Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Nightbreed »

Cool start. Looking forward to more as it comes!

Thank you! i was wondering for a bit if anyone was even interested. :D

December 25, 2098

Video/Audio log: "Well, i guess we've all been VERY bad boys and girls because Santa has given us this lovely gift, THE FREAKIN APOCALYPSE!!!! *momentary pause and silence* Sorry, Jake Summers here and it's been a rough 3 days since i last spoke into this thing. On the 22nd i got to city of Moshannon Pennsylvania and man the place was in utter chaos. Luckily thru all the confusion i was able to get some supplies, and gear as well as a spare weapon and a change of clothes (man is this water cold!!!!!) . (i check the gun i had, kept jamming as i tried it out without the clip in of course.) Only thing to really talk about is that as i was on my out of town i saw a bunch of people ganging up on this kid and her i guess sister? Well, the kid's skin was jet black and the woman with him had black hair with i guess silver streaks. Seems that they thought they were some kinda monster or something. Well as much as i wanted to just turn and walk away, i don't like 20-1 odds and a can't stand bullies. I head toward them and as i do, this.... i dunno, hole opens up in mid air right between them and a bunch of these tall ugly things pop out and start attacking everyone. I don't know how to describe them, other than them being nearly 8-9ft tall with pointy teeth and some of them i swear looks like they have bionic parts. Not all in the same place and some have multiples. Well they start tearing into the townsfolk and as one came toward me i look at i freak out, i put up my hand telling it to stop and all of a sudden this...bolt i guess you could call it shoots out from me and hits it. It staggers before it recovers and then the boy and the woman tag team on it. The kid has some weird shadowy power and the woman starts glowing and wings pop out of her back and sliced off it's arm, Well it runs away and then we decide to do the same. Those things were on us in minutes but the woman grabs the kid and flies away. I start running and i tried to hold it off, but bullets bounce right off them. I think i'm going to die, then my head starts pounding and as i fight this shimmering light forms in my hand and i swear that it looks like a sword. No lie and even more it hurts these things, si i start hacking away and take down 2 of them, before i start getting exhausted, but luckily my angel comes back and swoops down and picks me up. She can't fly too long as she says all this falling ash is getting to her (seems i was right about this not stopping anytime soon), but we got far. She does seem to fly fast. We get to the Ohio border in a few hours, but she wanted to avoid attention as much as possible. Well, she tells me that her name is Sera, short for Seraph. And the kid's name is Nightshade. She explains that a long time ago, Humans with aberrations were hunted and killed just because they were different. Mutants she calls them. Eventually humanity thought they were extinct and left it at that, but some survived by forming an "underground" society. They lived all on their own and the more "passable ones" according to her were left to do trading and get supplies when necessary. It was like something out of a sci-fi vid-book, but then again so's all this. When the wave hit some people died. They tried to go west undetected, but were found out when they used their abilities to help the town, well, they showed their appreciation and killed most of them. they were the last two left until those monsters appeared out of nowhere and attacked. She would have left me until she saw me use my abilities. Sera is now looking after 'shade (gotta come up with a more human name, but sera explains those were the names given to her by the elders of her group and i need her assistance now with this going on.) and we've been trying to just go somewhere to hold up till we figure out where to go. The blue lights are everywhere and i saw why while i was in the air. There are blue walls pulsing with some kind of energy and they're huge! Seems that they go by a few places, but not everywhere. Still, it's been interesting (and sera is so beautiful, man you have NO idea....) There seems to be something going on west of us, so we're heading there. We're mostly walking so we don't attract any attention. I'm still practicing my mind abilities and seem to be getting real good at it. I'll talk more if we find anything."
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice addition. Interesting how you linked Nightbane with it!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Nightbreed »

Aramanthus wrote:Nice addition. Interesting how you linked Nightbane with it!

Actually, they're not NBs as i didn't want to copy the original author of this thread. They're mutants. ("Underground society" i figured might have been a decent clue.) I'm currently playing a mix of HU and Chaos Earth and things are taking place right before the coming of the rifts. That's how i got the idea for the characters.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Oberoth »

Ok. I like this thread becuase it's in the same stitch as my recent post "Survivors of the apocalypse. How did they do it?" I'm not much of a writer but I'll give it a try. Forgive my spelling and grammer.:)

PROLOG: Mideast canada 102 P.A.

After many years of research Joe had finaly found it. The place where his great, great, great grandfather lived and died. He sat there in the lower levels of the excavation of what was once a Pre-apocolypse military base. All aroud him were trewn paper and toppled filing cabinets. Joe wasn't interested in these though. He was interested in the large safe at the back of the room. After cutting it open he peered inside. The excitement was palppable as he gazed at the contents. This was history. His history. A small collection of
books, pistol, small box, picture of a woman, His great, great, great grandma perhaps? And a small leather journal with the initials J.T. Joe wanted to grab everything and go. If a CS patrol happened apon him, he was as good as dead. But the odds of the CS being this far out was unlikely. Though he felt the urgency to leave, he felt more compelled to open the journal and read....

Jack Truman Personal diary entry tuesday december 22, 2098 Calgary Alberta.

