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Weird Rumors, Sun and Clouds – April 2, 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:35 am
by Kevin
Weird Rumors, Sun and Clouds – April 2, 2014

Today is my birthday

It’s April 2nd, my birthday. I’m 58, but feel like 38. Moments after awakening this morning, I was greeted by the beautiful, smiling face of Kathy, followed by a warm, huge kiss and Happy Birthday greeting. I ran out for a routine blood test and came back home a short time later to one of my favorite breakfasts: a cheese and vegetable omelette and homemade cornbeef hash. Yum. Kathy is the best. She topped it off with an early gift, the Making of Indiana Jones book. Awesome.

It's chilly but sunny, the squirrels and chipmunks were circling the window where Kathy and I toss out peanuts and seemed especially friendly and showing off, as if to say happy birthday as well.

All morning, the birthday well wishes have been coming in via text messages and emails. It’s a nice way to start the day.

A Weird Rumor

NMI was one of the first people to send me a Happy Birthday text. I thanked him, and he follows it up with, “And sorry to hear about your leg. Someone said you broke it?”

My reaction was, “What the . . .?” I report that my leg is fine. I’m completely fine. Where on Earth do rumors like that come from? I just don’t get it. lol

Anyway, in case you hear any rumors about how I broke my leg or broke anything else, it is NOT true. I’m glad to report that I’m healthy, happy and trying to finish writing books! In fact, I recently had a stress test with “stellar” results. That’s what the doctor said, “Kevin, your stress test results were stellar.” Cool. That's what I want to hear.

Sun and Clouds – April 2, 2014

That’s today’s forecast. And I think that’s how I’ve been feeling the last week or two. There have been moments when I’ve felt enthusiastic, positive and sunny, and other times that I’ve felt worn out and cloudy — gloomy and frustrated. I think a lot of that comes from working constantly, for months, putting in long hours, and working weekends, yet somehow we’re still behind schedule on new releases and release dates continue to slip. Waaaah. We’re a small company of six people, so when one book slips, they all get pushed back. It is as frustrating as Hell. Especially when you know you’re giving it your all, but your all isn't good enough. It brings you down.

While I am writing slower than I like, apparently it’s pure gold. Alex came in this morning to say, “The latest batch of Northern Gun material was great. I could really picture it all. I know you’re feeling like the writing isn’t coming easy, but you’d never know it from what you’re handing us. I think you’re at the top of your game. People are going to love this book.”

That’s great to hear, and it’s nice to have a cheerleader like Alex in your corner. You know, a guy who tells it like it is and doesn’t blow sunshine up your behind. So when he says something is good, you know it’s good. Heck, all the guys are like that. Some days I wish they were yes-men, but not really. I like getting honest criticism and feedback even when it is harsh at times. It’s what helps me keep the level of quality strong. Of course, I tend to be my harshest critic, so it’s good to know I’m hitting on all cylinders when I’m so not sure myself.

That’s part of the problem working on a big book (more than 160 pages), it’s like running a marathon. Toward the end, you’re running on instinct and sheer force of will. And that finish line can’t appear soon enough. :)

I finally feel like I’m getting my writing rhythm back. Yesterday was pretty productive and I’m feeling hot writing today, so I’m going to get back to it.

My thanks to EVERYONE for their Birthday well wishes. I took my time getting to work this morning (9:15 AM) and I’m probably knocking off at 7:00 PM to relax a bit and enjoy the evening. I’ll be celebrating my birthday on April 11th, when we’ll be celebrating Mine, Julius’ and Matthew’s – our birthdays are all clustered together. Wayne’s is in May and Alex and Kathy’s are in June. So I guess Springtime is birthday time at Palladium books.

Whenever your Birthday is, I hope it’s a nice one for you. Keep those imaginations burning bright. New books are coming soon.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

© Copyright April 2, 2014 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

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