Palladium Books® Weekly Update – October 31, 2019

By Kevin Siembieda

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

Happy Halloween! We hope you have a funtastic night of thrills and chills. To help celebrate Halloween, we are putting most Palladium horror titles on sale through the weekend at a steep discount. Enjoy.

Last day of the Annual HALLOWEEN DriveThruRPG Sale. This massive sale offers 86 Palladium RPG titles and all kinds of horror games and sourcebooks from us and many game companies at a scary discount. Hurry before it is over later tonight!

The Rifter® #84 is done and at the printer! It was sent out last night and it is pretty darn awesome.

My expansive writing additions to the Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) are also nearing completion. This book is a fantasy toy box for players and an adventure generator for Game Masters unlike anything we have done before. There is so much great material – forgotten gods, blessings, miracles, Champion of the Gods (which can be combined with any O.C.C.), dark gods, curses, the Black Pit, Faeries, Knights Fossar, and, of course, the Garden itself. All of it will blow your mind. I think everyone involved, from writers to artists, outdid themselves.

Rifts® Titan Robotics™ and other projects are also moving along as I am assigning out the last of the artwork for Titan Robotics™, which I’m still shooting to get finished before Christmas along with Dead Reign’s In the Face of Death™, and another title. I also had a fruitful discussion about additional writing for Chaos Earth® Psychic Scream™ and will be assigning that artwork as well. All of these books are going to be freakin’ awesome.

Original artwork is available for the 2019 Christmas Surprise Packages Charles Walton has provided a pile of original artwork for inclusion in the 2019 Christmas Surprise Packages. I think we have close to 30 pieces, mostly dynamic concept sketches for Rifts® (many suitable for framing), but also from Splicers, The Rifter, etc., and a handful of finished illustrations. Only people who request original artwork in their Surprise Package will be considered for artwork. If other artists donate artwork for the Surprise Packages, I will let you know. And don’t forget we have a dozen or so of the various hardcover editions of Rifts® Bestiary put aside for Grab Bags too. Christmas will be here before you know it. Get a jump on it over the next few weeks with the Christmas Surprise Package offer. Personally, I like to spread out my Christmas gift spending over several months so I don’t feel the money crush all at once.

Reaction to the Land of the Damned™ 3: The Bleakness™ Raw Edition has been wildly positive. This is what fellow writer Glen Evans had to say about it in an email (and I have to agree): “Hey Kevin, I must say I was floored when you annouced the LoD 3 book raw preview. I got home and ordered it immediately. Wow, Matt has come up with some very cool things. Clockwork technology (just awesome), the Seven Fiefdoms playing on the Seven Deadly Sins, but calling themselves their opposite, the Seven Cardinal Virtues. Nice. As for the Chaos Lords, I'm looking forward to whatever finishing touches you give these guys. Minotaurs on galleons. Now that’s a sight. I want to see those stats. Even as a Raw Preview, this book delivers.” – Glen

I am boiling with ideas for LotD-3 and a whole slew of upcoming books. As I keep saying, my goal, and most everyone at Palladium, is to surprise and wow you with one astonishing book after another. We are pushing the envelope and having fun doing it. You’ll see that very soon.

Christmas Surprise Packages! Keep the orders and the fun comments coming. In fact, I have already started to include your Grab Bag comments after my Closing Thoughts in this Update.

Palladium Open House. Order your admissions sooner than later and come and join the fun. Limited to about 300 people plus 50 Palladium creators estimated to be in attendance. Games. Fun. Games. Admissions available now. Just a reminder.

Alex and I continue to post new collectibles, original art and negatives in my Ebay store. I signed a few hundred negatives (as well as books for Surprise Packages) and now I have to divide them up into sets to sell in my store. There are also a handful of slightly damaged Printer Proofs of various hardcovers, including the very limited Rifts® Bestiary Crimson Edition, Gold Edition, and Color Cover Hardcover, ALL Printer Proofs with one of my large dragon head sketches, along with other Palladium titles, artwork, and collectibles on sale. Check it out at:

Weekend Sale: All Palladium horror titles

Yes, there is the super-whammy Surprise Package offer – truly the best deal in gaming – but you never know what you are going to get. This brief sale over the weekend lets to you pick exactly what titles you want. And since it is Halloween, we made it all horror titles and a few odds and ends.

  • All Dead Reign® titles
  • All Nightbane® titles
  • All Splicers® titles (it is a science fiction-horror setting, after all)
  • The Rifter® #80 (a new Splicers House, Host Armor, War Mounts, Bio-Enhancements, etc.)
  • Future Visions™ (packed with concept art for Splicers®)
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG
  • The Rifter® #78 (the Modern Necromancer and other spooky stuff).
  • Dimension Book™ One: Wormwood™ (A weird, demon-infested living planet where humans battle to maintain the shifting balance between good and evil.)

The sale ends Tuesday, November 5, 2019, after midnight.

Christmas Grab Bags

Do not wait – Order a Christmas Surprise Package

The Surprise Package is the best deal in gaming – 4-6 books for the cost of a typical core rule book. A great gift for your gaming friends or a treat for yourself. It’s also an easy way to get autographs, art prints, and original artwork! If you have never ordered one, give it a try. I promise you will not be disappointed and will probably want to order another.

And don’t forget, if you request to be considered for receiving original art by Charles Walton II, a dragon-head sketch by Kevin Siembieda (and other artists?) you may actually get it! Each book concept sketch or illustration is typically worth $50-$100 and comes with a certificate of authenticity. Sorry, you cannot request a specific illustration from a particular book, but can indicate if you’d prefer art from Rifts®, Splicers®, Fantasy, Horror, etc., and we will try to accommodate that request as best we can, but no promises. This is a grab bag. You can also request available art prints, and we may also toss in a signed negative or two into some Surprise Packages.

$95-$100 or more worth of Palladium products for only $50 (plus shipping and handling)! That can nab you four or more items when one core rule book can cost you that alone. What a deal!

These Surprise Packages are our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books, because we pick from your Wish List and may surprise you with stuff you are not expecting. Extra items may include other RPG books, The Rifter®, posters, prints, art books, greeting cards, T-shirts, and other items. Some may be slightly damaged so we can send you more.

Please spread the word. The Christmas Surprise Package is only publicized by word of mouth, to readers of The Rifter® and on Palladium's website – so tell everyone you know. Buy one for every gamer you know. They make astonishing gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. (Sorry, no, you cannot ask for POH or VIP Day admissions in your Christmas Grab Bag.)

See the complete Christmas Surprise Package description here.

The Rifter Number 84

UPDATE: The Rifter® #84 – at the printer

The Rifter® #84 – our last issue before it goes on hiatus – is done and at the printer! As soon as we have an exact release date, we’ll let you know, but it should be mid-November. The Rifter® #84 focuses on adventure in dark corners of various worlds. Places where danger threatens, monsters and evildoers lurk in the shadows, and people are in need of heroes. Adventure source material for The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, Beyond the Supernatural™, Nightbane®, and Rifts®. And remember, adventures and source material for one game setting can also be adapted to other world settings with some easy and obvious modifications. Most of all, have fun.

