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The Land Lottery: a RP scenario

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:59 pm
by idahobeef
Of all the games Palladium made, I ignored the Palladium Fantasy World until recently. However, I found a RICH history in that fantasy game and have immensely enjoyed reading all the world books. I decided to create a small RP scenario of my own, but since I dont have any players in my area I will put it up here so that someone else may use it. Enjoy!


Its that time of year again (usually in the spring), time for the Land Lottery! Every year the local government confiscates porperty in and around the city from citizens and businessmen who have failed to pay their taxes. In most cases, these "properties" are subpar and everyone knows it so everyone tries to avoid it, and that is why a courier from the Tax Department (or Treasury) is sent to each person once the lottery is concluded. The lottery is a in-house event (outsiders cannot attend) and random properties are assigned to anyone who has paid a tax previously (they have your tax number). You cannot turn down the property assigned to you by the lottery, and the half the payment of the land tax comes due in 6 months. You also cannot abandon the porperty, however you may alter it: if you demolish the building you have won, you can ask for a tax reassessment on the land but that will take time. Refurbishing the property is the best bet; try your hand at running a business, maybe you can make some money!

Now the Tax Assessor is a unhappy and unfriendly fellow, so its best to avoid him if you can. Oh, he will do his job in re-assessing your property, but he will also look for any opportunity to punish the players with additional fees or fines wherever he can find them. Also, a reassessment of a prpoerty takes a minimum of up to 6 months, and as as long as 4 years with you paying the original land tax fee regardless). Failure to pay the tax on your land lottery will compel a lien against your person, one which the city guard can enforce by impriosning you.

Examples of Land Lottery properties are listed below:

A run-down cart in one of the smaller farmers markets inside the city.

A poorly maintenanced tavern located in a more dangerous part of the city. The building is sound, but the previous owner was a drunk and fell behind on his taxes. He also ran off the clientel due to poor food and beverage control; a few people got food poisoning.

A shabby ancient mansion on a medium-sized plot of land. The former landlord decided to put in new fancy pipes for running water but didnt realize he had to keep them warm to prevent them from bursting. Water damage inside 1/3 of the 2 story house is extensive, but it is repairable.

A falling down wizards tower on a small plot of land.


Well, I hope this gives you some ideas for your own adventures. This one was designed to get the players involved in a local city, to put down some roots. I hope you can use it in your campaign, good luck! Also, check out my own personal Palladium Fantasy website at