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The Machine's Forces - New Robot: Shrieker

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:11 pm
by SlaytheDragon
So many new concepts have been added to the Splicers on this forum. I thought it only fitting that N.E.X.U.S. be expanded upon as well. I plan on making quite a few more of the Machine's forces as well as writing concepts on each of the Machine's personalities too. This robot is just a concept I came up with to add to the forces of N.E.X.U.S. Comments and criticisms are welcome! And if you'd like to see more of the Machine I would be happy to oblige!

Shrieker Robot
A quadripod walker, the shrieker is named after the distinct wine of the missile pods that are mounted to the main chassis of this large robot when they are fired. The shrieker missiles are not the only weapon system that this robot utilizes, also boasting mounted grenade launchers and a gatling laser, the Shrieker Robot has the firepower of a large tank and the maneuverability of a robotic spider able to make leaps and scurry across the battlefield with great haste.

This war machine has caused much destruction amongst the ranks of the Human Resistance. The Shrieker is able to easily maneuver through the cityscapes and around the varied terrains of the world. With it's speed and ability to make great leaps, the Shrieker is able to outmaneuver the heaviest of War Mounts and deal much damage with its destructive weaponry. N.E.X.U.S. has made great use of this war machine. Many can be seen patrolling the streets of destroyed ruined cities, and are always on the lookout for the Human Resistance, ready to exterminate the vermin at a moments notice.

The Shrieker has heavily armored legs, with plates of Mega-Damage alloys protecting its vulnerable sockets, the robot has little to fear from humanity, and it uses the protective shields on its crouched legs to protect the main chassis and vitals of the robot. Coupled with a strong force field, and a main chassis mounting various explosive weapons, the Shrieker is a machine to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Fortunately for humanity, not many Shriekers are able to be produced, as the factories that create these robots were hit hard by the resistance at the beginning of the war against the machine, and humanity always makes sure to destroy these robots if the opportunity presents itself.

Class: Heavily Armored Urban Strike Walker
M.D.C. by Location:
***Upper Legs (4) - 180 each
***Lower Amored Legs (4) - 360 each
**Jump Jets (8; belly and rear) - 15 each
*Sensor Pods(2; along the main chassis) - 90 each
Missle Pods (2) - 100 each
Gatling Laser Turret - 80
Grenade Launchers (2)- 60 each
****Main Body - 480
Force Field - 150

*Destroying both sensor pods till negate all bonuses, only natural rolls are allowed with a -4 modifier to strike, parry, and dodge from being effectively blinded.

**Destroying the jump jets will eliminate the boost to leaping capabilities. Reduce the leap range on jet assisted leaps by 7 feet per jump jet destroyed, and completely eliminates any bonus to leap if all the jump jets are destroyed. Reduce the bonus to dodge by 1 for every two jump jets destroyed, up to a total of -4 dodge if all the jump jets are destroyed.

***Destroying any part of a leg will immobilize the robot. The robot will still be able to shoot its weapons but only in the direction that the robot is facing.

****Destroying the Main Body of the robot will effectively destory the robot and end its actions and processing. Continued attacks to the Main Body resulting in -100 M.D.C. or more will cause an explosion in the nuclear core doing 2D6 x 10 MD to a 35 ft area and causing nuclear radiation to flood 35 feet area.


Running: 90 mph
Leaping: Can leap up to 30 feet high and 60 feet across without jets, but triple the height and length when boosted by jump jets. With a running start and jump jet assisted leap the robot can leap up to 150 feet high and 180 feet across, remarkable for the weight of the walker, and the reason for its renowned manueverability.
Digging: Digging is not posibble for this robot.
Water Speed: 20 mph when pushed through the water with jump jets. Can slowly climb along the bottom of the ocean at a measly 8 mph and is not a very amphibious vehicle given it's walker status.
Flying: Flying is not possible for this robot.

Statistical Data:

Height: 17 feet
Width: 25 feet
Length: 20 feet
Weight: 12 tons
Cargo: None
Power System: Nuclear, average lifespan of 4 years.
Trade Value: None, not available.
Physical Strength: Robot P.S. of 45.
Horror Factor: 13
Sensors & Features: Standard
Number of Attacks per Melee: 5 attacks/actions per melee.
Combat Bonuses (includes all bonuses): +4 initiative, +5 strike with ranged weapons, +4 parry, +6 dodge, + 2 roll with punch, fall, or impact.

Weapon Systems:

1. Shrieker Missile Pods (2): These missiles are the namesake of the machine, and give off a terrifying shrill when fired. They are short range compared to other missiles but are devastating capable of damaging the heaviest of bio-armors and War Mounts.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor and Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Structure and Anti-Aircraft
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 per missile to a 20ft area.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three, or four.
Maximum Effective Range: About a mile.
Payload: 20 total; 10 per missile pod.

2. Side Mounted Grenade Launchers (2): These grenade launchers are stowed away in the main chasis until needed. When fired they open up and protrude from the chassis. Capable of firing a volley of grenades, the launchers give the Shrieker the ability to combat large groups of resistance fighters and lightly armored War Mounts.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personell
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 5D6 for a single plasma grenade to a 10 ft area. 1D6x10+10 for a two shot greanade burst to a 15ft area. 1D10x10 for a three shot burst to a 20 ft area.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or three.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,600 feet.
Payload: 60 grenades total; 30 per launcher.

