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Hank, Grab Bags & Updates – October 17, 2006

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:30 pm
by Kevin
Hank, Grab Bags & Updates – October 17, 2006

The last two weeks have been insanely busy, frustrating and stressful. Today was the worst, at least for me, personally. However, although I have yet to find time to write (that's the frustrating part), I feel like I did get a lot done. Not enough, but a lot.

61 Christmas Surprise Packages are on the way

We shipped out the first 32 X-Mas Grab Bags on Monday and another 29 today. 61 total and counting – so we’re off to a great start.

I’m trying to make each one as special as possible. Most of you (though not all) have made that part of the job easy by giving us big lists of goodies from which to make selections. I’d say each Grab Bag is averaging between $75 to $90 worth of “surprises.” All signed for those of you who ask.

Hank is back and taking it slow

The cast is off his arm, the arm is a bit swollen, there is some pain and stiffness, but the arm seems to be fairly okay, at least from Hank’s point of view.

Therapy is a certainty and an X-ray and examination next week will determine if surgery will be required. Let’s hope not, eh.

Hank’s been helping out here and there, mostly signing hundreds of books for Grab Bags. None of us want him to overdo it.

The Rifter® #34 is SOLD OUT and Outta Print

The last one sold over the weekend. Those of you who snapped up a copy while you still could were smart.

Rumor has it that a few other online sellers of RPG product have some at cover price, but good luck finding them.

30 copies of Rifts® Ultimate Gold are left for sale!

If you’ve been meaning to get a copy of the signed and numbered, Rifts® Ultimate Gold Edition you better act fast. There are only 30 copies left for sale.

After they are gone, the only way you’ll be able to find one is at a higher price on Ebay and in Christmas Grab Bags (we have around 50 printer proof, unnumbered copies available for the 2007 Grab Bags, and I have put aside 90 numbered copies and a few more unsigned copies that will be doled out over the next few Christmas Grab Bags in the years to come . . . assuming Palladium gets on its feet and is around for years to come).

Rifter® #21 & Rifts® Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks™ are back – kind of

Available on-line only. We are doing a Special Limited Run of about 100 copies each to be made available on-line only from Palladium Books.

Mindwerks™ will sell at the new cover price of $14.95 plus shipping. Hopefully, this will be enough to supply those who NEED the book until we can do a normal, large reprinting.

The Rifter® #21 will sell for $15.95 plus shipping; a bargain considering we’ve seen it selling on-line for as much as $70! (Shocked the heck out of us).

Get ‘em while you can. Don’t know if we’ll be doing any additional “mini-press runs” after these, although we may do mini-reprint runs of a handful of other titles if these sell well. Note: Because of the short run, these titles will probably not be made available for X-Mas Grab Bags, sorry.

1858 A Megaverse® United prints sold to date

We think we’ll continue to sell these till the one year anniversary of the print’s release. Then it's gone.

389 Heroes of the Megaverse® sold to date

Who will be the next 10 folks to win seeing their names turned into a published Palladium character?

For you Collector types, only 180 prints signed by Freddie E. Williams II are available only upon request in a Christmas Grab Bag. While supplies last.

Convention Appearances

UberCon VIII – New Jersey – is this weekend (Oct 20, 21 & 22) – hope to see some of you there. I’m participating in something like six panels and running a game (or two), plus we have five big dealer tables and special guests, artist, Mark Evans and writer, Brandon Aten!

Youmacon – November 3, 4 & 5 – Troy, Michigan – Wayne, Me, Julius and other members of the Palladium crew will be selling books, participating in panel talks, signing autographs, chatting with fans and having fun at this anime/gaming convention. Join us won’t you?

That’s it for now.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, President, Writer and Busy Person
© October 17, 2006