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-10 is Gone

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:47 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Thou -10 was never in Robotech, it was Added as part of Palladium system as of the Rifts GMG, but... Kevin has Removed the most hated rule fomr his books:
Read here in the Rifts Fourm:

Though the new -10 Rules are for Close Combat, how about Adopting a simmiler set of Rules For Mecha. Human Size rules are as Follows:

it is -10 to dodge at pointblank range, being defined as 0-10 away, WITH BONUSES.

-5 to dodge 10-50 feet away, with bonuses.

no especial penalties to dodge at greater than 50 feet, with bonuses

For Mech I Though Adding a 0 to the end of Each Distance would work
0-100: -10 dodge
101-500-: -5 Dodge
501+: no modifier

It would Kinda Make Sense... a Bioroid 50ft fomr a Hovertank is gonna have a tough time getting out of the way of his Main cannon shot.

Whats your Opion on Bonuses/Peneaties to Combat based on Distance/Speed?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:24 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Just a Free Note: The Who "Protoculture" Link Never Existed in the Serise, Makes no Sense, and is Kinda Dumb. (oh, beore you say novels.... I Said Serise )

but by the Logics here... a Battle pod gets the Jump on your VF-1... and Fires a Full Blast fomr his Auto-Cannon.... the 43ft Tall vf, Nimbilly Ducks the Blast Simply because its Nuclear Powerplant has a uses another Substance, beside Uranium, as a Reaction mass.

Robotech Mecha Still Have Some of the best Bonuses in the Palladium system, Applying a Bit of Realism, and Threat to your Game isnt a terribly bad thing.

Protoculture/Fusion Engines

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:50 pm
by Raiden
I'm going to have to agree with AlexanderDeath on this one. While i'm not the biggest Robotech Fan here on these boards, and I don't usually pipe up with anything intelligent to say, I will say this, Protoculture is the fuel that drives all of the mecha in the Robotech Universe. In the Japanese "Macross" Universe the mecha are fusion driven, as Protoculture in that series refers to the "First Race."

My two cents

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:50 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
AlexanderDeath wrote:Now to poke a hole in your many typos: Fusion powered mecha are only in Japanese Macross, Robotech is based on Protoculture being the power source (Or so is the argument constantly waged.)

Please Dont be a Troll.
Pointing out my Lack of Ability to use the Spell Check button is Harasssment.

Several Peole at have proposed an Idea that Protoculture is nothing more than a Chemical Additive to a normal Fusion Process that is basically a Super Coolent.
With the Way peopel Define Protoclutur's Uses is sounds alot more liek the Shmoo, you can eat it, use it as fule, its a All around good thing.

Though Lunks comments in Ep. 72make it seam that way:
""Yuck!" Lunk makes a face. "You know what protoculture tastes like? I may be hungry, but I ain’t that hungry!"

Raiden wrote:I will say this, Protoculture is the fuel that drives all of the mecha in the Robotech Universe. In the Japanese "Macross" Universe the mecha are fusion driven, as Protoculture in that series refers to the "First Race."

Thanks, I dont think I'd ever Confuse Macross and Robotech. (before or after your post)

I dont think Protoculture is Responsible for making Mecha any Faster/Agile or "Cooler". In Ep. 65 "Curtian Call" The Cola Van Driver is Given a Ration of Protoculture. If it Gives Super Relexes and a Supream "Cosmic Link" between pilot and Machine... That Cola Van would never get Robed, it Could Dodge Point Blank Fire because of its Power Source. Hook some RPGs and Lasers on that bad boy, Drive it all the Way to Reflex point... b/c by system Someone wiht a High PP Usually has higher Bonuses than the Base bonuses for using onboard weapons (+3 aim, +1 burst,-6 Wild, plus Skill bonuses).

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:00 pm
by Cyclone
Colonel Wolfe wrote:I dont think Protoculture is Responsible for making Mecha any Faster/Agile or "Cooler". In Ep. 65 "Curtian Call" The Cola Van Driver is Given a Ration of Protoculture. If it Gives Super Relexes and a Supream "Cosmic Link" between pilot and Machine... That Cola Van would never get Robed, it Could Dodge Point Blank Fire because of its Power Source. Hook some RPGs and Lasers on that bad boy, Drive it all the Way to Reflex point... b/c by system Someone wiht a High PP Usually has higher Bonuses than the Base bonuses for using onboard weapons (+3 aim, +1 burst,-6 Wild, plus Skill bonuses).

*rolls eyes*

You do remember that the driver left the van to help Rook and Annie and was tied up out of it, thus the cosmic link your on about wasn't even a consideration in the theft of the van, right?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:14 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Cyclone wrote:
*rolls eyes*

You do remember that the driver left the van to help Rook and Annie and was tied up out of it, thus the cosmic link your on about wasn't even a consideration in the theft of the van, right?

