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Nightbane: Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:43 pm
by Incriptus
My proposal for the next Nightbane book would focus more on world building and the secret war. Much of it would be written from the perspective of "Conspiracy Theorists" giving the GM the freedom to ignore, change, or embrace as much of the material that they thought was appropriate for their game.

Alas I'm no writer, I don't even know how to read ...

Chapter 1: Government
- How/Where the Nightlords control the Federal, State and Local Governments
- The governments attempts to undermine the "Free Press"
- Militias, Anarchists and other anti-government groups
- Additional information on the NSB
- The "Militarization" of the police

Chapter 2: Criminal
- Impact on Organized Crime
- International Smuggling
- Additional information on the Golden Posse
- Additional information on the Warlords

Chapter 3: Factions
- Warlords: Nightlord Collaborators?
- Underground Railroad: Human Trafficking and Smuggling?
- Resistance: Terrorism, Civilian Casualties?
- Seekers: A deal with the devil?
- Lightbringers: Operation Scorched Earth?
- Spook Squad: Military Coup?
- Nocturnes: Pawns of a Vampire Intelligence?

Chapter 4: Vampires
- Secrecy before Darkday and after
- Master Vampires and controlling the spread of Vampires
- Reflections and the Mirror Wall
- Rifts/Megaversal Vampires or Nightbane/Unique Vampires [I.E. do we continue the alien intelligence idea, or something closer to that one Rifter Article]
- War against the Nightlords

Chapter 5: Nightlands
- Individual Nightlord's plots and how they further or undermine Moloch's Plans
- Awakened Doppelgangers and other resistance native to the Nightlands

Chapter 6: The Church
- Disclaimer about sensitivity on the subject :-)
- How much of the secret war is known?
- History with the Nightbane
- Faith Post Darkday
- Nightlord Infiltration

Re: Nightbane: Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:05 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
That's a lot of material for one book, if it is done right.

Re: Nightbane: Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:14 pm
by Incriptus
Truth be told Editor Incriptus would likely tell Writer Incriptus that chapters 4 and 6 would need to be cut out.

Asking to many questions about the "Masquerade" :-) may tread to close to other grounds
And of course the Morpheus Table that included caricatures of Jesus, the Pope and Mo██████ may be in poor taste :-)

Re: Nightbane: Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:38 pm
by BookWyrm
I could see this as a series in The Rifter, pointing out the ramblings of theorists, mixing truth with outrageous rumor-mongering ("Don't you get it? The Nightlords receive all the data they need from *aglets*!"). You could point out different types of conspiracy theorists, from the Off-The-Grid survialist types to the 'John Munch' style ones who try to sift out the truth form within the system(s), to the Hackivists who dive headlong into databases and organize protests/flash-mobs to confound the Nightlords & Night-Princes ("I will *never* understand these humans. What does it mean that they simply stand motionless, mid-activity in the middle of the transportation hub, during their 'rush hour'? Simply confounding....")
I agree that Chapters 4 & 6 would be cut, but there's still a lot of potential in what's left.