3. Under Mounted Heavy Gatling Laser: This laser turret is mounted under the rear of the main chasis, give a full 360 degree radius of turn and is capable of engaging enemies from all directions. This Heavy Laser is the main weapon of the Shrieker and it's nearly unlimited payload and heavy damage makes this weapon trustworthy and devastating to the Human Resistance.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Personal Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1D8x10 per burst.
Rate of Fire: Each burst is a single melee action.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. Hand to Hand Combat: In addition to long range combat the Shrieker is capable of running, leaping and stomping over enemy combatants and may combine Hand to Hand attacks with long range weapons.

Stomp: 3D6 M.D.
Pounce: 4D6 M.D. and a 01%-65% chance to incapacitate/pin an opponent. Counts as two attacks.
Body Block/Ram: 6D6 M.D. to targets as large as 25 feet tall and has a 01%-70% chance of knocking an opponent off his feet.
Punch attacks are not possible.

Please tell me what you think!

*Edited to show reduction in dodge capability if jump jets are destroyed.

Re: The Machine's Forces - New Robot: Shrieker

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:19 pm
by The Reaper Man
I dig it

As much as the players of Splicers are supposed to root for the Human resistance the machine definitely has some cool stuff going for it. At first glance I though "man this thing is tough" but after looking at it again its supposed to be. The machines resources are nearly infinite and should be played off as a large military force that is oppressive and all encompassing.

Bravo sir bravo.

Re: The Machine's Forces - New Robot: Shrieker

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:24 pm
by SlaytheDragon
The Reaper Man wrote:I dig it

As much as the players of Splicers are supposed to root for the Human resistance the machine definitely has some cool stuff going for it. At first glance I though "man this thing is tough" but after looking at it again its supposed to be. The machines resources are nearly infinite and should be played off as a large military force that is oppressive and all encompassing.

Bravo sir bravo.

That's what I was going for though. This is the main vehicle basically, a tank that all the other robots help support. It's supposed to be difficult, but at the same time, with thought and precision strikes, it can be eliminated. Using mines, explosives, rockets, or other means to destroy the legs will immobilize it and allow for an easier kill. I imagined this robot patrolling through the fallen cities of mankind only to be ambushed by the player characters. Attacking the robot head on would be near suicidal, just like a man attacking a tank head on, but through stealth and speed and good tactics the robot can be defeated.

And thanks for the feedback. I really wanna expand on the Machine more because it seems no one is doing that. It's great to add to the resistance's forces and I love creating all manners of bio-organisms to aid humanity but you have to remember that the machine is constantly evolving too, changing tactics, and trying to destroy the infestation that it sees in humanity.

Re: The Machine's Forces - New Robot: Shrieker

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:09 pm
by krispy
Its pretty cool.

For a robot the size of this one, may i suggest that you increase the Shrieker missiles to at least 20 per launcher.
Are the Shrieker Missiles, mini-missiles? if they are, what type of missile are they? are they plasma, High Explosive, Fragmentation ?

May i also suggest that you reduce the dodge of the robot. yes it may be agile, but one with such dimensions makes it quite a considerable target. If it uses its jump jets to assist in dodging, then disregard my suggestion, but if the jump jets are only used for vertical or horizontal jumps, then my suggestion stands

If the jump jets are for assisting in dodging, then how many of them have to be destroyed before, the robots dodging (and leaping) ability is reduced?

Re: The Machine's Forces - New Robot: Shrieker

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:00 pm
by SlaytheDragon
SlaytheDragon wrote:
The Reaper Man wrote:I dig it

As much as the players of Splicers are supposed to root for the Human resistance the machine definitely has some cool stuff going for it. At first glance I though "man this thing is tough" but after looking at it again its supposed to be. The machines resources are nearly infinite and should be played off as a large military force that is oppressive and all encompassing.

Bravo sir bravo.

That's what I was going for though. This is the main vehicle basically, a tank that all the other robots help support. It's supposed to be difficult, but at the same time, with thought and precision strikes, it can be eliminated. Using mines, explosives, rockets, or other means to destroy the legs will immobilize it and allow for an easier kill. I imagined this robot patrolling through the fallen cities of mankind only to be ambushed by the player characters. Attacking the robot head on would be near suicidal, just like a man attacking a tank head on, but through stealth and speed and good tactics the robot can be defeated.

And thanks for the feedback. I really wanna expand on the Machine more because it seems no one is doing that. It's great to add to the resistance's forces and I love creating all manners of bio-organisms to aid humanity but you have to remember that the machine is constantly evolving too, changing tactics, and trying to destroy the infestation that it sees in humanity.

I added the reduced ability to dodge if the jump jets are destroyed. And the Shrieker missiles aren't necessarily limited to short, medium, or long range missile capabilities. They are a high damage but short range missile unique to the Shrieker Robot. They could be comparable to a short range missile for damage output but only have a range of about a mile. The main difference is that they are self propelled and guided, making them a missile not a rocket, and I left them with a payload of 20 because of the size of the missile itself and for general balance. The robot itself is a pretty powerful adversary, especially if deployed in pairs or a section of three. They are mainly for use against heavy armored War Mounts and other foes, although can be used for anti-personnel against groups of 'soft' targets due to the blast radius of the missile.