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Gaming background

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:08 am
by Grabula
So I see a lot of talk about things I don't usually see on typical gaming forums. I know robotech has a huge fanbase,and of course some people are coming from the RPG side of things. I'm just wondering what people's backgrounds are as far as gaming goes? I'll start:

I'm a huge gaming nerd. My dad introduced me to DnD when I was around 6. I started playing Battletech around 84, 85 and eventually discovered Rogue Trader, later 40K. Since then I've played way too many wargames lol, some historical, some fantasy, some scifi, I've definitely got some gamer ADD. I started getting into the hobby side around 1996 and have worked my way up to scratch building my own models on occasion. Recently I've had to cut back on gaming and play some Spartan Games stuff, Infinity and I'm slowly moving away from 40K for various reasons. During all that time I've also done some RPG's, a lot more when I was younger but haven't been in one or run one in about 6 years.

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:01 am
by Phaze
I started playing D&D back when it was in the Red Box set and had the dice you had to color in with a crayon, late 70s I think. Spent my high school years running D&D, Star Frontiers and Gamma World. That's when I started to paint miniatures. I loved the Robotech series when it came out, and I found Battletech. BSR! Big Stompy Robots...What’s not to like? :-D

Played D&D 2nd, and 3rd, and 3.5, and Pathfinder as of late, since then. Ran a 7 year Battletech/Mechwarrior campaign through college with a group of friends and started PUGS (Purdue University Gaming Society) at Purdue Calumet. (20 years later it still meets, :-) )

In the late 90's I picked up a game of Silent Death from Iron Crown Enterprises and so collected space ships, soon after I was running events at Gencon for ICE and having a blast. Through that game I met the Ottawa Red Shirts and hooked up with them to run their Injurious Games System where you have a 5 man squad in a gladiator type of combat. I ran games with them for a while and got to play test several of their add-ons to the game like 'Phaze Spiders'. I liked the name. :lol:

I started to get into Warhammer 40K in 2004. I built a Space Marine Army, then a Necron Army, an ork Army, and another Space Marine Army...I finally got fed up with the company and the rules changes, overpriced stuff, and general attitude GW had toward the FLGS. Too many owners were frustrated with their policies. Then the pricing changes, the 'Fine cast' that made it cheaper to produce but more expensive to the consumer, then the zoning of their distributors that forbid euro and US online suppliers from selling outside their districts, and forbid US online store from posting prices or even pics of their stuff. It just got too much and my money could be spent elsewhere. So I finished painting my massive Necron Army at last, and shelved it.

Since then it has been mostly video gaming as I could not find a game I could sink my teeth into. Until I got an email from a longtime friend (one of the ones in the 7 year Battletech campaign) on a Kickstarter (whats a kickstarter? :lol: ) about Robotech... WHOA! :shock: THAT'S IT!

Since then I am all over it! I am back in the saddle of running games at Cons, enjoying the hobby aspect, loving the competition, and especially the new friends here on the forums and those I met at Gencon. After playing the games at Gencon 13 I decided to put my backing into the MA program. I am getting into Rifts (why have I not played this before!?) and the Robotech RPG. I even got into a game of Heros Unlimited recently.

Its going to be a great time to Game!

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:02 pm
by slaaneshgod
I played 2nd edition Dungeons and dragons with some family when I was very young which was probably my first major gaming experience (not counting video games which I still play when I can). I got into warhammer fantasy before they had armies and factions as we know it now the books where paper with no colour and a construction paper cover. I've played most of gws wargames off and on since with several different factions. I picked up several thing over the years some that no longer exist some I just didn't like. Ive tried everything from clix games to dust tactics to flames of war to gods only remember what else and mostly got rid of them. I love tabletop and miniatures games. I collected descent and super dungeon explore and x wing and space hulk and dreadfleet and blood bow and still have all these. I got into arcane legions because it was beautiful in its simplicity but it is dead now and I just don't want to get rid of it. I got into warmahordes a few years ago and me and the wife play both a war machine faction and a hordes faction I play legion and khador other half plays circle and cryx. I have tried to play robotech rpg but never have gotten it going. I own most of the core for pathfinder. I liked star wars edge of the empire but haven't gotten to play it much. I am also an SCA member so I need less hobbies. I still have a huge chaos warriors and chaos space marines collection and the other half has tyranids and lizardmen. Now I have robotech for which I have been a super fan for many many years and am so happy with the rules from reading them(play testing still to come) and am looking the miniatures. I did get angry with several decisions made involving this game and still think the communication hasn't been satisfactory but I'm happy we are getting it and am glad to be Involved.

