Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Clan Armorand Variants

With its growing power, in part due to the technological exchanges with the other Shemarrian Tribes, Clan Armorand shared its shield technology to gain access to weapon and warmount templates. Some of these warmounts they have modified to suit their style of combat, usually with added armour, and others whole variants.

Eco-KRP24-KACA Vola'Dry Variant
While Clan Armorand has quite a few normal Vola'Dries, they have produced a variant for heavier assaults and defensive positions that are expected to face heavy resistance. This version mounts heavier armour which slows it down, and includes Armorand shield technology, which they are sharing with the Skullcrushers to upgrade their own Vola'Dries with. Along with the added armour, the optional quill defense as standard, this variant is slightly wider to accommodate a larger ammunition supply. Mounted over the shoulders with a clear line of sight around the head and a redesigned frill are a pair of Storm Esspa PP-12cas to add frontal ranged attacks. The KACA is also adept at burrowing, allowing it to conceal itself, dig tunnels, useful for breaching fortifications, or concealed defenses for Clan Armorand warriors. These Vola'Dry are even more territorial than others, and instead of creating nests, they create burrows with concealed entrances, typically in hills and mountains, sometimes these burrows can extend quite high and deep within mountains and canyons which many Clan Armorand warriors that handle the Vola'Dry use as look out points and sniper positions in the canyons and mountains on their home world.
An interesting effect of awakening this breed of Vola'Dry is 75% of those awakened develop the psionic ability Psychic Body Field, able to use this power several times a day at no ISP cost.

Increase MDC to all locations by 10%
Width: 6 ft, frills extended adds another 4.5 feet to each side
Weight: 3400 lbs
Speed: (Running) 80 mph, can dig through dirt, mud, or sand at a rate of 8 ft per melee, or tunnel at 4 ft per melee.

*Forcefield Technology----Among several innovations in forceshielding that the Armorandites have made is ‘Phalanx Shielding’. The Armorandites have learned how to tune personal forcefields such that if they are in close proximity(maximum 3 ft), individual shield strength is increased by 25%. Having more than one shield in close proximity does not offer cumulative bonuses, only redundancy in the event people are forced to drop out of proximity. 

Weapons Systems:
1) Back Mounted Rail Gun --- The only changes to this weapon is the barrel can retract slightly and tilts down to line flush with the back with the barrel end protected by a fold of armoured skin to keep the barrel from getting debris in the barrel as it digs. Can store 2800 rounds of ammunition instead of normal 2500 rounds.

5) Esspa PP-12cas (2) --- The KACA variant mounts a pair of Esspa PP12cas's over its shoulders to give it even greater short ranged offensive capability, which can target different targets within the forward arc of the Vola'Dry, but typically are linked together for incredible kinetic punch.
Range: 2,000 ft
(DU/U Rounds) 1,500 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 5d6 MD out to 2,000 ft for single round. Both barrels do 2d4x10+10 MD at 600 ft or less 1d6x10 MD out to 2000 ft. 6 round burst (3 rounds from each barrel) deals 1d6x10 MD to a 10 foot area at ranges of 600 ft or less, 6d6+5 to a 20 foot area out to 2000 ft. Targets hit of human and human-sized targets must make a roll on a twenty-sided, at -6 (-9 for twin barrel shot), to match or surpass the Shemarrian’s ‘to strike’ roll. A successful roll means the target is only staggered (lose initiative) by the heavy round’s impact, while failure means the target is knocked off their feet, flung 8-10 ft, lose initiative and 1 APM, and HALF all combat bonuses for the rest of that turn. Power armors, full conversion cyborgs, robots, superhuman and supernatural creatures are +6 (only +3 for twin barrel shot) to save versus knockback/knockdown, but lose initiative from heavy round strikes. 
(Fletchette) A shotgun-style ‘streetsweeper’ round that does 1d4x10 MD (2d4x10 MD double shot) at ranges of 500 ft or less, 3d6 MD (5d6+5 MD double shot) out to 2,000 ft, but to a 20-degree wide cone of effect (45-degree wide cone for both barrels), due to the ‘spray’ of high-density needle-fletchettes. No knockdown effects. 
(DU/U Rounds) 1d6x10 MD (2d6x10 MD both barrels) at ranges of 600 ft or less, 6d6 MD (1d6x10+3 MD both barrels) out to 2,000 ft, plus possible radiation damage/effects from the DU/U-rounds. Same knockdown effects apply. 
(Incendiary Round*) 1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 4d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, but spatters a thermal-chemical/phosphorus tracer mixture that does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melee rounds (immersion in water does NOT put the fire out), plus an 80% chance of setting combustibles on fire. Same knockdown effects apply. +75% with both barrels, and double the time of the burning.
(Silver Round*)1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 4d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, plus possible silver poisoning damage(5d6 HP) to supernatural creatures. Same knockdown effects apply. Double damage with both barrels.
(Wood Round*) 5d6 MD at ranges of 400 ft or less, 2d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, 6d6 HP to vampires and other supernatural beasts vulnerable to wood. Same knockdown effects apply. Double damage with both barrels.
*These rounds are considered too fragile to be effectively used in a regular rail gun rifle. If used, they do only 1d4 MD at all ranges, and in the case of the Incendiary Round, incendiary effects are reduced to 25%.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally unlimited. The Vola'Dry KACA can make and store up to 2500 rounds for each PP-12cas.

If awakened, there is a 75% chance the Vola'Dry can use the psionic power Psychic Body Field at no ISP cost 3 times per day, at level 5, for 50 MDC for 10 minutes. If the Vola'Dry has enough ISP, it can use this psionic power as many more times as it has ISP for.

A-006/-007CAm - Monst-Crane Rowi
The Monst-Crane Rowi is Clan Armorand's breed of the Monst-Crane, and appears to resemble the kiwi bird of Earth, with a more rounded body, much smaller non-functional wings, shorter but stronger legs with larger claws, the neck is shorter and the head is more forward with a much longer beak designed for punching through armour, and it can burrow surprisingly well. If fitted with a saddle, Clan Armorand has designed a saddle that can cover the rider and protect them while the Rowi burrows and conceals itself underground. This abilities make the Rowi an excellent ambush cavalry unit, able to burst out of the ground, charge its target and strike quickly before the target can retaliate. If a Rowi is awakened, there is a 50% chance that it can develop a psionic ability similar to the Quicksand spell a few times a day.

MDC by Location:
Legs (2) - 70 each
Main Body - 300

Running: 200 mph, can dig through dirt, mud, or sand at a rate of 10 ft per melee, or tunnel at 5 ft per melee.
Climbing: The Monst-Crane Rowi is able to climb much better than other variants, with a skill of 60%, but can not rappel.
Flying: Not possible, the Rowi has incredibly small wings compared to even the original Monst-Crane and they only function to help move dirt as it tunnels.

Height: 6 ft at shoulders, only 7 feet head to toe as the head is typically held more forward.
Length: Body: 6.5 feet long and neck and head: 3 feet. Beak length: 4 feet.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Klangore have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. 

1) Vibro-Talons (2) --- The feet of the Monst-Crane Rowi are even and larger than the Monst-Crane and Type 2 Monst-Crane, allowing them to rend armour even more, and dig through almost anything.
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD with vibro-field engaged
Rate of Fire: ECHH 

2) Weapon Slot (1) --- Can fit any of the weapon options of the Monst-Rex, Monst-Crane and others that have been developed. If no saddle is fitted, a second weapon slot can be added over the right shoulder, however no one can ride on the Rowi.

3) Vibro Beak (1) --- The long narrow beak of the Rowi is designed for piercing armour or skewering infantry.
Range: melee
Damage: 3d6 MD, critical strike on a natural 19-20, dealing triple damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH 

If awakened, there is a 50% chance the Monst-Crane Rowi can use a psionic power that is similar to the Quicksand spell at 5th level, affecting a 25 foot radius area, up to 50 feet away, for up to 25 minutes, that functions exactly as the Quicksand spell, except for range and duration noted previously. The Rowi can use this ability 3 times per day at no ISP cost. If it has enough ISP, the Rowi can use this power again at a cost of 20 ISP.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

There’s a million epic tales in the ranks of the Shemarrian clans; these are just a few of them.....

Kayla Danten-Silverknife(Silvermoons NeShemar NPC)

“I don’t appreciate being stabbed in the back; I don’t like it and I won’t do it to others. My companions are my shield and my mirror. They show me myself and how I’m acting, or -should- be acting. And surrounded by silver mirrors in the ranks, I can better spot attacks from the unexpected angles.”

Kayla Danten was a bondsman of the Silvermoons. She was originally from a heritage Glitterboy family, but her hometown had the misfortune of being obliterated by the Horune. Her mother was killed in the attack before she could reach her powerful armor, though the Horune left the area soon after, and didn’t discover the powered-down Glitterboy. Kayla was able to recover the armor and took up the mantle of the family, though her family, and the community they once protected, were gone. The orphaned Kayla drifted into the mercenary community, thanks to a few old contacts and favors owed her parents. The life of a mercenary was hard and morally demanding, at least for somebody like Kayla, who’d been raised to hold higher ideals, but ideals didn’t put food in her stomach and shelter over her head. Kayla had to make adjustments to her personal ethics as she fought for coin as a sell-sword.
Years later, the mercenary unit that Kayla joined took a contract to raid a d-bee encampment. The hiring party was, ironically, part of ARCHIE-3’s spy network and had heard of interest in the Shemarrians from rumors of their civil war. Thinking to placate his bosses with some hard material intel on the Shemarrians , the agent hired the mercenaries to loot a suspected Shemarrian camp near the Magic Zone. The sellswords were stupid enough to take the mission and set off into the wilds, confident that the heavy firepower they had, including Kayla Danten’s battered but operational USA-G10, would allow them to overwhelm the camp’s inhabitants.
The raid went bad almost the minute the mercs made contact with the Shemarrians. Only the mercenary commander had been told of the Shemarrians being the target, and he didn’t share that tidbit of information with his subordinates until just before they attacked. The sudden appearance of Shemarrian warriors around the target site surprised and frightened the less experienced mercenaries, and the raid quickly became a rout, as the encampment-depot’s defenders showed themselves to be a whole LOT stronger than anticipated. The mercenary commander saw fit to retreat and abandon his men as soon as he realized they were outgunned. Despite her own misgivings and voiced objections about the scant information given to the grunts about the job, Kayla waded into combat, hoping to provide a fighting rearguard to allow her colleagues to escape. In doing so, she became the center of attention of the Shemarrians’ heavier guns. Pounded mercilessly by Shemarrian scava, Kayla’s Glitterboy was quickly shattered and the pilot critically injured.
Still, the Glitterboy pilot’s dogged defense of her fallen comrades impressed the Silvermoons, and the encampment’s taros had the still breathing Danten pulled from her armor, operated on, nursed back to health, and immediately impressed as a captive and bondsman. Kayla awoke with extensive cybernetics keeping her alive, and an uzari ID chip under her skin.
During her uzari-indentureship, Kayla saw and experienced many things. The best, however, was she got to see the Tribe interdict a Horune raider that came too boldly close to shore. It was a vessel she well-remembered; it was the Horune clan that destroyed her home town and slaughtered her family. With great enthusiasm and satisfaction, Kayla watched the Shemarrians wipe out the Horune pirates.
After a problem-free uzari-probation Danten was allowed to go free, and return to the outside world with a battered but fully operational suit of Northern Gun power armor(not her Glitterboy, which has been pretty much trashed during the ill-fated raid) as part of her uzari-bounty. She sought out her former mercenary employer, now recruiting up a new band in Merctown, and denounced him and his practices in public before a mercenary hiring board. Incensed, the mercenary captain challenged Danten to a duel, confident that outside of a Glitterboy, she was an easy target. With Shemarrian-honed skills, Kayla cut him down on the dueling ground in short order.
Her revenge on both her former employer and the Horune satisfied, Danten sought out the Silvermoons again, and requested a return to the service of the Tribe. Her dispatching of her late employer in honorable combat earned her a Tribe-name; Silverknife. She’s subsequently made a place for herself in the ranks of the Silvermoons’ neshemar militia. She also sometimes acts as a go-between, posing as a regular mercenary when approaching other non-Shemar groups. She often works with the territorial militias in Silvermoon lands, and commands a squad(equipped with Northern Gun power armors, some of them upgraded with mirror-chrome sheathing, or Black Market ShadowBoys) in her tribal sub-tribe neshemar forces.
Kayla likes the discipline and honor of the Silvermoons; it reminds her of her late parents. She also appreciates the good they do, and their stand against injustice; again what her parents stood for. As long as the EShemar continue to protect the weak, aid the helpless, and keep honor alive, Kayla Danten Silverknife will stand with them.

Level of Experience: 7th Level Glitterboy Pilot
Rank: ne-LeTaros
Race: Human
Alignment: Scrupulous
Land of Origin: North America, Rifts Earth
Age: 31
Sex: Female
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 210 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A tall, slight-build, rather plain-looking, human female with pale skin, short red-brown hair(with several strands dyed metallic silver) and brown eyes. Her right arm and both legs are bionic and filigreed in silver scrollwork, but are fully functional military-grade. She tends to dress formally, uniform-style, and takes pride in appearing clean and neat(though she admits she let her appearance slip while she was a mercenary).
Disciplined, stoic, and strict with both herself and others. Though not the greatest of physical specimens, she has the mental bearing and pride of a Glitterboy pilot, having been raised with the traditions and expectations of the profession. Kayla would not ask others to do anything she herself would not do herself if she could. Though she expects discipline and good conduct from others, she is fair-minded and understands that even the best of people are fallible. She also understands that not everything goes according to plan, but a smart planner takes the chance for failure into account.
Kayla still carries a considerable grudge against the Horune, slavers, and arrogant superiors in general. She ALWAYS lets those under her know what they’re getting themselves into, rather than leave them in the dark. As far as she cares, those who deliberately keep those they are responsible for/in command of in the dark, especially if the withholding of information would endanger them, are little better than mentally enslaving them----this attitude has sometimes clashed with operational security(in the opinion of some of Kayla’s superior officers).
Kayla is loyal to the Silvermoons because they actively believe in the same things she believed in as a child, and what her parents believed in and lived for. In many ways, Kayla Danten feels the Silvermoons are the extended family she never knew she had before.
Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 12
ME: 11
MA: 9
PS: 15(20 for her bionic arm)
PP: 10(20)
PE: 10
PB: 9
SPD: 30 MPH(Bionic legs)
(Leaping) 5 ft up and 10 ft across; increase by 20% with a running start.

(PPE): 8

Hit Points: 57
SDC: 56
Bionic Arm/Hand 100/30
Bionic Legs/Feet(2) 60/ 20 each
Horror Factor:---
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:----
Cybernetics/Bionics:(Partial Conversion Cyborg)
*Universal Headjack
*Multi-Optic Eyes w/ Targeting(+1 to strike) and Optic Nerve Video Implant(internal HUD)
*Ambidexterity Wiring---One of the Silvermoons’ Upgrades was wiring Kayla’s nervous system for dual-handedness. +1 APM, +1 parry, and automatically gets W.P. Paired Weapons.
*Bionic Arm(right arm)--Features a retractable vibroblade(2d4 MD) and a technical diagnostic reader, clock/calender-compass, and flashlight.
*Bionic Legs(Both) w/ Concealed Compartments
*Hardened Circuitry--Shemarrian cybernetics/bionics are generally all shielded against EMP and other electrical interference.
*Psionic Filters---Mind Control, Empathic Transmission Blocker, Telepathic Blocker.

Skills:(7th Level Glitterboy Pilot)
American-English 98%/98%
-Gobbley 91%/91%
-Dragonese 91%/91%
-Shemarrian 62%/62%
Basic Electronics 75%
Basic Mechanics 80%
General Repair and Maintenance 80%
Detect Ambush 60%
Intelligence 41%
Cooking 70%
Math: Basic 80%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 65%
Wilderness Survival 70%
Recognize Weapon Quality 75%
Armorer/Field Armorer 75%
Land Navigation 70%
Pilot Robot Combat: Elite(Glitterboy)
Pilot Robot Combat Basic(general)
Pilot Hovercraft 85%
Horsemanship: Knight 50%/40%
Radio: Basic 90%
Read Sensory Equipment 75%
Weapons Systems 85%
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
W.P. Knife(+3 strike, +3 parry, +3 strike w/ throw)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Shield(+2 parry, +1 strike)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 6
Parry: +8
Roll: +4
Pull Punch: +5
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 18-20
Damage: +5 w/ right arm punches or kicks
+1 Vs Magic
+1 Vs Psionics
+1 vs Empathic Transmission
+1 Vs Mind Control
+4 Vs Possession
+3 Vs Horror Factor
Impervious to Telemechanics
Notable Possessions/Equipment:
*Wardrobe(Silvermoon uniform, civilian clothing) and kitbag
*Glitterboy Padded Armor(Silvermon silver-mesh pattern)(25 MDC)
*EShe-NIP0202 ‘Shredschrec’ Ion Pistol
* Silver-plated Vibroblade
* Lampadzar Laser Knife
*Locket(a personal keepsake from her parents)
* Shemarrian Survival Kit

*GB-10Sm Glitterboy---This is a new-manufacture ‘Classic’ Glitterboy. Unlike the rather patchwork suit given to her when her bond-parole was finished, Danten received a new pristine-condition(although parts of it were made of materials recycled off her old ones) suit upon her return. The suit has been modified with Shemarrian-style (Silvermoon edition) wrist lasers( 2,500 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast), a melee weapon pack on one forearm(2 silver-plated vibroblades, each doing 3d6 MD), and an articulated shield mount(currently mounts a Shemarrian copy of the Triax TX-002 Heavy Weapons Shield, with 160 MDC, 20 mini-missiles, and a laser-reflective facing). The Boom Gun also features a coaxial under-barrel ion blaster(1,600 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast, or 2d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area in ‘spray’ mode)

Recently the Tinkers of the Silvermoons offered Danten the opportunity to test a modified PS-PAH-14 ‘Nahar’ Power Armor Extension System, a knockoff of the Kittani Equestrian Armor. The four-legged robot attaches to the Glitterboy and makes it into a centaur, able to run at 100 MPH, and carry an assortment of heavy weaponry. Danten has taken advanced riding training, the better to make the most use of this equipment, and so far has given the combination of quad-bot and Glitterboy positive reviews.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 500
Sensor Nodes(3) 40 each
Legs(4) 150 each
Retractable Robot Arms(2) 60 each
Height: 13 ft at shoulders
Width: 12 ft w/ weapons mounts
Length: 21 ft
Weight: 5 tons +weight of power armor
Cargo: Only what can be carried externally
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 35, robotic utility arms have a P.S. of 24
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life.
Speed: (Running) 100 MPH
(Leaping) 25 ft up/across standing jump, 50 ft up/100 ft across running leap
(Flying) Not Possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 10 MPH, maximum depth of 500 ft
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Retractable Robotic Manipulator Arms(2)---Housed in the forward end of the torso.
*Hitching Points---Allows for the fitting of hauling cables or harness rig.
*Laser Reflective Armor---Reduces laser damage by HALF. This feature is normally an option, but since this unit was acquired by the Silvermoons, laser-chroming has become standard.
Weapons Systems:
1) Lateral Hardpoints(2)---Similar to the Equestrian, the Nahar mounts two large weapons mounts
on its flanks, but the PS version uses modular units that can hold heavier weapons. Each hardpoint
can hold ONE of the following configurations:
a) Micro-Missile Launcher----Uses the same ‘cassette’ system as the McML-08 ‘BoomBox’----three
cassettes, each with 25 shots, for a total per side of 75 shots
b) Mini-Missile Launcher---10 shot pod
c) Short Range Missile Launcher----A 4-shot pod can be mounted on each hardpoint
d) Copperhead Anti-Armor Missiles----(Range: 1 mile, Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD, Rate of
Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4, Payload: 4, Bonuses: +5 to strike, Market Cost: 60,000 credits for the
launcher, 8, 000 credits per missile)---6 shot pod
e)Medium Range Missile Launcher---2 MRMs can be mounted on each hardpoint
f) Slammer Missiles----The Nahar can carry 2 ‘Slammer’ Heavy-Hitter missiles similar to those used
by Triax and the NGR
g) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to 12 ft area, 2d6x10 MD to a 40 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Armor-Piercing: 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft area, 3d6x10 MD to a 8 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 300 rd drum each AGL
Special Features: None
Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher

h) PS-RG-44 Rail Gun(a copy of an imported Russian design)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 3,000 rd drum
Cost: 75,000 credits
i) Massdriver Rifle---45mm PS-HRG05 'Hellshot' Rail Cannons: An early attempt to equal the power
of the infamous "Boom Gun" carried by the Glitterboy, these fearsome weapons fire a much larger
heavy metal kinetic energy penetrator with a massive punch. Unfortunately, the engineers were
unable to equal the Boom Gun's long range or build the projectiles any smaller, limiting the
payload. Up to four(two on each lateral point) can be carried by the Nahar.
MDC: 50
Weight: 500 lbs
Range: 3,300 ft
Damage: 3D6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; EGCHH
Payload: 12 shots
Market Cost: 120,000 credits per cannon, 800 credits per penetrator round

j) Light Autocannon---35 mm Cannon, able to be used in either flat trajectory surface attack or
high-angle anti-aircraft mode.
Range: 2.5 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to a 10 ft blast radius, 2d6x10 MD to a 30 ft blast
radius per 10 rd burst.
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 4d6 MD single shot, 3d6x10+10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 160 round drum
With a trained crew in power armor, a fresh drum can be changed in 3 minutes
Cost: 180,000 credits

k) 80mm Mortar/Howitzer--‘Mangonel-80’ 80-mm Gun Mortar----This weapon, named for an ancient
low-trajectory catapult, trades the range and power of the 120-mm mortar and the 105mm L7
cannon, for a higher rate of fire, and capability in BOTH the direct- and indirect-fire roles.
Range:(Direct Fire) 3,200 ft
(Indirect Fire) 26,000 ft (5 miles!)
Damage:(Fragmentation)1d4x10 +5 MD to 25 ft blast area
(Armor-Piercing High Explosive) 2d4x10 MD to 6 ft blast area
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 30 rds
Cost: 80,000 credits

l) Pulse Laser Cannon
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 1d6x10 +6 MD quad blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 90,000 credits

m) Heavy Laser Cannon----A heavier single-barrel laser cannon, based on a weapon acquired from
South America(the ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser)
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6x10+10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 100,000 credits

n)Ion Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 +7 MD per energy burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 60,000 credits
o) Plasma Cannon---Adapted from PS’s PPR-3 Serap Heavy Plasma Projector. The weapon also has
the option of firing ‘hot shots’ of deuterium-enriched plasma feeding from a pressure cylinder
Range:(Plasma Stream) 2000 ft
(Plasma Bolt) 1500 ft
Damage:(Plasma Stream) 1d6x10 MD per blast*
*Can be increased by 50% with a ‘hot shot’ injection of deuterium gas
(Plasma Bolt) 1d4x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Deuterium Gas Reservoir has enough gas under pressure for 20 shots.
Cost: 100,000 credits, plus 800 credits per deuterium ‘hotshot’ cartridge.

p) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 80 blast battery per cannon
Cost: 120,000 credits
q) PS-DL-110 Razor-Frizzer( a copy of an imported Russian design). The PS version uses ceramic and
light alloy discs that, either by accident or deliberate design, give off a very audible high-pitched
shrieking or buzzing noise when fired.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Cost: 80,000 credits

r)Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable; typically placed on an optional top/back mount,
rather than a side weapons hardpoint.
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
Cost: 12,000 credits

s) Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance or a weapon barrel, but is a sensor antennae. The Lance
Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for ground-searching
minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even nonmetallic mines, but takes
twice as long).
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic
structures with 80% accuracy
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines,
60% chance of detecting nonmetallic ordinance.
Cost: 40,000 credits

2) Power Armor Weapons Systems---The embarked power armor can use any arm, shoulder, or
handheld weapons normally available to it

3) (Optional) Hand Weapons---When acting as a semiautonomous robot, the Nahar can pick up and
use handheld weapons like normal-scale pistols, rifles, and melee weapons.

Hand to Hand Combat:(Robot A.I.)
Actions/Attacks per Melee: 4
Punch(Utility Arms) Restrained Punch 6d6 SDC, full strength punch 1d4 MD
Body Block 1d4 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Rear Power Kick/Rearing Stomp(2 attacks)3d6 MD
Initiative +1
Strike +2
Strike w/ Ranged Weaponry +3
Dodge +2
Parry +2
Roll +2
Radio: Basic 98%
Math: Basic 98%
Read Sensory Instruments 98%
Land Navigation 94%
Language:(all at 94%)
Can identify common North American factions, equipment, insignia, and protocols(including
Coalition and Triax), common Western Hemisphere monsters, demons, aliens, and d-bees.
W.P. Spear
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Handguns
W.P. Rifle
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle

*Rocket Boosters---Rechargeable rocket jets in the legs and hips that increase leap distance by 50%.
Can also allow the robot to briefly hover for 1d4 melees.

*Third Hardpoint----A third hardpoint, similar to those on the flanks, can be added to the
back...This precludes any cargo or passengers being carried there, however.
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Prehensile Battle Tail---A heavily armored tentacle-style tail, ending in a spiked club or large
Length: 10 ft
MDC: 100
Damage: 2d4 MD on a lash/slap+ any possible damage from mounted vibroblades
Blast Mace Head: 4d6 MD
Vibrospikes: +3d6 MD
Vibroblade: +4d6 MD
Cost: 500,000 credits +
Blast Mace Head: 90,000 credits
Vibrospikes: 18,000 credits
Vibroblade: 19,000 credits

*Forcefield Generator
MDC: 140

*Smoke/Aerosol Generator/Launcher---A combination of mini-grenade launchers and powered vents
in the flanks of the robot, pumping out an aerosol smoke cloud or chemical barrage. Typically used
to lay down a smoke screen or deploy riot gases like tear gas, but can also be used to spray war
gases, fire fighting foam, and insecticide.
Range: 60 ft, and can cover a 100 ft radius(depending on wind conditions). Smoke typically persists
for 1d4 minutes
Damage: Varies by chemical agent used. If spraying water, it does 1d6 HP to vampires(the mist is
too fine to do much damage) per melee the vampire is caught in the spray-cloud.
Payload: Internal reservoirs provide for 40 shots/deployments; up to four separate types of
chemicals can be stored simultaneously.
Cost: 90,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Nice new NPC.
I probably won't be posting much until after next weekend when I get back from the con I staff at every year, Anime North (also where I've met several employees of Palladium Books over the years).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:Nice new NPC.
I probably won't be posting much until after next weekend when I get back from the con I staff at every year, Anime North (also where I've met several employees of Palladium Books over the years).

Enjoy! Haven't been to Anime North since it moved out of Toronto proper to Etobicoke near Pearson International.
Due to both your efforts I'm being shamed to begin roughing out a few of the NPC's I've created over last couple of years in-game. :D

Should have something to post in a week or so. :frust: :erm: :ok:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

DhAkael wrote:
kronos wrote:Nice new NPC.
I probably won't be posting much until after next weekend when I get back from the con I staff at every year, Anime North (also where I've met several employees of Palladium Books over the years).

Enjoy! Haven't been to Anime North since it moved out of Toronto proper to Etobicoke near Pearson International.
Due to both your efforts I'm being shamed to begin roughing out a few of the NPC's I've created over last couple of years in-game. :D

Should have something to post in a week or so. :frust: :erm: :ok:

That's quite some time ago.. I've been going since.. 2004.. and it's been at the TCC the entire time. Plus 4 surrounding hotels, and one that was further out for one event that has been moved closer since we now have both TCC buildings (North and South ((the main building))) instead of just the one for the last 2 years.

I've got an NPC warmount I should post..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Moyanon: Horrorwoods/Lost Eclipse Outpost World

“It’s interesting; we have three factions, two related to each other, the third not, on one world. Moyanon’s jungles are so thick and rich that you can have each group setting up in a grove or clearing and not be aware of anybody else in the next forest clearing right over....that’s provided that the others AREN’T trying NOT to be heard of seen. And what with the Horrorwoods liking blending with the woods, the geeners liking camouflage as SOP, and the Nightmares just liking skulking in general, chance unexpected encounters in the deep woods can be quite interesting.”

“The larger plant life on Moyanon’s learned to sequester and refine titanium in a cold-chemical process that results in trunks shot through with wire rebar and vines tough as steel cable. It’s very easy to blunt a machete blade trying to cut through the underbrush around the big trees.”

Moyanon is a joint Horrorwoods/Lost Eclipse-claimed outpost world.
Moyanon would be classed as a ‘paradise’ world for its habitability; it is temperate, wet, and verdant, with a strong local ecology and human-compatible ecological resources. The planet is also generally safe as long as one stays away from the open oceans; the large animals there rarely venture into the vegetation-choked island shallows and land areas.
The combination of Horrorwoods and Lost Eclipse makes for an INTERESTING colonial culture; though the Nightmares are less obvious than the Horrorwoods, their more active presence at night insures that somebody is ALWAYS watching on the nightside of the planet.