I woke up this mourning to an earthquake. This scared the @#$% out of me first and then it suprised me. We haven't had an earthquake in this region in probably three hundred years, and even then it was; so I am told, only a slight tremor. This earthquake however was big. Real big. I barely had time to get out of my downtown apartment before it crumbled to pieces. So there I was in sweat pants, slippers and a T-shirt on a cold (-20C) December mourning. It's hard to describe the chaos that surrounded me. Everyware I looked there were crumbled buildings some ablaze and people in need of help. I could hear sirens in the distance
and that gave me hope.
I decided right then and there that I couldn't be much help to anyone. Many were franticly running around looking for loved ones. Others were simply standing there in shock. After putting the most horrifying sights and sounds to the back of my thoughts, I quickly made my way to my hover car. My regular parking spot was a tangled mess of rubble, and I was lucky that it was taken the previous night as I had to park further down the block. My spare key was hidden in a magnetic storage case under the car. I opened the trunk and got my extra jacket and emergency kit. Once in the car I warmed up and turned the
radio on.
I listened to the reports for a while, unable to believe what I was hearing. Apparantly this was not an isolated event. Contact with the eastern and western coasts was cut off completely. I turned up the tint on all my windows when I saw the rioters and looters appear, I drove out of there as guickly as I could. For the next few hours I just huddled in my car, hoping that help would arrive. By mid afternoon it had started to snow. But after a more carefull look I noticed the snow was actualy ash. Before the radio turned to static
they reported that multiple volcano's had erupted across the globe and hot ash was decending appon the entire nation. Is this the end of the world? I thought.
The next thing I'm going to describe is unbelievable. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. As it began to get dark I could see a large wall of energy. When I say big, I mean Kilometers tall and going as far as the eye could see. Every part of this "wall" seemed to glow and spark with energy. Four or five of these things Converged downtown and what looked like an electrical storm erupted over the City. There was another earthquake and at that moment and I believe most of the downtown area was engufed by this "storm". Thankfully I was far from the downtown core when this happened. Tomorrow I'm Going to try
to find some supplies and head for Red Deer where my sister lives. I hope she's alright.

Joe was startled off reading when Jogh tapped him on the shoulder.
"Joe we should get going. we have many new texts to study now."
Jogh was Joes best friend. A humanoid D-Bee of unknown origin, even to Jogh himself. He loved finding books and learning. Perhaps more than Joe.
"Yes my friend. Go get the horses ready. I'll be up in a minute."
Joe collected the contents of the safe and turned to leave. He gave the quarters of his
ancestor one last look, then made his way to the surface.

Tell me what you think of my first entry on this thread. :)
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

They were both great. Some different points of view of the same event are always enjoyable to read. Keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Nightbreed »

Forgive my spelling and grammer.:)

It's ok, you did fine, nice twist on the beginning having an descendant find his ancestor's stuff. :ok:

I'll try to post another entry soon, doing some research so as i can connect the past with the future so to speak. 8)
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Jogh turned from the horses when he heard the tell-tail hum of a CS skycycle. It came in quickly and stopped right next to him.
"Stop right there mutant! Or I'll blow your head back to the dimesion you came from!"
Jogh raised his hands. The skycycle rider appeared to be alone. At least for the moment.
CS personel rarely traveled without some back up.
"What are you doing here creton?"
Jogh figured he should play 'The dumb D-Bee' and replied in broken inglish.
"I is...I is wait'n for the Furry Beetles herd. 'An go'n to pop one for the trade"
The soldier dismounted his cycle but didn't take his pistole off Jogh.
"I see you have two horses with saddles here, where's your buddy?"
Jogh gestured to the horse with his left hand, which was still raised.
"I gone and got it from the trade days passed. Jogh friends here."
With the pistol still pointed at Jogh the man began to rummage through
Jogh's saddle bags.
"Lookie what we have here. a whole bag of contraband. I'm far from my
territory but I can still shoot you dead for this."
Jogh tensed and waited for the inevitable shot. Just then the death's head
helmet exploded!

Jack Truman Personal diary entry tuesday december 23, 2098 Calgary Alberta.

The car was covered with a least six inches of ash when I awoke this mourning.
I had to get out the snow brush and clean it off. I tried to contact Judy on the video
phone in the car but it was no use, just a 'No Signal' screen. It was christmas eve day, and the world was ending. Anyone who survived the storm downtown was trying to make their way out of the city.
I realized that going back to get any supplies wasn't a good idea. I'd have to find some on the way to Red Deer. All around me most of the four wheeled vehicles were getting stuck in the ash, especialy the air breathing types. My hover car was brand new, and the nuclular thermionic power supply was good for many years to come. It also wasn't an air breather either, but I had to get out periodicly to clean the crusted ash from the heat radiators.
An hour later I was alone on the highway, except for a few abandoned cars. I stopped at the first fuel station I came apon, hoping to stock up on whatever I could carry with me. It was a fairly average road side stop. There would be food and water inside I hoped. It looked abandoned to me but I wasn't going to take any chance that there was a crazy employee holed up in there, willing to shoot me to protect his stash.
I whent to the trunk and got the old service pistole grandpa willed to me when he passed on in 2088. It was one of my prized posessions. I didn't want to send it in the moving truck to calgary. Before all this happened I was a criminal lawyer and had just got a new job in Calgary. Three days in Calgary and I had lost everything! I approached the front of the station with great apprehension. The cold air sting my lungs and my finger tensed on the trigger. My gut tied in knotts at the thought of shooting somone. But I needed some supplies. The emergency kit in the car was used up and I was getting hungry. I took a deep breath and checked the door. It was locked. I swore under my breath then worked up the nerve to get closer to the glass. I cupped my hands around my face to see inside. It really did seem to be empty.
With a small sigh of relief I turned to look for somthing to smash it with. After sifting through the ash for a while I found a metal bar. With one hard blow to the glass, the bar shattered the window. I looked around to see if the noise had alerted anyone to my presence, but I was still alone with only falling ash for company. Once inside I searched the entire place, again I was still alone. The power was out, and so was the heat. I checked the taps too, to no avail. I grabbed as many frozen water bottles and prepackaged sandwiches as I could and whent back to the car. With the supplies stowed in the trunk, I set out to Red Deer again. I had to get to Judy's........

