Computer Operations +15%
Pilot: Bicycling +16%
Millennials do not receive an automatic hand to hand skill, but may take hand to hand: basic in place of one other skill.

O.C.C. Related Skills
Millennials may choose 7 O.C.C. Related Skills from the following list at first level, plus an additional one at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 15:
Communications (any) +5%
Cowboy (none)
Domestic (any) +10%
Electrical (any, +5% bonus for basic and computer repair only)
Espionage (any except sniper and undercover ops)
Horsemanship (general only)
Mechanical (any, +5% bonus for basic and automotive only)
Medical (any one skill, +5% bonus for first aid and holistic medicine only)
Military (none)
Physical (any except hand to hand)
Pilot (any except military, juicer, power armor, and robot)
Pilot Related (any)
Rogue (any)
Science (any except artificial intelligence)
Technical (any) +15%
Weapon Proficiency (any except military and heavy modern weapons)
Wilderness (any) +10%

Secondary Skills:
Millennials may choose a total of 9 secondary skills at first level, plus one additional secondary skill at each new level.

Cybernetic and Bionic Enhancements: none to start, though Millennials are not inherently prohibited from acquiring them in play.

Starting Equipment: Millennial characters start with light, non-environmental armor of their choice, a survival knife or hatchet, and one additional weapon of choice, plus a bicycle (players choice) and a starting budget of 1d4 x 1,000 credits to spend on equipment. However, Millennial characters can only begin play with 1d4 x 10 credits in reserve, so it is recommended that most if not all of the budget be spent during character creation. GMs are encouraged to offer discounts to Millennials for “used” items of lesser quality or with odd quirks as Millennials often acquire their equipment second-hand. Millennials also begin play with 2d4 x 1,000 credits worth of trade goods in addition to purchased equipment.

Use the City Rat experience table for level advancement.
Last edited by Father Goose on Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by dreicunan »

Father Goose wrote:Millennial O.C.C.

In the world view of a Millennial, previous generations have created a world that has no room for them. The last generation took the good fortune bestowed upon them by the generation before and squandered it on selfish desires and individual entitlement, leaving nothing for the next generation to inherit, while insisting that the next generation had to work hard to achieve what their parents inherited freely from the generation before them. Outraged by the injustice of the world, and burdened by ever-encroaching defeatism, these self-styled “Millennials” struggle to find a life of meaning in a world that, in their view, is out of touch with reality. They see the previous two generations as living in the past, constantly striving to impose a world-view that is no longer in step with what the Millennial generation needs or can use. Accused widely of being wasteful and entitled, most Millennials crave the same things their forefathers craved – stability, belonging, and a sense of purpose. Yet the disconnect between Millennials and those who came before them is such that neither side can see the value in each other’s world view or life struggles.
Perpetually misunderstood and persecuted by their elders, Millennials flit through life pursuing one interest, hobby, or occupation after another, never seeming to be satisfied with their lot in life and constantly feeling as if the world is conspiring against them. While many are quite intelligent and could be successful at any endeavor to which they bent their will, most feel as if they are denied the opportunity by the circumstances of their birth and the imposition of their elders and as such, find themselves dissatisfied and feeling empty and without true purpose, whatever occupation they attempt to pursue. The ennui that overtakes many Millennials results in attempts at escapism through substance abuse, polyamorous relationships, alternative religions, video and roleplaying games, fad diets, social movements, and other forms of rebellion – all in an attempt to find themselves and their purpose in being.
Non-Millennials see the situation very differently. To their way of thinking, Millennials were given too many privileges as children, too coddled, too protected, too sheltered from the harsh realities of the adult world and are therefore resistant to adapting to the needs of independence. They are seen to be childish, self-absorbed, and flighty and as a consequence, most non-Millennials have very little patience with these youths. Non-Millennials insist that meaning is what you make of it, not something you find. Purpose is a choice, not an elusive quest. Escapism is the mark of a childish inability to cope with reality and leads to more, not fewer, problems in the world. The conflict between Millennials and non-Millennials is so ingrained in both camps that a solution is unlikely to every be discovered.
Millennials have the potential to come from any race and world. They are varied in individual outlook, pursuit, and socio-economic background. What unifies them as a group is the inability to grow beyond the rebelliousness of youth and conform to the expectations of the world, find meaning in their lives, and gain a sense of purpose.

