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Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:56 pm
by Wooly
Unfortunately I missed Open House 2015 but was hoping to get an update on the future Status of Splicers. I can't help but get discouraged when I go back and read old posts from Kevin suggesting there will be new content coming. This makes me think the content is ready and it is a matter of funding it? If so please consider a small crowd funding venture to make this material available to the public. I personally would be fine with a .pdf only version. This would greatly lower Palladium's costs with bringing a new Splicers product to market. The RPG industry as a whole is moving toward .pdf and print on demand. I think Palladium should give it serious consideration rather then let some of the smaller game lines flounder for over a decade without any support beyond Rifter articles. I own and purchase every single thing Palladium publishes and have for years.

Quick Update – August 8, 2012

Chuck came in to sign prints and some books, and to discuss upcoming projects like Splicers® and Rifts® comic books. We have big plans for Splicers® next year (like 4-7 new sourcebooks for it). Robotech® too.

Going on 3 years here. :-/

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:09 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Wooly, you are preaching to the converted. Despite periods of renewed interest and some fairly strong feedback to KS himself, Splicers remains in limbo. For a number of reasons, it just never quite gets the love and attention from the Powers That Be (PTB, for short) it should. I truly think Splicers would be PB's "next big thing" with only a few tweaks, changes, and some additional attention. The stuff I've been privileged enough to see is phenomenal and I truly believe even just a small revamp (the cover art, for example) would kick this game into overdrive.

Sadly, I know there's oodles of stuff simply sitting on a desk or hard drive in PB, waiting for the right pair of eyes. I know, because a lot of it is mine. ;) Krispy and I are in the early phases of something. And from personal knowledge, Premier and Slappy have submitted a ton polished, ready to go material, Galactus Kid has at least one other sourcebook, not counting the TJ book previewed already. Krispy has successfully broken the Rifter barrier and has a number of individual projects in the works.

It is definitely disheartening and I hope one day the PTB's will take notice.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:42 pm
by Wooly
Alas Guy, I have no one else to preach to other then the faithful! Hear me brothers!

Perhaps I shall endeavor to not bathe for a weak or two before GenCon while wearing my Chuck Walton tee (red shirt with hammerhead shark rider) and consuming a steady diet of gas station hot dogs, raw onions, mustard and sauerkraut of dubious origin. I will briskly make my way to the vendor hall at GenCon 2015 where I shall spend the next 4 days talking to Mr. Siembida about my Splicers Characters ad nauseam (pun intended). Sorry Chuck and Brandon but there is collateral damage in any war.

Splicers isn't selling because there is no new material and there is no new material because Splicers isn't selling. It is my total conjecture that the only thing holding Splicers back is cash flow. That bigger, better selling IPs like Robotech and Rifts are naturally and quite understandably garnering the limited liquid assets that Palladium has to invest in its product lines.

This is why I believe a .pdf and print on demand model through existing digital distribution partner would best and maybe only way to get new Splicers material to market in a timely manner.

I'd argue that there is minimal risk involved and Splicers being a 1 book product line stands little to lose in such an endeavor. It could serve as a test ground if you will. For God's sake they are giving away copies of Splicers as a Rifter subscription gift. I don't think there has ever been a second printing.

Splicers badly needs a logo. I was thinking Splicers where the I is a DNA double helix and somehow incorporate the Biohazard warning symbol if it isn't too cliched.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:29 pm
by RiftJunkie
Wooly wrote:Alas Guy, I have no one else to preach to other then the faithful! Hear me brothers!

Perhaps I shall endeavor to not bathe for a weak or two before GenCon while wearing my Chuck Walton tee (red shirt with hammerhead shark rider) and consuming a steady diet of gas station hot dogs, raw onions, mustard and sauerkraut of dubious origin. I will briskly make my way to the vendor hall at GenCon 2015 where I shall spend the next 4 days talking to Mr. Siembida about my Splicers Characters ad nauseam (pun intended). Sorry Chuck and Brandon but there is collateral damage in any war.