Joe set down the little leather journal and rubbed his eyes. Reading by the dim light of a fire was making him very tired. He looked at Jogh. His friend was sleeping quite soundly now. After Shooting the CS soldier earlier with his Wilk's 447, he and Jogh Hightailed it deeper into the wilderness. After bushwacking all day they finally set up camp in a small clearing.
He pulled out the pistol he got from the safe and examined it. It was a Brigadier .45 pistol. Joe had read about the old army of Canada and knew it was once a standard side arm for officers. Was this the pistol Jack mentioned in the journal? There was no way to know for sure. That was a question for a later time. For now Joe would sleep.

Tell me what you think of this story so far everyone.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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its very good wants some more :-D
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Yes, very entertaining! Please keep them all coming!!!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Nightbreed »

Good story, i would have taken the CS sidearm at least, the cycle probably has a GPS type of tracker so it can be tracked. (As much as i hate the CS i came up with a tracker of sorts for their vehicles, but it was years ago, so the details elude me) I look forward to more stories. :ok:

As for my story, here's the latest installment, sorry for the wait.

December 27, 2098

Video/Audio Log: "Jake Summers here. Wow, this has been a very interesting day. I have got to tell you, Ohio is a lost cause. I was drawn toward the valley and nearly would up lost in this bluish fog that seems to have enveloped most of Ohio, if it weren't for Sera. I kept hearing this strange voice in my head, drawing me further and further into Ohio. The Blue lines are EVERYWHERE here!!! Anyways the voice kept getting louder and louder and i was drawn to it, we traveled and even had a few encounters along the way. The first one was when a ... i guess for the lack of a better word, portal opened up and some kind of animal abomination strode out of it, i mean it was as if a deer was rearranged molecule by molecule and given a set of arms and a long serpentine neck with spines and a reptilian head with razor sharp teeth. Top it off with a small thorny tail and there you have it. Well, it tried to kill us and nearly did even with all of our abilities. It was fast and i swear kinda shocked to see us until we were saved by a pointy eared Tarzan!!! It popped out of the same portal and jumped on it's back with a knife that i swear was GLOWING!!!! Well, of course that seemed to change the battle and with his help we killed the thing. Afterwards though, he was about to go back when the portal closed and then he looked aty us saying stuff in some language i never heard of. Sera and 'Shade also had no clue. It took us some time to get the guy to not attack us outright. It kinda helped that it was very cold and he started shivering seeing as all he had on was a loincloth to go with his knife and bow and arrows. We had some clothes to spare. Well, i got him to come with us, though we couldn't understand what he was saying. I read his mind though (i can do that now as well, it's soooo cool!!!!) all i got was images of a jungle and a whole village of others like him along with other creatures like the one we killed and what i swear looked like goblins.) I don't think he was from around here and well, even with the mind read i still couldn't understand him. He tried to tell us his name, but only part i understood was "Ed" so that's what we're calling him for now. I'm just glad the spare shoes we had fir, this ash is starting to pile up and i did mention that it's cold. Well back we went toward that nagging voice in my head. We almost got there, when one night i was apparently walking in my sleep, Sera stopped me, but had to almost tie me down to do so. Once i snapped out of it, she explained what happened. I agreed that maybe we should choose another direction. So south by southeast we went away from the ohio valley. Man, portals kept opening up alot at times and i swear one time for a brief bit i could have sworn i saw a real live DRAGON fly out of one!!! I mean scales and all, Ed was deathly afraid and kept motioning for us to be still. One quick mindscan and i saw that apparently where he comes from, the dragons are somewhat revered and sometimes just downright brutal. Guess they're not as cool as the ren fair made it out to be. Luckily it just flew away. Other times it portals just popped open for a second then shut one time i saw one stay open for a while, but Sera thought we should keep moving. Good thing too, a few minutes after we left, from a distance we saw some people run out of it and before we could even consider meeting them, a huge lizard thing just popped out right behind them and proceeded to chase them and eat them. We figured it was just best to keep going before we got noticed. Well, we just got out of the fogged area a while ago and i think we're in Kentucky just north of a place called Charters. We've been traveling all night and i am extremely tired. I regret now saying how life was boring a month ago. This was not what i meant by livening things up a bit!!!!! *groans* I'll tell more in another day or so, at least there's four of us now, even if we can't understand one of them."

