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Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:24 am
by Tor
I'm wondering if anyone ever did updated stats for him as per the comic strip at the end of Road Hogs. We have his stats in the TMNT+OtherStrangeness RPG, but they would obviously be altered this far in the future.

I'd kind of want to treat him like an Ancient Master (HU), or Dedicated Martial Artist (w/ Ninjutsu, from Ninjas and Superspies), or a melee weapons master (Powers Unlimited 2, with his sai).

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:27 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Tor wrote:I'm wondering if anyone ever did updated stats for him as per the comic strip at the end of Road Hogs. We have his stats in the TMNT+OtherStrangeness RPG, but they would obviously be altered this far in the future.

I'd kind of want to treat him like an Ancient Master (HU), or Dedicated Martial Artist (w/ Ninjutsu, from Ninjas and Superspies), or a melee weapons master (Powers Unlimited 2, with his sai).

I wouldn't think he'd need full stats. As a Yoda type NPC he's got what ever the GM needs him to have and rolls what ever the GM needs him to roll as per the story. That's what game shields are for. :)

I do use the "Gang of Four" out of the south in my games.

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:36 pm
by Tor
Gang of Four? Is there more references to the TMNT in the AtB sourcebooks besides the Road Hogs comic?

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:38 pm
by hollowecho
The Gang of Four is the term used for the killer cyborgs or am I thinking of the wrong group

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:58 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Tor wrote:Gang of Four? Is there more references to the TMNT in the AtB sourcebooks besides the Road Hogs comic?

Yeah the new AtB book. (Well. Newest. It was produced a while back) Speaks of the Gang of 4 in Gatorland. Just hints. It basically implies that the Ninja turtles ended up down in Florida after the Crash and started their own ninja school. They've put out a few generations of Trained ninja operatives. Not that they say that's what they are. Gatorland itself isn't really a 'government'. The ninja's just handle stuff that needs to be handled.

You can find the reference on page 185.

The gang of 4 are not killer cyborgs, in ATB. :)

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:04 pm
by Tor
Ah cool, nice to see they kept SOME hint of them in the second edition, even if they had to take out the more blatent references.

I take it that Road Hogs must take place afterward, perhaps with the first 3 staying in Gatorland and Raphael going off to make his own school?

I get the impression Mikey might've died or something though.

I'm going to say that Don invented a time machine and married April O'Neal and that Leonardo married Kurai, because 2012.

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:02 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
lol The implication is that Raph, as old as he is, has lost some of his mental facalties. And yes, it seems to hint at Mike being dead. It could also be that being out west, Raph is just separated from Mike and thinks he's still there, but at that advanced age, it's likely Mike is dead.

The Gang of Four started the stuff down in gaterland but they don't have to still be alive to have started it and trained the first 'crop' of students that now are masters and run it.

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:15 pm
by Tor
Seeing Raph like that in Hogs gives me a similar feeling to seeing Katara in Legend of Korra. That sad ancient lonely feeling.

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:55 am
by hollowecho
One of my players read this and now wants to go be and learn to be a ninja

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:31 am
by DeadTOm
I always thought that too. It would have been great to see a bit more of that story.

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:39 am
by Pepsi Jedi
hollowecho wrote:One of my players read this and now wants to go be and learn to be a ninja

It is an option in the skill/training section thing. :)

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:09 am
by hollowecho
Pepsi Jedi wrote:It is an option in the skill/training section thing. :)

Is that in ATB or some where else ? cause I'm think of doing a Rp sessions with the player and see if he can earn his way into the dojo..

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:25 am
by Pepsi Jedi
It was an option in the 'old' one.

In the new one you can get apprenticeships.

What you're looking for can be found here. ... -bomb.html Wonderful page with some really great resources.

There's the Gatorland Ninja Operative. (The remains of the TMNT that still exist in After the Bomb.)

There's also a Martial Monk one.

Sherrif's, bush pilots, wilderness scouts. Lots of good stuff there.

____ I DID NOT WRITE IT. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. I'm just pointing out the information____. All credit to those it's due. (Not me. I'm just pointing).

Gatorland Ninja Operative/Independent Ninja Back Ground

Many mutants in Gatorland, as well as small schools throughout the rest of the known world, are taught the ancient art of Ninjitsu, and taught how to act like the famed ninja from before the Crash. These characters tend to be highly trained in the arts of stealth, combat, and guerilla warfare. Gatorland Ninja Operatives are recruited and trained by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, err, Gang of Four, to perform a variety of tasks for the Gatorland government (such as it is). Independent Ninja are often found alone or in small groups trained by sensei who have mastered the art.
Apprenticeship: Ninja Operative (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival, Demolitions, and Demolitions Disposal, along with another four Military Skills, two Physical Skills, three Rogue Skills, and three Weapon Proficiencies
Secondary Skills: Select any five.
Special Bonuses: +2 P.P., +1 P.S., +1 P.E. and +5 to S.D.C.
Money: 3D6 times 20 bucks.
Equipment: A set of basic traveling clothing/everyday wear, one custom ninja suit, as well as one good quality ninja weapon of choice and one other ancient weapon.
Relatives & Connections: If a Gatorland Ninja Operative, the character has contacts with the Gatorland ninja organization, Cardania's Scouts, Rodent Cartel, and other rogue elements on the Eastern Seaboard. Independent Ninja often only have contact with their sensei and/or the sensei's other students, and with a few rogues or locals from their homeland.


