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Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:31 pm
by dpenwood
Hi. I'm not sure which forum was most appropriate to post this, so I'll post it here.

Two days ago, my older brother passed away unexpectedly. It seems surreal to be typing that...

The reason I'm posting about that here is because he's the one who introduced me to RPGs when I was a kid back in the 80s. I was still in elementary school, but I learned the basics of D&D... my first character was a Cleric... I didn't really know what I was doing at first, but I remember that I really enjoyed it.

He eventually fell out of the hobby, but I didn't. I became a fluent game/dungeon master, and then I was exposed to TMNT, then HU and eventually Rifts.

It's funny how one thing leads to another, even long down the road. I would later meet the woman who is now my fiancee at a game of D&D. That probably wouldn't have happened had my brother not introduced me to the game.

I remember when I got published in The Rifter... I gave him a copy of the issue signed by the Palladium Books staff. He was so proud.... and it felt really good to have made him proud... It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. I guess I just wanted to share this with a community who appreciates RPGs and the positive effect they can have on people's lives, even when they're cut short.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the off-topic post.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:31 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Sorry for your loss. We always remember funny gaming anecdotes, and bring them up in later games, would you like to share one about him?

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:58 pm
by The Beast
Sorry for your loss man.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:30 pm
So sorry for your loss brother. Blessed Be.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:58 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Sorry to hear about your loss - hope the good memories of him will stay with you always and bring you comfort and peace.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:44 am
by Shawn Merrow
Sorry for your loss.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:55 am
by dpenwood
Zer0 Kay wrote:Sorry for your loss. We always remember funny gaming anecdotes, and bring them up in later games, would you like to share one about him?

Thank you. We actually didn't play in the same campaigns together much, so I don't have many tales about his favorite character: Shaft, his level 9 halfling thief. (Shaft was named after a cat we had a long time ago, not a reference to the TV/movie character.) Being the packrat that I am, I still have his character sheet somewhere, untouched since the 80s. I plan on digging it up and framing it or something. I think that would be neat. I'm also planning to somehow incorporate his character into my current campaign as an NPC of some sort.

Also, thanks to everyone on here who have responded to this post with their well-wishes. I really do appreciate it.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:15 am
by Reelman
Sorry for your loss.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:27 am
by Razzinold
dpenwood wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Sorry for your loss. We always remember funny gaming anecdotes, and bring them up in later games, would you like to share one about him?

Thank you. We actually didn't play in the same campaigns together much, so I don't have many tales about his favorite character: Shaft, his level 9 halfling thief. (Shaft was named after a cat we had a long time ago, not a reference to the TV/movie character.) Being the packrat that I am, I still have his character sheet somewhere, untouched since the 80s. I plan on digging it up and framing it or something. I think that would be neat. I'm also planning to somehow incorporate his character into my current campaign as an NPC of some sort.

Also, thanks to everyone on here who have responded to this post with their well-wishes. I really do appreciate it.

Sorry for your loss.

I think it's an awesome idea to frame his old character sheet and turn it into an NPC in your game, let piece of him live on forever in gaming glory. Just give the NPC plot immunity, like the CS, and you'll be golden. You will have a constant hero to be by their side to help guide them through their quest, or an epic reappearing villain to harrass them to the end of their days, lol

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:41 am
by Premier
Sorry for your loss Dpenwood.
You sincerely have my condolences and my prayers go out to you and your family.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:19 pm
by Phaze
So sorry for your loss. I lost a big brother not to long ago, as well. I miss him. The sorrow for the loss never fades. But, I remember the incredible times we had together... the happiness of memories soon out weigh the sorrow for his loss.

Hope your sorrow, as mine, fades into obscurity wrapped up by the joy of your memories.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:55 pm
by Razzinold
Phaze wrote:So sorry for your loss. I lost a big brother not to long ago, as well. I miss him. The sorrow for the loss never fades. But, I remember the incredible times we had together... the happiness of memories soon out weigh the sorrow for his loss.