Ciserus is just one of several communities on the planet, and is located in the tropical zone of the planet. The community of Ciserus proper is concealed among the giant roots of the local nuna trees, massive mangrove-like plants that sprawl out over several acres each over both land and water. The undersides of these giant plants are virtual mazes of roots extending into the seamounts, accretion spires, and out into the water,, and bar larger creatures from the inland waters. The community proper is nestled among the roots, looking like a growth of giant shelf-fungus, both above and below the water. The surrounding giant trees describe a natural harbor, and a protective channel that allows access to the sea, while keeping larger ocean predators from menacing the colony.
Ciserus makes its income primarily off harvesting nuna-wood, a megadamage hardwood prized by the Horrorwoods for use in weapons furniture(gun stocks, grip inlays, etc.) and various art. Other jungle products include various herbs and vher-syrup, a condensate popular as a spice and medicinal base. It also harvests the river for fish and edible plants, both of which help feed the Shemarrian Star Nation’s NeShemar populations.
Recently, the GNE(see Paladin Steel) has been granted permission to start up their own colony(Ari-Kane) not far away in the same island grove/chain, settling it primarily with refugees from other worlds. It also serves as a training ground for jungle forces recruits. While the nonShemar get along just fine with the Horrorwoods and their neshemar colonists, the Lost Eclipse has taken it upon itself to add their own contribution to the training of the recruits, whether the GNErs like it or not. This has resulted in some tension and mistrust of the monstrous Shemar, after trainees have been abducted off the training field or nightwatch, and even follow-up search and rescue parties have been subjected to playful predation. The abducted personnel are ultimately returned, after a night or two of stark-raving terror, accompanied by taunting and ‘had this been an actual invasion-’ lectures by the Lost Eclipse, which doesn’t endear them any to the frustrated military officials, who feel embarrassed by their supposed ‘allies’. The Lost Eclipse’s harassment, however, doesn’t extend to the colonists, who might be a bit more triggerhappy when it comes to defending themselves.

Solar System(Piserus 341)
Number of Stars: 2
Types of Stars:
Piserus-A Yellow Dwarf
Piserus-B Orange Dwarf
Number of Planets: 8
- Asteroid
- Terrestrial(microscopic)(Pise-A1)---Barely above an asteroid, and fitting into the planetisimal classification, Pise-A1 is also known as ‘Firewalker’, because its convoluted orbit takes it diving between Piserus-A and Piserus-B. Yet studies of its orbit show no signs of any deterioration.
-Terrestrial(tiny)(Pise-A2)---Small airless planet. The Shemarrians have landed an expedition to prospect the body for minerals, as well as to use it as a scientific observatory.
-Terrestrial(Enormous)(Pise-A3)---Heavy gravity world with a dense atmosphere. Interestingly, Pise-A3 has an ecology of what appear to be stunted, sprawling, giant bushes dotting its arid surface. Genetic testing shows a relationship to the giant mangrove-like trees of Pise-A4/Moyanon. How they got there is a mystery. However, studies of abnormalities in the composition of the planet’s upper atmosphere, that somehow prevent the inner system world from becoming a giant Venus-like hot hell, as well as its orbit, which keeps it locked behind Piserus-B(and this shielded from being exposed to both stars at once), suggest artificial intervention(as well as further investigation). The Horrorwoods might consider colonizing the planet, but for its punishing 10.8 g gravity field.
- Asteroid(Pise-M1)----A Deimos-sized body that has been visited several times out of curiousity. It plays host to a small scientific outpost sometimes used by visiting Wayfinders as a ‘sabbatical post’.
-Terrestrial(Average)(Moyanon)----System lifeworld
- Gas Giant(tiny)(Pise-A5)----Slightly smaller than Sol System’s Neptune, brilliantly-ringed Pise-A5 is readily visible from Moyanon, and is known locally as the ‘Blue Star’.
-Terrestrial(Huge)(Pise-A6)---Piseg. Despite Piseg’s 2.5 g gravitational field, and cold tainted atmosphere, the Horrorwoods are having a go at colonizing this planet with specially adapted biotech plants and animals. Why? Possibly because of the hints of vast mineral deposits sitting just below the permafrost of this frozen world.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: 12,000 km
Gravity: 0.9 g
Temperature: Temperate
Unusual/Special Features:
-Moons(4) ---Moyanon’s four small moons make for interesting tides. The same moons are part of the Horrorwoods’ nearspace skywatch and defense system, watching for possible dangerous impactors as well as other threats from space.
-Craters---Moyanon shows signs of heavy meteor bombardment in the past, as evidenced by several large crater archipelagos. Without an outer gas giant to gravitationally sweep the system clear of debris, the inner worlds are prone to spectacular periodical meteor showers.
Atmosphere: Dense, and breathable.
Terrain: Mainly marsh, rainforest, reef islands and seamounts. Most interesting is island and soil-building by the giant mangrove-like trees straddling the large reefs and seamounts, drawing up material from the ocean floor through extremely long root systems and depositing it as shed bark or dead trees on the surface, above the water, then held in place by the slowly petrifying older roots.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:

Hydrosphere: Soaking Wet; over 72% of Moyanon is covered by open water.
Biosphere: Verdant, with a thriving ecosystem. The oceans are rich in sea life, some of it quite large(and toothsome). Dinosauroids are the dominant order of life.
Colonial, in the initial stages.
Shemarrian---There are about 380,000 Shemar and NeShemar colonists
GNE---The GNE colonial presence is currently some 11,000, but plans are to expand it to 95,000 over the next two years. The GNE is eying several islands as possible resettlement zones for displaced d-bee humans(mainly Australians and New Zealanders) that were rescued with Radiant Edge help from their nuclear war-contaminated alternate Earth.
Advanced/Three Galaxies. In some regions, the only way to get through the tangled jungle is by contra-gravity vehicle.
Agricultural---Both the Shemarrians and the GNE are looking to exploit Moyanon’s rich ecology for food, materials, and phytochemicals.
Prosperous--- Moyanon’s rich environment bodes well for the agricultural colonies.
The Shemarrian communities are run by Matriarchy.
The GNE colonies are effectively state-appointed hierarchies, though the colonists are encouraged to elect spokesmen to pass on their concerns to the colonial administration.
Law Level:
Lawful, though between the fact that there are heavily-armed androids and cyborgs, and a training camp of jungle soldiers on-planet, some would say the situation is Authoritarian.
Beloved. The Shemarrians love their government, the NeShemar are grateful for a second chance on a verdant planet.
Solid---Everybody is too busy making a living to raise any ruckus.

Ciserus Enclave
Colony:(Ciserus Enclave)
Ciserus is a small community on Moyanon, and is typical of the small rural enclaves under the Shemarrian administration of the planet. The current headswoman and civilian administrator of the community is a neshemar neToraer, Hana Rivensdoter.

Sponsoring Organization: Joint Horrorwoods/Lost Eclipse

Colony Size: 6,000 recognized NeShemar
There are few actual (E)Shemarrians in the outpost at any given time, and those are visitors.
The recent influx of refugees has added another 3,000

General Alignment: Scrupulous and Principled

Trade Policy: Ciserus moves most of its trade through the Tribal bases offshore, who transship it offworld. There is some limited trade with the neighboring PS/GNE colony as well.

Environment Around Colony: Jungle, with multiple lakes and several fairly large rivers

Notable/Special Natural Resources: Coastal Fishing and some lumbering(Moyanon’s ecology produces several naturally megadamage woods)

Initial Buildings/Facilities:
Boat Yard---A small boat yard services Ciserus’s small fishing fleet and visiting submarines from the EShemar sub-bases.
Medical Facility: Full medical facility with bionics-servicing capabilities.

Primary Energy Source: Fusion power(reactors buried under the settlement) and solar/wind(several ‘farms’ of disguised technotrees planted in the groves nearby)

Primary Source of Transportation: Robot animals and watercraft. The colony also sports a dozen Herculite warmounts, modified wth flotation sacs and able to swim on the surface at a leisurely 6 MPH. They are involved in harvesting deadfall nuna-wood and titanott vines.

Security/Fighting Force:
Ciserus has a volunteer militia, about forty volunteers armed with Shemarrian-manufactured weapons. Hanas delegates the running of this force to its own officer, but as the civilian administrator, she is responsible for its preparedness and the authorization of its deployment. Of course, the Shemarrian enimals onsite can activate to become a defensive force.
Ciserus’s REAL military power would come from offshore; an underwater Horrorwoods base lurks forty miles off the coast, and any serious attack would see war parties and amphibious Warsteeds storming ashore to relieve the colony. If the attack is localized, more reinforcements could come in from any of the other three, larger, Shemarrian enclaves on the planet. And the nearby GNE outpost, also heavily armed, would certainly send reinforcements as well(several dozen hover combat vehicles able to negotiate the dense jungle, and an assortment of rangers and jungle forces infantry), if their own colony’s security would not be compromised by the move.

Outside Threats:
Moyanon is on the inner edge of the Inner Gaelra Arm near the Republikan Enclaves. As Moyanon is a tropical world, it would appeal greatly to the Republik, and their scouts have been sighted within several dozen lightyears of the system. While conflict is not inevitable or imminent, Golgan claims in the region extend all the way to the Annach Gulf, putting Mayanon well within the territorial claims of the Republik. Should they ever discover Moyanon and the established presence there, Golgan jingoism would likely lead to confrontation.
Similarly, the Shing are known to be exploring in the area. Whether or not any Shing scouts have ever made their way as far as Moyanon is unknown, but as the leonine sentients are still something of an unknown quantity for the Shemarrians, all enclaves in the area have been warned to be on the look-out.

Indigenous Peoples: None have been discovered thus far in explorations of the planet
This doesn’t rule out that there COULDN’T be small populations of indignes like Abatwa, arboreal primates, or undersea dwellers somewhere on the planet, but they haven’t been discovered yet.

Hostility Index: Ruling out SENTIENT local hostiles, there’s still enough trouble from animal threats that Moyanon can be classed as Agitated and Restless. Safety for the settlers is best found near the forested islands; the open waters are home to some giant predators and aggressively paranoid grazers, some of which reportedly have inspired the Horrorwoods and Lost Eclipse Tinkers working in new Warmount designs .

Toraer Hana Rivensdoter---Ciserus Colonial Administrator (Horrorwoods NeShemar NPC)

“You were brought to us by a river, running red with the shed blood of war. It matters not who you were before; the river washed that away. You are what the waters bequeathed back to the land and the living. As spring floods give vitality to the land, so too have you, my daughter, given joy to our existence.”
---- T’sane Laransran-Treesfriend, Horrorwoods Acolite, to her ‘daughter’.

Hana Rivensdoter is the NeShemar Mistress in charge of the Cisarus outpost colony. Hana Rivensdoter is effectively a partial cyborg conversion(more akin to a HU supersoldier phsyically, but with a more civilian-oriented education), her body modifed extensively via implants and nanotech augments. She has also received extensive neural augmentation, in part to supplement or replace brain functions she lost as a result of traumatic brain injury suffered prior to her becoming NeShemar. These implants effectively give Hana a secondary brain for purposes of memory, multi-tasking, and skill acquisition/retention.
Hana remembers little of what or who she was before she became NeShemar. All her adoptive EShemar ‘parents’ will tell her was that she was pulled virtually dead from a river, and was likely a survivor of some conflict on a distant world. As many NeShemar have similar background stories of being raised from the seriously wounded or dead from violent worlds, Hana isn’t surprised. Nor is she particularly inclined to find out more about her past, especially given what few snatches of depressing and violent flashback she CAN remember. What little else her fosterers will tell her is that the ‘winners’ in the war were ‘punished’ by the Lost Eclipse and the Horrorwoods. What she DOES know is that whatever was left of her original self was brought into the Shemarrians, revived and ReMade, and given a new life as a NeShemar of the Horrorwoods. She was fostered by a loving Acolite mentor, served as a handmaiden to a War Chief, and eventually rose through the ranks to attain a toraer(Mistress) rank in effective charge of a small civilian community outpost on a Shemarrian enclave world. She has been the effective administrator of the township of Cisarus for the last four years.
Hana has had basic combat training as a citizen of the Shemarrian Star Nation, and knows her way around some standard weapons, but she is a self-aware non-expert in military matters. She will only take up arms in defense of her community and the citizens under her charge. Thus she is grateful for the presence of the more military-inclined EShemar on the planet

Level of Experience: 8th Level HU Military Specialist(equivalent)
Rank: NeShemar Toraer(Mistress), Horrorwoods Tribe
Race: Originally Human; NeShemar Cyborg Acolite
Alignment: Scrupulous
Land of Origin: Unknown. Presumably one of the Shemarrians’ protectorate worlds.
Age: Appears to be in her early 20’s, but is actually chronologically closer to 50(but is still considered to be a ‘youngster’ by the Shemarrians).
Sex: Female
Height: 5 ft 7 in.
Weight: 140 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A comely young human(oid) female with dark-complexioned tan skin, long dark brown hair, and large, soulful aquamarine-and-gray eyes. She usually hides her (bronze)antennae in her hair, but when agitated, they emerge from concealment. She typically wears light robes, swimsuit (given the wet conditions on Moyanon) or a skinsuit, rather than body armor.
Quiet and introspective. She is very intelligent, and can, with meditation and concentration, achieve boosts of even greater insight and calculation. She is not particularly violent, and is quick to calm herself if she becomes agitated, though she will fight if she is left no other options or others under her charge are threatened. She has an affinity for water, and when not preoccupied with her administration tasks, she is frequently beside the water, or in it. She takes her role as Toraer and colonial administrator seriously, and treats the refugees under her charge with sympathy and understanding. She is on good terms with her opposite numbers in the nearby GNE agri-colony. She is affectionately loyal to her foster-parents and communicates with them often, despite her adoptive mother’s constant cajoling to ‘laugh more and find a mate’.
Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: (19
ME: 22
MA: (17
PS: (19
PP: 24
PE: 23
PB: 19
SPD: 28

(PPE): 8

Hit Points:45
SDC: 56
MDC: 175(+50 underwater)
Horror Factor:-
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The mod qualifies the recipient as a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Mental Growth (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can enter states of extreme intelligence for short periods of time.
1. Mental Enhancement: Can boost her IQ by the number of her ME and MA scores, adding them together to gain a huge skill percentage bonus temporarily.
Duration: ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round per level. Must wait 10 minutes between uses of this power. Can only use it their ME number of times per day.
2. New Skills: Can learn a new skill each level. Skills must be selected as secondary skills and no educational bonus applies to skills learned this way.
3. Other Bonuses: +1d4 IQ, MA and ME

-Doublemind: [Minor] by Iczer
The character has a second set of neural matter, a backup brain so to speak. Devoid of will and personality of it's own, it grants the character a number of special options.
+2 to IQ, ME and MA
+2 to save vs psi, insanity and HF
+1% per level to all skills
Can make two saving throws against mental manipulations
Thinks at an accellerated rate (paralell processing). Strictly mental tasks can be performed at half the normal time.
? Can concentrate on two seperate tasks at a time. The second mind can ignore distractions. (can be alert for odd noises or movement while the main brain attempts to guide a lockpick) Character is alert while asleep (but still the body is groggy)
? Flee: If the character is rendered unconscious, or dying, the body can wander off to find a safe place. It has no skills or language, and only shoddy memories. It has 3/4 normal Spd and no attacks per melee (but has 3 actions). It does not attack but will dodge, play possum, and roll with punch fall impact to survive.

-Underwater Abilities(Minor)
* Breath Water(Indefinite duration)
* Maximum Depth Tolerance 1.5 miles
*Extraordinary(Plus) Strength when underwater(bio-mods’ muscles are cooled to be more efficient in the water), and increase P.S. to 26.
*Underwater Bonuses: +50 MDC , +2 strike, +2 parry, +4 dodge, +1 APM when underwater
* Automatically possesses the Swimming skill, and swims at Spd. x5 normal rate.
*Dry Land: +1 strike

-Mind/Body Attunement---Hana’s nervous system is modified to be more in tune with herself, and can achieve improved performance through various biofeedback techniques; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----Hana has recieved special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

Magic: None; by item only.
Psionics: None
-Universal Headjack
-Antennae---Shemarrian-style antennae with Motion Detection capability ( 20 ft range), Ultra-Ear, Radio Beacon,

Skills of Note:8th Level Specialist
Math Basic 98%
Computer Operation 98%
Computer Porgramming 98%
-Shemarrian 98%/98%
-Dragonese 98%/98%
-Trade Four/English 98%/98%
-Trade Six 98%/98%

Military Etiquette 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Radio: Scramblers 83%
Radio: Deep Space/FTL 94%
Surveillance Systems 83%
TV/Video 78%
Horsemanship Exotic 64%
Pilot: Hovercycles 94%
Pilot: Hovercraft 90%
Pilot: Boats(Motor) 90%
Pilot: Submersibles 48%
Read Sensory Equipment 70%
Navigation: 80%
Public Speaking 98%
Organization 98%
Business & Finance 98%
Wardrobe & Grooming 98%
Law: Shemarrian 94%
General Repair & Maintenance 98%
Basic Electronics 98%
Basic Mechanics 98%
Lore: Galactic 78%
Wilderness Survival 94%
Diplomacy 78%
Heraldry 40%/45%
First Aid 70%
Area Knowledge(Moyanon) 48%
Identify Plants and Fruits 45 %
Undersea Farming 45%
Intelligence 44%
Rope Works 35%
Fishing 40 %
Cook 98%
Fashion & Design 83%
Floral Arrangement 72%
Gardening 98%
Play Musical Instrument(lute) 83%
Play Musical Instrument(flute) 83%
Sew 98%(Professional quality)
Sing 94%
Sense of Balance 98%
Walk Tightrope/High Wire 84%
Work Paralllel Bars & Rings 78%
Climb Rope 96%
Back Flip 98%
Prowl 35%
Land Navigation 81%
Forced March
Climbing 98%/95%
Swimming 98%
Hand to Hand: Aikido
W.P. Knife(+1 Strike)
W.P. Energy Pistol (+1 Strike)
W.P. Energy Rifle (+1 Strike)

Actions/Attacks per Melee:7(8 underwater)
Initiative: +4
Strike:(+6(+8 underwater)
Parry:+8(+10 underwater)
Dodge: +8(+12 underwater)
Automatic Dodge +2
Roll: +2+2(+4
Break Fall +3
Pull Punch: +4
Body Flip/Throw +4
Critical Body Flip/Throw on Natural 18-20
Automatic Flip/Throw
Disarm +1
Damage:+4(+11 underwater)
+16% Vs Coma/Death
+4 Vs Magic
+4 Vs Poison
+10 Vs Psionics
+10 Vs Horror Factor
+2 Vs insanity
+5 Vs mind control
+4 Vs illusions
Can make two saving throws against mental manipulations
Impervious to Possession.
+1 Vs Disease
+2 Sense of Balance
45% Trust/Intimidate
45% Charm/Impress

Notable Possessions/Equipment:
As a NeShemar, Hanas has a suit of light body armor, and access to personal weaponry. She typically carries a Shemarrian Ion Pistol,
Owns an Awakened Seahorse Robot Steed(see Rifts Black Market, pgs 179-180)
When she goes about the colony outpost, Hana is often accompanied by 2d6 animals of various sorts, either disguised ‘ferals’ or obvious robotic/cyborg critters. These, of course, are all Shemarrian cyberanimals, and they will readily assist and defend Hana if she is ever threatened.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:A-006/-007CAm - Monst-Crane Rowi.

Love the kiwis from hell.
If you've ever seen the night camera footage of male kiwis fighting....they're hilarious. :lol:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:A-006/-007CAm - Monst-Crane Rowi.

Love the kiwis from hell.
If you've ever seen the night camera footage of male kiwis fighting....they're hilarious. :lol:

No I haven't, but now I'm curious to find some.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[

No I haven't, but now I'm curious to find some.

There are several on youtube. 'Male Kiwis Fighting' is a good search string.

The things chase each other pell-mell through the woods. They also squeal.

Automatic night cameras have really come into their own for catching wildlife....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-151 Supratikan-----Clan Immensis Aerial Warmount
(aka ‘SuperDumbo’, ‘Madphant’, ‘Flying Fanzer’, ‘Dredaderm’, ‘Snarlzer’)

“Finally, at last, we can be in the FOREFRONT of clan campaigns, instead of bringing up the rear.”
----Anonymous Clan Immensis Warrior

“Looks like the lovechild of Roger Dean and Jim Burns if they worked for the military industrial complex.”
----Anonymous University of Lazlo academic

“I’ll believe it when I see an elephant fl--oh #### me....”
----Anonymous Headhunter; typical reaction upon seeing the Supratikan for the first time

“Looks like a pink elephant’s evil drug-enraged cousin. Things most assuredly went to hell when the Lost Eclipse got involved in its design.”

The Avant Rouge soldier simply blinked in confusion as her mind tried to process what had just happened. One moment the massive form of the Despoiler warmachine was looming over her, readying the blow that would surely end her...and then some sort of flying ANIMAL had appeared over its shoulder, after evidentally shooting it in the back, stopping the warmachine in its tracks. As she had watched, several hugely corpulent, but inhumanly fast, figures had dropped off the flanks of the aerial beast, their combined weight visibly shaking the Despoiler as they landed on it, and began tearing away at its armor, anchoing themselves with footholds they carved in the plate with their efforts. Then, the flying beast had reached down with its nose-tentacle, pried apart the canopy of the mecha, and yanked the screaming pilot out
Now the pilotless mecha collapsed to the ground, the thunder of its fall matched by the impacts of the bulky humanoids who had jumped free to make their own landings. Each flexed with the heavy landing, then stood up, each pulling out a massive weapon with which they swept the landscape for more targets. More figures on the hovering warbeast overhead were also visible, training the business ends of what were obviously more weapons on anything that looked suspicious.
Then one of them took notice of her and strode over. In shock, covered with dust, the young resistance soldier stared in as much fear at the giant , and much -closer-, figure looming over her as she had the Despoiler only moments earlier.
“Close your mouth unless you want to be catching flies, lass,” a rich baritone voice rolled out from a bemused, but very fleshy and human, face under an ornate helmet, as above screaming continued from the enemy pilot being dangled high above the earth. “Yes, the cavalry’s here. The HEAVY AIRBORNE cavalry.”

This ‘bitzer’ is another eldritch spawn of a Tinkerfest, where Tinkers latched onto the idea of building a highly mobile Warmount able to carry any of Clan Immensis’s oversized warriors swiftly around the battlefield. The EcoS-K-10 Tusker was considered as a possible base, as was the Saurotron, but the Tinkers wanted something more agile, more mobile, and more...WILD.
The Supratikan resembles a deformed giant elephant head atop six stumpy insectile legs, and suspended between two enormous wing-like ears. The base is that of a Russian ‘WarThrone’ hovercraft, with an attached prehensile trunk adapted from a Shemarrian Es-SSN03 Humboldt Combat Submarine’s tentacles. The Supratikan retains the armored ‘throne’ of the Warthrone’ and the wraparound gallery that allows for the carrying of multiple passengers. Ot also keeps the concealed ‘priest hole’ secret compartment of the Warthrone( used as a sanctuary of last resort for an embattled warlord) but Immensians typically use this to protect ‘softs’----normal beings----caught up in intense fighting, or to secure valuables. Two sweeping ‘galleries’ line the topside of the Warmount, flanking the commander’s cupila/howdah, and are used for carrying troops or passengers(a favorite tactic of the Supratikan is to hover over a target and let the embarked troops snipe from above, or jump/rappel down). Six thick insect-joiinted legs provide a stable landing platform and carry the Supratikan on the ground, and the thick stumpy foot pads provide shock absorbing for landing, but can also extend sharp claws for anchoring.
Front and center in the Supratikan is the long trunk that effectively doubles the warmount’s length. The powerful tentacle is long, strong, and heavily armored, yet agile enough to pick up and manipulate objects. It also conceals a powerful sonic cannon and a ‘flex-path’ rail gun.
Though still relatively new, the Supratikan has already proven itself a very effective combat unit, effectively becoming flying artillery for the Immensians The design has also caught the interest of the Wayfinders, Lost Eclipse and Horrorwoods.

Type: EcoS-K-151 Supratikan
Class: Robotic Warmount, Aerial
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1-6 Immensian-sized passengers, or up to 25 human-sized passengers.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 900
Armored Howdah 450
Concealed Compartment 100
Head 400
Trunk 450
Tusks(2) 300 each
Tusk Launchers(2) 60 each
Ear-Wings(2) 450 each
Hip Jets(4) 100 each
Legs(6) 250 each
Height: 16 ft
Width: 25 ft + 45 ft wingspan
Length: 35 ft
Weight: 35 tons
Cargo: The howdah has lockers for up to a ton of cargo, usually small arms munitions survival gear, and field tools.
Internal cargo compartment can hold an additional half-ton of gear or passengers.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 45 MPH
(Flying) Hover to 220 MPH, maximum altitude of 9,000 ft
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Ultrasonic Hearing

*Inaudible Frequency Communications---Like true elephants, the Supratikan can communicate in sonic frequencies too high/low for normal humans to hear, although DogBoys, cyborgs with ultra-ear, and other beings with superior hearing may be able to hear them.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Supratikan have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 400 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Terrain-Following Radar---An upgraded sensor system that allows for closer ground-skimming performance, combined with an electronic ‘danger sense’ that gives the Warmount a +5%/+1 to evasive maneuvers/dodge when flying ‘on the deck’ at or below 500 ft.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---The glaring eyes of the Supratikan conceal high-end laser eyes.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Sonic Cannon---The trunk mounts an internal sonic cannon, carried over from the EcoS-K-10 Tusker’
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage and range underwater)
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
The sonic vibrations can also be used to set up a resonance in hard armor that can stun or disorient living beings. Humans(and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Power Armor and EBA-wearers will be more susceptible to the effects of resonance, owing to their close proximity to the materials being affected. The effects are greatly diminished to occupants on a vehicle owing to the many interior structures that serve to dissipate and insulate the sound waves.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Co-Axial Rail Gun(1)---Adapted from the Hurga e-animal, this weapon was chosen both because of its versatility and flexibility. Like the Hurga, the Supratikan can ‘digest’ metal at one end, and shape its own ammunition, then electromagnetically expel it, at rail gun velocities. The Supratikan can also use more powerful EM fields to expel stone and megadamage bone and chitin, albeit with less force and damage.
Range:( SDC/MD Metal) 4,000 ft
(MD Stone/Concrete) 2,000 ft
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Metal) 7d6 SDC single round, 1d4 MD per 10 round burst
(MDC Metal) 1d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Stone/Concrete) 1d4 MD single round, 1d4x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1 MD single round, 1d10 MD per 10 round burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Supratikan can chew up dense materials and make its own ammunition. It typically holds 300 rds internally.

4) Trunk-Tentacle---The very long, strong, and agile nose-appendage can be used to delicately pick up objects, but can also stab with armor-cracking force, and crush with relentless pressure.
Range: Melee. 30 ft
Damage: (Robotic P.S. of 50)
(Lash/Punch) 3d6 MD
(Crush/Squeeze) 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
(Power Stab)(2 attacks)1d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH

5) Tusk Launchers Launchers(2) ---- What look like a pair of clusters of smaller tusks underneath and outboard of the large tusks are really kinetic projectile launchers. These are sharpened javelins of metal extruded by the Supratikan, and launched by pneumatic pressure to become lethal projectiles.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 2d4 MD per javelin-tusk in a volley.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6(all)
Payload: 6 each launcher. The Supratikan can grow new ones, using its self-repair systems. Each javelin-tusk has 10 MDC and takes 30 minutes to grow.

6) Thrust Downdraft----The Supratikan’s thruster fans, adapted from the Cyroc’s, are powerful enough that their DOWNDRAFT thrust can be used as a weapon, with force equivalent to a small tornado, able to knock down light structures and blow people off their feet.
Range: 100 ft and covering an 80 ft wide area
Damage: Objects up to 600 lbs in weight can be picked up and whirled by the winds and thrown up to 50 ft, doing 5d6 SDC/MD damage on landing(or inflicting that much on hit targets)

7) (Optional) Heavy Weapon Hardpoint(1, forehead)----The Supratikan can mount a heavy weapon across the top of its head and manned by the pilot. This weapon is typically an energy cannon or heavy rail gun, such as a scava. When they can acquire them, the Immensians like mounting ‘Goddess Hammer’ cannons.
a) Boom Gun
Range: 11,000 ft
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per shot
Sonic shock effects remain unchanged.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 rd drum

b) Laser Cannon Pod---A heavier single-barrel laser cannon, based on a weapon acquired from South America(the ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser)
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6x10+10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c)Pulse Laser (2)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+10 MD triple pulse blast
(x2 for both guns firing simultaneously)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d)Heavy Shemarrian Rail Guns(2)
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 820 rd drum per gun.

e) TK Heavy Machine Guns(2)
Range: 4,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 3d6 MD short(5 shot) burst, 5d6 MD long (10 shot) burst, 2d6x10 MD full melee (50 shot) burst. Damage x2 for the synchronized fire from the two guns)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip

f) P-Beam TW Cannon(2)---A set of heavy boosted-range TW P-Beam Cannons.
Range: 2,800 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast; BOTH cannons firing simultaneously do 2d4x10 MD per burst!
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; the arming spells must be re-primed and recharged every four weeks.

g) Extended Range TW Starfire Cannon(2)
Range: 5,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 50 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clips

h)‘Goddess Hammer’ Gatling Cannon---This weapon consists of six rail gun barrels(adapted from the Shemarrian ‘carbine’) in a gatling arrangement, set for rapid-fire, trading range for sheer volume of fire. At full auto, the damage spread of this weapon is devastating and has been known to shred robot vehicles and smash down fortifications in a single melee! The devastation the ‘Goddess Hammer’ can dish out is matched only by the thundering racket it makes spitting out rounds. Supposedly, after seeing this weapon in action, the reformed SkullCrushers immediately petitioned the Wolf’s Path for its schematics as part of the post-SCW Reconciliation between the Tribes. The Wolf’s Path held off the petition for over a decade, leery of handing such a weapon to the trigger-happy SkullCrushers, even reformed ones.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per round, 4d6x10 MD for a three shot burst, 8d6x10 MD for a six shot burst(!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 820 shot drum

8 ) (Optional) Underwing Hardpoints(2-4)---The Supratikan can mount underwing ordnance if so desired.
a) Mini-Missiles---9(3x3 shot tubes) per hardpoint

b) Short Range Missiles----Three per hardpoint

c) Medium Range Missiles---Two per hardpoint

d) Rotary Laser Cannon---Identical to those available to the Monst-Rex
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+4 MD per rapid-fire burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Plasma Ejector---Identical to those available to the Monst-Rex.
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f)Bombs---Up to 750 lbs of ordnance can be mounted per hardpoint
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*750-lb Bomb----4d6x10 MD to 65 ft blast radius
Payload: One bomb(up to 750 lbs)

9) (Optional) Rear Deck Weapons Stations(1-2)---The side galleries can be fitted with heavy weapons mounts, such pintle-mount energy cannons or rail guns, manned by any embarked passengers/troops, to protect the flank and rear of the Warmount. Or the troops can simply use their own personal weapons.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the same programming as the Monstrex, plus the following( for aerial maneuvering purposes):
Pilot Hovercraft 70%(+5% per level of experience).
Pilot Helicopter 60%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Supratikan intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2, +4 flying
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +4
Roll +2, +4 flying
Bite 2d6 MD
Tusk Gore 4d6 MD
TrunkLash/Punch 3d6 MD
Crush/Squeeze 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
Power Stab (2 attacks)1d6x10 MD
Stomp 2d6+2 MD, +6 MD w/ extended toe-claws
Flying Stomp(2 attacks) 1d4x10 MD, plus knockdown: 80% chance of knockdown(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 60% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees)

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Supratikan an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Supratikan entity is fairly smart and cunning, with an elephant-like intelligence(roughly equivalent to an IQ of 13), and a patient, plodding disposition. Supratikans can become quite affectionate with their riders, and show a dogged loyalty. In combat, Supratikans are even more vicious than their Tusker ancestors, showing a raptor-like aggression in attacking ground targets and in bullying aerial opponents, even those more agile than the Supratikan themselves.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8, the Supratikan has an IQ of 13 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*EW Jammers---An Electronic Warfare system can be added to the Supratikan. Typically provision is made in the cockpit howdah for a dedicated EW seat and operator to manage the systems. *ECCM system: A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) when operating on automatic.
Having an Electronic Warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

-Sensor Jamming---An active, manned system that gives a 25%+operator’s ECM bonus chance of jamming enemy radar, including radar guided munitions and missiles. Effective range of 20 miles.