Rifter® #84 Highlights:

  • The City of Cascade™ by Erick Wujcik and Matt Reed, A modern city in desperate need of heroes.
  • The Kingdom of Raf-Chalon™ for Palladium Fantasy RPG® by Glen Evans. An Elven Kingdom in the Eastern Territory™.
  • Golems in the Myst™ for Rifts® by Greg Diaczyk. Techno-Wizard experiments go wrong and Golems run amok.
  • Spellbound O.C.C. for Nightbane® RPG by Ian Herbert.
  • An Adventure for Beyond the Supernatural™ by Kyle Osterberg.
  • The Dimma, a short story and a scary new monster for Beyond the Supernatural™ by Steven Dawes.
  • 2021 Palladium Open House and other news.
  • Coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • 96 pages – $14.99 retail – Cat. No. 184 – Ships mid-November.

Land of the Damned 3 The Bleakness Raw Preview

NEW! Land of the Damned Three: The BleaknessRaw Preview Limited Edition – Available now

People are loving the Raw Preview Edition of LotD-3: The Bleakness™, for Palladium Fantasy RPG®. Now is your chance to get a glimpse of the future for this summer 2020 release, and be the first to peer into and play inside the Bleakness and the Citadel of the Land of the Damned. May be requested in Christmas Surprise Packages.

Get ‘em while you can because it is limited to only 200 copies and selling fast! The LotD-3: The Bleakness™ Raw Preview is an advance copy of the unedited, unillustrated, working manuscript for this upcoming, new Fantasy World Book. You get to see the unfinished book months before the final title is released to put you in the know ahead of most people, and to start playing now. A rare look at the raw manuscript before final edit, rewrites, and publication that give you a glimpse of Palladium’s work and development process. Limited to a total of 200 copies.

This epic sourcebook presents more of the forbidden Land of the Damned in all its brutal glory. Includes information about the ancient and forgotten eldritch races, the Minotaur legions, dark magic, the Citadel, the Bleakness, countless adventure hooks and ideas, and much, much more. The long awaited final book in the Land of the Damned series will have connections to the Garden of the Gods™ and the upcoming Lopan Fantasy World Book.

Note: The finished book is anticipated to ship next summer, but you can see what it’s all about right now and even start playing with this special Preview Edition!

  • Limited collector’s edition – only 200 collector copies.
  • Sold on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
  • A rare glimpse at the virgin manuscript and a work in progress.
  • Written by Matthew Clements, based on ideas by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 96 pages – Limited Edition – $20.99 – Cat. No. 470-RAW – available now! Do not miss out.

Garden of the Gods

UPDATE: Garden of the Gods (Fantasy) – in final production

Epic! Expansive. 40+ Forgotten Gods, 50+ Curses. 80+ Blessings, plus Holy Weapons, magic artifacts, an overview of the Garden of the Gods, visions, miracles, Knightly protectors, Champions of the Gods, Faerie Folk, the Black Pit, five Greatest Rune Weapons of the Old Ones, mystery, secrets, and more! If this book doesn’t get players and Game Masters excited, nothing will. Garden of the Gods™ also helps to set up several other Palladium Fantasy titles in the works or done and waiting for final edit and tweaking.

In the Face of Death

UPDATE: Dead Reign®: In the Face of Death

I can’t wait to finish writing this book, but need to get The Rifter® #84 and Garden of the Gods done first. Soon! Probably a November release.

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics – Fall release

Every time I look at the artwork for this book I just think, wow. One of many titles that will excite and tantalize your imaginations. A ton of toys for players and ideas for Game Masters. Robots and power armor galore, but also the inner workings of Titan Robotics and Archie Three’s schemes. I think 80% of the artwork is done. I continue to make notes and we are all pumped up about this power armor, robot, and weapon filled sourcebook.

Rifts® Titan Robotics™ is another high-tech toy box presenting new types of armor, sleek power armor, giant robots, vehicles, and weapons sold by Titan Robotics. Ah, but Titan Robotics is much more than just another weapons manufacturer, it is the secret operation of ARCHIE-3 and all part of his plan to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics, his current schemes and plans for the future. Probably a 160 page World Book around $22.99 retail, but may expand into 192 pages.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, Campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Zeleznik, Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda. Cover by Zeleznik.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899. Fall 2019 or winter (tentative).

A Fall surprise or two

If things go well, I may slip in a Raw Edition and a surprise release before Christmas. The surprise is a little something that has been eating away at me and that I’ve been working on here and there. No more details until I know it’s coming out.

Chaos Earth Psychic Scream

UPDATE: Rifts® Chaos Earth® – Psychic Scream – Winter release

You will love Psychic Scream™, though I think I’m going to slot in Rifts® Titan Robotics™ ahead of it since so much more of that book is finished, art and all. If the description for Psychic Scream™ doesn’t get your heart pumping, I don’t know what will! Making notes and adding ideas that will blow your minds.

Rifts Antarctica

UPDATE: Rifts® Antarctica – Winter release

I am bursting with ideas and had to stop and make all kinds of notes. I think Rifts® Antarctica™ is going to surprise and delight a lot of people. It is also a great example of the fun you can have with the Raw Editions. The sold out Rifts® Antarctica Raw Edition is a far cry from what the finished book is going to be. Those of you who bought the Raw Edition get a glimpse at Palladium’s creative process. When you compare the two, you’ll see what we kept, what we eliminated, what we added, and how we embellished the material to reach the creative finale of the finished book coming this fall or winter. Fun and educational for those of you who aspire to be writers yourself or just like to have the inside track at Palladium. And true of all Raw Editions vs the finished book. Probably a fall or winter release.

Rifts® Antarctica is a truly compelling and exotic land beyond what anyone expects. A frozen continent transformed by the power of magic and alien wildlife. Long isolated from the rest of the world, Rifts, D-Shifting events and the threat of war have now brought the distant South Pole within reach. Probably a 160 page World Book around $22.99 retail.

  • New alien monsters and D-Bees.
  • Strange new weapons and vehicles. Some left over from the Golden Age of Humanity, others completely alien.
  • The Splugorth’s secret outpost. More than it would seem.
  • A Splugorth zoo and place of secret Bio-Wizard experiments.
  • Snow and Ice Golems created specifically for the cold environment.
  • An ancient city of stone that predates human history and which even the Splugorth fear, let alone their minions! Ask yourself, what could possibly scare the Splugorth? Find out.
  • Danger from Elements, Ice Witches, Icecraft, and other horrors.
  • Vostok City, a city of magic carved from the ice itself.
  • Cold-weather skills, technology and survival techniques.
  • Ancient danger and dark secrets.
  • Written by Matthew Clements, Carmen Bellaire, and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail – Cat. No. 898. Winter or spring release.

