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rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:13 pm
by Mouser13
1) In a weird question around Spatial Mage Dimensional Accessibility where are these force fields. I assume around the Portals or Gateways selected. Force entry required only to go though that portal created under the Portals or Gateways.

2) Question if a person already been to the dimension would they still need to go though. Or could they just open a random portal to the dimension sense they already been to the dimension.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The thing is, that the text you are referencing has a lot of ideas that were taken from the NB Astral realm creation tables which do not fit the Idea of a D-Realm concept/idea. (Basically what was written was was a bad Knock Off of the Astral Ream text from the NB game.)

The idea of Force/Energy Fields that are a part of the A-Realms; Which have a size and position within the A-plane where a A-Traveling could just 'walk/fly' in if the A-Traveling just ""found"" an A-Realm; Have no meaning once you start talking about D-realms. D-realms are located ether outside the physical plane or over lapping it without interacting with the physical plane. Ether way no-one can just walk up to the edge and walk into it. So there is no edge to 'Armor' up.
(A better example of a D-Realm text is in the Dragons and Gods PF sourcebook in the dragon section.)

So in a very literal sense what is written in the Accessibility section is garbage, because what it was copied/mod'ed from is so different as to make the text stupid when trying to apply it to a D-Realm.

The Only way to inter a D-Realm that doesn't use the D-T-Port spell to get there, is through a portal linked to it.

Which brings us to Portals. these are the only ""places"" a D-realm interacts with the physical plane.
As for how the different levels of restriction for the text. Toss the MDC of the portal out the window, the only way to force your way through a portal is by way of the "Force Realm Entry" Spell. If the party doesn't have a mage that has that spell they are SOL.

Second Question

Random Portals.....just opening a ""random"" portal will only get a party there if the GM wants you to. There are too many other places the portal would end up to if the mage is just opening up a random portal.

Now If the mage is """Intending""" to make a D-Portal (or to D-T-Port) to that specific realm....
The rules covering this are detailed within the D-Portal spell and D-T-Port spell.

Circling back to the Accessibility issue in reference to the D-Portal and D'T'Port spells.....Yes the different levels of accessibility will effect the mage's ability to complete the spells. This can be done with a simple Save vs magic roll....With the dificuly modifier from the text added to the roll.
Since the creation of a D'Realm is a form of Ritual magic the target number for a save is 16 if made by a mortal.

Free: no save vs magic roll when D'T'porting or D'Portal'ing to the D'Realm.
Hidden: Normal save....
E"Barriers level: save at -1
Restricted: Save at -3
Forbidding: save @ -5
Fortified: save at -7

With a failed save just ending up without a D'Portal to the D'Realm or the D'T'Port just not happening.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 10:09 pm
by Mouser13
Well I guess my question. So I a mage can see and cast spells from inside though some other means would the barriers really stop him it would random with in the dimension. Party has a item in their possession and taken into the dimension. This item via a spell allow NPC to cast magic though it(from a rifter). Would that be enough to be able for said caster to just open a portal. Seems like it would stop the force fields and the need to go though barrier around sense not going though normal way. Leaning towards yes, but just checking to make sure not completely off base.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:45 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Mouser13 wrote:Well I guess my question. So I a mage can see and cast spells from inside though some other means would the barriers really stop him it would random with in the dimension. Party has an item in their possession and taken into the dimension. This item via a spell allow NPC to cast magic though it(from a rifter). Would that be enough to be able for said caster to just open a portal. Seems like it would stop the force fields and the need to go though barrier around sense not going though normal way. Leaning towards yes, but just checking to make sure not completely off base.

So let me get this strait about what you are trying to say....

The party has gotten their hans on a magic item, that will let them randomly let then bounce randomly from one dimension to another. And you want to know it is can bypass the protections placed on a Spacial Realm, which is in essence another dimension?

I covered randomness in my previous post, as it the user(s) will end up in a random location.

While both the common magic D-traveling spells show they have no save vs a GM I would give a protected D-Realm a saving throw if it was targeted by ether of these spells (D-portal & D-teleport.) Otherwise, D-Travelers that use these spells just wander in w/o any hassle. (see above list of penalties.)

Can it be done, to D-portal or D-teleport into a D-Realm that is protected? ...yes. But it would be very unlikely to happen because the barrier magic would stop the DT-port from happening, or the barriers would be in place across the D-portal opening.

The question is about spells that said to always work and spells that are set up to block said spells. So it is impossible to give definite canon answer to the question.

Magic item: While the way you describe it, it sounds like a TW magic item...but still Which rifter is it in? I would like to look it up .
Now having covered the technicalities....I you are the GM, and you need them to get there for your campaign, then you are the one rolling or not rolling the dice.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 9:30 pm
by Mouser13
Ritual of Repromita (240) Rifter23 pg.39

It allows cast spells though the item of the creator. Thinking that Dimensional portal though it would get around entry sense the force fields. Sense seems like though both defense would be around the accessibly.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:38 am
by drewkitty ~..~
I hate to say this but,....
if the mage that is casting the magic to cross into the Realm has a minor rune blade like the one described in the Ritual of Repromita in the Realm he was aiming to go to. Then the magic would work as if the mage could see the place he was going too. (check out teleport superior % tables to get my meaning.)

Would they have to bash their way through the protections....give it a coin toss....odds yes-evens no.

If the casting mage was the D-realm's creator....then no shields...just pop right in. But then agoin the one with the blade is a Blade Mage, so they are not a Spacial Mage so they can't be both the creator of the blade and of the realm.

Re: rifter Spatial Mage Force Realm Entry Question

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:52 pm
by Mouser13
Players found weird bio-wizard experientment killed found the blade took to the realm.