Jack-Of-All-Trades: Millennials flit frequently from one interest to another, rarely settling on one occupation or hobby for long. As a result, they often know something about nearly every subject, even if it is only hearsay, conjecture, or lacking refinement. As a result, Millennials may use any skill untrained with a base value of 10% +1% per level of experience. For tactile skills, this never results in a finely crafted or otherwise well-made item, nor does it result in something of monetary value (except to other Millennials), expertise, or anything else that would require actual training. It does allow a Millennial to patch something (similar to Jury-Rig), play a simple song that only requires one or two cords, guess a simple password, cook a meal that is edible (though rarely appetizing) and other similar feats. For more academic skills, this never results in knowledge that can only be gain through dedicated study, but can be used to recall random trivia or guess correctly when presented with multiple choices. Ultimately, the GM decides when this ability can be called upon and should never allow it to be used on a skill that cannot be performed by someone without specific training and experience.

Undecided: Millennials, as state numerous times, have a difficulty deciding what they want out of life in terms that they can explain. As a result, they constantly try new things, only to abandon them with little notice. Starting at level 5, and every 3 levels thereafter, Millennials may select one O.C.C. skill or class feature (non-combat skills only) from another O.C.C. and add it to their class features. This skill or class feature is always used as if the Millennial was level one in the originating O.C.C., regardless of the Millennial’s actual level. This reflects a Millennials penchant for getting excited about something only to lose interest in actively pursuing it shortly thereafter. GM has the final say on what skills and class features can be gained this way.

Signature Skill: Millennials, by their very nature, tend to be drawn toward the notions of passion, purpose and meaning. As a result, Millennials often find that there is one thing that they are better at than anything else and will often pursue it even when it does not directly benefit their lives in a way others find meaningful. Examples include pursuing art at the expense of paying work, becoming an expert chef but objecting to working in a restaurant environment due to stress and anxiety, and other such endeavors. This leads Millennials to develop a specialization in a skill that may or may not have tangible benefit in their every day life, but hold intense meaning for the individual regardless. Millennial characters may choose one skill from Communication, Cowboy, Domestic, Horsemanship (excluding Cossack and Cyber-Knight), Pilot (excluding military and juicer), or Technical skill category as their Signature Skill. This skill becomes an O.C.C. skill, is considered professional quality (for skills that benefit from such), receives a +20% bonus at first level, and may exceed the 98% cap for the purposes of factoring in skill penalties. Note that regardless of the actual level of the skill, all skill rolls fail on a roll of 99-00%.

Peer Esteem: Millennials have a near desperate need to feel accepted, understood, and valued. When they achieve this, they are happier and more productive. When they are denied any of these things, they are prone to depression and ennui. As a result, whenever a Millennial feels accepted and encouraged by their peers they receive an additional action per melee round, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and a +5% bonus to skills including Trust, Charm, and Impress (does not apply to Jack-of-all-Trades rolls or rolls made to Intimidate). They also tend to be more cheerful and involved in such situations. However, if the Millennial is denied such acceptance and encouragement, or perceives that he or she is being denied or not taken seriously, the Millennial receives a penalty equal to the above bonuses and is denied the bonuses themselves. The Millennial is also likely to behave in a sullen fashion, withdraw from active participation, and feel worthless or misunderstood. Depending on circumstances, GMs may wish to roll or choose an appropriate disorder from the Insanity Tables to temporarily affect the Millennial while in this dejected state.

