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RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:20 am
by Akashic Soldier
Hello My Fellow Palladians,

After reading the MMO thread in the SAVE PALLADIUM forum I decided I was willing to throw together a Palladium Video game for the community to play for free if I got a little help. As mentioned the the aforementioned post I am looking for a dedicated team of 10 people who are willing to work from their home PC's as I'd like the project to be finished from six months after the start date and it would take longer than that if I was working on my own.

If you know and are skilled at scripting (specifically Ruby) and interested please send me a private message.
If you are a skill artist or professional writer and you are interested please send me a private message.
I am also going to need a few storytellers (who have run successful games--be honest please) to contact me and get on board if they are interested.

From the rest of you I am going to need something else... and I shudder to say this but... I need your...

Gah... I know I'll regret this but...

I need your OPINIONS.

What do you want to see in a RIFTS game?
What stories appeal to you the most?

I am sure I will be including the base O.C.C's, I wouldn't expect to see R.C.C's though I might allow for certain R.C.C. party members to be picked up throughout game play.

You may now gush. :)

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:38 am
by Akashic Soldier

* A list of weapons you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* A list of armor/powered armor that you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* A list of vehicles/robots that you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* Your favorite Rifts antagonists.

You are encouraged to offer more information than what I have listed here but please understand that putting EVERYTHING from Rifts in this game (where as possible) would take a long time and make a lot of extra work for the spriter. It will make it easier for me/us (and more fun for you) if you list your likes by priority and provide book names and numbers where able.

**Iconic doesn't mean MOST POWERFUL**

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:50 am
by Dr Megaverse
I'd be satisfied with the RMB made into a game. Great classes, good basic gear, good intro of "the big bad guys".

For me, the setting, in terms of when PA it takes place, is probably a big deciding factor. I'd really prefer to see it before 107 PA, just to keep it simple.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:57 pm
by Comrade Corsarius
TW skyships.

To me, nothing says 'rifts' more than the image in my mind of a sailing ship lifting from the earth in crackling blue energy, its sails billowing and filling, its crew of humans and d-bees, the mage at the wheel, his cloak blowing, and then it rises to join the traffic travelling along the ley line.

Think captain hook's flying boat from peter pan combined with the traffic from blade runner.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:36 pm
by Witchcraft
What an undertaking! I commend and applaud you guys for your efforts. I am by no means or stretch of the imagination a professional writer but I'd be happy to lend a hand if needed and as my schedule permits. Cheers!

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:29 pm
by Comrade Corsarius
Akashic Soldier wrote:THINGS THAT WILL HELP

* A list of weapons you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* A list of armor/powered armor that you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* A list of vehicles/robots that you feel are iconic to the Rifts setting.
* Your favorite Rifts antagonists.

You are encouraged to offer more information than what I have listed here but please understand that putting EVERYTHING from Rifts in this game (where as possible) would take a long time and make a lot of extra work for the spriter. It will make it easier for me/us (and more fun for you) if you list your likes by priority and provide book names and numbers where able.

**Iconic doesn't mean MOST POWERFUL**

Iconic weapons: Mostly TW stuff for me, but definitely Triax pump pistols and NG weapons would be up there.

Iconic armour/PA: The PA106 SAMAS and USAG10 Glitter Boy ARE the poster boys of Rifts.

Iconic vehicles: Well I've already said TW skyship, but the three wheeled Mountaineer ATV is pretty unique.

Favourite antagonists: The CS, The 'true' Federation of Magic (ie: dunscon), The Gargoyles and Brodkil in Europe, The forces of Melbourne and Perth.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:47 am
by SkyeFyre
Wait. A team of 10 people, 6 months, during spare time?

Just what exactly do you plan on having done in that time? As someone who's somewhat in the game making business I am wondering what your goals are, if it's anything even remotely impressive I can see you needing your team of 10 people to work like it's crunch time for the full 6 month period.

If we're talking something simple, 2D, and bare bones, I can maybe see it (as a basic combat calculator and not much of a game). Unless you have a very talented group though it's bound to be buggy, and definitely not polished.

EDIT: Also I'm curious as to why you chose Ruby.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:37 am
by Mad Cow Milk
SkyeFyre wrote:Wait. A team of 10 people, 6 months, during spare time?

