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who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:00 am
by gaby
I would love to see NB:Through The Glass Darky 2.

What do you want in it?

They can add New Spells for existing NB,s Occ,maybe New Occ too?

All New Magic items and Weapons.

Proficiencys and Limiteds from Rifter 27.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:35 pm
by filo_clarke
I would prefer BtS: Tome Grotesque, frankly.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:17 pm
by eliakon
I am not sure that we really need another book on magic for Nightbane. If we did get another book on magic and the supernatural for Nightbane I would say there are a few areas that it should cover.
1) more magic proficiencies/limitations. While some of the proficiencies/limitations in the Rifter are okay and suitable for the game as written a number of them are extremely powerful (or overpowered) and not at all suitable. I would also recommend some examples of specialized proficiencies, such as a proficiency for mirror mages, or a proficiency for Nightbane, or ones just for humans, or some just for accolytes, ect. A few more examples of "This is both your proficiency and limitation in one" like the negative proficiency of mystic invisibility might be interesting

2) I would like to see some specialized magic that is specialized for the world. What I mean here is lets see spells that are designed for the specifics that these mages face. I want to see spells that are designed to interact with talents for example. Much as I would expect to see spells that interact with super powers in Magic Unlimited and I would expect to see spells that interact with psionics in Tome Grotesque I would like to see how magic and talents interact. We know that talents can be made to interact with spells afterall

3) I would like to see some more familiar creatures. Astral creatures for example. The entire familiar rules were poorly thought out to start with. How do you get the starting familiars? After almost all of the example famliars are not capable of being take by the familiar spell... so that is obviously not how the link is made.

4) I would like to see some more information on the Mirror Wall.

5) some more information on several of the other throw away topics that were just touched on briefly might be good. The book had far to much material where they just dashed off a few ideas a sketch of the vaguest ways to implement it and then went on to the next unconnected idea. It reads more like an attempt at a guide book on building theme and mood for writing a horror game than as an actual playable supplement for said game.

6) I would like some more 'creatures of light'. We get the spell 'call creatures of light' in the base book. But other than guardians there is nothing to call. There are hints in some of the other books about advanced guardians, and guardian ships and guardian items.... sounds like magic to me. Bring it.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:57 pm
by Glistam
My answer to this question hasn't changed since the last time it was asked.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:31 pm
by Axelmania
TTGD2 isn't a very pretty title. I would like to propose bringing back "Through the Dark Glass", a working title for WB3 mentioned on page 7 of WB2 (Nightlands)

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:12 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I would agree with Glistam in that there are other books of the SDC settings I would rather see. Some of those just need to be edited before publishing.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Magic is pretty well taken care of in Nightbane. They would have to create something totally new and different for me to buy another magic book for it.

Re: who wants NB:Through The Glass Darkly,s part 2?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:03 pm
by Mr. Jays
Although I could be wrong, I don't believe that Warwolf has any interest in a TTGD2 book. At least he hasn't said anything to me about it. There are other ideas he wants to work on first.