Cyc, I know he left the Van... but I never said the "Comsmic link" would help against an Ambush as Rook and Mint used. I'm sayin there is no Cosmic link due to Protoculture, the Man-Machine mind that Mckinny invented was never shown any where in the serise.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:42 pm
by Cyclone
Then you selected a bad example for your cause as not even McKinney insisted there was a link when outside of mecha and without a thinking cap.

You did imply such a robbery as seen in "Curtain Call" couldn't happen with such cosmic link protoculture, and even using the novel Protoculture what you suggested is invalid.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:19 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
I never Implied a Link outside the Mecha.

me wrote:If it Gives Super Relexes and a Supream "Cosmic Link" between pilot and Machine... That Cola Van would never get Robed

no where in thet Sentence did i imply "when the Driver gets out of the Vehicle to help a "helpless" Stranger, it would Dodge and Avoid Weapon Fire"

My Example Leads more to when the Driver is moving, "Robbers" Shooting at the Van would Miss Simply because of some "Mystical Link" People Acredit to Protoculture.
The Refrence ot Curtian Call was Simply a Refrence ot the Cola Vandriver Getting a Ration of Protoculture... not that he should have Avoided the ambush because its a protoculture powered car.

Back to this Topic:

What do other peopel think of the -10?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:18 am
by Marcethus
ok adding any sort of -10 rule to RT is not needed since even though the series doesn't imply the link between protoculture and the mecha the RPG does do so. and no I don't know what book or page just rember that it does.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:42 am
by Colonel Wolfe
even with the Extreamly dumb "Man-Machine" Link, Why would Robotech Mecha have a Better Chance of Dodging Projectile/Energy weapons at close range. Even if you try to Duck out of the way of a Blast, the Further you are fomr the Sourse of the Blast gives you a better Chance of Dodging (ie, less penalties)

as for what the RPG Implies... the RPG is full of Erros and Additions that have no showing in the serise, nor make much sense at all. (worst of which is the Error Riden Southren cross book... Why would Mecha & Star ships with nearly 20 years of Technological advancment have less armor, less Damage potential, and just plainly Suck compared to Eariler technology... With that kind of Logic.. I'm goin back to my Tandy 1000, it must be a better/more owerful computer then the one on the market today)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:59 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Basara_549 wrote:I pretty much explain the whole "protoculture link" thing as the control systems being powered by a protoculture system (even if the weapon itself is not), and that protoculture energy systems have less delay (due to whatever equivalent to resistance/signal loss it might have) than conventional signal transmission means. Even fiber optics have a miniscule time lag, slowing it down below the speed of light.

In other words, the illusion of a man-machine link comes from the protoculture-based contol systems having better "ping times" between control movement and action than standard ones. It would also allow an even quicker means if human tech was up to it - i.e. the Bioroids' neural interface cables, or the Invid immersion in a protoculture medium, that would provide a TRUE such link.

The only Device in the Serise Close to a "Man-Machine" Link is the fire control ssytem Louie Nichols Develops in the SC era, the "Pupil-pistol".
(on a Side note, Louie Nichols is suposed to be a Character in the new Shadow force serise...

The advanced Systems w/ a lower "Ping time" would seam to have Little to do with what powers it, but the Technology-level discovered on the SDF-1. unless now Protoculture makes a Diffrent form of Electricty.... one that moves "Faster" and better than normal Electricty... Man Protocluture can do everything... Eat it, its a power supply, and now it Makes Energy faster and better than before...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:56 am
by Colonel Wolfe
i have question... why do you INSIST on not spell-checking your posts? It would take you all of what, three seconds?

It is infuriating to read your posts... i cant even get what you are trying to say out of them half the time

say it with me:


Mainly to Make Trolls like you post things like this. Thank you for the bump.

the Real reason: I cant get the Spell check to work. and i don't feel like turing on word to check my post.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:41 pm
by Gaius
Ugh. Guys, let's not argue over trivial things such as a misspelled word here or there. It's not worth it.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:10 am
by Marcethus
Gaius wrote:Ugh. Guys, let's not argue over trivial things such as a misspelled word here or there. It's not worth it.


Here Here

My Opions on how Protoculture Works:

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:11 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Now, Many People have Said here that Robotech systems are Protoculture Based. If the Protoculture is used to power Ships, mecha and Cola vans in Robotech, then These are extremely Dangerous Items to have around.