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary, Volume Two – Winter release

Nothing new on this front, but we all want it to be released as quickly as possible. Looking at a winter release.

UPDATE: The Disavowed, Living Nowhere, Beyond the Supernatural sourcebooks, and other titles

These titles and several others are NOT forgotten and are in various stages of active production or waiting for production. As always, just because a book is not specifically listed in every Weekly Update, it does not mean it is discontinued or in limbo, it means there are more immediate things to talk about or there’s no substantive news to report. We are anxious to put as many of the books you’ve been waiting for into your hands as possible over the next 18 months. That includes Rifts® Disavowed™, Chaos Earth® First Responders™, Rifts® Antarctica, Rifts® CS Arsenal™, Rifts® Living Nowhere™, Beyond the Supernatural™ sourcebooks, more Fantasy sourcebooks and other titles. So if a book you are waiting for is not mentioned in an Update, it means there is nothing new to report, but it should still be in the pipeline and news for it will be coming in the weeks or months ahead. Right now, we are focused on releases for the next six months, which by our count is 6-7 titles. And many of them are in various stages of production or development.

LAST Day – Annual Halloween Sale on – 86 Palladium Horror titles on sale – now through October 31

This Halloween Sale ends TONIGHT sometime after midnight, so this is your last chance to get 86 different Palladium horror titles. This sale carries you into realms of horror and is a great time to try new settings. Remember, all Palladium characters, monsters, villains and ideas can be easily ported from one setting to another. Sale ends October 31 and includes the following Palladium game lines:

  • Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Ed.
  • Dead Reign® RPG
  • Nightbane® RPG
  • Select Rifts® titles (Vampire Kingdoms, Africa, and others).
  • Select Rifts® Dimension Books (Hades, Dyval, others).
  • Select issues of The Rifter® and others.

86 Palladium titles in all, as well as scary fun by numerous other companies. Check out the DriveThruRPG Halloween Sale and scare up some fun.

Recent releases: Free Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Preview; The Rifter® #81: A big 112 page issue filled with “official” source material and Wolfen Vampire adventure for Palladium Fantasy RPG® (20+ NPCs), Gnomes of the Ophid’s Grasslands), Rifts® Chaos Earth® Nebraska Part 2, Heroes Unlimited™ (Super Sleuth), and more. Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come. Rifts® Dimension Book™ 15: Secrets of the Atlanteans™ (True Atlanteans, their tribes, goals, and history, more about the Sunaj, new Magic Tattoos, new Shadow Magic™, new Shadow monsters, maps and descriptions of Atlantean Stone Pyramids, and more about the wicked Sunaj’s secret agenda. An awesome resource and fun read). The Rifter® #80: A big 112 page issue filled with “official” source material for Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Rifts®, Chaos Earth® (setting and monsters), Splicers® (desert setting), Heroes Unlimited™ (villains), and more. The Rifter® #79 (Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes Unlimited™, Gaming through History, G.M., and more), The Rifter® #78 (the Modern Necromancer, Palladium Fantasy®, Rifts®, Splicers®, more); Rifts® Heroes of Humanity™, the Coalition’s response to the escalating Minion War™ crisis, Psi-Battalion, CS Demon Hunter, special training and more).

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called "bugs" invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity's Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-77. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for several game lines, but most material can be easily adapted to ANY Palladium game world. Each issue a gem.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for "ordinary people," 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Artwork by Charles Walton II, Kevin Long and others, Negatives, Toys and Collectibles always available in Kevin's Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles "Chuck" Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium's own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then "ganged" on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8x10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts

Even though our Halloween here in Michigan is getting rained out (waaaahhhh, been raining since yesterday morning non-stop), we are in a festive mood and happy that books are heading to the printer. I hope your Halloween is dry, warm, and tons of fun wherever you are.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the final hours of the DriveThru Halloween sale, but should you miss out or prefer physical books, Palladium’s Horror Sale offers most of our horror RPG settings and their sourcebooks. It starts today and runs through Tuesday.

I have been writing up a storm on Garden of the Gods™, which I hope will go into layout by the end of next week so I can finally dive headlong into In the Face of Death™ and Titan Robotics™. Happy Halloween and game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Game Designer, Writer, and Publisher

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where the customer can offer comments and suggestions with his or her Surprise Package order. Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin. Keep those imaginations burning bright, have a joyous holiday season, and game on.

You have no idea how much your comments and support mean to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments. They always brighten our day. Thank you. I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each.

To place your Christmas Surprise Package order, click here.

J.H. in Mankato, Minnesota, writes: Thanks for this [Surprise Package offer]. I love getting these, when I can. I may be able to swing another next month. Again, thanks for all of these over the years.

[Thank you, J.H. It is our joy to do these Surprise Packages and make our fans smile for the holidays. I will make that next Grab Bag next month just as good as this one. Thanks for providing a comprehensive Wish List. Happy Halloween! – KS]

C.M. in Phoenix, Arizona, writes: Some of the best gaming I’ve ever done.

[Aw shucks, C.M., thank you. We try. – KS]

J.P. in Springfield, Missouri, Writes: Awesome picks last year. Back for round two. Thanks for all you and your team do.

[Glad you enjoyed last year’s Surprise Package so much that you are coming back for more this year, J.P. Yeah, my crew drives me nuts sometimes, but they are awesome human beings and great friends who care about our fans. Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! – KS]

M.S. in Lawrenceville, Georgia, writes: Thanks for always being there doing what you do!

[You are very welcome M.S., thank you for your support. Not going to lie, there have been times when things have not been easy these last 15 years, but we are hanging tough and hoping for the best. – KS]

J.R. in Altamonte Springs, Florida, writes, in part: So once again, it is time for the annual Christmas Surprise Package. A time of year I look forward to so much even my mom said ... “when does that Palladium sale start?” Then on Friday I get the Weekly Update and, bam, there you go announcing that it is time once again. All I can say is perfect timing, Santa Kevin!

[Hey J.R., I’m glad my timing was perfect on something. Feels like I’m always chasing deadlines. We enjoyed your two songs too. Didn’t know if you would want us to share them with the world, so we are keeping them to ourselves. Thanks for making us smile and enjoy your Grab Bag. – KS]

J.L. in Texas, writes: Keep up the good work. I love the games. Thank you.

[Thank you, J.L., we appreciate the love. We have more epic fun coming for the rest of the year and throughout 2020. – KS]

Rifts Underseas Color Print

NEW! Rifts® Underseas Color Print

We unearthed 7 of this sold out fan favorite print. Get ‘em while you can.

  • Cover to the Rifts® Underseas™ World Book.
  • 11 x 14 inches in size – 10 x 13 image.
  • Suitable for framing.
  • Artist John Zeleznik.
  • $15.00 retail – Full color – Cat. No. PR825.

Rifts Psyscape Color Print

NEW! Rifts® Psyscape Color Print

We unearthed 7 of this sold out fan favorite print. Get ‘em while you can.

