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PPE draining question.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:25 pm
by SittingBull
I know if a zombie kills someone and drains their PPE, they become a zombie. If they see a human with PPE, the human glows; glowing brighter with the more PPE they have. Are there any other ways (yes besides, in some circumstances, a psi-stalker) to drain a persons PPE? Just curious if it would be possibly, using this method, to pull the walking dead "I'm a zombie" trick" be covering themselves in zombie gore and "somehow" loosing their PPE.

Re: PPE draining question.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:17 am
by filo_clarke
Well, there is the obvious: a magic user could cast spells until they were "out" of PPE.

Being drained by Siphon Entities can reduce your PPE to zero

In the original Beyond the Supernatural 1st ed. the Psychic classes needed to spend their permanent PPE base to gain their psionic abilities. I don't remember if they were required to maintain a minimum number of PPE or not, but it might have been possible for them to spend all of their energy on psychic powers.

As a more vague method: Some of the Rifts settings treat CHI and PPE as being the same energy. Since we know (from N&SS and Mystic China) that you can lose CHI due to environmental/personal factors, like being in Negative Chi environments too long, alcohol/drug abuse, and just generally being unhealthy; then you might be able to lose all of your PPE/CHI through these methods (although you would then be opening yourself up to alcoholism, insanity and illness... but it might work).

That's all I can think of for now.

Re: PPE draining question.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:56 pm
by SittingBull
No methods though, purely by the dead reign method. I think, the seeing and sensing ppe, I may do without.

Re: PPE draining question.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:04 pm
by Tor
actuallly... a Death Priest ritual helps you give PPE tp zombies without dying so that might bring you to 0

Re: PPE draining question.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:27 pm
by SittingBull
No death cult people in the picture, even if they will exist.

Re: PPE draining question.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:11 pm
by Tor
I can't think of any other means besides the Dead Reign method...

Makes me wonder if there's a grey area around the 'lose twice your PPE when you die' and some kind of "you're legally dead because your heart stopped but then you got better by saving vs coma" thing. Probably not, I figure the 2xPPE doesn't happen until you're more than PE below zero. Dying/resurrection might leave you at 0 PPE but that's going beyond DR which you said you didn't want.

But since that's all I can think of: convert PPE to chi (mystic china) could also help. As could pumping all the PPE into a psychic device made by a Gizmotter in Rifts South America 2.