Ninja Operative Apprenticeship
For at least eight years the character has trained under a ninja sensei in the ways of Ninjitsu. The character has learned how to use the weapons, equipment, and methods of a ninja. They are skilled at silently performing any number of missions, ranging from simple scouting and intelligence gathering to more complex subterfuges and sabotage. Many ninja use their skills to perform assassinations. A ninja works from the shadows, and no one may know their true identity, consequently, any ninja who operates openly as a ninja, continually goes masked and disguised, so no one will know their true identity. Other ninja, more adept at concealing themselves, will opt for simple disguises, often appearing as simple farmers, craftsmen, warriors, bandits, or rogues.

Gatorland Ninja Operatives fulfill a variety of roles including operating trade missions, embassies, acting as the military and administrative officers of Gatorland, and keeping tabs on Gatorland's neighbors (and more importantly any threats to Gatorland). These ninja primarily concentrate on the military and spying aspects of Ninjitsu training. The Gang of Four often employs single operatives and small, commando-style groups as mercenaries, lent out through black market channels to act as bodyguards, scouts, and explorers (and it is rumored, assassins and enforcers) throughout the known world.

Independent Ninja are often trained by sensei in solitary schools that may be found anywhere from remote wilderness locations, to small villages or even hidden among a burgeoning metropolis. Ninja trained in this manner are often independents who act in a variety of ways, typically traveling the land like the Japanese Ronin of old. Occasionally, gangs of these ninja may join together, either for increased opportunities for power (through theft, looting, assassinations, or simply selling the services of the group to the highest bidder) or for protection (of themselves, their sensei, or a group or community).

Base "Hand to Hand Ninjitsu Skill": In the case of combinations of After the Bomb with Ninjas & Superspies, Gatorland Ninja Operatives receive the Ninjitsu martial art style.
Main Skill: Hand to Hand Ninjitsu
Core Skills: All skills from Ninjitusu martial art style.
Military & Weapon Proficiency Skills: Select any two Military Skills (no bonus), plus one W.P. of choice.
Pilot Skills: Select one from Boating, Navigation, Sailing, or Teamster/Wagoner (no bonus).

A list of Ninja Weapons and Equipment:
Descriptions can be found in TMTN&OS, N&S, Rifts: Japan, and Rifts GMG.

Weapons (applicable W.P.(s) listed in parenthesis)

Aikuchi/Tanto (Knife) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 30 bucks
Bisento (Polearm) Damage: 3D6+4; Cost: 300 bucks
Blow Gun (Targeting) Damage: 1D4, may be coated with poisons or drugs; Cost: 15 bucks
Bokken (Blunt or Sword) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 30 bucks
Daisho (Paired) see Katana and Wakizashi
Hankyu (Archery) [This is the folding ninja bow] Range: 250 feet (76m), Damage: 2D4; Cost: 120 bucks.
Jitte (Forked) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 60 bucks
Katana (Sword) Damage: 2D6 or 3D6 for a high quality sword; Cost: 200 bucks for a normal Katana, 1000 bucks higher for a high quality Katana
Kawanaga (Grappling Hook) Damage: 1D8; Cost: 10 bucks
Kusari-Fundo (Chain) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 10 bucks
Kusari-Gama (Chain and Battle Axe) Damage: 1D10--chain, 1D8--sickle; Cost: 50 bucks
Kyoketsu-shogi (Chain and Battle Axe) Damage: 1D8--chain, 1D6--blade; Cost: 40 bucks
Manriki-Gusari (Chain) Damage: 1D8; Cost: 8 bucks
Naginata (Polearm) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 150 bucks
Ninja-to (Sword) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 80 bucks
No-Dachi (Sword) Damage: 3D6+4; Cost: 500 bucks
Nunchaku (Chain) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 20 bucks
Sai (Forked) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 65 bucks
Shinobi-Zue (Staff and Chain) Damage: 1D10 for chain, 2D4 for staff; Cost: 40 bucks
Shikomi-Zue (Staff or Spear) Damage: 2D6 for spear, 2D4 for staff; Cost: 45 bucks
Shuriken (Targeting) Damage: 1D4; Cost: 30 to 50 bucks
Tonfa (Blunt) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 20 bucks
Wakizashi (Sword) Damage: 2D4 or 2D6 for high quality sword; Cost: 100 bucks for a normal Wakizashi, 1000 or higher for a high quality Wakizashi
Yari (Spear) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 35 bucks


Chain Cost: see AtB for costs
Eggshell Bomb Cost: 5 bucks each
Ippon-Sugi Nobori Cost: 25 bucks
Ninja Boots Cost: 10 bucks
Ninja Caltrops (Tetsubishi) 1 point of damage, possible poison; Cost: 5 bits, for materials and/or tools, each
Ninja Climbing Claws (Foot/Ashiko) Cost: 45 bucks/pair
Ninja Climbing Claws (Hand/Shuko) Cost: 55 bucks/pair
Ninja Emergency Kit Cost: 120 bucks
Ninja Hang Glider (HitoWashi) Cost: 250 bucks
Ninja Socks (Tabi) Cost: 2 bits/pr
Ninja Suit (Shinobi Shozoku) Cost: 10 bucks
Rope Cost: see AtB
Rope Ladder Cost: x1.5 cost of normal rope, see AtB

Re: Road Hogs Raphael

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:43 am
by hollowecho
Thanks for the link and info