*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1-2)---Countermeasure launchers can be mounted on the flanks of the Warmount, for decoying guided missiles.

Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

*Gallery Shields(4-6) ---Armored shields can be added to the railings of the topside passenger galliers, offering the exposed personnel partial cover. Each shield has 100-180 MDC and anybody taking cover behind them is -4 to strike, even on called shots. Recently, some Supratikans have been seen fitted with copies of the Triax TX-002 Heavy Weapons Shield, with 160 MDCand 20 mini-missiles.
And, of course, some troops bring their own personalized shields.

*EcoS-K-151D----(aka ‘Grand Majh’) Considered the ‘Deluxe’ model, the K-151D has been extensively fitted with technowizardry systems. The trunk cannon(s) have been supplemented, if not outright replaced, with a choice of powerful TW cannons. It’s generally regarded as too prohibitively expensive to produce for deployment on a brigade level, limiting them to high officers and special attack units in the Immensian organization.
TechnoWizardry Systems:
*PPE Battery and Generator---
Note: The TW Generators are shielded by special Ley Line Protection devices, analogous to Faraday Cages, in order to prevent being disabled during ley line storms. During such events, all magical systems are turned off and secured, until the storm passes. Invariably, though, some damage is inflicted to peripheral systems that could not be shut down or drained in time, but at least the main generators will not be damaged.
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

*TW Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP.

*Fear/Horror Factor---Used to amplify the effects of the sheer size of the Supratikan on squishy little groundlings(100 ft area of effect, up to 200 ft away, duration of 5 minutes, and cost 5 PPE).

*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting warmount.
Applied to the Supratikan, this has been known to cause snap nervous breakdowns in opponents, given the growing number of incidents of screams of ‘hordes of flying demon elephants’.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*Mystical Stealth System----Renders the warmount silent and invisible, even during the day. Great for evading detection, surveillance, and tailing, but the moment the warmount takes any sort of aggressive maneuver, the stealth drops and the warmount can be readily detected. Costs 20 PPE per 3 minutes of activation.

*Trunk TW Cannon(1)---The trunk has been further modified to accept a choice of powerful TW weapons:
a) TW Sonic Cannon---A copy of somebody else’s adaptation of examples of the Immaterial Hand’s Ironmage TW Glitterboy Armor and its ‘shrieker’ cannon(see Rifts Black Market, pg. 187-189) . Special booster barrel technowizardry on the trunk barrel increases the range.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per shot, 1d6x10 MD on a ley line and against supernatural creatures and beings of magic.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 12 PPE per shot

b) TW Windblast Cannon---Fires long range bolts of super-dense air. Incredible range, thanks to the barrel boosting elements.
Range: 15,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10+30 MD per blast, plus knock-back, similar to Wind Rush.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 20 PPE per shot

c) TW Power Bolt Cannon---Fires a large bolt of mystic force that hits hard and deep.
Range: 8,400 ft
Damage: 5d6+20 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 10 PPE per shot

d) TW Barrage Storm Cannon---Unleashes a storm of mini-bolts of magic force that shotgun into a target.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD, plus all other effects as described for the Barrage spell.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 13 PPE per shot

e) TW Lightning Cannon---- Launches a vertical blast of mystic lightning.
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

*Thruster Wind Rush Blasters---The rear leg booster jets can be used to project a Wind Rush spell(range: 120 ft knocking down humans and human-sized targets that don’t make a saving roll of 18-19, 10 PPE per blast)
Last edited by taalismn on Wed May 22, 2019 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Had these sitting in my WIP and managed to finish them up..

EcoS-KRP007Csh - Clan Shelley acquired the Bursk from the Lost Eclipse and have adapted it to better function along the California coasts where they live, particularly with the Gilloc. These Bursks have been modified for improved underwater movement and depth tolerance, as well as some enhanced stealth capabilities. Visually the 007Che is similar except the tail is longer and stronger, the skin is more rubbery looking, similar to the Gillocs.
Length: 6.5-9.5 ft
Weight: 850 lbs
(Underwater) Can swim at 40 MPH, or run along the bottom at 10 MPH. Maximum depth of 1.5 miles
(Climbing) These Bursks have improved climbing skills over their baseline, only able to climb at 55%, although the suction cups on the feet do allow them to cling to surfaces, such as the sides of boats.

Special Systems:
*Depth Gauge---These Bursks have an integral sense of pressure and depth. 

*Adjustable Buoyancy---- the KRP007Csh can actively adjust their own buoyancy through special artificial swim bladders and flotation mechanisms inside their bodies. 

*Mini-Sonar---These Bursks possess miniaturized active sonar, w/ 2 mile active range. Note that the active ‘click’ of this system can be detected by others with sonic sensors. To avoid detection, Bursks will use passive senses. 

*Passive Sonar---Bursks have excellent underwater hearing. +2 initiative in the air(+4 underwater), +1 parry, +2 dodge. 

*Molecular Analyzer---Like an electronic shark, the warmount can ‘sniff’ its watery surroundings, looking for chemical clues, such as blood or oil in the water. Can effectively track by smell 84%.

*Prowl Capability---The padded feet and rubbery skin muffle noise and give the warmount a base Prowl ability of 66%.

*Acoustic Stealth----The same rubbery false-flesh covering baffles the warmount against sonar systems; has only a 20% chance of appearing on sonar detection systems.

*Suction Cups----The fingers and toes are lined with small adhesion pads for clinging to watercraft and rocks, or climbing up coastal cliffs and the sides of ships. 

*Glow-Glands---Some Bursks are fitted with subdermal LED arrays that not only look pretty (like the natural bioluminescence glands of certain sea creatures), but can be used to provide flashlight-like illumination and even work like strobing blinding flashers to startle and stun other creatuers, especially in deep sea darkness. Many Burks mount a strobe on an extendable antennae stalk from the top of the head, like an anglerfish’s ‘lure’.
Range: 60 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area as a weapon, 100-200 ft as a flashlight. 
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH

*Spit Water---The warmount’s throat can be modified to forcibly expel water, like a motorized squirtgun. In the water, the warmount can draw in water from its surroundings and spit like an archer fish. On dry land, the warmount must rely on what it can carry internally; it can carry about 5 gallons internally. Range of 60 ft, and does 4d6 HP damage to vampires. Holds enough for 30 shots. If the warmount isn't going to hold anything in its throat pouch, it can hold another 60 shots worth of water.

*Electrified Skin---This works in conjunction with the chemical sprayer system to coat the Gilloc with an electroconductive gel, that allows the cyberhumanoid to emulate an electric eel and deliver a stunning shock similar to a Neural Mace, with just a touch.

EcoS-KRP007Csh(t) - Toxi Bursk
"The west coast is getting even scarier and scarier man! Zombies, zombies that shoot lightning, vampires, harpies, mummies and fish men! Now there's monstrous frogs and frogs with claws and spit poison! I'm going up north! At least the Yeti are less scary!"
-Overheard from a Rogue Scholar after seeing a group of Toxi Bursk taking down members of the Deep One Cult, melting many with acidic spit.

"Clan Shelley has always been interesting and source of much amusement for us around the Hawkmoons. But now it seems they're looking to encroach on the Darkwaters territory with their changes to the Burks we gave them. This shall prove most entertaining."
Lost Eclipse tribeswoman observing the Toxi Bursk in action with Gilloc attacking Deep One Cult stronghold.

At some point Clan Shelley acquired several examples and the templates for the Bursk from the Lost Eclipse, and added their own spin on it. While they retain several original Bursks, and their modified Bursks for deep water work, they experimented with a more combat oriented version, that gives up the ability to carry prisoners for improved armour, dedicated poison and acid spitting capability. The arms are longer and have a large retractable claw that extends from the back of the hand. The tongue is modified to be even more deadly in combat, able to pierce a target.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 140
Tongue 110
Arms(2) 85 each
Legs(2) 95 each

Length: 6.5-9.5 ft
Weight: 900 lbs
(Underwater) Can swim at 40 MPH, or run along the bottom at 10 MPH. Maximum depth of 1.2 miles
(Climbing) These Bursks have improved climbing skills over their baseline, only able to climb at 55%, although the suction cups on the feet do allow them to cling to surfaces, such as the sides of boats.

Special Systems:
*Depth Gauge---These Bursks have an integral sense of pressure and depth. 

*Adjustable Buoyancy---- the KRP007Csh can actively adjust their own buoyancy through special artificial swim bladders and flotation mechanisms inside their bodies. 

*Mini-Sonar---These Bursks possess miniaturized active sonar, w/ 2 mile active range. Note that the active ‘click’ of this system can be detected by others with sonic sensors. To avoid detection, Bursks will use passive senses. 

*Passive Sonar---Bursks have excellent underwater hearing. +2 initiative in the air(+4 underwater), +1 parry, +2 dodge. 

*Molecular Analyzer---Like an electronic shark, the warmount can ‘sniff’ its watery surroundings, looking for chemical clues, such as blood or oil in the water. Can effectively track by smell 84%.

*Prowl Capability---The padded feet and rubbery skin muffle noise and give the warmount a base Prowl ability of 66%.

*Acoustic Stealth----The same rubbery false-flesh covering baffles the warmount against sonar systems; has only a 20% chance of appearing on sonar detection systems.

*Suction Cups----The fingers and toes are lined with small adhesion pads for clinging to watercraft and rocks, or climbing up coastal cliffs and the sides of ships. 

Weapon Systems:
1)Combat Tongue --- Actually an incredibly long and strong bionic tentacle, tipped with a harpoon-like tip
Range: 18 ft
Damage:(Punch) 2d4 MD
(Lash) 1d6 MD
(Constrict) 2d4 MD
(Stab) 3d6 MD, and holds fast upon contact. Only beings with robotic strength or a P.S. of 30 or greater can pull free from the tongue; otherwise, the victim must cut through the
tongue or kill the Toxi Bursk.

3) Large Retractable Claws (2) ---- The back of the hand-paws of the Bursk are fitted with retractable vibroblades that look like a large curved claw, able to rend armour and mega-flesh with ease. 
Range: Melee
Damage: 5d6 MD on a slash

5) Poison Bite --- The Toxi Bursk are fitted to deliver a nematocyst-like sting with their tongue, delivering a chemical venom directly into an entangled target. This is typically a paralytic agent or hallucinogenic toxin. The Toxi Bursk can also spit this poison.
Damage: 1d4 SDC, plus chemical effects.
Range: (Bite) Melee
(Spit) 50 ft
Payload: Up to 50 doses of up to 5 different chemicals. 

6) (Optional) Adhesive Spit---Taking a cue from such Warmounts as the Aracha and the Cyclopede, the Bursk can be fitted to generate a sticky, quick-setting polymer adhesive that it can exude as a milky-white spit. This can be used to glue together masses of wood, stone, and other debris as part of field fortifications or dams, or it be used to encase prisoners and glue them to trees and boulders. These so-called ‘glue pots’ or ‘glue-pogs’ can be distinguished by multiple blisters along their backs(actually the nanopacs synthesizing the adhesive).
Range: Can spit up to 25 ft. A spit-glob covers roughly 3 ft of surface in icky, sticky, mess. 
Damage: None. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic PS of 30 or better to break free; otherwise they are stuck until the goo is somehow removed. To completely cover a human-sized target, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the strike roll, otherwise only a limb is glommed. 
The epoxy sets within seconds, and can be used underwater. However, the sprayed epoxy needs 1d4 hours to properly cure, at which point it attains its maximum strength. 
Epoxy has 2d4 MDC per application, but hardens to 2d6 +1 MDC after curing for 1d4 hours. 
Rate of Fire: Can spit a one pound glob of adhesive goo in a single attack, ECHH
Payload: Can generate about twenty-five pounds of resin per hour. 

8) Acid Spit --- The Toxi Bursk are able to spit a potent acid that continues to burn for several seconds. The acid is even potent under water, making this an excellent weapon for sabotaging water craft.
Damage: 3d4 MD, plus 1d4 MD for 1d6+2 melee rounds. Underwater reduce additional damage time to only 1d4 melee rounds.
Range: 100 ft
Payload: 50 shots, can 1 shot after consuming 5 lbs of several acidic and poisonous plants and minerals.

*Glow-Glands---Some Bursks are fitted with subdermal LED arrays that not only look pretty (like the natural bioluminescence glands of certain sea creatures), but can be used to provide flashlight-like illumination and even work like strobing blinding flashers to startle and stun other creatuers, especially in deep sea darkness. Many Burks mount a strobe on an extendable antennae stalk from the top of the head, like an anglerfish’s ‘lure’.
Range: 60 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area as a weapon, 100-200 ft as a flashlight. 
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH

*Spit Water---The warmount’s throat can be modified to forcibly expel water, like a motorized squirtgun. In the water, the warmount can draw in water from its surroundings and spit like an archer fish. On dry land, the warmount must rely on what it can carry internally; it can carry about 5 gallons internally. Range of 60 ft, and does 4d6 HP damage to vampires. Holds enough for 30 shots. If the warmount isn't going to hold anything in its throat pouch, it can hold another 60 shots worth of water.

*Electrified Skin---This works in conjunction with the chemical sprayer system to coat the Gilloc with an electroconductive gel, that allows the cyberhumanoid to emulate an electric eel and deliver a stunning shock similar to a Neural Mace, with just a touch.

Acid Cloud Breath --- Bursks outfitted thusly can generate a dense obscuring chemical fog similar in composition to pre-Rifts theatrical ‘fog’ that also contains acid, burning anything within the cloud, the chemical fumes DO obstruct vision, and can provide quite the distraction, especially if multiple Bursks are pumping out the fog. 
Range: Can cover a 90 ft area
Damage: 2d4 MD per melee in the cloud. Those caught in the fog are -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle while caught in the cloud. Depending on local air current conditions, the cloud disipates in 2d6 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Can pump out a 90 cubic ft of vapor cloud per melee
Payload: Can generate 1,000 cubic feet of fog-mix per hour, each melee of use uses up 5 shots of the acid spit stores. 
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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We seem to be hitting a surge of completed projects(or ones just straining to get out of the gates).

Sand Blades Fringe Tribe
(aka ‘Silica Storm’)
“I like to make the UNdead, the REdead.”

“Why do you all insist on blue cyberoptics?”
“We were told it’s traditional.”

The Sand Blades are a small Wannabe tribe that emerged from the Mexican desert. It is believed to have been the inadvertant result of a Shemarrian scouting mission(under ARCHIE-3’s directorship, this being in the early stages of the Shemarrian Civil War) in the region rescuing a number of slaves from the vampires. Many of the ex-slaves required extensive cybernetic and bionic reconstruction, as well as psychological assistance. Being stretched for resources, the Shemarrians arranged to drop off the rescued people near Los Alamos, and in the care of a few local cyber-surgeons.
What the ARCHIE-3 agents didn’t know was that several of the ex-slaves were kidnapped cyberdocs who had been forcibly recruited into the vampires’ ‘bionics’ program. Though they didn’t know the full extent of the program they were being drafted into, they were bright and intelligent, and were arguably deranged after their experiences at the hands of the vampires. The refugee cyberdocs soon took over the direction of the work their hosts had been commissioned to do. One of the cyberspecialists in particular, a near-human d-bee by the name of Celes Muri, had access to knowledge of some particularly advanced techniques and technologies. She had been aware of how dangerous her knowledge might be in the hands of the vampires(which was why she’d been kidnapped) and was trying to figure a way how to kill herself and deny them their prize when she had been rescued. Now she had opportunity and reason to apply her talents to actively fight the blood-suckers. And she had a role model of vampire fighters in the Shemarrians. Not wanting to be victimized by the creatues of the night ever again, the small band of refugees began the process of converting themselves into an anti-vampire militia, with aspirations of becoming an army in their own right.
The majority of Sand Blades are women who have felt the vampires’ touch and been converted to modified cyberhumanoids, with a few more traditional cyborg chassis designs and a few male ‘borgs sprinkled in the ranks. Muri’s real innovations have been in fitting the cyborg frames with technowizardy systems aimed at combating the undead and the creatures of the night. However, they also use more conventional, albeit more powerful, weapons to blast through the vampires’ non-vampiric minions.
With the disruption caused by the Shemarrian Civil War, the A3 Shemarrians never went back to check on those they’d left behind, and it fell to the EShemar, checking up on reports of the Dark One’s activities in the region, to rediscover what had become of the lost.
The ‘Silica Storm’ had the opportunity to pay back their idols in a manner that favorably impressed them; another party of Shemarrians, cornered by a large party of vampire minions, put out a distress call for assistance. The aid came sooner than expected; almost the entire war party of the Sand Blades, a force wholly unexpected by either the EShemar of the vampires, emerged seemingly from the desert sands and took the monsters completely by surprise, routing them. Though the ‘Silica Storm’ was far smaller than their name would suggest, the Sand Blades impressed the Shemarrians with their courage and ferocity. Frankly the EShemar elders were DELIGHTED to discover the small band of imitators on a mission, and were eager to pay back the self-declared sub-tribe with recognition and material support.
Both the Wayfinders and Clan Shelley have taken an interest in sponsoring the new mini-tribe, plying them with resources and advice. They have supplied the Sand Blades with some basic Warmounts and Tribal weaponry.

Motif: A silver sword emerging from the center of a gold/copper cyclonic dust storm

a)Origins: Wanna-Bees
b)Where First Encountered
Rifts Earth
c)Tribe Size
300 members at the time of discovery, though they’ve been enthusiastically recruiting new members from the region, including various ex-slaves, liberated slave-borgs, robots, d-bees, and a few Eccentrics.
d)Tribe OrganizationHeadswoman---Traditional Matriarchy, typically hereditary or selected by a council of elders.
e)Tribal Composition--- 79% female, 21% male.
f) Highest Caste Class--- Being a neshemar formation, the Sand Blades do not have the regular EShemar system of caste-chassises.
g) Gender Division---79% Female, 21% male.
h) Home Environment----Deserts
i)Technology Level
Megadamage Age---Roughly equal to Rifts Earth canon and ARCHIE-3 canon Shemarrians. Megadamage weapons and equipment are readily available to the abilities of this tribe. They mainly ride robot horses and hovercraft, though the mainstream Tribes are beginning to send them extra Warmounts and equipment from their own stockpiles.
j) Relations with Outsiders:
Indifferent----The tribe doesn’t have much truck with outsiders who aren’t either vampire hunters or innocent victims of vampires, and strangers are firmly rebuffed to be on their way and not bother the tribe. Those who ignore the warnings will be attacked and driven away! Frankly, many of the founding members of the Sand Blades have suffered from not just the vampires, but bandits and slavers(the latter of whom sold many of the members to the vampires in the first place). They’re also not terribly happy with the reception they got from several of Reid’s Rangers; Sir Lazarus was particularly rude to them, and the more meta-sensitive of the Sandies got the impression that at best he was measuring them up as expendable cannon-fodder.
k) Relations with Other ‘Shemarrians’
Enthusiastic---The Sand Blades idolize the Shemarrians as protectors of the people and want to be like them as much as possible. They’ll eagerly help out any Shemarrians in trouble. The revelations of the Shemarrian Civil War don’t disturb them any; the fact that the EShemar winners of the uprising returned to the New West to continue fighting vampires speaks as loudly as the actions of the pre-SCW Shemarrians in rescuing people did.
That having been said, the Sand Blades and Clan Shelley aren’t likely to see eye to eye initially; one tribe fights creatures of darkness, while the other loves roleplaying being creatures of the night. Encounters between the two groups aren’t likely to go very well, at least until the Sand Blades are assured that the Shelleys really AREN’T monsters(this may require the Shelleyists grudgingly giving up some of their secrets) and those people who are disappeared by Clan Shelley aren’t being harmed. After that, the two groups are likely to get along just fine, as long as they’re both hunting vampires and monsters(and indeed, Clan Shelley becomes a major supporter of the Sand Blades). Similarly, the Sand Blades are likely to have problems relating to the Lost Eclipse, because of the latter’s infatuation with the monstrous.
l) Purpose
Crusade---Killing vampires. This zeal to slay the undead has led to one incident where the Sand Blades encountered a scouting party of Splugorth Minions fighting vampires. Not knowing that the Splugorth were the traditional enemies of the Shemarrians, the Sand Blades cooperated with the Minions in slaying the vampires. The Minions, for their part, were surprised by the intervention of Shemarrian-like cyborgs, but decided to deal with the greater threat first, then, realizing that the newcomers were NOT Shemarrians, retreated afterwards after a few shots into the rudely astonished Sand Blades. A later review of the incident earned the Silica Storm a mild rebuke from the EShemar and an update on the Tribes’ enemies. The Sand Blades aren’t 100% sure that they would, in a similar situation, attack the Splugorth Minions as long as the Minions were fighting vampires.
m) Preferred Mode of Combat
Blitzkrieg---Favors combined arms air/ground operations, rather than focus on only one aspect of the battlefield. The Sand Blades try using both ground(and in some cases UNDERground) and air elements in their attacks.
n) Unique Attributes---Magic Users; Celes Muri’s technowizardry bionics, based on d-bee mage-science, give the Sand Blades an edge against the supernatural. They’ve also developed some desert-specific bionics and weapons systems that have become signature for them, such as sand-skimmer gear, sandblaster cannons and TK water blaster implants.
o) Prosperity Self-Sufficient---The tribe is doing well for itself, with an ample supply of material for its projects, provided they are of modest ambition, replacement weaponry and warmounts for 50% of their number, a modest surplus, and enough disposable material for some small trading. Part of the Sand Blades’ income comes from operating mines in the wilderness; several of the members were ex-slave mining ‘borgs, and knew the location of the mines they escaped from. Armed with that information, the Sand Blades took over several of the more isolated mines, liberated any slaves they found there(and recruited any who wanted to join them) and resumed operations for their own benefit.
p) Chart P: Origin Tribe-----No origin Tribe as such, but the Sand Blades have garnered the sponsorship of the Wayfinders and Clan Shelley. Clan Motron has also expressed an interest in them.
q) Chart Q : Cyberization---- Thorough----About 50% of the tribe are full conversion cyborgs, another 25% are partial cyborgs, and the remaining 25% possess 2d4 cybernetic implants.

*Skimmer Gear---(Aka ‘Flivver-wear’, ‘Dry-Skates’, ‘Blower-Boots’) Low-powered jetpack-style systems that turn the cyborg into a personal hovercycle, zipping a few feet above the ground; consists of a pair of blower-equipped boots(50 MDC each) and a heavy rigid thruster-mounting skirt(60 MDC) attached to the cyborg’s powerplant, or an accessory system backpack power unit. Can send the wearer racing over land six-inches off the ground at speeds of 180 MPH. Requires Piloting: JetPack to properly use.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

A new Fringe Tribe, nice.

I've got another Bursk variant in the works, it just wasn't as far along as the above 2 were.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:A new Fringe Tribe, nice.

I've got another Bursk variant in the works, it just wasn't as far along as the above 2 were.

It's the RoboToads! RUNNNN!!!!!!

But seriously, some of your variants remind me of some of the uglier batfish that look like they COULD up on two fins and run away.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shemarrian EShe-T04 ‘Adlen’ Medium Multipurpose Deep Space Transport
(aka ‘MADlen’)

“Vermin starfreighter, you are under the guns of the Sqaauda Ascendancy! Power down your drives and shields and prepare to be boarded! Non-compliance will result in your protracted agonies and a waste of good mea-*CHASSA-THON! OPEN FIRE!! THE PREY DEFIES US! WHY DO WE NOT FIRE!!!???”
(“Apologies, First-Claw. The vermin have destroyed our primary turrets and our secondaries cannot yet be brought to bear! We-”)
“Fire as we bear! They DESTROYED OUR PRIMARIES? With WHAT?! Our scans showed only short ranged point defense! They-DAMAGE REPORT! WHAT NOW?!”
(“The prey conceals several heavy photonic and matter cannon, possibly by the same means as they eluded our earlier scans! They have damaged our portside drives, First-Claw! They-#$/////)
“Repeat that! They WHAT!? REPORT!-”
{{Sqaauda Ascendancy vessel captain, you are now under the weapons of the Shemarrian Star Nation. Your weapons and propulsion systems have been neutralized. Your communications systems and life support are now under our complete control. You will surrender to our boarding parties, and make no effort to sabotage your vessel or yourselves. Compliance is mandatory.}}

The ‘Adlen’-class transport starship is one of a number of logistical support vessels that are only recently coming to light and being identified as belonging to the fleet retinues of the Shemarrian Star Nation.
The ‘Adlen’ reminds many observers of a detached armature of the larger ‘Hitode’-class heavy transports, only one fitted with an engine bloc and bridge, so it is suspected that the class is an effort to economize by using existing tooling and shipyard programing as much as possible. The layout and performance are fairly vanilla by transport standards, and the armament light by Shemarrian standards(though better than many other star nations’ destroyers). Physical armor is quite heavy, and the Adlen can take a beating and still keep flying, though its engine bloc is exposed, compared to the rest of the vessel. Though not intended as a warship, the Adlen has been seen deployed as a troop transport, Q-ship, and gunship when needed. Other variants are expected to emerge and be identified as time passes and more becomes known of the Shemarrian Star Nation’s merchant marie and logistics infrastructure.
Adlens can be found plying many of the star lanes in the interior of SSN territory and they are presumed to be used by most of the starfaring Tribes, including Fringe Tribes.

Type: EShe-T04 ‘Adlen’
Class: Medium Interstellar Transport
Crew: 48
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 76,000
Bridge 1,400
Engine Bloc 4,800
Medium Laser Cannons(4) 540 each
G-Cannon Turrets(2) 800 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers(2) each
Point Defense Rail Gun/Laser Turrets(10) 160 each
Variable Forcefield 2,000 each side, 12,000 total
Height: 220 ft
Width: 250 ft
Length: 1,000 ft
Weight: 180,000 tons
Can hold a company of Shemarrian cavalry(that’s 160 troops, plus their mounts) or two companies (320 effectives) of dismounted infantry. Alternatively, can hold 40,000 tons of cargo.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 12
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.2% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 6.5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible(see Variants)
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Sensor Baffling----The Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)

Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Laser Cannon(2, ventral and dorsal)---Mounted in the forward hull in two single-mount turrets are two heavy laser cannons.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)---A pair of MRM launchers are mounted to interdict fighters and missiles.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 160 missiles each launcher. Additional missiles can be stored as cargo and reloaded within 15 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles).

3) G-Cannon Turrets(2)---These are identical to those mounted in similar positions on the armatures of the Hitodes.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per burst per single barrel, 4d4x100 MD per dual burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH(4-6)
Payload: 2,000 bursts per cannon. Additional drums can be brought up from cargo and reloaded; process takes 20 minutes)

4) Point Defense Rail Gun/Laser Turrets(10)---Standard Shemarrian-pattern rail gun/pulse laser combination in a common turret.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 M.D. per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 M.D. per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH(4-6)
(Laser) EGCHH (4-6)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

Auxiliary Craft:
4 shuttlecraft

*EShe-T04C----Amphibious Adlen, with the ability to operate submerged. It is originally believed to have been developed by the DarkWaters, but is also used by the Horrorwoods. The EShe-T04C ‘Sea-Adlen’ can move underwater at 25 MPH, and has a maximum depth tolerance of 1.3 miles. The missile launchers have been modified to fire dual-mode sea-air missiles. similar to Kittani weapons.

*EShe-T04LCV----Light carrier conversion that loses the bulk cargo capacity in favor of hangar facilities for 24 fighters. Also mounts four light tractor beams.

*EShe-T04D----The identification of the ‘D’ variant of the Adlen confirms to many analysts that the Adlen is directly derived from the Hitode, as vessels of this model mount the plasma torpedo launchers (6x12 tube arrays) seen on the baseline Hitodes’ armatures plus the seven tractor beam projectors to guide them to target. The type is believed to act as a ‘Q-ship’, protecting more vulnerable transports.

