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whats the longest your party has ever kept a vehicle?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:49 pm
by Shorty Lickens
My groups usually view them as disposable tools. The longest we've ever had a particular rig was one short campaign, before they trashed it. I think it was a rolling APC from Golden Weaponsmiths.

Has anybody ever used hover vehicles exclusively in their campaign?

Re: whats the longest your party has ever kept a vehicle?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:35 pm
by Prince Artemis
From start to finish of a several year campaign, my first character ever, Max the technowizard, kept his (heavily modified by the end) Mountaineer. They used other vehicles as well (he made one and converted two other sailing ships to be able to fly, both on and off ley lines (the primary modes of transport for their mercenary company), though one didn't survive the campaign due to a ley line storm incident), and he made a sub which survived to the end of the campaign to.

It helps that he was his own mechanic, so bringing things back up to shape was his job.

Actually, most of my character's stuff tends to survive. I say most because my main character had his vehicle willfully destroyed by a fellow player, and his original vessel was nuked by an angry villian. But generally, my characters tend to take care of their things.

Re: whats the longest your party has ever kept a vehicle?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:04 pm
by guardiandashi
the longest vehicle in a campaign, was a character that used a high end capital ship for over 8 years in real life

of course the ship was essentially a large city in and of itself.
it had hanger bays, weapons bays, workshops, barracks, lots of storage etc.

Re: whats the longest your party has ever kept a vehicle?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:30 pm
by Warshield73
On Rifts Earth the longest was probably a Glitter Boy pilot who kept his armor for about 15 years real time, from 100 to 108 PA game time. Most of the rest of the players changed out vehicles every so often. A group transport never lasted longer than a year game time and at one point they went through a new munitions and equipment transport every few games.

In Phase World the group managed to hold on to an experimental cruiser for about 10 years real time, 5 to 7 years game time. In that group individual players also held on to two fighters and a Silverhawk PA