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About writing

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:17 pm
by AlexM
You want to be a writer and want some insight into the process. Stories are about conflicts and solving problems.

First, you need a setting. Earth, an alien world, inner city or someplace in another country. And a time, the present, past or future.

About your setting, what is it like? Imagine being there and briefly describing what you see. You have now set the stage for your story.

It often begins with the main character doing something or about to do something. He or she could be in the middle of battle or about to enter battle, or answers a phone call for help and is on his way. This guy is doing something and you (the reader) want to know what happens next.

There are certain formulas you can use to lay out the rest of the story. But believe me, even Hollywood has not found "the" formula for turning out hit movies consistently.

The main character needs to be three dimensional. He should have likes and dislikes and a distinct personality, including a few flaws. Otherwise, he becomes the generic hero who can do no wrong and who always wins, not an imperfect human being like the rest of us. Even if he is a super hero, he can make mistakes.

The bad guy is often a person who the main character has to stop from doing something. The villain also needs a personality and some type of motivation for doing what he is about to do. He usually wins the first few encounters with the main character through a clever plan or luck or by treachery. This is where you need to be creative so that he does not seem to be exactly or a lot alike other popular villains in movies, books or television. Perhaps he has a unique power, or device, or... think up a few of your own.

After a few encounters between the hero and villain, who may do other bad things on his way to completing his evil plan, you come to the end of the story, usually involving a climactic battle with the two antagonists. What will be the means used by both to fight the final battle? Fists and martial arts one on one? Weapons, either high or low tech or both? Vehicle to vehicle, ground, air or space? Or maybe all of the above?

Hope this helps,
Alex Marciniszyn