*EShe-T04GrDHC---- Aka ‘DoppleCruiser’. This is a Ghost Rider Q-ship variant Adlen that has been tricked out with false hull panels and faux EW signature emitters to resemble a Golgan Republik ‘Bindas’-class heavy cruiser. The only real Golgan thing about the T04GrDHC is its identical battery of six disruptor turrets(scavenged and reconditioned off Bindas cruisers taken in the Thundercloud Galaxy) and a single large heavy disruptor turret (a copy, rather than salvage) mounted in the rear. The two medium range missile launchers have been upgraded to long range missile launchers. Heavy sensor jamming gear and decoy launchers are hidden behind false hull sections to muddy long range scans of the ships, and the drives tuned to emulate Golgan-spec propulsion units. Crews are specially trained to ape Golgan operational procedures and not give away the true capabilities of the Adlen underneath the skin job. The Ghost Riders have used these vessels to sneak about Golgan space and spy on the Republik’s operations and movements, as well as to covertly trade with Golgan fringe worlds. In more overt actions, the Ghost Riders have used these ships in ‘false flag’ operations to divert attention from EShemar presence and implicate the Golgans instead.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

There’s a million epic tales in the ranks of the Shemarrian clans; these are just a few of them.....

Oymikado ‘Dancer’ Amane Sachiko ( NeShemar NPC)

The young dancer and exposed would-be assassin writhed in the lock-grip of several shadowsheathed guards, the gleaming blades of a pair of Kittani-made vibroblades showing from the dancing silks that concealed them, but now pooled at the captive’s thrashing high-heeled booted feet. As Alaresh watched, one of the guards forced a vial to the girl’s resisting lips and tipped back its contents into her mouth and down her throat. Within moments her resistance ceased, and she slumped limply to the floor befire quickly being bound and bundled.
The Kuragowan polis gave a nervous glance to where his guest was seated. To his surprise, the Esteemed Dame Vala-Copperbeater seemed more bemused by the attempted murder than shocked.
“I do wish she’d waited a little longer before getting down to business; I was actually enjoying her performance. She’s quite good. An unimaginative assassin, but a quite good entertainer. Well, we can fix the first, but the second is hard to come by.”

“Well, I must say, it’s been an interesting visit,” Vala-Copperbeater assured the Kuragowan diplomat standing beside her as they awaited her transport atop the Megalithan mekology, “But in spite of the local turmoil, which is to be expected with a world that’s been so rudely introduced to megaversal affairs, I can see fit to recommend to my kai-sept to invest in the efforts here, including technology exchanges.”
The Kuragowan couldn’t help but let slip a look of relief on his face, emphasized by the skin twisting around his cybernetic gilding. Even with Clan Megalithan assistance rebuilding them nationally and individually, the shattered society of Kuragow needed all the extraterrestrial friends it could get.
A hiss of throttled back thrusters and the chiming of gravitonics announced the arrival of the emissary’s starship as it docked with the platform.
“Time to go, mustn’t keep the crew waiting! I’ll likely be back to oversee the tech transfers. Ah, mustn’t forget my souvenirs, thank you very much.”
She tapped the clear plastic crate next to her. The form laying supine within gave
no signs of hearing, wrapped as it was in restraints and entubation.
The Kuragowan polis could only shake his head as he watched the emissary make her way to the raptor-winged starcraft, the cargo pallete trundling alongside her carrying her luggage and one heavy sedated assassin up the ramp. Crazy aliens...powerful aliens, and crazy. He didn’t know what that one wanted with one of their criminals. Maybe she wanted a pet or something. Oh well, as long as the trade deal was observed.

Under the night sky she dances, her only dress the sheen of distant stars on her skin. She dances not for any audience, but for herself. The caressing flow of air across her body, the percussive music of her heart, the whisper of her breath, the glancing touch of her flowing hair, the gentle tug of gravity on her limbs and the very blood coursing through her; she is a universe unto itself, and it is all in glorious motion. She is supremely content in this moment, this aspect of herself. One night, perhaps, she will invite another to join her in the dance and share a moment like this, but for now, it is enough to be by herself.
Duty will call soon enough, but for now this time and place are hers alone.

<<“Amane-jan, while you’re on Arvesha taking in the Festival of Personal Motionm I have a few things I want you to do for me-”>>

One shapely arm swept out in one direction, the other in the opposite direction, trailing an arcing band of silk like an suspended stream of water. With a pained groan a masked figure dropped out of the shadows, hitting the floor in an insensate heap, the ends of several needles protruding from its neck. Amane gave a tug to the silken sash now wrapped around the neck of the waiter, elicting a choked gurgle and the sound of a dropped pistol as that figure too fell to the floor. She delicately stepped over the unmoving body of the hostess, avoiding the dart gun in one outstretched hand, acting as if she had not just high-kicked the woman into unconsciousness just seconds before.
She turned to the young couple watching wide-eyed as the ranni-dancer providing an evening’s entertainment for them just dispatched three attackers in as many seconds.
“Your lives are in great danger. Come with me now if you want to live.”

“Where was she hiding that blaster?! She’s got hardly ANYTHING on!! How--”
‘Secrets of the megaverse, secrets of the megaverse, Man was not meant to know some things! Keep running!”

“You can get me a free-style session with a Roane Piper?! An actual Roane Piper!? To dance to the music of a properly-played rinaluo! Oh, Mistress Saun, what have I done to earn such an honor?”

“She’s tougher than she looks, quicker to act than you can think, she can dodge just about anything without thinking of it, and endurance-wise, just keeps going...and going...and going....”

%“If you were hiding any more while wearing any less, we’d have to consider transferring you to the SkyeKlad.”%
@“Heh, Copperbeater did a tour with them already and probably sent her to them for at least some of her training.”@

Oymikado Amane Sachiko is one of planet Kuragow’s ‘lost generation’ who grew up into a world shattered by Splugorth invasion, and liberated and pieced back together by Clan Megalith. Sadly, though the EShemar clan has striven to repair the damage done to Steam Age Kuragow and its people, and worked to uplift it into the Galactic community, the cyborgs can’t be everywhere, and the less scrupulous survivors have seized opportunities in the chaos of reconstruction to advance their own agendas.
Sachiko was lucky to have escaped the attentions of Splugorth biowizards during the occupation of Kuragow. Unfortunately, she was also traumatically orphaned during the same occupation, and arguably equally unfortunate in that she was adopted off the streets by one of Kuragow’s criminal elements, in this case an assassin’s guild, the Order of the Red Sun, that was eager to carve out a niche in the reorganizing societies of the planet. Pre-invasion, the dawning industrial revolution emerging on Kuragow was eroding the older clans and organizations of the feudal period. With much of their opposition gone, criminal organizations such as the Red Sun Order saw the chance to resurge, and the mass orphaning of many children provided a ready-made recruitment pool.
Though trained dually as a thief, Sachiko was groomed as an assassin. In the power vacuum left by the destruction of many nations and aristocratic Houses by the Splugorth, the Order was eager to exploit the disorder and worked to, not only put their clients in more advantageous positions through the elimination of rivals, but their own agendas. Sachiko and an army of other indoctrinated orphans were the foot soldiers
Sachiko has known only the Order as her parents, and thought nothing wrong of following their directives. When they told her to kill, she did so without question or doubt. The Order was her family, and her loyalty was her coin for continued acceptance by them.
Sachiko’s favored MO was to pose as a dancer and entertainer, the better to gain access to households and events, and to lower the guard of her targets. This was her approach to her latest assignment for the Order, the slaying of a foreign emissary from offworld that the Guild hoped would erode, if not destroy, the Megalithans’ support for a rival political clan. The plan went almost immediately awry, the plot was spotted well in advance and Sachiko was apprehended before she could carry out the hit. Under most regional Kuragowan laws, the assassin was almost guaranteed a trip to the gallows, especially for trying to kill an emissary under the aegis of host-protection.
The Eccentric Tinker Sachiko was supposed to slay had other ideas. She wanted the would-be assassin for her own purposes. The Kuragowans and the Megalithans obligingly turned over the young woman to keep their guest happy, and the disappearance of the drugged and unconscious assassin into an EShemar shuttlecraft would be the last anybody would see of Amane Sachiko until she resurfaced two years later.
Little is known of what happened during this gap, but it can be guessed that Sachiko was taken to some Deep Lab and there the EShemar Remade her physically and psychologically. Ironically, having escaped bio-manipulation at the tentacles of the Splugorth, the young Kuragowan was now subjected to the nanoprobes and reconstructive biotech of the EShemar. Her mind especially was Remade, after she had been pumped for everything she knew about her employers. There are suggestions that Sachiko’s persona re-Making was rather gentler than others’, as the EShemar apparently used her love of dance as an in into redirecting her loyalties and personal drives. It has been suggested that Sachiko was mentored, perhaps as a reward for her progress, in the SilkWings, an itinerant interstellar dance troupe variously rumored to have close ties to the Shemarrian Star Nation(enjoying patronage or outright being a front for the Yurei), the ShadowBlades, and the Celestial Players.
Somewhere along the line, Sachiko also picked up a phobia of deep space travel. Lengthy space transits terrify her, and she’d prefer to take any necessary trips sedated or in stasis. Given her hyper-modded physiology, however, it takes some powerful drugs to knock her out, and so she travels with special medications; these once came in handy when she forcefed them to a GunBrother, putting the biomod thug down in seconds.
Nowadays, Sachiko is part of the retinue of Mistress Saun Vala-Copperbeater*, the Eccentric Tinker who sponsored her ReMaking. A decidedly odd choice of follower for a Tinker, Sachiko is a bodyguard and part of her Mistress’s public relations team, evidentally being considered trustworthy enough to be entrusted with assignments of these types. She is sometimes detailed to protect others at the behest of her Mistress. She is also able to teach dance, self-defense, and performance on the side. Because her enhancements are biological, or concealed under her skin, with no outward signature of her EShemar affiliation, Sachiko can often take on duties that the EShemar do not want connected to them. However, her general lack of high-end combat skills keeps her from the front lines of traditional EShemar combat duty. Against ‘softer’ targets, however, she is quite effective.
Information Sachiko revealed under interrogation allowed Kuragowan authorities to crack down on a number of Red Sun Order cells, but the Megalithans are not certain they got all of them, so the organization is regarded as still being a threat to Kuragowan politics. This may present problems for Sachiko if she ever returns to the world of her birth, as her former employers may harbor ill intent towards the ex-assassin for failing her mission and compromising the organization’s secrets.

Level of Experience: 5th Level Palladium PFRPG Assassin/4th level Seductress
Rank: Nominally considered a ne-Tadael, but her bodyguard duties and expertise with a blade may have her earning a ne-Shadi Moraes or ne-Yurei rank.
Race: Human
Alignment: Unprincipled(was Aberrant)
Land of Origin: Kuragow
Age: Appears to be 21(but given her level of multi-classed expertise upon reappearing in public, it’s possible Sachiko spent time in an alternate universe with a faster time-flow rate)
Sex: Female
Height: 5 ft 6 in.
Weight: 100 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A slender-build young human female with light skin, long dark gray-violet hair and blue-gray eyes. She has the wiry musculature of a dedicated dancer and the glow of great physical vitality about her. She prefers light loose flowing clothing that allows her to move, without encumbrance(and she’s also been knwn to whirl and stream the clothing provocatively during performances, or as a distraction in combat), but also conceals her small arsenal of tools and weapons. She is fond of sashes, veils, vests, belts, short cloaks, skirts, leggings, and boots. Jewelry tends to be tight and formfitting(not a lot of loose flying bling).
To those meeting Sachiko for the first time, she shows no signs of her dark past, but comes across as a free spirit, kind, gentle, uninhibited, playful and friendly, and possessed of an incredible and seemingly effortless physical grace. That can turn to stoic, tightlipped, decisive action in a second. She is a ruthlessly proficient combatant with a full awareness of her body and how to best use it in combat. She is steadfastly loyal to the Shemarrian cause and to the Shemarrians(who have become her True Family), and takes great satisfaction in protecting others.
As an Order assassin, Sachiko took no particular pleasure in killing, only a professional satisfaction and pride in accomplishing her assigned task. She did take great joy in dance, and found in the physical exertion and precision of movement a measure of forgetfulness of the less pleasant aspects of her profession. Her EShemar interrogators worked on that aspect of her personality as a means of turning her, as post-ReMake Amane Sachiko regards dance as the core of her life. Very physically active, she is almost always working out, perfecting her craft. Traditional, folk, exotic dance styles all appeal to her and she is an avid observer and participant of the local dance scene wherever she goes, whenever she can(though she is mindful of whether or not it will interfere with any assignment she’s currently on). She is just as happy giving an exhibition of exotic dance, joining in a folk festival, or acting out a story for children.

Insanity: Phobia: Deep Space----As much as she loves the stars and travel, Sachiko is inexplicably terrified of deep space travel(possibly as a result of being involved in a space wreck or encounter with DarkSpace critters during her ‘missing time’). Shuttle trips, lunar hops, quickJumps, and space folds she can handle, but lengthy(more than 5 days) deep space voyages reduce her to a gibbering wreck. She can fight her way through them, or use some other intense distraction to keep her mind off whatever aspect of space travel she finds most terrifying, but this isn’t always practical or safe for her or her companions. Given a choice, Sachiko would prefer to make such transits either sedated or in hiberstasis. When possible, if she knows she has to make a long space journey, she’ll try to travel in the company of trusted others who can see to her safety.
This intense phobia concerns Sachiko’s bosses, who wonder if they shouldn’t have her mentally remodded again to attempt to root out the problem. Some have also wondered if the bio-modifications that made her so fast and graceful came at the expense of mental defenses.

*(Saun Vala-Copperbeater----A high-ranked Tinker, formerly of the Hawkmoons, but who declared as Eccentric when she went on to work for the SkyeKlad, then the Horrorwoods, the Lost Eclipse, Wayfinder, Wolf’s Path, and the IronHearts. She is currently working as a direct agent of the High Council, visiting new Fringe Tribes and border worlds, including most recently Clan Megalith, evaluating them for tech-trade and assistance. Though a Tinker by trade and programming, she is said to be operating as an intelligence administrator, overseeing several cells of special operatives. She is also rumored to have connections to the mysterious ShadowBlades and may have done a tour with them during her earlier wanderings...or may currently be Attached to them)

Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 12
ME: 14
MA: 21
PS: 16
PP: 28
PE: (39
PB: 23
SPD: 30

(PPE): 8

Hit Points: 39+6+10+7(64
SDC: 5+25+9+2+3(44
MDC: 90+20+20+80(210
Horror Factor:----
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:
-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---Amane Sachiko was made a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through her body, protecting her internal organs reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor. The network also bolsters endurance, reducing fatigue.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Healing Factor(Minor)----+2d4 P.E., +2d6+6 Hit Points, +25 SDC, +20% save versus Coma/Death, +3 save versus magic, poison, and toxins, +3 save versus psionic attacks. Recovers 3 SDC/MDC every 10 minutes, 1 Hit Point every 15 minutes, twice per 24 hours can instantly speed-heal 4d6 HP/MDC, does NOT fatigue, fire and cold do HALF damage, toxins and poisons do 1/3 normal damage on a failed save, and the bio-mod doesn’t scar when healed. Even broken bones heal 10 times faster than normal.

-(Minor)Heightened Sense of Awareness(Minor)---This is CONSTANT heightened awareness of surroundings, allowing for anticipation of actions, and appropriate planning in response.
*+2 initiative
*+1 Roll
*+2 save vs Horror Factor
*Automatic Dodge(+1 when in conjunction with the other automatic dodge-enabling enhancements)

-(Minor)Lightning Reflexes---+3 initiative, +1 disarm, +3 pull punch, +2 roll, +2d4 Speed, +1 APM, automatic dodge(+3)

+8 automatic dodge(but only +3 to dodge bullets and energy blasts).

-(Minor)Spinning Energy Blades(adapted from the Minor Superpower created by Zenvis)
This is a experimental energy projection system implanted inside Sachiko’s forearms, meant to give her an integral personal ranged weapon. It produces several small glowing discs of energy that can be used to cut through objects or attack others. Being partially biological in nature, the generator/projectors are invisible to most medical and security scanning systems. Sachiko will sometimes project these discs as part of her more exotic performances, sending them orbiting or spinning around her.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: (Variable) 4d6 SDC(and ignores 2 pts of Armor Rating), or 2d6 MD
Payload: Equal to Sachiko’s P.E.(currently 38 shots) before needing to recharge, similar to recovering from fatigue)
Bonuses: Targets are -2 to dodge the small swarm of flying discs

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning---Sachiko’s mental reprogramming included safeguards against her being turned again, against the EShemar, and thus she received special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

-Physical Transformation---Physically optimized, becoming the picture of prime health. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---Sachiko’s nervous system is amped to be more responsive and effective in reinforcing her mind and body; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity--- Increases P.P. to 22, +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity. The character is also ambidextrous.

- Enhanced Vision---Can see in starlight 900 ft, and 195 ft in absolute, total darkness.

Magic: By item only. Sachiko loves TW devices, and has heard of TW Dancing Silks, and would very much like to acquire a set.
-Native(Kuragowan South-Common) 98%/98%
- Shemarrian 98%/98%
-Dragonese 90%/70%
-Gobblely 90%/70%
Trade Four(English) 75%/55%
Trade Six. 70%/50%
Basic Math 98%
Interrogation Techniques 60%
Intelligence 58%
Concealment 64%
Detect Concealment & Traps 70% +5% in a person’s garments)
Detect Ambush 50%
Use & Recognize Poison 54%/46%
Streetwise: Drugs 60%
Streetwise 56%
Palming 55%
Undercover Ops 70%
Pick Locks 65%
Pick Pockets 80%
Escape Artist 80%
Disguise 70%
Imitate Voices & Sounds 56/50%
Prowl 70%
Track Humanoids 60%
Seduction 82%
Torture Resistance
First Aid 65%
Radio: Basic 65%
Computer Operation 65%
Read Sensory Equipment 50%
Sewing 65%
Cooking 55%
Pilot: Hovercraft 75%
Rope Works 55%
Impersonation 61%/47%
Performance 52%
Wardrobe & Grooming 70%
Wardrobe Disrobe/Quick-Change 70%/85%(self)
Dance(Professional quality) 85%
Marathon Dancing
Climbing/Scaling Walls/Rappelling 87%/77%
Sense of Balance 90 %
Work Parallel Bars & Rings 75 %
Climb Rope 80%
Back Flip 95 %
Pole Dancing 51%
Swimming 70%
Tumbling: 60%
• Leaps 2.7m long, Leaps 2.4 m high
• Pole vault 4.8m, 70%
• Stilt Walk 70%

Hand to Hand: Assassin
W.P. Knife(+2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Throw)
W.P. Targeting(+3 Strike)
W.P. Chain(+2 Strike, +1 Parry)
W.P. Whip(+2 Strike, +1 Damage, +1 Entangle)
W.P.Paired Weapons
W.P. Handguns
W.P. Energy Pistol

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 9
+1 w/ thrown weapon
Automatic Dodge+12 (but only +3 to dodge bullets and energy blasts)
Pull Punch:+8
Escape Holds/Locks +1
Sense of Balance +2
Back Flip +4
Body Throw
High Kick
+58% Vs Coma/Death
+11 Vs Magic
+12 Vs Poison
Impervious to Disease
+5 Vs Psionics
+10 Vs Horror Factor
+4 Vs Illusions
+8 Vs Mind Control
+2 Vs Insanity
Charm/Intimidate 65%
Charm/Impress 65%
+3 Vs Pain,/torture
+2 or +10% to save vs. dizziness/disorientation
Impervious to Possession

Notable Possessions/Equipment:
-Wardrobe and Makeup Kit(the makeup kit conceals a set of throwing needles/darts and a selection of drugs/toxins)

-Dance Outfits

-Gimmicked Clothing---Amane Sachiko is fond of a pair of high-heeled boots that conceal stilettos(1d6 MD) in the heel pieces and throwing blades in the seams. Her clothing also often features secret pockets and folds fo concealing items. Sunglasses and contact lenses conceal special sensors.

-Costume Jewelry(Often disguises sensors or infilitration aides). Also typically carries 4-6 smoke pellets or flash-bang capsules disguised as part of jewelry.

-NanoFilm Body Suit----A low-reflectivity bodysuit that can fit folded up in a container the size of a 9mm film cartridge. It gives the wearer a +20% to prowl in low light conditions, and interferes with motion detector and thermal imaging systems(-25% to sensor rolls for those types of sensors to detect the wearer). It can only take 6 MDC of damage, however, before losing its bonuses, and does not protect against kinetic attacks.

-Howlen Gear---Originally meant for Wolf’s Path artificial lycanthropes, this set of concealable memory-material weaponry has also been adopted by Yurei and other special operatives. Weight: 4 lbs
MDC: 30 (Armor Rating: 12)
Special Features:
-Adjustable straps
-Elastic gathers
-No encumbrance

-Howlen Guns:
*Howlen SheP-01--- EShemar knockoff of the Paladin Steel PSP-17 ‘Weretta’ Light Automatic Pistol(.08-9mm).
Weight: 1.2 lbs
MDC: 6
Range:(.08) 90 ft
(.22) 80 ft
(9mm) 120 ft
Damage:(.08)(Standard) 1d4 SD per round
(Express) 1d6 SD per round

*Poison Darts---These have a small internal reservoir for holding drugs or toxins, to be dispersed inside a living target.

*MDC Penetrators---These use a more powerful propellant to fire the projectile that much harder, to the point that they each do 1 MD(range is unchanged).

(.22) 1d6 SD per rd or 3d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 6d6 SDC for a six-round burst.
(Exploders) 3d6 SD per rd or 9d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 1d4x10 SDC for a six-round burst.
(MDEX) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d4 MD, a six-round burst does 4d4 MD.

(9mm)( Standard 9mm) 3d6 SD per rd
(NEMA-9 Saboted Round) 5d6 SD per rd
(Express Round) 4d6 SD(increase range to 200 ft) per rd
(Ramjet) 1 MD per rd
(Exploders) 6d6 SD per rd
(MDEX) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d4 MD, a six-round burst does 4d4 MD.

Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3-shot burst, or 6-shot burst
Payload: (.08) 21 rds
(.22) 12 rds
(9mm) 9 rds

Special Features:
*Transforming Frame---PSP-17s are typically disguised as large pieces of jewelry; a large necklace, amulet, bracelet, or belt buckle, and can transform partially or fully into gun-form for action.

*Sensor Stealthing---The largely composite construction and sealed magazines of the PSP-17s make them resistant to being detected as weapons by most weapons scanners(EM readers and chemical sniffers). Has only a 15% chance of showing up on weapons scanners.

*Howlen ShePDT-02---Dart-gun based on the PSESP09 FeatherDuster ElectroStatic Dart Pistol, only minus the featherduster and electrostatic generator, allowing for greater magazine payload.
Weight: 1 lb
Range: 100 ft
Damage: Dart does 1 SDC + possible drug/toxin effects.
Standard knockout drug renders the victim unconscious within 1d4 melees, unless they save versus non-lethal poison; a successful save means they still will grow woozy within 1d4 melees, and be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% to skill rolls for the duration. Drug effects last 4d4 minutes.
(Electroshock Dart) Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes. EBA defeats it, but partial body armor and heavy clothing provide only partial cover against a taser strike.
Partial Cyborgs have a 50% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 20% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out. Full conversion cyborgs have only a 25%/5% chance, and Assault Cyborgs and those with hardened systems aren’t affected at all.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 18 darts loaded in the hilt.

* Howlen SheLP-03 ---Morphing laser pistol. This is merely a modified knockoff of the Paladin Steel PS(Mc)LR-9 “SunSting’ Mini-Laser.
Weight: 9 ounces
MDC: 5
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 10 shot rechargeable/replaceable power cell. Effectively unlimited if powered by induction by a cyborg/android/gynoid.

*Mini-Laser Spot-Sight---Gives a +1 to strike

*Power Step-Down---Allows the laser power to be stepped down, allowing for a less lethal mode that does only 2d6 SD per shot, without any diminishment in range. One MD shot equals 100 SD shots.

*Scatter-fire---Beam-splitter muzzle modification that generates several less powerful beams, doing 1d6 MD to a 30-degree wide wide arc. Reduce range to 800 ft.

*Power Booster---Additional focusing elements ramp the power of a shot up to 4d4 MD, but reduce effective range to 1,000 ft.

*Blue-Green Frequency Kit---This modifies the ‘SunSting’ to fire more effectively underwater, down to 1,000 ft. Comes with a slip-on casing for the laser that gives the weapon neutral buoyancy if dropped in the water.

*Flash-Blinder---This adds a special power-stepdown chip to the weapon’s power regulation/draw system, and a scattering optic to the barrel. allowing the weapon to produce blinding flashes of light that can temporarily blind those with unprotected optics/eyes. Effects are roughly equal to a Blinding Flash spell. One MD shot equals 200 ‘flash’ shots.

*Howlen SheIP-04---This is merely a modified knockoff of the Paladin Steel PSIP-19 ‘Sparkshot’ Derringer Ion Pistol.
Weight: 8 ounces
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot
(Ion Scatter-Shot Mode) A twist of the barrel converts the ion derringer into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 150 ft, but does 3d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 3 shots. Effectively unlimited if powered by induction by a cyborg/android/gynoid.

*Whips---Whips are also a popular part of Howlen Gear, as they can be easily incorporated into the harness webbing. Again, the EShemar simply raided the Paladin Steel catalogue.

*Conventional Whip---These come in a variety of forms from a variety of subcontracting shops. Most are made of braided leather, but the more ‘modern’ versions are made of braided megadamage monster leather, tendon, or steel cable(sometimes a combination of the two).
Weight: 2-4 lbs
Length: 7-10 ft
Damage: 1d6- 2d6 SDC
Note: Typically takes 15-25 SD to cut through a leather whip, 30-50 SD to cut through a wire/cable whip, and 10-30 MD to cut through an MDC leather/wire/cable whip.
Cost: 50-120 credits depending on materials and craftsmanship. MDC whips will cost 10x more.

*Neural Whip---This is simply a long superconducting cable that acts as an elongated and flexible neural mace with regards to effects.
Weight: 3.4 lbs
Length: 8 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC
(Neural Zap) Identical to the Neural Mace; 2d4 SDC, and victim must save at 16 or higher is -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus speed and actions/attacks per melee are reduced by half, for 2d4 melees, plus 2d4 melees per additional strike. After being struck four times, the victim may be stunned unconscious(42% chance) for 2d4 melees. Upon waking up, the victim continues to suffer the stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Adhesor Whip---This whip has small molecular adhesion pads, controlled by a thumb control in the handle, on the end for picking up small objects, trapping and entangling an opponent’s limb(or neck) and even for use as an impromptu climbing grapple. If the user is strong enough, or the entangled person desperate enough to tear free, the molecular adhesion pads can painfully rip off a swath of skin(typically 1d4 SDC).
Damage: 2d4 SDC
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Nemocyst Whip---The whip has an adhesion pad that allows it to stick to exposed flesh, which allows tiny injector ports in its tip to deliver skin-contact poisons or sedatives. A replaceable/refillable reservoir(can hold up to 10 doses) in the handle pumps the chemicals out to the ejector ports.
Damage: 2d4 SDC, plus chemical effects.
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Monomolecular Cutter Whip---’Slicer Wire’ whip that is extremely light and lethal. It can be switched between ‘safe’ mode in which the cutting line is sheathed in a protective casing of fibers, or in ‘open’ mode where the slicer wire can strike targets. The line is also extremely strong; a single whisker-fine fiber can pull up to 60 tons.
Weight: 2 lbs
Length: 12 ft
Damage: In ‘safe’ mode, it does 1d6 SDC, but in ‘open’ mode it does 1d4 MD
Note: MDC construction: 30 MDC.

-First Aid Kit, including IRMSS and a small supply of ‘manticore-level’ knockout
drops(normal human psychiologies are -14 to save vs non-lethal poison for purposes of resisting unconsciousness).

-Comm-Bracelet w/ language translator and music player apps.

-Credit Chip---Typically has about 90,000 credits available to her at any time.

None personal, but she can requisition Tribe motorpool vehicles; her assignments outside the Tribes precludes her being assigned a Warmount.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Joined: Mon May 27, 2019 9:36 am

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DeusEx »

Ok, before I go too far, I just say that this is my first time posting on this forum for ideas in Rifts. So please, if anyone wants to point out where I might have messed up with values or formatting this, feel free to tell me so I can improve in the future. Anyway, here goes!

Eshemar Shrouded Elite
(aka 'Ash-Witches', 'Dusters', 'Sand-Blasters', 'Meat-rippers', 'Horror-Makers')

"… The clouds... We never even saw them coming. Our first warning that they were even there was when Georgie started screaming. I remember turning around just in time to see him being grabbed by one of the clouds as I saw others slowly creeping out of the forest, spreading out until it looked like a solid wall of black dust. After seeing that, it didn't take long for the rest of us to turn around and start running... My last sight of Georgie was when I dared to look back at him over my shoulder... I saw him... Him and a dozen others being pulled into those dust clouds, still screaming as I watched the cloud tore them apart, layer by layer... And that was before I saw him get back up..." -- Answer of Former-Colonel Michael Davidson, CAF, upon being asked what happened to the rest of his band of raiders before being sentenced to imprisonment and rehabilitation.

"Retreat! Retreat Now! Seal every blastdoor between here and their entry point!... And get those damned Heavy Weapons here too! I don't want a single speck of those blasted Witches stepping any further, do you hear me!?… What?! What do you mean 'The Blastdoors aren't holding'!? Those doors are almost 5 [metres] thick! Nothing short of starship-grade weapons could punch through them!" -- Last words of Upov Grat'cawl, former Commander of the picket force of the Galamon System. Killed in action when the refuelling outpost was attacked by EShemar advanced forces in preparation for a larger strike. The station, and picket force, was lost with all hands.

The Shrouded was created as a Clan Vespa initiative to try and make up for their distinct lack of firepower, either in terms of warmounts, ships or general equipment, despite the sponsorship of the Wayfinder Tribe. It was designed to be an elite class of EShemar that could act as a force multiplier on and off the field of battle with a distinct engineering bent that would ensure that it could find us within the wider nation, even if only as a construction worker. Still, such was the ambitions of Queen Kusunoki Masako that such would never take place, leveraging her extensive knowledge of both micro-robots and nanotechnology to create something never seen before. Surprisinly, once they caught wind of her project, the Ghost Rider, Lost Eclipse and Horrorwoods Tribes all took a distinct interest in the final outcome of the project. Not only that, but the project also acquired the interest of the ever-reclusive Clan Scelptor, who's interest in the project was, if anything, even greater than that of the Tribes due to their own specialisation in construction work.