“I’m Special!”: Each Millennial possesses a quality that they believe makes them unique and worthy of note. At first level, a Millennial may select one from the following: a minor super power, 1d4 low level spells (chosen from levels 1-4), 1d4 psionic sensitive powers, a minor cybernetic enhancement (subject to GM approval), or other similar power or quality devised by the player and GM

Racial Requirements: none. Millennials may be found in any race, provided they meet the above social and cultural requirements to have developed the Millennial mindset
Attribute Requirements: none, per say, though high IQ is common
Alignment Requirements: none. Millennials come in all types, from good, selfish, and evil
Bonuses: +4 to save vs poison due to less than stellar dietary habits and a propensity to experiment with recreational substances; +1d6 PPE due to their somewhat naïve and childish nature, Millennials lose less PPE when they become adults than is average for their race

O.C.C. Skills
Native Language 98%
Barter +20%
Choice of two (2) Domestic Skills +15%
Computer Operations +15%
Pilot: Bicycling +16%
Millennials do not receive an automatic hand to hand skill, but may take hand to hand: basic in place of one other skill.

O.C.C. Related Skills
Millennials may choose 7 O.C.C. Related Skills from the following list at first level, plus an additional one at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 15:
Communications (any) +5%
Cowboy (none)
Domestic (any) +10%
Electrical (any, +5% bonus for basic and computer repair only)
Espionage (any except sniper and undercover ops)
Horsemanship (general only)
Mechanical (any, +5% bonus for basic and automotive only)
Medical (any one skill, +5% bonus for first aid and holistic medicine only)
Military (none)
Physical (any except hand to hand)
Pilot (any except military, juicer, power armor, and robot)
Pilot Related (any)
Rogue (any)
Science (any except artificial intelligence)
Technical (any) +15%
Weapon Proficiency (any except military and heavy modern weapons)
Wilderness (any) +10%

Secondary Skills:
Millennials may choose a total of 6 secondary skills at first level, plus one additional secondary skill at each new level.

Cybernetic and Bionic Enhancements: none to start, though Millennials are not inherently prohibited from acquiring them in play.

Starting Equipment: Millennial characters start with light, non-environmental armor of their choice, a survival knife or hatchet, and one additional weapon of choice, plus a starting budget of 1d4 x 1,000 credits to spend on equipment. However, Millennial characters can only begin play with 1d4 x 10 credits in reserve, so it is recommended that most if not all of the budget be spent during character creation. GMs are encouraged to offer discounts to Millennials for “used” items of lesser quality or with odd quirks as Millennials often acquire their equipment second-hand. Millennials also begin play with 2d4 x 1,000 credits worth of trade goods in addition to purchased equipment.

Use the City Rat experience table for level advancement.

Shouldn't they also have a 25% chance to still be living with their parents? :D
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Father Goose
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

dreicunan wrote:Shouldn't they also have a 25% chance to still be living with their parents? :D

Of course! Why didn't I think of that! :D
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by 13eowulf »

dreicunan wrote:Shouldn't they also have a 25% chance to still be living with their parents? :D

They don't live with their parents! It's the basement/garage/attic Dave, it is a completely separate dwelling unit! They pay rent. Sometimes.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Should there not also be a 25% chance that they are completely wrong on something every one knows, or think something helpful is unsafe.

wood does not affect vampires.
Power armor causes brain cancer.
Nono medical robots cause autism.
Rifts only go to other places on rifts earth.
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The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Vincent Takeda »

I'm seeing weeaboo lore and a cosplay skill... Perhaps an entire language skill built of emojis
Last edited by Vincent Takeda on Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Blue_Lion wrote:Should there not also be a 25% chance that they are completely wrong on something every one knows, or think something helpful is unsafe.

wood does not affect vampires.
Power armor causes brain cancer.
Nono medical robots cause autism.
Rifts only go to other places on rifts earth.
Demons are bound to keep their word.

Yeah..... no. This A.) doesnt fit the mould. B.) Killed the joke.

Vincent Takeda wrote:I'm seeing weeaboo lore and a cosplay skill... Perhaps an entire language skill built of emojis

See???? Dead.
Emoji language was funny though. A dying laugh if you will.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Father Goose wrote:Millennial O.C.C.

