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Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:36 pm
by Styxx
Hey guys, a question for you all. On the PDF character sheets you can get from Palladium books online, there is a spot along with the saving throws on the upper left hand side for perception checks. I have looked and looked in PFRPG 2nd edition and can't find perception anywhere, but I remember seeing it somewhere. Was it in the first edition? And if it was, could someone refresh my memory on how it works? I find as a DM so many times when I want to use perception checks. Please help me find them. :?


Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:49 pm
by Mike Taylor
The perception roll rules are in Nightbane. The mention on the character sheet should be taken as a consideration for those GMs who have both games and want to transfer the perception rules to Palladium Fantasy.

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:10 am
..Nightbane is where I got that. It came in the mail about three days before I submitted the final drafts for the Character Sheets and being one to design for the megaverse instead of just a single system, I felt they were important enough to include. That they haven't appeared in any of the subsequent game systems was a bit disapointing to me, but oh well.

..They were also in the Q & A of one of the Rifters, but I can't quite remember which one...

..In my latest incarnation of the Heroes Unlimited Sheet, I include the target numbers for each of the rolls. From them you can surmise which is which, ie easy, moderate, difficult, etc.

-Mike >8]

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:10 pm
by Styxx
That helps a lot. Thanks for the info, Mike. I really should subscribe to the rifter, no one around here sells them. It sucks to live in the middle of nowhere. Even the cows move away for better jobs.


Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:35 pm
Styxx wrote:That helps a lot. Thanks for the info, Mike. I really should subscribe to the rifter, no one around here sells them. It sucks to live in the middle of nowhere. Even the cows move away for better jobs.


..Try living in the middle of everywhere. I haven't got a bookstore that sells Palladium books for a hundred miles.

..Subscription is the way to go, deffinately. I expect here in another month or so they'll have a big subscription deal again, usually you get your choice of one of several books for free with the subscription.

-Mike >8]

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:31 am
by Styxx
..Subscription is the way to go, deffinately. I expect here in another month or so they'll have a big subscription deal again, usually you get your choice of one of several books for free with the subscription.

That sounds great. they are on what, number 24 now? Wonder if I could get them all. It seems to me that there should be more than that though.
Come out monthly or bi monthly?

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:25 am
Styxx wrote:..Subscription is the way to go, deffinately. I expect here in another month or so they'll have a big subscription deal again, usually you get your choice of one of several books for free with the subscription.

That sounds great. they are on what, number 24 now? Wonder if I could get them all. It seems to me that there should be more than that though.
Come out monthly or bi monthly?

..I believe it's 26 and they come out four times a year. Some of the back issues are already out of print, but you may be able to find them still...

-Mike <8]

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:14 am
Basemonger wrote:
It sucks to live in the middle of nowhere. Even the cows move away for better jobs.

Styxx, you really are a peasent... living out in the styx? :> (unsure how far that phrase traveled outside of Canada)

..Hey, I live out in the sticks too. Sticks refering to the tall one's sticking out of the ground with foliage.

-Mike >8]

Re: Perception Checks and the char sheet PDF

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:17 am
by Styxx
Yep, I live out in the boonies, as they used to say. I grew up on a 1600 acre farm, which unfortunately now a Rock Quarry. I am a tru to life Hillbilly. And I hope to own a farm of my own, but I own my own leatherworking business for now.

Of course, you know the difference between a redneck and a Hillbilly?
A hillbilly knows how to spell his first AND last name! :-)