Hope it was worth the wait, any comments or questions, don't hesitate to ask. :D
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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keep them coming all very good.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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December 28,2098

Video/Audio Log: "Wow, i have got to say, i never thought that i would actually get a peaceful sleep ever since hell arrived on Earth a week ago. Jake Summers here again, and yesterday we camped within the Kentucky borders north of Charters. Me, Sera, 'Shade and our new pal Ed Who i still find it hard to believe that he may be an actual elf!!! The ears are REAL!!! wow!!) Listen to me, acting like a kid again..... Anyways, as we got toward Charters i saw NEMA vehicles and personnel by the town and it looked like something was going on. Well, a closer look and we saw that they were dealing with 2 people, one man and one woman, at gunpoint. I thought they were going to just shoot them and almost did, but then the one guy waved his cane and some sort of shield went up. Then the gunfight was in full earnest! Well, Sera wasn't hearing any of it, but me being the pillar of reason (man have i changed....) warned her about charging in on anything before we knew more. As we argued 'Shade suggested that me and her go there first and he and Ed will flank around doing a bit more recon. He even illustrated it and somehow Ed understood. Sera couldn't argue with that logic, but i wanted to get even more info before going anywhere and see if i can use my mental powers to try and understand what was going on. So we got to a safe place and i worked on concentrating as i reached out. Seems i did more than that as i swear i rose out of my body, i was freaked out at first as i saw ALOT more than what was going on, almost swore i heard that voice again, but i put that all out and went toward them. Seems that the town was taken over by NEMA and these two were just passing thru, trying to get supplies, well one thing led to another and NEMA tried to execute them! What bastards!!!! So much for being humanity's "protectors". I shot right back to my body and explained to the others what i found. Couldn't argue with Sera anymore, she transformed and brought out her metallic wings and i told her to fly but carry me with her and we'd do a hit and run on the NEMA guys, hopefully we won't damage the armor too much, but we'd make do with what we recovered afterwards. It was a thing of beauty she tore into them and i was dropped onto some of them. There were 16 in all and between us, the two we were trying to protect and of course our eventual back up. (found out 'Shade can teleport short distances, but it's harder when he doesn't go alone.) Even Ed helped out. Heh. Afterwards i managed to get some info out of the one guy we didn't kill. Seems that they were deserters and decided to make this place some kind of stronghold for themselves with the townspeople as their "subjects". They were trying to be heroes and figured that the townspeople would just fall in line. Well after assuming total authority that is. I was so disgusted that i made him strip off his armor then used my powers to make him walk in the direction we came from, toward the Ohio Valley. And he did so. As for the 2 people we saved, The Gentleman introduced himself as Lucius Walker and his wife Mara. They said that they were practicians of the mystic arts. Yes, actual Mages! (Or sorcerers as Lucius corrected me on) Seems that they knew something about what was going on, but before he could explain, the townspeople starting shouting stuff at us, calling us freaks and telling us to get lost. Seems that they liked being "protected". Man what sheep, i was about to let them have it, when Lucius felt that we should leave, there would still be other towns to get more supplies. They would happily share theirs with us, since we did come to their rescue. So we took some of the NEMA armor and weapons and their vehicle which was an APC. I drove something similar in the military so i was able to figure it out. I hated the fact that we left those bigoted ingrates some weapons and armor, but Lucius felt that we had to leave them some kind of defense. I didn't feel like arguing. So We did and we went southeast. Lucius & Mara were shocked when they got a better look at Ed. They wondered how an elf came to this world. We explained how we met and then Lucious muttered something then actually had a conversation with him! Me, Sera and 'Shade were dumbfounded. Seems Ed's proper name is E' Darq' Uinosaar' Dat. (it hurt my head just saying that.....) Seems he comes from a place called Yin-Sloth. He was hunting down that creature, a Melech. Some kind of predator that was threatening his village. They were chasing it when all of a sudden a hole popped in front of them and his trbesmen stopped while he kept going. After all the introductions were made with the help of the Walkers and their magic, we could now understand him for a time. Apparently Mara knows his language and has promised to teach us so we can communicate. Lucius was amazed by Ed's Dagger, which he said was a "Rune Weapon". Ed explained that it was given to him by his tribe elder, for once saving his life. While he doesn't mind us looking at it, he won't give it to us. Which is fine, i just think it looks cool. Well, we traveled Southeast, saw that all the major highways were devastated and just basically traveled cross-country. This APC had seem some action, mot of its missiles were gone and it suffered some battle damage, but not enough to stop working. As we traveled, i swear it looked as if we kept popping in out out of places, but there was no portals, we just appeared in one place and came back the next. After some examining, Lucius figures that we kept shifting from one dimension to another and back again, sometimes for a second or even a few minutes. He basically said that we just have to be careful, he wasn't used to traveling dimensions, but he and Mara would do what they can to keep us from staying in the other dimension if we got caught in one. Well, we rolled into a place called Sandy Hook. The people here were more friendly, They weren't too concerned about us looking different. Just that we weren't there to hurt them. We stayed and things were good until we were told something amazing yet shocking. Seems that somehow during one of the shifts we seemed to have skipped a few days. While the APC chronometer said it was December 28, 2098, We were told that it was December 31st!!!! How's that for a shocker. I'm still shocked that we somehow time-jumped. Ok, this is a bit too much for me right now. I'm getting some rest. I'll give more details later, and just in case... HAPPY NEW YEAR! (though it's not going to me much of one.....)"
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Damn good. Keep it coming everybody!!! :eek:
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree. Some great additions. Keep them coming please!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Thank you, thank you! Glad you're liking the story! I'll try to add more to it as soon as i can. 8)
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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January 4, 2099