  • Cover to the Rifts® Psyscape™ World Book.
  • 11 x 14 inches in size – 10 x 13 image.
  • Suitable for framing.
  • Artist John Zeleznik.
  • $15.00 retail – Full color – Cat. No. PR826.

Garden of the Gods Color Print

NEW! Garden of the Gods Color Print

The cover to Garden of the Gods™ is both beautiful and evocative.

  • Cover to the Garden of the Gods™ sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy RPG®.
  • 8½ x 11 inches in size – 8 x 10½ image area.
  • Suitable for framing.
  • Artists Charles Walton Jr. And Eduardo Dominguez S.
  • $10.00 retail – Full color – Cat. No. PR827.

NEW! Super-Limited – Rifts® Bestiary Crimson and Color Cover Hardcovers – only a few available while supplies last

We thought it would be fun to make a few of the Megaverse® Insider Rifts® Bestiary™ Hardcover Editions – Crimson and Color Hardcover editions – available to those of you who might have missed the Insider offer. Each is gorgeous and limited to 150 total copies, or less. These are printer proofs signed by the Palladium crew with one of Kevin Siembieda’s large Dragon Head sketches in the front of the book. These two, rare collector editions are in high demand and will only increase in value over time, especially after Volume Two is released. As a result, the price is higher than the Insider cost per book.

80+ creatures, 18 or so new, plus all other monsters tweaked, updated and expanded. This book is packed with monstrous goodness, cool creatures for use by players, adventure ideas for Game Masters, and monsters to shake things up.

Rifts Bestiary One Crimson Hardcover

Rifts® Bestiary Crimson Hardcover “Printer Proof”

  • 4 copies available – 138 total copies were printed, most are already sold! Available on a first-come, first served basis.
  • 80+ creatures of Rifts North America described in detail.
  • Same contents as the softcover edition.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting; basic S.D.C. stats included for each creature description.
  • 256 pages – $99.00 retail – Cat. No. 896HC-Crimson.
  • Shipping now on a first come, first served basis while super-limited supply lasts!

Rifts Bestiary One Color Hardcover

Rifts® Bestiary Color Cover Hardcover “Printer Proof”

  • 8 copies available – 150 total copies were printed, most are already sold! Available on a first-come, first served basis.
  • 80+ creatures of Rifts North America described in detail.
  • Same contents as the softcover edition.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting; basic S.D.C. stats included for each creature description.
  • 256 pages – $65.00 retail – Cat. No. 896HC-CC.
  • Shipping now on a first come, first served basis while super-limited supply lasts!

Note: A few slightly damaged or defective copies of both hardcovers are also available at lower prices from Kevin’s Ebay store at

Garden of the Gods

NEW! Garden of the Gods – A Palladium Fantasy® Sourcebook – Ships October

The Garden of the Gods™ sourcebook is an adventure generator with hundreds of opportunities and ideas for players and Game Masters alike.

The Garden of the Gods is said to be a place of miracles and wisdom. A place where people of all occupations and races, nobility and peasants alike, can find peace and inspiration. Many insist the gods themselves are present, and may visit heroes and followers in dreams, visions, or in person as an avatar. The gods also inspire, bless, assign heroic quests, and give gifts of knowledge and magic. Here, all gods are equal among gods, and many a forgotten god seeks to be rediscovered and worshipped, by offering blessings, vision quests and magical artifacts to potential heroes to champion their name.

There is also an evil on the island of Lopan. An open wound in the earth known as the Black Pit.

  • 40+ Forgotten Gods.
  • 80+ Magic Artifacts.
  • 80+ Blessings.
  • 5 Weapons of destruction created by the Old Ones.
  • Godly insight, visitations, knowledge and purpose.
  • Restore forgotten gods to power.
  • Become a Champion of a god.
  • The Garden of the Gods and its protectors.
  • Ghosts, Faeries, mysteries, and ancient secrets.
  • Rumors of a secret way to the Land of the Damned.
  • The Black Pit, a place of legend and dark secrets. Is it a counterbalance to the good of the Garden of the Gods, or something even more sinister?
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements.
  • 160 pages – $22.99 retail – Cat. No. 475. Ships October.

Rifts Bestiary

Rifts® Bestiary, Volume One – Shipping Now!

Could the monsters known as Caterpillar Things be the larval form of the Mothman Monster? Is the Corrival Battler as aggressive and dangerous as adventurers claim? Are Darkhounds really magically mutated Dog Boys? Is that why they see Coalition soldiers as friends and allies? Ee-Bee Gee-Bees are kinda cute, how dangerous can they be? Is it true the animals and people slain by the Death Springer rise as zombies?! What on Rifts Earth is a Field Reaper?

This book reveals it all.

Designed with both Players and Game Masters in mind, with creatures that can be used as pets, companions, riding animals, attack animals, and even unlikely allies, as well as slobbering monsters and catalysts for adventure. Adult, juvenile, and young stages of life give every creature three different levels of power and danger. Presented as a complete ecosystem, with maps and details to bring each animal to life. All provide plenty of spice to add to your characters and adventures.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America.
  • 80+ creatures described in detail, updated and expanded.
  • New predators, exotic riding animals, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found at a glance.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Powerful art.
  • Includes basic S.D.C. stats for each creature description.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda, Charles Walton and others.
  • 256 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 896 – Shipping Now!

Rifts Bestiary Gold Hardcover

Rifts® Bestiary Vol. One – “Gold Edition” Hardcover – Signed and Numbered – Now Shipping!

A deluxe, limited, Gold Edition hardcover, signed and numbered by Palladium staff and maybe a few freelancers. It is the same content of unique creatures that can be used as familiars, pets, riding animals, guard animals, and slobbering monsters as the softcover edition in a durable hardcover. Very limited run of only 300 copies, numbered and signed by Kevin Siembieda, Palladium staff members and possibly available contributing artists and writers. Note: Historically, Palladium Books’ Gold Editions have doubled, tripled or increased in value many times over. Valued as cherished collectibles. Sold on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last. Please note the slight increase in price to $55.

  • Gold foil on a black faux leather hardcover.
  • Sewn and glued for long-lasting durability.
  • Only 300 signed and numbered copies.
  • Available only from Palladium Books.
  • Sold on a first come, first served basis while supplies last.
  • Signed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium staff.
  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America.
  • 80+ creatures described in detail.
  • Same contents as the softcover edition.
  • New predators, exotic riding animals, alien horrors, giant insects and more.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting; basic S.D.C. stats included for each creature description.
  • 256 pages – $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 896HC (Volume One). Shipping Now!

The Rifter Number 83

COMING: The Rifter® #83 – Shipping Now!

The Rifter® #83 focuses on people, places, and adventure for The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, and Beyond the Supernatural™, plus Treasures of the Megaverse®.

The Rifter® is all about new ideas, pushing the envelope, trying new things and alternative methods, rules and approaches to create epic adventure! There is no one way to look at things. Open your mind to the infinite possibilities.

