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Inspired by Psychic Storm intro... Psychic Weapon Master PCC

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:51 pm
by TechnoGothic
Let me know what you guys think about this PCC.
Yes it is powerful, most because if the extreme high PPE of Chaos Earth at the time.

Psychic Weapon Master PCC

When the Rifts came, and the Demon Hordes invaded the earth. A few would be psychics became Psychic Weapon Masters. This class of psychics have not formulate their power into select psychic weapons as they will later on do. Later on their original powers would be called Psi-Swords, Psi-Shields, Psi-Spears, Psi-Bows, etc. by later psychic classes. However, the Psychic Weapon Masters have not master one weapon, but can form any type of primative weapons into Psychic Weapons of mass destruction. Their weapons lack tact, glowing brightly enough to light up a field like flares. Not the subtle glowing weapons that Rifts Earth will come to know much later on. The Psychic Weapon Masters will the were later people learn to fear Psychic weapons, and were they gain their reputation for being fearsome weapons in combat. But for now, these weapons are very In-Your-Face, and impossible to miss when used. Demons and the supernaturals fear these weapons almost above any other weapons in battle. Mainly because these fearsome weapons can kill them, even Vampires, Werewolves, Scarecrows, and other near-impossible to kill supernatural.

#1. Psychic Melee Weapons : It does not matter what the weapon looks like yet, it can be a spear, sword, baseball bat, mace, hammer. As long as it is a type of weapon which is held in at least one hand and used in melee combat it belongs here. In fact most Psychic Weapon Masters will form different weapons for different purposes without thinking about. Not that they have any control over the form of the weapons at this time however, but they don’t. Gms and Players should feel free to use any melee weapon they wish when the weapon is created, until they dismiss it however, they cannot change change to a different weapon.
At this point in time, the Psychic Weapon Masters have no control over how much damage their Melee Weapons inflict. At level One, these weapons inflict a Massive 1d4x10 MD to targets. They gain an additional +1d4x10 MD at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Ar level one these weapons are crude contructs of psychic energy. At level 3 they begin to take on more of a shape for the weapon which they are, at level 5 the weapons loon like glowing versions of the real weapons. This is truse even for the Ranged and Defenses

#2 Psychic Ranged Weapons : These can be any weapons which are fired or thrown, but are always primative styled weapons such as Bows, Spears, Boomarangs, throwing daggers, Balls, disks, etc. These weapons are not as fearsome as the melee weapon in direct combat, but they have the advantage of Range, extreme range. Once a weapon is created, it must be dismissed before a different type can be summoned.
The weapons inflict 4d6 MD at Level One, with a +1d6 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. However, the range on these weapons is basicly Line-Of-Sight. If they can see it, they can hit it.

#3 Psychic Force Shield : This is a defensive power and not a weapon. It cannot be used to inflict damage even if they tried to but they can use it to push back opponents and to parry any attack. This psychic shield can be formed in two forms. A Wall-like barrier or as a physical shield-like object on the arm. The first kind the Barrier is gained at Level One. The Wall-barrier never takes damage, but only lasts for 1 minute per level. It is large enough to protect a dozen people if need be. At Level 5, the psychic can now form the barrier into a portable version carried on the arm like a Shield. This Shield also never takes damage from any attack, repelling the attack with a simple Parry Roll. In theory, they can duck block missisles attacks, watching the blast radius almost go around them, stopped by the Barrier or shield completely. A NEMA officer reported such an event once, than a Plasma Missle was stopped by a man with an energy shield on his by ducking behind it while the plasma blast went the opposite direction leaving the man and the people he was protecting safe and sound.

Compulsionary Powers : These are areas that the Psychic Weapon Masters can learn later on to control his weapons better. They can Select One of these abilities at Levels 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15

Innate Weapon Combat with the Psychic weapons. Each time this power is selected grants the Psychic Weapon Master a +1 to Strike, Parry, Parry, Initiative, with their weapons. All of them. These counts even for the shield and barrier to parry energy, and projectile weapons. Which would normally receive Negatives to use in combat actively at -6 to Parry . If this is selected, they gain actual bonuses and no negatives.

