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The Mystic Prodigy

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:09 pm
by barna10
[EDIT: Changed name to Mystic Prodigy]
Here's something I started working on well over a decade ago.... finally getting around to play testing it.

The Mystic Prodigy
The Mystic Prodigy is a rare variant of the Mystic. Their abilities are intuitive, but at a more foundational level than the average Mystic.

Unlike other casters, the Mystic Prodigy can learn to cast spells simply by observing other casters! This is akin to how some artistic prodigies can reproduce music or other works of art simply by listening or viewing the work. The Prodigy simply knows or sees what needs to be done. How the Prodigy does this is a mystery to them.

In certain worlds and dimensions, the Prodigy's abilities can make them a target of immoral powers. Imagine the value of someone that can steal magical secrets, often without the victim even knowing the theft has happened…

Special Abilities of the Mystic Prodigy (IQ bonuses apply to all)

1) Observe and Learn Magic: Mystic Prodigies have the curious and unique ability to learn from observing other mages cast spells! They accomplish this feat by studying the mage's surface thoughts, reading his aura, and studying the flow of magic around and through the caster. This gives the Prodigy's mind a pattern to follow and emulate and later replicate the spell! Any type of spell magic can be emulated by this magical genius. Even spells powered by an outside source (i.e. Warlock or Priest magic, etc.) can be emulated by the Prodigy as any “missing” elements are compensated for in a way only the Prodigy's unique ability could accomplish.

Observing a spell casting takes energy. In order to observe, the Prodigy must activate a combination of psychic and magical senses which allow him to get a full-spectrum analysis of the mage casting the spell. It costs 1 P.P.E. And 10 I.S.P., per every two minutes of spell casting (observing a Ritual casting will often drain the Prodigy!) or per spell (ie if the spell takes only a melee action to cast, it still takes 10 I.S.P. And 1 P.P.E. If another spell is cast the next action, the Prodigy needs to expend energy again.)

The drive to learn new magic is an obsession the Prodigy will fight with his entire existence. The urge to observe the intricacies of spellcasting is so strong, it takes an act of will for the Prodigy to NOT attempt to learn a spell being cast near him (see #2, below). Even if the Prodigy is drained of energy, he will attempt to analyze and learn unknown spells. To avoid this, he needs to make a save vs. Insanity (12). If he makes his save, he can choose to not attempt to analyze the casting. If he fails, he must try and analyze the caster to learn the spell.

In combat, the Prodigy will pause and analyze friendly and enemy casters alike. This means he will forfeit future actions to stop and analyze the casting. If he is already analyzing one caster, his focus is such that he will not notice other casters that begin casting until the first caster is done. He needs to make a save (as detailed above) to not forfeit his actions or to break his concentration.

Whether this ability extends into the ability to learn Wards, Circles, Tattooing or other versions of magic is left to individual Game Masters.

2) Identify Spells Being Cast: Due to the Mystic Prodigy's unique connection to Magic, he intuitively knows which spell a caster is casting and if it is one the Mystic Prodigy has already learned. This requires no expenditure of energy from the Prodigy. Range: Line of sight. Usage: Automatic

3) Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy: Identical to the Ley Line Walker ability.

4) Learning New Spells: Unlike most other mages and mystics, the Mystic Prodigy does not gain any spells when he advances a level. The ONLY way for a Mystic Prodigy to learn new magic is by observing another magic-user in action (See #1 above). This often leads to adventure and the Mystic Prodigy putting himself in danger to gain new spells. It's almost an obsession for the Prodigy that he may not be able to control. This may lead him to seek ever more powerful, and potentially dangerous, practitioners of magic to observe and learn from. On the plus side, The Mystic Prodigy does not need to be taught in the traditional manner. He only needs the opportunity to witness a spell's casting in order to learn it!

5) Lack of Mystical Knowledge: Mystic Prodigies rarely, if ever, receive formal training or instruction in the mystic arts. Most see it as a waste of time since they can cast and learn magic without consciously understanding how magic works. The rare Mystic Prodigy that does pursue formal knowledge must use skill slots to do so. If they do choose to study magic-related skills (Lore: Magic, Principles of Magic, etc.), they receive a 10% bonus to those skills.

Starting Spell Strength is 12. This does not increase, normally. Consider taking Great Mystic Strength to increase this if desired. Also, if the character acquires the Principles of Magic skill and raises the base percentage to 60% or higher, the Prodigy will attain a better ability to cast spells and will receive bonuses to spell strength, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 (applied retroactively if the requisite skill level is attained later).

Also, if the character studies Principles of Magic and raises that skill percentage to 60% or higher, the Prodigy can study and learn spells in the traditional manner, but the drive to Observe and Learn spells (see #1) never goes away, and it’s unlikely the Prodigy will choose to spend days or weeks in study to learn any subject, even a new spell. The Prodigy is an extremely fast learner and can learn spells in the traditional manner in half the time required by other casters (also, see #8, below).

6) Initial Spell Knowledge: The Mystic Prodigy has managed to learn a few spells at 1st level. Randomly roll one 1st level spell and one 2nd level spell from Common Wizard Invocations.

