Rathorc's New Mutants

Ninja mutant creatures unite. Here's the place to do it.

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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

I know, Taalismn. But worry NOT!!!For the NEXT upload is going to a FUGE number of stats. So far, there's a total of 17 (yes, you heard me! 17.) NEW mutant Birds.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Alright, I'm going to post some of the new AtB2 stats that I did up. So, here they are:

Bird (Duck): American Black Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The American Black Duck is a species of large Dabbling Duck and is closely related to the Mallard Duck. In the past, the two (2) species of Duck were seperated by different habitat preferences, with the American Black Duck preferring forested locations, while the Mallard Duck favoring more open habitats. Over the years, these habitats became less distinct as the East was deforested and trees were planted in the Midwest. As a result, there are many hybrids between the two (2) species. It has also been argued that the introduction of Mallards to various area in the East has further increased interbreeding. The American Black Duck breeds throughout area in the Northern part of it's range.
The American Black Duck nests in Eastern Canada and adjacent areas in the US in a variety of habitats, including Northerly and mixed hardwood forests, wooded uplands, bogs, salt- and freshwater marshes and on islands. Resident in the Central part of its range, but has large numbers that Winter in saltwater marshes.
The American Black Duck tends to build its nests in scrapes and are lined with plant material and down, usually on the ground or close to water. They lay from 4 to 10 Eggs from March to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 21 1/2 to 23 Inches (54 to 59 Cm.).
Wingspan: 35 to 37 Inches (88 to 95 Cm.).
Weight: 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 Lbs. (0.7 to 1.6 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a round head with a wide, flat beak, a flexible neck, very large feathers that are dark brown in colouration, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): American Wigeon
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The American Wigeon is a species of Duck that is often found in mixed flocks with other species of Ducks. The American Wigeon is a common and widespread, Mdium-sized Dabbling Duck. The species is an opportunist that tends to loiter around other Diving Ducks and Coots, feeding on the vegitation that they dislodge. The American Wigeon is more social during migration and in the nonbreeding season than when breeding.
The American Wigeon is the Northernmost species of Dabbling Duck, occuring from Alaska to the Maritimes. They prefer pothole to Grassland habitats, being found almost anywhere near water during the Winter. They Winter in South to Northern South America and the Caribbean, in Freashwater and Coastal Bay habitats.
The American Wigeon nests in depressions that are lined with plant material and down, with the nest positioned in tall grass away from water. They lay from 5 to 10 Eggs during the months of May to August.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 17 1/2 to 23 Inches (45 to 58 Cm.).
Wingspan: 33 Inches (84 Cm.).
Weight: 1 1/2 to 3 Lbs. (0.5 to 1.3 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: The character has a round head with a wide, flat beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers that are pinkish-brown over most of the body, green in colouration from the middle top of the head and a white patch from the middle-top of the head to the beak, a round body, long tail feathers that are dark brown in colouration and white blotches/patches a little before the tail area, short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Blue-Winged Teal
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Blue-Winged Teal is a species of Dabbling Duck that is a common and widespread North American Breeding species. The Blue-Winged and Cinnamon, along with the Northern Shoveler consists of the three (3) "Blue-Winged" Duck species, and is a feature that is conspicuous when the Birds are in flight. The Blue-Winged and Cinnamon Teals are so close to one another on a Genetic level and tend to interbreed to form Hybrids. The Blue-Winged Teal winters South of the US, while migrating North in the Spring.
The Blue-Winged Teal tends to nest in areas across North America, with the highest amount of members in Prairie and Parkland regions of the Mid-Continent. The Species prefers shallow ponds or marshes during nesting. They also have a tendancy towards marshes that range from Freshwater to Brackish water Saltwater Marshes being least favorable, during migration. During the Winter months, the Blue-Winged Teal prefers Saline environments, which include Mangroves.
The Blue-Winged Teal nests in Bowl-shaped depressions that are lined with Grasses. The nests areusually close to thewaters edge, in Meadows. They lay from 6 to 14 Eggs during the months of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 14 1/2 to 16 Inches (37 to 41 Cm.).
Wingspan: 23 1/2 to 25 Inches (60to 64 Cm.).
Weight: 11 to 18 Ounces (300 to 500 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round, but slightly tubular body, long tail feathers, and short legs that end in three-toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of a white facial crescent in front of the eyes, a slate-gray colour on the head, warm brown over the majority of the body, rich Tan flanks and a conspicuous white patch on the flank.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to drink small portions of Sea Water, with a special Gland that is located between the Beak and the Eyes, which allowsthe Brird to Squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's a few more mutants for you folks. THIS is going to be the biggest number of posts YET:

Bird (Duck): Black Scoter
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Black Scoters arethe most vocal of the three (3) NorthAmerican Scoter speciesand are a medium-sized species of Ocean-going Duck that Winter along both of the coasts of North America. They tend to ride high on the waves, forming dense flocks that aresegrated by gender. While swimming, the Black Scoter flaps its wings, and while doing so it tends to drop its neck down low, unlike the other two (2)species of Scoters. The Black Scoterbreeds in two (2) widely seperated Sub-Arctic breeding areas and is one (1) of the least studied species of Ducks in North America. The Eurasian subspecies, known as the Common Scoter, has much less Oerange on its Bill/Beak with a smaller knot at the Base.
The breeding habitat of the Black Scoter is somewhat varied, but is generally close to fairly shallow, small lakes. They tend to Winter along both coasts. Population that Winter farther North prefer water over cobbles, gravel or offshore ledges, whereas the Southern locations, sandier habitats are chosen.
The Black Scoters tend to nest in depressions that are lined with grass and down, and often in tall grass inthe Tundra. they lay from btween 5 to 10 Eggs during the monthe of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 17 to 21 Inches (43 to 53 Cm).
Wingspan: 31 to 35 Inches (79 to 90 Cm).
Weight: 1 3/4 to 2 3/4 Lbs. (0.8 to 1.2 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Black Beak and has a conspicuous Yellow-Orange knob just before it, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers are entirely Black all over the body and has dark Brown eyes.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Canvasback
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Canvasback is a species of large, long-billed Diving Duck, and is a Bird of Prairie Pothole Country. It has a specialized diet of aquatic plants has resulted in a smaller population than other species of Duvcks. With it's legs being set more towards the rear, the Canvasbackis an accomplished swimmer and diver, and is rarely seen on land. Both weather conditions and brood parasitism by Redheads tends to determine how successful the Canvasback's nesting is from year to year.
The Canvasback is found in potholes, marshes and ponds in Prairie Parklands, Tundra and Northerly Forests. They prefer areas where their favorite foods grow. The Canvasback Winters in large numbers in large bays, lakes and deltas with smaller numbers scattered across North America and Mexico.
The Canvasback nests on a plateform over water of woven vegitation, and is occasionally on the shore. The Canvasback lays from 8 to 11 Eggs during the monthsof April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 19 to 22 Inches (48 to 56 Cm.).
Wingspan: 31 to 35 Inches (79 to 89 Cm.).
Weight: 1 3/4to 3 1/2 Lbs. (0.8 to 1.6 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a Round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers are rich Chestnut on the head and neck, a black breast white to pale gray on the back and flanks, black rump and tail, light gray forewing, and belly appears white.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Cinnamon Teal
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Cinnamon Teal is a small species of Dabbling Duck, and is the only North American species of Dabbling Duck that does NOT breed in the Great Plains and Prairies of the Mid-Continent. Most of thepopulation tends towinter in the Coastal Marshes and Interior Wetlands of Mexico. The Cinnamon Teal is common in Southwestern Canada and the Western portion of the United States, and is even seen in tiny roadside pools. It is closely related to both the Northern Shoveler and the Blue-Winged Teal, although, the Cinnamon Teal's wing pattern isindistinguishable from that of the latter Bird species.
The Cinnamon Teal is found in freashwater and brackish habitats of various sizes. Some examples of this consists of Marshes, Reservoirs, Flooded Fields, Ponds, Ditches, and Stock Ponds. In the Southern part of it's Wintering Range, it can also be found in Tidal Estuaries, Salt Marshes and Mangrove Forests. It is widespread throughout Central and South America.
The Cinnamon Teal tends to nest inshalow depressions that are lned with Grass and are near water. The number of Eggs range from 4 to 16 in total. The nesting season ranges from March to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 14 to 17 Inches (36 to 43 Cm.).
Wingspan: 22 Inches (56 Cm.).
Weight: 10 to 17 Ounces (275 to 475 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round, but slightly tubular body, long tail feathers, and short legs that end in three-toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers is a solid cinnamon colour over the majority of the body, is a dusty gray and is flecked with white running along the spine. The colouration of the eyes range from orange to red.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to drink small portions of Sea Water, with a special Gland that is located between the Beak and the Eyes, which allowsthe Brird to Squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Common Eider
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Common Eider is the largest species of Duck in North America, it's also the most numerous, widespread and variable of theEider species. Four (4) of its seven (7) Subspecies occur in North America, and tend to vary in the markings and colour of their heads and Bills. The Male Common Eiders tend to have a considerable Seasonal Plummage changes, not aquiring the Adult plummage until their third (3) year of life.
The Common Eider is an Arctic Breeder, breeding on Coastal Islands, Peninsulas. But they seldom breed along freashwater lakes and Deltas near the coasts. There is one (1) population that is Sedentary in the Hudson and James Bay region. Other populations Winter in the Bering Sea, Hudson Bay, Northern British Columbia, the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and along the Atlantic Coast.
The Common Eider tends to nest in depression on the ground that are lined with down and plant matter, and are often located near water. They lay from 2 to 7 Eggs between the months of June and Septemer..
Size Level: 3.
Length: 19 1/2 to28 Inches (50 to 71 Cm.).
Wingspan: 31 to 42 Inches (80 to 108 Cm.).
Weight: 2 3/4 to 53/4 Lbs. (1.2 to 2.6 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 70.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak that is greenish Olive in colouration, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers are Black cap feathers, Olive Green wash on the nape of the neck, a White breast with Rose tinge, a White upper body, Black lower body and a Black rump andtail.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes. Has a more Humanoid body then before.
10 Bio-E for Full: Character has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has small feathers in place of the hair that range in colouration from Black on the top of the head, Green on the back of the head (looks like it was dyed) and White sideburns..