Increased Control over Damages. Each time this is chosen, the character can reduce damages by 2 dice to a minimum of 1 die. Or the character can increase the damages of the weapon by 2 dice (2d6 to 4d6, or 1d4x10 to 3d4x10, and so on). However, the Psychic Weapon Master must choose which one each time he selects this power. Good characters usually select the damage reduction more often, Selfish characters seem to select this evenly between the two types best they can, and Evil characters almost always chose addition damage.

Reduced Time to summon. Normally it takes a Full Melee Round (all actions/attacks) to Summon any of the weapons or defenses. This ability reduces the time. Each Time reduces the time by One action/attack. However if selected 4 times, the weapons and defenses are summoned instantly from that point on.

Reduced ISP Cost. All the weapons and defensives cost 15 ISP to summon, and Lasts for 5 Minutes per level (except for the barrier-wall).
The First time this is selected the cost is reduced to 7 ISP, Second time 3 ISP, Third time only 1 ISP, and the fourth times it becomes Free.


Suggestions or Comments ?

Re: Inspired by Psychic Storm intro... Psychic Weapon Master PCC

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:58 am
by TechnoGothic
Noone likes the Idea ??

Re: Inspired by Psychic Storm intro... Psychic Weapon Master PCC

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:51 am
by TechnoGothic
Hey you know they will remaking Robin Hood every 10 or 20 years, or remaking classics such as Gladiator, 300, Troy, Clash of the Titans, Sparticus, King Auther, Camelot, Beowulf, the future, with better cgi, effects, and hopefully actors/voice actors than even our current era. D&D would be on its 16th Edition at least by then.
Medieval Fantasy would popular i would think. So the Younger Teens, Young Adults would most likely become the Psychic Weapon Master PCC.

I would allow Guns for the Ranged Type to be honest, does the same damage as the normal weapons however, even if they are firing dozens of bolts instead of one. Just a visual differance to me. You could have one saying "Say Hello to my Little Friend!" and fire off a hail of Psi-bolts. Even if its doing standard damage instead of burst damages.

Or maybe I should make Burst Capable Weapons a Compulsionary Power to select allowing for greater damage by doing Burst Fire. Each time, allowing for greater burst firing.

Re: Inspired by Psychic Storm intro... Psychic Weapon Master PCC

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:10 am
by Jason Richards
I don't usually read fan creations for creative/legal reasons, but couldn't resist this one. :)

When I design a class, I try to make each level-up bring something very new and different. Imagine this character, constantly discovering new powers as he or she practices and experiments. I'd break down the different types of constructs into a few more categories, and spread them around a little. Give something totally new and fresh at least every-other level.

I like the change in the constructs as the character levels up, but it doesn't do much for effect. Maybe couple that with something else. Maybe the character can use additional focus (read: attacks/actions and other bonuses) to make the weapons more solid/real, which not only changes their appearance, but also increases their damage.

Remember that damage isn't the only stat. Use other bonuses as well.

Good start, I'd say.

Re: Inspired by Psychic Storm intro... Psychic Weapon Master PCC

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:27 pm
by tmikesecrist3
SCA any one.. Also you rember the magic swords that to druids make in rifts England? Some of the old school smiths could porbly make them. and maybe a psi that can charge a weapon would make more since if there in powering an existing weapon with there psi power. That might reflect some of the Martel artiest out there.... I think those miner magic weapons for rifts England are porbly still flooting around as well as being made in limited numbers... no there not Rune weapons and don't do as much damage... but 2D6 md is 2d6 md.. come to think about it the wiccans and other neo pagans whom may know some herb lore would be realy useful. you could use the herb guide in rifts England as well for that just not the herbs that are form the other side of rifts. As they alien plants have not been around long enough to be studied.... keep in mind the herbalist and the neo pagan may well be useful in CE as they tend to attract ppl whom have psi talents, and what few trained mages there are with the coming of the rifts. yes there mages are not common.. but they have there pick of powerful talented and encountered mages to teach :P that and the study Herb lore