In the world view of a Millennial, previous generations have created a world that has no room for them. The last generation took the good fortune bestowed upon them by the generation before and squandered it on selfish desires and individual entitlement, leaving nothing for the next generation to inherit, while insisting that the next generation had to work hard to achieve what their parents inherited freely from the generation before them.

Well, you at least nailed the boomers dead on.
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Father Goose
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. As for some of the suggestions, you have to realize that while you find the OCC humourous, it takes itself very seriously. That is part of the humor. If I add too many things that reinforce the negative stereotypes of Millennials, then it loses the very thing that makes the OCC special. Instead, I tried to present a world view from the Millennial point of view and then made the special abilities and skill selection reflect it. Whether this is a serious class, or played for laughs, is up to the player and GM. Much like the classes in Rifter #9 1/2, the Millennial needed to be something that could be taken seriously by the player and GM, even if the world doesn't take them seriously.
That said, this is is a very versatile OCC. While not inherently powerful, it lends itself to even more customization than the Vagabond, letting the player define his individual Millennial and make each a special and unique snowflake. Which itself, is part of the humor.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Sureshot »

I would include a -5 to save vs Horror Factor when it comes to hearing dissenting opinion and/or when reality goes against what they perceive it to be then what it truly is. As well penalty to skills with anyone who has a different opinion then they have. Everyone and anyone who disagrees with them is a member of the Coalition states.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

:lol: As someone who is a part of the Millennial generation, I have no idea whether I should be offended or extremely amused. Which I think was the point. This is fantastic and hits all the right points lol

As an aside, knowing plenty of people from this generation, I suggest adding the following ability:

Impotent Rage: Millennials are known to have strong opinions and feelings towards certain political views and factions. These feelings often cloud the Millennials judgement in the heat of the moment when faced with the source of their outrage, while lending them the strength of their bottled up rage. As such, if the Millennial is faced with the opportunity to physically attack an individual or target that is allied with or supports the source of their rage, they receive a +1 to strike, but a -1 to parry and dodge, reflecting their clouded judgement and blind fury. This ability stacks with the Millennial's Peer Esteem ability, particularly if their peers feel the same way about the intended target. Whether this bonus applies is left to the GM's discretion and will not always apply.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Vincent Takeda »

Perhaps a skill called 'crowdsourcing' or 'social media blitz', kind of a contemporary version of streetwise where they spread information amongst themselves and can use the skill to broadcast unflattering information about thier opponent in a way that permeates and saturates the consciousness of the surrounding area. If a millenial doesnt like what you're up to, everyone in town will recognize you and know about it.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by eliakon »

Father Goose wrote:I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. As for some of the suggestions, you have to realize that while you find the OCC humourous, it takes itself very seriously. That is part of the humor. If I add too many things that reinforce the negative stereotypes of Millennials, then it loses the very thing that makes the OCC special. Instead, I tried to present a world view from the Millennial point of view and then made the special abilities and skill selection reflect it. Whether this is a serious class, or played for laughs, is up to the player and GM. Much like the classes in Rifter #9 1/2, the Millennial needed to be something that could be taken seriously by the player and GM, even if the world doesn't take them seriously.
That said, this is is a very versatile OCC. While not inherently powerful, it lends itself to even more customization than the Vagabond, letting the player define his individual Millennial and make each a special and unique snowflake. Which itself, is part of the humor.

^this^ people
This is not a chance to dog pile on Millennials and mock them or make fun of them.
Nor is it a chance to deride them, or to try and claim that actions or behaviors that you disagree with are wrong or dangerous.

Not only is that disruptive, it is against the TOS.

Be respectful, or don't comment people.
Thank you.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by eliakon »

Vincent Takeda wrote:Perhaps a skill called 'crowdsourcing' or 'social media blitz', kind of a contemporary version of streetwise where they spread information amongst themselves and can use the skill to broadcast unflattering information about thier opponent in a way that permeates and saturates the consciousness of the surrounding area. If a millenial doesnt like what you're up to, everyone in town will recognize you and know about it.