Video/Audio Log: "Jake Summers here. Well, it's a new year, but still same apocalypse. The ash keeps falling and falling. We've been staying in Sandy Hook these past couple of days. Me, Seraphim, her "little brother" Nightshade, E' Darq' Uinosaar' Dat (otherwise known as Ed), and the Walkers, Lucius and Mara. During that time, we've managed to fortify the town somewhat and consolidate it as alot of the townspeople either, fled the area for parts unknown, have gotten killed or decided to take themselves out. Well, all the supplies were gathered at the local shopping area here as well as any and all vehicles and equipment that still worked. Glad not everyone went to those new solar powered vehicles or we'd really have problems. The old nuclear powered ones always did run the best, just had to be careful with them. I still remember great granddad's stories about those vehicles that ran on gasoline. I had one, well, before all this happened. Granted it was an antique, but it still did it's thing. Anyways, there are only like around 50-100 people left here. The local law here has done what it could, but when those NEMA guys decided to try to run things here, they took them out. For better or worse we've decided to look after this place and try to form a plan. We tried the Comm in the APC, but can't get anything. All we did was just basically fortify the place. We handed out weapons and armor to anyone who could use them. We're also rationing out the food and water, i spoke to Bill (he's an engineer) apparently the water supply's been tainted. That's how some of the people died. Not to sound morbid, but the suicides helped as we just raided their supplies and it means more for the rest of us. Found out some more background from Lucius. Apparently he and Mara are from Britain and are port of an organization called the Lazlo Agency. They knew something bad was happening and were on their way to their office in Michigan, when everything went to hell and then some. As is he and Mara barely got out alive using their magic. (it's not encouraged to use their abilities in the open, but it was an emergency so to speak) They popped up in the western part of North Carolina and he said that everything there had been basically been destroyed. Though he also could have sword that some of the landscape was actually changed. Well there decided to just head west as Mara had some kind of intuition, and after a few encounters with other non-human creatures they eventually ran into us, though i already talked about that in an earlier recording. So here we are, just trying our best to fortify things. Nothing happening these past few days other than winter being here in force. Well i guess this will be, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?! *momentary pause as you hear a very loud roar in the background followed by shouts and screaming* Great, so much for peace and quiet. Will talk later!"
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Very Good keep it coming.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Yes, I agree. An excellent addition. Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent restart! Please keep them all coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Yes very good restart and keep it comin.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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January 5, 2099

Video/Audio Log: *Momentary pause as you see Jake's very haggard and apparently quite pissed face* "OK, I AM NOW CONVINCED THAT GOD HAS A WARPED SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!! BAD ENOUGH THAT HE PUT JERSEY UNDERWATER AND PLUNGED AMERICA (AND POSSIBLY THE WORLD) INTO ONE OF THE LEVELS OF HELL, THEN HE DECIDES TO HAVE THESE BLUE LINES POP UP AND HAVE ALIENS AND OTHER CREATURES POP ON THRU AND AROUND THEM, BUT YESTERDAY WAS THE LAST STRAW!!!" *Female voice sounds* JAKE!!!! Calm down!!!! You're scaring the kids!!! *momentary pause as he takes a deep breath and exhales* "sorry Sera...... Anyways, after all that God throws at us, we get, (if you can believe it) Dinosaurs!!!!!! And not just Dinos, we get these weird creatures using them as horses! There was the opening salvo as there was a really loud roar which i know you heard as i ended my last transmission. Then about 2 dozen Raptors with tiger stripes just start running toward us, with these creatures riding them with primitive weapons. Well they start running and tossing these javelins at us while others charge using spears. Luckily we have someone manning the guns so we were able to mow most of them down. A few got thru and we lost some good people and they were impaled or partially chomped on. Unfortunately, before we could take them out they picked up the poor guys and ran off (guess it was dinner time). A few minutes pass and we start thinking that this is all over right? Nope, again, God and his sense of humor (damn bastard.....). We see more of them and with them 3 giant multi-legged beetle things with riders and one HUGE T-Rex with what i guess is the leader. The beetle things reminded me of troop transports as there seemed to be a lot of those dog maw things on it, chattering in some language that i couldn't understand. Well, Sera had enough she transformed into her super angelic self and decided to take the battle to them. Lucius worked his mojo, same with Mara, though she was defending the town using force shields and other defensive stuff. 'Shade and Ed played support and i just got a gun and used it as well as my psi powers (can't use my new powers as my only weapon, never hurts to have an alternate means of offense.) So things heated up, but i swear there must have been a hundred of them, they just seemed to keep coming, then Lucius tells every one to stand back as the dino riders start this major offensive as they charge on toward us. He chants his words, waves his staff around and all of a sudden they all stop, like something grabbed them from the ground. It was too funny as most of the riders are thrown and as they try to get up, they're..... well, stuck to the ground! It was just amazing and funny to boot! It also turned the tide as we just mowed them all down and the mages made it seem to rain lightning as they all get electrocuted. The leader apparently has no stomach for it and tries to retreat. Sadly he loses his head as Sera vowed not to let it get away, also took down the T-rex too. (remind me again to NEVER get on her bad side.) All in all, we survive yet again, but we lost ALOT of people. Body count was at 28 with 17 others wounded, 4 critical. The weapons training for these guys came in handy. The town wasn't too badly damaged, so we can just try to rebuild. If these things are edible we may have just solved our potential food problem. *Female's voice* "JAKE!!! Stop talking to that contraption and help me with these kids!!!!" *Groans* "The things we do for love." *sighs* "Right now we're trying to take care of the kids who lost their parents in the attack. Sera's a good motherly figure. Well, time to go help my baby play house. This is Jake Summers. Out!"