P.s. oops forgot firestorm armada. Mostly to replace battlefleet Gothic in my giant space fleet ga!ming need.

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:47 pm
by Grabula
Phaze wrote:I started playing D&D back when it was in the Red Box set and had the dice you had to color in with a crayon, late 70s I think. Spent my high school years running D&D, Star Frontiers and Gamma World.

marry me? :-P

Seriously though my dad bought the pink box set, I think it was the second iteration of the original DnD box, would have been around 78-79 I believe. I STILL have the blue Star Frontiers box PLUS a box of the miniatures my mom found antique shopping a couple of years back. And Gamma World is STILL my all time fav game. I've played every edition except the last one and my favorite is still 3rd edition with ThAC0!

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:44 am
by Phaze
Grabula wrote:Seriously though my dad bought the pink box set, I think it was the second iteration of the original DnD box, would have been around 78-79 I believe. I STILL have the blue Star Frontiers box PLUS a box of the miniatures my mom found antique shopping a couple of years back. And Gamma World is STILL my all time fav game. I've played every edition except the last one and my favorite is still 3rd edition with ThAC0!

OMG! I love Gamma World. I just recently dug out my old books and read through them again. I think that’s why I am getting into Rifts now. It has a similar feel to it, IMHO. Post-Post Apocalyptic Earth.

Grabula wrote:marry me? :-P

:oops: awe shucks.

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:34 pm
by Battle Damage
Started roleplaying with a home-grown system that we kit-bashed out of Steve Jackson's "Fighting Fantasy" books back in about 1988... Moved to AD&D first and second edition, and through a bunch of FASA stuff like Shadowrun and Earthdawn (still love that system).

Started miniature wargaming in 1992 after seeing all these funky little space marine dudes on the wall of the shop where we bought all our role-playing stuff. Started with WH40K right at the start of second edition. As we grew up and time got tighter and people moved away, we started doing more wargaming and less role-playing. I got out of 40K around the change-over from 3rd to 4th ed fo the same reasons that everyone leaves GW's main games for: Stuff getting too expensive, re-releases of the same rule books to grab cash and changes making carefully collected and painted armies unplayable (people were making the same complaints in 1992....).

A random post on a forum from a guy in the same situation pointed me towards WM/H. Embracing that freed me from the mental shackles of loyalty to any one particular rules system or company. The club I was going to had a fairly strong and welcoming Flames of War community which I engaged more and more with as I started wanting my wargaming to more accurately reflect the characteristics of actual war, so I started doing more historical stuff as well as fantasy/sci-fi. As I got older, the rise in my disposable income was matched (my wife says exceeded) by my gaming ADD, so now I dip a toe in a pile of different systems: WM/H, Bloodbowl, Dystopian Wars, Super Dungeon Explore, Flames of War, Saga, X-wing, Kings of War, Napoleon at War, DBA and probably some others that have slipped my mind. Variety is the spice of life.

Re: Gaming background

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:48 pm
by Very Fun One Jr
Grabula wrote:
Phaze wrote:I started playing D&D back when it was in the Red Box set and had the dice you had to color in with a crayon, late 70s I think. Spent my high school years running D&D, Star Frontiers and Gamma World.

marry me? :-P

Seriously though my dad bought the pink box set, I think it was the second iteration of the original DnD box, would have been around 78-79 I believe. I STILL have the blue Star Frontiers box PLUS a box of the miniatures my mom found antique shopping a couple of years back. And Gamma World is STILL my all time fav game. I've played every edition except the last one and my favorite is still 3rd edition with ThAC0!

I started with the original box, painted full color cover with the red dragon, rulebook with a black and white slick cover. I got it in 77 or 78 because I saw a dude with all these weird dice in 3rd grade class. that led to Top Secret, Gamma World, Tunnels & Trolls, and Runequest 1st edition. Later I had Warhammer and Rogue Trader, Battlelords of the 23rd Century (Ram Pythons for the win! Phentari suck, Mutzacans do it with their heads!) and more game than I can count, right up until today. I also play cards games and I was in a GenCon tournament for L5R. I was playetster for several games and worked for Pinnacle Entertainment for a short time (makers of Deadlands RPG) but don't ask, it wasn't a pleasant experience.