Please don't kill him or any of his brain cells! We don't have a real life slap patch to fix him. :D Please do pester KS in an attempt to get something out for Splicers! Maybe sing the "Sesame Street" theme song over and over to him until he complies? :twisted:

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:21 pm
by Swift-13
I do see the silver lining that Splicers has received a lot of support in some very good articles in the Rifter. Kinda makes it an "underground" Palladium IP (though not quite hipster, fortunately)!

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:20 am
by darkguyver
Ya but let's be real there been no real updates on book release date or even name at this point. This becoming
joke and just said that game won't get support.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:33 am
by MurderCityDisciple
At best how many copies of projected Splicers book sell? A couple hundred?

I've been Palladium free for some time....but there is that residual love still. So much squandered opportunity. More so with BTS I think than Splicers.

Both really. At least they got a Pal Fantasy book out.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:50 am
by darkguyver
That fine but all other game bts nightbane Splicers N&S afterboom get no support.
I tried get support on demo kit could find anyone do write up or pc backgrounds.
just give up on it by rifters that look at for support for now on.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:41 am
by The Galactus Kid
The complete manuscript for Splicer: Blood and Iron will be turned in before GenCon and I will be running Splicers games there, FYI. Both it and Genetic Expressions will be smaller sourcebooks that can be edited quickly and quickly turned around for production.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:01 am
by RiftJunkie
The Galactus Kid wrote:The complete manuscript for Splicer: Blood and Iron will be turned in before GenCon and I will be running Splicers games there, FYI. Both it and Genetic Expressions will be smaller sourcebooks that can be edited quickly and quickly turned around for production.

This sounds GREAT!!! I do have concern that we won't get them anytime soon though. Didn't Carmen turn in a manuscript something like 10 YEARS AGO? I wish you the best and will GLADLY buy them when they come out. Unfortunately my lungs won't allow me to hold my breath that long. I'll just keep waiting.....

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:46 am
by Swift-13
Give how much official and unofficial material for Splicers exists in The Rifter, Palladium could get away with doing a composition book of that stuff. :D

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:15 pm
by boxee
Well just got The Rifter #66,67,&70 all have very cool splicers articles.
Love the techno-jacker revisions, very well done. IMO it makes techno-jackers much more appealing as player character options. It seems to promise a great source book soon!
House Pandorum seems to be coming along nicely!
The Bestiary also well done! Like the Ranger OCC as well!
We keep getting great rifter articles so hopefully that shows renewed interest in this setting and hopefully it will get some love!

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:35 pm
by darkguyver
Swift-13 wrote:Give how much official and unofficial material for Splicers exists in The Rifter, Palladium could get away with doing a composition book of that stuff. :D

I total agree and art already done too.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:09 pm
by darkguyver
RiftJunkie wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:The complete manuscript for Splicer: Blood and Iron will be turned in before GenCon and I will be running Splicers games there, FYI. Both it and Genetic Expressions will be smaller sourcebooks that can be edited quickly and quickly turned around for production.

This sounds GREAT!!! I do have a concern that we won't get them anytime soon though. Didn't Carmen turn in a manuscript something like 10 YEARS AGO? I wish you the best and will GLADLY buy them when they come out. Unfortunately, my lungs won't allow me to hold my breath that long. I'll just keep waiting.....

This very good there manuscript but when going be release.Like, have said there's been hype but no payout.
People want to give money to your company but won't let them.Look dead reign out less time but 5 or6 books out.
Well IP like this gets rifter here and there.Known life unfair but so many great IP but only supporting once blue moon
sorry just wrong.Love all work done The Galactus Kid people want payout I have known other line been waiting longer.
For this game been since 2012 we are no closer to book releases.A lot of us would be happy with omnibus all rifters
, but that been shot down as well. So we like book before end of year that it give something buy by end year.Hell sell
us manuscript that big thing now company.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:01 pm
by Premier
Hello Spliceheads,

Sorry for the MIA, been uber-busy banging out artwork for Robotech UEEF Marines among a heap of other things. I have been pondering some methods in-which this awesome, supportive and hungry Splicers community could potentially generate some increased interest in Splicers. This would help us in multiple ways.

