Why should I attend Open House?

For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

I been into Palladium for years and a huge fan. I sadly have never had the chance to attend the Open House. I try to attend one convention a year, either gaming, sci fi, or horror. From those who have attended in the past, why should I go to Open House? Is it really worth the trip from Florida to come up to Michigan for it? I would love to make this my con of the year for 2018, but I just not sure if it is worth the cost for the trip. Please sell me on it.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, the obvious selling point is the chance to meet the people who make the games you like. The whole Palladium brain trust is usually there and quite accessible. You can pick up out of print stuff, new stuff, etc.

But why I go is specifically to role play. Almost all of their game systems are represented in some game or another. IF you enjoy playing in the Palladium system, it's easily the best place to do so.

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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Jack Burton »

Having never been to an Open House at Palladium, I may not be the best guy to comment on this. I'm not quite sure what to expect, other than games, Games and GAMES! One thing I am sure of is that the experience of playing games with their creators in the literal birthplace and heart of the Megaverse will be an unforgettable one!

I'd also like to pick up some pointers from way more experienced folks to help me learn how to GM, so that's my secondary reason.

Lastly, I'm very excited at the prospect of meeting others who share the same interest in Palladium games as I do.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

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A chance to play a game that Kevin himself GM's? Even if you only sit and watch the game, it can be fun just doing that. I've done both and loved it! Another one is meeting fans of the Palladium system from not just the US, but from all over the world! I've meet guys from Europe and, I think it was South America.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

I appreciate all the feedback. Outside of gaming, do they run panels and Q&As as well? My wife would be coming with me and while she may play in one or two games, she actually more into panels and discussing gaming at conventions.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

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I heard they do have panels. It sounds like you and I are in similar situations. My wife is also coming with me to the Open House. She IS NOT a gamer at all, of any kind, although I'm sure she'll be a good sport and join in on a session or two like yours. I'm actually kind of nervous she's going to be bored out of her mind for four days.

Prior to the event, I'm going to sit down with her and explain some basics like rolling to use skills, combat mechanics and determining damage. She ought to have a rudimentary idea of what to expect so she won't feel too uncomfortable. Knowing her, I'm fairly sure she won't want to take the time to do that at home. I'm envisioning her "Introduction to RPGs" class taking place on the flight to Detroit!
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. I've been to two Open Houses (2010 and 2015, I think), though I will not be attending the one for 2018 (unless I win the lottery or something, finances won't allow it). The two I attended both had panels. During those two (and I attended all 4 days both times), I've only played in one game (because my wife wanted to be in a game together). The rest of the time I spent watching panel talks and talking to other people. If you want to fit in every panel, you'll have trouble getting in any games (I'm a gamer, but this is usually my category during attendance). The one game I played in resulted in me missing most of one of the panels. And if you play nonstop, you'll have trouble seeing any panels. But the day is long, and you still have time to do some of both.

I believe there was one or two Q&A panels both times, but I can't recall for sure. There's also game design, G.M. advice, and lots of other stuff. I don't know for sure what panels will be held this year, as that can change. Sometimes those panel talks can also get distracted and end up talking about something else almost entirely. I think a couple panel talks may have been canceled due to only like 2 people showing up (but there have been panel talks with small groups as well) or the person hosting it losing track of time (and not realizing it until later). Hopefully that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

Thankfully mine is a gamer, though inexperienced and more into World of Darkness games. She is extremely limited in her Palladium experience though probably going to get a crash course soon enough.

Thanks for the info Prysus. I completely understand the finances, which is why I am trying to see if it is worth the trip up. I know for myself I would enjoy. My concern is my wife not going insane with not much to do. Hopefully some info about panels and scheduling will be released soon enough for me to make a decision.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, I've been to all of the Open Houses, and at each one there have been panel discussions. There are auctions, and there is a costume contest. At least, there always has been. And, it's wall to wall games.

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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Warwolf »

The short answer is, because you are a huge fan of Palladium Books. If that doesn't suffice, read on.

I can tell you that the Open House is what got me into writing for Palladium. I can tell you that I've made life-long friends because of the Open House. I can tell you that one of the most humbling and powerful experiences in my life took place at an Open House. I can tell you how magical it seems to be in the place where dreams are designed and built from the ground-up. I can tell you that meeting Kev and the crew is amazing (and for me was life-altering). I can tell you that the Open House is more like a family reunion with people you actually want to be around. But, you see, words don't really do it justice. The Open House is an experience.