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Gadwall
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Gadwell is a species of Duck, that, even though it has a somewhat somber appearance, many Birders consider it to be one (1) of North America's most elegant species BECAUSE of the subtlety of it's plummage. Despite being common and widespread, Gadwalls are often overlooked because of their retiring behaviour and relatively quiet vocalizations. It has the nickname of the "Dabbling Duck", and is smaller and more delicate then the Mallard, with the Female Gadwalls often being mistaken for Female Mallards. The Gadwalls tend to associate with other species, especially during the winter months.
They range from the Western Prairie pothole country of Canada and the Northern US. The Gadwall's range has expanded as it has adapted to man-made bodies of water, such as reserviors and ponds. During the Winter months, the Gadwall is mostly found on lakes, marshes and along rivers.
The Gadwall's nest in Bowl nests that is made out of plant material that is located in a Scrape. They lay from 8 to 12 Eggs from April to August.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 18 to 22 1/2 Inches (46 to 57 Cm.).
Wingspan: 33 Inches (84 Cm.).
Weight: 18 to 45 Ounces (500 to 1,250 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak that is dark in colouration, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers that are light, dusty brown in colouration, a round body, long tail feathers that are dark brown in colouration with white along the edges, and short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Greater Scaup
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Greater Scaup is great swimmer and diver, and is the only species of Diving Duck that breeds in both North America and Eurasia. Due to its more restriced coastal breeding and wintering habitat preference, it's far less numerous in North America than it's close relative, the Lesser Scaup. The Greater Scaup tends to form large flocks, that tend to be segregated by being either Male or Female,, outside of the breeding season. If both Scaup species are present together, they will also segregate within the flocks according to species.
The majority tends to breed in Western coastal Alaska on Tundra wetlands, along with being in lower densities in Northwest and Eastern Canada. Almost all members of the species winter offshore, along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, or on the Great lakes due to increased food availability. Small groups are sometimes found inland and midcontinent, on unfrozen water bodies.
The nests tend to be simle depressions that are lined with grasses and down, with the sites needing to have a dense cover of vegitation from previous years. The Greater Scaup tends to lay anywhere from 6 to 10 Eggs between the months of May and September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 15 to 22 Inches (38 to 56 Cm.).
Wingspan: 28 to 31 Inches (72 to 79 Cm.).
Weight: 1 1/4 to 3 Lbs. (0.6 to 1.4 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a round head with a wide, flat, blue-gray Beak that is wider at the tip, a short neck, very large feathers covering the round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in webbed, three- (3) toed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of black on the head with with a purple-green gloss, a wavy-patterned gray back, almost all white sides and black or dark, deep brown flanks.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Green-Winged Teal
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Green-Winged Teal is the smallest of the North American Dabbling Duck, being slightly smaller then the Blue-Winged and Cinnamon Teals, also lacking the blue wing patch of them. It's population is increasing due to it breeding in more pristine habitats, and further North then the Prairie Duck species. The Green-Winged Teal has three (3) subspecies, those being located throughout Eurasia, North America and the Aleutian Islands, each being slightly different in colouration.
The Green-Winged Teal tends to breed North of the treeline in Alaska and Canada, mainly around ponds in forests and Deciduous Woodlands. It prefers shallow wetlands with vegitation. It the Winter and during migration, they inhabit inland marshes, sloghs, agricultural fields, and Coastal Marshes. The Green-Winged Teal winters South of the Caribbean and in Southern Mexico.
The Green-Winged Teal nests in shallow scrapes on the ground, being lined with vegitation. The nests are often placed in dense vegitation near water. They lay from 6 to 9 Eggs, during themonths of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 12 to 15 1/2 Inches (31 to 39 Cm.).
Wingspan: 20 1/2 to 23 Inches (52 to 59 Cm.).
Weight: 7 to 16 Ounces (200 to 450 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a Round head with a wide, flat Beak, a short neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. The colourations of the feathers are dark orange or rust coloured on the head with a dark green ear patch, a black-spotted breast, a white vertical bar in front of the wings, a dusty-gray over most of the body, yellowish buff undertail feathers, and a green-and-black patch on the hindwing.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Harlequin Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Harlequin Duck is a species of small, albeit hardy, Duck and is a surperbly skillful swimmer. This allows it to dive to the bottom of a turbulent body of water, such as a stream, for its favorite insectoid prey. Despite themale's umistakable plummage at close range, it looks darker at longer distances.With it's head and long tail held high, it can be found among crashing waves, living alongside larger and bigger-billed Surf and White-Winged Scoters, who tend to feed in the same type of habitat.
The Harlequin Duck tends to breed near rushing Coastal, Mountain or SubAlpine streams. During Winter, they are found in small groups or mixed in with other Ocean/Sea-based Ducks close to the shore, particularly along shallow, rocky shorelines, Jetties, rocky beaches and Headlands.
They tend to nest near water, but under Vegitation or the base of a tree. They also have a tendancy to in tree cavities, laying from 3 to 9 Eggs during the months of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 13 to 21 1/2 Inches (33 to 54 Cm).
Wingspan: 22 to 26 Inches (56 to 66 Cm.).
Weight: 18 to 26 Ounces (500 to 780 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 70.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its leathery wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a very round head with a steep forehead and a small, dark Beak, a short neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers that end in a point, and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of a white crescent before the eyes, rust coloured crown stripes above the eyes, two(2) white facial spots behind the eyes, dark slate-blue on the head, two (2) white bands that run purpendicular to the breast and neck, slate-blue with bright rusty sides, white bands downeither aide of the back, and dark coloured wings, both topsidesand under sides.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small, but very head with a steep forehead, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): King Eider
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The King Eider's scientific name, which is Spectabilis, means "worth seeing" means that is hard to mistake. This is due to its gaudy markings and the unique colouration around the head and Beak.The female members of the King Eider species tend to look like the somewhat larger and paler Common Eider species. Female King Eiders tend to have a more rounded head, a more compact body and a longer Beak than the Males. The King Eider is a species of Diving Duck and is capable of diving to depths of 180 Feet (55 Metres) when foraging.
The King Eider nests along coasts and farther inland then Spectacled or Steller's Eiders in the High Arctic. This includes a vasriety of hamitats, such as around low marshes, lakes and islands, but prefers well-drained areas. During the winter months, the King Eider is found around the Southern edge of the ice pack, in coastal waters that are up to 66 Feet (20 Metres) in depth.
The nests comprise of slight depressions in Tundra that is lined with nearby vegitation and down. The female King Eiders lay from 4 to 7 Eggs during the months of June to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 18 1/2 to 25 Inches (47 to 64 Cm.).
Wingspan: 37 Inches (94 Cm.).
Weight: 2 3/4 to 4 3/4 Lbs. (1.2 to 2.1 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.B., +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a round head with a wide, flat Beak that is reddish-orange in colouration, a short neck, very large feathers covering the round body with some forming triangular "sails" on the back, long tail feathers and short legs that end in webbed, three- (3) toed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of an orange to reddish frontal shield that is outlined in black on the front of the head/face, green cheeks, pale blur crown and nape, rose blush on the breast, black underparts, dark brown over theupperpart ofthe body, a white flank patch, black flank and rear end, and white underwing.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
Preisdent of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Lesser Scaup
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Lesser Scaup is far more numerous than its larger relative, even though their size and weight ranges overlap, and is the most abundant species of Diving Duck in North America. The two (2) species are very similar in appearance and are best identified by shape. Identification MUST be done cautiously as head shape changes with position. For example, the Crown Feathers are flattened just before diving, thusly, Scaups are best identified when they're not moving.
The Lesser Scaup breeds inland from Alska to Eastern Canada in open Northern forests and forest tundra, with most farther North. They tend to winter in the Caribbean, the Southern portions of the US and South, through Central America, and the Nothern portions of South America. The majority winters along coasts, while others winter inland on lakes and reserviors.
The Lesser Scaups tend to have nests built in tall vegitation or under shrubs, sometimes far from water, along with on islands and mats of floating vegitaion. They tend to lay anywhere from 8 to 11 Eggs during the months of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 15 1/2 to 17 1/2 Inches (39 to 45 Cm.).
Wingspan: 27 to 31 Inches (68 to 78 Cm.).
Weight: 1 to 2 3/4 Lbs. (0.45 to 1.2 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a narrow head with abump at the rear and a narrow, thin Beak that is blue-gray in colouration, a short neck, very large feathers covering the round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in webbed, three- (3) toed feet. The colouration of the feathers consiss of purple-green gloss on the head, a dark, wavy patturn on the upper parts, pale flanks/underside and a black rear end.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Mallard
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Mallard is the most familiar of all Duck species, occuring all across the Northern Hemisphere. It is the ancestor to most domesticated species of Ducks, with Hybreds betwenn the wild and domestic species of Duck are fequently in city lakes and ponds. These Hybreds are often seen with patches of white on their breasts. Mating amongst Mallard Ducks is often a violent affair. But outside the mating season, the wild species of Mallard Duck is strongly migratory and gregarious, sometimes forming into large Flocks that may join with other species.
The Mallard Duck occurs throughout the region, choosing shallow water in natural wetlands, such as marshes, prairie potholes, ponds and ditches. They can also be found in man-made habitats, such as city parks and reserviors, but preferring more open habitats during the winter months.
The Mallards nest in Scrapes lined with plant matter, usually near water, but often in floating vegitation. They tend to lay from 6 to 15 Eggs, during the months of Febuary to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 19 1/2 to 26 Inches (50 to 65 Cm.).
Wingspan: 32 to 37 Inches (82 to 95 Cm.).
Weight: 1 3/4 to 3 Lbs. (0.9 to 1.4Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E., and +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round, but slightly tubular body, long tail feathers, and short legs that end in three-toed, webbed feet. Feather colouration consists of Emerald Green on the head, a narrow, white collar around the neck, a warm gray on the body, a small, blue patch on the wing, Chestnut Brown colouration on the breast, and short, black curls above a white tail.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President Of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Northern Pintail
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Northern Pintail is a elegant, long-necked species of Dabbler, and has an extremely distinctive markings. It also has a very long tail, which is in fact the longest tail to be found on ANY Freashwater species of Duck. It is known to be one (1) of the earliest breeders in the year, nesting soon after the ice thaws. The Northern Pintails were once one (1) of the most abundant Prairie Breeding Duck Species. However, numbers have been reduced due to Droughts, along with a reduction of habiotat in both of thier Wintering and Breeding Grounds. This has given the number of Northern Pintails a significant hit.
The Northern Pintail is widely distrributed across North America. They breed in open country, such as shallow wetlands or meadows located in mountainous forest regions. They are also found in tidal wetlands and saltwater habitats in both migration and during the Winter months. They are also located in both dry harvested and floodedagricultural fields during Autumn and Winter.
The Northern Pintails tend to nest in Scrapes that is lioned with both plant material and Down. Thjis being usually in short grass, brush, or even out in the open. They tend to lay from 3 to 12 Eggs during the months of April to August.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 20 to 30 Inches (51 to 76 Cm.).
Wingspan: 35 Inches (89 Cm.).
Weight: 18 to 44 Ounces (500 to 1250 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character has a Round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers are pale chocolate on the head, a white neck and breast, gray back and flanks, a black undertail with a white flank patch.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair. The feathers that are on the head are a chocolate brown in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Comment: I am the explorer Extreme. Searcher of all things mysterious and interesting. FEAR ME.
Location: Nova Scotia

Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Northern Shoveler
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Northern Shoveler is a common, Medium-Sized species of Dabbling Duck that is native to North America and Eurasia. It is one (1) of the known Monogamous species, meaning that pairs of the species remains together longer than any other species of Dabbler Duck. It has a distinctive long Bill/Beak that is hioghly spercialized. This is due to it being wider at the tip and contains thin, comb-like structures (commonly called "Lamellae") that are located along the sides, and are used to filter food items fromthe water. The Shovelers often form tight feeding groups, swimming close together asthey sieve the water for prey.
The Northern Shoveler is widespread across North America, South of the Tundra. It breecds in a variety of wetlands, in edges of shallow pools with nearby tall and short Grasslands. They tend to occur in Freash- and Saltmarshes, Ponds, and other shallow bodies of water in Winter. The Northern Shoveler tends to not feed on land.
They tend to nest in Scrapes that are lined with both plant matter and down and located in short plants that are locatednear water. They lay from 6 to 19 Eggs, during the months of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 17 1/2 to 20 Inches (44 to 71 Cm.).
Wingspan: 27 to 33 Inches (69 to 84 Cm.).
Weight: 14 to 29 Ounces (400 to 825 Grams)
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat, Spatula-shaped Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round, but slightly tubular body, long tail feathers, and short legs that end in three-toed, webbed feet. The eyes are Yellow in colour. The colouration of the feathers range from Dark Green on the head to a white breast, a chestnut colour on the chest and flanks, a grayish colour on portions of the wings, and a black and white rump.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to drink small portions of Sea Water, with a special Gland that is located between the Beak and the Eyes, which allowsthe Brird to Squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore (Spcial): Mainly feeds on small Invertebrates from the water.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Redhead
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Redhead is a species of medium-sized Diving Duck, belonging to the Pochard Fmily of Ducks, and is native only to North America. The Redhead often tends to feed at night, and forages mostly around dusk and dawn, drifting during the day. It has a tendancy to "Parasitizes" the nests of othe Ducks more than other Duck species, particularly those of the Canvasback and even other Redheads.
The Redheads tends to breed in shallow wetlands across the Great Basin and Prairie Pothole region. It tends to be very dense in certain marsh habitats. The bulk of the population tends to winter in coastal Lagoons along the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
The Redhead weaves solid nests over waster in dense vegitation, such as Cattails, and lined with Down. It lays anywhere from 7 to 14 Eggs during the months of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 17 to 21 Inches (43 to 53 Cm.).
Wingspan: 30 to 31 Inches (75 to 79 Cm.).
Weight: 1 5/6 to 3 1/4 Lbs. (0.6 to 1.5 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat blue Beak with a black tip, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers, and short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet. The colouration of the feathers are brick-red on the upper neck and head, medium-gray mantle and sides and a black rump.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Comment: I am the explorer Extreme. Searcher of all things mysterious and interesting. FEAR ME.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Ring-Necked Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Ring-Neched Duck is a fairlycommon species of Diving Duck, and is a resident of freshwater ponds and lakes. A more discriptive, and suitable, name might have been the Ring-Billed Duck, since there is a bold white band on the tipof the Beak is easy to see. Ghis is due to the fact that the thin, chestnut ring around the neck can be very difficult to see. The tall, pointed head is very distinctive, peaking at the rear of the head. When sitting on the top of the water, it tends to hold its head high, making it look almost regal.
The Ring-Necked Duck tends to breed across Canada, South of the Arctic Zone, in shallow freshwater marshes and bogs. It is seen, albeit sporadically, in the Western portions of the US. It has a tendancy to Winter in freshwater and brakish habitats, such as swamps, lakes, estuaries, reservoirs, and flooded fields. Migrants are found in the MidWest, near stands of Wild Rice.
The Ring-Necked Duck tends to build floating nests that are in dense aquatic vegitation, often in Marshes. They tend to lay between 6 to 14 Eggs, during the months of May to August.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 15 to 18 Inches (38 to 46 Cm.).
Wingspan: 24 to 25 Inches (62 to 63 Cm.).
Weight: 1 1/8 to 2 Lbs. (500 to 900 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a roundish, wedge-shaped head with a wide, flat gray Beak with a whit band at the base and mid-Beak and a black tip, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers, and short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet. The feather colouration is black on the neck, head and chest, a thin chestnut ring, rounded, gray sides, and deep, dark brown over most of the body.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair. Has a tall, sloping forehead and yellow, beady eyes.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Surf Scoter
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Surf Scoter is one (1) of three (3) known species of Scoter in North America. They migrate up and down both coasts, often with the other species. The Surf Scoter takes its name from the way it dives for Mullusks on the Ocean floor, located in shallow coastal waters, through heavy surf. Groups of Surf Scoters have a tendancy to dive and resurface in unison. Members of Black and Surf Scoters can be difficult to tell apart, this is due to the fact that both have all-black wings. Although, the underside of the Surf Scoters wings are uniform black, whereas the Black Scoter has gray flight feathers, which has a tendancy to contrast with its black underwing feathers.
The nests of Surf Scoters are located on lake islands in forested regions of Interior Alaska and Northern Canada. The Nonbreeders, in summer, and adults, in winter, are strictly Coastal, with numbers decreasing from the North to the South along the Pacific Coast. In the East, most Surf Scoters tend to overwinter in the Mid-Atlantic Coast Region.
The Surf Scoter tend to nest in ground-based nests that are lined with both down and vegitation, in brushy tundra. The nests are often located under low hanging branches of a Conifer Tree. They lay from 5 to 10 Eggs between the months of May and September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 19 to 23 1/2 Inches (48 to 60 Cm.).
Wingspan: 30 Inches (77 Cm.).
Weight: 1 3/4 to 2 3/4 Lbs. (0,8 to 1.2 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 70.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a swollen, orange Beak with a white base and has a large, black spot, has white eyes, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers, and short legs that end in three- (3) toed webbed feet. Colouration of the feathers consists of white on the forehead, white on the nap of the neck and velvety black over the majority of the body with theexception of the white patches.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, but wide Beak that is orange in colouration, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair that are black in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): White-Winged Scoter
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The White-Winged Scoter is the largest of the three (3) Subspecies of North American Scoters. When visible, the White wing patch makes the identification of the species easy. Female White-Winged Scoters are quite similar to immature male and female Surf Scoters, and can be identified by the shape of the head, the extent of the Beak/Bill feathering, and the shape of the White areas on the face. When Diving, this Scoter leaps forward and up, arching its neck, and opens its wings when entering the water. While underwater, White-Winged Scoters open their wings in order to propel and stabalize themselves.
The majority of the White-Winged Scoters have a tendancy to breed in dense colonies in the interior of Alaska and Western Canada on freshwater or brackish lakes or ponds, and sometimes on saltwater lakes. They tend to Winter on both Coasts in large Bays, Inlets and Estuaries. Rarely do they Winter inland, with the exception of the Great Lakes.
They tend to nest in depressions that are located in dense thickets and are lined with twigs and down. they lay anywhere from 8 to 9 Eggs between the months of June to September.
Size Level: 3
Length: 19 to 23 Inches (48 to 58 Cm).
Wingspan: 31 Inches (80Cm).
Weight: 2 3/4 to 4 3/4 Lbs. (0.9 to 1.9 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak that is Pinkish-Red to Yellow-Orange in colouration, also has a Black knob at the base of the Beak a medium-long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of a upturned White "Comma" around the eye, which is White in colouration, and the rest of the body is all Black with Brownish coloured sides.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak that is Pinkish-Red to Yellow-Orange in colouration and has a small, Black knob at the base, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Wood Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Wood Duck males are the most striking species of North American Ducks. With it's bright plummage, red eye and bill, and it's long, sleek crest that gives the head a helmet-shaped profile, the male is unmistakable. As a species, the Wood Duck is related to the Mandarine Duck from Asia. The Wood Duck is very dependant on mature, swampy forestland, and is typically found on swamps, shallow lakes, ponds and park settings that are surrounded by trees. Although, it adapts to Human activity, it is quite a shy Bird. When swimming, the Wood Duck can be seen jerking its head front to back. Of all species of Waterfowl, this isthe only species that raises two (2) broods each season.
Usually found throughout the year, along rivers, streams, creeks, in swamps and marshy areas. It has a preference for permanent bodies of water. If good, aquatic feeding areas are unavailable, the Wood Duck feeds in open areas, including agricultural fields.
The Wood Duck nests in natural tree cavities or nest boxes that are in close proximity to water. It lays from 10 to13 Eggs in two (2) Broods from April to August.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 18 1/2 to 21 1/2 Inches (47 to 54 Cm.).
Wingspan: 26 to 29 Inches (66 to 73 Cm.).
Weight: 16 to 30 Ounces (450 to 850 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat, yellow Beak, but has a red marking at the begining of the beak, the feathers that are ont the head are in the shape of a helmet, a long flexible neck, red eyes, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers, and short legs with webbed, three (3) toed feet. The colour of the feathers are dark in colouration on the head and back, dark brown on the chest and tail, and light brown on the wings. Has white stripes going over the eyes, and in various areas of the body, and a white patch on the back of the head.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage DuckBeak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
6 Bio-E for Leaping (Special): This gives the character a limited Leaping ability. This is only effective when the character is leaving the nest.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Brant
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Brant is a species of Sea Goose, wintering on both the East and West Coasts of North America. There are two (2) sub-species that are in North America, which are the Pale-Bellied "Atlantic" Brant, which is found in the East, and the darker "Black" Brant, which is found in the West. There is an Intermediate gray-bellied form, which is not yet named, that breeds in the Canadian Archipelago and winters in Boundery Bay, British Columbia. Unlike other North American Geese, the Brant feeds mainly on Eelgrass in winter.
It breeds in colonies in Norhern Canada and Alaska, while wintering along both the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. The Western breeding population of the "Black" Brant winters from the Aleutian Islands to Northern Mexico. Meanwhile, the pale-bellied "Atlantic" Brantis restricted in it's range to the East Coast. It nests in Scrapes that are lined with Grass, Plant Matter and Down on Islands or Gravel Spits. It lays 3 to 5 Eggs from May to July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 22 to 26 Inches (56 to 66 Cm.).
Wingspan: 3 1/2 to 4 Feet (1.1 to 1.2 Metres).
Weight: 2 1/2 to 4 Lbs. (1 to 1.8 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, which are medium brown over most of the body with dark brown on the wingtips and a white tail and a white "necklace" that crosses the throat, a round body, long tail feathers, short legs with webbed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body with short legs (when compared to the proportions of the rest of the body) with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds aBonus of+8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Cackling Goose
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Cackling Goose is a species of Goose that has been recently split from the Canadian Goose. It can be distinguished from the Canadian Goose by it's short, stubby tail, steep forehead and a short neck. There are four (4) sub-species of Cackling Goose that range in colouration. They are much smaller then all of the sub-species of Canadian Goose, with the exception of the "Lesser" Canada Goose, which has a longer neck and a less sloped forehead. The habitat of the Cackling Goose is at the Northernmost fringe of the Canadian Goose's range, in the Tundra. It tends to breed on rocky Tundra slopes, from the Aleutians, East to Baffin Island and Hudson Bay. It Winters from British Columbia to California, the Central US, Texas and New Mexico, living in Pastures and Agricultural Fields. It nests in Scrapes that arelined with available Plant Matter and Down. Itays 2 to 8 Eggs from May to August.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 21 1/2 to 30 Inches (55 to 75 Cm.).
Wingspan: 4 1/2 to 5 Feet (1.3 to 1.5 Metres).
Weight: 2 to 6 1/2 Lbs. (0.9 to 3 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, which is a dusty gray or brown over most of the body and dark brown over the head and neck, but has a thin, white patch going from under the chin to just behind the eyes, and a lighter brown (almost dark beige in colour) on the under belly, and dark brown wing tips,, a round body, long tail feathers, short legs with webbed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body with short legs (when compared to the proportions of the rest of the body) with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds aBonus of+8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rsthorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Canada Goose
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Canadian Goose is a species of Goose that is most common, widespread and familiar Goose species in North America. The Canadian Goose has a large Geographical Range, and has 12 sub-species that have been recognized. With the exception of the Cackling Goose, from which it has been separated, it is difficult to confuse it, with it's distinctive white chin strap, black head and neck, and grayish brown body, with any other species of Goose. The Canadian Goose is a Monogamous species, forming pairs that spend the rest of thier lives together.
They tend to have a variety of inland breeding habitats that are near water, including grassy Urban areas, Marshes, Prairies, Parklands, Coastal Temerate Forests, Northern Coniferous Forests, and Arctic Tundra. The Canadian Goose tends to Winter in Agricultural Fields, Mudflats, Saltwater Marshes, lakes and rivers. They nest in Scrapes that are lined with available plant matter and down, which is alsways near water of some sort. They lay from 2 to 12 Eggs from May to August.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 2 1/4 to 3 1/2 Feet (0.7 to 1.1 Metres).
Wingspan: 4 1/4 to 5 1/2 Feet (1.3 to 1.7 Metres).
Weight: 6 1/2 to 9 1/4 Lbs. (3 to 4.4 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 to P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, which is a dusty gray or brown over most of the body and black over the head and neck, but has a thin, white patch going from under the chin to just behind the eyes, and dark brown wing tips,, a round body, long tailfeathers, short legs with webbed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body with short legs (when compared to the proportions of the rest of the body) with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds aBonus of+8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Greater White-Fronted Goose
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Greater White-Fronted Goose is a species of Goose that is the most widespread Goose species in the Northern Hemisphere. There is five (5) sub-species of Greater White-Fronted Goose, two (2) of which are most commonly seen in North America. These consist of the "Tundra", which makes up the largest population, breeding across Northwestern Canada and Western Alaska, and the "Tule", which is the largest in stature, which occurs in the fewest numbers, and is restricted in its range of Northwest Canada. They live in different habitats, which they utilize for both breeding and wintering. Nesting areas consist of areas such as the Tundra, ponds and lakes, dry, rocky fields and grassy slopes in Alaska and Northern Canada. It winter, they live in area such as Coastal Marshes, Inland Wetlands, Agricultural Fields and Refuges along the Pacific Coast, the Southern US, and Mexico. They lay their eggs in a bowl-shaped nest, which is made out of plant material, lined with down and near a source of water. They lay from 3 to 7 Eggs from May to August.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 25 to 32 Inches (64to 81 Cm.).
Wingspan: 4 1/4 to 5 1/4 Feet (1.3 to 1.6 Metres).
Weight: 4 to 6 1/2 Lbs. (1.8 to 3 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 to P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: A round head with a wide, flat beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers that cover the body, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs with webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers is grayish-brown over most of the body with it being dark brown in places, has a white area where the beak connects to the face and white on the stomach from the legs back.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Has a small, wide beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hail, large body and short legs webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Mute Swan