Just what exactly do you plan on having done in that time? As someone who's somewhat in the game making business I am wondering what your goals are, if it's anything even remotely impressive I can see you needing your team of 10 people to work like it's crunch time for the full 6 month period.

If we're talking something simple, 2D, and bare bones, I can maybe see it (as a basic combat calculator and not much of a game). Unless you have a very talented group though it's bound to be buggy, and definitely not polished.

EDIT: Also I'm curious as to why you chose Ruby.

As am I, and I was thinking the same thing. Not enough time for that small of a group.

As to Iconic things; the most iconic things are usually the things listed in the core book.

There are some other things in the other books that really do help define the game, but the Iconic should be just the core book.

As to things to the icon, Battle Magus would be up there.

My opinion of the most iconic among the icons in descending order of iconic nature:

Ley-line walker (The game just isn't the same, these are cool and are simonious with the presence of the rifts, which is what the game is named. Thus why they are on the cover of the RUE)
Dragon Hatchling (Not many PRGs allow for you to play such a thing day one)
Gliterboy Pilot (Intrenched in the game's setting and a standard mech pilot)
Collision Grunt

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:57 pm
by SkyeFyre
While I do believe the expectations are a little too high, I would offer my assistance if I wasn't already dedicating most of my spare time to another game project (One that will actually pay the bills).

Best thing to do though, is if you have a vision. Continue with what you're doing. Get all the input you want/need, and start designing how the game is going to be so that once you get a group of people who are actually going to be able to jump on board, you can start assigning out tasks and reduce wasted time.

Also, I would ask that you reconsider Ruby as your language of choice. It may be "easier", but you'll be losing performance. Maybe at first you're not going to be worried about performance but as your game grows you might want something with a little more "oomph". I'd suggest C++ as it's pretty much a standard for game making. Fast, versatile, and most serious programmers have at least touched it.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by Akashic Soldier
I just wanted everyone to know I am currently moving house (and with Christmas I am going to be busy--but I still need people).

To answer the questions as quickly and simply as possible.

I chose ruby because its what I already know the outlines off and if I run into troubles I haden't predicted my little brother who has been described as having "mad skillz" by his peers suggested it because he'd find it easiest to look over when trying to fix any bugs.

As for time... in two months and nine days I put together a complete Final Fantasy VI style RPG base including 800 seperate useable items, 500 weapons, 600 armors and shields, and 200 accessories, 976 seperate powers and abilities (most of which were rather versitile) and selectable 100 classes (though there was only something like 20 base classes and 80 "specialist" subclasses that a player could switch between to customise his character.)

Admitedly I only threw together two maps before I had to pack up my PC and was still working on Spriting--but the fact is I did all that on my own in my spare time between watching TV. It wasn't hard at all really. There was a couple of annoying complications with powers like "Ninja Clan" which I wanted to function outside of combat by taking you the character too it to a secret dojo where he could accept quests or buy rare ninja only items, while in combat it functioned as a multi-attack where a number of ninja sprang out and attacked one after another. However I worked it out pretty easily in the end.

I've found that the primary issue is with spriting, one sprite was taking me almost a day to complete (I'm not an artist by trade) but I knew people who could knock out a decent one in a couple of hours if I could give them sprite-bases. So its all just practice. And for doing Monsters I could take a photo of my house cat and use that as one so really all I need in the artist department is someone who enjoys drawing some of the iconic sprite pictures to redraw/colour them for the game. Then its just a matter of some careful tinting on my behalf (not at all that hard) and then I can a wide range of random encounters.

As I mentioned the main issue I had from a time base was spriting. In reguards to story.. that is EASY, mapping isn't always the most fun but as I'm making a fangame for the community to play and I'm not getting paid here I am pretty sure most people will be happy with rather mediocre maps so long as they aren't going to get stuck half way across bridges or between rocks (which again is easy enough to handle).

Which leaves PLOT. If I can get a team of writers/storytellers (thanks for those who have PMed me so far--please continue to do so) and I can get us all together in a room to brain storm for a few hours and settle on a plot. Then all I need to do is asign each storyteller a scene or a few scenes of dialogue and piece that together through events (which again is rather simple) and Voilla!