There's something about walking into a building with 300 or so people from all over the country (and world), from all walks of life, and knowing that you all have at least a few common interests that makes the environment so friggin' inviting. I know that our fans sometimes get a bad rap with some of the bickering and other foolishness that goes on here and at other venues on the internet. But, with a VERY few exceptions I've found them to be terrific people in person who welcome one-another and tend to fall into conversation like old friends.

Also keep in mind that there will be other "non-gamer spouses" there who tend to congregate and hang out while chatting all things geeky. Heck, I'm still waiting to see if my girlfriend is going to come this year and she hasn't played an RPG since original D&D. There are also panels, an auction, and a costume contest every year, as Prysus mentioned. So, from someone who has been to GenCon, the Open House, and a number of small, local conventions, I'll recommend the Open House to a Palladium fan any day. I have yet to miss one and it's still hands-down my favorite convention after more than a decade.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

Thanks for the response Warwolf. That really helps me with making my decision. Right now, I am torn between Open House or a horror movie convention. Considering now my wife is very excited about Open House thanks to all the posts, Open House more than likely will be what we do.
Thank you to all who has provided me with their input.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Reelman »

Gotta chime in here:

Hanging out for 3/4 days with fellow fans of all things Palladium books is enough right there.

Meeting Kevin and watching and maybe even playing in a game he runs.

Those fellow fans will develop into friends, one of my lifelong friends Mr. Warwolf mentioned this, if not for the Open House I would not have those deep friendships with dozens of other fans.

Some of the best Palladium games and GMs you could ever hope to play with.

Need more....

The Auction is an Epic good time!

Just about everything Palladium Books related you would want to read, fawn over and wear are available.

A grand tour of the offices and seeing where the magic happens!

The super cool vibe the warehouse has during the Open House.

Late night gaming and talks at the hotel(s).

Getting to meet and hang out the amazing freelance writers and artists!

The Open House does not happen every year which makes it extra special when it does.

Did I mention the awesome panels, no, ok the awesome panels, from every angle, artists, writers, Kevin telling stories, GMing tips and techniques, etc, etc, etc.

Too many people have said it and I don't claim credit for saying first but I do repeat it "Its like a family reunion with people you actually want to spend time with and like". I have heard that said in various ways dozens if not hundreds of times at the Open House.

It is a big commitment and quiet a haul from Florida but I promise you this, you will have an amazing time, play some awesome games, meet some outstanding people, get WAY to little sleep, and hate for it to end!

While my wife is a gamer and nerd in her own right, she is not a hard core gamer and except for the Open House in 2009 when she was 10 days postpartum she has joined me for everyone and had an amazing time. She loves the panels, she has life long friends she met at the OH, enjoys a game or two, fawns over Jason Richards for some crazy reason, and encourages me to bid beyond my budget on auction items!

So really long story short, come to the Open House, its worth it! Hope to see you there!
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Reelman wrote:Gotta chime in here:

Hanging out for 3/4 days with fellow fans of all things Palladium books is enough right there.

Meeting Kevin and watching and maybe even playing in a game he runs.

Those fellow fans will develop into friends, one of my lifelong friends Mr. Warwolf mentioned this, if not for the Open House I would not have those deep friendships with dozens of other fans.

Some of the best Palladium games and GMs you could ever hope to play with.

Need more....

The Auction is an Epic good time!

Just about everything Palladium Books related you would want to read, fawn over and wear are available.

A grand tour of the offices and seeing where the magic happens!

The super cool vibe the warehouse has during the Open House.

Late night gaming and talks at the hotel(s).

Getting to meet and hang out the amazing freelance writers and artists!

The Open House does not happen every year which makes it extra special when it does.

Did I mention the awesome panels, no, ok the awesome panels, from every angle, artists, writers, Kevin telling stories, GMing tips and techniques, etc, etc, etc.

Too many people have said it and I don't claim credit for saying first but I do repeat it "Its like a family reunion with people you actually want to spend time with and like". I have heard that said in various ways dozens if not hundreds of times at the Open House.

It is a big commitment and quiet a haul from Floida but I promise you this, you will have an amazing time, play some awesome games, meet some outstanding people, get WAY to little sleep, and hate for it to end!

While my wife is a gamer and nerd in her own right, she is not a hard core gamer and except for the Open House in 2009 when she was 10 days postpartum she has joined me for everyone and had an amazing time. She loves the panels, she has life long friends she met at the OH, enjoys a game or two, fawns over Jason Richards for some crazy reason, and encourages me to bid beyond my budget on auction items!

