Forums of the Megaverse® Rules

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Re: Forums of the Megaverse® Rules Part 2

Unread post by NMI »

These were once a part of the Forum of the Megaverse rules, but got misplaced/deleted.

Sig Image Rules wrote:What are the Signature Image Rules?
BBCode img tags only are permitted, no html.
Images must be no larger than 250K in file size. Width max is 600 pixels, Height max is 200 pixels.
Note: Multiple images must follow these limits when combined.
Example: Images with widths of 300 & 400 would equal 700.
To verify the size of your image:
*In Netscape you can download it and open in a imaging program.
*In IE just click properties. It will show you height width etc.
If you combine text and images, the entire sig must fit in a box 600 wide by 240 tall. That leaves about 2 lines of text in addition to an image 200 pixels tall
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Re: Forums of the Megaverse® Rules

Unread post by NMI »

In order to put a current issue to rest

Necro-Posting wrote: [modified] The act of posting in a forum thread that has served it's purpose.
Usually by new, inexperienced members of the board.

A common trait of someone necroposting is not to only bring one old thread back from the last page before deletion, but to fill up the entire first page with threads that only they seem to think have relevance to anything.

Necro-Posting is an annoying act throughout the interwebs. In some places it may be more sociably accepted than others. Here on the Palladium Books - Forums of the Megaverse, it is not. Until such a time that we, the moderation team have the ability to auto-lock topics, we ask that you refrain from necroposting.

If a topic is 12 months old [based on the last post, not the first], please start a new topic and if you need to, either:
  1. Quote the original topic and/or
  2. link to the original topic
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Re: Forums of the Megaverse® Rules

Unread post by NMI »

These rules are subject to change at Palladium Books and the Moderation Team discretion.
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Re: Forums of the Megaverse® Rules

Unread post by Mack »

Pedantic Quibbling

Pedantic Quibbling is when a debate devolves into meaningless word games. While citing a word's definition may occasionally be warranted, needless bickering over the meaning of words or phrases is not.

Likewise, when discussing something common, trying to needlessly complicate the conversation by bringing up unlikely edge-cases is rarely productive. For example, if the conversation mentions horses, then asking about unicorn-zebras is unlikely to materially contribute to the discussion.

Both of these examples fall into the category of Pedantic Quibbling, and will be addressed by the Moderators as a potential rules violation. However, these two examples are not all inclusive. It's the behavior that's important.

And for irony's sake:
Pedant -
a: one who makes a show of knowledge
b: one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge
c: a formalist or precisionist in teaching

a: to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words
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Re: Forums of the Megaverse® Rules

Unread post by NMI »

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Adventurer ... 400
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Champion ... 1600
Knight ... 3200
Palladin ... 6400
Monk ... 12800
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Mage ... 51200
Diabolist ... 102400
Alchemist ... 204800
Sage ... 409600
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