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My First Murmur!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:36 am
by Scott Gibbons
Hi all!

Thank you to everyone who has expressed such warm welcomes and excitement at my taking the position of business manager with Palladium Books. I sincerely hope to live up to your expectations!

As Kevin stated in the last Weekly Update, he and I will both be posting Murmurs at least once a week. We hope that together we can portray for you an accurate and entertaining view of where Palladium Books is and where we are all going; me from the business side and Kevin from the creative.

For my inaugural murmur, I wanted to share several items of interest:

First, three new moderators have been added to these forum boards. We’d like to welcome Reelman, Phaze, and Zyanitevp to the team. All three have been long time posters on these boards, and each brings a wealth of experience to the position. They will be working with our established moderator team to address issues and complaints more quickly.

Second, this week marks the launch of Palladium Books’ first major foray into the world of social media. We are starting out by highlighting excellent content that has been created by fans just like you through our Facebook page and Twitter account. We want to let these creators know that we have noticed them and love what they are doing; what better way of doing so than by sharing their work with all of you? I hope you enjoy the posts as much as we have.

Also, look for interesting quips, news and peeks “behind the curtain” over the coming weeks. We plan on expanding our social media presence with fun tidbits about Palladium’s history, current updates on what staff members are doing right now, and hints about future products. We’re hoping to make you smile and whet your appetites for more fun and adventure.

Third, for our R.R.T. Kickstarter backers, today marks the beginning of a new era of communication. Due to many reasons, updates have been extremely slow over the past few years - but no more! The first update from me has already been posted, and new updates and check-ins will be coming a minimum of once every two weeks. More often when possible. In fact, at the end of each post on the Kickstarter page I will put the date that you can next expect to hear from me. Our backers have endured periods of silence long enough - you have my sincerest apologies for that. My promise is that it will never happen again.

There are other fun and exciting things happening behinds the scenes, but for now I need to wrap this up and get back to work.

Ever and Always,
Scott Gibbons
Business Manager

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