I see making a good video game like making a puzzle. If I get a good enough story and keep it fun and simple most people will have fun and enjoy it (which is my goal here), all I need are people to give me the pieces and I can put it together. The more that is liberally "stolen" from other sources (for instance "Class: Juice"does X,Y,Z") than the less work for me. I just have to take power X, Y and Z and then stat them up while keeping everything in balance. And hell, for the most part that doesnt even matter so much in RIFTS because nothing is really balanced.

And so how is that fair you might ask? Why wouldn't someone be a team of glitterboy pilots? Easy! I'll have class-based events so there are places only Coalition boys and Mercanaries and Juicers and Crazies can go and things that only the respective classes can do. So if you don't have a Crazy in the lead of your party you can't save the cat out of the tree by selecting the option "Cut down the tree" and because they can't "cut down the tree" they won't be able to fight the Dryad that lives within said tree.

Its all just that easy.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:27 pm
by SkyeFyre
I'd be very curious to see this game you put together in 2 months and 9 days. If that's all true, then I ask why do you have all of this free time when you should be able to easily get a job as a programmer?

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:48 pm
by Akashic Soldier
SkyeFyre wrote:I'd be very curious to see this game you put together in 2 months and 9 days. If that's all true, then I ask why do you have all of this free time when you should be able to easily get a job as a programmer?

I'll upload a link for you when I'm unpacked and up and going. She's basic but fun. As for working as a programer, I doubt it. I have no professonal qualifications. I taught myself by reading manuals offline. Also, I write and work in comics for a living so I'm really happy with my job right now. Wait until you guys see this new Cloak and Dagger animated series. You'll love it!

I wrote the episode Darker Days and really put my heart and soul into it. ^_^

Here is a random screen shot. ... or/1-1.png

(I fixed up the clothes on the black guy so he looks like more like he is wearing a chinese martial arts outfit than blue PJ's but thats the only screen shot I have).

And while I'm at it... this is how I used to waste my time. =P ... arines.jpg

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:54 pm
by Noon
Akashic Soldier wrote:

Using RPGmaker, I think. Which tends to cut down on development time.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:55 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Noon wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:

Using RPGmaker, I think. Which tends to cut down on development time.

Mmmhmmm. :)

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:47 pm
by SkyeFyre
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Noon wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:

Using RPGmaker, I think. Which tends to cut down on development time.

Mmmhmmm. :)

AHA! I knew Ruby sounded familiar. If you're planning on putting it together using RPGMaker, then ok, I can see it. That makes a lot more sense now.

Also, "qualifications" are just really expensive pieces of paper. While I did learn a lot in college, I dropped out and taught myself most of what I know on my own. Sure I've lost jobs to people I could code circles around, but I figure if you've got the drive and passion to master something in your spare time while you're working a full time job, you've probably got the drive and passion to make it on your own, which is why me and my brother decided to just skip the whole getting hired part, and decided to form our own company. My point was not to let "qualifications" limit you.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:49 am
by Akashic Soldier
All my friends grew up got married and left the wide-eyed dreamer with a lot of spare time on his hands. After I watched every single horror movie ever made (yes, every single one--at least everyone produced for Hollywood) I had NOTHING to do. I'd write and kick around at the mall. I'm uninterested in a relationship because I'm yet to find someone to stimulate me mentally (a girl who isn't afraid to laugh and dream) and I'm not looking for kids with the wrong person and as I live in a small town I literally had nothing else to do. So, I'm not really "driven" as much as I have a fear of standing still and stagnating and I learn pretty quickly. (I'm a member of Mensa) so I NEED to keep stimulated or else I become depressed over the state of the world and modern ignorance. Its not that people are dumb--its just they dont stop to think or consider the consequences of their actions as often as they should. Still, the result is the same. Its a bad dehumanizing world and its getting worse. Anywho--my point is... I was really bored and wanted to try expressing myself in different formats.

This game is just something for the community to show them what they are capable of and to have fun since Palladium is having a tough time getting past all the red tape. Hopefully when its all said and we can all sit down and have a blast. If you manage to get any free time at all (I understand you probably wont but if you do) let me know.

It can be a lot of fun.

For instance; I can't wait to put together the bionics system. I'm going to have them as "passive" abilities that cost max PPE to install and give you specific bonuses. Full-Conversion Cyborgs will just have the option of getting special bionics other OCC's can't have.