7) Sorcerous Proficiencies and limitations (optional): Feel free to ignore this ability if you do not allow Sorcerous Proficiencies in your game.

The Mystic Prodigy naturally develops some talents due to the unique connection the Prodigy has with magic. At first level the Mystic Prodigy can pick a Sorcerous Proficiency (pulled from Through the Glass Darkly and Rifter #27). In addition, the Mystic Prodigy gains an additional proficiency, for free, at levels 4, 8, and 12.

Most Sorcerous Proficiencies can be chosen. The exceptions are any that grant new spells, either immediately or as the Prodigy gains levels.

The Mystic Prodigy can choose to gain any Sorcerous Proficiency besides Granted Memories instead of a gained Secondary Skill, but no more than one per level.

In addition, the Mystic Prodigy can choose to take Sorcerous Limitations. Each limitation taken allows the Prodigy to take another Sorcerous Proficiency. Some combinations do not make sense (ie Sensitive to the Supernatural and Blind to the Supernatural).

Limitations can be added as often as once per level in exchange for a new Proficiency, and can be removed instead of gaining a new Proficiency or Secondary skill (per the rules in Through the Glass Darkly)

8) Fast and versatile learner: In addition to the Prodigy's abilities with magic, he is an extremely fast learner in mundane skills as well. He will continue to learn at an extremely fast rate as he advances in level. This is reflected in the amount of O.C.C. Related (Other or Elective in some settings) and Secondary skills the Prodigy gains as he gains levels. Regardless of setting, the Prodigy gains an additional O.C.C. Related skill every 3 levels (starting at 3rd), and an additional Secondary skill EVERY level (starting at 1st). These additional skills are reflected in the description below but remember to account for them if alternative skills/education systems are used.

Also, if using skill learning rules, the Prodigy requires one half the time to learn any subject. This the Prodigy can learn a new skill in two months instead of four (a semester).

9) Psionics: The Mystic Prodigy is considered a Major Psychic (12 or higher to save). Starting powers include Psychic Literacy, Sense Magic, Speed Reading, Total Recall, and Thought Reading. In addition, choose 2 powers from any of the minor categories. At 2nd level, and every level after that, choose one new power from any of the minor categories. Starting I.S.P.: 1D4x10 + ME + 2D6 per level after 1st.

10) Base P.P.E.: P.E.x2 + 6D6 + 20. He gains an extra 10 P.P.E. per level starting at level two. The Mystic Prodigy can draw P.P.E. from other sources and benefits from meditation for recovery.

11) Mystic Prodigy O.C.C. Bonuses: +1D4 to any mental attribute, + 2 to save vs. Magic and Psionics, +1 vs. Insanity, Magic, Possession, and Psionics at levels 2, 4, 8, and 12, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 vs. Horror Factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to Perception at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.

Mystic Prodigy O.C.C.
Alignment: Any, but most (70%) are selfish.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, and P.E. 10 or higher.
Race: Any race that can utilize both magic and psionics.

O.C.C. Skills: (Chaos Earth) Mainly common skills known to most people of Chaos Earth.
Speak, Read, and Write (Literacy) Native Language at 86% (typically English, Spanish, or French)
Basic Math (+10%)
Physical skill of choice
Computer Operation (+15%)
Land Navigation (+5%)
Lore: Any (+10%)
Pilot: Automobile or Motorcycle (+10%)
Pilot: Vehicle of Choice (conventional: +10%)
Two Domestic skills of choice (+10%)
Two Technical skills of choice (+10%)
Hand-to-Hand Basic (can be upgraded to Expert as two other skills, Martial Arts three, or Assassin (if Anarchist or Evil) counts as four)

O.C.C. Related Skills: The people of Chaos Earth were members of an advanced civilization and culture before the ley lines erupted and Armageddon ensued. Consequently, most are highly educated with a high school education and some college or trade school type training for most adults. As a result, pick one Skill Category in which the character is a “skilled professional” and choose THREE skills from it, with each getting a +20% skill bonus. Then, select an additional eight skills from any of the available categories listed below, and 2 additional skills at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. All new skills start at the base skill level.

Communications: Any
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics only, unless a “skilled professional”
Espionage: None, unless a “skilled professional”
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only, unless a “skilled professional”
Medical: First Aid only, unless a “skilled professional”
Military: None, unless a “skilled professional”
Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Wrestling, and Boxing, unless a “skilled professional”
Pilot: Any (+5%), except military vehicles and power armor, unless a “skilled professional”
Rogue: None, unless a “skilled professional” (a current or former criminal)
Science: Advanced Math (+15%) and Astronomy (+10%) only, unless a “skilled professional”
Technical: Any (+5%)
W.P.: Any Ancient or S.D.C. firearms; no energy weapons at start, unless a “skilled professional”
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: The character gets two secondary skills at level 1, and an additional Secondary skill at each level starting at level 2. In addition, the Prodigy gains additional secondary skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. This means he gains one at level 2, two at level 3, one at levels 4 and 5, two at level 6, etc. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parenthesis above. All new skills start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply.

