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Lots of rolls to strike and MDs in Close Formation shooting

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:34 pm
by Axoid
We found out this weekend that when you use the Close Formation bonus for ranged attacks (or Crossfire), there's a lot of potential "stuff" to remember for the attacks as they are all simultaneous. For instance, if a full Attack Squadron is in Close Formation, that's 10 'Mecha, with potentially multiple weapons systems being fired in the Roll to Strike step, that you need to track before the target decides what to dodge in the Attempt to Dodge step. Not only to hit numbers, but MD for each hit and whether it was a missile system or not. It may not seem like much, but when you're working out each attack, after about the 5th one you could start to forget the first one.

I'm making some 5/8" round counters to use to track this info. One will be the Roll to Strike #, the next will be the MD of the weapon, and the 3rd will be for when the strike was from missiles. As you make each strike, just lay down the correct combo of counters next to each target, then there's no need to remember anything more during the attack. I thought about making counters for Inescapable and Overwhelming, but decided there probably isn't a need, as you can assign that damage immediately. The only decision that needs to be made is whether or not to split the damage is the target is also in close formation with his squad.

I usually make counters like this for my other games. I double-face tape them to a piece of rigid felt, then use a 5/8" hole punch to separate them. You can use different colors of rigid felt for each marker, to help identify them if they get flipped. Alternately, you could also make them double-sided. Even more alternately, you could ink jet them onto Shrinky Dinks and bake them to size. I did this with my Warmachine stuff a log time ago and they worked great. a 1.5" original circle shrinks down to about .5" final circle.

I'll share a link to the file when complete.

Re: Lots of rolls to strike and MDs in Close Formation shoot

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:40 pm
by Mike1975
One thing I do is use glass gems/beads to declare and track fire. For missiles or better units like the Glaug I use different color dice.

Now the rules do not play this way but I originally played this way because it made more sense to me was that when attacked by...let's say 4 would roll all 4 attack rolls BUT only have to pay one Command Point and make one dodge roll. I saw it as since they all fire at once I only make one mad dash or duck for cover. Even then I might avoid 3 of the 4 hits depending upon the die roll. That way I am not making 4 dodge rolls. The same could be applied if you think you should pay one command point per attack. Pay your 4 command points but then you only make one dodge roll.

Now to complicate things what if I shoot 2 veritechs at 4 Battlepods that are all in close formation and I shoot my missiles since I'm at around 24 inches. I have one guy shoot one missile at Pod A, one at B and 2 at C. Then I have the other Veritech shoot one missile at B, 2 more at C and one at D. If all 4 hit B....and the attack IS considered simultaneous, would he have a chance to dodge from twice, two missiles from two attackers OR would you consider the attack as one since it was simultaneous and under the 4+ missile hit rule not allow that Pod to Dodge?

Re: Lots of rolls to strike and MDs in Close Formation shoot

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:44 pm
by Mike1975
If the Battlepod uses Anti-Missile does he make one roll or two? I would assume 1 but if that is the case then you would think that if 4 missile hit he would not be allowed to dodge.