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The place to buy Palladium artwork . . .

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:05 pm
by Kevin
The place to buy Palladium artwork is the 2007 Open House.

I just got off the phone with John Zeleznik and he’s planning to bring a large number of his paintings for display and sale at the Open House, including the two original paintings for the Rifts Ultimate Edition end sheets (Chi-Town by Night and Emperor Prosek’s Throne Room). John is also bringing a bunch of his black and white art from Skraypers as well as 20 or more different art prints.

This is the most original art John Zeleznik has ever taken to ANY game convention or offered for sale at a single time! Art collectors take advantage of this rare opportunity!

Art fans come and see his fabulous work. Collectors, come to buy, buy, buy!

And that’s not all . . .

Ramon Perez
Apollo Okamura
Scott Johnson
Mark Evans
Mark Dudley
Kent Burles
Brian Manning
Allen Manning
Nick Bradshaw
Comfort Deborah Love
Adam Withers
Mike Mumah
. . . and other Palladium Artist
are ALL bringing original art work and limited edition prints to show and sell at the Palladium Open House.
I may offer some of my own art too and select pieces from my art collection.

I’m telling you, this event is going to be incredible. Not only will there be great art and artists at the Open House, but a zillion great Game Masters and a dozen awesome writers, including Erick Wujcik! It is the biggest line up of Palladium creators EVER!

Erick Wujcik will be holding panel talks and running games too. Come on, this is your chance to play in a game run by Erick Wujcik, Carl Gleba, Jason Richards, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten, Todd Yoho, Julius Rosenstein, me and other Palladium creators! Check out the short descriptions of every guest attending under the Featured Guests heading on the Open House Board.

It’s going to be FANTASTIC!!!!

Sorry if I’m overly exuberant, but I’ve been talking to people and working on Open House stuff for the last two days and I’m pumped up about it!

I hope as many of you come down for the fun as you can.

Last year’s event was full of hope, love and support to keep Palladium going.

This year will be a celebration of having survived and our continuing fight to get completely back on our feet!

Come and get 40+ different autographs! Come and meet 40+ creators and guests! Come and meet fellow gamers from around the world! Come and by books and rare artwork. Come and play and play and play!

No murmur today, I’m hyper and shouting!

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist, and Game Partying Animal
© copyright February 16, 2007