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What do you Think of the Living Rune Swords?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:44 pm
by gaby
I think ther Great,they add a unique spin to Rune Weapons.
I also like the Npc,s living Rune swords.

the Best One is the Invoked r.c.c.

tell me What to you think of the Living Rune Swords?

What do ou think is the Best Living Rune sword R.C.c?

Any ideas for ther Runed Perdonalities?

Re: What do you Think of the Living Rune Swords?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:08 pm
by Akashic Soldier
I do like them but it takes a good player to do them justice.

Re: What do you Think of the Living Rune Swords?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:00 am
by drewkitty ~..~

they seam to be someone stretching for something new.

Re: What do you Think of the Living Rune Swords?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:27 am
by Prysus
gaby wrote:I think ther Great,they add a unique spin to Rune Weapons.
gaby wrote:tell me What to you think of the Living Rune Swords?

Greetings and Salutations, and thank you very much. :) Naturally, I like them. Of course, I'm biased since I wrote the article. :P

gaby wrote:the Best One is the Invoked r.c.c.
gaby wrote:What do ou think is the Best Living Rune sword R.C.c?

Personally, I liked the Warper the best. While a lot of the others I had to stick to the concept of rune weapons in the books, with the Warper I got to put more of my own ideas in there and cut loose (to a greater extent, though still limited).

gaby wrote:Any ideas for ther Runed Perdonalities?
gaby wrote:I also like the Npc,s living Rune swords.

I think how Dalv lost his body is hilarious, but my favorite was Seraphend (and still want to use her in a game one day, but I just don't run enough these days). I did have ideas for others, and maybe one day I'll develop them more. A quick concept of each is ...

Blink (Psion R.C.C.): A sadistic killer who delights in torment (acts more like a Soul Drinker, but not the power type). She has a high P.P. and Spd. (which aid her in combat), likes playing with her victims before killing them (often torturing and killing them slowly), and considers death at her hand a "gift."

Diremage (Invoked R.C.C.): Always very serious and believes some ancient magic is going to awaken and threaten the world. He also believes he'll play a part in the final event (either for good or for bad, he's not sure which). As more Living Rune Swords awaken, he's starting to suspect that perhaps that ancient magic may be another Living Rune Sword (but he's not sure).

Starburst (Warper R.C.C.): Never got much into him, but he's the rune weapon you see in the opening scene of the article (the one awakening and trying to figure out where he is). He's a little bitter over how they got discarded (and hunted) at the end of the war. All in all though he's just hoping to find a place in this world, and praying that the world has forgotten about their (Living Rune Swords) existence so that maybe he and the others can be accepted this time.

Since I didn't use them in the article (I cut them myself for space considerations), they were never fleshed out all the way. I think I had a few other ideas too, but I can't find the notes on them. Anyways, I think that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

P.S. It wasn't my attempt to just make something new. It was my attempt to take the love people seem to have of rune weapons, and find a way to make it more fun for them. By and large, that seems to be exactly the responses I hear about them, so I consider my goal accomplished. Just sayin'. ;)