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just because i'm bored

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:15 pm
by dark brandon
In the SF book, it says that some egg-heads are toying around with the idea of trying to open a dimentional portal to the bugs home world to try and find a "natural enemie" for it.

Now, just for the hell of it...lets say that they end up opening a dimentional portal that opens up into the St. louis arch in "rifts" world. Now being these guys arn't gonna just jump in, they probably send in radio signals hoping to recieve something. Well, low and behold, they happen to be reached by the CS encampment there. How would the CS handle it?

Some things to concider. The norad people and humans of this world arn't instersted in leaving their world. They want to win it back. So they arn't invaiders.

Two, strickly speaking, they may be dbees but they are humans, who are in a life and death struggle to survive their world. Many CS may be able to sympathize.

three, the st. louis arch way is now stable. It's perminently connected to a world that if humans can take it back, would be a veritable paradice compared to rifts earth. For that matter, it would make a great vacation spot for emperor prosek.

four, he probably wouldn't reach "god" status on SF world, especially in america, but he may come to be praised a great hero. For his world, he doesn't have to let them know of the way he runs his empire and if norad doesn't investigate (through limited access through the portal) it won't know of the genoside of the innocent dbees and thusly, norad/humans of sf world may see that CS is in the same tub as them, only much more deeply. (on sf world there is 1 devouring enemie, on Rifts world there are millions and they all eat human babies). Since it's a different world, it doesn't go against the doctorine of the "official" CS history of their world.

five, trade. Norad has some experience with DNA, like the bio-tech that bradford probably would be interested in and he could probably come up with a way to solve that bug in the phone line problem.

Would CS just fire a bunch of missles into the gate and wipe out norad? Would CS send a small invasion force to take over norad and then fall to the bugs? Would they ignore them? Would CS just give up Rifts america, pack up all their citizens and go to a mass exodus through the portal? Would emperor prosek be introduced to the magic that is Pez?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:01 pm
by Mike Taylor
Consider the other problem posed by demons and monsters coming through to the Systems Failure dimension as well. They won't be AS powerful as they are on Rifts Earth, but they'd still be more than a match for the typical human being and some won't be affected by human technology at all.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:37 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
the CS has their own problems. what do they care about some other-dimensional people?
If anything they would send in a squad to assess the danger from the Bugs and NORAD. which could lead to some totally rad battles between the Bugs and Coalition Troops, until the Bugs fry their robots and chase them back to St. Louis.