Crowdsourcing sounds like a good communications version of streetwise and I am probably going to add it to my master skill list.

The second part of this sounds like the Muck Slinging skill in Rifter 28.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

Gotta admit; this brought me to near-tears....because, sad to say, a lot of it hits close to home.
So as satire; sweet and painful, it works.
Good job.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Thank you. I appreciate all the feedback.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Now I just need Mark Hall to define the modifications to have a Millennial Half-Wizard and we'll be good to go. :D
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Mack »


I hope this discussion continues to remain a light-hearted jest. I received a complaint that this topic insults an entire swath of people. I'm choosing to leave the topic open for now.

It's OK to jest, provided it is also respectful.

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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

Mack wrote:Friends,

I hope this discussion continues to remain a light-hearted jest. I received a complaint that this topic insults an entire swath of people. I'm choosing to leave the topic open for now.

It's OK to jest, provided it is also respectful.

Good gaming,

Can I provide a counter complaint as a member of this generation stating that I find this hilarious, and the 6 or 7 other people I sent a link to (also Millennials), also found this hilarious and satirically accurate? :lol:

For real though, please don't close this topic, this is amazing. As a matter of fact, may I post the suggestion that there be a Boomer O.C.C. created, just to provide a good counterbalance to this class? I would love to see what the OP could come up with. This has made my day lol. :D
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

The only things that I might find even remotely disturbing about this post-topic is that it might be TOO realistic and accurate. That's what makes it so resoundingly spot-on and impressive.
That's coming from, arguably, a millennial.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

I'm touched. I tried very hard to avoid making a mockery of the subject and instead give it an honest assessment. Thank you all so much for seeing this for what it is and defending it against opposition. You're all awesome!
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by dreicunan »

You may want to inceease their skill choices a bit. They only have 19 at lvl 1 (20 with the signature skill so long as the signature skill isn't one they already had). That means only Dragon-hatchlings from RUE have fewer skills at lvl 1; Shifters have 22 (I was surprised at this), and Mind Melters and Bursters have 25 skills at lvl 1. This class can end up with a few extra things that cluld be very useful (the right minor super power can be quite a boost), but I'd suggest that they end up with at least 26 skills including the signature skill.

I'd suggest 2 more OCC skills - an additional language of choice and a literacy of choice (so they can read up on their latest hobby and/or philosophy of life) - and 4 more secondary skills at lvl 1 (secondary to keep with the theme that they tend to dabble in things).

Oh, they should probably have a bicycle as part of their starting gear. This might be a place to give them something a bit nicer for equipment and let them have a choice between a Copperhead or Old Mule from the Dinosaur Swamp book (perhaps in exchange for starting with no trade goods, otherwise they just get a normal bike but still MDC bicycle with 15 MDC).
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

dreicunan wrote:You may want to inceease their skill choices a bit. They only have 19 at lvl 1 (20 with the signature skill so long as the signature skill isn't one they already had). That means only Dragon-hatchlings from RUE have fewer skills at lvl 1; Shifters have 22 (I was surprised at this), and Mind Melters and Bursters have 25 skills at lvl 1. This class can end up with a few extra things that cluld be very useful (the right minor super power can be quite a boost), but I'd suggest that they end up with at least 26 skills including the signature skill.

I'd suggest 2 more OCC skills - an additional language of choice and a literacy of choice (so they can read up on their latest hobby and/or philosophy of life) - and 4 more secondary skills at lvl 1 (secondary to keep with the theme that they tend to dabble in things).

Oh, they should probably have a bicycle as part of their starting gear. This might be a place to give them something a bit nicer for equipment and let them have a choice between a Copperhead or Old Mule from the Dinosaur Swamp book (perhaps in exchange for starting with no trade goods, otherwise they just get a normal bike but still MDC bicycle with 15 MDC).

