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Strike Veritech

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:52 pm
by Rimmer
Can anyone tell me where to find some stats and info on this model Veritech, surfing and came accross a cool picture of it.
It looks like an ordinary Super Veritech with one of the missile pods removed and a pair of guns mounted in its place, the picture had the name "Strike Valkyrie"

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:36 pm
by Hav0k
This is the one I know:

Is there another? :?:

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:34 pm
by Rimmer
Thanks guys, just thought it was a cool picture and was curious about possible stats, although i would've thought the beam cannons would do more damage.

Thanks again. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:39 pm
by Drakenred®™©
a couple of points,

The Heavy guns were aparently made from Salvaged Battlepod components or by using technology salvaged/Revers engenered from them

All artwork for the "Strike" VFs that I have seen show three distinct harpoints (in fact their is a left/right comparison done By SK which shows a "Normal" VF left wing and a Strike right wing with the mounting hardpoints (or more Litarly rotation mounts) and shows how they were suposed to be corectly drawn so the VF can hold 18 Medium range. the Wing on the later X art is diferent from both but its mostly just a diference in the detail lines indicating panles and it also shows three (full turn conections)

Interesting side note, their is at least two art "errors" in the serries showing a "standard" Veritec carrying missles on diferent locations but thoes I have ignored. If they did that it was either a Joke or a mistake caused by a missunderstanding of the instuctions.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:50 pm
by Rimmer
Actually you bring up a good point there D, a Veritech can hace 12 SRM mounted in groups of 3, 2 groups per wing, off 2 hardpioints per wing, or it can have 6 LRM mounted in singles on 6 hardpoints ! :? now which is it, 4 or 6 hardpoints on the wings of a veritech :-?

Re: Strike Veritech

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:00 pm
by Svartalf
Tetsuya wrote:
also, it does not exist in Robotech. It is a purely Macross creation.

but yeah, the Steelfalcon site has the stats for it.

what do you mean "purely Macross"? I mean, Robotech *is* Macross, the Original, even if the dubbing is widely different, as compared to that used in later series (I had a hell of a time when I picked up the Macross II RPG, getting used to the fact that in that setting, what I knew as Veritech fighters was called a Valkyrie, and that Meltrans were what I had grown used to calling female Zentraedi ... then again, I've never seen Macross in the Originalo Japanese (as opposed to the Harmony Gold revised) version... so I guess those "strange" terms are actually the correct ones.

I've often wished I could compare the Originals to the HG versions, (including for Southern Cross and Mospeada), but in France, even the HG is hard to get... and an Original Japanese with French Subtitling version of Macross is announced for DVD release... later this year

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:41 pm
by Hav0k
I think this refers to the fact that the Strike Valkyrie (as indicated at the top of the page in Steelfalcon) only appears on the movie "Macross: Do You Remember Love" (M:DYRL).

The movie is basically a retelling of Macross (the Japanase series), and it is supposed to be made "inside" the Macross universe. Kind of like a "historical based drama", or even like a "Little White Dragon" movie (a movie inside the series). They took "real" names and events to tell a "fictional" story.

That is why all names are different, why all mechas, uniforms, ships, Zentraedi, etc look*so* different on that movie.

And technically, none of this ever appeared on the original Macross series, so this movie is not "purely Macross", and not Robotech.

Valkyrie *is* the official term for veritechs in *all* versions of Macross.

Meltran is a "Macross II" term only, not only a translation. I am "almost" sure it is not used anywhere else.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:39 pm
by Drakenred®™©
Rimmer wrote:Actually you bring up a good point there D, a Veritech can hace 12 SRM mounted in groups of 3, 2 groups per wing, off 2 hardpioints per wing, or it can have 6 LRM mounted in singles on 6 hardpoints ! :? now which is it, 4 or 6 hardpoints on the wings of a veritech :-?

according to the Japanise art books the Inner wing mount can holds a Jettisonable ordinace rack that can hold two Long range missles, but aparently the outter wing hardpoint either Cant or is just never shown holding multiple heavy missles apart from the MRMs

Incidentaly a lot of the sceens showing three missles in the early part of the series is an art error as thoes were suposed to Medium range missles on a single rack. but then you have a lot of weird art and inside jokes croping up (the detached cockpit transforming into a GU-11, the "lighter" on the end of another GU 11, the "Jotun" the triple laser VF, Ect Ect)