I'm going to have mecha/power armor have an energy gauge that wears down as you walk around in it and when it runs out it powers down and ejects you. Then you have to recharge them. It's not EXACTLY true to the setting but it might make things more interesting strategically for players.

"Sure you can walk around in your Glitterboy and so start the battle prepped and ready to kick-ass but it means you're likely going to start battle with less energy than you would and risk powering down in battle and being forced to rely on your pilots combat abilities if you're not careful."

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:12 am
by Witchcraft
Again, this sounds so awesome! I kinda wish I knew Ruby! I'm only armed with a fertile imagination and a half-way decent command of the English language.

Let's get this show on the road!

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:05 pm
by SkyeFyre
Ah, yeah, Mensa. I was told to chat with them, I'd rather not have a label so I didn't. I completely understand what you mean by keeping your mind occupied. Anyways though... back on the topic of making games.

I don't want to officially declare that I'm going to help, but I could use some practice in putting together music tracks (Need some for the game I'm working on and we have no music guy). I do it very casually so I'm nothing pro, but in my "relax time" I wouldn't mind trying to experiment and put together some tracks that could be used in the game.

Once again, I'm not officially saying I'll be working on this, but if I can put together some tracks I'll allow you to use them (That way we can avoid the default tunes in RPGMaker, and any copyright issues).

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:45 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Awesome Skye. I was actually wondering what kind of score to use capture the atmosphere.

And of course Witchcraft! As I said though we likely won't start until January at the earliest and I still need one more code guy and an artist.

If anyone knows anyone interested be sure to get them on board. I won't lie, some of it can be tedious, but its so rewarding when you get to sit back and look at the complete product.

I've noticed this thread has a lot of lurkers. If you are interested in contributing but don't know what you can offer, why not write up a short one or two paragraph summery of your favorite Rifts character and we'll see if we can work them in as a playable PC or NPC character. :)

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:25 am
by Talon Starblade
Well, not wishing to be left as a lurker, I think I’ll submit on this one…

I graduated about 5 months ago from college, getting my degree in of all things, “Video Game Design.” You read that right; I got a degree to do this stuff. That said, I am curious on the levels of detail you want to do this on. I haven’t worked that much with RPGMaker or Ruby, so I don’t know how up there we could go on the project.

<does a search online and watches a quick video>

Wow… I’d heard about this thing years ago, but hadn’t realized it’s gotten that functional… I may have to look in on this thing. Going back on topic, what level of art and such are you looking for? Preproduction is key to determining the kind of work and crew you actually need to get a project done. You should try and think up your starting story, and how far out the player can go… Have you considered whether you can create section or story modules? Like adding plug-in sections for expanding on the started game? (Don’t know if Ruby can allow that, like adding Downloadable Content to the game)

On the topic of iconic content, I say stick with the RUE main book, and if possible, make the thing episodic. This way you can add to the story, without having to write it all from the ground up each time. That’s my two cents.

Oh, I’m an artist and amateur wrier, btw. I’m still looking ot get even an internship with a game company in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:26 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Sounds like a plan!

I'll answer this in more detail when I can get near a PC. (I'm on my iPhone currently).

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:35 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Has this been approved by Kevin and the Palladium staff?

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:48 pm
by SkyeFyre
...and thus... the project idea becomes yet another good idea that may never see the light of day.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:56 pm
by Akashic Soldier
The Galactus Kid wrote:Has this been approved by Kevin and the Palladium staff?

Nope. As a non-profit fan project I do not think it requires legal permission to produce and distribute anymore than mock YouTube video's featuring Optimus Prime.

Plus when I last contacted them they were very busy so I figure it's better to leave them to their work and if they want to brow beat me after its finished I'll sign it over and they can do what they want with it. I'm not particularly fussed. Hopefully they'll be impressed--though all that said if word got to them and they WANTED to be involved in the creative process well shucks Gallactus you just have 'em send me on over a private message and I'll take all the direction they can give by gawsh!

After all the more "official" the game looks the happier the fans are going to be.