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Mute Swan is one (1) of the heaviest Birds in North America, and was introduced from Europe due to it's graceful appearance on water, if not on land. It is easily domesticated. However, it is an extremely territorial and aggressive Bird. Due to displacement of native waterfowl species, and overgrazing, have ledto efforts to reduce it's numbers in North America.
The bulk of its population has been found along the Atlantic Coast, from Maine to North Carolina. There are smaller populationsalong the Great Lakes and Southern British Columbia. It breeds and lives year round on sluggish rivers, ponds or lakes, preferring still water with emergent vegitation.
It has a Platform Nest of plant materials, built on ground near water. It lays from 4 to 8 Eggs from the months of March to October.
Size Level: 6.
Length: 4 to 5 Feet (1.2 to 1.5 Metres).
Wingspan: 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 Feet (2 to 2.3 Metres).
Weight: 12 to 32 Lbs. (5.5 to 14.5 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 55.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.B., +2 P.S., +2 M.A., +1 M.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has an large Bill/Beak, a small head, a long, slender, graceful neck, a long body that is covered in feathers, large wings and short legs ending in three- (3) toed feet, which have webbing between them, and a large pair of wings. The colouration of the feathers are pure white in colouration and a black "bunch" of fethers on the front of the face from where the Beak/Bill starts.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character is more Humanoid in form. Has a small, wide beak, a long, flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes, and large wings.
10 Bio-E for Full: Character has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, large wings and slight webbing between fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of hair, which are white in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Claws (on Feet only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Internal Compass
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
15 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Float. This is not a swim skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directly to a floating position.
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
10 BIO-E for Glide.
15 BIO-E for Basic Flight.
20 BIO-E for Soaring Flight
15 BIO-E for Run Across Water. The Mute Swan retains its large webbed feet with this mutation, and as a result, can run across calm water surfaces (waves no higher than twelve inches/0.3 m) without sinking. To do this it must start the run from dry land, with a run-up of at least ten yards/meters. If the bird misses its footing, trips, slows down or is distracted or hit while running across water it will immediately fall with a large splash.
15 BIO-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers. Resistant to Cold, Snow, and Rain. Adds a bonus of +10 to S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Wings
-10 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet
-15 BIO-E for No bird tail and wings at all -or- -20 BIO-E if no wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with none or partial looks will still have feathers, a beak and such, but no wings (or tail).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Ross's Goose
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Ross's Goose is a species of Goose is dimunitive in size, being not much bigger than a Mallard Duck and is half (1/2) the weight of a Snow Doose. About 95% of the Ross's Geese tend to nest in a single sanctuary that is located in Arctic Canada, the rest breed and nest along Hudson Bay and at several other Island locations. Hunting has reduced the population to just 6,000 members back in the early 1950's, but, thankfully, the species has rebounded substantially and becoming more common along the East Coast asnumbers improve more.
The breeding grounds are among Tundra in a number of scattered, High Arctic locations. The main Wintering area's are in California. On the Wintering Grounds, it tends to feed in Agricultural Fields, along with Grasslands. It roosts overnight in several types of Wetlands. It's nests are composed plant materials that areplaced on the ground, usually in Colonies with Lesser Snow Geese. They lay 3 to 5 Eggs from June to August.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 22 1/2 to 25 Inches (57 to 64 Cm.).
Wingspan: 3 1/4 Feet (1.1 Metres).
Weight: 1 1/4to 4 1/2 Lbs. (0.85 to 2 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 to P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, which are white over the majority of the body with dark brown or light black on the wing tips, a round body, long tailfeathers, short legs with webbed feet.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body with short legs (when compared to the proportions of the rest of the body) with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has heathers in place of hair, which is White or Platnum blond in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds aBonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Snow Goose
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Snow Goose is a species of Goose with two (2) Sub-Species. The "Greater" Snow Goose is slightly larger and breeds further East, while the smaller "Lesser" Snow Goose breeds further West. There are breeding colonies in the High Arctic from Wrangle Island in the West to Greenland in the East. There is a population of "Lesser" Snow Geese that breeds near Hudson Bay. The Snow Goose, as a species, Winters along Interior Valleys, Westward to Coastal Lowlands and Central Plateaus of Mexico. TheAtlantic Populations tend to Winter in Coastal Marshes. The Snow Goose tends to nest in Scrapes on Hammock that is lined with Plant Material and Down. They lay 2 to 6 Eggs from the months of May to July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 27 to 33 Inches (69 to 83 Cm.).
Wingspan: 4 1/4 to 5 1/2 Feet (1.3 to 1.7 Metres).
Weight: 3 1/4 to 6 1/2 Lbs. (1.7 to 3 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 to P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: A round head with a wide, flat beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers that cover the body, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs with webbed feet. Feathers are white in colouration all over the body with a dark patch brown and a lighter shade of brown in colouration on the ends of the wings.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Has a small, wide beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hail, large body and short legs webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: Beak is NOT available to characters with Human Looks: Full, although the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Beak/Duck Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws (Feet ONLY).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping on the water. Characters with flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directlyto afloating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellant Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds aBonus of+8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Wings or Tail. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings or Tail.
-20 Bio-E for no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still have feathers, a Beak, and such but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Trumpeter Swan
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Trumpeter Swan is North America's quintessential Swan and the heviest Waterfowl, and is a magnificent sight to behold. The Trumpeter Swan made a remarkable comeback after its numbers were severely reduced by hunting in the 1600 to 1800's. By the mid-1930's, fewer then 100 were known to exist. As such, active reintroduction efforts were made in the Upper Midwest and Ontario to re-establish the species to it's former breeding range and habitat.
Alaskan and Northern Canadian breeders tend to go South during the Winter months, while others tend to remain year round at local places, such as Yellowstone National Park. It is found on freashwater lakes and marshes with plenty of vegitation on which to feed. It is also found in Estuaries in the Winter.
Its nest consistsof a large mound made of plant matter on raised area near or in freashwater. It lays from 3 to6 Eggs between the months of April and September.
Size Level: 6.
Length: 4 1/2 to 5 Feet (1.3 to 1.5 Metres).
Wingspan: 6 1/2 Feet (2 Metres).
Weight: 17 to 28 Lbs. (7.5 to 12.5Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 60.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.B., +2 P.S., +2 M.A., +1 M.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: Looks: None: Has an large Bill/Beak, a small head, a long, slender, graceful neck, a long body that is covered in feathers, large wings and short legs ending in three- (3) toed feet, which have webbing between them, and a large pair of wings. The colouration of the feathers are pure white in colouration and a black "bunch" of fethers on the front of the face from where the Beak/Bill starts.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character is more Humanoid in form. Has a small, wide beak, a long, flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes, and large wings.
10 Bio-E for Full: Character has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, large wings and slight webbing between fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of hair, which are white in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Claws (on Feet only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Internal Compass
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
15 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Float. This is not a swim skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directly to a floating position.
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
10 BIO-E for Glide.
15 BIO-E for Basic Flight.
20 BIO-E for Soaring Flight
15 BIO-E for Run Across Water. The Trumpeter Swan retains its large webbed feet with this mutation, and as a result, can run across calm water surfaces (waves no higher than twelve inches/0.3 m) without sinking. To do this it must start the run from dry land, with a run-up of at least ten yards/meters. If the bird misses its footing, trips, slows down or is distracted or hit while running across water it will immediately fall with a large splash.
15 BIO-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers. Resistant to Cold, Snow, and Rain. Adds a bonus of +10 to S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Wings
-10 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet
-15 BIO-E for No bird tail and wings at all -or- -20 BIO-E if no wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with none or partial looks will still have feathers, a beak and such, but no wings (or tail).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird: Tundra Swan
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Tundra Swan is a species of Swan that lives in the Arctic Tundra, and is North America's most widespread and smallest species of Swan. There are two (2) populations of Tundra Swan that exist. One (1) tends to winter in the West, with the other population living on the East coast. The Tundra Swan can (and sometimes IS) confused with the Trumpeter Swan, but their differing calls immediately distinguish the two (2) species. In Eurasia, the Tundra Swan is known as Bewick's Swan.
The Tundra Swan nests around lakes and pools in the Northern Tundra, ranging from the Aleutians to the Yukon and East to Northwest Quebec.They tend to Winter in Southern British Columbia, the Western US, and the Mid-Atlantic States (mostly in New Jersey to South Carolina). Their Winter habitats include shallow Coastal bays, ponds and lakes.
The Tundra Swan nests in mound-shaped nests that are made of plant matter near water. They lay from 3 to 6 Eggs from May to September.
Size Level: 6.
Length: 4 to 5 Feet (1.2 to 1.5 Metres).
Wingspan: 6 1/2 to 7 1/2Feet (1.9 to 2.2 Metres).
Weight: 12 to 18 Lbs. (5.5 to 9 Kg.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 60.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.B., +2 P.S., +2 M.A., +1 M.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: Looks: None: Has an large, long Bill/Beak, a small head, a long, slender, graceful neck, a long body that is covered in feathers, large wings and short legs ending in three- (3) toed feet, which have webbing between them, and a large pair of wings. The colouration of the feathers are pure white in colouration and a black "bunch" of fethers on the front of the face from where the Beak/Bill starts.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character is more Humanoid in form. Has a small, wide beak, a long, flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, a large body, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes, and large wings.
10 Bio-E for Full: Character has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, large wings and slight webbing between fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of hair, which are white in colouration.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Claws (on Feet only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Internal Compass
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
15 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Float. This is not a swim skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down into the water, directly to a floating position.
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
10 BIO-E for Glide.
15 BIO-E for Basic Flight.
20 BIO-E for Soaring Flight
15 BIO-E for Run Across Water. The Tundra Swan retains its large webbed feet with this mutation, and as a result, can run across calm water surfaces (waves no higher than twelve inches/0.3 m) without sinking. To do this it must start the run from dry land, with a run-up of at least ten yards/meters. If the bird misses its footing, trips, slows down or is distracted or hit while running across water it will immediately fall with a large splash.
15 BIO-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers. Resistant to Cold, Snow, and Rain. Adds a bonus of +10 to S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Wings
-10 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet
-15 BIO-E for No bird tail and wings at all -or- -20 BIO-E if no wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Characters with none or partial looks will still have feathers, a beak and such, but no wings (or tail).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Canine (Chimera): Red Wolf
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Red Wolf, also known as the Florida Wolf or Mississippi Valley Wolf, is a species of Wolf that is native to the Eastern portion of North America. It is a hybrid species of both Coyote and Gray Wolf. It is listed on the Endangered Species list in the Eastern United States, and is protected by law, being on the list since 1996.
The Red Wolf was likely the first species of New World Wolf encountered by European Colonists, being originally distributed throughout the Eastern United States, from the Atlantic Ocean to Texas, and in the North from Ohio River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania and the Southern portion of New York South to New Mexico. The Red Wolf almost went extinct by themid-1900's due to a number of factor, such as aggressive predator control programs and extensive Hybridization with Coyotes.
It was eventually concluded that the Red Wolf is a distinctive species, essentially diverging from the Coyote, alongside the closely related EasterWolf, some 150,000 to 300,000 years ago.
Size Level: 7.
Length: 136 to 160 Cm. (53.5 to 63 Inches).
Weight: 23 to 39 Kg. (50 TO 85 Lbs.).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 55.
Attributes Bonuses: +4 I.Q., +2 M.A.,+2 M.E., +4 P.S., Brute Strength, +2 P.P., and +7 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Character is an intelligent, four- (4) legged animal/Wolf with a long snout, pointed ears on top of the head, relatively long and slender limbs, clawed feet, a long, bushy tail and has a coat of fur that is thinner and more sparse then either the Wolf or Coyote. The body is more slender and is intermediate in size between the Coyoteand the Gray Wolf. Fur is a reddish, tawny colouration.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Humanoid with a Canine head and thin fur-covered body that is a tawny, reddish colour. Build is powerful, but slender, in build.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6+1 damage Runnung Claws.
5 Bio-E for 1D8+2 damage Canine Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 2D6+4 damage Canine Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
5 Bio-E for Extra Mental Affinity.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Enduance.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
20 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Canine: Island Fox
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Island Fox is a species of Fox that is native to six (6) out of the eight (8) Islands in the Channel Islands chain off the Coast of California. There are six (6) sub-species of Island Fox, each of which is unique to the Iland that it lives on, which is reflected in it's evolutionary history. It has a number of other names, such as The Channel Island Fox, the California Channel Island Fox and the Coast Fox.
The Island Fox has the same genus as the Gray Fox that lives on the mainland, and from which it's decsended from. The reason for it's small size is due to Insular Dwarfism, and due to it being geographically isolated, it has NO immunity to diseases and parasites that arebrought from the mainland. They are particularly vulnerable to those that are carried by the Domestic Dogs.
In addition, due to predation from Golden Eagles and Human activities have devistated Foxnumbers on a number of the Channel Islands during the 1990's. Due to this, four (4) sub-species have become protected as Endagered Species.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 48 to 50 Cm. (18 to 20 Inches), Tail adds 11 to 29 Cm. (4 to 11 Inches).
Weight: 1 to 2.8 Kg. (2.2 to 6.2 Lbs.).
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 M.E., +3 P.B., and +4 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a Triangular head with large, pointed ears and a pointed snout, thick fur that is Gray on the head, a ruddy red colour on its sides, white colouration on its belly, throat and the lowerhalf (1/2) of it's face and a black stripe on the dorsal surface of it's tail, which is long and bushy, and a compact body.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character is a furry Humanoid with a fox's head, a long, bushy tail that is half (1/2) the length of before, a lean, muscular body and short limbs.
10 Bio-E for Full: Humanoid with sharp facial features, pointed nose and ears, thick hair that's grayish in colouration, a lean, tight, albeit muscular, body and no tail (unless Vestigial Tail is taken).