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:41 pm
by Rimmer
OK, now we have established that the Battleoid can fire missiles, and that it has 3 hardpoints on each wing not 2, now lastly, is the super/strike veritech a seperate type of veritech altogether, or is it just a normal vf-1 with some additional parts sellotaped on :D ?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:19 pm
by Rimmer
Sorry for the dumb question :? but what does FAST pack mean :? have never come accross this term in Robotech, is it a Macross term ?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:01 pm
by glitterboy2098
FAST packs,

"Fuel And Sensor Tactical (FAST) Packs are external fuel, weapons, and sensor modules designed to increase the performance capabilities of variable fighters in missions with unusal requirements."

the link brings you to the listing of the packs, with palladium game stats.

basically, in the Strike Valkyrie, its a VF-1 Valkyrie Veritech with one NP-BP-01 medium range missile pack(dorsal mount) , one NP-BP-02 Beam-Cannon pack(Dorsal mount), Two NP-AR-01 FAST Missile Launcher Pods (one per arm), and Two NP-FB-01 FAST Conformal Propellant Tanks (one on each leg.)

a "Super Valkyrie" would be Two NP-BP-01 medium range missile packs (dorsal mount), Two NP-AR-01 FAST Missile Launcher Pods (one per arm), and Two NP-FB-01 FAST Conformal Propellant Tanks (one on each leg.) on a standard VF-1 Valkyrie Veritech.

a Trainer model would be a Two seat VF-1D Valkyrie Veritech (the VT-1D in palladiums version) with Two NR-BP-T1 FAST "Trainer" Packs (Dorsal), Two NP-AU-T1 FAST Arm Units (one per arm), and Two NR-FB-T1 FAST Conformal Propellant Tanks (one per leg.) these have extra fuel for the main engines and thrusters over the normal FAST packs, allowing the trainee some reserve. however these are also unarmed, with merely targeting lasers for simulation combat.

there is also a sensor version, packing the sensing capacity of the Cyclops Recon unit into a set of FAST packs for arm, leg and dorsal. these combined with a modified version of the VF-1D make the VE-1 Elintseeker.

you can also mix and match the modules. a pair of trainer dorsal units replacing the medium range missile dorsal modules of the "Super" config make a long range interceptor variant, while replacing them with sensor dorsal units make a combat capable version of the Cat's eye Recon plane.

the list also has modules for veritechs seen in Macross Plus and Macross 7, some of which, like the VF-4 Lightning II, VF-11 Thunderbolt III, and VF-17 Nightmare can theoreticly be used in robotech.

Macross Mecha Designs is where you can find the stats to all this. is the homepage, which in addition to the macross mecha, has a great Third Invid War site, as well as stats to the Garland and Hargun series of mecha, seen in the abortive Robotech: The Movie

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:50 am
by Zer0 Kay
I beleive the odd missile placements and head mounts were attributed to Ace pilots being allowed to modify there fighters. Max's single laser head tilted back instead of foward. I beleive it was also Max's that had the 12 missiles mounted on the vertical stablalizers.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:31 pm
by Firefly
Steelfalcon is good but it's out of date and hasn't been updated in years.


to see the UNSPACY Data Base. That site continued where Steelfalcon left off.

Direct link:

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:56 am
by drewkitty ~..~
There is one place in RT which shows the Strike VT, its in one of the last episodes and it is a modle kit.

As for it being a "Macross thing" be more correct it was the Standard SAP outfitting for the valkaryes in the movie "Love, do you Remember?" ("Ai, Omoimanka?")

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:45 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
.... :D
I geuss I was wronge on the title of the movie, but

The Theme Song is named "Ai Oboete imasu ka", which traselates "Love, do you Remember?".

I geuss I picked up the switch in the title from reading something.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:36 pm
by Firefly
Did you get that sig pic from MW?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:14 am
by Zer0 Kay
AlexanderDeath wrote:I did that also my first time - then someone instructed me that Japanese translation to american is litterally backwards

Not backwards the verb is at the end. It forces one to be polite and listen when someone is talking.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:33 pm
by Firefly
That picture came about on a topic on Macross World well over a year ago. I'm just amazed how much it traveled.

Re: Strike Veritech

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:55 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Tetsuya wrote:also, it does not exist in Robotech. It is a purely Macross creation.

but yeah, the Steelfalcon site has the stats for it.

Actually, i Believe the Striek Veritech dose Appear in Robotech, one place, the CD image for a Robotech Soundtrack. i believe its the Robotech Percest soundtrack... but not sure if that the right name.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:43 pm
by Cyclone
Here's a question for the ages, did Kevin Long get told off for doing DYRL designs? After all RT RPG book 1 is lousy with them, yet his later book covers use TV series designs...