I just really wish I'd hurry up and get approved for this new house so I can unpack and start working. I might head down today and make some noise about it. I'd like to be in before Christmas and as soon as I am unpacked (shouldn't take more than a few days) I will be ready to start work.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:16 am
by Shark_Force
i don't think fair use works the way you think it does.

make it for your own use at home? might be legal, and essentially unenforceable.

make and distribute it online? not so much...

the fact that you're not using it to make money doesn't mean you have the legal right to use it however you feel like.

edit: for clarification, it is worth noting that the legal system of our society to some extent forces people to be total douchebags when it comes to intellectual property.

one problem is that if you don't go utterly ballistic over people using your IP without your express written permission is that some other total douchebag with a good lawyer may be able to pull some fancy BS and remove all the legal protections of your ideas... which, generally speaking, is considered to be undesirable from a business perspective.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:03 am
by Akashic Soldier
This is true. Squaresoft was able to put the cease and desist on the Chronology Trigger fan game that was being made. However, honestly, I really doubt Kevin would care. I'm doing this for the fans here and it's no money out if their pocket.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:01 am
by Mad Cow Milk
Akashic Soldier wrote:This is true. Squaresoft was able to put the cease and desist on the Chronology Trigger fan game that was being made. However, honestly, I really doubt Kevin would care. I'm doing this for the fans here and it's no money out if their pocket.

If I wasn't already entirely swamped I would totally help. Unfortunately I have 2 game prototypes, 1 class, and 3D art project I have to do. No rest for the wicked as they say.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:02 pm
by Shark_Force
Akashic Soldier wrote:This is true. Squaresoft was able to put the cease and desist on the Chronology Trigger fan game that was being made. However, honestly, I really doubt Kevin would care. I'm doing this for the fans here and it's no money out if their pocket.

again, it's not necessarily a choice. palladium just recently got into a legal skirmish (possibly more, haven't heard about it much) over another game.

now, if you had posted this on some site where palladium could plausibly say they had no idea, they likely could ignore it. but you're talking about it right here on these boards, which are owned by palladium.

given a choice between ignoring this and taking a risk that some lawyer is going to try to use it to take away his copyright protection, kevin would be a fool to make any choice other than sending you a cease and desist letter. not necessarily because he wants to, but because legally, if he doesn't, he may lose his copyright.

like i said, it's not even his fault he has to be a jerk about it; that's just how the legal system works. i doubt kevin personally objects to the idea of a rifts game. heck, he'd probably be happy about it... it's just that he can't (or at least, shouldn't) take the chance that all of a sudden anyone who feels like it can do whatever they feel like with the intellectual property that he's built up.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:15 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Shark_Force wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:This is true. Squaresoft was able to put the cease and desist on the Chronology Trigger fan game that was being made. However, honestly, I really doubt Kevin would care. I'm doing this for the fans here and it's no money out if their pocket.

again, it's not necessarily a choice. palladium just recently got into a legal skirmish (possibly more, haven't heard about it much) over another game.

now, if you had posted this on some site where palladium could plausibly say they had no idea, they likely could ignore it. but you're talking about it right here on these boards, which are owned by palladium.

given a choice between ignoring this and taking a risk that some lawyer is going to try to use it to take away his copyright protection, kevin would be a fool to make any choice other than sending you a cease and desist letter. not necessarily because he wants to, but because legally, if he doesn't, he may lose his copyright.

like i said, it's not even his fault he has to be a jerk about it; that's just how the legal system works. i doubt kevin personally objects to the idea of a rifts game. heck, he'd probably be happy about it... it's just that he can't (or at least, shouldn't) take the chance that all of a sudden anyone who feels like it can do whatever they feel like with the intellectual property that he's built up.

I agree with all of this.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:51 am
by Akashic Soldier
*scratches his chin*

That could work.

I really doubt it's going to be an issue however as I've seen a standard letter from Palladium in fanbooks that the writers have signed that states that they don't own any of the material.

Honestly, it's a game. I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill here. The point is for the folks here to have a little fun. He isn't going to loose his copyright because we throw together a Rifts-based RPG video game on my home PC. That's the equivalent of saying Harmony Gold is going to have an issue with their fans releasing short Robotech fan movies on their forums.

