You keep saying these WP exist, but we know they don't, and there is some indication of a pattern to use the existing ones to guide us.
For example, when Chi Hsuan Men says "W.P. Blunt: Uses White Jade Fan" and "W.P. Pair
Weapons: Uses White Jade Fan - Paired". This is pointed out because it's a case where there isn't an obvious answer, someone might not understand it falls under blunt. But it isn't necessarily a kata with all blunt weapons, it is telling us a kata with paired fans that use WP blunt bonuses.
In the case of others:
*Assassin giving WP Dagger (obviously referring to WP Knife, even says it 'includes knives')
*Choy-Li-Fut giving Spear (Pa-Kua Lance), Short Sword (Willow Leaf Double Sword), Staff (Eighteen). They are with specific weapons only, but they use the generic skill.
*Fu-Chiao Pai giving WP Claws kata is one example I'll give isn't clearly spelled out. Luckily Rifts players know that Claws can defualt to WP Knife. Though lacking that I can see reason to possibly think it's WP Forked.
*Hwarang-Do giving WP Short Stick. Presumably falls under WP Blunt since it is not explicitly a staff.
*Isshin Ryu giving WP Bo Staff. Presumably falls under WP Staff.
*Ninjutsu's "Ninja Sword" is probably WP Small Sword. Per it was a short sword.
*Ninjutsu's Kusari-Gama, Kyoketsu-Shoge and Manriki-Gusari I think all fell under WP Chain.
*Ninjutsu's WP Staff was limited to the Shikomi-Zue Hidden Blade Staff*
*Te's WP Bo Staff (obv. Staff) or Sai (obv. Forked) or Nunchaku (obv. Chain)
*Wui Wing Chun's WP Bo Staff (obv. Staff)
*Wu Shu's WP cudgels (obv. blunt) WP scimitars (obv. small sword) or WP Broadswords (obv. large sword) or WP Daggers (obv. knife) or WP meteor hammers (obv. blunt) or WP three-sectional staff (obv. staff) or WP darts (obv. Throw). Admittedly I'm a bit out for rope, whips, and hooks though.
**As for why you would turn sword "WP swords (paired)", I think that means that you cannot perform the kata if you have only 1 sword, so that's a downside. Since there is a WP broadswords (PAIRED) and no actual WP Sword in N&SS, it's logical to take this to mean paired Small Swords (the aforementioned scimitars).
*Zanji as mentioned before, Katana is Large Sword, Wakizashi is Small Sword, Daisho is them paired, Bokken is blunt, Bo Staff is Staff, Naginata is polearm.
If Eric Wujcik thought this was a problem we couldn't figure out then I think he would've included them as new WP skills in Mystic China.
Page 123 mentions that Kobo-Jutsu (Weapon Kata) is 'good for one WP only' and that it 'gives the character full WP with the weapon named'.
This does NOT mean that the 'full WP with the weapon named' has to be a WP skill with the same name as the weapon kata. It could simply mean that, while you can only use the kata with the named weapon, you get whatever WP skill is appropriate for that class of weapon.