1. It exposes more fans to this awesome, unique and entertaining setting.
2. the more interest the more potential of increased sales, which could automatically grab the attention of KS regarding this gameline.
3. The more people that know about Splicers, the more Gamers there will be to play with this setting.

So you ask, "OK, Chuck, I get it, no need to drill me with a Bore cannon. So what exactly are you asking of us?"

Simple. We simply go out to some of the other forums where gamelines are discussed plus other places where it is sold, i.e.: DrivethruRPGnet. and the like, and post ' objective' reviews on the gameline. Be honest about the good and the bad. Let them know yeah the cover might not be the best, but once you dive into this game you will see why its so addictive. Let them know which Rifters have some juicy Splicers content to support their games if they so choose to take a taste of this RPG. I'm not saying we should badger anyone or spam any forums. I do however, think that when there is a chance to give a review for this product, we should make sure that we are making our Splicehead presence felt.

There are ton of things going on, and you best believe I am constantly bringing up Splicers to Palladium every chance I get.

I plan to post more this week. Time to get the band back together.

So KUDOS to all Spliceheads and lets keep the Splice flowing.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:38 pm
by The Reaper Man
Swift-13 wrote:Give how much official and unofficial material for Splicers exists in The Rifter, Palladium could get away with doing a composition book of that stuff. :D

You know I think Palladium should do this for all the settings once they hit Rifter 100. Then they could just print what a dozen books rather then a whole lot more.

I started a poll to hopefully illustrate any support for this idea.


Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:04 am
by darkguyver
Premier wrote:Hello Spliceheads,

Sorry for the MIA, been uber-busy banging out artwork for Robotech UEEF Marines among a heap of other things. I have been pondering some methods in-which this awesome, supportive and hungry Splicers community could potentially generate some increased interest in Splicers. This would help us in multiple ways.

1. It exposes more fans to this awesome, unique and entertaining setting.
2. the more interest the more potential of increased sales, which could automatically grab the attention of KS regarding this gameline.
3. The more people that know about Splicers, the more Gamers there will be to play with this setting.

So you ask, "OK, Chuck, I get it, no need to drill me with a Bore cannon. So what exactly are you asking of us?"

Simple. We simply go out to some of the other forums where gamelines are discussed plus other places where it is sold, i.e.: DrivethruRPGnet. and the like, and post ' objective' reviews on the gameline. Be honest about the good and the bad. Let them know yeah the cover might not be the best, but once you dive into this game you will see why its so addictive. Let them know which Rifters have some juicy Splicers content to support their games if they so choose to take a taste of this RPG. I'm not saying we should badger anyone or spam any forums. I do however, think that when there is a chance to give a review for this product, we should make sure that we are making our Splicehead presence felt.

There are ton of things going on, and you best believe I am constantly bringing up Splicers to Palladium every chance I get.

I plan to post more this week. Time to get the band back together.

So KUDOS to all Spliceheads and lets keep the Splice flowing.

So nine out ten this well be pulled we have done all this it been 5 months.We still on we are in talk and book in pipe line what ever It been all we got for 5 months
sorry someone from company need to do less talking do more action my thought

1 need be some cover post in store and pre orders been set up
2 Release date in next 180 days
3 hype being done by Keven for ip

Overall 3 things that must fans would like to see in next 6 months other then talk this made back 2015 July all get say it January of 2016 sorry but that truth of things.

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:54 pm
by darkguyver
Well I find new hope after talking to Premier do now see light at end of tunnel it full splicer goodness that is all

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:35 pm
by MethosDarkblade
darkguyver wrote:Well I find new hope after talking to Premier do now see light at end of tunnel it full splicer goodness that is all

I never trust the light at the end of the tunnel after hearing Metallica's "No Leaf Clover" :lol:

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:28 pm
by Wooly
darkguyver wrote:Well I find new hope after talking to Premier do now see light at end of tunnel it full splicer goodness that is all

The light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming straight at us. :D :P

Re: Status of future Splicers support

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:56 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Swift-13 wrote:Give how much official and unofficial material for Splicers exists in The Rifter, Palladium could get away with doing a composition book of that stuff. :D

Hell, they have my permission to use anything of mine, no charge. just put my name on it and we are good to go. I'll sign the necessary forms.