In "to the Stars" the Bridge bunny Kim is Quoted as Saying "I'm getting high level radiation readings!" from Khyrons Ship. (cant find an episode transcript)

Protoculture Gives off Radiation... at least the systems on Khyrons Ship dose.
Or Maybe Robotech Mecha do use Fusion Engines and Protoculture Makes the Process Possible. Modern Technolgy has established that Cold Fusion is to Hot to be used safely with the Alloys developed today. (form talks with my uncle, they have established a cold fusion reaction whats about 9000degrees f). Perhaps Protoculture is a Coolant or Additive to Hydrogen, which Makes the Process a Managable Heat level and Directly harnesses the energy from the Reaction.

the uRRG has the MEcha from each human era & the Masters/zentradi Mecha Using the Same Canisters shown in the Invid Invasion portion of the Show. My Idea is the Canister contain a mixture of Protoculture and Hydrogen. and are used to Fuel the Fusion Engines in the Mecha/Ships.
that way Lunk could have Drank Protoculture, but its no more Leathel then breathing Hydrogen gas mixxed in KoolAid.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:29 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Its most likely an Indicator of the Wepon systems being Charged by the Reactors. A Sudden Spike of Radiation would Indicate they Are Charging the Main Cannon for an Assault. There is a Clear Time Gap in the Episode from Kim Getting the Radiation Reading, and the Annoucment that the Ship is Attacking. Kim warnd about the Radiation readings, the seconds Later Vanessa reports the enemy is firing. Something is Causing a Radiation Spike, Weather it's the Weapons them selves or the Reactors Charging said weapon, it denotes the Presence of a Nuclear Reaction. (or large amounts of Degrading Radioactive Material)

Even After the Battle, New Macross City is a Radioactive wasteland, and it bulldozed and set as an off limits area. Most likely from the Reactors on both Ships Rupturing after the impact.

but as i said before, these are my Thoughts on the Subject.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:50 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Well, peopel keep refering to the Comics....
in one of the RT Comics I read... the REF Renamed Tirol "Eden" and was beginning to reproduce the VF-1'a, but they were Renamed Valkeries. Lancer and Dana became Lovers, and Maxx and Miryia broke up b/c Mirya wanted to become Mayor of the Main city one "Eden" & b/c Maxx was ageing too much for her prefrence.

It's Why i tend to stay away from all the RT comics, even the new ones Tommy yune is doing.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:22 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
yeah, it was funny... how much of a Rip off of Macross (2,Plus,7) That comic serise was.

5. Prolonged exposure to protoculture requires music to regulate the minds those affected by protoculture symbiosis. That is, Zentraedi / tyrolians would need a Mass hypnosis to keep calm and not go crazy.

sounds Alot like Istars Job in Macross2.

6. This is why things like the Musica, Octavia, and Allegro , Minmei Attacks, etc were needed to keep the masses in line. without mood controlling drugs or what not, those exposed to protoculture go insane with hallucinations and paranoia.

Musica's Triumvret ddi have the Job of Using Music to Calm the Masses on the Mothership. but I only Remember Minmay's Music being used once for a weapon, in Force of Arms... after that she became a Washed-up Crack Ho. But there is no Connection Shown in the Serise that Protocultue instills Madness in peopel Exposed. (or else Dana would become a Violent re-tard in "Final Nightmare" & "Catastrophe")

Musica's bio:
One of the muses of the Robotech Masters. Their music is used to keep the clones complacent and obedient. Musica is mistress of the Cosmic Harp. Octavia, in yellow, plays a dulcimer-like instrument and Allegra, in the pink, plays a stringed instrument resembling a Cello.

Interesting Note: from the Episode Guide on


The Robotech Masters call full-scale assault on Earth. Nearly 70 percent of their remaining protoculture pods have been invaded by the Invid Flower of Life. The infected mass has degenerated to the point where it is no longer of any use to them. They are concerned that the Earth factory has been similarly contaminated. They must retrieve what they can before the Invid arrive.

And form The Invid Conection:

Musica tells him: "The Invid are the enemies of both our people…The Flower of Life survives by feeding off the protoculture matrix."

According to This, maybe Protoculture and the Flower fo Life are not the Same thing at all.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:46 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:yeah, it was funny... how much of a Rip off of Macross (2,Plus,7) That comic serise was.

What's this? Robotech rip off another anime? Perish the thought...

Robotech Is an Origonal Serise, Using Animation from 3 serise, but is a (mostly) Origonal plot and Idea structure. but it only Used Ideas from the Animation they had Rights to, that Comic went way further than It should have. I didnt really like it b/c it only Furthered the Idea the Robotech is the American name for Macross, forgetting the Fact Macross is only 1/3 (well, 36/85) of What Robotech is.

but, I think everyone knows this already.