That's a sensible alteration. They do gain a lot of additional secondary skills as they level to reflect the constant dabbling in this and that, but I could see giving a few more at 1st level. I'm hesitant to give literacy though, because they can conceivably come from any background and on Rifts Earth the CS is not in favor of people being literate. So it is an option via OCC Related skills, but not automatic. However, since even the City Rat is literate, it does make sense to include it. I will make the adjustments to the original post.
Thanks again for the feedback!
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Axelmania »

eliakon wrote:
Father Goose wrote:you have to realize that while you find the OCC humourous, it takes itself very seriously. That is part of the humor. If I add too many things that reinforce the negative stereotypes of Millennials, then it loses the very thing that makes the OCC special.

^this^ people
This is not a chance to dog pile on Millennials and mock them or make fun of them.
Nor is it a chance to deride them, or to try and claim that actions or behaviors that you disagree with are wrong or dangerous.

Not only is that disruptive, it is against the TOS.

Be respectful, or don't comment people.

This seems to be in the sense that "it's okay to make fun of a group, so long as it is only slightly, but you can determine how little slightly is, not a member of that group who might be offended by it".

It's doubtful any similar approach to any other kind of stereotype (say for example, the "Welfare Queen" depicted via the pro wrestling persona of Awesome Kong/Kharma Kia Stevens' character Tamme Dawson in Netflix' GLOW) would be tolerated, no matter how conservative it was or how funny some of us might find it.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Riftmaker »

OK this was funny. I want to point out I was born in1980 so I clock in at a late model xer or an early model Millennial depending on who you ask myself.

I'd recommend adding a penalty to character interactions with there elders, and maybe a mention they can use TW items if they have enough PPE. Millennial's love toys. :)

Someone needs to do a savage rifts iconic framework for this.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Meneliki »

you forgot 2 special abilities:

Entitlement: The whole world owes this character something! This character expects to get what they want and aren't pleased when they don't. +15% to all bargaining/persuade rolls. However if the character fails this roll, they are depressed, defeated and throw a temper tantrum for 1D4 hours resulting in -2 on all combat rolls and -10% to all skill checks.

Phone Affinity: +15% on all lore checks while in possession of a smartphone. Severe anxiety if not in possession of a smartphone - combat bonuses removed, skills halved.
Last edited by Meneliki on Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Meneliki wrote:you forgot a special ability:

Entitlement: The whole world owes this character something! This character expects to get what they want and aren't pleased when they don't. +15% to all bargaining/persuade rolls. However if the character fails this roll, they are depressed, defeated and throw a temper tantrum for 1D4 hours resulting in -2 on all combat rolls and -10% to all skill checks.

You, uh, didn't read the warning at all, didja?
The OP? That was funny.
This, this is mean spirited, also, not funny.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Meneliki »

13eowulf wrote:
Meneliki wrote:you forgot a special ability:

Entitlement: The whole world owes this character something! This character expects to get what they want and aren't pleased when they don't. +15% to all bargaining/persuade rolls. However if the character fails this roll, they are depressed, defeated and throw a temper tantrum for 1D4 hours resulting in -2 on all combat rolls and -10% to all skill checks.

You, uh, didn't read the warning at all, didja?
The OP? That was funny.
This, this is mean spirited, also, not funny.

The whole thread is in jest. It's not meant to be serious. If you're offended by it, that's on you. Nobody here (as far as I can tell) is setting out to offend anyone, and neither am I.
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Meneliki wrote:
13eowulf wrote:
Meneliki wrote:you forgot a special ability:

Entitlement: The whole world owes this character something! This character expects to get what they want and aren't pleased when they don't. +15% to all bargaining/persuade rolls. However if the character fails this roll, they are depressed, defeated and throw a temper tantrum for 1D4 hours resulting in -2 on all combat rolls and -10% to all skill checks.

You, uh, didn't read the warning at all, didja?
The OP? That was funny.
This, this is mean spirited, also, not funny.

