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My Savage Rifts Campaign

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 2:25 pm
by NMI
I am currently running a variation of a Savage Rifts campaign.
I am running it using the time period of the "Golden Age of Humanity" prior to Chaos Earth and the apocalypse.
I am only using certain archetypes.
I am running it as a cyberpunk-ish setting complete with espionage.

Currently, the players are trying to figure out who and why someone wants to kill/kidnap the head of research of the mega-corp -- Mindwerks.

Re: My Savage Rifts Campaign

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:59 am
by Mogge
Sounds really, really great!!

Re: My Savage Rifts Campaign

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:57 pm
by Xar
Cool, which IFs are you using?

Re: My Savage Rifts Campaign

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:06 am
by oni no won
DId you ever finish the campaign? Did you enjoy running it under Savage Worlds?

Re: My Savage Rifts Campaign

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:06 pm
by NMI
Well, I originally wanted to run this campaign using a manuscript I acquired using the Palladium ruleset [do not ask, I cannot answer due to NDA]. But then my group started to have multiple GMs, all running a Palladium setting of some kind. I did not want to burn out on Palladium so I converted most of the manuscript I had to Savage Worlds. Cetain things transferred over well, some did not. The group played 3-4 sessions in the Savage Worlds setting, but one guy every so often, complained about having to learn a new system,so I said screw it and canceled that campaign. I then just went with a Heroes/Aliens Unlimited setting using the Atorian Empire manuscript that I was gifted by Palladium [sorry, another NDA here]. Between that manuscript and additional communications with Wayne Breaux about other plans he had for the Atorian Empire, info not in the manuscript, I have been having some fun.