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Siezing the moment

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:46 pm
by Kevin
Palladium Fans are the greatest.

Despite what some of Palladium’s detractors might think, I hate making appeals to our fans for help. One, I feel like I’m imposing on you. Two, I don’t want to upset or worry anybody. Three, you have all done so much already.

There is usually fast and furious commentary and responses to a posting like The Next Step to Save Palladium that went up yesterday, October 11, 2006, – so when there was very little commentary, I thought, “That’s it, they hate me.”

Truth is, I guess there’s just not much more to be said, so Palladium fans are simply taking action buying Open House tickets, prints, Grab Bags, T-shirts, laser-etched glasses, books and other product. I almost cried when Kathy told me we did $3000 in sales overnight. That’s one reprint of a small or medium-sized book!

Palladium fans are truly the best. Thank you so much. You guys and gals are incredible. Nobody can touch you! I mean that. I hope you know how much your caring and help means to us. When Palladium is back on its feet (and we will get back on our feet if I have anything to do with it!) YOU will have played a huge role in that Herculean accomplishment. YOU are truly inspirational Heroes of the Megaverse.

If this kind of support keeps up from now throughout the Holiday season, Palladium should have the revenue it needs to do reprints and make the moves that will help guarantee the company’s survival! Please keep spreading the word and helping in what little ways you can.

You do your part, and I promise we will do our’s. I will try my very best not to let you down. Heck, together we’ve already made great progress, and working together to meet the new challenges of this crossroad I think we’re going to succeed again.

I am so pumped up that I’m working like a madman today. I haven’t even stopped to eat yet, and its going on 5:00 in the afternoon!

We can save Palladium Books! We can do this! I can feel it!! Palladium fans are awesome!!!

I won’t be able to post again before Monday or Tuesday, so I wanted to take this moment to tell you how much your help means and how excited I am about it. Tony Falzon and I will be heading off for the Alliance/Diamond Retailer Summit in Fort Wayne Indiana, first thing tomorrow morning. And on Monday, we’ll be processing the first hundred or so Christmas Grab Bags, so I figured I better post a Murmur now. Though this is probably more of a rant than a Murmur. :)

Thank you all and have a great weekend!

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist, and Awestruck at Palladium Fans
© October 2006