Sorry for the long wait guys. It's a pain to come up with decent material. I now have VERY serious respect for all the writers who work for Palladium to make the great games and stories that they do. :ok: It's not easy and i do want you guys to like my story. 8)
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent addition! Please keep them coming! It's a great read!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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really need to start writing again....
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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I'll be glad when you do get it finished. Please take your time and get it right.
Last edited by Aramanthus on Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Aramanthus wrote:I'll be gald when you do get it finished. Please take your time and get it right.

Which brings me to something i have been pondering.... Does anyone want or expect an end to my "holo-logs"? or do you guys want me to keep cranking them out?
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Keep cranking them out! I want to hear more! I'm sure there are others enjoying these logs!

I meant finished as too finished with the next entry! Please don't mistake the meaning of my previous post. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Aramanthus wrote:Keep cranking them out! I want to hear more! I'm sure there are others enjoying these logs!

I meant finished as too finished with the next entry! Please don't mistake the meaning of my previous post. :D

Well, i'll just do my best then. 8)

Without further adieu:

January 12, 2099

Video/Audio Log: "Well, i know it's been awhile but things have been a tad hectic. Since the dino-rider attack, we've had some more problems. Well, at first things were ok, me and Sera were dealing with the kids, as soon as Lucius's spell wore off, (called it "Carpet of Adhesion", funny eh?) everyone proceeded to take the bodies of the barbaric aliens and pile them up. Some of them were a real mess, we planned to drag them somewhere and burn them where the kids wouldn't see them. I think it was safe to say that they had enough trauma, even though with all that's going on....... Well, you get the idea. I think that one or two of the guys that worked the detail must have gotten their blood on them unintentionally, because some of them started getting sick. Mara knew something about medicine and helped me with some of the healing aspect of my new powers. The people were sick for several days and we nearly lost a few, but luckily, no one died. Ed was just excited to get weapons he was more familiar with. He also helped us with the dinos by being a butcher. Also explained how to properly cook them as he said that if not treated or cooked properly it can be either poisonous or a nasty parasite can infect us. He wasn't sure as he didn't know the creatures specifically, but dealt with similar from where he was from. It worked, though i think some of those dino steaks and burgers kinda gave some of us gas. The weather continued to get colder, we've been ok with getting things heated, the dino skin was used to help a bit with insulation. Ed made some armor and boots that he felt more comfortable in when he put it over his clothing. He fashioned several helmets using the skulls. Looked kinda cool. Well, as we were recovering other survivors wandered in. They looked like hell. Some of them were NEMA soldiers. They said that they came from the south. They told of how NEMA abandoned Atlanta as it was burning all around them and alot of stories of demons and dinosaurs, alien plants and of course the huge blue lines. They got separated from their commanding officer's convoy (some chick named Sawyer) and wandered as best they could. Apparently they were trying to get to Chicago. Things had gotten bad as they were besieged non-stop. They started out as 33 people and personnel and even with the people they picked up, only 14 came straggling in yesterday. *female voice* "JAKE! We need your help here!!!" "Coming Sera!" Ok, i have to wrap this up. Apparently our stragglers last encounter was with some mage that had the ability to control and make zombies. At last count he had alot and had a few demons with him. We're prepping for what may be an onslaught. Gotta go, hopefully you'll hear another update as we survive yet again. This is Jake Summers, wish me luck. Out!!!"
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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very good keep it coming :ok:
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent addition! Please keep it coming! I think you have around 40 years to go! :D I'm sure everyone wants your hero to live a long life! I know I'm routing for his and his friends!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very interesting alternate view on the beginning of the end! Please keep it coming! Great read!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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January 14, 2099

Video/Audio Log: "This has been a real bad 2 days. After my last entry, we were preparing for this "horde" of undead controlled by another mage. Boy i wish that was just it. The showed up within 2 hours after i logged off. We've been fighting ever since. I don't know what these things are. Even Lucius who usually has all the answers was perplexed (even with what i found out about him, more on that in a bit) When the dead people arrived, they were stemming with wires and metallic parts that looks like it was GRAFTED to them. We managed to take them out, though it wasn't as easy as it seemed. We went thru 4 waves of them, then the machines started showing up. Walkers with alien cyborg-ish piloting them. They looked the same as the undead, except they were fully aware of their actions. Some walkers were about the size of a hover-chair and others the size of a hover vehicle , but with more legs. These guys were not mages, just alien invaders. And what was worse is that as the dead fell, there were these drones cannibalizing the bodies and making a whole new zombie! *grimaces in disgust* They just kept coming, we fought as best we could, found out the hard way my mental powers don't work, but my physical ones do. *chuckles* During the battle as Lucius was fending a few off he got hit center mass. I thought he was done for, Mara and I ran over to him, she told me to stand back while she worked on him. The weirdest thing was that he: 1) was still intact! A blast like that should have killed him! and 2) he had these tattoos on his chest. Mara was able to revive him, and before i could ask Lucius about those tats, he said he would explain later. Well, needless to say he was extremely pissed, though he complained mostly about losing a good suit. I saw him touch one of the tats and this winged lizard popped out of it, it wasn't a dragon, but it started tearing up those cyborgs. For the latter half of the day they kept coming. It was a stalemate for a bit, though we kept losing people and were starting to run low on ammo. The ATV's gun was dry and all the remaining missles were used. Those damn drones even cannibalized the walker aliens and they came back as well. Things changed when all of a sudden they got attacked from the rear as i heard a LOUD booming sound. That meant Chromium Guardsmen. While i am no fan of NEMA, i was very glad for the help. They turned the tide! Even with all of us 'Shade and Ed wound up being wounded, Sera did her best, but was almost taken out when they converged their fire on her, no matter how fast she flew she seemed to get hit in a crossfire. Good thing she's tough in her angelic form. I got nicked a bit, but my sword works just fine on them. Well, after the sneak attack by this new group, the cyborgs retreated, taking all the dead with them. We couldn't stop them as we were too weakened and very low on ammo. Our rescuers were other survivors and one of them was piloting that Mega Mastiff or whatever they call their huge mech. Strange thing is that when it opened up it wasn't NEMA, just a bunch of what looked like civilians and the guy who was leading them was decked out in.... get this... Samurai Armor!! He had the 2 swords and everything. It was then that Lucius seemed to recognize him. Called him Kakashi Torenaga. He seemed real glad to see him. Seems that these guys were NEMA reserves and got all that gear when the original owners were either killed or just plain abandoned them. Seems they had been tracking these aliens and were trying to kill them. Apparently all they need is a power source and anything that they can use to function. They adapt whatever they find. Kakashi has 30+ people with him, including 3 Guardsmen, 2 of their air units, but are grounded because of the dust and the huge Mastiff. Luckily that last place they were was a supply depot and we can get our ammo replenished. This was only in the last hour this happened. Everyone is exhausted. Again i tried to get Lucius to explain himself, but he swore that after this crisis had passed he would tell me everything and he apologized for being secretive, but he felt it was for the best at the time. Well, i won't press him, He and Mara have been a great assest and even a good friend in the short time i've known him. As for right now, i'm tired. Kakashi told us to get some rest, at first i was weary, but Lucius vouches for him. I still, trust him for now. Just curious as to what he's gonna reveal about himself. Should be interesting. Well, i figured i'd update before getting some sleep. Jake Summers, Out!"
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent additions! Please keep them coming! I'm enjoying all of the stories.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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January 15, 2099