Though, what attracted all this interest is also the same feature that gave the Shrouded it's name and primary capabilities as an Elite combat unit within the Nation: It's Nano-shroud. The Nano-Shroud is one of the crowing pieces of Vespa technology to take, an active system of nano-hives located throughout the body of the Elite that can be freely controlled and utilised by the Elite in question. The Shroud itself is composed of a literal swarm of nanomachines and micro-robotic insects that can be used for a number of different purposes, ranging from construction to combat engineering and full combat as well. In combat, the swarm can be used to block direct line of sight while still allowing the Shrouded to see and act with impunity. Additionally, the swarm can come together and act as both the sword and shield of the Shrouded that commands them. Groups of nanites and micro-robots can come together to form ablative armor plates to intercept attacks while also forming limbs that can grab, entangle and crush opposition. Likewise, these machines can also assemble and disassemble matter, including organic matter, to form whatever tools might be required for a given situation.

However, even if somehow deprived of their Nano-shroud, a Shrouded should still be considered a threat on or off the battlefield. To go along with the enhanced capabilities fit for a War Chief, and the skills to back them up, the typical Shrouded is never unarmed. To complement their Nano-shrouds, Shrouded are equiped with Nano-filiment wire tendrils that can serve as either contruction tools or a fractal whip capable of ripping at the matter making up an enemy's body.

Already, the design has prove itself very popular in those Tribes that took interest in it's inital creation with others slowly starting to show interest for one reason or another. Of those Tribes, the Ghost Riders and Lost Eclipse have already proven themselves the most eager in the use of the Shrouded for their own uses. Indeed, both Tribes love the new Elite and have already developed their own uses for the Nano-Shrouds that have quickly turned them into beings of fear and horror for any that might face them. The most common tactic, shared by both Tribes, being to construct cybernetic implants within the bodies of dead, and still living, enemies and force them to attack their own comrades while being trapped inside their own bodies.

Type: EShemar CV/LE/GR-Shrouded
Class: Energy Lifeform/Robotic/Cybernetic fusion Self-sufficient Comabt Engineering/Construction/Assault Gyroid
Crew: Ecotroz/Human/EShemar Intelligence
MDC/Armor by location:
Head - 90
Main body - 520 with armor, 400 without (rare)
Internal Nano-Hives(4) - 120 each
Antennas(3) - 10 each
Upper Arms and Shoulders (2) - 150 each
Forearms(2, plated) - 120 each
Hands(2) - 30 each
Legs(2) - 150 each
External Nano-Hives (6, optional) - 180 each
Nano-Shroud(1 generated per Hive) - 800 each

IQ: 19
PS: Robotic 45
PP: 22
PB: 16 + 2D6 (varies due to some being cybernetic NeShemar of Clan Vespa)
Spd: (Running) - 90 mph/144kmph (132)
(Flying) - Not possible without jetpack
(Flying - Space) - Not possible without jetpack
(Underwater) - Can run along the botton at 7 mph, swim at 50 mph and survive down to 5 miles.

Statistical Data:
Height: 9 feet (2.7 m)
Width: 4 feet (1.2 m)
Length: 2 feet, 5 inches (0.75 m)
Weight: 1,200 lbs (544.3 kg)
Cargo: Whatever can be carried
Power Supply: Nuclear Fusion
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the Shemarrain Star Nation, none found elsewhere.
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Nano-Hives (Nano-Shroud): Each Nano-hive is capable of producing a swarm of nanites and insect micro-robots capable of completely blotting out any light within an area of 71 cubic feet (2 cubic m) around the Shrouded. Each Nano-Hive can be commanded independently, or altgether through combining the generated mass of machines.
-Can be controlled freely by the Shrouded as long as at least some of the Nano-shroud stays in physical contact with the Shrouded.
-Can disassemble 40 MDC of material to enlarge a single swarm by 5 cubic feet above the baseline, does not matter whether the material is organic or inorganic. This process takes 30 minutes to generate the additional volume of the Nano-Shroud.
-Can generate ablative armor plates(2 foot high by 2 foot wide) with 60 MDC within one melee, once all MDC is used up, the Shrouded will lose those nanites and will require 80 MDC to replace the lost machines. Depending on the damage done to each plate, the process of replacing lost sections of the Nano-Shroud can take anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes (20 MDC or less - 15 minutes; 40 MDC or less - 30 minutes; 60 MDC or less - 45 minutes; 80 MDC [Completely destroyed] - 60 minutes). Each of the following can be constructed in one melee round (at baseline numbers or higher based on current level; items constructed can also be mixed and matched):
--Standard Ablative plates - 60 MDC - Can construct and control 6 plates at baseline; gains an additional 3 per level.
--Laser-Resistant plates - 60 MDC (Half damage from Lasers weapons) - Can construct and control 2 at baseline; gains an additional 2 per level.
--Thermal-Resistant plates - 60 MDC (Half damage from Plasma and Fire weapons [Excluding magic fire]) - Can construct and control 2 at baseline; gains an additional 2 per level.
--Kinetic-Resistant plates - 60 MDC - (Half damage from Projectile weapons) - Can construct and control 2 at baseline; gains an additional 2 per level.
--Razor plates (Bladed Frisbee) - 60 MDC - Can be used as melee weapons within the Nano-Shroud as well as weapons; Each hit does 4D6 MD; can be thrown with 2D6 MD on a successful hit; Shooting rules apply with a +1 aiming bonus. Can construct 4 at baseline; gains 2 per level.
--Spike - 30 MDC - Single spike that can either be used as a melee weapon (5D6 MD on direct hit) or a projectile (2D6x10 MD on successful hit.) with an effective range of 1,500 feet. Can construct 4 at baseline; gains additional 2 per level.
--Payload Spike - 60 MDC - Single spike that functions as a projectile with same rules, but can also carry a payload (or mini-missile warhead). Same damage values apply as found in core book. Can construct 2 at baseline; gains additional 1 per level.
--Dart Swarm - 20 MDC - 10 small projectiles that do 1D6x10 MDC upon impact with a range of 700 feet. Can be hollowed out to also carry poisons or Nano-venoms. Can construct 6 at baseline; gains additional 4 per level.
--Flechette Swarm - 20 MDC - 200 small projectiles 6D6 MDC upon impact with a range of 200 feet. Can be hollowed out to also carry poisons or Nano-venoms. Can construct 10 at baseline; gains additional 4 per level.
-Enemies trying to look into the Nano-Shroud generated by a Shrouded need to score a 16 or better on a perception roll to spot either the Shrouded or any allied forces hiding within the Nano-Shroud.
-The Nano-Shroud has a Horror Factor of 9.
-The Nano-Shroud hides both itself and any within it from sensor detection. It can only be found if the operator roles a 18 or higher on an unscramble roll or is within visual range of the Nano-Shroud (300 feet or less on open terrain; may require to be closer on different terrain).
-Each Nano-Hive, and attached Nano-Shroud can make a total of 3 actions per melee round. Possible actions can be seen below.
-The Nano-Shroud can move at a rate of 30 m ever melee round (Uses one of the actions for each Nano-shroud that moves).

*Nano-Filaments: unsheathes ultra-fine manipulators for machinery and electronics from within the forearms of the Shrouded. Can also disassemble an enemy with cold affinity.

Weapon Systems:
1) Nano-Shroud -- The Nano-shroud is a multi-purpose tool that, in the hands of a Skilled Shrouded, can be used to wreck havoc on a battlefield.
Range: Varies dependent on size of Nano-Shroud. Assuming that it is extended in a 1 foot diameter cylinder, range would be 900 feet, at baseline.
Damage: Varies
(Engulfment Attack) The Nano-Shroud grabs and submerges an opponent within itself, either to hold or to do further damage to. Beings with a PS of robotic or supernatural 50 or greater can break free in 1D4 melees. Suffocation causes a typical air-breather to be smothered in 60-75 seconds. Crushing/Squeeing causes 2d6 MD per 'squeeze'.
(Nano-Disassembler) Tears apart any and all matter found within the Nano-Shroud; Materials can be selectively chosen by the Shrouded, doing 6D6 MD for 2D6 melees. Multiple attacks can be 'stacked' for greater damage
(Nano-Assembler) Can be used to generate and manipulate materials to form whatever compounds might be required by the user, including simple mechanical and electronic devices. The two most common materials are:
[Molecular Cement]---A ‘superstickum’ normally used to hold together kludged-up weapons and armor. The goo takes 1d4 melees to take hold, after which it holds with the equivalent of a molecular adhesion pad. Can produce 2 gallons in one melee round.
[Resin]---This is a thick, translucent silicon-based resin that hardens into a glassy shell. It sets in 1d6 melees, and has 5d6 MD per application, which can cover 2 cubic foot, and to cover a human sized target completely, the attacker must roll a 15 or better on the Strike roll. Sprayed on a living being, it can be used as temporary armor, or can suffocate them like a fly caught in amber.
(Fractal-limbs) Like the Nano-Filaments, manipulator limbs can be created by linking nanites together. These limbs can be used for construction or as weapons. When used as weapons, they act like a molecular chainsaw and do 4d6 MD on a slash, 6d6 MD if it is allowed to ‘bite in’, beginning to disassemble the target. They can reach out from any point in the Nano-Shroud with a range of 12 feet. A single Fractal-limb can be formed and readied for use in a single melee round, counting as an action itself. Uses 20 MDC per limb to construct or replace if lost. Same times apply as with ablative plates
(Implantation) The Nanites and Micro-Robots in the Nano-Shroud can be used for more sinister purposes, such as the implantation of various cybernetic systems into victims. Should such be done on a living individual, then the area of implantation requires the loss of three quarters of the MDC or SDC, based on the nature of the target, before implantation may begin. Non-living bodies do not suffer from this, and can be carried out far more rapidly.
--Simple cybernetics, such as a basic replacement limb or a 'Puppeteer' Neural Splice require 1D6 melees to construct and a further 3D6 melees to implant. The Shrouded can carry out 4 such operations at once; with an additional 1 being gained per 2nd level (3, 5, 7, etc...)
--Complex cybernetics, such as bionic limbs, advanced cybernetic implants, limbs and systems, or M.O.M implants can take 5D6 melees to construct and 10D6 melees to implant. What is defined as 'complex' can be determined by the GM. The Shrouded can carry out only a single such operation, with an additional on being gained ever 4th level (4, 8, 12, etc...)
Rate of Fire: Each of the above actions uses one of the 3 actions of a given Nano-Shroud per melee. Moving also counts as an action.
Payload: Varies per action. Can keep using actions so long as MDC remains in Nano-Shroud. Once used up, must wait until new Nano-Shroud can be generated from internal reserves and Nano-Hives. Takes 48 hours per Nano-shroud.

2) Nano-Filament whip - The micro-fine molecular assembly/disassembly filaments act like a monomolecular chainsaw.
Range: Can reach up to 18 feet from the Shrouded
Damage: 5d6 MD on a slash, 8d6 MD if it is allowed to ‘bite in’, beginning to disassemble the target.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Finger Lasers(4, two each hand)---Shrouded lack the forearm lasers of their larger sisters(unless they have been otherwise modified by their Tribe’s Spinsters), but have smaller lasers in their fingers.
Range: 400 feet
Damage: 1d6 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Finger Claws---The Shrouded’s hands feature retractable vibroblades
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD +P.S. damage

The EShemar shares all the basic Shemarrian programming, basic combat and espionage/reconnaissance. They also have the following skills:
-Bioware Mechanics at 75%
-Cybernetic Medicine at 75%
-Vehicle Armorer at 75%
-Weapons Engineer at 60%
-Robot Mechanics at 65%
-Robot Electronics at 65%
-Computer Hacking at 70%
-Biology at 75%
-Chemistry at 75%
-Chemistry: Analytical at 70%
-Jury-Rig at 90%

Note: Remember, EShemar can also learn additional skills similar to a Neural Intelligence; many Shrouded put their additional skills towards Espionage, Mechanical, Electical, Medical, Military, Science, Technical, or additional Weapons Proficiencies.
Last edited by DeusEx on Fri May 31, 2019 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Oowwwwww.......Nanotech-master! I kinda saw something like this as inevitable, so I'm pleased you came out with it, DeusEx.
Good job with the opening fluff and the overall concept.

One thing missing(at least on my initial read-through), or maybe I'm missing it? I was under the impression from the text that the nano-cloud created some sort of stealth effect, like maybe a light-scattering field, obscuring the Elite, and maybe interfering with other sensor types as well, but I don't see that addressed/reflected in the stats.

On a side-note, I've seen fan-posted skills on the web for nanotechnology, among others(fan-made skills, though not always accepted by GMs, often make for variety in characters if you can dig up the skills up online), so. they're worth looks, especially if your PC/NPC has electives to burn.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

DeusEx wrote:Ok, before I go too far, I just say that this is my first time posting on this forum for ideas in Rifts. So please, if anyone wants to point out where I might have messed up with values or formatting this, feel free to tell me so I can improve in the future. Anyway, here goes!

Nice to see someone new adding to the collection!

At first glance, looks REALLY good.
I'll have to go over it more later.. but as taalismn said.. seems like the stealth capabilities of the shroud are hinted at but not fleshed out..
For instance.. you do say they can block out light around the Shrouded.. well with the ability to disassemble matter, and reform it (like the ablative plates) for combat and construction, I don't see why when 'shrouded' the shroud can't also deflect sensors, granting some electronic stealth (right up the Ghostrider's alley), and even reflect light. While maybe not creating invisibility out right, in low light conditions, your stealth just jumped up like crazy if the shroud now absorbs or redirects light away, where it would become virtually invisible in low light conditions.

With the ability to create tools and objects, like the ablative plating.. why not create plating that has other properties? Sure it would require the Shrouded to have some knowledge of those properties (make some skill checks to program a series of alternate properties for the ablative plates, can only have x amount per level sort of thing), and can make some plates that are laser reflective, or thermal resistant (anti plasma and fire), or highly kinetic resistant. And forming plates with different properties takes a bit longer than standard plates. and switching between different types of plates takes some time.

I'd also add in some time between switching what the shroud does.. like if it creates ablative plating 1 round, you need to direct another hive to do something else, or the hive that made the plate now requires some time to either disassemble the plate, or what's left of the hive takes longer to do something else.

Oh hell! You could even use the shroud to create a type of disguise shell around it.. like it could probably be used to easily disguise as a shadow beast or similar type creature.

Need to put in how long it takes the shroud to form things like cybernetic implants, or fractal limbs, how much of a hive is used up to make x amount of molecular cement or resin.

Don't take this as nit-picking. I REALLY love this concept, and you've beaten me and taalismn to it. I want to see this more fleshed out.
I might even borrow a part of this for one elite I've had sitting on the backburner for a bit that I talked to taalismn about awhile back, that makes use of Paladin Steel hammer space I think it was called (basically a pocket dimension the user carries with them all the time, although it's limited to how much weight it can hold).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[I might even borrow a part of this for one elite I've had sitting on the backburner for a bit that I talked to taalismn about awhile back, that makes use of Paladin Steel hammer space I think it was called (basically a pocket dimension the user carries with them all the time, although it's limited to how much weight it can hold).

I think I refer to it as 'phase space', but 'hammer space' can be one of many catchphrases for it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[I might even borrow a part of this for one elite I've had sitting on the backburner for a bit that I talked to taalismn about awhile back, that makes use of Paladin Steel hammer space I think it was called (basically a pocket dimension the user carries with them all the time, although it's limited to how much weight it can hold).

I think I refer to it as 'phase space', but 'hammer space' can be one of many catchphrases for it.

It was 4am and I remember hammer space to something like that.. I honestly don't know if it was you or some tv show that said it :P
Still, I'm slowly working on that idea.. and I've figured out how the Elite can pull stuff out of the phase space faster.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DeusEx »

[quote=taalismn]Oowwwwww.......Nanotech-master! I kinda saw something like this as inevitable, so I'm pleased you came out with it, DeusEx.
Good job with the opening fluff and the overall concept.

One thing missing(at least on my initial read-through), or maybe I'm missing it? I was under the impression from the text that the nano-cloud created some sort of stealth effect, like maybe a light-scattering field, obscuring the Elite, and maybe interfering with other sensor types as well, but I don't see that addressed/reflected in the stats.

On a side-note, I've seen fan-posted skills on the web for nanotechnology, among others(fan-made skills, though not always accepted by GMs, often make for variety in characters if you can dig up the skills up online), so. they're worth looks, especially if your PC/NPC has electives to burn.[/quote]

kronos wrote:
DeusEx wrote:Ok, before I go too far, I just say that this is my first time posting on this forum for ideas in Rifts. So please, if anyone wants to point out where I might have messed up with values or formatting this, feel free to tell me so I can improve in the future. Anyway, here goes!

Nice to see someone new adding to the collection!

At first glance, looks REALLY good.
I'll have to go over it more later.. but as taalismn said.. seems like the stealth capabilities of the shroud are hinted at but not fleshed out..
For instance.. you do say they can block out light around the Shrouded.. well with the ability to disassemble matter, and reform it (like the ablative plates) for combat and construction, I don't see why when 'shrouded' the shroud can't also deflect sensors, granting some electronic stealth (right up the Ghostrider's alley), and even reflect light. While maybe not creating invisibility out right, in low light conditions, your stealth just jumped up like crazy if the shroud now absorbs or redirects light away, where it would become virtually invisible in low light conditions.

With the ability to create tools and objects, like the ablative plating.. why not create plating that has other properties? Sure it would require the Shrouded to have some knowledge of those properties (make some skill checks to program a series of alternate properties for the ablative plates, can only have x amount per level sort of thing), and can make some plates that are laser reflective, or thermal resistant (anti plasma and fire), or highly kinetic resistant. And forming plates with different properties takes a bit longer than standard plates. and switching between different types of plates takes some time.

I'd also add in some time between switching what the shroud does.. like if it creates ablative plating 1 round, you need to direct another hive to do something else, or the hive that made the plate now requires some time to either disassemble the plate, or what's left of the hive takes longer to do something else.

Oh hell! You could even use the shroud to create a type of disguise shell around it.. like it could probably be used to easily disguise as a shadow beast or similar type creature.

Need to put in how long it takes the shroud to form things like cybernetic implants, or fractal limbs, how much of a hive is used up to make x amount of molecular cement or resin.

Don't take this as nit-picking. I REALLY love this concept, and you've beaten me and taalismn to it. I want to see this more fleshed out.
I might even borrow a part of this for one elite I've had sitting on the backburner for a bit that I talked to taalismn about awhile back, that makes use of Paladin Steel hammer space I think it was called (basically a pocket dimension the user carries with them all the time, although it's limited to how much weight it can hold).

Thank you both for the feedback and suggestions. I'll see about going back over the entry and fleshing it out a bit with since I can definitely see some places that can be improved with the feedback. For instance, I completely forgot about noting down how fast the Nano-Shroud could move, it's construction rate for certain actions, how many actions it can carry out per melee, and a few other things that come to mind. Certainly, I mentioned a few things in the fluff I posted that I really should have included, but completely missed.

...I blame that on operating with only three hours of sleep and a can of energy drink when I made that post.

Still, I make no promises on when that happens since I've got a fair amount on my plate without adding to it.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-152 Erawanter-----Clan Immensis Superheavy Warmount
(aka ‘Big Lucy’, ‘Phantosaurus’)

“So we’ve come full circle and we’re back to war elephants, eh, Lady Hannibal?”

“Whn the Immensians bring their artillery train to town, heaven and earth tremble to their tread and to their guns.”

“The circus is in town; the IMMENSIAN CIRCUS.”

“I do not know where those beasts came from; our scouts made no mention of them in their reconnaissance of the target realm. I do know that closing with them is tantamount to suicide; I saw one of our mekka torn apart, pulled to pieces between the beasts’ multiple heads while being simultaneously shredded by a storm of flying blades. Opening up the range did no better either; they were sniping us apart far outside our pulser-range. Our best and last defense against them was to outdistance them with our superior speed, but even then, they pursued us with missile fire, and forced us to run a gauntlet of artillery our scouts had not reported either! If they had been any closer to our geomobas, we would likely not have managed to escape with any of our forces; I have no doubt our transport would have come under direct attack even as we retreated to it, and might even have been destroyed, leaving us to the mercies of those barbarians. I recommend that we execute the surviving members of the scout units for gross negligence in not spotting such a buildup of resistance to our expedition.”

“So, multiple heads are something of design trend now? Can’t say I like it, but I can’t argue with the results.”

<“The bright pink paint job’s bad enough, but did you have to accentuate it with the marquee lights? Your command mount looks like a Coney Island attraction!”>
<<“Don’t worry; all that’s just mounted on the caparison. It comes off if need be.”>>

“Do you really need to haul that railroad gun around? It’s abysmally slow to reload, nearly impossible to aim, and missile launchers would be a lot smaller and easier to use.”
“Yes, but people are INTIMIDATED by this thing, and that’s the whole point.”

“Tigers and elephants? Oh MY...The joint Pantheron-Immensian wargames are going to be INTERESTING.”

“The Erawanter’s got just about everything you’d want in a Warmount: intelligence, versatility, strength, long range firepower, near-invincibility, magic, comfortable accommodations, command communications, sensor jamming...what it DOESN’T have is speed and stealth.”

“Ah...I don’t think tow-cables are going to work against that thing.”

The Erawanter is a variant, scaled-up ‘super’, development of the EcoS-K-10 Tusker, that was under consideration at the same time as the Supratikan as an Immensian Warmount. The less massive and more mobile(and arguably less resource-intensive) Supratikan won out, but development on the Erawanter continued, benefiting in return from refinements and new developments applied to the Supratikan. The Erawanter eventually emerged in more limited production numbers as a command Warmount or heavy siege engine.
Clearly inspired by the EcoS-K-43 Treberus, the Erawanter uses the Tusker’s general frame, only writ twice as large, and mounting no less than five heads, three large ones and two smaller secondary ones. This suggested the Warmount’s reporting name, after a holy elephant of Thai legend, that sported, in some folklore, multiple heads. In the Erawanter, however, it gives the Warmount excellent forward perception and cause for the installation of multiple subbrains(increasingly common in superheavy and command Warmounts).
The Erawanter also sports an external howdah-bunker and an internal crew compartment. The howdah can be dismounted and other types, specially equipped, can be fitted in its place. The model presented below is of a general type, with two interior floors that can be fitted as a command-communications center, passenger carrier, or a sniping post. Other types include weather modification towers, special ‘mage-focus’ modules, or heavy fighting platforms(the latter mounting one or more turreted heavy weapons).
Because their slow speed and large size tends to draw fire, Erawanters are heavily armored(and can be even more heavily armored, albeit at the cost of additional speed), mount jamming systems, and can be fitted with a variety of active defenses.
The Erawanter’s technological features are matched by its magic ones; the Warmount was laid down from the beginning with integral technowizardy systems in mind. The installation of a Sorceror-grade PPE powerstone adds immensely to the resource cost of the Erawanter, but the sheer size of the Warmount allows, and justifies, it. The powerful PPE generator/battery system powers a potent array of magical defenses, including three of the most powerful tactical TW magic cannons available, The magic systems, combined with the Erawanter’s appearance, has misled some observers to think that the Warmount really is a supernatural beast and no a very elaborate and advanced robotic mechanism.(albeit one inhabited by a psionic essence).
The Erawanter is typically assigned to a high-level Immensian official as a command vehicle, but it is also used as a siege engine and a heavy garrison warmount.
Besides the Immensians, Clan Armorand is also known to operate the Erawanter.

Type: EcoS-K-152 Erawanter
Class: Robotic Warmount,
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider, and up to 20 passengers can ride on top. Has enough internal room for 1-25 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 2,000
Reinforced Crew Compartment 250
Dorsal Howdah/Cockpit (Typical) 450
Gun Slit Windows(10) 40 each
Gun Slit Window Covers(10) 50 each
Heads(3) 460
Trunks(3) 450
Secondary Heads(2) 400 each
Secondary Trunks(2) 400 each
Laser Tusks(6) 300 each
Secondary Tusks(10) 200 each
Ear Blast Shields(2) 300 each
MLRS-Mini-Missile Launchers(2, front shoulders) 120 each
Heavy Ordnance Hardpoints(2, rear) 200 each
Belly Turret 200
Legs(4) 860 each

Height: 65 ft
Width: 48 ft
Length: 87 ft
Weight: 380 tons
Cargo: Space inside/beside the interior crew compartment for 6 tons of cargo or 25 passengers(typically wounded or ‘softs’---i.e. unarmored SDC people---who are otherwise vulnerable to the elements/enemy fire).
The Erawanter can also HAUL up to 600 tons
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 55
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
*PPE Battery and Generator(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Speed: (Running) 70 MPH; can clear obstacles up to 5 ft tall
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to walking along the bottom of bodies of water at a plodding 5 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 1,000 ft. (See also TWizard Features below)
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Ultrasonic Hearing

*Inaudible Frequency Communications---Like true elephants, the Erawanter can communicate in sonic frequencies too high/low for normal humans to hear, although DogBoys, cyborgs with ultra-ear, and other beings with superior hearing may be able to hear them.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Erawanters have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 500 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Multiple Sub-Brains----Increasingly common with EShemar Awakened superheavy Warmounts is the installation of multiple brain-cores, allowing the giant warmounts to continue operating, even when their Excotroz-essence ‘sparks’ need to rest.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(10)---The glaring eyes of the Erawanter’s five heads all conceal high-end laser eyes
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Tusk Cannon(6)---The Primary Heads’ tusk laser cannons have been lengthened and strengthened to serve as melee weapons, and the lasers buried deeper in the roots, behind additional armor for better protection of their internal mechanisms.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD double blast, 1d4x10+8 MD quad blast, 1d6x10 MD full 5-shot blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Trunk TW Cannon(3)---The Primary Trunks mount an internal TW Cannon. The original configuration of this Warmount sports three different TW cannon, one in each trunk, but some variants sport a more homogenous configuration(two or all of the trunks sporting the same weapon).
a) TW Sonic Cannon---A copy of somebody else’s adaptation of examples of the Immaterial Hand’s Ironmage TW Glitterboy Armor and its ‘shrieker’ cannon(see Rifts Black Market, pg. 187-189) . Special booster barrel technowizardry on the trunk barrel increases the range.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per shot, 1d6x10 MD on a ley line and against supernatural creatures and beings of magic.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 12 PPE per shot

b) TW Windblast Cannon---Fires long range bolts of super-dense air. Incredible range, thanks to the barrel boosting elements.
Range: 15,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10+30 MD per blast, plus knock-back, similar to Wind Rush.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 20 PPE per shot
Also has a lower-powered mode: *Wind Rush---The trunk can be used to project a Wind Rush spell(range: 120 ft knocking down humans and human-sized targets that don’t make a saving roll of 18-19, 10 PPE per blast)

c) TW Magma Cannon---- This TW weapon projects a stream of incandescent magma conjured from magical energy, that hits like napalm and can be panned to form a river or lane of red hot lava. Short range, but scary as hell.
Range: 1,500 ft, 10 ft wide area; pools on the ground in a 150 ft long, 25 ft wide, and 25 ft deep area.
Damage: Does 1d6x10 MD if used as an impact weapon/in air.
Most effective if used against ground targets, where the molten material can burn for minutes, doing 2d6x10 MD per melee to anything trapped in/on it. The material remains liquid and super-hot for 5 minutes
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 25 PPE per shot

4) Sonic Cannon(2) ---The Secondary Trunks each mount an internal sonic cannon. Sometimes called the ‘stereo attack’ with regards to the placement of the twin heads.
Range: 3,000 ft(double range underwater)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage underwater)
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
The sonic vibrations can also be used to set up a resonance in hard armor that can stun or disorient living beings. Humans(and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Power Armor and EBA-wearers will be more susceptible to the effects of resonance, owing to their close proximity to the materials being affected. The effects are greatly diminished to occupants on a vehicle owing to the many interior structures that serve to dissipate and insulate the sound waves.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Trunk Water Cannon---The Secondary Trunks also fitted with a high-power water cannon, useful for putting out fires, hydraulic excavation, decontamination, or anti-vampire work. This dual-mounting replaces the Tusker’s exclusive system, which hd the water cannon replacing the sonic cannon, in the Erawanter, the water cannon system actually helps insulate the sonic cannon, preventing resonance from leaking back into the frame of the Warmount.
Range: 250 ft
Damage: High water pressure does 1d4 SDC, plus 60% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up). 2d6x10 HP to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 shot water tank, or can draw through a hose and pump from local water supplies.

6) Trunk-Tentacles(5; 3 large, 2 small)---The very long, strong, and agile nose-appendages of the primary and secondary heads can be used to delicately pick up objects, but can also stab with armor-cracking force, and crush with relentless pressure.
Range: Melee. 40 ft for the Primary Heads, 25 ft for the Secondaries
Damage: (Robotic P.S. of 50)
(Lash/Punch) 3d6 MD
(Crush/Squeeze) 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
(Power Stab)(2 attacks)1d6x10 MD

(Trunk Punch) 3d6 MD
(Trunk Squeeze) 4d6 MD per melee of pressure
(Trunk Power Strike)(2 attacks) 6d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH

6) Secondary Tusks(10)---The Primary heads sport a secondary set of vibroblade-edged tusks protecting the Laser Tusks, while the Secondary heads mount oe pair of tusks each.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD
*(Special) Blade Storm----Each set of Secondary Tusks has been magically modified with the Spinning Blades spell.
When all 10 Secondary Tusks are activated, they can fill the air in front of the Erawanter with flying mystic blades, and unleash a torrent of virtual steel. Range: When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 300 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 800 ft.
Damage: When activated, the Spinning Blades spell produces 8 blades that each do 1d6 MD each(regardless of what the blade was/does originally) in defensive mode(+6 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x8 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode(enemy CANNOT parry). That’s per SINGLE enchanted blade in action. Activating all 10 tusks creates a meat grinder effect that does 2d6x80 MD to large targets(such as walls, obstacles, or large monsters).
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact.