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Claws.
10 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision (Character is otherwise Colourblind).
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Digging.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-15 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (huge and fluffy).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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And for the final one of this batch:

Horse (Ancient): Anchitherium
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Anchitherium lived throughout Eurasia and North America, but is well known in Europe and the USA. It lived during the Miocene (from 23.03 to 5.3 Million Years Ago). It is distinct from other Equinoids in a number of factors, such as it's size and the fact that it had three- (3) toed feet. When the Anchitherium disappeared, it did so without leaving any modern descendants and was due to the fact of Plains-like environments started to cover the morearea of the globe. It was known to be a browser of plants instead of grazing on grass. Due to this, the spread of Plains saw the Anchitherium being faced with ever decreasing amout of habitat that was suitable to it's survival.
With the advent of E.G.G.'s and the invention of Gene-Tech, many scientists that studied evolution of Mammals, with Horses and Equinids being at the forefront. After some fine tuning of the technology, some scientists and entrepenuers decided that it wold be an interesting concept to clone the Anchitherium. These specimens were then used in petting zoo's and as pets.
But, when the Crash happened and the various animal species started to mutate and Humanity started to die out, the various domesticated animals (along with those in zoo's and labratories) managed to escape into the wilds. Fortunately, the Anchitherium stuck around to areas that they were most familiar with in large groups. These area's included small parks and large swathsof forested area's where they were most comfortablewith. As time went on, and they were mutating into more and more Humanoid forms, the Anchitherium became known to be a unique form of druid that studied both the natural world around them and more modern societies.
Size Level: 12.
Length: 1.5 Metres.
Weight: 40 Kg.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 20.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.S., +1 P.E., and +10 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Baiscally looks like an small, intelligent Horse that may have some Human-like features, such as Hands or a bipedal stance. Has a long, tubular head wih tubular ears and eyes that are placed on either side of the head, a long, muscular neck, a thick body, thin, but muscular limbs that end in hooves, a medium-length tail. Has fur covering the body that is a dusty brown colouration and dark brown stripes that runs along the spine and the front portions of the limbs.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Character is a Humanoid with a Horse-likje head or has a long-muzzled face, large, tubular earson the top of the head, widely-spaced eyes, a mane of long hair on the top ofthe head and running down the back, a short, broom-like tail, a powerful build, thin arms and legs that end in three (3) toes and fingers. The body is covered in fur that is dusty brown in colouration and has stripes on the spine and on the front of the limbs.
15 Bio-E for Full: Human with a full head of hair that is in the style of a Mohawk.Has a long face with a wide mouth, buck teeth, large, dark eyes, pointed ears and a powerful build. Has Olive or dusty gray skin colour and a dry complexion.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6+1 damage Hoofed Hands: Has nails/hoofs that covers most of the fingers.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Hoofed Feet: Has nails/hoofs that covers the front of the foot/toes.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Speed.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty.
5 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Affinity.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Taste.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Brute Strength.
15 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
15 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
20 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Hooves.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Imagine my amusement when I was scrolling through this and saw.

Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Goose!!
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Well, I DID tell the truth about doing up a whole load of new mutant stats, didn't I? I'm pretty sure that this will satisfy all the bird lovers out there.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Here's the next small batch for you folks, but make a note that after these guys are posted here, I'll be doing up some that will make you..... "Loony".

Bird (Duck): Barrow's Goldeneye
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Barrow's Goldeneye is a slightly larger and darker version of the Common Goldeneye. Although, the female can be identified by its different head structure and Bill/Beak colour, with the Bill/Beak colouration tending to varie both seasonally and geographically. The Eastern population of Barrow's Goldeneye have blacker Bills/Beaks with less yellow, while the Western populations have entirely yellow Bills/Beaks, which darken during the summer. During the breeding season, the majority of Borrow's Goldeneyes are foundin mountainous regions of NorthWest North America.
The Barrow's Goldeneye Winters along the Pacific coast between SouthEast Alaska and Washington, with small populations in Estern Canada. Smaller numbers are found inland from the lower Colorado River to Yellowstone National Park. The Eastern population tend to be localized in Winter, with the largets amount in the St. Lawrence Estuary.
The Barrow's Goldeneye nest in tree cavities where there are nests made by the Pileated Woodpeckers, wich often include broken limbs or hollow trees. They also tend to useNesting Boxes. The Borrow's Goldeneye lays from 6 to 12 Eggs during the months of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 17 to 19 Inches (43 to 48 Cm).
Wingspan: 28 to 30 Inches (71 to 76 Cm).
Weight: 17 to 46 Ounces (475 to 1,300 Grams)..
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak and Golden Yellow eyes, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The coloration of the feathers consists of a bold, white facial crescent on either side of the face and is located between the eyes and the Beak/Bill, black on the head with a pruple gloss, white chest and underside, dark underwings, black over most of the body and white "piano key" markings on the sides. Although, the females have a small, yellow Bill/Beak and a steep forehead.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair. The hair/feathers on the head are black with a purplish tint to it.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Bird (Duck): Bufflehead
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Bufflehead is the smallest species of Diving Duck in North America, and is a close relative to the Common and Barrow's Goldeneye. The Male Bufflehead tends to make a bold statement with their striking head pattern. While in flight, Males tend to resemble the larger Common Goldeneye, although, the large white area on their head makes them easy to distinguish. While the wings of the Common Goldeneye creates a whirring sound while in flight, the wings of the Bufflehead do not. The Northern limit of the Bufflehead's breeding range has a tendancy to correspond to that of the Northern Flicker, as the Ducks nest in abandoned Flicker Cavities.
The Bufflehead breeds in forests that range from Alaska to Eastern Canada, along with in woodlands, near small lakes and permanent ponds, where the young are raised. They Winter largely along both of the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts with lower densities scattered across the Continent, South to Northern Mexico and with some located in Bermuda.
The Bufflehead are known as "Cavity Nesters", with no nesting material added beyond what was already there, with the nests located near water. They lay from 7 to 9 Eggs during the months of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 12 1/2 to 15 1/2 Inches (32 to 39 Cm).
Wingspan: 21 1/2 to 24 Inches (54 to 61 Cm).
Weight: 10 to 18 Ounces (275 to 500 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its Feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with an angled forehead and a small, narrow, gray Bill/Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of iridescent green-and-purple gloss on the front portion of the head and neck, a large, triangular, white patch on the rear portion of the head, white on the breast and flanks, and black over the back.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head with a high forehead, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair that seem to shimmer on the front portions of the head.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Bird (Duck): Common Goldeneye
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Common Goldeneye closely resembles Barrow's Goldeneye. They are found in both North America and Eurasia, and is a species of Medium-sized, compact, Diving Duck. The CommonGoldeneye is aggressive and is VERY competitive with other members of it's own species, as well as other species of cavity-nesting Ducks. It has a tendancy to lay its Eggs in the nests of other species, a behavior that is almost parasitic in nature. Before itdives, the Common Goldeneye flattens its feathers in preparation for underwater foraging. Also, the female's head changes shape according to her posture.
The Common Goldeneye breeds along Wetlands, Lakes and Rivers with clear water in Northern Forests where large trees provide appropriate nest cavities. They tend to Winter across the Continent, with the highest densities located from North New England to the Mid-Atlantic on coastal Bays and in the West from coastal SouthEast portion of Alaska to British Columbia in Canada.
The Common Goldeneye is a cavity nester, nesting in holes that are made by othrBird species, which include the Pileated Woodprckers, in broken braches or hollow trees. They also use nest boxes. They lay from between 4 to 13 Eggs during the months of April to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 15 1/2 to 20 Inches (40 to 51 Cm).
Wingspan: 30 to 33 Inches (77 to 83 Cm).
Weight: 19 to 44 Ounces (550 to1,300 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its Feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists mainly of a large, white, round spot located between the eyes, which are a golden yellow in colouration, and the Beak/Bill, iridescent green on the head, extensive white shoulder feathers, dusky underwing and dark colours on the back.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair. Has shimmering green on the head and bright yellow eyes.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Bird (Duck): Common Merganser
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Common Merganser, also called the Goosander in the United Kingdom, is the largest of the 3 Merganser species in North America. This large, fish-eating species of Bird is common and widespread, particularly in the Northern portions of its rnge and habitat. It is often found living in large flocks on lakes, or in smller groups that live along rivers. The Common Merganser has a tendancy to spend most of its time on the water, using its Serrated Bill/Beak to catch Fish underwater.
The Common Merganser breeds in the Northerly forests, ranging from Alaska to Newfoundland. It Winters South to North Central Mexico. Being a very hardy species ofBird, it will Winter farther North than most other species of Waterfowl, so long as water remains open. The Common Merganser has a preferance to freashwater locations to saltwater locations.
It is a cavity nester, sometimes nesting high in trees, sometimes using nest boxes or, rarely, ground-based nests. It lays from 6 to 17 Eggs between the months of April and September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 21 1/2 to 28 Inches (54 to 71 Cm).
Wingspan: 34 Inches (86 Cm).
Weight: 1 3/4 to 4 3/4 Lbs. (0.8 to 2.1 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a Reddish-Orange, hooked Bill/Beak that are Serrated on the sides, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, long nape feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of Iridescent blackish-green on the head, black running down the centre of the back, white breast and underparts, dusty brown/gray over portions of the back.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Hooded Merganser
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Hooded Merganser is a dapper, miniature, fish-eater, and is the smallest of the 3 species of Merganser. Both male and female have creasts that they can flatten or raise. When the males raise their crest, the thin, horizontal stripe turns into a gorgeous white fan that is surrounded by black. Although the Hooded Merganser is easily identified when swimming, both it and the Wood Duck can be confused when seen in flight, since they are both fairly small in size with their bushy heads and long tails.
The Hooded Merganser prefers forested small ponds, marshes or slow-moving streams during the breeding season. During the winter months, they live in shallow water in both freash and saltwater bays, estuaries, rivers, streams, ponds, freashwater marshes and flooded sloghs.
They are a cavity nester, with nests that are lined with down feathers in either a tree or boxthat is close to water. They lay from 6 to 15 Eggs during the months of Febuaryand June.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 15 1/2 to 19 1/2 Inches 40 to 49 Cm).
Wingspan: 23 1/2to 26 Inches (60 to 66 Cm).
Weight: 16 to 31 Ounces (450 to 875 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a yellow eyes, a crest that raises from, the back of the head and a thin, Serrated Bill/Beak that is black in colour, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers that are often raised up and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of black over the majority of the head, a large white patch that covers most of the crest, white on the breast, black on the back, warm brown on the flanks and outer portions of the triangular-shaped wings, and has a blackand white inner wing patch.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair. The feathers/hairon the back of the head are capable of raisingup in the form of a small to medium-sized head creast.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Feathered Head Crest: Raises and lowers by itself with emotions.
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Long-Tailed Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Long-Tailed Duck, which was once called the Oldsquaw, is a species of small, pudgy Sea Duck. The Male Long-Tailed Duck has two (2) extremely long tail feathers, which happen to be held up in the air, much like anpennant. The Male's loud calls are quite musical, and , when heard from a flock, just so happen to have a Chorus-Like quality to it, hence the name Clangula, which just so happens to be Latin for "Loud". The Long-Tailed Duck is capable of diving for a prolonged period of time, allowing it to reach depths of 200 Feet (60 Metres), effectively making it one (1) of the deepest diving species of Duck. It has a three- (3) part molt that is more complex than that of other species of Duck.
The Long-Tailed Duck tends to breed in the Arctic and the Sub-Arctic, and tended to nest in small groups on Islands and Peninsulas on lakes, They nest less commonly on Tundra and freashwater ponds on islands. They Winter along on rocky coasts and headlands, in protected bays , or on large freashwater lakes.
The nests of Long-Tailed Ducks tend to consists of shallow depression on the ground, and lined with plant matter. They lay from between 6 to 9Eggs, between the months of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 14 to 23 Inches (35 to 58 Cm).
Wingspan: 28 Inches (72 Cm).
Weight: 18 to 39 Ounces (500 to 1,100 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its Feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a wide, flat Beak that has a Pinkish band on it, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of a white eye-ring, a large brown spoton the side of the head, a black breastband, white shoulder feathers, all dark wings and the tail feathers are long and dark in colour.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Red-Breasted Merganser
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Red-Breasted Merganser, along with the other saw-billed species of Merganser, is a elegant species of Fish-eating Duck. Both sexes are easily recognized by their long, sparse, somewhat ragged-looking double crest. The Red-Breasted Merganser are smaller than the Common Mergansers, but are much larger than the hooded Mergansers. Also, the Red-Breasted Metrganser, unlike theother two (2) species of Merganser, tends to nest on the ground in loose colonies,and often located among Gulls and Turns, and is protected by it's neighbours.
The Red-Breasted Merganser has the most northerly range of all the Mergansers, nesting across the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions, Tundra and Northerly forests, along coasts, inland lakes, river banks, marsh edges, and coastal islands. They tend to Winter further South than other Mergansers, mostly in protected bays, estuaries or on the Great Lakes.
The Red-Breasted Merganser nests in shallow depressions that are on ground level near water and is lined with down and plantmaterial. They lay from 5 to 11 Eggs during the months of May to July.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 20 to 25 Inches (51 to 64 Cm).
Wingspan: 26 to 29 Inches (66 to 74 Cm).
Weight: 1 3/4 to 2 3/4 Lbs. (0.8 to 1.3 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a round head with a red eyes, a wispy crest and a slightly upturned, thin, reddish-orange Bill/Beak, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers and short legs that end in three- (3) toed, webbed feet. The colouration of the feathers consists of green-black on the head, a crisp white collar, a white belly with gray flanks, a black and white checkered pattern on the back, a bold, white line between the black back and gray flanks, two (2) wing bars and white inner wing patches.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, thin, slightly upturned Bill/Beak that is reddish-orange in colour, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Charachter has a small head with a slightly upturned nose, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
Presidentof Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Duck): Ruddy Duck
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Ruddy Duck is small and stiff-tailed, and is comical in both it's appearance and behavior. Both males and females often hold their tail in a cocked /raised position, especially when sleeping. During courtship displays, the male points it's long tail skyward while it rapidly thumps its elenctric blue Bill/Beak against its chest, and ending its performance with a odd, bubbling sound. In another display, males make a popping sound by slapping their feet on the surface of the water. Due to the position of it's feet and legs, with them being far back on the body, makes the Ruddy Duck an excellent swimmer and diver, however, because of this, on land it is perhaps one (1) of the most awkward species of Diving Duck. Female Ruddy Ducks are known to push themselves along the gound instead of walking.
TheRuddy Duck breeds in the Prairie Pothole region in wetland habitats, marshes, ponds, reserviors, and other open, shallow water with emergent vegitation and open areas. The majority tend to Winter in freashwater habitats, ranging from ponds to large lakes, with smaller numbers found in brackish coastal marshes, bays and estuaries.
The Ruddy Duck tends to nest in a platform, bowl-shaped nest built over water in thick emergent vegitation, and rarely are the nests located on land. They lay from6to 10 Eggs during the months of May to September.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 14 to 17 Inches (35 to 43 Cm).
Wingspan: 22 to 26 Inches (56 to 62 Cm).
Weight: 11 to 30 Ounces (300 to 850 Grams).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a large, round head with a wide, flat Bill/Beak that is bright blue in colouration and is slightly knobby atthe base, a long, flexible neck, very large feathers, a round body, long tail feathers that are often erect and short legs that end in large, three- (3) toed, webbed feet that are set far mack on its body. The colouration of the feathers consists of a black cap and nape, large, white cheek patches, rich cinnamon body and neck.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Character has a small, wide Beak, a flexible neck, feathers in place of hair, short legs with webbing between fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Carachter has a small head, a long neck, a large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. Has feathers in place of the hair.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Duck Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Well, I've done up some more AtB2 mutants. So, now I'm going to post them now, along with some additional tidbits of info on some Bird families. Here we go:

Bird (Loon): Common Loon
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Common Loon has the largest range of all Loons in North America and is the only species known to nest in a few of the Northern State of the US. It is slightly smaller than the Yellow-Billed Loon, but larger than the other two (2) species of Loons. It can remain underwater for well over 10 Minutes, although, it usually stays submerged between 40 Seconds and 2 Minutes while Fishing, or for a few more Minutes if it's being pursued. Evidence shows that, occasionally, it interbreeds with its closest relaticve, the Yellow-Billed Loon, in addition to the Arctic and Pacific Loons. The Common Loon is the Provincial Bird of Ontario, Canada.
The Common Loon breeds across North America, from Canada to the Northern portions of the US. It Winters on large, ice-free lakes in Canada and the US, along with the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts, South to Baja, California, on the West Coast, and Florida, on the East Coast.
It nests on large mounds of vegitation in simple scrapes, which is located a few feet from water. It lays two (2) Eggs during the months of April to June.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 26 to 36 Inches (66 to 91 Cm).
Wingspan: 4 1/4 to 5 Feet (1.3 to 1.5 Metres).
Weight: 4 1/2 to 18 Lbs. (2 to 8 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.E., +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long body with a semi-oval shaped head with red eyes and long, thin Beak/Bill that is black in colour, a long, flexible neck, a long, rounded body of medium length,Verylatrge feathers that covers the body, long tail feathers and short legs that are positioned more towards the rear of the body and ends in three- (3) toed feet with webbing between the toes. The colouration ofthe feathers mainly consists of incandescent on the head and neck, a white "necklace" on the throat, white lines on the sides of the neck, white onthe breast with a checkered pattern on the sides, and white spotted wings and tail over a mostlyblack body.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Head is smaller with a Beak/Bill that is shorter by half (1/2), a shorter, thicker neck that is still flexible, feathers in place of hair and still covers the body in a thin copating, a large body that is oval in shape, and short legs with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long, flexible neck, large, tubular body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. The nose tends tobe thin and pointed, while in stead of hair, the head is covered in small, down-like feathers.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Beak/Bill.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath (Special): This ability allows the character to hold it's breath for 2 times longer than normal; for a duration of 10 Minutes.
10 Bio-E for Glide.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to be able to drink sea water, with a special gland that is located between the Beak/Bill and eyes, which allows them to squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Loon): Pacific Loon
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: Although the Paific Loon has a Breeding Range that is about a third (1/3) that of the Common Loon, it is believed to be THE mos abundant Loon species in North America. It shares its habitat in Northern Alaska with the nearly identical, but slightly larger and darker, Arctic Loon. It is a conspicuous migrant Bird species along the Pacific Coast during the Spring, but disappears to its remote Breeding grounds during the Summer. The Pacific Loon is an expert Diver and Swimmer, it is capable of remaining underwater for sustained periods of time, usually while in persuit of Fish. However, due to its terrestrial nesting site, the Chicks ar vulnerable toa number of Mammalian and Avian Predators.
The Pacific Loon breeds across the Arctic and Sub-Arctic of North America, ranging from Alaska and Northern Canada to the Hudson Bay and on some of the Island sf the Canadian Arctic, Tundra lakes and Muskeg. There are even small numbers of the Pacific Loon on the Great Lakes and the East Coast from Quebec to Florida.
They nest in simple Scrapes located in flat areas that are close to water, and have mud and vegitation added during the incubation period. The Pacific Loon lays between 1 and 2 Eggs during the months of June and July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 23 to 29 Inches (58 to 74 Cm).
Wingspan: 2 3/4 to 4 1/4 Feet (0.9 to 1.3 Metres).
Weight: 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 Lbs (1 to 2.5 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.E., +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long body with a semi-oval shaped head, a red eye and long, slim Beak/Bill that is black in colour, a long, flexible neck, a long, rounded body of medium length,Verylatrge feathers that covers the body, long tail feathers and short legs that are positioned more towards the rear of the body and ends in three- (3) toed feet with webbing between the toes. The colouration of the feathers mainly consists of dusty brown on ther head and back portion of the neck, a dark colour on the front portion oftheneck/throat, white stripes onthe sides of the neck, a checkered pattern on the upper portion of the body with a deep, dark brown on the lower portions of the body and the under-wings.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Head is smaller with a Beak/Bill that is shorter by half (1/2), a shorter, thicker neck that is still flexible, feathers in place of hair and still covers the body in a thin copating, a large body that is oval in shape, and short legs with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head, a long, flexible neck, large, tubular body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. The nose tends tobe thin and pointed, while in stead of hair, the head is covered in small, down-like feathers.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Beak/Bill.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath (Special): This ability allows the character to hold it's breath for 2 times longer than normal.
10 Bio-E for Glide.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to be able to drink sea water, with a special gland that is located between the Beak/Bill and eyes, which allows them to squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Loon): Red-Throated Loon
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Red-Throated Loon, even when seen from a distance, is elegant and is almost unmistakable, with its pale, slim body, upward tilted head, and thin, upturned Bill/Beak. Unlike other species of Lons, the Red-Throated Loon is capable of leaping/juming straight into the air, although most of the time it needs a "runway" of sorts. Also, the Red-Throated Loon has an elaborate breeding ritual, which mainly consists of a pair of birds being side by side and racing across the surface of the water. Downy chicks have a tendancy to climb onto their parents back, although, this only happens when the chicks are young.
The Red-Throated Loon lives in open areas withing Boreal forests, Muskeg, and Tundra; which is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. They sometimes also live in areas that are almost devoid of Vegitation. They tend to Winter on the Great Lakes, along with both Coasts Southwards to Florida, on the East Coast, and Northern Mexico, on the West Coast.
The Red-Throated Loon nests in Scrape with mud and vegitation during the incubation of the Eggs. The nests are located at the waters edge in Coastal and Lake Bays, along with shallow Ponds, and often at high altitudes. They lay 2 Eggs between the months of April and July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 24 to 27 Inches (61 to 69 Cm).
Wingspan: 3 1/2 Feet (1.5 Metres).
Weight: 3 1/4 Lbs. (1.5 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.E., +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long body with a semi-oval shaped head and long, thin, upturned Beak/Bill that is gray in colour, a long, flexible neck, a long, rounded body of medium length,Very large feathers that covers the body, long tail feathers and short legs that are positioned more towards the rear of the body and ends in three- (3) toed feet with webbing between the toes.The colouration of the feathers are mainly consisting of a gray face and neck, a tapering dark reddish-brown throat patch, striped gray nape, and an all-brown back.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Head is smaller with a Beak/Bill that is shorter by half (1/2), a shorter, thicker neck that is still flexible, feathers in place of hair and still covers the body in a thin copating, a large body that is oval in shape, and short legs with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head with an upturned nose, a long, flexible neck, large, tubular body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. The nose tends tobe thin and pointed, while in stead of hair, the head is covered in small, down-like feathers.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Beak/Bill.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Leap (Special): This ability allows the character to leap/jump straight into the air from both land and water.
10 Bio-E for Glide.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to be able to drink sea water, with a special gland that is located between the Beak/Bill and eyes, which allows them to squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Bird (Loon): Yellow-Billed Loon
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: Being the largest species of Loon, the Yellow-Billed Loon has the most restricted range and smallest Global population. About three quarters (3/4) of the estimated 16,000 Birds live in North America. It makes themost of its short Nesting season, arriving at its breeding grounds already paired and mating immediately, although extensive ice formations can prevent it from breeding some years. The Yellow-Billed Loons have more rugged proportions then other species of Loons, such as their feet, for example, extend farther away from their bodies then those of other species of Loon.
The Yellow-Billed Loon breeding range is from the extreme Northern edge of Alaska to the Eastern portion of the NorthWest Territories and Nunavut. It also breeds i the Northern portion of Siberia. It Winter along the Pacific Coast of Alaska and British Columbia, and has also been sighted in a number of US States.
The Yellow-Billed Loon nests in depressions, using a mass of mud and vegitation, on the shores of Tundra lakes, ponds and river islands which are located at high altitudes. It lays 1 or2 Eggs during the months of June and July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 30 to 36 Inches (77 to 92 Cm).
Wingspan: 4 to 5 Feet (1.2 to 1.5 Metres).
Weight: 8 3.4 to 14 Lbs. (4 to 6.5 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.E., +1 P.B.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long body with a large, bulky head, red eyes and a long, thin Beak/Bill that is whitish or yellow in colouration, a long, flexible, thick neck, a long, rounded body of medium length,Verylatrge feathers that covers the body, long tail feathers and short legs that are positioned more towards the rear of the body and ends in three- (3) toed feet with webbing between the toes. The colouration of the feathers mainly consists of black on the head that has a purple sheen to it, a striking black-and-white markings on the sides of the neck, a whiote breast, a checkered white on the back that covers a black body and tail.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Head is smaller with a Beak/Bill that is shorter by half (1/2), a shorter, thicker neck that is still flexible, feathers in place of hair and still covers the body in a thin copating, a large body that is oval in shape, and short legs with webbing between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a large, bulky head, a long, flexible, albeit thick neck, large, tubular body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes. The nose tends tobe thin and pointed, while in stead of hair, the head is covered in small, down-like feathers. The colouration of the feathers on the head are black with a slight purple sheen to it.