Video/Audio Log: "Well, it's been a day and the counter attack we're ready for hasn't happened. In that Time Lucius felt that it was time to let him in on his very interesting secret. Lucius Walker has been around since before the Romans ruled the world! He says that he's from Atlantis! Now i've heard everything, but considering all that has happened i'm just not surprised anymore. Lucius said that while most of humanity was still in its caveman stage they already had a vast civilization. Alot of technology and magic. This lasted for thousands of years until something happened, that he was rather reluctant to talk about, but did say that it involved magic. See thousands of years ago Earth was very rich in magic, though he thinks that now it's even more so, since the blue lines (he calls them "Ley Lines") weren't visible as they are now. Well, their "accident" as he calls it drained the lines so much that this caused Atlantis to come apart. As a last act of desperation to save their land, it was shunted into another dimension, until the day that it can possibly, return, unfortunately this mean all of the Atlantiens being without a home and most of them left the planet for places unknown. Lucius also left and came back just in time to see the burning of Rome. He went on to tell me about all the grand things we read about in history were mostly true though a few things were omitted, something about the winners of a war usually write history to their advantage, but it was just amazing. He met Mara during the Black Plague. Seems that while they were too late to stop a man named Gregius from attempting to bring in a VERY powerful demon into this world. Luckily while it was sad that they failed at stopping him from unleashing the plague they did catch up to him and put a stop to him. Lucius shuddered as he thought of what he could have done if they hadn't caught up with him. Before i could ask, he said Mara is NOT from Atlantis, he taught her sorcery and in the process fell very much in love with her. He didn't want to see her grow old and die and had a way that he could extend her life thru a powerful ritual. He did this at Stonehenge where Lucius says is a very powerful source of line magic and did his ritual there. Mara was very willing and was not even scared when Lucius revealed himself about who he really was to her. Since then they have mostly lived in and around Europe, though they like England. Using illusion magics they kept using different names and amassing alot of money and passing it down to themselves. They did venture into America on occasion, especially when they joined the Lazlo Society. He said that Victor Lazlo's disappearance was sad and it seemed that the native american burial mound he was investigating was in fact a portal of sorts. He feels that Victor is Alive, just not sure where he is. The Megaverse (his word for the galaxy and beyond) is a vast place. Lucius apologized for not telling me sooner, but he has been betrayed and shunned on other occasions and was afraid of the same thing. I guess i couldn't fault him for that. Humanity does have it's dark side after all. Well, he just finished telling me all that a while ago, i also figured that while i have the time i'd make this a log entry. This waiting is driving me nuts, the fact that it's so cold doesn't help either. We lost one of the wounded soldiers last night due to his injuries. Mara said the cold didn't help matters. Before Lucius ended his history lesson about himself i asked him about Kakashi. He laughed and said that while that is a story for another time, he is very trust worthy and that we gained a very powerful ally. I hope so, i would really like to see him use those swords. I get the feeling that while it is odd that he would bring a sword to a gunfight, i think he can probably beat the gunfighter. Well, let me go. Trying to use this gets a bit harder since i can't recharge the solar batteries normally (no sun, just ashy snow). Till next time, this is Jake Summers. Later."
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

An excellent addition! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Another excellent entry! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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“Hey wait just a damn minute” said the fat one with the silly mustache, Mark I think he said his name was, “what we need to do is…”

I wasn’t in the mood, so I hit him with the shotgun in the teeth knocking several out onto the floor.