Duration: 10 melee rounds( 3 minutes per activation)
Bonus: Also has a +6 to parry rail gun rounds, autocannon shells, and other projectiles aimed at the heads.
PPE Activation Cost: 10 PPE per activation/single tusk. Activating all 10 tusks requires 100 PPE.

7) Modular Back Racks(2)---Because the nomadic Wayfinders have the same problems with securing steady supplies of sophisticated munitions such as medium- and long-range missiles, it was felt that having a major weapons system onboard wholly dedicated to such scarce resources was foolish. Instead, the Wayfinder engineers fitted the two backside positions with modular weapons trays that could be fitted with a variety of launchers, allowing the Tusker to be outfitted with whatever was available. Each back tray/hardpoint can be fitted with ONE of the following:
a) Mini-Missiles---120

b) TW Short Range Missiles
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 2d4x10 MD to a 30 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 100

c) Short Range Missiles---60

d) Medium Range Missiles---30

e) Katyusha Bombardment Rockets
Weight: (Rocket)
(Short) 102 lbs
(Long) 170 lbs
Range:(Short) 7 miles
(Long) 13 miles
Damage: Both missile types use a 122mm warhead, typically the following warhead types(damage may vary as much as 50% by the quality of warhead manufacture):
(Fragmentation) 1d6x10 MD to a 60 ft blast radius
(Incendiary) 1d4x10 MD to a 50 ft blast radius, plus 01-75% chance of setting combustible materials aflame
(High Explosive) 2d6x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
(Plasma) 3d4x10 MD to a 40 ft blast radius
(Smoke) Covers a 100 ft area in thick obscuring smoke. Typically disperses within 1d6 melees, depending on local wind and humidity conditions.
(Chemical) Varies, but typically used to dispense CS or nerve agents(currently only the Sovietskii uses chemical munitions, though it is rumored that Warlord Sokolov has been seeking to acquire such weapons). Typically covers a 100 ft area. Like the smoke, local weather conditions determine the dispersal rate.
(Submunition)---Detonates airburst style over the target and scatters a small cloud of grenade-like sub-mines, that can be used to infilade an area with contact explosives or delayed-fuze mines. Carries over 18 submunitions, scattering over a 100 ft area, and doing 5d6 MD to a 10 ft blast radius each.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-30
Payload: 30 per launcher
Penalties: Katyushas use the standard rules for unguided artillery with regard to deviation from target. Best fired in salvoes of 4 or more rockets.
Cost: missiles cost 5,000 credits for short range, 10,000 credits for long, plus the cost per warhead; Fragmentation costs 45,000 credits, Incendiary 60,000 credits, High Explosive 70,000 credits, plasma 100,000 credits, smoke 800 credits, sub-munitions 120,000 credits.

f) Long Range Missiles---16 per launcher

g) 40mm Autocannon----A popular antiaircraft weapon, available in both single and two-gun mounts.
Range: 2.6 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 5d6 MD single shot
(High Explosive Tracer) 4d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 200 rounds

h) 30mm Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(knockoff of the TriaxTX-862FC)
Range:10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses: Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by gunner

i)Tri-Laser---Adapted from the Glitterboy No. 7 of South America
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

8 ) Belly Cannon(1)----The lower belly antipersonnel cannon remains unchanged, except that a more readily available(and easily modifiable) ion weapon has been substituted for the particle beam.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
(Optional)--The belly turret can be modified to fire in ‘scattershot’ mode. This turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 500 ft, but does 5d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area.

9 ) TechnoWizardry Systems:
*PPE Battery and Generator---
Note: The TW Generators are shielded by special Ley Line Protection devices, analogous to Faraday Cages, in order to prevent being disabled during ley line storms. During such events, all magical systems are turned off and secured, until the storm passes. Invariably, though, some damage is inflicted to peripheral systems that could not be shut down or drained in time, but at least the main generators will not be damaged.
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

*Fear/Horror Factor---Used to amplify the effects of the sheer size of the Erawanter on squishy little groundlings(100 ft area of effect, up to 200 ft away, duration of 5 minutes,m effective Horror Factor of 16, and costs 5 PPE).
*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.
*Impervious to Fire---10 minutes per 5 PPE pumped in.
*Protective Energy Forcefield---10 minutes and 50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped in.
*Feather Light---This allows the massive 380 ton-plus goliath to tread lightly over fragile bridges, soft ground, and suspected pit traps. 60 minutes per 5 PPE pumped in.
*Float on Water---1 hour per 5 PPE pumped in.

Note: Additional TW spells/features can be built in as per specific rider’s request.

10)(Optional) Use of Trunk-Held Weapons——The Erawanter’s trunks are adroit and flexible enough to hold and use simple weapons such as clubs, maces, axes, broad blades, chains, whips, and nets. This is typically done to extend the Warmount’s melee combat reach, but it’s also bloody terrifying to have a five-headed giant elephant swinging anchor chains and giant battleaxes at you.

The Ecotroz have installed AIs from other sources, and upgraded them as best they can, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the same programming as the Monstrex, plus the following:
Excavation 80%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 40%(+5% per level of experience)
Demolitions(non-explosive) 50% (+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Firefighting 60% (+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up two Secondary skills at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Erawanter intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting). The Erawanter is also smart enough to learn the following: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Axe, W.P. Knife, W.P. Chain, W.P. Whip, W.P. Net, W.P. Spear, and W.P. Shield,
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 19(!) 4 +3 attacks per head
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Parry +5
Head Butt 4d4 MD
-Primary Trunks
(Lash/Punch) 3d6 MD
(Crush/Squeeze) 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
(Power Stab)(2 attacks)1d6x10 MD

-Secondary Trunks
(Trunk Punch) 3d6 MD
(Trunk Power Strike)(2 attacks) 6d6 MD
(Trunk Squeeze) 4d6 MD per melee of pressure
Tusk Gore 5d6 MD
Tusk Swipe 3d6 MD
Kick/Stomp 4d6 MD (targets 12 ft or smaller)
Body Block(2 attacks) 3d4x10 MD, plus 1-75% chance of knocking opponents down/over(victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks)

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Erawanter an aura and behavior more befitting an animal than a robot. The Erawanter entity is fairly smart and cunning, with an elephant-like intelligence(roughly equivalent to an IQ of 15), and a patient, plodding disposition. Erawanter can become quite affectionate with their riders, and show a dogged loyalty. In combat, the Erawanter is ferocious and merciless, charging and trampling its opponents, or else trumpeting its anger as its long range weaponry sweeps the battlefield. As an Elite among Warmounts, and being based on a highly intelligent herd animal, the Erawanter works well with other Warmounts in groups, and can be trusted to act as a ‘sergeant’, directing other warmounts and ferals in herd-groups, even in simple tactical operations(as one Wolf’s Path sub-tribe found out much to their dismay during interTribal war exercises).
Has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 8th level with regards to proficiency, but DOUBLE the range.
*Sixth Sense
*See Aura
*Presence Sense
*Sense Evil
*Sense Magic

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Appliqué Armor--- This often takes the form of an elaborately decorated caparison hung with armored plates. Adds additional protection(and weight) to the main body. Up to 900 additional MDC can be added, at 7 lbs per 1 MDC point, but -1 to dodge, and reduce maximum speed by HALF and -2 to Dodge at over 450 MDC.
*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage.

*Morphing ‘Armadillo’ Armor---Aka ‘Mountain Mode’. Enfolds the ENTIRE warmount in articulated armor plates, increasing armor protection, but effectively immobilizing the Erawanter. Can only be opened from the outside by special electronic pass code(included in cost)
MDC: DOUBLES Main Body MDC when deployed

*Antipersonnel Fletchette Packs(91)----An effort to further protect the slow moving Erawanter against faster power armor and infantry, as well as armor-piercing munitions, this system consists of s series of directional ‘claymore’-style fragmentation grenades attached to the body/caparison and triggered either by command or by motion detector trip to fill a ‘kill zone’ around the Erawanter with lethal shrapnel and antipersonnel fletchettes.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each side of the Warmount(sides) has 16 fletchette packs each(32 total), each leg can sport 9(36 total), each head can mount 3 on the forehead(15 total) and the rear 8. (91 all total)

*EW Jammers---An Electronic Warfare system can be added to the Erawanter. Typically provision is made in the cockpit howdah for a dedicated EW seat and operator to manage the systems.
-ECCM system: A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) when operating on automatic.
Having an Electronic Warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected data-link/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

-Sensor Jamming---An active, manned system that gives a 25%+operator’s ECM bonus chance of jamming enemy radar, including radar guided munitions and missiles. Effective range of 20 miles.

*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1-2)---Countermeasure launchers can be mounted on the flanks of the Warmount, for decoying guided missiles.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

*Forcefield Generator---This is actually a commercial Three Galaxies starship forcefield fitted to the Erawanter. It provides 1,200 MDC of protection.
A more powerful dedicated howdah generator/projector can be fitted; this reduces the howdah passenger capacity to 10+4 engineers, but the field strength is now 1,800 MDC, consists of variable fields(300 MDC per side normally, but firmly on the ground it’s usually 360 MDC per sides and top), and can be expanded to encompass a 100 ft radius.
The Clan Armorand variant of this system utilizes their field interlocking system.

*(TW) Silverize---The tusks can be temporarily covered with mystic silver, allowing them to do damage to creatures susceptible to silver. Each activation per single tusk costs 10 PPE, and lasts 5 minutes.

-Third Eye Implant---This option is a modified version of the 3rd Eye implant that is the distinguishing physical characteristic of Wayfinders, Each of the Primary heads can be fitted with a forehead eye-sensor. It has the properties of the ARS-500 Arcane Scanner, with the following powers:
-Sense Ley Lines---3 miles(rifts at 6 miles)
-Sense Supernatural---450 ft
-Sense Magic---120 ft area
-Presence Sense---120 ft area
-See Aura
-Sense/See Dimensional Anomaly

*Armored Cabin---The howdah can be replaced with other structures akin to the Tolkeen mobile fortresses and beast-tank rigs.
A common fitout is merely the main body(350 MDC+100 MDC of appliqué armor) of a EcoS-K-126 Cingulator warmount, complete with gun turret and firing galleries.

*Headquarters Howdah----A specially equipped cockpit module that features microwave antennae and laser links, tying in appropriately-equipped units into a battlenet that pools sensor and targeting data, and enjoys the following bonuses: +1 to Initiative, +1 to strike(and HALF penalties for indirect fire). Effective range is a 5 mile radius for jammable(though the directional nature of the microwave links makes them -20% to be detected by EM sensors) radio links, or line of sight for laser comm links.

*Weather Control Howdah----This replaces the standard howdah cabin with a specialized TW module fitted for local weather control. This requires a dedicated TWizard/mage (usually 2-3) to manage.
-Turbulence Blaster---Mounted atop the howdah is a ‘turbulence tower’(300 MDC), an experimental super-science weapon developed by Shemarrian allies. This multi-vented tower can generate powerful cyclonic air currents that can be used to throw troops off their feet with tornado-force winds, and throw air vehicles out of control with turbulence.
Range: 5,000 ft and affects a 200 ft wide area, or can induce turbulence in a 500 ft radius around the Erawanter.
Damage: None directly, but those caught in the area of effect will be assailed by chaotic high-speed winds that will pick up loose objects( up to 400 lbs) and material, and throw them around.
Humanoid-sized beings(7 ft or smaller) will have an 90% chance of being knocked over and pushed/thrown 1d6x10 ft by the cylconic winds, as well as a 75% chance of being stunned or knocked out.
Creatures and bots weighing over a ton, or standing 8-20 ft, will only have a 50% chance of being knocked over, and only a 15% chance of being stunned. However, speed is reduced by 75%, and weapons are -6 to strike due to the high winds and flying debris.
Creatures and 'bots heavier than 6 tons will be unaffected.
Fliers caught in the area of turbulence will be at -20% to the appropriate Piloting skill roll to maintain control.
Rate of Fire: The turbulence generators take 1d6 melees to spool up to full strength, and can maintain the turbulence field for 15 minutes before needing to cool off for 10 minutes.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Note: The turbulence generator can also be used defensively to counter tornadoes and high winds(including magically-generated ones). Air Elementals will have their speed and bonuses reduced by 30% trying to approach the Erawanter with the turbulence field up.

- Mystic Weather Affectors----The howdah’s integral heavy TW multiplexor systems are CRAMMED with booster elements and weather-control spells:
*Call Lightning---600 ft range, 1d6x10 MD per blast, 8 PPE per activation
*Summon Fog---50 mile range, 5 hour duration, 70 PPE per activation
* Wind Blast---5.000 ft range. 50 PPE per activation
* Atmosphere Manipulation---6,000 ft radius, 5 hour duration, 25 PPE per activation
* Hurricane--1,000 ft range, 10 minute duration. -25 PPE per activation
* Tornado---1,200 ft range, 10 minute duration. 30 PPE per activation
* Snow Storm---2,000 ft range, 20 minute duration. 25 PPE per activation
* Ten Foot Ball of Ice ---250 ft range(but can be picked up by a trunk and thrown up to 1,000 ft), 10 minute duration, 15 PPE per activation
* Summon Storm(Monsoon)---10 mile range, 10 hour duration. 50 PPE per activation
* Wall of Ice---120 ft range, 40 minute duration, 2,000 SDC/400 MDC, 10 PPE per activation
* Wall of Wind---200 ft range, 50 minute duration, 20 PPE per activation
* Calm Storms---1 mile area, 10 hour duration. 10 PPE per activation
*Wind Cushion---- 1,000 ft range, 90 ft area, 10 melee duration, 25 PPE per activation. Can be used to cushion the Warmount’s fall/drop from a cliff or flying transport.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Immensian Bhadra-class Interstellar Battleship

“Where the HELL did those bulgoids get these new warships?! I thought they were supposed to be a bunch of amateur wannabees using kludged-together gear and second-hand combat transports, but now they’ve got actual battleships and orbital artillery! Who handed them the heavy iron?!”

“The fact that all four of the Immensians’ battleships...those that have been seen so far...have been named for the ‘Wolrd Elephants’ of Hindu patheonic legend suggests that the tribe may have connections to one of the Vishnu-line worlds. That in turn suggests some powerful and wealthy patronage, because capital ships just don’t grow on trees.”

“In facing a combined Tribal fleet action, you don’t want to ignore their slower movers. The Trellan Gulf action is a case in point. Faced wtih a Hawkmoon Striker squadron and an Immensian cruiser division, the Kasaro chose to focus on the Hawkmoons, figuring they should take out the faster destroyers before they could be outflanked, and deal with the slower cruisers once they were done. Instead the Hawkmoons pinned them down until the Immensians could close to range, then peeled off to go attack the Kasaro homebase. The Kasaro squadron on the other hand, found themselves unexpectedly locked in combat with an Immesian battleship and cruiser escort that wouldn’t let go of them. They were unable to disengage to pursue the Hawkmoons, and could not ignore the Immensians who were now knocking on their hulls. The following battle can be summed up, in the words of one of my colleagues at the Academy, as ‘forced coitus with an electrified cactus’. A few short and intense volleys and all that was left of the Kasaro force got mopped up by the returning Hawkmoons that had finished dusting the Kasaro shipyards.”
---Captain Dylan Russ, Proressor of Naval Tactics, CAF Military Academy Lectis West.

The Bhadra is one of Clan Immensis’s core headquarters vessels, leading their nomadic fleet about the megaverse. The Bhadra is a vessel of older technology, acquired by Clan Immensis from an alternate universe human culture, and refitted with various technologies the clan has picked up in their travels. Large, heavily armored, and bristling with firepower, the Bhadra and her sister ships epitomize the Immensian ideals of Big, Bold, and Beautiful(in their own words). After acquiring the Bhadra, the Immensians obtained three additional units of the same type, but renovations and modifications have led to the later vessels(the Viroopaaksha, Mahaapadma, and Saumanasa) being class-named after the first Immensian battleship.
Straightforward in design, with a cylindrical hull configuration, the Bhadra class looks pugnacious in its broad, blunt, lines. Armored blisters conceal heavy weapons, point defense systems, and sensors. Internally, large areas once used to hold reaction mass for earlier nuclear fusion drive systems have been converted to the larger crew facilities the Immensians’ larger framed-bodies require. The Bhadra carries a truly staggering amount of point defense, protecting these ships quite ably against swarm missile attacks and fighter strikes.
Shielding, weapons, and propulsion have all been upgraded over the years that the vessels have been in service with the Immensians, and the Bhadra has recently undergone an extensive refit at the DarkWaters’ Tresada spaceyards(another sign of the Fringe Tribe’s growing connections with the mainstream High Council Tribes), but they still remain comparatively slow and antiquated next to more cutting edge vessels. Once the Bhadra make it within range, however, they can throw out a sheer weight of firepower that cannot be ignored.
The Bhadra’s main shortcoming is a lack of missile armaments, meaning that the ships must close to direct fire range to engage the enemy, and cannot conduct ‘fire and forget’ attacks as is possible with missile armaments. Another shortcoming is Clan Immensis’s poor showing with regards to fighters; a deficiency overcome in part by the use of drone fighters. For the most part, this means that Clan Immensis cannot engage in aggressive offensive actions with the rest of the Tribal Fleets, so their battleships generally provide protection for their home fleet, provide orbital fire support, or must use ambush tactics in cooperation with faster units, similar to those used at Trellan Gulf.
The four ships of the Bhadra class, though dedicated warships, must also serve double-duty as support to the clan’s fleet of modified civilian transports, so the battleships have onboard facilities for servicing and creating new cyborgs. They can also serve as heavy tugs in a pinch, towing damaged vessels and other structures even through hyperspace/FTL drive mode.

Type: ESheMar-BB08Cim Bhadra
Class: Space Battleship
Crew: 530, plus 80 passengers/troops
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 150,000
Bridge 50,000
Heavy Particle Beam Cannons(8) 700 each
Heavy Laser Cannons(12) 600 each
Medium Laser Cannons(12) 500 each
Heavy G-Cannons(24) 700 each
Medium G-Cannons(12) 600 each
Point Defense Turrets(72) 160 each
Hangar Bays(2) 20,000 each
Heavy Tractor Beams (4) 1,500 each
Main Engines 80,000
Secondary Engines 30,000
Variable Forcefields----13,000 each side(78,000 total)

Height: 900 ft
Width: 900 ft
Length: 3,500 ft
Weight: 9.8 million tons
Cargo: 385,000 tons
Powerplant: Matter/Anti-Matter
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 8
(Kitsune Values: 40% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Not for Sale, but estimated value is 145 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Sensor Baffling----The Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)

*Long Range Sensors--- The sensors can pick up on vessels moving at FTL up to 21 light years away, and vessels moving through normal space up to 0.9 light years away.

*Robotics/Bionics Bay----The Bhadras come with a complete robotics/bionics ‘sickbay’ able to diagnose and repair just about any complaint or damage a cyborg is likely to suffer. The biomechanics bay also has the ability to produce new bionic full conversion components from scratch.

*Heavy Tractor Beams (4)---- The Bhadra sports heavy four tractor beams, around the ‘waist’ of the ship. The heavy tractor beams are each rated for 75,000 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass.
Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
(Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Particle Beam Cannons(8)---Eight heavy PPCs give the Bhadra a serious striking capability, especially when fired in sequence, though their range limits their effectiveness in long range duels. Up to four cannons can be brought to bear on a single target simultaneously.
Range: 16 miles in atmosphere, 90 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 90 miles in atmosphere, 90,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x1,000 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Once every 30 seconds(2 melees)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Heavy Laser Cannons(12)----Doing less damage than the PPCs, but having greater range and a faster rate of fire, these weapons provide the main long range firepower. Up to four cannons can be brought to bear on a single target simultaneously.
Range: 30 miles in atmosphere, 90 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 90 miles in atmosphere, 90,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Medium Laser Cannons(12)---A secondary battery of laser cannons more useful against fast, dodging, targets.
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x100 per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Heavy G-Cannons(24)----The Bhadra mounts a respectable broadside of multi-munition cannons, though their dependence on ammunition limits them in long campaigns, unless the Immensians can have regular and reliable resupply. Up to six cannons can be brought to bear on a single target simultaneously.
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 50 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 50 miles in atmosphere, 50,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Kinetic Penetrator) 3d6x100 MD to 15 ft radius
(Multi-Munition Fragmentor) 3d6x10 MD to 300 ft radius
(Heavy Plasma) 2d6x100 MD to 150 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 80 shells per cannon. Additional shells may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(2 shells per ton of cargo)

5) Medium G-Cannons(12)---These rapid-fire guns fall within the GR-2000 class of weapons, and are used for anti-spacecraft defense.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per 40 rd burst, or will do 4d6x10 MD to a 200 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,000 bursts per gun. Additional ammunition may be reloaded from cargo stores, but takes 30 minutes.

6) Point Defense Turrets(72)----The original lasers have been replaced with standard Shemarrian-pattern laser-and-railgun turrets, courtesy of the refit at Tresada.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 MD per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH (or 6 APM in autodefense mode)
(Laser) EGCHH (or 6 APM in autodefense mode)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

Auxiliary Craft:
24 Fighters or Combat Drones
2 Heavy Transport Barges

*External Missile Pods(6)---In an effort to give the Bhadras SOME missile capability, the DarkWater shipwrights suggested adding external hardpoints for mounting external missile pods. These pods, based on existing heavy cargo modules, provide temporary missile capability. However, as they are externally mounted, they do not benefit from the stealth sheathing. If stealth is a factor in operations, the Immesnians will not carry these pods into battle, forgoing the extra firepower they add.
These pods can also be dropped and deployed as giant mines or remote weapons platforms.
Each Pod has 1,000 MDC and can be fitted to the following configurations:
a) Long Range Missile Launchers(2)
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-25
Payload: 600 LRMs per pod,

b) Drone Fighter Pod---Holds either 50 EShe-SSN-UCV09 Xidras Aerospace Combat Drones or DwDS-01 Guardian Autonomous Defense Satellites. Has recovery capability, but does not have reloading or servicing facilities.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Apisarry-class Resource Barge/Transport
(aka ‘Hive Lander’, ‘SwarmBox’)

“This is your basic brick, or maybe rock, transport craft. It just happens to be able to fly itself.”

“Asteroid swarms aren’t supposed to change direction like that-”
“And rocks that big don’t just disappear off radar when they come zinging by an atmosphere. We should have heard SOMETHING from somebody on the ground about an impact somewhere, a fireball, or a sonic boom-”

#”Inventory of Harvester Eight-Zulu-Seven, Bay Three, storage cells One through Fifty-Six, refined copper ingots, cells Fifty-Seven through One Hundred Twenty, organic top soil, cells One-Twenty-One through One-Fifty miscellaneous botanical samples and biomass, cell One-Fifty-One, assorted garments, two personal weapons, miscellaneous personal electronics...what the -heck-?! Wait---Cell One-Fifty-Two, encapsulated humanoid intruder...Oh, buzzer! *Contact: Kaliba---Hello, Kaliba? Dezzna, inventorying Bay Three, Something’s come up. Can you jump ahead and skim Eight-Zulu-Seven’s security drone logs and look for any red flags? It looks like they picked a passenger---”#

The Apisarry is an experimental concept being tried out by Clan Vespa for faster resource harvesting using low-cost drone spacecraft and robotic harvesting drones. It was first tested out to gather materials needed to complete the fringe tribe’s renovation of its interdimensional exodus starships, materials which could only be found in in their Earth-analogue’s Sol System asteroid belt. The Vespans wanted to be able to send an unmanned robotic mining mission, so their own people wouldn’t be stuck on a month- or years-long and tedious assignment when they might better be used to closer to home. The idea expanded to include stellar missions of prospecting and materials transport.
The Apisarry consists of a large beehive or wasp nest-like hollow hull of layered composite or foamed ceramic, with a central core of an antigravity drive and powerplant that also doubles as the bridge and command center for the vessel. Sensor arrays are threaded out to the outer hull, but are linked to the command center adjacent to the engine core. In theory, the engine core could be dug out of the rest of the hull and operate independently as a vessel in its own right, but this is rarely done, and only in emergencies.
The ships are crewed by a drone AI, with occasionally(depending on the mission profile) a handful of actual live Vespan crew members(and onboard accommodations on an Apisarry tend to be rather spartan), overseeing a labor force of insectoid robot drones. The crew complement also typically includes several MixMaw Warmounts, who serve to partially refine and process gathered materials, and produce necessary hull materials. Apisarries are very crude vessels, and may even lack permanent airlocks, the drones typically cutting their way through the solid hull when they arrive at a destination, then rebuild and plug the holes when leaving. On the plus side, the barges are often mistaken for meteors and asteroids rather than technological spacecraft.
Apisarries are not particularly well-armored for their size and mass, but their thick foamed composite outer hulls are resistant to kinetic damage and are even slightly stealthy against long range sensor systems, particularly radar and thermal sensors. They lack armaments(aside from the possibility of combat drones or Warmounts), and have only basic commercial-grade force-shielding(and if stealth is an issue, active shielding is activated only as a measure of last resort). They are also fairly slow, awkward in maneuvering, and most lack FTL capabilities.
An Apisarry mission typically has the barge land on a promising planet or asteroid, and the drones swarm out to collect the desired resources, which are then brought back to the barge. If necessary, the drones will reconstruct the partitioning inside the barge to better store the material. This may take the form of large compartments of hundreds of individual storage cells(the Vespans like to use a structurally-strong hexagonal beehive-style compartments). When the ship is full, the barge lifts off and returns to base, where the ship is emptied, and either refurbished for reuse or the entire vessel is recycled.
Apisarries are most commonly used on resource-harvesting and general transportation missions, often to low-threat worlds or asteroids, or well-known spacelanes inside Shemarrian Star Nation space. The Vespans are the main users of the Apisarry, but the design has caught the attention of other Tribes as well, such as the Silvermoons, Horrorwoods, DarkWaters, and Skullcrushers who have begin trial-testing the concept in their own operations. Some users have been known to use them to deploy contingents of warmounts and war-drones to a theater of operations, often as one-way landers. The design is also being looked at as a means of landing shelter structures and cargo loads on a planet surface, with the engine core then being extracted and reused afterwards. The Horrorwoods have considered the use of Apissaries as another part of their ‘seeder’ programs establishing new colonies of fallow worlds, with hundreds, if not thousands, of the inexpensive spacecraft descending on a planet to distribute clouds of seed pods, nanite clusters, and swarms of seed-spreading microbots.
The Apisarry has sometimes been mistaken for StarWasp scouts or even Xiticix; a situation not helped any by some early missions where the drones ignorantly plundered private property or, in one case of a biological sampling expedition, sweeping up local sapients for study.

Type: EShe-T-012Cvp Apisarry
Class: Cargo Transport
Crew: Typically only 3-4 actual crew members, and often crewed only by robotic drones. Usually carries a complement of 50-300 worker drones, and a dozen or so Warmounts for heavy labor/defense.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 4,000
Engine Core 1,200
Sensor Arrays (1-6) 500 each
Forcefield 1,000
Height: 500 ft
Width: 450 ft
Length: 450 ft
Weight: 90,000 tons
Cargo: 75,000 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 5
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.5% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) (Optional) 1-2 light year(s) per hour
(Underwater) Not possible(though some variants under consideration are amphibious or capable of water landings)
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Kinetic Resistance----The thick foamed-composite hull of the Apisarry is resistant to impact damage; meteors, rail gun rounds, and simple projectiles do only HALF damage to the ship.

*Limited Stealth---The Apisarry is often mistaken, especially when not under active drive, for an asteroid or meteor. -15% to Read Sensory Instruments to detect the ship at all, -30% to correctly identify it as an artificial construct and not a piece of space debris.

Weapons Systems: None standard
Auxiliary Craft: None standard

*Thermal-Resistant Covering----Some missions vary the composition of the foamed-composite hull to use heat-resistant materials that take only 1/4 damage from plasma and heat-based attacks/extremes. This is often used by Apisarries that extensively use aerobraking in place of contra-gravitic deceleration.

*Decoy Launchers(1-50) ---Tubes can be embedded in the outer hull that deploy smart chaff , active decoys, laser-reflective dust, or ablative materials designed to passively defend the vessel against attack. Generally each tube holds one use of each sort of countermeasure.

*Flak Cluster Blisters(1-50)---These are essentially giant directional mines attached or embedded in the outer hull(they can appear as blisters or small craters). When triggered, they throw a cloud of high-velocity shrapnel out in an arc, that can rip apart incoming fighters or missiles.
Range: Most effective at 1 mile in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
Damage: 1d8x100 MD to a 30-degree arc at ranges of 3,000 ft or less, reduce by 1d4x10 MD per every 2,000 ft of range(4,000 ft in space, as velocity is unhindered, making up for loss of quantity) beyond that as range opens up and the density of shrapnel lessens
Payload: Single shot per blister.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

After a big book sale weekend, what with me doing a lot of reading, it’s hard to get back to writing. Fortunately, I had a number of things in final workup to be finished off before posting....

EcoS-KRP-46 RumbleBee(Drone)

“Just blast the things and get them off our tail!”
“I’m TRYING! The bloody things just keep dodging out of the way!”
“What do you mean?! They’re just HOVERING up there! Plink’em off!”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! They’re hovering there one moment and then they’re ###ing GONE! Dodged someplace else! I can’t hit’em! Drive FASTER!”

“Imagine having ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ drummed into your head at over a hundred decibels from ALL AROUND and you get some idea of what a rumblebee swarm attack is like. Your bones feel like they’re going to be shaken loose, but your brain’s going to break well before then.”

“There’s more sophisticated weapons in our clan’s arsenal, certainly, but sometimes quantity DOES have a quality all its own, and prodicing these things helps us exercise our growing industrial capabilities.”