Starting Equipment: Most survivors of the initial cataclysm have only the clothes on their backs and a few items they have salvaged or scavenged. Gear includes an air filter or gas mask, worn but rugged overalls, a knit cap, work gloves, water-proof workman’s boots, three pairs of socks, goggles or sunglasses, 1D4 +1 changes of clothes, a heavy jacket or coat, belt, satchel or duffle bag, back pack, Multi-function tool or Swiss Army Knife, First Aid kit, pocket computer, 1D4 notebooks, 1D4 permanent markers, 1D4 mechanical pencils, 1D4 pens, flashlight, disposable lighter, some rope or cord (20-50 feet), canteen, 1D6 plastic water bottles.

Also has one S.D.C. weapon per weapon proficiency but does not have a vehicle or armor.

This character, perhaps more than any other, will seek out and use magical equipment.

Money: Has 1D6 x 1000 credits (which are all but worthless now) and 1D6 x 100 credits worth of tradable goods. May or may not find employment or have a job that still provides some sort of pay (room and board, food, protection, etc.).

Cybernetics: None and avoids them like the plague (cybernetics interfere with psionics and magic).

1 0,000-2,120
2 2,121-4,240
3 4,241-8,480
4 8,481 - 16,960
5 16,961-24,960
6 24,961 - 34,960
7 34,961 - 49,960
8 49,961 - 69,960
9 69,961 - 94,960
10 94,961-129,960
11 129,961 - 179,960
12 179,961 - 229,960
13 229,961 - 279,960
14 279,961 - 329,960
15 329,961 - 389,960

Re: The Mystic Savant

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:45 pm
by Curbludgeon
I'm away from books, so have a couple of silly questions to start. Which *CC's experience chart was repurposed? I'm idly curious. Is Psychic Literacy from BTS?

As compared to the couple of other practitioners of magic whom can potentially learn every spell, this has some advantages. An Obsidian Spell Thief has an arguable edge on skills due to being an espionage agent in space, has a little higher PPE, can learn from enchanted objects, and can unravel/undo magic, but can't retain knowledge of spells higher than 6th level and their spell theft method takes both more time and total points. A Chi Arcanist or Immortalist/Chi Mage is great at learning spells from scrolls or books, and has access to a couple of game-defining effects, but has low PPE comparable to a Woodland Druid and very few skills.

The Mystic Savant's major penalty seems to be a required save (50% chance at 1st level, modified by ME) to avoid entering their learning mode when near a spell they don't know yet can immediately identify. Their second major penalty is that they might see use in a game which doesn't use Principles of Magic or Sorcerous Proficiencies. To perhaps illustrate the discrepancy, getting an additional minor psionic power per level starts giving competition for the ISP needed for their observation ability, which to be clear can be used to learn 4 low or unleveled spells per minute.

It also might be worthwhile to consider a different name for the class. Savant in this sense seems to be referencing savant syndrome, which save for having an unexpected facility in something isn't really reflected here. Alternatively the word savant means "a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist" which doesn't apply to someone who just picks spells up naturally. I'm just spitballing, but Eldritch Autodidact or Observation Mage?

Re: The Mystic Savant

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:16 pm
by barna10
Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, psychic literacy is from BTS. It allows the psychic to quickly breeze through a text and get an idea of what the general context is.

Name made sense back in 2011 when I first created change seems appropriate....Mystic Prodigy [renamed]?

I can't remember which XP table that is....old doc

Re: The Mystic Prodigy

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:43 pm
by Curbludgeon
Prodigy is a good choice.

What is their starting base skill for Principles of Magic, should they select it, before the 10% bonus? In TtGD it's 36+2 for non-mages, 60+2 for practitioners of magic save mystics, and 50+2 for Acolytes. The wording of the spell strength increase upon reaching 60% made it seem like it's one of the lower figures.

Sorcerous Proficiencies are good enough that most characters would have as many as they were allowed. They're like Boxing, where not selecting them when available is a deliberate choice. This goes double for those from the Rifter article. With most practitioners getting access to 2-3, getting 1-2proficiencies/level (depending on flaw selection) is pretty potent. A plan for the first few levels of Great Mystic StrengthX2, Mystic Batteryx2, Cast by Thought Alone, Supernatural Strength, and Supernatural Endurance makes a very solid general wizard chassis. While there are enough choices for 2-3 level 15 Prodigies to not completely step on each others' toes, there is little incentive for a player of a magic user to not select this class. At that point one might as well make new Sorcerous Proficiencies to cover things like ley line abilities, faith magic, and crafting. This isn't the worst idea, but I don't know if "build a wizard" was the vibe you were going for.

Re: The Mystic Prodigy

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:29 pm
by barna10
POM would start at 36% (+10)

The appeal of this class depends on the campaign. If magic is plentiful and they'll get the chance to learn frequently, more popular. If magic is rarer, this is a skilled psychic with a few benefits.

However, the class's appeal to evil baddies wanting to take advantage of their unique skills should be leveraged to balance the strength.