The whole thread is in jest. It's not meant to be serious. If you're offended by it, that's on you. Nobody here (as far as I can tell) is setting out to offend anyone, and neither am I.

:?: :rolleyes: :idea: :ok: :sleep:
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Meneliki wrote:you forgot 2 special abilities:

Entitlement: The whole world owes this character something! This character expects to get what they want and aren't pleased when they don't. +15% to all bargaining/persuade rolls. However if the character fails this roll, they are depressed, defeated and throw a temper tantrum for 1D4 hours resulting in -2 on all combat rolls and -10% to all skill checks.

Phone Affinity: +15% on all lore checks while in possession of a smartphone. Severe anxiety if not in possession of a smartphone - combat bonuses removed, skills halved.

Entitlement is not necessary as the original post already addresses the conflict of viewpoints between Millennials and the "elder generations" that would lead one to believe Millennials are entitled. If I make that a class feature, then I this OCC can be rightfully accused of being cruel and offensive. If instead, I leave it up to interpretation (as it truly is in the real world) then it allows for great social tension between Millennials and non-Millennials that can be explored in game. Additionally, Millennials already get a hefty bonus to Barter, and have the possibility of having mood disorders based on social acceptance. To add to that would turn this from satire to bullying, which was never my intention.

Phone Affinity is not necessary as the Millennial mindset is not technology dependent and therefore applicable to characters who may not have access to such a device. Also, tech addiction is not limited to the young, nor even an inherent problem for those who are young.

Now, you are welcome to make "entitlement" and "tech addiction" into insanities that may affect a Millennial character, just as they may affect a Crazy or any other character who starts with or inherits an insanity, but I do not believe that they are elements inherent to all Millennials.

I understand the intended humor behind some of the suggestions that have been made, but it is important to remember where the line is between jest and jerk. Mack has allowed this post to remain open and available to people because I have thus far respected that line to the best of my ability and understanding. Should I or any commenter cross that line, this post will disappear and I will likely be asked never to post such themes again. I would like to avoid that outcome because I sincerely believe that there is great roleplaying potential for OCCs such as this. While satirical, humorous, tongue-in-cheek, they are also balanced, believable, and very playable and add an element of levity that is missing from the standard fair while also providing unique insight into areas of our culture that we are quick to joke about, but slow to truly try to understand. So please, feel free to make any changes you wish to this OCC and any others I post when you use them in your own games, but try to respect the line between jest and jerk when commenting with suggested updates.
Thank you.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Riftmaker wrote:OK this was funny. I want to point out I was born in1980 so I clock in at a late model xer or an early model Millennial depending on who you ask myself.

I'd recommend adding a penalty to character interactions with there elders, and maybe a mention they can use TW items if they have enough PPE. Millennial's love toys. :)

Someone needs to do a savage rifts iconic framework for this.

I'm in the same boat. I'm either one of the youngest Gen X or one of the oldest Millennials, depending on who is drawing the line. That said, and I know you can relate, I have a unique perspective in that I can understand both camps well enough to translate, while not really fitting in with either. That is part of why I felt comfortable tackling this project. I felt I could tease it just enough that non-Millennials would enjoy it, yet provide just enough irony that Millennials could appreciate it without offense. At no time did I plan to bully anyone or make them feel bad.
I like your suggestion for TW use, I may have to include that, though their 'slightly higher than normal' PPE should cover that.
As for penalties to interactions with elders - I don't think that is necessary. I already included it as a social dynamic in the description. I am hesitant to make it a mechanic as it could be viewed as a crossing of the line. But again, individual GMs may do with it what they like.
Thanks again for your feedback!
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by eliakon »

I would like to point out that the OCC is also really useful for presenting exactly this mentality in other settings.
Anywhere you have a generation or group who feel alienated by the proceeding groups, who feel that they are getting a raw deal and that deal with it by coping in this way.

Elven children after the great war.
Demigods who are held to literally divine standards of perfection by the mortals, yet are seen as lowly mortals by the gods.
the first generation of mutant psychic survivors after the cataclysm.