I's like to start working on the plot soon. So those following this thread who have ideas shoot me a PM. I'd say post here but we don't wanna ruin any surprises. :)

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:00 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Careful if anyone suggests the Triax Pump guns because if it was put into a game with their current art... I forget which company made it but they look like they're copies of barracuda paintball guns, at least the rifle does.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:03 pm
by Zer0 Kay
SamtheDagger wrote:Worst case scenario: change some proper names. Rifts ->Rips. Glitter Boy -> Shiny Bot. Juicer ->Steroid Man. Etc.

However, I do feel compelled to mention that Palladium has successfully managed to get independently produced, not-for-profit character generators taken down. Most likely this was because the works actually incorporated the full rules of OCCs, RCCs and races. But there is all sorts of fan fiction out there I have read (and written) that uses Rifts proper names and I know Palladium cannot do anything about that. I am not sure where a video game based on the concepts in Rifts would come into play legally though.

It would still be a good idea to get a hold of Palldium at some point and get some input one way or another. Possibly after you have already laid some groundwork for the project and can show them that you are serious about it.

could always be facitious with the Glitter Boy and use its original intended name that isn't copyrighted... Boomer, but then you may get the BGC producers coming down on you. :)

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:14 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Zer0 Kay wrote:
SamtheDagger wrote:Worst case scenario: change some proper names. Rifts ->Rips. Glitter Boy -> Shiny Bot. Juicer ->Steroid Man. Etc.

However, I do feel compelled to mention that Palladium has successfully managed to get independently produced, not-for-profit character generators taken down. Most likely this was because the works actually incorporated the full rules of OCCs, RCCs and races. But there is all sorts of fan fiction out there I have read (and written) that uses Rifts proper names and I know Palladium cannot do anything about that. I am not sure where a video game based on the concepts in Rifts would come into play legally though.

It would still be a good idea to get a hold of Palldium at some point and get some input one way or another. Possibly after you have already laid some groundwork for the project and can show them that you are serious about it.

could always be facitious with the Glitter Boy and use its original intended name that isn't copyrighted... Boomer, but then you may get the BGC producers coming down on you. :)

lol, guys I'm not trying to start anything here or skim through loop holes. I'm just going to give it my best shot and try to make something fun for everyone and hope that Kevin and Friends give me the thumbs up. Sam (as usual) is dead-on. Once the ground work is laid and I get a 10 minute demo made (which will involve walking around a weapons shop with infinite money, a class changer NPC, and a few simulation combats that you can do over and over so they can see how it all plays out) I will mail it to the guys and then see what they have to say.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:32 pm
by Nomadic
I have a SQL database that will help for character creation.

OCC's, what they get where they get it, etc.

What are you coding in LUA? I can do the character backend creation.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:34 pm
by Nomadic
And as far as the name... call it Boomers. /poke /poke +1 for anyone who gets that.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:30 am
by Zer0 Kay
Nomadic wrote:And as far as the name... call it Boomers. /poke /poke +1 for anyone who gets that.

Never mind that I already suggested that 4 posts above yours mentioning that it is the original name for the Glitter Boys, but may have copyright issues with Bubble Gum Crisis. I for one refer to the pilots as Boomers but the armor as Glitter Boys. Glitter Boy seems, well... flamboyant and yet empty of substance.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:09 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Hammering out the plot has begun.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:48 pm
by Akashic Soldier
RebelWithACause wrote:I'd consider doing some bitmaps. Give me a sample of what y'all want and I could *try* to throw something together.

Sure thing -- I'll contact you as soon as we settle on and finish the plot outline.

Thank you Rebel!

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:54 pm
by finn69
as a sugestion how about one that can be played by multiple players on a LAN. not really full blown online over the net but say for a LAN party. my flgs sometimes hosts them and alot of peeps play neverwinter nights on a LAN and a Rifts LAN game would ROCK.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:13 pm
by SkyeFyre
Problem is I think that the OP is planning on doing the game in RPG Maker. I believe this would be a little restrictive, especially in the network department.

Re: RIFTS: Video Game Project (Staring You)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:40 pm
by Akashic Soldier
SkyeFyre wrote:Problem is I think that the OP is planning on doing the game in RPG Maker. I believe this would be a little restrictive, especially in the network department.

I can get multiplayer to run (but its a total *****). I have the sample script for the first fifteen minutes of game play I just need to start work on the art and spriting and put it all together. Currently I don't have access to my computer so I am stuck on my iphone most of the time but I have not forgotten this and I will be working on it ASAP. :)