So really long story short, come to the Open House, its worth it! Hope to see you there!

Another item to add- watching, or if you are really lucky, playing in a game that is run by GM extraordinaire James Brown....
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Reelman »

zyanitevp wrote:
Reelman wrote:Gotta chime in here:

Hanging out for 3/4 days with fellow fans of all things Palladium books is enough right there.

Meeting Kevin and watching and maybe even playing in a game he runs.

Those fellow fans will develop into friends, one of my lifelong friends Mr. Warwolf mentioned this, if not for the Open House I would not have those deep friendships with dozens of other fans.

Some of the best Palladium games and GMs you could ever hope to play with.

Need more....

The Auction is an Epic good time!

Just about everything Palladium Books related you would want to read, fawn over and wear are available.

A grand tour of the offices and seeing where the magic happens!

The super cool vibe the warehouse has during the Open House.

Late night gaming and talks at the hotel(s).

Getting to meet and hang out the amazing freelance writers and artists!

The Open House does not happen every year which makes it extra special when it does.

Did I mention the awesome panels, no, ok the awesome panels, from every angle, artists, writers, Kevin telling stories, GMing tips and techniques, etc, etc, etc.

Too many people have said it and I don't claim credit for saying first but I do repeat it "Its like a family reunion with people you actually want to spend time with and like". I have heard that said in various ways dozens if not hundreds of times at the Open House.

It is a big commitment and quiet a haul from Florida but I promise you this, you will have an amazing time, play some awesome games, meet some outstanding people, get WAY to little sleep, and hate for it to end!

While my wife is a gamer and nerd in her own right, she is not a hard core gamer and except for the Open House in 2009 when she was 10 days postpartum she has joined me for everyone and had an amazing time. She loves the panels, she has life long friends she met at the OH, enjoys a game or two, fawns over Jason Richards for some crazy reason, and encourages me to bid beyond my budget on auction items!

So really long story short, come to the Open House, its worth it! Hope to see you there!

Another item to add- watching, or if you are really lucky, playing in a game that is run by GM extraordinaire James Brown....

How would you know, don't ever recall you sitting at my table! Seriously you are too kind and leave me a bit :oops: There are tons to great GMs and I hear you are pretty impressive yourself.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Warwolf stole my original statement, about the family reunion.

Palladium is in my blood. I long to hang with my brothers and sisters!

I was just looking through my photos from GenCon and thinking "I can't wait to see these guys at the Open House!"

There's only one thing I can complain about with the Open House.. It's only 4 days long!
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I will also agree with Mike and Mark. The Open House is the time when I get to see
my Palladium Family and see the fans and remember why we work so hard at what we
do. I love every minute I'm been at the Open Houses (accept the time I got locked
out of my hotel room) for the evening. No other company as far as I know does this,
let's you see behind the curtain so to speak. Come on down and enjoy the fun.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

Thank you all for your responses. I had actually decided to go to Open House and was on way to buy tickets next week and book rooms until I found out my wife is pregnant and due late June/early July. Sadly, I will not be able to attend now. I am a bit bummed about missing out but overly excited about the pregnancy. Hopefully whenever Kevin and the Palladium crew hosts another one, I can attend.
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by Warwolf »

kennethk wrote:Thank you all for your responses. I had actually decided to go to Open House and was on way to buy tickets next week and book rooms until I found out my wife is pregnant and due late June/early July. Sadly, I will not be able to attend now. I am a bit bummed about missing out but overly excited about the pregnancy. Hopefully whenever Kevin and the Palladium crew hosts another one, I can attend.

Congrats on the kiddo, Kenneth. One does have to keep his priorities in order, so we fully understand a rain-check in this instance. Best of luck!
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Re: Why should I attend Open House?

Unread post by kennethk »

Warwolf wrote:
kennethk wrote:Thank you all for your responses. I had actually decided to go to Open House and was on way to buy tickets next week and book rooms until I found out my wife is pregnant and due late June/early July. Sadly, I will not be able to attend now. I am a bit bummed about missing out but overly excited about the pregnancy. Hopefully whenever Kevin and the Palladium crew hosts another one, I can attend.

Congrats on the kiddo, Kenneth. One does have to keep his priorities in order, so we fully understand a rain-check in this instance. Best of luck!

Thanks Warwolf, this will be number 6. My wife told me I could go by myself to Open House, but I declined. I couldnt leave her alone. Hopefully someone will live stream parts of Open House so I can enjoy from a distance.
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