@“Ah, but they’re so cute and fuzzy and big!”@
<“Yeah, they’re like a flying fuzzy black and yellow grizzly with laser eyes and vibroclaws.”>
@“I know! That just makes them all the more adorable!”@
#“-fifty New Lazlo Dollars sez she Awakens the whole swarm.”#
<“I am so NOT taking that bet.”>

Rumblebees are Clan Vespa robot drones that resemble giant bumblebees, somplete with coverings of short bristly hair(actually part of their motion detection systems). They are airborne, held aloft by internal antigravity systems, and they maneuver using their fast-beating wings.
Though relatively slow, rumblebees are VERY agile, and can hold stationary position in the middle of a howling windstorm, or seemingly teleport out of the way of attacks and collisions. Their motion detector ‘fur’ helps them monitor airflow around themselves and thus respond more quickly to changes in wind and nearby objects that could pose a threat to the flier.
Rumblebees are not particularly well-armed either, but their size and fearlessly close approaches to targets, droning ominously all the way, can be very intimidating. Their real function, however, is as decoys and distractions, and as airborne monitors and early warning pickets. Still, one does not discount their laser eyes and razor-sharp claws.
Rumblebees are rarely ever Awakened with an Ecotroz essence; they’re considered to be expendable. Clan Vespa has been known to deploy THOUSANDS of them in mass attacks on targets, such as Swarmy hives or Xiticix lairs.
Besides Clan Vespa, the Rumblebee has caught the attention of the Horrorwoods, who recently negotiated a deal for the production templates to the design. The Silvermoons have also indicated interest in the Rumblebee, though they have not yet been seen to deploy any.

Type: EcoS-KRP-46 Rumblebee
Class: Robotic Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 260
Head 45
Wings(2) 40 each
Legs(6) 80 each
Height: 3.5 ft
Width: 4 ft+8 ft wingspan
Length: 6 ft
Weight: 1,600 lbs
Cargo: Small space in the abdomen
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 10 year energy life
Speed: (Running/Crawling) 50 MPH
(Flying) Hover to 100 MPH, maximum altitude 12,000 ft
(Space) Contragravity propulsion allows it to hit speeds of 600 MPH in space.
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 30 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---The bulging insect eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single shot, 4d6 MD for a simultaneous shot from both eyes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Bonus: +1 to strike
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Sonic Attack: Buzz-Dirge----The rumblebee can produce a powerful multi-harmonic hum that can wreak havoc on the inner ears of most organic lifeforms and induce feelings of physical illness and even panic in many.
Range: 100 ft radius
Damage: Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Rate of Fire: Can be maintained all melee for one APM
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Abdomen Pod---The bulging abdomen of the rumblebee can hold a modular pod
a) Flare/Chaff Launcher
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12

b) Chemical Sprayer
Range: 50 ft
Damage: Varies by chemical carried; Some examples:
(Water)None, if carrying water, but human-sized beings struck with the stream but roll versus the ‘cannon’s To Strike roll, or be bowled off their feet. Does 2d6x10 HP to vampires per blast(enough water for 10 heavy blasts).

(Gloop) This material is used in construction, as well as to firm up the walls of tunnels and damaged structures. It is also used to cocoon valuable and delicate objects for moving. Each half-gallon application of this quick-set plastic covers about 5 cubic feet, and to cover a human sized target completely, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the Strike roll. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic P.S. of 30 or better to escape; otherwise, the target is stuck until released by an outside agency. Gloop has 2d4 MDC per application, and breaks down after 1d4 days of exposure, unless treated with a special binder chemical, and allowed to cure for 1d4 hours, in which case it stabilizes and has an MDC of 2d6+1.
A variant of this gunk, ‘Boro-Slime’, is a quick-setting slurry of lead-powder and boro-silicate glass suspension, which is sprayed on leaking radiation sources, forming a thick crust to simultaneously trap radioactive materials and seal it inside a crusting shell for later safe removal. Best used to contain small (power armor and vehicle) reactor breaches and water leaks; larger reactor leaks will require more drastic measures. ‘Boro-Slime’ is otherwise identical to standard Gloop.

(Slip Spray)---Rather than trap, this waxy application makes it impossible for people and many vehicles to gain purchase. A single application(a tablespoon) will cover nearly four square feet. Slipspray is very nearly water-resistant----it takes a LOT of water, roughly 6-10 gallons, to wash away an ounce of slipspray---or regular industrial solvents will do the trick. Slipspray breaks down after 1d4 hours of exposure to air.
Effects: Anyone trying to move across slipspray must make a roll under their Physical Prowess at -8 or go out of control at full speed. Vehicles, power armors, and light robot vehicles traveling in ground contact across sufficiently large patches of slipspray will be at -15% to their piloting rolls..failure means the vehicle goes out of control and takes on the characteristics of a giant hockey puck. Depending on the hardness of the surface(must be a hard surface, not a permeable surface like dirt or gravel), heavy vehicles and robots will be unaffected, as they simply stomp the effected surface into the subterranean. Hovercraft are NOT affected either. A gallon’s worth will cover 1,024 ft! Instant ice rink anyone?)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 gallon internal tank

c) Decoy Generator-----Generates enough false EM that the drone can be mistaken for another object, such as a large aircraft or vehicle. Enemy radar systems are -30% to accurately determine what the drone really is. The drone can also can pump out so much signature that enemy missiles and sensor guided weapons targeted on another vehicle(must be within 10 miles of each other to be effective) will be +4 to strike the drone instead.

d) Sensor Jammer---1.5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -4 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover)

e) Mini-Missile Launcher----19 shots

f) Forcefield Generator--- MDC: 100

g)Fragmentation Rocket Launcher( a copy of an imported Russian design).
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: ECHH, volleys of 1-10 rockets.
Payload: 50 rds

h) Spotlight---A high-powered normal/IR light searchlight, with a 500 ft range and able to illuminate a 200 ft wide area. Sometimes called the ‘GlowBee’.

i) Deep Scanner---This is an advanced lightweight penetrating radar system that can be used to scan a target and determine the density of the materials used in its construction. A scan requires the rumblebee to either be hovering stationary over the target(maximum range of 300 ft) or be crawling over it. It generally takes 1 melee to scan a 30 ft area, but the ‘bot can build up a schematic, showing SDC/MDC values of the target, including weak points.

j) EMPulsar ---An advanced compact electromagnetic pulse generator meant for espionage and sabotage operations.
Range: 3,000 ft in a 90-degree arc.
Damage: None physical/structural, but unshielded electrical equipment(including cybernetics and
bionics) is temporarily knocked out of commission/performs erratically for 2d6 minutes. 50% chance
of the electrical system suffering a MAJOR short requiring extensive repairs, and possibly even
smoking and catching fire in overload. Unshielded digital recording systems will have lost
2d4x10+20% of their memory.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

k) Grenade Pannier---This is simply an internal bin that dispenses freefall munitions equivalent to hand grenades. They can be contact- or time-fused, or can be laid like land mines to be triggered by motion/contact. This mod is sometimes called the ‘BeeBomber’ or the ‘Boomshitter’.
Range: Can be accurately dropped with HTH bonuses from 300 ft, no bonuses from as far up as 800 ft, and -3 to strike from higher altitudes.
Damage: Varies; Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
AP rounds do 1d4x10 MD to a 3-foot blast radius.
Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 MD to a 5-foot radius.
Rate of Fire: Can drop ‘sticks’ of 1-10 grenades.
Payload: 60 grenades in internal storage

l) Demolition Charge----4d6x10 MD to 30 ft blast radius

m) Microbot Dispenser---The RumbleBee can serve as a carrier for airborne microbots, such as the EcoS-D61cv Carrian Fly, EcoS-D62cv Carapace Beetle, Eshe-R63Cvp Fiery Wing, or Eshe-R241Cvp Sanitateo. Can carry 150 microbots.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic drone AIs in the rumblebee frames. Unless Awakened, they exhibit little, if any, personality and are regarded as expendable mass production units.
Typically has the following:
Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Navigation 94%
Basic Repair and Maintenance 80%
Excavation 85%(will frequently dig hiding holes for concealment)
Pilot Helicopter 90%( for aerial maneuvering purposes)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the rumblebee intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits), Begging (+20% for those appearing to be real animals)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2 on the ground, +8 in flight
Strike +4 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +5
Parry +4
Pull Punch +3
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 19-20
Bite 1d6 MD
Claw Stab 2d4 MD
Claw Tear/Pry 1d6 MD
Flying Body Block/Tackle---2d4 MD and 65% chance of knocking opponents up to 800 lbs in weight off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up again).

EcoS-KRP-47 MasonryBee(Drone)
(aka ‘GlooperBee’. ‘EmmBee”)
The young TYCHE mercenary tried to scream, but whatever the giant insects had stung her with refused to allow her to draw enough breath for it, let alone work loose of the restraints wrapped around her and fight her way out against the giant insects carrying her deeper into the depths of their hive, nestled hidden against a cliff in the high mountains.
When, in the dimly-lit interior of the structure, she saw the empty hexagonal cell of waxy plastic-like material awaiting her, memories of old bad sci-fi shows and school biology lessons about parasitic wasps caused her to try all the harder to fight the paralysis, to no avail. Her pulse was racing to near explosive levels and her breathing approaching hyperventilation as she was first pried and chewed out of her body armor, thoroughly sprayed with several substances, then was tipped into the cell. That unconsciousness came immediately with the rapidly-geling fluid that the insectoids quickly filled the cell with, was therefore an unintentional mercy on their part....

“Okay, I know you want to say it, so let’s just get it out of the way already. I insist.”
“Wow...that enemy bountyhunter...she got WAXED.”

“Okay, I’m calling ******** on this being a manifestation of extreme natural mutation...look over there...whoever ever heard of a bee using DUCT TAPE?”

MasonryBees are Clan Vespa-designed robot drones the size of a large dog, and resembling giant honeybees. They are fully flight-capable, and are used for reconnaissance, resource-hunting, and construction. They are best known for their ability to reconstitute and regurgitate various fast-setting polymers that they can shape into constructs such as walls, shelters, and storage cells. EmmBees are quickly becoming a common sight around Clan Vespa work facilities.
MasonryBees are too small to be equipped with onboard microfacs to create fresh megadamage polymers from scratch; they rely on an external source to provide them with the various powdered and liquified MDC polymer matrixes they use. Thus MasonryBees typically attend a dedicated tanker Warmount, such as a MixMaw, that they can go to to be resupplied.
Besides being general labor, EmmBees act as scouts, prospectors, pickets, and security watch-animals.

Type: EcoS-KRP-47 MasonryBee
Class: Robotic Drone, Utility
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 160
Head 60
Antennae(2) 5 each
Wings(2) 36 each
Legs(6) 60 each
Height: 3 ft
Width: 2 ft +6 ft wingspan
Length: 4 ft
Weight: 450 lbs
Cargo: Normally none, but if not carrying tools or construction materials in the abdomen pod, can carry up to 50 bs of cargo.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 20
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 5 year energy life
Speed: (Running/Crawling) 50 MPH
(Flying) Hover to 190 MPH, maximum altitude 12,000 ft
(Space) Contragravity propulsion allows it to hit speeds of 660 MPH in space.
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
*Standard Robot Optical and Audio

*Wireless Modem and Short Range Radio(15 miles)

*Zoom/Macro Lens---Can magnify up to 80x.

*Multi-Spectral Optics---The MasonryBee can see in the UV and infrared spectrums.

*EM Scanner---The MasonryBee can ‘see’ EM activity, allowing it to trace power conduits and detect active EM sources. Effective range of 60 ft.

* Circuit Scanner---Senses EM activity such as electrical flow; good for tracing live wires and detecting active electronic surveillance bugs.

*Radiation Detector

*Tool Arms(2)---Typically the forelegs are fitted with tools(can use the standard Mining Borg tool-arms).

*Mini-radar( 10 mile range)

*Ultrasound---Contact device for doing ‘echo’ soundings of materials; the MasonryBee typically touches its abdomen to the object/surface to be so scanned.

*Laser Imager---Does a detailed surface scan and measurement of a surface or object. Typically the ‘bot will have to walk around the object to get the data for a full 3-D digital model.

*Mini-Magnetoscope---An EM device useful for checking metal materials for rust infiltration and stress fractures.

* Motion and heat detection---100 ft radius

* Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---These allow the EmmBee to cling to virtually any surface.

*Language Translator---MasonryBees are generally mute, but can understand up to 20 different languages. They communicate via direct wireless comm, or via Techno-Can to handheld devices, but can also buzz at different frequencies and in different patterns, from a contented and benign hum to a screeching nerve-rattling warning buzz.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---These are multi-spectral tool lasers usually used for cutting and shaping during construction or demolition work, though they can also be used , on low power settings, to ‘cure’ polymers with specific light wavelengths. They can also be used in high-powered attack mode.
Range: 600 ft
Damage: Variable; 1d6 SDC, 2d4 SDC, or 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Effectively Unlimited

2) Goop Sprayer----The majority of the abdomen and special sacs on the legs are reservoirs of liquid or powder substrate that be sprayed to various purposes.
Range: 50 ft spray
Damage: None per say, but various materials have different properties:
(Construction Goop) Each half-gallon application of this quick-set plastic covers about 5 cubic feet, and to cover a human sized target completely, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the Strike roll. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic P.S. of 30 or better to escape; otherwise, the target is stuck until released by an outside agency. Gloop has 2d4 MDC per application, and breaks down after 1d4 days of exposure, unless treated with a special binder chemical, and allowed to cure for 1d4 hours, in which case it stabilizes and has an MDC of 2d6+1.
(Wax) This lays down a thin layer of teflon-like material that is extremely slippery; those attempting to run across it will be at -7 to their sense of balance. Attempting to go slower(at a Speed of 2 or less) the penalty is only -5, and standing perfectly still, only -3. A single application covers 50 square ft.
(EternaWax) Actually a magic potion brewed up by the Wayfinder alchemists in cooperative ventures with the Vespans. Encasing a living creature in this material has an effect similar to the Earth Elemental Warlock spell Cocoon of Stone. The target gets to roll to dodge an encasement attack, then a save versus the magic, to avoid going unconscious and falling into a state of coma-stasis inside the translucent resin. The resin has a MDC of 20, and lasts(as does the stasis) up to six months before breaking down. Long trips /durations may require several applications, or re-energization of the resin PPE. 20 gallons is required to cover a human-sized target.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 gallon capacity

The Vespans have installed robotic AIs into their drones. Only rarely are the MasonryBees Awakened by EShemar at the behest of the Vespans. Unless Awakened, they exhibit little, if any, personality and are regarded as expendable mass production units.
Typically has the following:
Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Navigation 94%
Basic Repair and Maintenance 90%
Basic Electronics 90%
Masonry 85%
Excavation 85%
Mining 90%
Firefighting 80%
Salvage 75%
Rope Works 88%
Trap/Mine Detection 91%

If Awakened, the MasonryBee/Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the MB intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits), Begging (+20% for those appearing to be real animals), and Carpentry.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3 on the ground, +6 in flight
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +4
Parry +2
Pull Punch +3
Bite 1d6 MD
Tear/Pry 1d4 MD
Flying Body Block/Tackle---1d4 MD and 50% chance of knocking opponents up to 800 lbs in weight off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up again).

*Drug Injector---Rather than a sting, the Masonry Bee can be fitted to bite, and deliver a chemical injection, usually a sedative or muscle paralyzing agent.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC plus chemical/drug effects
Payload: 5 doses of up to 4 different chemicals, 20 doses total.

*Stun Blaster
Range:(Stun Blast) 100 ft
Damage:(Stun Blast) Roll versus non-lethal poison or be -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:(Stun Blast)

*Duct Tape Dispenser---Takes the place of the Goop Sprayer in the abdomen.
MDC: 2 MDC per foot of material .
The adhesive holds with a PS of 30.
Payload: 100 ft roll

*Riveter---Takes the place of the Goop Sprayer in the abdomen. Holds 500 rivet fasteners.

*EcoS-KRP-47Rx---’NurseBee’. Bee stings have long been regarded as medicinal in some circles, and the NurseBee capitalizes on that by being a flying first aide station and caregiver. KRP-47Rxs are becoming a common sight at Clan Vespa work sites, and they are often sent out with search and rescue teams. KRP-47Rxs are sometimes sent along with fugitive apprehension squads or zoological collection expeditions to see to the health of prisoners(typically before they’re bundled into stasis for transport). Instead of construction materials, the abdomen carries an automated med-kit, and the forelegs contain diagnostic sensors. KRP-47Rxs forgo the standard construction/utility programming in favor of a more medical-oriented skillset. They are often distinguishable by having white abdomens painted with red cadecus-like markings(though some wits about the Tribes add a small cloth nurse’s cap to the back of the head).
Despite the insectile appearance of the KRP-47Rxs, the Nurse-Bees have proven a surprising success, especially with neshemar groups, and several Tribes have traded for the design.
Cargo: Typically carries a standard survival pack modified to hold a deployable shelter tent, lean-to, space blanket, basic bandages and compresses, several water pouches, and squeeze-sacs of nutrient paste(sometimes called ‘royal jelly’ or ‘life honey’).
Systems of Note:
*Bio-Monitor System---By touching the patient, the KRP-47Rx can monitor vital signs, such as body temperature, pulse, blood oxygenation, and skin tension.
*RMK Dispenser---Has enough micro-bots for 30 separate applications, and can retrieve spent microbots for recharging and reuse.
*IRMSS Injector----Holds enough for 120 doses.
*Flesh-Foam Sprayer--Effectively a non-allergenic ‘liquid bandage’ that can be built up into a limb splint or restraint. Has enough for 60 applications.

*Drug Injector---Standard on the KRP-47Rx.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC plus chemical/drug effects
Payload: 15 doses of up to 4 different chemicals, 60 doses total.

*Scalpels and Laser Cutters---The foreleg tool hands are replaced with a
variety of precision cutting instruments for surgery or cutting through
entangling debris. Some of the cutting tools inflict megadamage.
Range: Melee -6 ft
Damage: (Scalpel Fingers) 1d4 SDC
(Laser Finger) 1d6 , 3d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD, or 2d6 MD.
(Laser Cutter Wand) 1d4, 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 SDC, or 1 MD
(Retractable Drill) 3d6 SDC or 1d4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*Chemical Sprayer---The leg ‘pollen pods’ are now chemical sprayers:
Range: 10 ft radius
Damage: By dispersed agent, Usually holds antiseptic solutions for sterilizing operating fields, but can also be used to deliver sedative aerosols.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 individual doses (as many as five different chemicals
can be carried)

*Internal IV Reservoirs---Located in the abdomen are special
fluid containers for holding blood plasma substitute and other fluids in stable,
sanitary containment until needed. The KRP-47Rx has four such reservoirs,
each holding a liter of fluid(4 liter totals).

*UV Sterilizer Eyebeams----Several of the eye-cells in the large oculi can radiate light in the ultraviolet range, which can be used to help sterilize areas, Gazing too long at them without eye protection can result in temporary blindness(treat as a Blinding Flash spell). Effective range of 5 ft.

Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Navigation 94%
Basic Repair and Maintenance 90%
Excavation 85%
Firefighting 80%
Rope Works 88%
Paramedic 90%
Biology 85%
Field Surgery 75%(-20% for serious injuries)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

You sir, are a sick sadistic bastich... I approve. (Re; above post 'Rumble Bees') :D :ok:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:You sir, are a sick sadistic bastich... I approve. (Re; above post 'Rumble Bees') :D :ok:

What can I say? When Nature's design and Human culture collide.... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Okay, added a BUNCH of overdue updates to the Masterfile on page 1, including the Shrouded Elite, the Helldrake battleship(how I missed putting that up, sorry), and re-numbered the Fellex e-animal.
SHPULD be up to date, but again, of anybody notices that any posted/complete stuff went unlisted, please remind me.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Clan Immensis Gryffyn-class Frigate
(aka ‘Griff-Biffs’)
“The Gryff is a good example of why you should never underestimate the Fringe Tribes. The Immensians are nomadic enough to invest in the means to protect their mobile nation state and their space assets. They may not have originally built these ships of theirs, but they have access to the sort of people who can fix them up right, and they have the talent to know how to use them right. Given half a chance, these ships can strip your hull off before you know it.”

The Gryffyn-class are smaller auxiliary cruisers attached to the Immensian Bhadra-class battleships. Like the Bhadras, the Gryffyns have origins not within the Immensian tribe itself, but have been upgraded from their original configurations, though they are still large compared to their Three Galaxies equivalents.
Internally, the ships have rather more room than other Shemarrian vessels, in order to allow the larger-bodied Immensians more space to move around in. However, facilities still tend to be spartan compared to the Immensians’ modified civilian transports. Aside from the occasional diplomatic transport mission, Gryffyns are understood to be vessels of war and are operated accordingly. Immensian cyborg crew members thus make extensive use of VR recreation when not on active duty. That frees up space for additional systems.
Gryffyns have performance curves more in keeping with their Three Galaxies contemporaries, so they are capable of being used in a more aggressive role that the larger battleships cannot. Using their superior speed, Gryffyns can intercept enemy units, interdict them, or pin them down, while the slower battleships lumber into range to finish the enemy off.
Gryffyns, to compensate for being bigger targets, carry a great amount of armor protection, and can tank a lot of damage that would destroy other Three Galaxies vessels of the same classification. On top of that, they carry fairly heavy forcescreening, and their cyborg crews can keep fighting even if the shp’s hull has been penetrated and the life support literally voided. The Gryffyns’ resilience in combat has caught a good number of opponents offguard, after the latter have written off the ‘frigates’ after a hard bout of combat that should have destroyed them...only to discover the ships still oncoming or returning to combat.
Gryffyns carry a diverse armament of various types of weapons, including a large point defense array to deter fighters and missiles. Gryffyns have a heavy missile armament lacking in the Bhadras, so the smaller ships are often assigned as long range snipers for the battleship groups. Gryffyns are notably weak on fighter and marine complements, so they are not useful for boarding actions or commando support. As anti-spacecraft platforms they fare much better, their speed serving them well in maneuvering actions.
It is not known exactly how many Gryffyns are in Immensian service, but standard deployment seems to be three to each of the four Bhadras, plus a reserve of 2-3 ships as a reserve/training formation. There have been reports of ships matching the description of the Gryffyn undergoing tests in DarkWater or Silvermoon shipyards, or in the company of ships of those Tribes; whether these are Immensian ships being refit for them, or new vessels manufactured under license, remains unknown.

Type: ESheMar-FG10Cim Gryffyn
Class: Frigate
Crew: 165 +25 troops(37 if no manned fighters are carried)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 12,700
Bridge 1,500
Engines 1,100
Sensor Vanes(4) 960 each
Particle Beam Cannons(2) 700 each
Cruise Missile Launchers(4) 900 each
Heavy G-Cannon(2) 600 each
Heavy Laser Cannons(3) 600 each
Point Defense Turrets( 29) 250 each
Hangar Bays(2) 1,000 each
Variable Forcefields----6,000 each side(36,000 total)

Height: 280 ft
Width: 280 ft
Length: 850 ft
Weight: 270,000 tons
Cargo: 11,000 tons
Powerplant: Matter/Anti-Matter
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 10
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Not for Sale, but estimated value is 2.8 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Sensor Baffling----The Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)

Weapons Systems:
1) Particle Beam Cannons(2)---Two powerful forward-mounted PBCs. The advanced range of these weapons, compared to equivalent TGE and CCW weapons, suggests these are among the improvements refit by the DarkWaters.
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Cruise Missile Launchers(4)--Four large-capacity missile launcher bays give the Gryffyns a good long range bite, especially important when the cruisers are rushing about the field of battle and need to engage multiple targets. The fire-and-forget capability of these weapons has only improved with Shemarrian ‘brilliant’ missile-AIs that can ‘run silent’ after firing and coast into a target zone, acting effectively as mobile minefields,
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10 each launcher
Payload: 80 each launcher( 320 total)

3) Heavy G-Cannon(2)---These large-caliber gravitic massdrivers can throw hypervelocity bursts, or ‘spray’ space with fast-moving shrapnel.
Range: 22 miles in atmosphere, 44 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 22 miles in atmosphere, 22,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d4x100 MD per 40 rd burst, or will do 6d6x10 MD to a 600 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 1,000 bursts per cannon. Additional ammunition may be loaded from stores, but takes 30 minutes.

4) Heavy Laser Cannons(3)----These are more conventional laser weapons, one of which covers the tail arc of the frigate.
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 50 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 25 miles in atmosphere, 25,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Point Defense Turrets( 29)----The original lasers have been replaced with standard Shemarrian-pattern laser-and-railgun turrets. The sheer number of these weapons studding the hull makes any fighter approach to a fully-manned Gryffyn arguably a case of suicide.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 MD per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH (or 6 APM in autodefense mode)
(Laser) EGCHH (or 6 APM in autodefense mode)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

Auxiliary Craft:
12 aerospace fighters or heavy drones
2 shuttlecraft

Unconfirmed reports have surfaced of Gryffyns(or Gryffyn-like ships) being tested in DarkWater or Silvermoon shipyards with plasma torpedo weaponry or additional external podded armaments.
Otheer variants under consideration include upgrades to, or total replacements of, the propulsion system, with speeds of Mach 13 or greater in mind.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Campaign update: Though Zugard (Death's right hand) was defeated, undeath and darkness still reside. After a 3 week sabbatical, the heoroes find out strange signals are being transmitted through both ley-line and radio near the 'Geat Eastern Wall' of North America. Reports of the recently dead turning on their former comrades, corroded metal & necrotic flesh amalgams prowling the forests, black-metal that burns the soul and a whispered message on the aether...


I can't believe I lost the original 'Blacksteel' text file I wrote ages ago; and googgle is useless for hunting things like that down for on-line postings :P :frust: :frust:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:[
I can't believe I lost the original 'Blacksteel' text file I wrote ages ago; and googgle is useless for hunting things like that down for on-line postings :P :frust: :frust:

I dunno...If I remember a few more keywords, it works for me(the Google search that is).

You also might wanna try Kronos' wiki....It might be there.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:[
I can't believe I lost the original 'Blacksteel' text file I wrote ages ago; and googgle is useless for hunting things like that down for on-line postings :P :frust: :frust:

I dunno...If I remember a few more keywords, it works for me(the Google search that is).

You also might wanna try Kronos' wiki....It might be there.

Technically you started the wiki.. I just started filling it in.. and it is seriously needing updates.. I don't think I've worked on it in over a year and a half.

The link to the wiki is here Here is the main page for the Black Steel. Note not all the related units are uploaded yet..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

LOL that's the only one that shows up on google seraches (the wiki).
Is okay though; I found the raw file on an archive disk marked "Nifty s***03" :P :frust: :erm:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Necrokrate Robot Drone
(aka ‘boxbot’, ‘Renfield’, ‘Combat-Casket’)
“Those undead monsters don’t just hide in coffins! They rest in the embrace of demons! Demons, I tell you! Me and my crew tried to destroy the casket of one of those things and the casket came to unlife on us! Woke up and attacked us! Scattered my crew halfway across the desert before we could get away from the monster!”

“It’s the mummy’s curse, only a lot more proactive and preemptive. You don’t actually have to open the coffin before you start hurtin’. ”

“The funny thing is, you got rescued from monsters by an animated coffin popping out of the ground and grabbing you. Claustrophobia aside, being buried alive in this case actually saved your life.”

“Never mind her; she’s one of Darklab’s pets. She gets loose every now and then and has to be dragged back to bed for the night. The bed tracks her down and tucks her in all by itself.”

(Sound of organ music)
(Sound of creaking hinges)
(*Yawn*)”...okay, what did I miss while I was out?”

“A robotic coffin armed with blasters? That’s less ‘rest in peace’ and more ‘do not disturb’.”
-Anonymous Wayfinder

“Stoutly constructed? Hah! The necrokate’s a portable bunker! It’s the box Glitterboys hide in when they’re too afraid to come out to play! Master vampires WISH they had this sort of daylight protection...well, aside from the ones we keep in vamp-traps; those ones just wish they were true-dead.”

The Necrokrate is a bizarre Clan Shelley robot drone design originally instigated by a faux-mummy member of the clan who wanted her regeneration/repair sarcophagus made more easily portable to make it more convenient to take along on long patrols, especially with the Shelleyists stepping up their anti-vampire campaign to their south. Making the cumbersome apparatus self-mobile was easy enough, but with the manic enthusiasm typical of Clan Shelley, the EShemar went overboard with the idea, embellishing it with the trappings of their schlock-horror mentality. The fact that the necrokrate is actually quite versatile is often overlooked by outsiders who have borne witness to the gonzo devices in action.
Necrokrates resemble large caskets(or techno-insect pupae) seemingly assembled from giant insect or monster parts, adorned with all manner of various death- and occult-related flourishes to gladden the heart of any would-be goth-cultist. It’s rumored that the Shelleyists engaged the consulting services of a Poluznik funerary designer in designing the Necrokrate’s aesthetics and furnishings, though the robotics are pure Shemarrian.
The necrokrate demonstrates that it is more than just a convenient electronics packing and shipping container when it comes to ‘life’, extending limbs(legs, tentacles, and wings) to come to horrible animation. An integral robot drone AI runs the show, as well as handles internal monitoring and operations.
Even more astonishing is the necrokrate’s ability to fly in limited fashion, using concealed hoverjets(or, in some cases, contra-gravity technology). The necrokrate uses specially muffled ’stealth’ jets to move quietly about, and even what noise remains has been specially modulated to sound like a low-pitched dirge or groaning of tortured souls.
The necrokrate can be programmed for combat, in order to defend its owner(especially if he or she is incapacitated and undergoing repair) or to surprise intruders. It is heavily armored and can shrug off most small arms fire. Ranged weaponry is optional, though an integral sonic ‘dirge-blaster’ comes standard.
Clan Shelley makes extensive use of the necrokrate as a convenient stevedore unit carrying(as its original intent) wounded/damaged tribe members while they are being healed/repaired, moving sensitive cargo/equipment, capturing and holding prisoners, and trapping vampires.
Besides Clan Shelley, the Lost Eclipse have a few necrokrates in their arsenal, as they find the idea of a combat-capable casket just SO amusing.