Remember, adventures and source material for one game setting can also be adapted to other world settings with some easy and obvious modifications. Unleash your imagination and use The Rifter® to fuel your own campaigns. Game Masters, surprise your players with a creature or villain they never see coming because it is adapted from material for another game setting. Or give your players optional characters to play or special abilities or gear from the pages of The Rifter®. Most of all, have fun.

Rifter® #83 Highlights:

  • Treasures of the Megaverse® for Rifts® and other settings by Carl Gleba.
  • Operation Minotaur, and adventure for Beyond the Supernatural™ by Hendrik Härterich.
  • Half-Ogre race for Palladium Fantasy RPG® by Ian Herbert.
  • Prophet O.C.C. for Palladium Fantasy RPG® by Ian Herbert.
  • Hunter/Vigilante for Heroes Unlimited™ by Matt Reed.
  • The Superspy/Secret Operative for Heroes Unlimited™ by Matt Reed.
  • News, Coming Attractions, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96 pages – $14.99 retail – Cat. No. 183 – Shipping Now!

In the Face of Death

COMING: In the Face of Death – A Dead Reign® Sourcebook

“People will tell you no one can survive in the big cities. They are wrong.” – Brad Ashley, Leader of the Road Reapers in the Zombie Apocalypse.

This sourcebook is all about inner city survival. Survivor colonies finding a way to live and prosper in the big city. The conventional wisdom is that living in the big population centers is impossible. These survivors prove otherwise.

  • Inner city survival.
  • Living on the rooftops.
  • Surviving in big cities crawling with zombies.
  • Death Cults, a different type of danger.
  • Gangs, street runners, the new underground, and more.
  • Heroic Masked Lunatics as player characters.
  • Take your zombie campaign to new heights!
  • Cover by E.M. Gist. Interior art by Nick Bradshaw.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda. Adaptable to other settings.
  • 96-128 pages – $17.99 retail – Cat. No. 237.

Chaos Earth Psychic Scream

COMING: Psychic Scream – A Rifts® Chaos Earth® Sourcebook

A storm has rolled in. A psychic storm. With the Coming of the Rifts, survivors are bombarded by terrifying visions and overwhelmed with powers and abilities they never asked for, and often cannot control.

Where do you hide from the madness boiling inside of you?

What do you do if you know evil lurks hidden among your fellow survivors?

Why do the voices of alien creatures speak to you?

How do you cope when the power you unleashed to destroy a monster and save the innocent, destroys everyone but you?

Have you become a hero or another monster born in chaos?

Are these powers your family’s salvation or their damnation?

Find out in Psychic Scream!

In the wake of the Coming of the Rifts, people begin to see ghosts and demons, they unleash lightning from their fingertips, command fire and water, hurl boulders and girders with their minds, and manifest a wide range of mental powers. Psionic abilities fueled by the explosive return of magic and the unchecked flow of dimensional energy that is off the charts.

Psychic abilities more powerful than anything known after the Two Hundred Years Dark Age. Wondrous and lifesaving. But also seething and out of control. The psychics’ own minds bombarded by feelings of dread, visions of horror, and the thoughts and emotions of everyone around them. For many, it is too much, sending them careening into madness. For others, it creates heroes forged from chaos.

  • Untamed psychic abilities. More powerful than anything known later on Rifts Earth.
  • New psychic powers and character classes.
  • New psionic monsters and invaders.
  • Insanity, side-effects and horror.
  • Adventure ideas and more. All people, powers and monsters that become myths and legends told about the events during the Two Hundred Years Dark Age.
  • Written by Taylor White and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 96-128 pages – $17.99 retail – Cat. No. 667. An autumn or winter release.

The Rifter Number 84

UPDATE: The Rifter® #84 – October release

The Rifter® is all about new ideas, pushing the envelope, trying new things and alternative methods, rules and approaches to create epic adventure! There is no one way to look at things. Open your mind to the infinite possibilities.

This issue focuses on dark places, monsters, magic, and the supernatural just in time for the Halloween season.

  • Golems in the Myst, source material for Rifts® by Greg Diaczyk.
  • The Kingdom of Raf-Chalon for the Palladium Fantasy RPG® by Glen Evans.
  • The Dark City of Cascade for Heroes Unlimited™ by Matt Reed, inspired by the work of Erick Wujcik.
  • Spellbound O.C.C. for Nightbane® RPG by Ian Herbert.
  • All Quiet on the Western... What? An Adventure for Beyond the Supernatural™ by Kyle Osterberg.
  • The Dimma, a short story and new monster for Beyond the Supernatural™ by Steven Dawes.
  • John Zeleznik cover.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • 96 pages – $14.99 retail – Cat. No. 184. October release.

Palladium Open House

2021 Palladium Open House Highlights

  • Game at the Palladium Books warehouse with the people who create the games you enjoy! There is nothing really quite like the Palladium Open House (POH). An intimate setting and unprecedented access to 40+ Palladium creators – writers, artists, editors, freelancers, staff – available to you for almost the entire event. Many of them – Kevin Siembieda, Julius Rosenstein, Carl Gleba, Greg Diaczyk, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten, Steve Dawes, Paul “Herbie” Herbert, Ian Herbert, Hendrik Härterich, James Brown and many others – running games or participating in events.
  • The POH is not a convention. It is a gathering of friends and gamers in a celebratory family reunion atmosphere. Three days (four with VIP Day) of gaming, fun, and laughter. We are told on a regular basis how the Palladium Open House is unlike any event they have ever attended. That’s probably why we get gamers from across the globe. Not just the USA and Canada, but from England, Germany, Spain, South America and as far away as Australia!
  • Celebrate Palladium’s landmark 40th Anniversary with us!
  • Intimate setting, unlike big conventions.
  • Family reunion and party atmosphere for the entire event.
  • Join the fun and make memories to last a lifetime.
  • Price of admission covers all RPG events.
  • Limited to only 300 attendees! May sell out.
  • Inexpensive hotels minutes away ($50-$100). 15 minutes from Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Near major highways.
  • Three days of gaming (4 for those attending VIP night), plus panel talks and more.
  • Many events run by the writers, artists, and creators who make the games!
  • Saturday Live Hosted Auction (original art, out of print items and oddities).
  • Held at the Palladium warehouse and office where your favorite games are made. 39074 Webb Court, Westland, Michigan 48185.
  • Typically 30+ Palladium creators are present to chat, sign books, sell prints and original art, and for our 40th Anniversary we’re expecting even more.
  • Get original artwork, character sketches, books, T-shirts, and more.
  • A POH only happens every 2-4 years, and our 40th Anniversary only happens once in a lifetime. So please spread the word and start planning to join the fun, April 22-25, 2021, for an incredible experience.
  • Palladium Open House – April 23-25,2021 (April 22 for VIP Day)

Admissions: Covers all games and event except VIP Day.

