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Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:17 pm
by TheEvilDM
Hey guys (didn't see any general intro threads) --

I was recently at a recycled books store here in my local town, looking for old AD&D books because I play 1E on a regular basis and I noticed that the store had about two shelves full of Palladium books... So I started thumbing through them remembering the days of playing TMNT as a kid in my friends basement after school, like everyday for hours. My thumb stopped at the TMNT game and I pulled it out and started getting all smiley as I saw the price was only $6. After flipping through it and reading it as I was waiting for my wife, I noticed the book looked different, inside and out. I wasn't sure why at the time, but knew when I got home, I had it nicely packed away in my gaming room.

Got home, pulled out the book and knew I was right, apparently the edition I had was the original with the black type for the logo and had all the goodness of the politically incorrectness we loved about the '80s. Did some more research and found this forum. I am also organizing a possible game in my local face to face group or an online one at Roll20. Its been a long time since I played so I am sure I will have tons of questions as I am going to stick to the original first edition of the book, so I apologize ahead of time if my questions are annoying. I hope others play the original edition as well so I can get advice from them!

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:06 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
You got an original edition TMNT for 6 bucks! SO jealous. I got two off of Ebay that I spent over 40 on each. I have them mainly for collectors items and as such haven't spent much time reading through them. I'm more familiar playing the revised edition. I am sure though, that someone on here can provide you with advice and info as needed. Keep us updated on your game.

Reading about the games others play is always a treat as well.
If you want to read what others are doing...

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:05 am
by Shawn Merrow
Welcome to the boards, hope you enjoy your stay. :)

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:49 pm
by Gazirra
I also plan on getting into TMNT! I'm currently in the process of collating much of the information from the books. Presently, I'm working on skills. I have Kev's basic "how to play an RPG" (in case someone new reads my compilation), the attributes section, combined and expanded mutant animal origin tables, alignment/experience explanations, and explanation of BIO-E all completed

EDIT: For the most part, I'm just copy/pasting the info from the books

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:07 pm
by TheEvilDM
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:You got an original edition TMNT for 6 bucks! SO jealous. I got two off of Ebay that I spent over 40 on each. I have them mainly for collectors items and as such haven't spent much time reading through them. I'm more familiar playing the revised edition. I am sure though, that someone on here can provide you with advice and info as needed. Keep us updated on your game.

Reading about the games others play is always a treat as well.
If you want to read what others are doing...

I've been enjoying the cover to cover read from the original rules.. So now I have two copies of it (my original and the new one). I have to say its a good read and isn't hard at all. The style is very '80s, but I'm used to it as I've been playing a lot of AD&D and that is written in a secret language as it is :) I even got two more people interested in play when they saw the "forbidden pages" lol. One guy laughed his butt off at the fact you can be "double gay" (his words).

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:25 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
AlucardD20 wrote: One guy laughed his butt off at the fact you can be "double gay" (his words).

How exactly would that work?

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:11 am
by TheEvilDM
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
AlucardD20 wrote: One guy laughed his butt off at the fact you can be "double gay" (his words).

How exactly would that work?

Well from looking at the table -- sometimes you have to roll more then once. So if you rolled up that and rolled again, you'd get it a second time and in the original rules there is nothing saying if you roll the same thing roll again -- of course as an experienced GM I'd say roll again, but I can see a new player like him just using it twice. Not quite sure what "double gay" would act like.. But he made me laugh in how much it really cracked him up.

(Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to offend anyone who is gay, rather I am showing how silly players can act.)

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:12 am
by TheEvilDM
Panomas wrote:$6?

Time to go back over and buy a backup-

Welcome to the boards!

Do it, you be surprised how things are marked so low at a place like half priced books.

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:27 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
AlucardD20 wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
AlucardD20 wrote: One guy laughed his butt off at the fact you can be "double gay" (his words).

How exactly would that work?

Well from looking at the table -- sometimes you have to roll more then once. So if you rolled up that and rolled again, you'd get it a second time and in the original rules there is nothing saying if you roll the same thing roll again -- of course as an experienced GM I'd say roll again, but I can see a new player like him just using it twice. Not quite sure what "double gay" would act like.. But he made me laugh in how much it really cracked him up.

(Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to offend anyone who is gay, rather I am showing how silly players can act.)

What he said ^
Hrrmm.. I'm thinking that a character that rolled Double Gay would be. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABUULOOUUS

Oh God help me I'm laughing and snorting and choking and crying..It hurts

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:34 am
by Tor
AlucardD20 wrote:the original with the black type for the logo and had all the goodness of the politically incorrectness we loved about the '80s
Example of stuff left out of the revised versions? It doesn't have the legendary 'homosexuality as insanity' does it? I would kill for a scan of a page featuring that. Assuming it is due to mention of double-gay...

In regard to double-rolled insanities, it makes sense for things you can get different versions of, like phobias or obsessions, but for ones which are very specific ("become a psychiatrist" comes to mind) I'd say you'd be obligated to reroll it if you got it a second time.

Sadly all I have in my books is Kevin describing the features of the Black Millenium Tree in Mindwerks as 'negroid' :(

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:23 am
by Matt
Your first post is similar to my experience... found some used cheap copies of Palladium games in good condition...I think for about $35 I got Heroes Unlimited, Powers Unlimited 1-3, HU GM Guide, Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, and Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles! However, I have never played a Palladium game before. Long time ago someone gave me the Robotech game because I was into the cartoons after school, but I had no one to play it with even if I could understand it all. No idea where that game went.

Can't wait to dive in if I can find some players!

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:05 am
by hollowecho
I remember in '92 ( god I'm old ) walking into my local comic shop and seeing a Tmnaos sitting on the shelf next to a rifts main book, a robotech, and the GM screen . I bought the tmnt and rifts books in the same week .... Two weeks later transdimentional showed up with mutants down under.... I was going broke ( being 14 at a time ) well no new books showed up for like a year .... Then rifts sourcebook one vampire nonsense showed up I went up to buy that book and it was gone....two days later I return to find a note left for me asking if I would like to play in a rifts game .... Turns out the guy was buying the books also and was wonder who else played ...cut to 2003 and 5 tmnts later I'm his bestman at his marriage

Re: Returning to Palladium games, especially TMNT

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:04 pm
by Matt
hollowecho wrote:I remember in '92 ( god I'm old ) walking into my local comic shop and seeing a Tmnaos sitting on the shelf next to a rifts main book, a robotech, and the GM screen . I bought the tmnt and rifts books in the same week .... Two weeks later transdimentional showed up with mutants down under.... I was going broke ( being 14 at a time ) well no new books showed up for like a year .... Then rifts sourcebook one vampire nonsense showed up I went up to buy that book and it was gone....two days later I return to find a note left for me asking if I would like to play in a rifts game .... Turns out the guy was buying the books also and was wonder who else played ...cut to 2003 and 5 tmnts later I'm his bestman at his marriage

That's a great story. I wish I were still in touch with some of my roleplaying cohorts.