Natural Weapons:
NOTE: Beak is NOT available to charachters with Human Looks: Full, but the Clawed Feet ARE.
5 Bio-E for 1D8 damage Beak/Bill
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Clawed, webbed Feet.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Beak/Bill.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +8 to S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Glide.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to be able to drink sea water, with a special gland that is located between the Beak/Bill and eyes, which allows them to squirt out access salt.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
30 Bio-E for Acrobatic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Author's Notes:
Grebes area species of Bird that resemble Loons and share many of the same aquatic habits with them. They are unrelated in both their anatomical and molecular features, in effect, placing them in a different order: the Podicpediformes. The bodies of Grebes are streamlined, which offers little resistance when they'r diving or swimming. While underwater, their primary means of propulsion is the sideways motion of their lobed toes. Their legs areplaced far back on their bodies, which helps the Bird when they are swimming above or below the surface of the water.
Grebes tend to have short tails, while letting their legs and toes trail behind them, which in turn effectivly allowing them to act as rudders when in flight. Also, due to the position of their legs makes it impossible to stand upright for long periods of time or to walk on land.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.

(Side Note: I'll try to post more stats and infor tomorrow.)
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

As promised, here's some more AtB2 Mutants and info:

Bird (Grebes): Clark's Grebe
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Clark's and Western Grebes are closely related and are very difficult to distinguish from one another. They rarely fly, except when migrating at night. Also, both species seldom come to land, where their movements are awkward, which is due tothe fact that their legs and toes are located so far back on their bodies. Although, they have been reported to run upright at a rapid pace. Their flightmuscles tend to suffer from wastage after their arrival on the breeding grounds, which also tends to inhibit their ability to travel, but during the incubation period of the Eggs the adults may feed several Miles from the colony by following continious water trails.
The Clark's Grebe breeds freashwater lakes and marshes with open water that is bordered by emergent vegitation. They are rarely located in tidewater marshes, and has been seen nesting in man-made Lake Havasu marshes since the 1960's. It Winters along the Pacific Coast, along with in bays and estuaries located throughout the Southwest US and Mexico.
They nest on floating piles of available plants that are atteched to thick growths of submerged vegitation. They also occasionally have nests that are constructed on land.They lay between 2 and 3 Eggs, during the months of May and July.
Size Level: 4.
Length: 21 1/2 to 30 Inches (55 to 75 Cm).
Wingspan: 32 Inches (82 Cm).
Weight: 11/2 to 3 3/4 Lbs. (0.7 to 1.7 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 P.E.

Human Features:
Wings: Unless the character buys Extra Limbs to get a pair of human arms and legs (full), the mutant can only get hands on its feathered wings.
Hands:: 5 Bio-E for Partial, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
10 Bio-E for Full, at the end of the wings (applicable even with arms and hands)
20 Bio-E for Extra Limbs, a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: A large, aquatic Bird with feathered wings and body, a round head with red eyes and a long, narrow Beak/Bill that tappers to a point and is orange-yellow in colour, a long, thin, Swan-like neck, water-resistant feathers, a round body, short tail feathers, and short legs with webbed, three- (3) toed feet that are positioned more towards the rear of the body. The colouration of the feathers consists of a black crown that is slightly crested, a white space located between the black crown and eyes, a very thin, black nape stripe. a white throat, breast and belly, a moderately dark gray back, whitish flanks, and has disticntive white band on the wings.
5 Bio-E for Partial: A small Beak/Bill, feathers that are in place of the hair, a large body, short legs, and webbing that is locatd between the fingers and toes.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a small head with red eyes, large, round body, and slight webbing between the fingers and toes.

Natural Weapons:
Note: The Beak/Bill and Talons are NOT available to characters with "Full" Human Looks.
5 Bio-E for 1D6+1 damage Beak/Bill.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Talons (Feet only).
10 Bio-E for 1D10+1 damage Beak/Bill.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Float (Special)): This is NOT a Swim Skill, but the ability to float effortlessly, even while sleeping, on the water. Characters with Flight will be able to take off directly from the surface of the water. Those with Glide or Flight can come down onto the water, directly into a Floating position.
5 Bio-E for Insulating Water Repellent Feathers (Special): Resistant to Cold, Rain and Snow. Adds a Bonus of +10 to S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath (Special): This ability allows the character to hold it's breath for 2 times longer than normal.
10 Bio-E for Glide.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Saltwater Survival (Special): The body's biology is altered to be able to drink sea water, with a special gland that is located between the Beak/Bill and eyes, which allows them to squirt out access salt.
20 Bio-E for Basic Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings: Wings do NOT work.
-15 Bio-E for NO Bird Tail or Wings. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings or tail.
-15 Bio-E for Awkward Positioned Feet (Special): This means that the character's feet are positioned at a wierd/unusual angle, which gives the character an unusual walk.
-20 Bio-E for NO Wings, but a Vestigial Tail is kept. Character with Human Looks: None or Partial will still have feathers, a Beak and such, but no Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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