  • Weekend Pass: $60 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
  • Friday (only): $30
  • Saturday (only): $30
  • Sunday (only): $10
  • VIP Thursday Cost: $117 (Thursday only)– April 22, 2019 (special): 1:00 PM doors open and you get first crack at limited editions, original art, new products, specialty items, and to meet Palladium staff and creators – 6:00 PM dinner – 7:00 PM Opening Ceremonies – 8:00 PM the evening’s games begin. Limited to about 100-120 people. Note: VIP Thursday always sells out fast, so we offer around 50% of the tickets now, and the remainder at a later date.

All major credit cards accepted. Order online ( or by phone (734-721-2903 order line), or by mail. Send check or money order to: Palladium Open House – 39074 Webb Court – Westland, MI 48185-7606

  • Space is limited. We can only safely accommodate 300 or so people at the Palladium warehouse, so admission tickets are LIMITED. Once we fill up we will have to turn people away. We don’t anticipate that ... but it might happen based on initial excitement levels. We highly recommend ordering your admission tickets as soon as possible.
  • To ensure everyone has a chance to attend, we offer admissions in three waves. This is the first. The second will probably be in February or March. The third in August.
  • Your credit card will be charged and funds withdrawn NOW, to guarantee your place for the April 2021 POH 40th Anniversary event. Refund details are presented in the more expansive Online Store Description.

Palladium Open House List of Creators Expected to Attend

43 Palladium personalities have already confirmed they will be attending our 40th Anniversary Open House, plus we have a half dozen tentative. And we will almost certainly be adding more for the largest gathering of Palladium creators ever! Here is the list of Palladium Artists, Writers & Personalities for the 2021 POH. Those with an asterisk are “tentative” at this time.

  • Amy L. Ashbaugh (Artist)
  • Brandon Aten (Writer; Triax 2, Madhaven, The Sovietski, The Rifter®)
  • Sarah Aten (Writer, Helper)
  • Matthew Balent (Author of Weapons & Armor, Weapons & Castles, Monsters and Animals, and other titles; he was present at the start of Palladium Books!)
  • Thomas Bartold* (Defiler, Writer, Island at the Edge of the World) – “tentative”
  • Rex Bardoll (Staff, Writer, IT, Concept and Development)
  • Carmen Bellaire (Writer and Game Designer; Powers Unlimited 1-3, Splicers®, Naruni, RRT and more.)
  • Joseph Bergmans (Honorary Staff Member, Helper, Consultant)
  • James Brown (Game Master Supreme, Megaversal Ambassador)
  • Matt Burch (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Cameron Cleveland (Writer, Game Master, Concept Guy)
  • Matthew Clements (Writer, Northern Gun™ 1 & 2)
  • Steven Dawes (Writer, Dark Places™, The Rifter®)
  • Greg Diaczyk (Writer, Rifts® Lemuria, The Rifter®)
  • Mark Dudley (Artist and Game Master)
  • Will Erwin (Artist, Maps, Writer, Game Master)
  • Ian Herbert (Writer, Game Master, the Rifter®)
  • Paul Herbert (Writer, Game Master, the Rifter®)
  • Adam Hutchens (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Carl Gleba (Writer, Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Minion War™ series, Hades, Dyval, and many others, and an awesome G.M.)
  • Chris Guertin (Honorary Staff Member/Helper)
  • Patrick “Jake” Jakubowski* (Megaversal Ambassador & Game Master)
  • Doug Lamberson (Honorary Staff Member/Helper)
  • “Madman” Mike Leonard (Artist and Writer)
  • Daniel Luna (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Allen Manning (Artist)
  • Brian Manning (Artist and Writer)
  • Alex Marciniszyn (Staff Editor and Research)
  • Mike Mumah (Artist)
  • Mark Oberle (Writer, Nightbane® and Rifter®)
  • Apollo Okamura (Artist)
  • Ramon K. Perez* (Artist, Comic Books) – “tentative”
  • Matt Reed (Writer, G.M., The Rifter®, Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Robert Slaughter (Writer, G.M., Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Robert Slaughter Jr (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Steve Glasgow* (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast) – “tentative”
  • Sean Robertson* (Writer, Art Director, Savage Rifts® RPG line) – “tentative”
  • Ben Rodriguez (Artist)
  • Julius Rosenstein (Staff, Writer, Editor & Game Master)
  • Jeff “NMI” Ruiz (Palladium’s Online Administrator & MA)
  • Kevin Siembieda (Staff, Founder, Writer, Artist & Game Master)
  • Kathy Simmons (Staff, Order Processing & Customer Services)
  • Josh Sinsapaugh (Writer, Rifter® Contributor)
  • Wayne Smith (Staff, Editor, and Editor-in-Chief of The Rifter®)
  • Charles Walton II (Artist, Writer, Splicers)
  • Zakk Werner (Guides to the Megaverse® Podcast)
  • Taylor White (Writer and Musician)
  • John Zeleznik (Cover Artist) – CONFIRMED
  • And more are likely to be added to this list

Hotels for 2021 Palladium Open House Group Block – April 22 (VIP Day) thru Sunday, April 25, 2021

We always find nice, clean, inexpensive hotels for you. For the 2021 POH we have reserved two fan faves from previous POHs, the Red Roof Inn on Ann Arbor Road east of I-275, and the Comfort Inn Plymouth-West Livonia (once known as the Clock Tower Hotel) on Ann Arbor Road just west of I-275, down the street from each other.

Comfort Inn Plymouth-West Livonia

40455 Ann Arbor Road
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 455-8100 and ask for the Palladium Books Group Block

  • $99.00 plus tax per night for a 2 Queen Beds Room. I believe 50 rooms are available. All rooms have the following:
    - 2 queen-size beds
    - Microwave and refrigerator
    - Premium bedding
    - Separate work area
    - Flat-screen TV
    - Coffee maker
    Other Amenities include:
    - Free premium Wi-Fi
    - Free hot breakfast
    - Meeting space
    - Indoor pool

The Comfort Inn is roughly 3 miles away from the Palladium warehouse and right off I-275 and Ann Arbor Road. Make sure you tell them you want the Palladium Books Group Block.

Red Roof Inn #016 (Plymouth)

39700 Ann Arbor Road
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 459-3300 and ask for the Palladium Books Group Block

  • $49.95 plus tax per night for a 2 Double Beds Room – or – one king-size bed single. Note: You must request TWO double beds to insure that’s what you get. I believe only 30 rooms with double beds are available, plus 20 king-size bed singles.
  • $55 for a Superior King with mini-fridge, microwave, desk, one king-size bed, and space for one or two sleeping bags or air mattresses. The hotel allows you to bring one or two with you for one or two additional roommates. The Superior King also makes a decent room for gaming after hours.

The Red Roof Inn is only 3 miles away from the Palladium warehouse and right off I-275 and Ann Arbor Road. Make sure you tell them you want the Palladium Books Group Block and request two beds if that’s what you need. Located in Plymouth, Michigan. Note: If we should need more hotels there is a nearby La Quinta and some other hotels we can tap. More details about the 2021 POH and hotel information is posted in the Palladium online store.