Type: EcoS-R302 Necrokrate
Class: Robotic Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 600
Headstone 150
Tentacles(6) 40 each
Legs(4) 50 each
Wings(2) 50 each*

*The wings are merely for show and contribute very little to the ‘bot’s flight abilities.

Height:(Standing upright) 15 ft
Width: 4.5 ft. 7 ft wingspan
Length: 4.5 ft
Weight: 2,200 lbs
Cargo: Large space inside able to hold a 12-ft tall humanoid(or several smaller ones if they huddle close together) or up to 2,500 lbs of cargo
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 30 MPH
(Flying) Hover to 120 MPH, 1-200 ft off the ground.
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can survive immersion in water and can run along the bottom at 10 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 800 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
*Radio w/ Scrambler-50 mile range
(w/ radio tracker---able to follow a worn or implanted beacon on its charge)
*Optics(full 360-degree arc of vision):
Thermo-Imaging, IR/UV, Passive Nightvision, Image Enhancement, Telescopic
*Advanced Audio
Sound Editor, Ultra-Ear
*Laser Targeting--(+1 to strike w/ ranged weapons)
*Radiation Detector
*Micro-Radar---3 mile range

*Motion Detector----360-degree coverage and 100 ft effective range. Particularly useful for tracking incoming projectile fire, allowing the ‘bot to backtrack the source of sniper fire or projectiles during riots.

*Combat Recorder---Onboard recorders can save and store up to 48 hours (standard configuration)of sensory data .

*Acoustic Stealth---The Necrokrate is quite quiet, and has a default Prowl ability of 65%, owing to its quiet hoverjets and ‘floater’ A-G system.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---The Necrokrate, interestingly enough for a drone, has the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 90 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. Some opponents of Clan Shelley, thinking they’re destroying the coffin of a vampiric enemy, have been horrified to see the ‘coffin’ regenerate the damage.

Weapons Systems:
1) Sonic Blaster----Concealed in the embellishments on the sarcophagus’s exterior is a sonic blaster(aka ‘dirger’). Most of the weapon’s projected energy is at frequencies too high for the human ear to hear, but some leak-over manifests as an audible low bone-shaking moan or a bloodcurdling shriek.
Range:(Stun)250 ft
(Disruptor)220 ft
(Heavy MD Shot)100 ft
Double all ranges underwater
Damage:(Stun)1 SDC, plus victims must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious for 1d6 melee rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds. Multiple blasts are cumulative for duration.
(Disruptor)4d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD per blast.
Area of effect ‘shotgun’ blast: Half damage to a 10 ft wide area.
(MD Shots)5d6 MD per blast
Characters in EBA will take HALF that damage in SDC even through their armor, while vehicle crew will take 1/4 damage in SDC through their vehicle’s armor due to shock and excessive vibration. Vehicles with more than 200 MDC in their main body, or forcefield protection, will NOT be affected.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) VibroBlades(4)---The leg-limbs of the necrokrate feature concealed vibroblades. These are often used to anchor the boxbot in place, similar to Glitterboy pylons, but they are just as often used to clear brush and mow down grave ghouls and vampire minions.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD
OPtion: Can be silver-plated for extra damage against supernatural opponents.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
* Standard:
-Radio: Basic 98%
-Math: Basic 98%
-Read Sensory Instruments 98%
-Land Navigation 94%
-Language:(all at 94%)
Can identify common North American factions, equipment, insignia, and protocols(including Coalition and Triax), common Western Hemisphere monsters, demons, aliens, and d-bees.

*Security (Special)
-Surveillance Systems 80%
-Tracking(people) 80%
-Tailing 74%
-Detect Ambush 80%

*Medical: (Nurse/Paramedic)
-Paramedic 85%
-Basic and Advanced Math 98%
-Biology 80%
-Chemistry 90%

*Cybernetics/Bionics Repair
-Chemistry: Analytical 90%
-Electrical Engineering 86%
-Cybernetic Medicine 80%/75%

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 4(+3 tentacle attacks)
Initiative +1
Strike +6
+4 Strike w/ Energy Weapons
+2 Strike w/ Projectile Cannon
+3 Strike w/ Aimed Shot
Parry +4, +1 per pair of tentacles, +3 for all six
Dodge +1(+3 flying)
Roll +2
Pull Punch+4
Disarm +2, +1 per pair of tentacles, +3 for all six
Entangle +3 per pair of tentacles, +9 for all six
Critical Strike on a natural 19 or 20

Restrained Tentacle Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Tentacle Punch 1d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 1d6 MD(occasionally used for breaking down doors, windows and barricades)

*Stereo System---What’s a sarcophagus without a really decent sound system? Pretty pathetic, that’s what! Get your Fibes on with your selected vibes!
*TV/Video System---Installs a 7-inch fold-out mini-television video flat-screen, that can display transmissions, or CD/tapes. For those not-really-undead and never-biologically-alive-to-begin-with who like their ‘downtime’.

*Casket Weapons(1-4) ---Up to FOUR cyborg forearm-style weapons can be mounted on powered appendages(such as the legs) and incorporated into recesses in the outer shell. Many an unwary tomb raider or acquisitive necromancer has been surprised to be targeted by machine guns and plasma blasters sprouting from the sarcophagus they came to rob.

*Electro-Shock Security System----Special contacts in the skin of the ‘coffin’ can be electrically charged to deliver a taser-like shock to anyone attempting to break in or steal the casket. Alternatively, the system can be set to dump most of its power into a vaporizing megadamage shock blast, though this tends to drain the capacitors.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
(MD ) The higher end setting does 1d6 MD per shock
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*Prisoner Restraints---A removable restraint frame is fitted with multiple arm, leg, torso, and neck shackles, typically each having about 15-30 MDC, allowing the ‘bot to restrain augmented beings such as Juicers and light cyborgs.

*Automed System---The interior couch has an automed system, meant to supervise the restraint and sedation of potentially injured prisoners, but it can also be used to stabilize the condition of emergency victims. The system can also inject medications, sedation, and medical nanites. Equivalent to a Medical Doctor and Field Surgery at 90%.

*Self-Burial---The necrokrate can be fitted with deployable shovel/trowel heads on its limbs, and programmed with Excavation at 80%. The ‘bot can quickly dig itself into the ground and bury itself as a form of concealment or protection.

*Cobweb Sprayer----The necrokrate can be fitted to spray sillystring-like artificial webbing. This is generally used for aesthetic purposes(as in decorating a Shelleyist lair), but it can also be used as camouflage netting. It is generally regarded as too fragile to restrain people, but may slow them down as they become distracted or blinded by the sticky material.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: None
Payload: Enough tankage to cover a football-field sized area in thin webbing.

*Chemical Sprayer---The Necrokrate can be fitted with concealed external sprayheads for spraying an area around it with a chemical fog. This can be a literal smokescreen, tear gas. psychotropic aerosol agents, or war-gas, but also can be used to spray antiseptics.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: Varies by chemical
Payload: 50 gallon capacity; generally enough for 10 shots of up to 5 different chemicals.

*Directional Explosive Armor Attachments---Essentially reactive armor panels can be added to the outside of the box.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the charges act as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the armor takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the Shemarrian must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-4
Payload: Each side can mount from 3-4 charges.

*Living Skull Staff ----Some necrokrate owners go the extra mile and integrate a faux-magic Living Skull Staff into the ornamentation of the box-bot.


*Sarcophagi---Original flavor necrokrate carrying a regeneration/repair autobed. It holds a modified cybo-fab, which can be used to repair superficial damage. Can repair 6d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. If the Tangler takes more than 50% total body damage, then it’s time to summon a Tinker for some more serious repair work.
Sarcophagi can also quick-fit new wrapping armor and perform minor modifications(such as weaving fire-resistant or chemically resistant wrappings). It can spin a new set of bandage armor(or a restraint cocoon) with 100 MDC in about 5 minutes.
This system has been modified to also repair other Clan Shelley members, such as Vlades, Frankens, Mummers, and Sirin.

*Krysalis---A ‘hot box’ retro-virus/nanotech mini-laboratory used by some Clan Shelley bio-Tinkers to convert (willing or unwilling) organics into new neshemar. Many observers who have seen this variant in action have assumed that it’s some sort of necromantic corruption artifact, turning hapless prisoners or depraved volunteers into undead abominations.
-Automed----The full medical support system comes standard with the Krysalis. monitoring the health of the patient/prisoner/test subject.

-Molecular Adhesion Cuffs---The standard tentacle arm ends in a simple lock-cuff, but they can be fitted with a molecular adhesion head that sticks to the flesh of an apprehended suspect, making pulling free well-nigh impossible without taking off a swath of skin in the process.

-Isolation Cage---The confinement compartment can be insulated to shut out external sounds and EM radiation, as well as block them from getting OUT of the compartment(no calling for help on your radio implant!).

*’Vamp-Trap’----Necrokrate outfitted to hold captive vampires. The vamp-trap variant features wood-barbed tentacles, silver fittings and religious symbols/wards on both the inside and outside, and a re-circulating water spray system on the inside that keeps vampires in a continual state of agonizing regeneration while being constantly dissolved. The whole thing is extra-airtight to prevent vapor-form escape attempts. Some even incorporate TW systems just Globe of Daylight radiators to further torment their vampiric prisoners.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Necrokrate Robot Drone
(aka ‘boxbot’, ‘Renfield’, ‘Combat-Casket’)

Love this. I'm a little surprised we didn't come up this sooner!

Although I have one little nit pick.. the width.. only 3.5 feet total? That doesn't leave much space inside.. Most Clan Shelley members are easily 1.5 to 2 to 2.5 feet wide.. not counting wings.. even with wings folded and wrapped, you're still going to need a few extra inches.. I'd bump it up to 4, and maybe make it a little taller.. by 0.5 to 1 foot more.. and maybe bump up the length a smidge too.. just seems rather cramped, especially for a personal unit for Clan Shelley members.. unless they like the insides extremely spartan, and to make room for all the systems it has.

I mean.. you seen the inside of a casket? Roomy for most of them... not that seeing a casket is usually a good occasion.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
Love this. I'm a little surprised we didn't come up this sooner!

Although I have one little nit pick.. the width.. only 3.5 feet total? That doesn't leave much space inside.. Most Clan Shelley members are easily 1.5 to 2 to 2.5 feet wide.. not counting wings.. even with wings folded and wrapped, you're still going to need a few extra inches.. I'd bump it up to 4, and maybe make it a little taller.. by 0.5 to 1 foot more.. and maybe bump up the length a smidge too.. just seems rather cramped, especially for a personal unit for Clan Shelley members.. unless they like the insides extremely spartan, and to make room for all the systems it has.

I mean.. you seen the inside of a casket? Roomy for most of them... not that seeing a casket is usually a good occasion.

Thanks. :-D
Bumped up the size as suggested.
You ain't going to find this thing is any regularly-sized funeral home unless they built the place around the necrokrate. but the Shelleyists probably have other scary things that can scare the hell out of people in such smaller places. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Because the Warchiefs and WarGoddesses are falling behind.....
(Thanks to kronos for his vine missiles and Entkin features)

Horrorwoods ‘Druant’ Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade
(aka ‘TerraQueen’)

“I Speak for the Forest, I Pass its Judgement, I Pronounce its Sentence! This Land and All Upon It, REJECT your depredations!!”

The Horrorwoods Druant is a Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade intended to boost the abilities of those caste-classes and allow them to keep up and ahead of recent Elite classes. Like other Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrades seen in other Tribes, the Druant consists mainly of supplemental armor appliqué with added integral abilities. The Druant borrows a number of features from other Elites, such as the Entkin, upgrading both defensive and offensive capabilities.
In the case of the Druant, Upgrade consists of a new armor coat that looks like thick wood bark armor, with a vine-covered, leafy, cloak. Branches sprout from each shoulder, flaring into leaf arrays and vine-tendrils.
The Druant can also merge with and reconfigure e-trees, using them as exoframes that increase the Druant’s armor, stride, and reach.

*Armor----Druants can don and mesh with a reinforced outer skin of bark armor. This armor acts as stealth camouflage, blending visually and thermally in with the surrounding forest/jungle, is particularly resistant to kinetic damage and also regenerates at an accelerated pace.
-Armor MDC: Increase the MDC per location by up to 100%, but for every 25% of increased MDC, increase the weight by 20%, and decrease speed by 10%. For every 25% of added MDC, the Druant is also -1 to Dodge, and -1 to Initiative rolls.
-Camouflage---The Druant can blend into her surroundings, as long as they are natural(can’t hide in a city or artificial corridor) equal to a Camouflage skill roll of 85%
-Kinetic Resistance---Takes HALF damage from kinetic attacks, such as megadamage kicks, punches, blunt blows, concussive attacks, and projectiles such as bullets, railgun rounds, arrows, and cannon balls.

*Connectivity----The Upgrade gives the Warchief or Wargoddess a closer connection with the Horrorwoods’ ‘electrocology’ and act as a more efficient coordinator for them.
The Druant gets a +1 to initiative/strike/dodge due to her always knowing where the enemy is relative to herself. She cannot be surprised or ambushed while connected to the surrounding e-forest.
*EcoS-R65Hw 'Straw Warriors' in particular, benefit from the command of a Druant; +1 to initiative/strike/dodge.

*Tentacles---The Druant sprouts 2d4 tendril-branches, 45 each, PS and PP of 18, are +1 to strike, +3 parry, +2 dodge, +3 entangle. They have a reach of 15 ft.
Tentacle Restrained Slap 1d6 SDC
Tentacle Punch/Lash 1d4 MD
Tentacle Crush/Squeeze 2d4 MD
+1 APM for each pair of tentacles, and the added APMs are possible ONLY with the tentacles.

*Regeneration Enhancement---Just by standing on natural ground, the Druant can enhance her nanite regeneration rate through root conduits in her legs. This works even better if the Druant is standing near any Horrorwoods Cybertree(or, ideally, a patch of them), as the Druant can be covertly tapping into the MDC reserves and underground root network created by those cyberorganisms. These systems repair 6d6 MD per hour(6d6 MD per MINUTE if interfaced with a Cybertree) , and can repair 160 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Download to Gaia----In an emergency, the Druant can also download herself into the underground root network, escaping the destruction of her body and preserving her memories and persona for reconstruction at a later date. If Awakened, this means her energy-self can escape dissipation.

*E-Tree Merge----The Druant can merge with an e-tree, uprooting it in the process and wearing it effectively as an exoframe. This typically increases the height of the Druant by 50-100 ft, +5 to P.S. (per tree), and increases their MDC by the tree’s, but reduce maximum speed by 20%(even with the longer stride). (Note: Laser Groves CANNOT be merged with).
WarChief Druants can merge with one tree at a time, Mystics with 5, and Wargoddesses can merge with up to 20.
Once merged with an e-tree, the Druant cannot replace it back as it was; a new e-tree must be planted to take its place. The Druant can shed the excess MDC she absorbed as bark and timber; this is typically harvested and reused.

Weapons Systems:
1) Seed Thrower--Developed from the Vine Missile ordnance, the Druant can scatter special nanite ‘seeds’ that burst into sudden growths identical in damage capacity to the Vine Mini-Missiles. They are thrown by pneumatic action via a launch tube behind the wrist.
Range: 1,000 ft
MDC: Vines 15 MDC, root bundle 30, -5 to strike due to vines moving about it. Heals 1d4 MD per melee round.
Damage: 1d4 MD upon impact. Plus plant bundle rooting.
Anything struck by the missile or within 5 feet of it is immediately strike with vines, wrapping and entangling limbs. Targets must make a Dodge roll vs vines Entangle +2 roll.
The vines and roots will grow to cover a 10 foot wide area, with powerful vines during the round it was deployed. Any new targets entering its 10 ft area during the round it is deployed must dodge vines attempting to entangle them.
The next melee round the vines are full size and will attempt to attack as well as entangle anything not a Shemarrian or Shemarrian friendly. The plant will have 5 attacks, with 5 vines for slapping, +4 to strike, dealing 3d6 MD and can make an immediate entangle attempt upon a successful strike, +6 to entangle. Once a target is entangled, the target will be transferred to shorter stronger vines, freeing the primary vines for attacking. These smaller vines will do 5D6 MD squeezing damage, with an effective Robotic Strength 30. 3 targets up to 8 feet can be held and entangled at a time.
If the plant bundle roots itself into metal or concrete more than 5 inches thick, it will live for about 5 hours, unless there is a supply of water close by (a good rain will extend the life by 1 hour for every 10 minutes of rain). If it can root into dirt, the vines can live for years, like real plants.
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: A Warchief Druant has magazine capacity for 30 seeds, a Mystic, 40, a Wargoddess 60, and regenerates fresh nanite seeds at a rate of 5 per hour of inactivity/meditation.

2) Raise Root Wall(Horrorwoods Upgrade)
Raise Root Wall is a faux-magic Upgrade available to Horrorwoods Warchiefs, Wargoddesses, and Mystics, as part of Tribal efforts to keep these high-echelon castes up to date and still relevant. It allows the EShemar to command nearby Cybertrees to hypercharge their root systems to accelerate their growth and push up their ends up above the soil to form a latticework fence, typically as a defensive barrier.
The root wall typically emerges 10-20 ft from its parent tree(s), and can rise to a height of 10 ft. A typical root wall acts like vehicular ‘Splinter Shielding’, with 1d4x10 MD per 10 ft length of fence, and it still has some effectiveness as defeating missile attacks; on a ‘To Strike’ roll of 6-7, Armor-Piercing missiles bash themselves on the cage bars, doing only 1d4 MD, and on a 8-10, do only HALF damage due to premature detonation or redirect of their kinetic force.
If summoned up UNDER an opponent, Raise Root Wall can be used to impale an enemy, doing 1d8 MD due to the sharp-ended roots shooting up, plus a 50% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(or rather, hoisting them off their feet). The root attack has no bonuses to strike, only the summoning EShemar’s initiative and any entangle bonuses. On a ‘to strike’ roll of 17-20, if the roots have struck megadamage material, they can start to -assimilate- MDC at a rate of 1d6 MD per melee. The roots typically have a Robotic PS of 10 for those attempting to break free of them.
Raise Root Wall can only be used once per day, as it taxes the nanotech regenerative abilities of the cybertrees. However, the aforementioned Horrorwoods Warchiefs, Wargoddesses, and Mystics can link their own regenerative abilities and reserve MD pools, as well as those of any Warmounts they can touch, to supercharge the ‘trees’ abilities(a process often referred to as ‘paying back the forest’).
A Warchief can command five cybertrees to Raise Root Wall per action, a Mystic can raise as many as ten, and a Wargoddess can order an entire linked cyber FOREST to Root Raise at once.

3) Leaf Shuriken(2d4x10+2d6)---The Druant can sprout patches of razor-edged bioplastic ‘leaves’(though they contain no chlorophyll) that can be plucked and thrown as projectiles. The Druant’s Leaf Shuriken have the special property that they strike like daggers, but expand in a wound to assume a broader spade shape, further tearing open the wound.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 1d4 SD or 1d4 MD per leaf-blade
Rate of Fire: ECHH, and can be ‘thrown’ in batches of 1-5
Bonus: Does CRITICAL damage on an unmodified ‘to strike’ roll of 18-20.
Payload: Typically 1d4x10 can be grown on each shoulder, and 2d6 on the head, and the Druant can re-grow them at a rate of 50 per hour for SDC blades, or 10 per hour for MD blades.

4) Shooting Thorns----The Druant can grow regenerating hardwood spikes that can be fired off as projectiles.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d8 MD per spike. They add 1d8 MD to a forearm strike, kick, or body block, regardless of how many are actually grown.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10 spikes
Payload: Typically sports 2d4 spikes on each of the forearms and legs, 1d4 on the head and neck(DOUBLE the payload for Wargoddesses)
Regenerates spikes at a rate of 10 an hour

5) Pea Pod Grenades----The Druant can sport 4-6 growths like giant(3-4 ft long) pea pods(25 MDC each) from the back, that can be raised and open to launch softball-sized green concussion grenades that are essentially caseless explosive flash-bangs. Sometimes called ‘pea shooters’. Many bystanders constantly seeing a ‘green flash’ and smelling a distinct strong smell of wintergreen or sharp mint associated with the blast.
Range: 800 ft
Damage: Each grenade does 3d6 MD to a 6 ft blast radius, and victims in a 15 ft radius without environmental armor, goggles, or hearing protection will be -10 to strike, parry and dodge, -1 to initiative, and -1 APM for 1d4 melees. Even those in armor or otherwise protected will lose initiative due to the distraction.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-5 pea-grenades.
Payload: 4-6 pods, each holding 10 grenades.
Regenerates new grenades at 2 per hour, triple this rate if linked to an e-forest for resources.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Nice Horrorwoods upgrade. I was working on one, slowly, but this is definitely the way I'd have gone. Maybe an option would be one if the vine tentacles that the entkin has mounted in one are (replacing the arm weapons, available on war goddess only), with spike option.

Oh oh! When merged with an e-tree could pick up and link with a smaller laser Grove tree for some heavy firepower.
Or... could absorb and merge with straw warrior to gain some of its weapons/abilities...
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

With mention of BlackSteel, and Titan Robotics book coming (or is it out yet, I can't remember ) I had a thought...
So some of it might have survived the destruction of the Citadel, if you want that in your game..
What would new Titan robots infected be like... what would some of the newer (older now in EShemarrian timeline) new castes or warmounts be like infected..

Like say new titan robot book is stuff that was just in production at time of A3 defeat, or he's producing from new secret location(s) as he tries to recover from losing the civil war. The BlackSteel managed to snag a few before the Citadel fell, and they are the group that escape.. then infect a few EShemarrian units of opportunity over time as they escape, hide and rebuild.

Probably only a few warmounts and other classes.. but infected monst-Rex... a battle hawk or 2.. Imagine a few of the Earth based fringe tribes fighting infected members of their own tribe that went missing...

Or maybe BlackSteel in space! Never mind the Infernal War.. there's a sector in the Thundercloud with a BlackSteel presence.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

That reminds me; I should finish off some BlackSteel Abominations sitting in my 'to do' files. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Nice Horrorwoods upgrade. I was working on one, slowly, but this is definitely the way I'd have gone. Maybe an option would be one if the vine tentacles that the entkin has mounted in one are (replacing the arm weapons, available on war goddess only), with spike option.

Oh oh! When merged with an e-tree could pick up and link with a smaller laser Grove tree for some heavy firepower.
Or... could absorb and merge with straw warrior to gain some of its weapons/abilities...

Ya'know, the Druant isn't the end word on Upgrades for the Warchiefs/Wargoddesses, and I left off some stuff to finish off later. otherwise this would languish in Development Hell for...ever.

So if you want to develop ideas to add to Druant 2.0... :angel:

Though I think Laser Groves are too massive to be effective arm weapons*, and Straw Warriors too small and fragile.

*A Laser Grove-toting Wargoddess would be so massive that it would better to creating a new chassis for it, akin to the Krakaterran...only substitute(walking volcano' with 'Walking Forest'...Wait, that's akin to the Megent...whch might make a good basis.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Nice Horrorwoods upgrade. I was working on one, slowly, but this is definitely the way I'd have gone. Maybe an option would be one if the vine tentacles that the entkin has mounted in one are (replacing the arm weapons, available on war goddess only), with spike option.

Oh oh! When merged with an e-tree could pick up and link with a smaller laser Grove tree for some heavy firepower.
Or... could absorb and merge with straw warrior to gain some of its weapons/abilities...

Ya'know, the Druant isn't the end word on Upgrades for the Warchiefs/Wargoddesses, and I left off some stuff to finish off later. otherwise this would languish in Development Hell for...ever.

So if you want to develop ideas to add to Druant 2.0... :angel:

Though I think Laser Groves are too massive to be effective arm weapons*, and Straw Warriors too small and fragile.

*A Laser Grove-toting Wargoddess would be so massive that it would better to creating a new chassis for it, akin to the Krakaterran...only substitute(walking volcano' with 'Walking Forest'...Wait, that's akin to the Megent...whch might make a good basis.

Well it could easily carry quaker cannons...

And when I mean absorb the straw warriors and gain its abilities, I meant as a scaled up version..

Know what... I'll make a variant War goddess upgrade, one that takes on traits of different warmounts, classes, e-minals, cyber critters and drones..
Thinking about this might make it a really powerful war goddess. one that leads very large groups, like it'll lead groups of war goddesses, if I'm not too careful.

Or would that be better suited for an elite class.. debating this now.. like.. instead of a beast master sort of thing.. it can gain abilities from the whole Horrorwood inventory, not all at once, but several at a time, and swap out for others when needed (some form of limitations will be there of course, proximity most likely, and others).. like Rogue or Mimic of the X-men..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:With mention of BlackSteel, and Titan Robotics book coming (or is it out yet, I can't remember ) I had a thought...
So some of it might have survived the destruction of the Citadel, if you want that in your game..
What would new Titan robots infected be like... what would some of the newer (older now in EShemarrian timeline) new castes or warmounts be like infected..

Or maybe BlackSteel in space! Never mind the Infernal War.. there's a sector in the Thundercloud with a BlackSteel presence.

-ahem- There IS an A.R.C.H.I.E. on the moon / Luna. Just sayin' :demon: :nuke: :ok: :eek:

Jusssst let that idea sink in.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

DhAkael wrote:
kronos wrote:With mention of BlackSteel, and Titan Robotics book coming (or is it out yet, I can't remember ) I had a thought...
So some of it might have survived the destruction of the Citadel, if you want that in your game..
What would new Titan robots infected be like... what would some of the newer (older now in EShemarrian timeline) new castes or warmounts be like infected..

Or maybe BlackSteel in space! Never mind the Infernal War.. there's a sector in the Thundercloud with a BlackSteel presence.

-ahem- There IS an A.R.C.H.I.E. on the moon / Luna. Just sayin' :demon: :nuke: :ok: :eek:

Jusssst let that idea sink in.

I gotta double check my books.. but isn't that A4? And not.. you know.. like A3? Although.. what happens if he took it over..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
kronos wrote:With mention of BlackSteel, and Titan Robotics book coming (or is it out yet, I can't remember ) I had a thought...
So some of it might have survived the destruction of the Citadel, if you want that in your game..
What would new Titan robots infected be like... what would some of the newer (older now in EShemarrian timeline) new castes or warmounts be like infected..

Or maybe BlackSteel in space! Never mind the Infernal War.. there's a sector in the Thundercloud with a BlackSteel presence.

-ahem- There IS an A.R.C.H.I.E. on the moon / Luna. Just sayin' :demon: :nuke: :ok: :eek:

Jusssst let that idea sink in.

I gotta double check my books.. but isn't that A4? And not.. you know.. like A3? Although.. what happens if he took it over..

No, I'm talking a fragment of the Blacksteel gets INTO A-4.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

DhAkael wrote:
kronos wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
kronos wrote:With mention of BlackSteel, and Titan Robotics book coming (or is it out yet, I can't remember ) I had a thought...
So some of it might have survived the destruction of the Citadel, if you want that in your game..
What would new Titan robots infected be like... what would some of the newer (older now in EShemarrian timeline) new castes or warmounts be like infected..

Or maybe BlackSteel in space! Never mind the Infernal War.. there's a sector in the Thundercloud with a BlackSteel presence.

-ahem- There IS an A.R.C.H.I.E. on the moon / Luna. Just sayin' :demon: :nuke: :ok: :eek:

Jusssst let that idea sink in.

I gotta double check my books.. but isn't that A4? And not.. you know.. like A3? Although.. what happens if he took it over..

No, I'm talking a fragment of the Blacksteel gets INTO A-4.

Ooooh... and the stuff up there gets infected..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Woe, I step away for a few hours and you all go all evil on me.

I approve.

Here's another thought.

The Orbital community, at least if I remember right, is one of the few places with a large scale internet-style system, though it's probably taken a beating, is based on lasers rather than radio waves. and suffers a lot more frequently from time lag, solar storms and other disruptions, but it's there.
The Black Steel might be tempted go cyberwarfare, but it will find itself hampered by those same problems and by the fact that the Orbital community may maintain a Network, but it's understood that while it may be for commerce, it's also a field of virtual war, and between the powerblocs and random aliens trying to hack through it, it's a pretty hostile place.
Still, the Black Steel might come up with a few nasty little computer viruses or trap=programs...they don't turn stuff into more Black Steel, but they might kill computer systems and do nasty things to the brains of folks 'jacked in.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

*Ebil grins*
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Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Woe, I step away for a few hours and you all go all evil on me.

I approve.

Here's another thought.

The Orbital community, at least if I remember right, is one of the few places with a large scale internet-style system, though it's probably taken a beating, is based on lasers rather than radio waves. and suffers a lot more frequently from time lag, solar storms and other disruptions, but it's there.
The Black Steel might be tempted go cyberwarfare, but it will find itself hampered by those same problems and by the fact that the Orbital community may maintain a Network, but it's understood that while it may be for commerce, it's also a field of virtual war, and between the powerblocs and random aliens trying to hack through it, it's a pretty hostile place.
Still, the Black Steel might come up with a few nasty little computer viruses or trap=programs...they don't turn stuff into more Black Steel, but they might kill computer systems and do nasty things to the brains of folks 'jacked in.

Here's a question.. how does the BlackSteel get up there in the first place.. is it transmitable via radio waves? Or laser as light is both wave and particle (if I remember my physics, I could be wrong).. Did it create a virus that got transmitted to the satellite A3 uses and slowly infected it, which somehow slowly turned the satellite into a BlackSteel satellite or 'source' for which to start sending it somewhere else (the Moon probably preferable as it'll have systems similar to what it already tainted, ie A4).

Or maybe it launched a rocket.. using its access to A3's satellite to trick some of the kill satellites to ignore it, at least temporarily so that some physicl BlackSteel got into orbit and has slowly worked its way to a station, the moon or some random satellite...

I know when a BlackSteel unit is destroyed, or exorcised, the taint can become airborne, but just how can we get it into orbit? It have a psionic component that can be transmitted via radio/laser to like how EShemarrians can transfer their sparks to a new body (or infect new members, although that is mostly through touch, some psionic powers would probably allow them remote transference to a free body).
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