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New coma rules?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:57 am
by PalladiumBrony
I admit I never entirely liked the existing coma rules: Anyone brought to less than their PE below zero HP will enter a coma, and if not brought back to consciousness within their PE in hours will definitely, 100% die. Yes, it may be simple and dramatic, but I always thought it would be nice to have some nuance.

So, please let me know what you think of this. When a patient enters a coma you have to roll as standard to attempt to stabilize them (roll three times, pass two). If you can stabilize them, they don't automatically come out of the coma right then and there: they have some percentage chance to either wake up over days, weeks or even months later (though for the purposes of some campaigns, this may end up being functionally the same as being dead), possibly with permanent brain damage, or they may slip into a vegetative state - which, again, could be functionally equivalent to death, or could spark a plot line to go and find [magical or sci-fi cure] to help bring their friend around. Maybe if they're stable but comatose, additional attempts at treatment could be made to bring them around sooner/at all.

I just think this would be a bit more lenient, and also offer potential for interesting roleplay opportunities rather than just "get to a doctor in 10-11 hours (average PE on 3D6) or die".