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BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:01 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
Secret World
Secret World Media Wow Cool!!

This game looks very cool...

Fer sure...I'm gonna play it when it comes out.
We should get a bunch of us together and form a Palladium Players Guild aka Lazlo Society.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:20 pm
by Cybermancer
Their personality quiz suggests that I should play the Illuminati.

Interestingly enough, they built the Kingsmouth Lighthouse.

It certainly has a very Lazlo feel to it.

I like the idea of a classless system but I'm curious about how they plan to implement it.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:21 am
by MurderCityDisciple
I came up Illuminati as well...didn't think I would, but I did. I was thinking I would be more Templarish actually. Oh well...I embrace my fate.

I've been watching a dungeon video and they explained that basically that a character can be all classes (via ability purchases) it's basically what abilities you slot. So one character can play all standard MMO roles...tank, healer, dps ect.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:42 pm
by Lord Z
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, MCD.

I am not much of an MMO guy, but this is something I might give a try. I am only home just long enough to sleep, so games that I can not play on my phone don't get a lot of attention. This game could be fun for when I get an occasional day off. If it is free, I will definitely try it. If it is free for trial or pay-to-play, maybe...

I agree that there does seem to be a BtS vibe here. The lighthouse (despite also being a Stephen King reference) definitely suggests that the developers might have some Palladium influence. If I were arrogant, I would suggest that Thomas Edison reference was due to my use of him as a character in Court of Tarot. I am certainly seeing more similarities between The Secret World and BtS than I saw between Rifts and Rift; I hope that we will not see another lawsuit happen.

Anyway, I might just sign up for this because of the animation. My wife and her writers' circle have been writing a lot of urban fantasy lately. This could be useful for animating some of their stories as machimation.

Where is the personality test?

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:22 am
by Lord Z
I found the personality test. I have definitely never had more fun than this taking a personality test. I don't know if gameplay will be any good, but this group does a really bang-up job when it comes to marketing material productions.

I was expecting Illuminati, but my result was Templar. I joined as a Templar, but I might just switch affiliation if we get an Illuminati team going of BtS members. What do we think?

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:43 am
by Lord Z
Sooo, are we interested in playing the MMO as ourselves or as our Lazlo characters playing the MMO?

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:00 am
by Cybermancer
Lord Z wrote:Sooo, are we interested in playing the MMO as ourselves or as our Lazlo characters playing the MMO?

Heh. That might be mildly amusing. :)

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:06 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
I'd be willing to join up with other interested Palladi-pals.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:57 pm
by Tearstone
I'd definitely join up with my Pallypals.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:14 pm
by Lord Z
The release date for The Secret World is in a couple of months, but chat on the company's Facebook page indicates a general belief among fans that a delay is imminent. Upon what they are basing this prediction, I really have no idea.

Re: BTS-ish Multi-player Online Game

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:33 am
by Lord Z
For those who have not been following, TSW caused quite a stir on Facebook last week. Funcom arranged a challenge for the beta players which somehow (I am not in the beta) involved in-game rewards for recruiting people into your faction. The recruitment was done entirely through Facebook friending (it seems to me; again I am an outsider). The promotion was much more popular than anticipated, and Facebook had Funcom discontinue it for a while as the demand (on FB's servers, it would seem) was just too much. Now, the promotion is back on. There have been interesting developments with how the recruitment is proceeding. All three factions are tied at 5% growth towards their goals. The Templars are leading recruitment in Europe and Africa. The Illuminati are leading in North America. The Dragons did have a strong start in Asia, but that territory is now being challenged. Even as they slip in Asia, the Dragons are surging in South America.

Anyway, I've gotten dozens of friend requests from strangers this week, instead of the odd one every month. Most seem to be Templars like myself. I actually use FB for communication, so I don't want my feed jammed up by who-is-friends-with-whom updates from hundreds of gamers. I have rejected all of these requests. If you really want to friend me for TSW, I have created a FB account for Raven Davenport. He's Illuminati.