Hope your sorrow, as mine, fades into obscurity wrapped up by the joy of your memories.

Sorry to hear that man.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:38 pm
by Zer0 Kay
dpenwood wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Sorry for your loss. We always remember funny gaming anecdotes, and bring them up in later games, would you like to share one about him?

Thank you. We actually didn't play in the same campaigns together much, so I don't have many tales about his favorite character: Shaft, his level 9 halfling thief. (Shaft was named after a cat we had a long time ago, not a reference to the TV/movie character.) Being the packrat that I am, I still have his character sheet somewhere, untouched since the 80s. I plan on digging it up and framing it or something. I think that would be neat. I'm also planning to somehow incorporate his character into my current campaign as an NPC of some sort.

Also, thanks to everyone on here who have responded to this post with their well-wishes. I really do appreciate it.

Hey frame the original, use a copy and if you don't mind, allow us to help immortalize a piece of your brother, when you convert the character to Palladium pass it around so we can use it as an NPC or pregen, especially those who are MAs.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:35 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
My deepest sympathies for your loss. I lost my dad in Dec of 13. I can tell you from experience that we've got a great family here on the forums. You'll always have someone to talk to, vent you frustrations to, or even just to share random memories of your loved one. Heck, sometimes I just pipe up that I'm having a rough day emotionally. The folks here have never once let me down or left me lacking for kind words, support, or sympathy.

If you follow Zer0 Kay's suggestion at sharing Shaft with us as an NPC I'll gladly add him into my TMNT/AtB2 games.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:28 pm
by Razzinold
Nate is right. I mean look at how awesome I am, I've been in his signature line for years now.

Seriously though, I find a lot of people open up on these boards and I've never seen anyone rebuffed. We have one member who we send our love/prayer/good wishes to every time their son has to go in for another major surgery. I have never seen anyone write anything negative like "we don't want to hear it anymore" or some other crap like that.

I may have never met the guy in person but I'm also a parent so my heart truly goes out to him because I can't imagine the pain and terror his wife go through every time this happens.
I find most folks on here are the same, even people who don't normally agree/get along pull together over stuff like that.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:58 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Well I don't want to here it any more. Because I wish the problems of life didn't happen. However, since they do I am glad that this community has never uttered an "I don't want to hear it any more" maliciously. And I have a feeling the person who tried would be on everyone's foe list.

May those in trouble find a friendly ear here and those in pain find that sharing their burden help. Those who need healing receive prayer and the healing they need.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:58 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Sorry for your loss, brother.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:40 am
by Dr. Avery
I am truly sorry for your loss. I can relate in a way because I am the baby of 3 gaming brothers. My oldest brother brought D&D back with him from the Air Force to our hick town in the 80's. He introduced my middle brother who later introduced me. Although both are still alive they have chronic illnesses. I dread every day that I will get "the calll." I incorporate one of my middle brother's favorite character's/Npc's Emirus Thorne an elven wizard into most of my fantasy campaigns (imagine Elminster/Elrond lol). Your brother will be at your table when you game: I have no doubt.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:27 pm
by Alpha 11
Sorry to hear the news. Prayers and condolences to you and your family.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:40 pm
by Trooper Jim
I am sorry for your loss. :(

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:35 pm
by dpenwood

It's been a while since I replied to this thread. It wasn't forgotten or disregarded, I just became overwhelmed with all that had happened and I mentally shut down for a while. It's been almost two months now and life has moved on, though it will never be the same.
I just wanted to thank you all again for your support, prayers and well-wishes. This really is a great community. Thank you, all.

Re: R.I.P.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 12:22 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Anytime brother, anytime. We're here to listen, reminisce, and offer support and comfort when we can. If/when you need us, we're all here for you.

Truth be told I'm reminded of you from time to time when my thoughts drift to new and interesting characters to add to the game. Shaft, the "cat" burglar is still on my list of potential NPC's. He's followed closely by The Intriguing Closet Possum.

ToSA Nate