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MA Program Reboot

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:41 am
by zyanitevp
Hi! A lot of you don't know me, and I am sorry I could not get out to the Open House. My name is Victor, and I am one of the 4 Megaversal Ambassador Coordinators. The other 3 are NMI, Ingexthefuryhunter1, and Zenvis. We have been working behind the scenes with Wayne and Kevin to do what our handles indicate- Coordinate the Megaversal Ambassador program.

Our first step is to actually get a list together of active MA's. I recently received from Wayne a list of the MA's that have signed up since the creation of the email address back on January 23rd, 2012. The 4 of us were added to that address only recently, so many of you have not been contacted. If I do not send you an email before Sunday, May 27th, I do not have you on the list. For those of you I have emailed in the last month or so, you are in. I have a lot of emails to send this weekend, so please give me until Tuesday.

If I do not reach out to you by Sunday, May 27th, 2012, and your name is not jaymz, novastar, reelman, zachary the first, or spinachcat, or a Palladium recognized freelance writer like warwolf, carl gleba, et al, consider first that we are coming late to the party here. Many ambassadors have not posted on the boards or reached out to Palladium in a while. We would love to have you back! The other issue is that I have incomplete or wrong info for some of our legends (even a couple listed above). We need the info listed on the "So you want to be an MA thread" here
sent to the address. The only people with that info will be the 4 of us, Wayne, Kevin, Alex, and the founder of the program, Zachary the First, and the man who kept it running, Reelman.

We have a lot more to come that we are discussing with Wayne, Kevin & Alex-but it all starts with an active, current, and real list. I sent out 25 emails today to catch up from January- mid-April.


Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:35 am
by calto40k
Woo hoo I'm in

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:54 am
by zyanitevp
The list has been submitted, discussions ongoing. All on the list should now have Megaversal Ambassador on their profile, thanks to NMI!
More coming soon, but finally the 1st step is completed!

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:41 pm
by Juce734
I look forward to helping however possible.

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:30 pm
by zyanitevp
zyanitevp wrote:Hi! A lot of you don't know me, and I am sorry I could not get out to the Open House. My name is Victor, and I am one of the 4 Megaversal Ambassador Coordinators. The other 3 are NMI, Ingexthefuryhunter1, and Zenvis. We have been working behind the scenes with Wayne and Kevin to do what our handles indicate- Coordinate the Megaversal Ambassador program.

Our first step is to actually get a list together of active MA's. I recently received from Wayne a list of the MA's that have signed up since the creation of the email address back on January 23rd, 2012. The 4 of us were added to that address only recently, so many of you have not been contacted. If I do not send you an email before Sunday, May 27th, I do not have you on the list. For those of you I have emailed in the last month or so, you are in. I have a lot of emails to send this weekend, so please give me until Tuesday.

The list has been submitted, discussions ongoing. All on the list should now have Megaversal Ambassador on their profile, thanks to NMI!
More coming soon, but finally the 1st step is completed!


Our next step is in process- getting swag organized, and how to get it, getting people to cons, how to do outreach, organizing demo games, and cleaning up the "So you want to be an MA" page. We had a group meeting recently, and we are trying to get a meeting set up with PB to discuss (they are busy trying to get product out).

The person in charge of the coordination for this quarter is Zenvis. You will see his postings most often for July, August, and September. As always, you can send me a pm or email as well.

Update will be here once we meet with PB.

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:23 am
by ingexthefuryhunter1
Tijuanageek There is a MA package in the MA lounge at the top of this page that you may download and use as a quick start demo.

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:09 am
by zyanitevp
So the 4 MA Coordinators [Nate “Zenvis” Bingham, Gary “Ingex” Miller, Victor “Zyanitevp” Peterson, and Jeff “NMI” Ruiz] had a Skype meeting with Kevin Siembieda, Jeff Burke and Bill Korsak [Palladium friend, ally and supporter].

We discussed a variety of issues including the issue with getting out SWAG, communication problems, what Palladium wants from us and what we need from Palladium.

We are looking at getting MA's business cards, pins and coming soon, T-Shirts, all of which were agreed to- so sometime, hopefully soon!

With Jeff Burke in place at the PB Office, we now have a regular point of contact with the office to better help coordinate getting out swag, promo materials and such. This means we will really be able to increase our positive efforts- so sign up for a con, send us a Swag request, and Game On!

We are also looking at getting Kevin and/or crew out to new cons that Palladium has not been to in order to better promote the industry and of course, Palladium Books.

We are making an effort to make a huge splash with Robotech RPG tactics, so get out to your FLGS and answer our recent email!

NMI has a face-to-face meeting with the Palladium crew next week to discuss further things such as the Forums, website and more.

Stay tuned my friends!

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:12 pm
by Tiree
zyanitevp wrote:So the 4 MA Coordinators [Nate “Zenvis” Bingham, Gary “Ingex” Miller, Victor “Zyanitevp” Peterson, and Jeff “NMI” Ruiz] had a Skype meeting with Kevin Siembieda, Jeff Burke and Bill Korsak [Palladium friend, ally and supporter].

We discussed a variety of issues including the issue with getting out SWAG, communication problems, what Palladium wants from us and what we need from Palladium.

We are looking at getting MA's business cards, pins and coming soon, T-Shirts, all of which were agreed to- so sometime, hopefully soon!

With Jeff Burke in place at the PB Office, we now have a regular point of contact with the office to better help coordinate getting out swag, promo materials and such. This means we will really be able to increase our positive efforts- so sign up for a con, send us a Swag request, and Game On!

We are also looking at getting Kevin and/or crew out to new cons that Palladium has not been to in order to better promote the industry and of course, Palladium Books.

We are making an effort to make a huge splash with Robotech RPG tactics, so get out to your FLGS and answer our recent email!

NMI has a face-to-face meeting with the Palladium crew next week to discuss further things such as the Forums, website and more.

Stay tuned my friends!

Question: Will the SWAG be more targerted with what Games are being run? I know in the past I have seen a ton of Rifters, but no 'Core' Book. A friend of mine bought used & dinged and damaged RUE's to give out as SWAG for his Rifts Games.

Re: MA Program Reboot

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:48 am
by Zenvis
So at the beginning of the Reboot of the MA program we said, "What does this reboot mean? It means that you now will have support for running demos and convention games!" We want to tell you that exactly that has been occurring! Kevin assigned Jeff Burke to take care of the MA program, and he does! Real swag has been provided! So, please, if you have not signed up for the MA program, please do so! Sign up to run games at Conventions, and let your con participants get rewarded! This program is becoming real- come join us!