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Is this the end of the year, already?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:40 pm
by Kevin
Is this the end of the year, already?

It doesn't seem possible, but it is the end of year. We've already been planning for the 2014 Gen Con and working on 2014 releases. And with the holidays and long hours of work, we don’t know what day it is. Every few days seems like Sunday or Monday, lately. :)

It has been a fun, strange last week or so. Phone calls and holiday well wishes from friends, fans and freelancers coming in between business conferences, planning sessions and work.

Some of the unexpected gifts that arrived include Joe Mangainello's new book, Evolution: The Cutting Edge Guide to Breaking Down Mental Walls and Building the Body You Always Wanted. It came with a wonderful inscription and autograph from Joe. That inscription made my entire week. Thanks, Joe. I haven't had a chance to read the book yet, but skimming through it, it looks pretty awesome. Does this mean Kevin Siembieda will be pumping iron in the New Year? Not likely, but I will be building on my exercise regimen. I like being healthy and want to be more fit and lean. I suspect the "breaking down mental walls" part of the book will be of extreme interest to me. And I like catch phrases like, "eat only what you need." Smart.

I also received C.J. Carella’s first novel (at least I believe it’s his first), Armageddon Girl. It was funded via Kickstarter and it too had a nice inscription and autograph from the author. Cool. It wasn’t an actual Christmas gift (I helped promote C.J.’s Kickstarter), but the timing of the book's arrival and nice inscription made it feel like one. I look forward to sitting down and reading the novel. Good luck, C.J.

Another surprise was the arrival of a Japanese Macross model kit. Thank you, Ben. That was completely unexpected. As was a cool, retro-looking robot toy (thanks, Nick) and a flaming torch to hang on the wall (thanks, Senator and family). The torch may actually end up in one of our Halloween displays next year. Ideas are already boiling.

I made out like a bandit this Christmas, getting all kinds of wonderful gifts -- a nice big stack of movie score music CDs (I often listen to music scores while I write), books I wanted, some DVDs and some gift cards I will put to good use. Nice!

The Palladium crew and I also received and enjoyed a fruit basket, candy, cookies, and other cool gifts. My thanks to EVERYONE for making our Christmas special. That includes the multitude of gamers who sent us heartfelt comments in their Surprise Packages (and some cards).

Happy New Year and game on! I think 2014 is going to be amazing for Palladium.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist, and Builder of Worlds

© Copyright December 31, 2013 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

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