Have you gotten your Rifts® Baseball Cap or Mugs?

It's summertime! Which means it’s time for baseball caps. The new Rifts® baseball caps are waiting for you. I’ve been wearing my inexpensive, red Rifts logo printed on a black cap ($11.99) every morning walk and while doing yard work for weeks now, and I love it. All are 100% cotton.

And while we’re at it, don’t forget about the new gamer mugs for your beverage of choice. They are sharp with a splash of color. See more detailed descriptions at the end of this Update or in the store.

SMASH HIT! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet – available now

Gamers are going bonkers over the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet. And why not? What’s not to love? Prysus did a wonderful job, and will continue to tweak and upgrade it. All of us at Palladium are thrilled so many of you are enjoying this helpful and fun product. A real bargain for what you get. Continue to enjoy.

The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook, this sheet saves you time and hassle with each character you create.

Features & Benefits:

  • The Main Character Sheet Page collects the important data from across multiple tabs and puts it in one place for quick and easy reference.
  • Separate sheets examine character construction (worktable), Skills, Magic, Psionics, and Combat in greater detail.
  • Built-in leveling system that calculates skill advancement for you!
  • Experience Tables for over 80 O.C.C.s already programmed.
  • Recognizes the percentages for nearly 150 skills, plus combat bonuses for over 20 Weapon Proficiencies and 7 Hand to Hand styles.
  • Calculates the speed and distance a character can run and jump based on character Attributes.
  • Also calculates how much a character can lift, carry, and throw for humanoids, Giants, and Supernatural Beings.
  • Add in your own Hand to Hand style, custom Skills, unique Weapon Proficiencies, and Experience Tables.
  • Estimated time to build a character reduced by 20% or more.
  • Instructions on how to use the sheet included, as well as a video walkthrough below.
  • Important Note: This character sheet is built to be used with Microsoft Excel 2010+ and it comes in .XLSX format. Opening this file in other spreadsheet programs is NOT guaranteed to work as intended.
  • Only $3.00 – available now!
  • Watch the Overview video here:

Rifts Logo 16 Ounce Coffee Mug

NEW! Rifts® LOGO Coffee Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand, but bigger and better than ever. The new mug is larger (16 ounce) than past coffee mugs, the artwork is larger and appears on both sides of the mug, and the mug has a color interior, adding a nice splash of color to your morning or game time beverage. Please note these new mugs have a different (we think nicer) style and shape than the coffee mugs we sold in years past.

  • The famous Rifts® logo in white on a black mug.
  • Art is located on the front and back of the mug.
  • Glossy black exterior with a bright blue interior.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.

Property of the Coalition 16 Ounce Coffee Mug

NEW! Rifts® Property of the Coalition States Coffee Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand, but bigger and better than ever. The new mug is larger (16 ounce) than past coffee mugs, the artwork is larger and appears on both sides of the mug, and the mug has a color interior, adding a nice splash of color to your morning or game time beverage. Please note these new mugs have a different (we think nicer) style and shape than the coffee mugs we sold in years past.

  • The “Property of the Coalition States®” logo with CS Skull and Lightning Bolt in white on a black mug. Very dynamic.
  • Art is located on the front and back of the mug.
  • Glossy black exterior with a bright red interior.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Palladium Fantasy Dragon 16 Ounce Coffee Mug

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Dragon” Coffee Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand. The new mug is larger (16 ounce) than past coffee mugs, the artwork is larger and appears on both sides of the mug, and the mug has a color interior, adding a nice splash of color to your morning or game time beverage. Please note these new mugs have a different (we think nicer) style and shape than the coffee mugs we sold in years past.

  • The fan favorite “3-Headed Hydra” battling a knight from the iconic, original Palladium Fantasy RPG® cover. Red art on a black mug.
  • Art appears on the front and back of the mug.
  • Glossy black exterior with an attractive orange interior.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.

Rifts Screen Printed Baseball Cap

NEW! Rifts® Screen Printed Twill Baseball Cap – available now

Back due to popular demand are three different Rifts® baseball caps. This affordable, black baseball cap has a vibrant, red “Rifts®” logo screen printed on a lightweight, unstructured twill baseball cap with Velcro closure. Looks great.

  • The word “Rifts” in red on a black baseball cap.
  • Lightweight, 100% cotton twill cap.
  • Adjustable self-material strap with Velcro® closure.
  • Five panel, medium profile with unstructured crown and pre-curved visor.
  • One size fits most.
  • $11.99 retail – Cat. No. 2590 – available now.

Rifts Embroidered Red Logo Baseball Cap

NEW! Red Rifts® Embroidered Baseball Cap – available now

Back due to popular demand are three different Rifts® baseball caps. This particular one is a black, soft, brushed cotton twill baseball cap with a rich, red “Rifts®” logo embroidered on it. Adjustable metal buckle. Looks fabulous.

  • The word “Rifts” embroidered in red on a black baseball cap.
  • Soft, brushed cotton twill baseball cap. 100% cotton.
  • Adjustable strap with metal buckle.
  • One size fits most. Hand wash only.
  • $21.99 retail – Cat. No. 2591 – available now.

Rifts Embroidered White Logo Baseball Cap

NEW! White Rifts® Embroidered Baseball Cap – available now

Back due to popular demand are three different Rifts® baseball caps. This particular cap is a navy blue, soft, brushed twill cotton baseball cap with a silvery white “Rifts®” embroidered on it. Adjustable metal buckle. Looks fabulous.

  • The word “Rifts” embroidered in white on a navy blue baseball cap.
  • Soft, brushed cotton twill baseball cap. 100% cotton.
  • Adjustable strap with metal buckle.
  • One size fits most. Hand wash only.
  • $21.99 retail – Cat. No. 2592 – available now.

Rifts Titan Robotics Raw Preview Edition

NEW! Rifts® Titan Robotics Raw Preview Limited Edition – Available now

It is back from the printer, looks great, and is shipping now. The "Raw Preview Edition" of Rifts® Titan Robotics™ is an advance copy of the unedited, unillustrated, working manuscript of a new Rifts® sourcebook coming later this year. You get to see the unfinished book months before the final title is released. A rare look at the raw manuscript before final edit, rewrites and publication. Limited to a total of 150 copies.

Rifts® Titan Robotics™ is one of Palladium’s secret projects and something of a companion to Rifts® Northern Gun™ One and Two. It contains information about Titan Robotics, ARCHIE Three, how the company operates, its secrets, its plans, and a selection of new robot vehicles, power armor, body armor, weapons, gear, and dozens and dozens of adventure hooks and ideas.

Note: The finished book is anticipated to ship in the summer or fall 2019, but you can see what it’s all about right now and even start playing with this special Preview Edition!

  • Limited collector’s edition – only 150 total copies.
  • Sold on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
  • A rare glimpse at the virgin manuscript and a work in progress.
  • Written by Matthew Clements.
  • 112 pages – Limited Edition – $20.99 – Cat. No. 899-RAW.
  • The Raw Edition is shipping now. Do not miss out.