Don't be boxed in with your preconception. Don't look at it as only something that must be used to critique, or poke fun, or social commentary...
Make it something that lives and use it.
Or you know, don't. It's up to you really.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

eliakon wrote:I would like to point out that the OCC is also really useful for presenting exactly this mentality in other settings.
Anywhere you have a generation or group who feel alienated by the proceeding groups, who feel that they are getting a raw deal and that deal with it by coping in this way.

Elven children after the great war.
Demigods who are held to literally divine standards of perfection by the mortals, yet are seen as lowly mortals by the gods.
the first generation of mutant psychic survivors after the cataclysm.

Don't be boxed in with your preconception. Don't look at it as only something that must be used to critique, or poke fun, or social commentary...
Make it something that lives and use it.
Or you know, don't. It's up to you really.

I like this. Not everybody sets out with noble or cunning intentions to be the best in a given profession(scholarship, science, military, etc.), to change the world. Some are reacting to what came before, or they feel adrift and at the whim of tides of history they had no part in creating. Some folks feel that reaping the whirlwind set in motion by previous generations isn't an onus that should be falling on their shoulders. Others feel the burden should be kicked down the road another generation while they find some island of stability for themselves. Others acknowledge that they stand on the shoulders of giants, but wonder why the giants greased their shoulder pads. Others seek frontiers that seem that much further away for the advances in science proving just how far qaway those frontiers really are. Others are afraid that if previous generations went through hell to become the 'greatest generations', what kind of hellstorm is going to challenge their own if they're to earn a similarly salutary title in the history books?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

taalismn wrote:
eliakon wrote:I would like to point out that the OCC is also really useful for presenting exactly this mentality in other settings.
Anywhere you have a generation or group who feel alienated by the proceeding groups, who feel that they are getting a raw deal and that deal with it by coping in this way.

Elven children after the great war.
Demigods who are held to literally divine standards of perfection by the mortals, yet are seen as lowly mortals by the gods.
the first generation of mutant psychic survivors after the cataclysm.

Don't be boxed in with your preconception. Don't look at it as only something that must be used to critique, or poke fun, or social commentary...
Make it something that lives and use it.
Or you know, don't. It's up to you really.

I like this. Not everybody sets out with noble or cunning intentions to be the best in a given profession(scholarship, science, military, etc.), to change the world. Some are reacting to what came before, or they feel adrift and at the whim of tides of history they had no part in creating. Some folks feel that reaping the whirlwind set in motion by previous generations isn't an onus that should be falling on their shoulders. Others feel the burden should be kicked down the road another generation while they find some island of stability for themselves. Others acknowledge that they stand on the shoulders of giants, but wonder why the giants greased their shoulder pads. Others seek frontiers that seem that much further away for the advances in science proving just how far qaway those frontiers really are. Others are afraid that if previous generations went through hell to become the 'greatest generations', what kind of hellstorm is going to challenge their own if they're to earn a similarly salutary title in the history books?

This is fantastic! I'm so glad you guys not only get it, but embrace it.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

Father Goose wrote:[

This is fantastic! I'm so glad you guys not only get it, but embrace it.

Why not? For some of us it's a form of narcissism to roleplay a character as conflicted in the same ways as ourselves. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Has anyone here play tested this O.C.C. yet? If so, how did it go?
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by tsh77769 »


I do NOT live in my mothers basement! SHE LIVES IN MY UPSTAIRS!

I'm her vegan meal planner, organic grocery sourcing agent, and recycling consultant! I SAVE LIVES!

I bet you drive a combustion vehicle!! PLANET KILLER!!

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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

tsh77769 wrote:I bet you drive a combustion vehicle!! PLANET KILLER!!


I am Shiiva, User of Plastic Bags, Destroyer of Worlds.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: For Your Amusement, I Present: The Millennial O.C.C.

Unread post by abe »

12% should have comic book lore as a skill.
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