Best lines of the story so far!!!! :lol:
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Great addition. Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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If you gotta scold me for bumping this thread, I understand. It's just too interesting to let it die off.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Very GOOD i like it :-D
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Bump! Doin this for those that enjoy this thread and haven't subscribed to it.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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okay update from me... alright college schedule picked up and i kinda forgot to update this. Will be back tommorow.

"Audio log, um not sure the day.... This is Robert Farson. Somethings wrong, we are not locked in some mini ice age. Well its still cold, but I saw the sun today. What we can gather from my patrol mates is we encountered a new type of UIC. This one had partly metalic skin and glowing eyes. It was looting a high rise dragging out paintings and statues out of various buildings. We ordered it to stop. I just laughed and flicked its wrist and next thing i know, The snow is gone, weeds are growing out of teh rubble, and the sun peaked out today. Its chicago, but I dont think its when i last remember. I can only find two others, Officer Reynolds a NEMA peace keeper and Jim Yaun a civil engeneer. We cant find our truck either, gonna have to make it on foot. Robert out."
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Warmaster40k wrote:okay update from me... alright college schedule picked up and i kinda forgot to update this. Will be back tommorow.

"Audio log, um not sure the day.... This is Robert Farson. Somethings wrong, we are not locked in some mini ice age. Well its still cold, but I saw the sun today. What we can gather from my patrol mates is we encountered a new type of UIC. This one had partly metalic skin and glowing eyes. It was looting a high rise dragging out paintings and statues out of various buildings. We ordered it to stop. I just laughed and flicked its wrist and next thing i know, The snow is gone, weeds are growing out of teh rubble, and the sun peaked out today. Its chicago, but I dont think its when i last remember. I can only find two others, Officer Reynolds a NEMA peace keeper and Jim Yaun a civil engeneer. We cant find our truck either, gonna have to make it on foot. Robert out."

OK? did they just get thrown forward in time? Very very interesting, keep it up as you are able, I for one am enjoying this.... :D
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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"This is the audio log of Robert Farson, still no idea of the date, too much has changed. With out the ash clouds and blinding snow storms, we make much more headway. We were able to make our way back to the outpost. It was abandoned. The north side of the building was torn out. Looks like a conflict occured some time ago, we were able to recover a second Peace Keeper armor, and 3 e-clips and a spare laser pistol. looks like something came through and ate all the rations. None of the stores had any thing in them either. It seems every thing of a perishable nature was cleared out months ago. We havent enven heard any human activity, just animals reclaiming thier world, we witnessed plant life strugleling to grow between cracks in the asphalt. If there is a god, please dont let us be the only people in the area.

Reynolds suggests that we start either finding a working automobile or gather components nessisary to repair one. Yuan and I both agree that if we can leave the downtown area sooner the better. I suggest we go to a police station or some sort of emergency service station to find a working radio. God be with us, please, God protect us."
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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I just wish I had something to contribute... hmmm... I'll see about that when my net connection gets stable.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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"This is Day 4 since the first day we saw the sun. We managed to locate a box of spam, horrible stuff but it is edible. We came across a young man who offered to get us 6 gallons of water for the spare Laser pistol. Fare trade, all things concerned. From what we can gather, its been one year after the comeing of teh Rifts. So atleast we have an idea of the date. NEMA forces have relocated from the stadium, and have begun habitation of the metro tunnles. The Chicago area is massive, no idea what tunnel system they are in. In other news, we almost have a vehicle operational, its just difficult to find a set of undamaged tires. This is Robert out."
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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teehee .. i have up to christmas eve from my char's point of view .
it's interesting.
i'm impressed by your effort here.
not sure i should put mine up here yet.
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

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Yes please keep it comin....... :D
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

"This is the audio report of, Jim Cunnings Inteligence Officer of Chicago Command to Cmd Harold Qurn. I am recommending the release of the subjects that have been detained for the past six months. Cross checking and annalasis, have in fact concluded that they are who they say they are. Aggressive interigations are to cease immediately. Give them some leave, and a bonus in rations. A formal appology to Mr Farson, may seem an empty gesture, but I pray we can convince him that this moment of quarantine can be understood. If not have En. Jen Carrs perform a minor memory aug on him to make him more compliable. Having some beatnik volunteer letting the civilians know that we will and have detain people for 6 months of interigations for little more reason than a flicker of suspician, even if they disapeared for almost two years, well we can all agree it would be detrimental to moral."

"Mr Cunnings, your a real piece of work, You're now telling me that you have been detaining three of my guys for 6 months, you know we are understaffed, now I also here your with holding intelligence reports on UIC, and their possible weaknesses. You keep this up and Im going to come gunning for you and your Spec Ops cronnies." audio message from desk of Cpt Harding (O3)

"Mr Harding, your greivences are dully noted, and acknolleged, but due refrain from threats. Reclemation forces must maintain a unified front. While with holding reports does come to my pertenance, I must remind you that we get conflicting reports daily on how to deal with new UICs, and to release every single new so called finding would result only in the losses of your troops, Mr Harding. Now Mr Harding be thankful that I held onto these men of yours, as long as I have, to infact verify that they are, who they say they are, and not a band of shape-shifters, we do not wish to have a repeat of the Chi-OP12-S32 (Chicago Outpost 12 Sector 32) incident."

"Mr Cunnings, I will be filling an official greviance, Sir." from the Desk of Cpt Harding.

"Noted" response from the Desk of Intelligence Officer Jim Cunnings
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Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Unread post by DracoMagus »

Ummm...ok, Am I really attempting thread necromancy with a cool post like This One? At any rate, someone start puttin stuff back in here.
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