Garden of the Gods Raw Preview Edition

NEW! Garden of the Gods – Raw Preview Limited Edition – available now

The "Raw Preview Edition" of Garden of the Gods™, for Palladium Fantasy RPG®, is an advance copy of the unedited, unillustrated, working manuscript for this new Fantasy sourcebook. You get to see the unfinished book months before the final title is released. A rare look at the raw manuscript before final edit, rewrites and publication. Limited to a total of 150 copies.

This epic sourcebook presents the mysterious Garden of the Gods, a place of quiet miracles and wonders, its guardians, its many secrets, its many dozens of statues of unknown and forgotten gods, visions, omens, and the blessings available at the garden. As well as lurking darkness, the ominous Black Pit, and countless adventure hooks and ideas. The perfect prelude to the upcoming Lopan Fantasy World Book.

  • Limited collector’s edition – only 150 total copies.
  • Sold on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
  • A rare glimpse at the virgin manuscript and a work in progress.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements.
  • 96 pages – Limited Edition – $20.99 – Cat. No. 475-RAW.
  • The Raw Edition is shipping right now. Do not miss out.

Rifts Soft Touch Ballpoint Pen with Stylus

NEW: Rifts® Pen – available now

A high quality, soft touch Rifts® pen with stylus is now available. The pen fits very comfortably in the hand, has a nice, black ink and writes smooth and evenly every time. I have been using the sample pen for a month and love it. Everyone here loves this pen and you will too. Will be considered as a Surprise Package request.

  • Rifts® Soft Touch Pen with Stylus.
  • Comfortable, "soft touch" finish.
  • Dark blue exterior with silver tip and clip.
  • Black ink.
  • Capacitive stylus for use with smartphones and tablets.
  • $5.00 retail – Cat. No. 2586 – Available now.

Palladium Gift Certificates

Palladium Gift Certificates now available

You asked for them, so due to popular request, you can now purchase Palladium Gift Certificates for your gaming friends and loved ones. The prompts should be pretty self-explanatory. You purchase the desired amount, fill out the email info of that person along with an optional gift message, and that individual gets an email with info on how to redeem the Gift Certificate and you get a confirmation email. Simple.

The Rifter Number 82

The Rifter® #82 – Available now

The Rifter® #82 is all about discovery and unleashing the power inside of you. That's true whether you are playing a Chaos Earth® Pyromancer™ learning to survive and save lives after the Great Cataclysm; or a newly awakened Nightbane® seeking his or her purpose in a dark world of conspiracy and demons; or a Heroes Unlimited™ vigilante trained to the height of physical perfection in a war against evil; or an RPG gamer like you and me, unleashing our imaginations to create wonderful new characters and epic adventures. This issue of The Rifter® also lovingly celebrates a master of unleashed imagination and big thinking, Erick Wujcik, ten years after his untimely passing. Bits of Palladium history and heartfelt sentiments revealed along the way. Enjoy.

Rifter® #82 Highlights:

  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® – Pyromancy, Nebraska Part Three – by Daniel Frederick, Matthew Clements & Kevin Siembieda. 50+ Pyromancy spells, the Pyromancer O.C.C., Zone Twisters, notable characters, and more. "Official" source material.
  • Rifts® Bestiary Sneak Preview – by Kevin Siembieda and Charles Walton II. A few choice new monsters to whet your appetite for the Rifts® Bestiary, Volumes One and Two, and the books to follow. "Official" source material.
  • Heroes Unlimited – by Matt Reed. An expanded look at the unique heroes who do not possess super abilities, but rather turn their bodies into fighting machines via physical training and dedicated force of will.
  • Nightbane® – Age Modifiers and Education Rules – by Mark Oberle. Tables and stats for determining an occupation and skills based on the age of the character. Plus more insight to being a Nightbane and a few new skills. "Official" source material.
  • Gaming Advice from Erick Wujcik – Thinking Big and The Name Giver, sage advice reprinted from The Rifter® #1 & #2.
  • Erick Wujcik Remembered – Erick touched countless lives with his big personality, inspiring mind, and body of work. Ten years after his death, Erick continues to inspire everyone who met him. Friends and fans remember this unique individual and his work. Insight to the man and Palladium Books, the company he loved. Written by Kevin Siembieda and many, many others. A celebration of life.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • 112 pages – $14.99 retail – Cat. No. 182. Available now.

COMING! Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

More notorious Rifts® monsters and animals, old and new, everything updated and expanded.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized in two big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated descriptions and information for existing monsters.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Fully illustrated, much of the art by Charles Walton II, along with Siembieda and many others.
  • 192-224 pages each volume – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two). In production.

Fun and Notable Podcasts and Sites that feature Palladium Books

  • Savage Rifts® Voice of Hope Podcast: An in-character world building podcast for Rifts® and Rifts® Savage Worlds® intended to provide players and Game Masters with world background, adventure hooks, and NPCs. All of which are excellent resources. And don't miss the interview with Sean Masters (the host), Cameron Cleveland (G.M. and mastermind behind the Rifts® Living Campaign Club), Sean Patrick Fannon (writer and game designer, Rifts® Savage Worlds, etc.), and Kevin Siembieda at the end of Episode 19 (it's time stamped). You can check it out for yourself at and on itunes.
  • Questwise and the Rifts® Explorer's Guide – See product reviews and videos about Rifts® and other Palladium Books games as well as fun contests and gaming insight. New videos post regularly. Check it out for yourself here:
    The Questwise Rifts® Explorer's Guide series travels the Megaverse® to reveal information about notable locations in Rifts®. The video about Northern Gun and Michigan's Upper Peninsula can be found it here:
  • The Guides to the Megaverse® podcast consists of a Palladium group with a collective total of over 100 years of gaming! The crew's Actual Play format consists of long term campaigns in Heroes Unlimited™, Robotech®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Beyond the Supernatural™, with occasional games in other settings. There are more than 90 episodes available for download. Check them out here:
  • Through Gamer Goggles – Matt Lemke's podcasts and YouTube videos cover the gaming industry. In fact if you haven't seen them yet, check out his many Gen Con interviews:
  • HippoTV on The good folks at HippoTV ( host a wide variety of games most days of the week. For fans of Palladium Books® they feature a Heroes Unlimited™ and an After the Bomb® space game. The gamers playing these games come from all over the world, are very enthusiastic, and represent a wide variety of experience with Palladium's games.

If you are doing a Palladium fan-based website, podcasts, YouTube programming, etc., please let us know so we can take a look at what you are doing and so we can give you a shout out. We do not have the staff and resources to do everything we want to do, so we appreciate the fan sites that feature Palladium Books' games and settings and promote the RPG hobby. Awesome. We are happy to support you when we can.

What's New and Coming (in production or development):

And much more in development for Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, Dead Reign®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Splicers® and more!

Copyright 2019 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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© Copyright 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.| Site -Developed by Rex Barkdoll

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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